OCR Interpretation

The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, June 24, 1919, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015411/1919-06-24/ed-1/seq-6/

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uJL "It.
District Court News
Declines to Act
I it
Notice Is hereby glvon that nil fees
for licenses, oxccpt fees for Hunting
Licenses, aro duo and payable on July
1st, 1919.
All applications for Licenses must
bo accompanied by certificates show
ing the payment in full of delinquent
All applications for licenses for the
manufacture of Food Products, Res
taurant, Hotel and Boarding House,
Beef Butcher, Slaughter and Sell,
Pork Bucher, Slaughter and Sell, To
Sell Beef, To Sell Pork, To Sell Milk,
Livery Stable, Barber, and Dyeing and
Cleaning must bo accompanied by
Board of Health Certificates.
All applications for Auctioneer and
Beef Butcher, Slaughter and Sell,
Licenses, must bo accompanied by
All applications for merchandise
licenses must bo accompanied by affi
davits showing amount of gross re
ceipts during the fiscal year prior to
July 1, or statements showing the
commencement of any trade or busi
ness for which such licenses are re
quired. All those carrying on a bUEiness as
co-partnership must file a statement
of co-partnership, showing residence
of each partner, firm name, and the
place of business of said co-partnership,
verified as true by mo of the
In case of chango in the co-partnership
or dissolution, notice of such
change or dissolution must be filed
with this office.
Applications for a passenger license
must be accompanied by the certifi
cate of tho Inspector.
Treasurer, County of Kauai, T. H.
May 27, June 3, 10, 17, 24.
Honolulu, Hawaii, June C, 1919.
All bills against the Board of Health
of the Territory of Hawaii, incurred
during the present biennial period, be
ginning July 1st, 1917, and ending
June 30th, 1919, must bo made out on
the regular government forms and
presented at the office of the Terri
torial Board of Health on or before
the 6th day of July, 1919, to insure
payment of same.
, President, Territorial Board of
oar, nose and throat specialist has
returned from service in tho medical
corps of the navy ,and resumed
practice on Monday, May 2G, at his
oflico in the new James Campbell
building, cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.
Gt 7-8
Not Its
Your battery can't
test its own specific
It can't fill itself with
pure water.
It can't tell you to find
out If the light are using
too much energy and the gen
erator giving back too little.
So It Isn't the battery's
fault if these precautions are
neglected tud battery troub
les result.
Drop in and we'll show
you how to avoid trouble and
save money.
Kauai Garage
W'U BVgtaa' ro tttt your
battery al any timt.
Witttri Slorait BalltrUi tri for
aU by car UUti, ttreiu and ill
milvS SmiC4 Sltlhui tU Fnkry
Sy UttU
".tlt I
' .nest
. - !w
- t.UVlci
The Kauni County Y. M- C. A
Committee held a regular meeting
at the home of Dr. Waterhouse in
Koloa last Thursday evening. As
several of the members of the coin
mittee are away on trips at this
time only matters of immediate
importance were acted upon. lie
ports from secretaries were read
and received with high apprecia
tion by the committee. It was
recommended that these reports
be combined and printed so they
can be circulated among tho
Kauai people interested in the ac
tivities of the local association.
This will be done in the very near
. One matter of great importance
was discussed and it was decided
to call a special meeting as soon
as expedient to take definite act
ion on it. This was with respect
to a suitable house for the Y. M.
C. A. secretary at Lihue. The
church property now occupied is
wanted by the Lihue Sunday
School in contemplation of en
larged plans for the children. The
building of a new house suitable
for the use of the Y. M- C. A. for
years to come is now under con
sideration. The Lihue Sunday Evening club
held a rousing meeting last Sun
day night with fifty-two present.
During the social hour in which
liberal portions of icecream and
doughnuts were passed around,
Mrs. Thompson of Kona delighted
the boys with stories in Negro dia
lect and also with a piano select
ion. The orchestra which is in
creasing in size played splendidly
several numbers. Following this
Mr. Watada led the singing of
gospel hymns in a manner that is
a credit to nil Lihue. Rev. D. H.
Klinefelter then gave the young
men an inspiring discourse on the
story of Daniel with a modern ap
plication. The practical consul so
given was eagerly received by all
present. Several visitors from
Honolulu were in the audience.
Mortimer Lydgato had tho honor
of being elected president of tho se
nior class at Punahou Academy for
1919 and 1920. Mortimer will also be
captain of next year's foot ball team
and will have charge of the Punahou
athletic association.
Miss Marie Payne, principal of
of Waiiua school is leaving Kauai
and desires to dispose of a number
of excellent books, among which
is a set of Teachers' Cyclopedia,
in S volumes. The books are offered
at rediculously low prices. They
may oeen seen at tins ollice.
G. D. Wilson, homesteader nt
Kapaa, who has been away on the
mainland lor, a vacation, is bacli
again, looking much benefited In,
ins trip.
:0: .
Last Saturday near Lawai, a
man's black coat. Owner can have
same by calling at the cannery
and paying SOc for this ad.
Expert Watchmaker
Fine watch repairing
a specialty
I Automobile Painting, Repairing i
Carpenter Work and Picture Framing
I All work guaranteed and Prices Reasonable
f Shop at Chas. S. Dole residence : Lihue, Kauai
In the Circuit Court before
Judgd Dickey on Friday Alfonso
Bernantino and Mrs. Aukai Ig
nacio, who have been twice con
victcd in the Lihue District Court
,of adultery and had appealed
from the last senttence of $100
and 30 with cost respectively,
had a hearing with County At
torney S. K. Kaeo for the Govern
nient and C. S. Dole for defend
ants. The Court sustained the
judgment of guilty as found in
the lower court, and sentenced
them to twelve months in jail and
50 fine, and four months in jail
without line, respectively.
In the matter of Francisco de
Freitns vs Isabella da Freitas,
suit in replevin to recover posses
sion of several head of cattle in
dispute, a hearing was had before
Judge Iljorth in the Lihue district
court- E. K. Aiu and M. S. Hen
riques appeared for plaiutill', and
P. L. Kice for defendant. After
a lengthy hearing the Court found
in toto for defendant. An appeal
to the Circuit Court was noted
by attorneys for plaintiff.
For some time past a gang of
young hoodlums have been holding
sway in Hanamaulu, disturbing
the peace especially when movie
pictures were showli, being noisy
and making olfansive remarks.
Quietly six of the gentry were
pinched and brought up in court
on Thursday last
Two minors came before Judge
Dickey, where they evidently must
have had a bad half hour, judged
bytheir red faces when discharged.
In the court below, before Judge
Hjorth, the boys also felt uncom
fortable, receiving a severe lecture
and promised something infinitely
worse than the money fines impos
ed upon them.
Antone Souza Carvalho, who
was charged with malicious in
jury, having torn down and de
stroyed movie posters, the proper
ty of W. A. Fernandez, pleaded
guilty to the charge after some
hedging, and was lined 10 and
3 cost.
Willie Paku, an old offender,
Julio and John Cambra, the re
maining trio, were charged with
being common nuisances. They
also pleaded guilty -aiid were
lined 10 and 3 each. It is the in
tention of the Sheriff to round up
all offenders of tins class in other
places, orders having gone forth
to clean thein all up, that the pub
lic may have peace and a chance
to enjoy the pictures without be
ing annoyed.
Our old friend William Scrrao has
beoji heard from. He was met on the
streets of Hilo by a Kauai visitor to
the Big Island. . Mr. Serrao is still
at Schofield Barracks with no signs
of a release in sight. Just at present
he is enjoying a few days vacation
among relations in Hllo town. Good
luck to you Serrao!
John M- Horner, youngest
brother of A. Horner, Jr. was a
passenger on the Kinau Friday.
He will spend the summer at
Kapaa, Kauai,
(Near Courthouse)
and Trimming yX
Condemnation proceedings to
acquire the Waimca, Kauai, wharf
site instead of through exchange
of properties with the Knudsen
estate, was favored by the mem
bers of the laud board following
their meeting last Tuesday after
noon. The title to the wharf has
been clouded for some time, with
the property claimed by the Knud
sen interests. . These interests
were willing to exchange the land
for 10 acres and a residence there
on, but this was valued at 10,000
and that no exchange could be
The board failed to make a de
cision in the application of the
Hawaiian Sugar Company for the
Hannpeie railway rights of way-
The matter was referred to Land
Commissioner Bailey and Albert
Horner for discussion of rentals
with Alexander & Baldwin. At
present the Territory and Gay &
Robinson claim the water rights.
Due to the fact- that 39 acres
of land at Waiiua were wanted by
the plantation in exchange for the
Lihue school site of 8 acres on the
lands of the Lihue Plantation the
deal was not made but referred
back for further negotiations.
Notice of Sale of
Government Leases
At 12 o'clock, noon, Saturday, July
12, 1919, at the Post Office, Kalaheo,
Kauai, there will be sold at public
auction, under Section 380 of the, Re
vised Laws of 1915, general leases to
the following described Government
10 Government lot known as
Pasture Iteservo A, within tho Kalaheo
Homesteads, 2nd Series, Kalaheo,
Kauai, containing an area of 34.80
acres, more or less; upset rental, $5
per acre per annum, payable semi
annually in advance; term of lease 10
years from July Gth, 1919.
(2) Government lot known as.
Pasturo Reserve B, within the Kala
heo Homesteads, 2nd Series, Kalaheo,
Kauai, containing an area of 40.10
acres, more or less; upset rental, $5
per acre per annum, payable semi
annually in advance; term of lease,
10 years from July 5th, 1919.
The lessors shall be required to
erect and maintain a lawful, stock
proof fence around the boundries of
the respective lots during the full
term of. the lease, which fenco and any
and all other improvements on the
land will revert to the Government at
the expiration or sooner determina
tion of said leases.
The purchasers shall pay tho costs
of advertising.
For maps and further information,
apply at the office of the Sub Agent,
Mr. V. D. McBryde, Kalaheo, Kauai,
or at the offce of tho Commissioner
of Public Lands, Capitol Building,
Honolulu, T. H.
Commissioner of Public Lands.
Dated at Honolulu,
May 28th, 1919.
June 10, 17, July 1, 8.
For Sale
1!)11) Model Excelsior Motor
cycle in good condition. E. A
A'cevey, Eleele.
For Sale
A real bargain. Ten-room house, to
gether with 2 acres of land, mostly
planted with bearing coffeo and fruit
trees, ono-fcurth way to the Koloa
Landing. For particulars see Jacinth
Carvalho, Koloa. 2mo.
War Savings
Lihue Branch
Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.
THE S. 5.
t 'will leave Nawiliwili Saturday. afternoon,
I June 28, for the
the congestion.
This will not affect the sailing of the
S. S. "Kinau," which will leave Na
wiliwili at the usual time.
Maui County Fair j
and Racing Ass'n.
to be held on July 4th, JL 91 9 at
Kahului, Maui, T. H.
1. Polo Pony race, Vi mile. Amateur riders. Prize Silver Cup
2. Cowboy race, mile 1st prize $35.00, 2nd prize $15
Cattle horses to bo ridden by cowboys, with ordinary cowboy
outfit. '
3. Free-for-all, mile 1st prize $100.00, 2nd prize $50.00
4. Ladies' race, mile 1st prize $75.00, 2nd prize $25.00
5. Pony race, mile 1st prize $75.00, 2nd prize $25.00
0. Cowboy relay race, mile 1st prize $50.00, 2nd prize $25.00
Three changes to bo made, horses tied to fence, handled and
saddled by the rider, ordinary cowboy outfit to be used; tho
latigo strap to run through clnch-ring twice, and knotted.
7. Oriental race, Vz mile 1st prize $75.00, 2nd prize $25.00
For horses owned and ridden by Orientals.
S. Portuguese race, 'mlle 1st prize $60.00, 2nd prize $15.00,
3rd prize $10.00.
9. MauiXo. Fair & Racing Ass'n Cup, mile. 1st prize $2.00, 2nd
prize $100.00. Free-for-all; weight for ago. For a silver cup
to be won three times by the same owner before becoming
hiB property. Each owner to be presented with a souvenir
cup (miniature).
10. Hawaiian bred race, mile 1st prize $200.00, 2nd prize$50.00
11. Policemen's race, Vi mile..... 1st prize $35.00, 2nd prize $1500
To be ridden by riders in uniform.
12. Oriental race, -i mile 1st prize $75.00, 2nd prize 25.00
Horses to be owned and ridden by Orientals.
13. Hawaiian bred race, mile.. 1st prize $100.00, 2nd prize $50.00.
14. Mule race, mlle 1st prize 25.00, 2nd prize $10.00
15. Post Entry.
Entry fees 10 percent of purses.
All races must hayo at least three entries and two to start, or
the race shall be called null and void. In the event of only two
starters, no second money shall be paid.
Entries close Juno 15th, 1919. If the above races aro not filled
by Juno 15th, tho Commltteo will rearrange program.
Secretary for the Committee.
7 n TT C7t
Hi . 1 11 I I H I I I Alwayi
W B ll Ej 5:1 I Chtapttt In lh EnJ .
IZSSIiSl tilt Sll Ulchelln Universal Inthei
l 1 111 I I H Ml smaller sires are made of
I Kauai Garage J
BrMswfjiwBmTrBsTBTrr imnrrTT'iri nnr n i m m MW Mj
"ill LOA"
purpose of relieving
This wonderfully successful t ir
-same high quality ia all sixes i
now ready for small cars
And Oversize 31x4
Highest Quality
Moderate Price
Mlchelln believes that most
owners of Fords and other
small cars are tood bust
nets men, and as such ara
willing to pay for an article
what It Is Intrinsically
Read The Garden Island

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