September 60 T. H POLYNESIAN. SELECTED. i.s of South Ska Wiiamno. " Well, we had waited aliout half ni limir, when we saw a waill'ut the; tua-it-lieud of the ship; we knew that it wa.-J to duett our attention to some other point, fc wo looked round the horizon, und perceived that there was a ' school ' of youn hulls, aliout three miles from us. We were four boats in all; and the firit mate doired my limit and another to go in chase of them, while he remained with the other two, for this old whale to come us again. Well, off wc went, and soon came up with the school. They arc the most awkward part of whale-fishing; forthdy nrc savago, Tnd moreover, easily 'gallied,' that is, frightened, I picked out one, and tried to come up with him; but he was very shy, and at last he raised his head clean out of the water, and set off at the rate often miles an hour, this showed he was aware of danger. I had just thought of giving him up and trying for another, when he suddenly turned round and came right towards the boats. , That we knew meant mischief; but in coming towards us ho passed close to the other boat, and the steersman gave him the harpoon right into him. This made him more savage, and he stood right for my boat, ploughing up the sea as he rushed on. I was already in the bow with the harpoon, and the men were all ready with their oars to pull back, so as to keep clear of him. On ne came; and when his snout was within six feet of us, we pulled sharp across him; and as we went from him 1 gave him the harpoon deep into the fin. Starn all!" was the cry, as usual, that we might be clear of him. He sounded ' immediately that is. down he went head foremost; which was what we were afraid of, for you see we had only two hundred fathoms of line in each boat v anil having both harpoons in him, we could not bend one to the other in case he sotinded deep, for sometimes they go down perpen dicular, and take four lines, or eight hundred fathoms, with them; so we expected that we should this time lose the whale as well as our lines, for when they were run outwp must either cut or go down with him. Well, the lines ran out so swift, that we pured wa ter on them that they might not fire, and wo thought it was all over, for the lines were two thirds out, and he was going down as fast as ever, when all of a sudden he stopped. We were hauling in the slack lines, when we saw him rising again about a quarter of a milo off It was a hurrah, for we now thought we had him. Off he set with his nose up, right in the wind's eye, towing the two boats at the rate of twelve miles an hour; our 6tems cleaving through the sea, and throwing nfTtho water like a plume of feath ers on each side of the bows, w hile the sun's rays pierced through the spray and formed bright rainbows We hoped soon to tire him, and to be able to haul in upon our lines, so as to get near enough to give him our lan ces; but that was only hope, as you'll hear. Of a sudden he stopped, turned round, and made right for us, with his jaws open; then all we had to do was to balk and give him the lance. He did not seem to have made up his mind which hoat he would attack; we were pretty near together, and he yawed at one and then at the other. At lat he made' right for the other boat; and the boatsteerer. dodged him very cleverly, while he pulled up to him, and put the lance up to the stock into his side. He made a plunge as if he was going to sound again; and as he did so, with his flukes he threw our boat into the air a matter of twenty feet, cutting it clean in half, and one of the boat's thwarts came right athwart my m,se, and it never has been straight since. Poor Jack. t. A & c r t s c m c n 1 s . JY OTICB. The Partnership of the late firm of HENRY PATY & CO. has expired by the decease of Mr Henry Patv, one of the partners. The undersigned will assume the re sponsibilities and continue the business of the late partnership under the same firm (Henry Paty & Co.) for the present, un til its affairs can be adjusted, when notice will be given of a change in the firm. JOHN PATY EU Sot Tl WORTH. WILLIAM PATV. Honolulu, Aug. 3th, 1841. Have on hand and for sale at low prices the following articles, viz: 23 Cases 4-4 blue Cottons of the best dye and fabric. 4-4 Chickopce Cottons, bleach ed. Bleached Cotton Drill Satin Jeans Ticking . 30 Dolts Am. Cotton Duck 2 Cases Merrimack blue Prints Orange Prints Furniture Chintz Marseilles Quilts Cotton Thread Pink Cambric 20 Bales 4-4 Brown Cottons 4 3-4 do. do, 3- " do. Drill I " Scarlet Flannel 1 " Russia Sheeting 4 Bolts Brus'jins Canvass 18 1 I 1 1 o 1 5 1 20 1 ; a vens Duck 5 Cases Prints, assorted colors 10 Boxes Muscat Wine 100 Demijons, 5 galls. 85 pair Venitian Window Blinds 90 Window Frames, sashes, &c. GO Kegs White Lead 100 Molasses ShooUs 75 Bales Am. Leaf Tobacco 15 Bbls Tar 5 " Bright Varnish' 1 Box PviHe Powder in cannisters 50 Kegs Powder 2 ) doz. Swaim's Panacea 5 Bbls. Linseed Oil 20 doz. Olive Oil 40 " tin boxes Seidlitz Powders s 2 Bbls. Spirits Turpentine 1 Case Friction Matches 300 Boxes Am. Soap i , 10 Boxes Pipes 20 Sides Sole Leather 2 Patent " 25 Ox. Bows 25 doz. Axe Handles also Sheathing Copper viz. 1 Case 26 oz. 24 oz. 22 oz. 20 oz. 18 oz. 16 oz. 80 90 100 100 100 100 I A sneets 570 sheets 3 Kegs Sheathing Nails 30 Coils Manila Rope, assorted sizes 50 Indian barrels White and Sicily Ma deira Wine 36 Qr. Casks Pale Sherry 8 Indian bbls. Burgundy Port. July 10, 1841. tf. I 1 1 1 10 31 4 Li.ED &, CC. have for sale 20 bales Domestics. K) cases do. 59 Blue Cottons. 4 " Blue ' '-I bales Brown Drills. 4 " btriped fchutings. G cases Fancy do. Ueavei teens. .Moleskin. Plaids. Silk Umbrellas. Cotton do. Prints. Printed Pongee Ildkfs. 1 1 cases Cotton lldkts. 9 " Kiheis. 55 Blue Nankin. 8 " Assorted Dry Goods. 9 Drab Hats. 3 " Thread. 5 packages Hard Ware. 50 Kegs iSails. 4 Casks Soap Stone Furnaces. 2U doz. Cast Steel Wood Axe. I Cotton Ginn. 3 cases Brushes. 10 41 Boots and shoes. Bars and Bundles assorted Iron. 5 do Shovels. 1 cask Cart Boxes. ' 8 bundlei Spike and Nail Rods. 5 boxes Tin plates. . 20 b. Its Canvass. 30 pieces light Ravens Duck. t9 coils Cordage. 20 doz. Carolina Hoes. 3 cases Looking Glasses. 9 Assorted Fancy articles. 2 u Books, late publications. 100 barrels Pilot Bread. 22 hhds Navy do. 5J5 boxes Soap. 1 cask Glue. 50 boxes Window Glass. 26 packages Crockery Ware, b " Glass do? 2$ barrels Tar and Pitch. 6 casks assorted Paints. 63 kegs English White Lead. 40 " do. Black Paint. 500 Gallons Paint Oil. "100 boxes Spanish Cigars. 1 keg Superior Tobacco. (j tubs Spices. 5 casks nice. 5 baskets Olive Oil. I bale Corks. 10 kegs Fancy Biscuit. 1 case Macaroni, 1 4 Tapioca. 8 doz. Chairs. . 3 cases Stationery. . 4 hhds. Tin Ware. 8 44 Hollow Ware.. 138 Reams Wrapping Paper. S!0 41 Writing- do. . ' . Honolulu, slug ."Jj '1811. B. Pitman & Son, Have for sale on reasonable terms, viz., English and American Prints. Ginghams. Printed Muslins. White, Brown and Blue Cotton Drill. White and Brown Linen Drill. Bleached and Unbleached Cottons. Cambric, plane and Figured. Swiss Mus lin. Lace Edgings, lnsertings. Fancy Gauze Hdkfs. and Scarfs. White Veils. Garniture. Silk. Satin. Velvet and Belt Ribbons. Wound Wire. ' Furniture Chints. Hamilton ' Stripes. Bonnet Wreaths'-and Flowers. Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. Gloves. Satin Neck Stocks. Nankeens. Pongee Colored Hdkfs. Grass Cloth. Cot ton Hdkfs. Needles. Tins. Spool Cot ton. Thread. Buttons. Suspenders. Ready Made Clothing. YVickyarn, Sic., &tc. GROCERIES, Molasses. Sugar. Lamp Oil. Tea. Flour. Meal. Dried Apples. Raisins. Citron. Prunes. Tamarinds. Pickles. Vinegar. Nutmegs. Mace. Allspice. Cin namon, Cloves. Ginger. Sage. Pepper. A ustard. Hone. Tobacco. Cigars. Pipes. SnufT. Soip. Sallud Oil. Olives. Lem on Syrup. Porter. Pale Ale. Stoughton's Elixir. Wines, &c. SUNDRIES. Boots and Shoes Writing Ink. Shoe Ulacking, Arrow Root. Epsom Salts. Bench Planes. Bi ace and Bitts. Chisels. Fish Hooks. Combs. Sauce and Fry Pans. Iron Squares. Screws. Nails. Axe Han dles. Axes. Adzes. Hatchets. Writing Paper. . Blank Books. Quill. Corks, Sic. Generally on hand a good assoitiueut of Crockery, Glass, and '1 in Ware. Honolulu, Dec. 5, 1840. tf. Have for sale, at their plantation, at Wai luku, East side of Maui, a quantity of supe rior WHITE SI GAR, not inferior to the best imported Loaf Sugar. Also, WHITE SYRUP, a superior article for family use. For the information of Merchants and oth ers trading to these Islands, they would state, that they are enlarging their business, hav ing now lot) acres of Sugar Cane under cul tivation, and in the course of the next sea son will have .'50 acres. By the 1st of De c ember next, they will have a lanrc lot of BROWN SUGAR for sale, on as reasonable terms as can be ottered by any other (inn May 'J9th, 1841. tf FRESH CORN MEAL. By the Barrel, or less quantity, con stantly on hand and for sale by E. & H. GRIMES. Jan. 18. tf. Have for Sale, which they offer reasonable terms : 20 Doz. Port Wine 00 25 10 20 10 ; 10 5 5 25 it Sherry do. S. M. do. Claret do. Raspberry do. Sarsaparilla Syrup Lemon Syrup Assorted do. Stoughton's Elixir Boxes Assorted Teas Also Just received v 3 Lady's Splendid Riding Saddle . 50 Patent Leather Head Stalls. ' April 21. tf COPARTNERSHIP. an.,, c.i i n.. i lie kjuiisciiuvis lunpi-ciJUiiy give noticd that they have formed a Copartnership un- dcr the firm ot MARSHALL & JOHJffSOX, for the purpose of transacting a general Mer. cantile business at this place. And ih? also offer their services as Auctioneers. Honolulu, May 23, 1641. J. F. B. MARSHALL FRANCIS JUH.NSOX -L TIMBER, &,C. 5000 Feet Am. Pine Boards. 1000 44 California Pine Timber. 5000 Cakes California Soap. 2000 Pounds Tahiti Sugar. 4500 Damaged Hides and Pieces. 25 Reams Wrapping Paper. For Sale by HENRY PATY & CO June 16th, 1841. " SLkME ASTXB BAKERS FROM CAKTOX Good people all walk in and buy, Of Sam & Mow, good cake and pi Bread hard or soft, for land or sea, "Celestial" made; come buy of we. June 15. tf. JAJbl, An Lver Pointed Silver Ped cil Case, and a one bladed Roger's Pel Knile. Also A Silver Pen and Eie pointed Pencil, complete in one case. Ti finder will confer a favor by leaingthe at this Office. ' 3v. For Sale. 2 Boxes Loaf Su;ar, 5 Baskets Olive Oil, 2 Boxes assorted Spices, Lot Willow Baskets, Earthen Jars, by B. PITMAN it HON. May 22, 1841. tf. Terms of the POLYNKSI AN.-0i A WttKLV PAPtR FUBLlS. in ON A TV UN For the 1'ioprietor and Etliior Subhcription. Eight Dolling jei ninun ble half. yearly in advunce; half jcar.lobr 1" quarter, Two Dollars Fifty Cents; Kinjjlc iIit cents. Advertiiing. )p 2, 25 for three iiwitk" MJiiuie; tony cents foi eutli c oniiiii.i.i usM' f half and ecu than a tquaie, J . 1, 75 for I in "V lions.nnd 3(, cents for each iiitei t ion. stjuaie.j:!, To for first thiee iiiMMiioi.s m for each succeeding inn'riion. ( mcis, i o'fVV or murrijiKes ineried only as advertitrn rut", ' on the above terms, excepting when defied tcr of charity. Terms or Vear'lv ADVERTisiNG-ft"r,i! limited, $40 per annum: $; ,0' quantity not exceeding half a roli.n.n, l'a"!1 fy JI. The privilege of yeaily iidcMiKMS'oi ited to their own immediate business, unlet tO !' agreement to the contrary. Aoswts. For Maui, Mr. J. 13. Vonplifif If . For California, Mr T. A. Larkm. u rey. . Vi For Society, and other Southern ij Muter. Shew fc Grty. 1 i I PI or on u dc 1) Sc uti tci da an to .'( jet Al tli mi ca is ill; I of Ipu re! Hie i6 reJ