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- - - J - vvrm The Largest Individual Shipment 0! A CENSt'S ENUMERATOR IS MISSING. CHANGES MADE IN THE PRAYER BOOK. v- . . .. '' ' " THBHAWAiiAiFf arAit Wednesday, ju2 is, 1900. he mm OMR 1 A 1 4 Edgings and Insertions EVER IMPORTED 7 1 DOZEN YARDS 8500 D0ZEN YARDS Are now on Sale At Prices Ranging from i": '20 Cents to $1.00 ' Per Piece of 12 Yards The Best S, SACHS DRY GO THE Only One Cool Corner in Town Corner Fort and The name guarantees the Finest Soda Water sold BENSON, SMITH & CO., Ltd. V" fg JRUNGTON-BL OCKvnQTEJ, It HA YE YOU SEEN THEM ? Tailor Made Skirts and Suits. Ladles' and Misses' Wash Skirts. Children's Issli Ladles' Capes. All New Goods. Ay PRICES AND QUALITY UNSURPASSABLE, SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. M. BRASCH & CO. TO LET. Tim ninsmiltn nroof rooms, newly !v furnished, suitable for single gentle man. . . .Inquire at Star office. Valenciennes. Values Ever PEOPLE'S PROVIDERS Hotel Streets, $71 . X I I I 1 WHO SHAVES YOUi? JEFFS, THE BARBER, Has removed from Fort street to 101 King street, corner of Bethel. Shaving 15 cents. White Barbers. Four chairs. Offered S CQij LH u B MLEY'S IKE ITS THE MILWAUKEE PUNCTURE PRO RETAIL AGENCT FOR THEIR CBIV1EBRATBI TIRBS IS HELD BY BAILEY'S HONOLULU CYGLERY GO., LTD., IVho are the iciily people who nil the guarantee on behalf of the Com pany, and thai is (only on TIRES bought of the xecognlzed Agent In Honolulu. Steam s Bicycles Morgan & Wrig3it!s distributors for Hack TIrefl :ond Bicycle Goods. BAILEY'S HONOLULU GYCLERY GO., NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. OF THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO., From July 25th to August 1st, 1900, the stock books of the company will be closed to transfers, and tho $100,000 of Increased capital Btock will then be allotted as per the by-laws. Tho frac tional shares not adjusted will be sold at auction, and tho llrst assessment of 25 per cent will be due and payable at the ofllco of tho Hawaiian Trust & In vestment Company, Ltd., on August 1st. 1900. GEORGE R. CARTER, Treasurer Hawaiian Electric Company, Ltd. MclJRVDE SUGAK CO., LTD. Notice la hereby given that the eighth assessment of ten (10) per cent ($2.00 per share), levied on the assess blo stock of tho McBrydo Sugar Co., Ltd., is duo on July 20th, 1900, and will be delinquent on August 15th, 1900. Stockholders will please make prompt payment at tho oillce of Messrs. Theo. H. Davles & Co., Ltd. (Signed) THOMAS RAIN WALKER, Treasurer McBrydo Sugar Co., Ltd, Honolulu, July 10th, 1900. OFFICES TO LET. In the new Elite Building. Inquire of JAMES STEINER, No. 10 Adams Lane. AUCTION SALE OP. DEUHQUENT CITY ttlLLGO-.UD.STOGK ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, I will sell at Public Auction by order of the Treasurer, Mr. C. K. Al, suffi cient of the following delinquent stock of the City Mill Co., Ltd., to reimburse the .company, unless tho delinquent as sessments are paid at the office of City Mill Co., Ltd., Honolulu, H. I., before the day of sale, July 25, 1900: Name, Shares. 1 Certlf. Loo Sam Choy 2 1 Certlf. Chun Sun 10 1 Certlf. LI Jip Chong 5 1 Certlf. Chun Kim Sal 10 1 Certlf. W. C. Achl 30 1 Certlf. Yum Chu Won 2 1 Certlf. Mu Yan Dol 2 1 Certlf. Yong Chu 6 1 Certlf. Lee Sing S 1 Certlf. P. Meu Chlng 10 1 Certlf. Kwong Vlng Ft Co. ... 15 1 Certlf. Won Sing B Will"ETFisher, AUCTIONEER. C "Telephone 398 IP. O. Box 441 OF TIRE CO.'S, WHOLESALE AND $30.00 S40.00 S50.00 FAREWELL PERFORMANCE, Thursday Evening, JULY IO Farewell Appearance of Mr.. James Neill AND COMPANY, Presenting tho most famous of all Comedy Dramas, With Mr. Nelll in his original role. FAREWELL! Nelll Company will sail on .Alameda, July 20. Beats at Wall, Nichols Co. 11. MncDonald of Pearl City Has Not Been at Home for Two Weeks Past' Authorities Notified. R. MacDonald of Pourl City, has mys teriously disappeared. Considerable unxloty Is felt by his friends. He was onu of the census enumerators. The olilclals of the Fed eral Census Department have received no word from him for two weeks past and fears are entertained that he muy have met with foul play. So far as Is known there was no reason for his desiring to leave the Islands. MacDonald resided at Pearl City. For the last few weeks he has been en gaged In taking the census In the Ewa district the following plantations and towns being under his supervision: Walmanalo, Kalaeloa, Puuloa, Hono Ullull, Hoaeae, Kunla, Lelepua, Wal- awa (Mauku) to the Oahu plantation. Some time ago MacDonald met with a painful accident being throw from his bU!tny while on olilcial duties. Ow ing to this mishap he was granted ad ditional time In which to complete the census. The olilclals thought some time ago that he ought to have com pleted the work and forwarded his re turns so they Inquired of J P. Keppler the superintendent of the dis.i n-t where MacDonald was employed, . f ihe lat ter had not sent In the i-iu.ns. Mr. Keppler said that beyond ai.j doubt the work had been finished, tie expressed surprise over the failure of his sub ordinate to supply the returns. L. Wood the Interpreter who had accom panied MacDonald on his otllclal du ties, expressed the same opinion. Un til several days ago the last trace which Special Census Agent Blgelow secured of his missing deputy was about two weeks ago when MacDonald was seen In Pearl City. Since that time nothing has been heard of MacDonald at that place. It was learned however that Charles Molteno the barber on Merchant street received a call from MacDonald last Friday. MacDonald appeared at that time to be In good spirits. He said that he Intended to remain over night In Honolulu ard then go to Hoacae the following morning. He borrowed a small sum of money from Molteno to pay expenses until his departure. Since then no word has been received from MacDonald and the Census olilclals are at a loss to understand the cause of his strange conduct. He hns over $100 due him from tho department. The nf falr has been placed in tho hands of High Sheriff Brown for Investigation. Mr. Brown stated today that he had secured no trace of the missing man. MacDonald Is about 40 years of age and unmarried. An Investigation today failed to discover any debts which Mac Donald owed. I HE IS REFUSED ADMISSION TO A WIIAHF. MikI Salto Prevented From Going to Meet the Japanese Minister, en Koute to Washington. Japanese Consul Mlkl Salto had a rude encounter on Monday with the rule excluding Asiatics from visits to steamers in port here. The customs regulations, both old and new, prohibit Japanese and Chinese from going on board, or even approaching through steamers. This rule has been strictly enforced, by keeping the Japanese and Chinese oil the wharf altogether, out It has not been applied to the consuls. On Monday Mr. Salto went to the Am erica Maru to meet K. Takahlra, his country's new representative to Wash ington, out ne railed to gel to tno steamer. The customs officer at the gate would not pass the consul, orders being very strict that no Japanese must be allow ed on the wharves. The consul declared himself vigorously but without effect, and llnally threw his card at the cus toms man. The latter, however, did not pick It up, and Mr. Salto was compelled to stay outside the wharf. At ten o'clock- In the evening the consul went to the wharf, accompanying Minister Takahlra, but he had to say farewell at the gate, and leave the minister to board the vessel alone. The Japanese consul had his own opinion of the rule of notion by which ho was kent from going to meet his country's representative, being inclined to regard It as a discourtesy to his gov ernment. The rule has been absolute for some time, however, that no Orien tal must be allowed to go to the steam ers without a pass. The only Chinese pass In the city Is that ot the consul, even the vice consul's pass having been revoked some time ago. Merchants who make applications for passes to visit Individuals have the greatest dif ficulty In getting the bits of paper. Mr. Salto might have got one, It Is stated, If he had applied In advance. The keeping of Orientals, especially Chinese, off the steamers, is a precau tion In the Interests of enforcement of the Immigration laws. Passes might be transferred so that passengers on board might get Into the country, In place of some one here, or a man from shore might give those who want to come Into the country Instructions re garding the questions the Immigration olllcers will ask In getting proof of for mer residence. Chinese who get passes are accompanied by customs officers when they go on vessels. Whlto people, as well as Orientals, have begun to encounter some unusual severity In customs rules. Tho Pacific Mall wharf has been cleared altogether of all but officers and a few others, be fore tho arrival of steamers, forcing those who nro' waiting for friends to Btnnd outside. Thcro has been a lot ot howling, but to no effect. PARTY LEADERS NEGOTIATING. Conferences between the leaders of the Home Rule and the Democratic par lies aro being held with a view of ef fecting nn amalgamation of the two organizations in time for tho npproach Ing election. Nothing deflnlto has been decided upon yet. OCEANIC BONDS. SAN FRANCISCO, June 10. The sec ond and last half of the $2,500,000 bond Issue of tho Oceanic Steamship Com pany was taken up yesterday by tho subscribers, who paid $1,250,000 for them to the Union Trust Company of tills city. Tho bonds aro to run for twenty-live years. I GOLD FROM AUSTRALIA. J SYDNEY, N. S. W July 6. Tho Picamer Aiameaa sailed irom ncro 10 day with $2,500,000 In gold for San Fran cisco, jizitt&mu I Bishop Willis Directs Petitions for tho President, the Governor, und for Con gress When In Session. Prayers will now be said In all Angli can churches In the Territory for tho President, the Governor, and for all others In authority, and for Congress when It Is In session. Bishop Willis in the July number of the Diocesan Magazine gives olilcial no tice that the admission of the Hawaii an Islands as a territory of the United; States, makes necessary appropriate changes In the Boole of Common Prayer, nnd directs the changes to be made. These changes, are: In the order for the Holy Communion, the omission of the collect for the Queen, and In tho prayer "for the whole state of Christ's church," beginning at the clause, "Wo beseech Thee," such changes as will . make It read as follows: "We beseech Thee ulso to save and defend all Chris tian kings, princes and governors, and especially Thy servant the President ot the United States; that under Ulm wo may be godly and quickly governed; and grant to all that are put In author ity under him ." In the order for the morning and ev ening prayer, the vcrslclc, "O Lord save the Queen," Is changed to "O Lord, savo the State." At morning prayer when the litany is not said, and at evening prayer, a form of prayer Is provided entitled, "A prayer for the President of the United States and all In civil au thority." The prayer Is In alternative form, but each form specifically men tions "the President of the United States and the Governor of thta Terri tory. Their titles are also Introducea In the litany between the Intercession for the "Holy Church Universal," and that for "Bishops, priests and deacons." Tho Intercession for "The Lords In Council" Is omitted. Congress, when In session, Is to bo prayed for as follows: "Most gracious God, we humbly be seech Thee, as for the people of theso United States In general, so especially for' their Senate and Representatives In Congress assembled, that Thou wouldst be pleased to direct and prosper all their consultations to the advancement of Thy glory, the good of Thy church, the safety, honor, nnd welfare of Thy people; that all things may be so or dered and settled by their endeavors, upon the best and surest foundations, that peace and happiness, truth und justice, religion and piety, may be es tablished among us for all genera tions ." NAKATANI'S MONKEY, It Appears Against Him In the Pollco Court. Nakatanl, who runs a smnll amuse ment place at IwIIel, was In Judge Wil cox's court this morning with n dimin utive monkey, which was In charge of Officer Jlanrahan, to be used as a silent witness in a cruelty charge against tho Jap. Nakatanl had started a new gamo in his place, with the monkey as chleC player, and was gathering In many nickels when the police stopped the per formance last night. Nnkatanl's monkey has a small long basket tied to Its back. Tho "gamo" was to throw a ball Into this basket. Tho target to nlm at was the monkey's head. The man who made a good aim was sure to get the ball In the basket, for the monkey always saw tho ball coming, ducked Its head, thus leaving the open end of the basket where the head had been. It was great sport for all but the monkey. There were five shots to be had for five cents and ev ery time a ball went Into the basket Nakatanl gave the thrower five cents for a prize. Tho monkey did not get a chance to press Its case against Nakatanl thlrt morning, for there was no Jnpanese In terpreter In court. The little animal spent the time of session In chewing tho paint off the prisoners' dock. When court adjourned for the day the animal was taken below to wait for the trial tomorrow. RECEPTION TO DELEGATES. Democrats are discussing the detnlla of n reception to bo tenderd their na tional delegates upon their return from attending the Kansas City convention. Chairman McCarthy will call a meeting of the central committee within tho course of a few days, when the best style of reception will bo decided upon. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS S. HIROKAWA, Beretanla near Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, II. I. Bamboo Furnlturo NEAT AND HANDSOME, MADE TO ORDER. FOIt SALE. At a bargain, 50 shares of paid up Inter-Island Wireless Telegraph Compa ny; also, -10 shnres of same, assessable. Apply to C. J. Fall:, 409 Fort street. ASSESSMENT .NOTICE. Wnlnluu Agricultural Co., Limited. Assessments have been called on tho assessable stock of this company as to become duo and payablo at the office of Castle & Cooke, Ltd., on July 16, 1900, 10 per cent ($10 per share); delinquent August 1G, 1900. September 15, 1900, 10 per cent ($10 per share); delinquent October 15, 1900. October 30, 1900, 10 per cent ($10 per share); delinquent November 30, 1900. W. A. BOWEN, TreaB. Walalua Agr. Co, Ltd. THEOSOl'HV. CHANGE OF TIME AND PLACE- The meetings Qt the Aloha branch ot tho Theosophlcal Society will now bo held every Saturday (Instead of Tues day), at 7:30 p. m., In the hall of tho Knights ot Pythias, over Holllster & Co., Fort street. Publlo cordially In vited, Books loaned on theosophlcal subjects. Information given, by writ ing to Postofflco Box 551. 1 6 .3 s i L ij-iSi w-i JMC