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- - : 1 M '!' YKWf! TM1C HAWAIIAN STAR. TlItTHHIMV, HHPTMMIIttlt 20, 1900. EiJUST ARRIVED NATIVE! NATIVE!! NATIVE!!! THE "MONITOR" am in GENG T. 118 NUUANU STREET Canadian -Australian Roja STEAMSHIP Steamers of the nbove line, runnln g In connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY betw een Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney, N. S. W., and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Brisbane, Q., are Duo at Honolulu on or about tlio dates below stated, riz: From Vancouver nntl Victoria, I!, C., for Brisbane and Sydnt-y: 1900 "WARRIMOO SEPT. 2'J SHOWER A OCT. 27 AOltANGI NOV. 24 The magnificent new service the "Imperial Limited" la now running dally BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND MONTREAL Making the run 100 hours without change. The finest Railway service In the world. Through tickets Issued from Honolulu to Canada, United States and Europe. For freights and passage and all general lnf imatlon, apply to THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Ltd., Gen'l Agts. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co. and Toyo Kisen Kaisha. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu and leave this port on or about the dates below mentioned; FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: DORIC SEPT. 22 .NIPPON MARU SEPT. 29 TtIO DE JANEIRO OCT. 9 COPTIC OCT. 17 AMERICA MARU OCT. 24 .PEKING NOV. 2 GAELIC NOV. 10 For general information apply to H. HACKFELD Oceanic Steamship Company. The fine Passenger Steamers of this line will arrive at and leave this port fca hereunder: FROM SAN FRANCISCO: 'AUSTRALIA SEPT. 26 MO AN A OCT. 10 AUSTRALIA OCT. 24 SIERRA NOV. 6 AUSTRALIA NOV. 17 SONOMA NOV. 27 AUSTRALIA DEC. 8 VENTURA DEC. 18 AUSTRALIA DEC. 29 1901. SIERRA JAN. 8 AUSTRALIA JAN. 19 SONOMA JAN. 29 AUSTRALIA FEB. 9 VENTURA FEB. 19 AUSTRALIA MARCH 2 SIERRA MARCH 12 tn connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the Agents are pre pared to issue, to Intending passengers coupon through tickets by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points In the United States, and from New York by teimshlp line to all European ports. For further particulars apply to W. 6. Irwin & Co. (LIMITED) General Agents Oceanic S. S. Compan, AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP CO. Direct Service Between NEW YORK, PACIFIC COAST AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. S. S. "AMERICAN" will leave New York fn San Francisco and Portland n route to Honolulu about October 10th. Chartered S. S. "HYADES" will leave New York for San Francisco on September 1st. Freight received at Company's new wharf. 42d Street South Brooklyn, at 111 times by Lighters or in cars. For general Information apply to H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD , AGENTS, HONOLULU. MURATA, Mai COMPANY From Sydney and JJrlsbanc, for Vic toria mid Vnuconvcr, II. C: 1900 MIOWERA SEPT. 26 AOBANGI OCT. 24 WABRIMOO NOV. 21 MIOWERA DEC. 19 FOR SAN FRANCISCO: COPTIC SEPT. 22 AMERICA MARU OCT. 2 PEKING OCT. 9 GAELIC OCT. 19 HONGKONG MARU OCT. 27 CHINA NOV. 3 DORIC NOV. 13 CO., Ltd. Agts. FOR SAN FRANCISCO: AUSTRALIA OCT. 2 ALAMEDA OCT. 12 AUSTRALIA OCT. 30 MARIPOSA NOV. 9 AUSTRALIA NOV. 21 AUSTRALIA DEC. 12 SIERRA DEC. 18 1901. AUSTRALIA JAN. 2 SONOMA JAN. 8 AUSTRALIA JAN. 23 VENTURA JAN. 29 AUSTRALIA FEB. 13 SIERRA FEB. 19 AUSTRALIA MARCH 6 SONOMA MARCH 12 AUSTRALIA MARCH 27 VENTURA APRIL 2 ARRIVING. Thursday, September 20. Rchr. Ahblv M. Campbell, KrelrilierK, from Port Gamble. AitKUst 31 with lum ber. Stmr. N'oeitu, Wynmn, from llono Una and Kukulhnele. DISPARTING. Thursday. Soptomber 20. Stmr. Jnmes Mnkeu, Tullott, for Kn paa; 4 p. m. Friday, September 21. U. S. Army transport Fredurlca, Vntiches, for Manila, 1 p. m. PASSENGERS. Arrived. Per stmr. Noeau, from Kukulhat'le Wllllnm Horner. Miss Horner, A. L. Lotilsson, Mr. Williams, 14 deck passengers. MEMORANDA. The barks Albert and S. C. Allen are both nearly ready to leave for San Francisco with supnr. The transport Frfderlca will begin reloading her horses and mules early tomorrow morning and will leave for Mnnlla at about 1 o'clock. The ani mals have had a good rest on shore and are in line condition. I SHARK FISHING EXPEDITION TO PUULOA. Oreat Sport Is Anticipated by the Fleet Of Yachts Which Leaves Here Next Saturday. The shark fishing expedition which yachtsmen .are nrranglng for next Sa turday and Sunday Is not going to prove the jaunt that many imagine and Instead of being a cork drawing competition It Is likely to prove an ex citing trip from start to finish. The Eva, the Marion and the Dewey are certain to go and Mr. Macfarlane In tends to join the party if he can get away. His boat, the La Paloma, Is the biggest yacht In these waters and being well lighted It serves to light the ancho rage grounds as well as to attract the sharks. An attempt will also be made to get the Helene to join the crowd and all the other boats ns well. Puuloa. which is to be the scene of the shark fishing is about twelve miles from Honolulu and Is situated on the other side of the Pearl Harbor entrance. The sharks are said to be very num erous at Puuloa and with fair success, the yachts ought to average a maneater apiece. Mr. Macfarlane caught one there some time ago measuring 1G feet In length. The crew spent most of the night and n good portion of the follow ing day landing the animal. After hooking him they had to wait until high tide to draw him over the reef and once Inside, the fish redoubled his efforts to escape. He had been well hooked though and each effort upon his part to get awny would result In his being more surely hauled In. The greatest care had to be taken however in landing the shark. He would make the runs with the line and on his turns he would shy In slightly. Then the line would be hauled In slightly but no attempt made to drag the Ilsh toward the boat. He kept up the running and shifting fight for hours but on every Inward turn he would loose several feet and by de grees the men on the yacht brought him close to the boat. By the time that low tide was reached two thirds of the animal were out of water. The task of delivering the finishing blow had to be done nnd it proved a risky job but the shark was finally killed. When he was cut open the body of a good sized pig and the hoof of a horse were found In the shark's stomach. The liver of the shark was given to a native who made several barrels of oil out of It realizing a fair sum from the efforts of the La Paloma's crowd. On this side of Pearl Harbor the sharks nre said to abound in large num bers. The natives have the greatest difficulty In catching their fish for the sharks follow the boats and snap the fish off the hooks while the fishermen are drawing them toward the -boats. Such an expedition, as is proposed, ought to prove a grent success for in addition to the social feature of a fleet of yachts going away from home, the excitement incidental to fighting with the desperate savages of the deep ought to attract the lovers of sports, whether they be big game hunters ashore or not. The party expects to leave here Satur day about 2 p. m. and return Sunday evening. GIRLS' NAMES. A history of given names has recently ueen puuusneu in England, which. among other topics, discusses fashions In women's names. Among those that have come Into vogue during the past quarter or a century It puts Dorothy, Kathleen. Hilda, Phyllis, Winifred, Lil ian and Mabel. But while young wom en bearing these names have probably become more abundant during the time specified, the fashion, for which their parents are of course responsible, snoum pernaps oe put farther bacK. those on the list, though like the rest It Is but a reappearance of an old name. It is perhaps a thought too archaic and affected for most people, and Is not like ly to wear so well as Dorothy, the Purl tan simplicity of which commends It to good taste. The other names in the list are not to be given without cau tion. Hilda and Phyllis are both good names between the ages of 15 and 30, Gladys is a trifle later than most of but they are not for everybody. ENTHUSIASTIC COLLEGIAN. One of the most deeply Interested per sons In the Yale-Harvard boat races last week was Dr. Virgil M. D. Marcy of Cape May, N. J. Although an In valid and unable to walk without crutches, he did as much hurrahing as many of the younger people when Yale won. Dr. Marcy Is one of the few sur viving members of Yale's first boat club. He was graduated from Yale Col lego in 1844. When the first boat club was formed, two years before that, ho was the stroke oar. This was tho first boat club formed by the undergraduates In any college in the United States. SCOURGE OF SCORPIONS. Scorpions and tarantulas have made their uppearance In such numbers at Iguala and other points on the Mexico, Cuernnvaca & Pacific Railroad as to In terfere with the operation of that lino and the transaction of other business. So many of the trainmen have been bit ten by the poisonous Insects thut the running of trains Is delayed. At Iguala a bounty has been offered by the mun icipal authorities for the killing of tho pests, and hundreds of men and boys are employed In slaughtering them. Chicago Record. Fine Book and Commercial Printing at tho Star Office. ERRORS OF 1BE SEI PER AUSTRALIA TPlx 1 st Invoice of European Goods To be shipped to us under the OLD TARIFF among which' comprises an elegant line of Ladies' Golf Capes, Cricketing Flannels, Bagatelle Boards, Etc., Etc. E. W. Jordan 10 FORT STREET A Special Bit of Biscuit Goodness A revelation of daintiness crisp and delicious especially suitable for all social functions not cheap, but worth what they cost. A hundred varieties serve them at your next tea. FROM LBWIS & CO. FOOD SPECIALISTS, , Telephone 240. ' 111 Fort Street Metropolitan Meat Go, n KTNQ STREET. 6 AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. Q. J. WALLER. : : : Manager. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS -IN-CHINESE SILKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GRASS CLOTH, MATTING, FINE TEAB, MANILA CIGARS. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. 16 "Hotel Street We Don't Sell Earthquakes But we have the largest assortment of Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Cut' lery, Glassware and China, there Is on the Islands. By recent arrivals we have added largely to our stock of HAVILAND CHINA, SILVERWARE AND CUTLERY. So that It Is today the best In the city. Manila and Sisal Rope, all sizes; celebrated Pansy Stoves and Golden Anvil Steel Ranges. The Aermotor The only Windmill made of steel, and that will run In a dead calm. Buffalo Scales, Victor Fireproof Safes, Gate City Filters, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Builder's Hardware Carpenters' and Machinists' Tools, which we sell at prices lower than ever before. FORT STREET, OPPPOSITE SPRECKELS BANK Note Heads, BUI Heads, Statements and Fine Commercial Printing at th Star Office. Plumbing, Tin, Copper DIMOND BLOCK ? I. X. Has made another Big Reduction in Bedroom Sets, Sideboards, Tables, Chiffoniers, Chairs, Rockers, Baby Carriages, Bureaus, Ice Chests and Refrigerators, Ameri can and Hawaiian Fiags, etc. Selling: Ax"t for MACNEALE & URBAN FIRE and BURGLAR proof SAFES S. W. I.EDERER, Propr. " DAY BLOCK BERETANIA STREET NEAR FIRE STATION. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a large shipment of this celebrated Cement, which is the STONGEST AND MOST SERVICEABLE CEMENT MADE, and will permit the admixture of a larger amount of sand or gravel, with less loss of strength, than ony other brand; it Is therefore the most economical. ALSEN has no equal In color, fineness and sand carrying capacity. It ' weighs less per bushel, measuring about 10 per cent more cement to a barrel) than other brands, which very materially reduces its cost as compared with other cements Is therefore an economical cement to use, and specially adapted) for fine concrete work. The following tests, made in actual work by Col. D. C. Houston, Corps aS Engineers, U. S. A., at the seawall around Governor's Island, New York Har bor, has never been equally by any other ement. It Is as follows: Tensile strength per square Inch One day, 384 pounds; seven days, 600 pounds; thlrtJT days, 818 pounds. For sidewalks It gives the best color and the most endurable wearing sur face. A few of the large cor tracts In which Alsen Cement was used: Cable R R., Baltimore, 35,000 barrels; Quebec Harbor Improvement, 20,000 barrels; Nor thern Pacific R. R. bridges, 20,000 barrels. Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd. AGENTS HAWAII AN TERRITORY. CRIBS AND BABIES' BEDS A now Invoice Just opened, Call oarly or you will miss a choice. New Furniture K CITY FURNITURE STORE (. H. WILLIAMS, Hannger Telephone 84G Love Reduction. Sale I Just received on bark C. D. Bryant a large shipment of Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. A special reduction on Boys' and Children's Cloth ing. Fine Boys' suits from $1.25 up. We also carry a full line of Starch suits, with sailor collars sewed with stylish, braid at very low figures Coma and see for yourself at The Orpheum Clothing House, Fort Street or Red Front, Merchant Street, next door to Police Station. ORPHEUM CLOTHING HOUSE, Fort Street. The Honolulu Tobacco Go., Ltd., CORNER FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS, Has received per Australia from NEW YORK the' world' renowned brand of Cigars. Ivilliem. Russell Thia'elegant CIGAR can bepurchased for Five Cents Only TRYSTHENI and Sheet Iron Worl 7S-70 KING STREET. J L. Furniture Houe bb0y'igheunpacked , and put on liulldinir, 5U4 and G8G Fort Street THE RED FRONT, 104 Merchant Street. NONE, life ITER it.