Newspaper Page Text
,. - . fy 'it. k ' 11 , 1 THE HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1901. SEVK34, lho Tlao Flavour of 66 Oo.ixo.clio.xi. 01txfc " is distillled wilh it, not nddcd afterward, nnd wntr cannot wash it out. A lliuh Hall niado from "Cnnndiun Club" is an extension, not an extinction, of the perfect qualities which have made "Canadian Club" so popular with connoisseurs Ercry bottle licars over the cnpsule an offlclnl stamp of the C'unndian Government guaranteeing . ngc ami genuineness. I toaiian Brick Big Clearance Sale Commencing Tuesday, September 3, 1901 IE Will DISPOSE H M II LESS II IT Bon,t Miss the Opportunity, Genuine Bargains Afirst-closs article which can bo deliv ered as wanted, in whole condition, at a reasonable price. Inspection invited. ft GRAND IRK SAYS HE DIDN'T KNOW PARTISAN. IT WAS Ih Unacquainted With Two-Thirds of Tho Men Who Investigated the Legis lative Bribery. us i mi. m Sales Agents in i in iimum p COMPANY Freight and Passengers for Island Ports The Sale Is Over . A-Ivlv COLORS HOTEL STREET Who will do if P You ars going to have yoUr house tapered. Painted or Decorated. tVho's going to do It? A'o ene does or can do better work thdn we. Investigation proves that lew do aa good. All we ask for It Is a fair price ' not high, not low. Either extreme Is dangerous. Any one who gives us work gets the best going at the fairest and squarest price. STERLING, Offlce: Union Street, opp. Bell Tower. J as. P. Morgan President Cecil Brown Vice-President F. Hustace Secretary Chaa. H. Athc?ton Auditor W. H. Hoogs....Treas. and l-'.r. TELEPHONE MAIN 295. Hustace & Co., Ltd -J. H. A CO.- H. 4 CO. The Renovation of Rugs. Tn n mniipr that will bear look- ini. into Tn n dusty climate 'ke ours where the sun Is a daily visitor the best and most ex nanaiva nifn stain and look shabby Let us doctor them for vou. we can restor to .-em much of their former glory. tt' 10 cents a Roll or $1.00 per dozen Rolls. To Close out Stock. THE GOLDEN RULE BAH Linoleum Always useful for hall, kitchen nfllra 11 ha 01 Wars loncrest and cleans readiest. We have a varied stock. Mirrors 0 A . aWea find. p.Ant!nlf no r"oi'- tlon on our competitor. . the beat in the market. A GENERAL STOCK Ot FUR- (5 NIrr HE FOR ALL PU1U? Ea. T3BAXvisis ire Firewood. Stove, Stearrt and Blacksmith Coal WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Special attention given to DRAYING ALSO. WHITE AND BLACK SAND The Yon Hamm-Young Co., Ltd., Importers and Commission Merchants Queen Street, Honolulu FROM MAUI I Kahikinui Meat 1RESH EVERY DAY. FOR 4.LE AT THE Fish Market, Stalls 1 9 and 20 C. Q. Y'SE HOP & CO.. Proprietor. J. HOPP & CO, KING ft BETHEL BTREETS 'Phone 111 Main. Pi O o 1 o i W o 316 FORT STREET. HIROSE SHOTEN, 1079 Alaa Street NEW BY EVERY STEAMER. P. O. Box 885. Tel. Blue 392 . H. 4 CO.- J. H. ft CO.- H. W. BARTH, Successor to W. H. Barth and H. W. 13 arm. , Honolulu Sheet Met land Comioe Works nolirani..fl lpnn RllVlilFhtM 11 II (1 VhII- tiininm Mpinl Tlnoflnir. Conductor.Plne nnd Gutter Work Jobbing Promptl attended to. Richard Street Between Queen and Merchant streexs, iionoi- u. AGENTS FOR The Lancashire Insurance Co. The Balolse Insurance Co. Union Gas Engine Co. Domestic Sewing Machine, Etc W. 6. IRWIN & CO, (Limited.) As soon as the new building is com pleted on the corner of Alakea and Ber etanla streets we will open a branch market. WINC LUNG, King Street, corner Alakea Street. Fresh Salmon, Grapes, ..'ears, Apples Oranges, Frozen Oysters, Prunes and Lemons. Received by Mariposa, WING LUNG & FAT, CORNER VINEYARD AND FOI T STREETS. AGENTS FOR Western Sucar Refining Company of , San Francisco, Cal. Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia, Penn. Newell Universal Mill Company (National Cane Shredder). New York, U. S. A. N. Ohlandt & Co.'s Chemical Fertilizers High Grade Fertilizers lor L,ano aim conee. Alex. Cross & Son's High Grade Fer tilizers fpr Cane and Coffee. Reed's Steam Pipe Cars. Received per Sierra .Frozen Oysters, Prunes, 'Oranges, Pears and Peaches. Fresh Island Butter and Kona Coffee always on Hand. Goods delivered to all ports of the City, xFine Job Printing Star Offlce. Fior Prune Cereal, Self- raising Buckwheat Flour, Un atn ot Wheat, Gertnea. H. O. Oats, Aunt Abbey's Oats, Breakfast fctem AT J. E. GOEAS, Cor. Beretanla and Emma Sts. Telephone Blue 2312. W. H. BARTH, Judge Humphreys' brief, illed nt Washington in the tnntter of the charges of the Hnwallan Bar Associa tion ngalnst him, deals with the Into legislative-bribery Grand Jury. In a short paragraph. The charge was made that Humphreys "was Instrumental In drawing nnd allowed a partisan Grand Jury to be drawn, to serve In tho Cir cuit nntirt .if thn lOll-M .Tllfllplnl Plrrlllf over which said Judge was then and there presiding, in contempt and uisre gard to the duties of his high olllce." In reply Humphreys snys: "If thlB Grand jury was, in iuct, u partisan body I was not at the time of l,n tmnnnnnlmnnt Mt n TT1 T nnV. JlWlim of such fact. It does appear from the nfTl, -f n olntrln nf,'fin fl Tl ll llO OllP Of the persons seeking to secure my removal, that a majority 01 1110 jury were Democrats. I am not prepared to challenge the truth of such a statement Two-thirds of tho Jury are utter strangers to me, anu 1 wouiu not kiiuw them if I met them on tne street to morrow. I made no Inquiry at to the iniitina tiHnv in awenrlnir them to the performance of their duty, limiting my self entirely to propounding to them such questions as nro usual when mem bers of n grand Inquest are examined as to their qualifications. "The writ ot venire was Issued in the usual common law form, commanding the officers to summon tne proper num ber of good and lawful men from the body ot the Island. The writ was de livered to tho omcer uy tne yierk 01 me Court and no suggestion or intimation wna mmifi hv mp np liv nnv other ner- son on my behalf, as to the Individuals Who were to be summoned or tneir poli tical affiliations. This specification Is unsupported by evidence, excent the .Uln nfTl.ln.flt rttarfA to. find I diS- miss it with these observations." The brief ends witn a summary uegin nlng with the following language: "In conclusion I beg to say that my efforts to hold court on American lines, to ele vate the administration 01 justice, iu reform abuses In Judicial procedure, and to prevent crime, so far ns a court may reaen mat result mrouKu me me dium ot Its Grand Juries, and especial ly my efforts to put an end to the Indes cribable iniquity prevailing at the pro stitution stockade established, maln n.. .lnfonilul hv thn Dole ndml- nlstration, has met with the unqualified approval of a very large poruun. 1 m. lleve an overwhelming majority, of the people of the Islands. If In at tempting to noia nn imerii;uii tun ,n the midst of these conditions I am n misfit, it lies with you and the Presi dent to say whether the American Idea of Judicial procedure (if I have correct ly pursued sucn laeaj biiuii ue iii.iuc iu t?ohform to the conditions prevailing in the Islands, or whether those conditions shall be made to conform to the Ameri can Idea of the administration 01 jus tice. "Very respectfully, "Abram S. Humphreys." BAND CONCERT. Pn r-ofvllrtrllll lmTlrl llTulfT t h l lMilOr- aViln nf Pnntnln neriror will clve a. con cert at Emma Square at 7:30 this even ing, rue roiiowing is tne program; PART T. Overture "French Comedy" . . . W11II7 "Sniithern TtreMe" . . . Grand Selection "II Trovntore Songs (a) "Ke Aloha Ihlkl Mai." (b) "Na Moloknma." Miss I. Kelllaa. (c) "He Inoa no Wnipio," (d) "Nanl Hallli Po 1 ka Lehua," Mrs. N. Alapai. PART II. Cornet Solo "Eleanor" (by request) uoetger Clinrlea Kreuter. Selection "The Queen ot Bohemia" isnglander Waltz "Paradise of the Pacific" Uerger Polka "Nuuanu A'alley" Hergcr "Star Siiangled Bunner." THE MISSION CHILDREN. At the meeting of the Hawaiian Mis sion Children's Society held Saturday evening nt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hall, Miss Martha Cham- lmcl'itn i-anil t It. p.trifirt flit ttl( VPHT. A Irwin n tlio flpnrhu rppiinlprl WPI-M thosn of Mrs. Juliette Smith Farley, sister of W. U. Hinltll, at tne 01a nnmestenu in Koloa Kauai; Dr. Henry Lyman, a pro- nlii'olnlnn In flllpjlirfl nnd brother of Judge Lyman of IIllo; Fred Lyman, another brother: Mrs. Sarah Clnrke Lyman, and Miss Isabel Cham twn1,i,n T.vmnii nf Till,,. A.nnrin. tht nin rHn cQ rpnnrliiil were those of Hiram Bingham, Jr., nnd Miss Alfredn Mitchell, daughter of Donald AfftnVioll tin. fiiittini. In Mpw T.nndfin. Conn.; Percy M. Pond and Miss Edith O. Eldrldge, In Honolulu; Benjamin L. M.irir ntwl Miufa "R!nlo fnntlp In Ulls city; Charles Montague Cooke and Miss Eliza Lerrorts; c. li. wpuman iincn eock and Miss Margaret Murphy, IIllo; and William L. Whitney, and Miss Sarah Mne Sutton, in Honolulu. We are now opening our new styles, foi. our new store. Hanan & Sons styles, so far seems to have more snap, than any, we have opened. s The "Allston" men's 85.00 and the " Waukon " men's 84.00 are new to Honolulu and will certainly prove popular. We anticipate a big business, thenext few months. The great success of our sale has proved our popularity and the merit of our business methods. Mclnerny Shoe Store. '.WAW.WVV.WVMV.V.WAV.VAVAV.V.VAVAVA J HAWAIIAN Engineering & Construction Co. Rooms 008, 509, SIO Stangonwntd Building, Ail classes of Engineering ork elicit-J. Examinations, Survoyn and Reports made for any class of Waterworks, Steam and Electrical Construction. Plans and Speclncatlons and Estimates prepared, an Construction Superintended In all branches of Engineering Work. Con tracts solicited for Railroads, electric and steam: Tunnels, Bridge. Buildings, Highways, Foundations. Piers. Wharves, etc. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to Examinations, Valuations, ana Reports of 'pertles for Investme- purposes. FREDERICK J. AMWEC, M. Am. Soc. C E., Engineer and Managor. W. R. CASTLE, JR., Secretary and Treasurer. WHITE LEGHORN EOQS. For setting, from young healthy well bred stock. Also a few Cockerels. C. ELVIN, Rose Street. Knllhl ILL TO LET. Two hew ottaees on Young street, Just completed. Apply nt 131 ueretania street, ur i" J. M. Camara. Bela .Melsler '..Verdi HONOLULU SALOON, A. LUDLOFF, Proprietor. Corner Llllha and School Street. PACHECOSi llfUI Has opened a resort where refresh ments of all kinds are served. PRIMO BEER ON TAP. HONOLULU HftRDWHRE GO.lTD IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN General Merchandise, Tinware, Paints and Oils, Crockery and Glassware For brightening and strengthening the hair and for the prevention an5 cure of all diseases resulting from an unhealthy condition .ot mo ncaip uieni Is nothing like PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER, It is also a marvellous quick relief tc4 Prickly Heat. TJAmiHWH nANnnUFP KILLER, sold by nil Druggists and at the Union Barber Shop. Tciepnone mum 39 N. King Street. Tel. Main 393. Honolulu Hunid Transit and Lund Company. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S TICKETS. P. O Box 91 Tel. Mam W H. HAMANO, IMPORTER OF STAR BLOCK 1290 FORT ST. HER, PORTRAIT. Emma Goldman painted her own por trait with her words as she answered the crowding questions of a score of excited men, who must hnve seemed tn her like very fiends of the hell which Mho hpllevos Konletv to bo "The President?" she said. "He Is the most Inslgnlflcnnt nnd Ignorant ot men. Why should you make more fuss over one man than over another?" "Society? It Is a tool by which the strong oppress the weak'" "The assassination of the President? I don't know whether it was good or bad. That Is for a man who did it to decide. I am not In his boots." "An anarchist Is all a man. Led by despair, he may kill." "Do I make anarchists through my liw.tnr.tu' V.ui nvprnnilmilto. niv In. Iluence. The police are tho makers of anarenists. Half-fare echool children's tickets may be purchased from the Conductors I on the cars, cr at the Company's office 1 on Alapai street. These will be good ! for the transportation of school children I nn fn 17 vmm nf nt?f In irolnir to and coming from echool, between the hours of 7:30 nnd 9;30 a. m., and 12 and 4 p. in. regular school days. C. G. BALLENTYNE, Manager, H. R. T. & L. Co. 1irxrxirgc and Gealv. :niiecl Iron. Work Also Offer for Sale Paraflno Paint Co.'s P. & B. Paints and Papers. Lucol and Linseed Oils, raw and boiled. Indurino (a cold water paint) In white and colors. Filter Press Cloths, Cement Lime and Brick. Estimates furnished on all kinds of Sheet Metal Work. The natronaire of Owners. Architects and Builders solicited. ,1U1U - ' " t and Fine Commercial Printing at the Star Offlce. GERM AN I V SALOON C. WESSELS AND A. BECKER Proprietors. nod ouoon street cor South. TTondniinrffirn fnr ITnnnllllll PrlmO Beer, in bottles and on draught. Al ways ice uoia. we can eivu yuu 1.1c best glass of beer In town. TEN CENTS A SCHOONER. SANITARY Steam Laundry CO., LTD . Great Reduction In Prices General Perchatiriise PLANTATION SUPPLIEB King Street, - - - - Corner BnR& KATSEY BLOCK Honolulu Iron Works. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS, BOILERS, COOLERS, IRON, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS. HE OWES HIS LIFE TO THE FORE THOUGHT OF A COMPANION. While on a camping trip In Webster country, r. a. i. stump, 01 iorinuii town, W. Vn., had a severe attack of bloody influx. He snys. "I firmly believe thut I owe my life to the forethought of one of the company who had taken i along a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,' Cholera nnd Dinrrhoea Remedy." I Moral Procure a bottle of this remedy j neiore leaving iiunie. li uuumn in- uu taliuul when on a hunting, fishing or prospecting trip. Neither can It bo ob. tnlncd while on board tho cars or steamship, and at such times and places It Is most likely to be needed. ThousandHof travelers' nlver leave Tho safe way Is to have It with you. Thousands of travelers never leave homo on a Journey without It. For sale by ull dealers. Benson, Smith, & Co., general agents, Hawaiian Islands. Having made large additions to our machinery, we are now able to laun der SPREADS, SHEETS. PILLOW SLIPS. TABLE CLOTH TABLE NAPKINS, and TOWELS at the rate of 25 cents per DOZEN, CASH. Satis factory work and prompt delivery guaranteed. No 'ear of clothing being lost from strikes. We Invite Inspection of our laundry and methods at any . , , , i. . . Lime aurmg uusmesB uuuia. HiiiR np Mnin 715, nnd Our Wilsons will Call For Your Work- Fine Book and Commercial Printing at tne star umce. Fine Job Printing Star Olllce. Machinery of Every Description UfcCfe to Order. Particular attention paid ta Ship's Blacksmlthlng. Job Work Bx. cuted on Short Notice. CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED Life and Fire Insurance Agents ty AQKNTB FOU J&'.&V MX NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Or BOSTON. ETIVA FIRE INSURANCE CC or nARTFORD. CONN.