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TWO THE HAWAIIAN STAR, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1301. .P f FIVB--ROO XX COTTAGE (ON THE TLAINS) At a Bargain Price, at Your Own Terms. Rooms and Board In Manoa Valley three minutes from the Prices reasonable. Inquire at this office. X -i HUNK MAIN C9 .nadian -Australian Royal STEAMSHIP Steamers of the above line, running In connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C., and Sydney, N. P W., and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Brisbane, Q. are Duo at Honolulu on or about tho dates below stated, viz: From Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, for Brisbane and Sydney. MIOWERA SEPT. 2S AORANQI OCT. 26 MO AN A NOV. 23 MIOWERA DEC. 21 The magnificent new service the "Imperial Limited" Is now running dally. BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND MONTREAL Making the run 100 hours without the world. ' Through tickets Issued from Honolulu o Canada, United States and Europe. For freights and passage and all g eneral Information, apply to THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.. Ltd., Gen'l Agts. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co. and Toyo Kisen Kaisha. Steamers of the above Companies will pn or about the dates below mentioned: FOR CHINA AND JAPAN: CHINA SEPT. 19 DORIC SktfT. 27 IWIPPON MARU OCT. 4 PERU OCT. 12 COPTIC OCT. 22 HMERICA MARU OCT. 30 PEKING NOV. 7 AELIC NOV. 14 HONGKONG MARU NOV. 23 CHINA NOV. 30 DORIC DEC. 10 NIPPON MARU DEC. 18 PERU DEC. 26 For general Information apply to 3, HACKFELD & Oceanic Steamship Company, The fine Passengers Steamers of this line will arrive at and leave this port as hereunder: FROM SAN FRANCISCO. I FOR SAN FRANCISCO. IVENTURA Sept. 18 ALAMEDA Sept. 28 SIERRA Oct. 9 ALAMEDA Oct. 19 SONOMA Oct. 30 ALAMEDA Nov. 9 IVENTURA Nov. 20 ALAMEDA Nov. 29 Local Boat In connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the Agents are pre pared to issue, to Intending passengers coupon through tickets by any railroad from San Francisco to all points In the United States, and from New York by steamship line to all European Ports. For further particulars apply to W. G. Irwin & Co. (LIMITED) General Agents Oceanic S. S. Company, AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP CO. Direct Service Between New York, Hawaiian Islands, via Pacific Goasi. The splendid New Steel Steamers: S. S. AMERICAN 6000 S. S. HAWAIIAN 0000 Freight received at Company's wharf, 42nd Street, South Brooklyn, at all times. Steamship CALIFORNIA 6000 ton sailed from New York, June 16; will load on Puget Sound about September 1st; for Hawaiian ports. For further particulars apply to H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD, M. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent. AGENTS, HONOLULU. car line. 603 STANQENWALD BUILDING. COMPANY From Sydney and Brisbane, for Vic toria and Vancouver, B. C: AOUANGI SEPT. 25 MOANA OCT. 23 MIOWERA NOV. 20 AORANGI DEC. 18 MOANA JAN. 15 change, The finest Railway service In call at Honolulu and leave this port FOR SAN FRANCISCO: PERU SEPT. 21 COPTIC OCT. 1 AMERICA MARU OCT. 8 PEKING OCT. IE GAELIC OCT. 22 HONGKONG MARU NOV. 1 CHINA NOV. 9 DORIC NOV. 19 NIPPON MARU NOV. 26 PERU DEC. 3 COPTIC DEC. 10 AMERICA MARU DEC. 20 CO., Ltd. Agts. 'SIERRA Sept 17 ALAMEDA Oct. 2 SONOMA Oct. 8 ALAMEDA Oct. 23 VENTURA Oct. 29 ALAMEDA Nov. 13 SIERRA Nov. 19 ALAMEDA Dec. 4 SONOMA Dec. 10 tons sailed August 3rd. tons to sail October 15th Ma Ml ARRIVING. Tuesday, October 1. Stmr. Noeau, Wyman, from Anahola ami Elcele nt 1:25 a. m. with 1 trunk, 2 baskets, 2 boxes of chickens. Thursday, October 3. Nippon Maru, Greene, from San Francisco, due In afternoon. DEPARTING. Tuesday, October 1. Stmr. Klnau, Freeman, for llllo and way ports at noon. Stmr. Claudlne, Parker, for Maul ports at G p. m. Stmr. Mlkahala, Gregory, for Kauai ports at G p. m. Schr. Ada, Gaiter, for Koloa at 5 p. m. Gaso. schr. Eclipse, Townsend, for Lahaina, Klhcl, Makena Kallua, Na- poopoo and llookcna at i p. m. Schr. KalulanI, for Ewa at 11 a. m. Stmr. Nllhnu, Wyman, for Anahola at G p. m. Stmr. Ko Au Hou, Mosher, for La halnn, Kaanapall, Kukulhaele and IIo nokaa at G p. m. Wednesday, October 2. Schr. Walalua, Lansing, for Koloa at 5 p. in. Thursday, October 3. S. S. Mariposa, Rennle, for San Fran cisco at G p. m. PASSENGERS Arriving. Per stmr. Noeau. October 1, from Anahola, and Eleele Mrs. Greene and 4 deck. Departing. Per Stmr. Lehua, September 20, for Halawa K. F. Brown. Per S. S. Coptic, September 30, for San Francisco Louis Creme. Per S. S. Mariposa, October 3, for San Francisco Samuel Lover, It. C. Ly decker. Miss J. V. Ppltzer, Miss M. E. Lyman, F. Clements, Mrs. M. Graham, child and maid, Mrs. A. II. Talleton, Miss E. Dutot, James L. Torbet and 2 children, W. A. Schenk, A. C. Gehr, Miss Willard, A. A. Young, A. Lewis, Jr., O. F. Ttwood, Mrs. G. Schneider Ev M. Walsh, W. H. Drummond, Francis Murphy, W. B. Chandler, Captain D. W. Ketcham, W. Morres, Miss B. Turn, er. Per stmr. Klnau. October 1, for Hilo and way ports C. Achong, J. M. Vivas. Dr. C. L. Stow. P. W. Richardson, E. S. Boyd, A. Stadtlaender, H. B. Gehr, F. Carty, George Lishman, Mr. May, H. A. Blgelow, R. O. Yardley, W. W. Thayer, B. Manlerre, H. Bonner, T. H. Robinson, P. P. Woods, F. J. Woods, Mrs. E. Guerrero, Koki, daughter and grand daughter, George Robertson, C. Shlozawa, S. P. Sako, John A. Scott, George M. Robertson, J. H O. Connell, F. J. Testa E. Low, Mrs. J. M. Dur ing, Miss F. Washburn, Mrs. J. M. During, Miss F. Washburn, Mrs. T. S. Reld, Mrs. William O. Taylor and child, Edgar, Henriques, E. C. Peters, Miss K. Notley, Miss James. G. M. Robertson, W. A. Whiting, Mrs. J. H. Graham and daughter David Koki, Jr., D. II. Stair, J. P. RIct Per stmr. Claudlne, October 1, for Maul ports Noah Kepoikal and wife, Miss Kate Stewart. Mrs. T. B. Lyons and son, A. R. Gurrey, James Klrkland, W. S. Nichols and wife, G. M. Hancock, J. B. Gibson W. M. Alexander, E. Kruse, Mrs. B. Cockett W. A. Bailey, Miss L. Mali!. Mrs. S. J. Salter and daughter, Wong Kwai, Lee Clu w, Y. Aln. ueoriro Akerly. M. C, Ross and wife, Robert Shea, Leung Kong, Miss Annie Bailey, Mrs. C. V. Dudoit. FLORENCE CAUGHT BIG SHARK. The American ship Florence arrived in port yesterday morning from Ta coma. She left Cape Flattery Septem ber 3 and, for the first three jlays ex perienced fresh west north west winds, light variable winds for the next four teen and light trades for the balance of the run. The vessel was off Koko Head Saturday night but had to stand off until Monday morning. Wlien tins side of Makapuu Point Sunday, the carpenter and second mate caught an enormous 15 foot shark. The creature was very savage and fought desperate ly, no less than 24 bullets from a 44 callber revolver having to fired Into the shark's body before the monster was killed. A tackle had to be rigged to get the body aboard the vessel, consirteKt'Terformers. BAN FUANCISCO, September 19. The Oceanic Steamship Company s Mariposa arrived from Honolulu at an early' hour yesterday morning. It was the Intention of the management to re tire her several months ago. on the oc casion of her one hundredth trip, but owing to the strike the Alameda was not ready for service, so the Mariposa had to keep on the run. On her arrival yesterday she completed her one hun dred and first round trip, thus making n record that has never been beaten by an American steamship. Captain Horace Z. Howard, the popular genGral manager of the Oceanic Steamship Company, was the Mariposa's first master, and Captain Dowdell, now of the Zealandia, was chief olllcer. Then Captain Hayward took command and after him Captain Houdlette. Captain Rennle. the present popular master, succeeded Houdlette. In the history of the Pacific Ocean there has never been two moro consistent performers than the Alameda and the Mariposa, and the traveling public will hall with delight their going back Into commission again rejuvenated. FOOHNG SUEY TO DEPART. The Foohng Suey expects to get away about Wednesday or the latter part of the week for Taltal, Chill, where she will await orders. The captain has taken a crew of Jananese aboard but the little brown men are very stupid and It Is possible that he may decide to substitute experienced men for them. KLIKITAT IN POUT. The barkentine Klikitat arrived off port Saturday afternoon from Port Townsend. She experienced an un eventful trip with frequent rain squalls and considerable calm weatner. iter regular master Captain Cutler did not brine her here this trip, captain l. w. Rose being in command. Captain Rose used to run here years ago In one of tho Snreckels boats and -was also mate on the Palmyra some years ago hen she was In Honolulu. HACKFELD HILO LOT SOLD. The site of the warehouse and docks of Hackfeld and Company at Hllo, were sold at public auction by the Depart ment of Public works yesterday. The firm has formerly occupied the ground under a lease, which the government re fused to renew. The lots were put up nt auction at nn upset price of $20,000 and were bought by George Rodlek of Hackfeld and Company. Three lots were sold, lots 1 17 and 18, In IIUo. STOCKYARDS COMPANY. The Honolulu Stockyards Company may decide to sell Its property and business instead of rebuilding. Bids are being solicited to be laid before meeting of the stockholders. Between Men's and Boy's Clothing... Wo make no difference In 4. Is case and furnish all attention td detail There Is no Bweat-shop work on any of our suits. Is not tills worth tho thoughtful consideration of mothers? Isn't It worth paying a trifle more to have your boy's suit made 1 a proper manner. If the wire were consulted, wouldn't she Insist that the husband avoid wearln sweat-shop clothing? We have Just received n new line of STAR WAISTS, with and without col lars. Just the thing for the school sea son. Also a fine line of EXTRA PANTS FOB MEN AND BOYS. Extraordinary efforts have been made by us to find and prepare the things needful for your good appearance anu comfort the very best SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS; SHIRTS, HATS, OUTING FLANNELS, ETC. All these are worthy of your atten tion, being fashionable In cut and styl ish in appearance. Our TWO BIG STORES and thel. service are at your commc d. No orders too great for prompt atten tion; none too small for the strictest care. TWO STORES, TWO STOCKS. P. O. Box 658. TWO TELEPHONES. Main 96 and Main 367. Order blanks cheerfully sent upon request IWIS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER."? Food Delicacies The Largest Assortment West of San Francisco. 10C0 TO T STREET. 210, 2402 TELEPHONES 240, 240. CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED Commission rierchants. SUGAR - FACTORS. AGENTS FOR The Ewa Plantation Company. The Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. Tho Kohala Sugar Company. The Walmea Sugar Mill Company. The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo, T"he Standard Oil Company. The George F, B: ke Steam Pu- . a. Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life Insur ance Company oi iiosion. The" Aetna Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, conn. Tho Alliance Assurance Company oi London. O HIT1 A. Contractor untl Ituiltler. House Painter Kewalo, Sheridan Street, near King Honolulu. H. L Hazeiwood Market Co., Yosemlte Building, Tort near Kukui St Make a Specialty of Handling POTATOES, BUTTER, ONIONS, TA- R.O, VEGETABLES, BANANAS, LIMES, ORANGES, APPLES, AND MELONS. Also FINE GRADES OF CIGARS, CIGARETTES and TOBACCO; SODA WATER and ROOT BEER. Auents HA-ELWOOD -REAM CO, of 'Portland, Oregon, U. S. A. Metropolitan Meat Go II KTNQ STREET. & AND NAVY CONTRACTORS O. J. WALLER. Manager. The Encore Saloon Corjier Nuuanu and Hotel Street. We Keep on Hand the H2Tt Host Urnnds of Lirniors and Cignrs The Depot Saloon, Opposite the Oahu Railway & Land Co, We will keep the Honolulu Beer al ways on tap and In bottles. Also soft drinks and cigars. RYAN & DEMENT, Prrnrletors. THE "MOJNIOrORC Plumbing, Tin, Copper DIMOND BLOCK, A Large Stock of Assorted Which will be sold at New Refrigerators and P. O. BOX 635. BERETANIA EX "OREGONIAN , A large shipment of Cash Registers, Agate and Tinware, Fairbank's Scales, Buckets and Tubs, Trunks and Dress Suit Cases, Lamps and Shelf Hardware, Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd. Agents for Sterling Lubricating Oils, Angle Lamp Co., Alsen Cement, Giant Powder CRIBS AND A new Invoice Jus opened, Call early or you will miss a choice. r- 14. Now being unpacked, land Tput oh New Furniture saio by , CITY FURHITDRE STORE II. II. WILLIAMS, Manager Telephone 846 Tel. Blue 611. Oahu Carriage 1179 RIVER STREET, BETWEEN BERETANIA AND PAUA. Dealers in Carriage Materials ,.P. i Wagons built to Ureter. Specialty. Ciruii Hoy Maunakea Near King Street. Watchmaker, Jeweler, Gold and Sil ver Plater. Chinese Curios In Gold and Ivory. Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Complete stock of Watches, Jewelry. Optical Goods, Clocks, Etc. Watch makers' and Jewelers' Supplies. Tel. Blue 841. P. O. Box 994. HINGr LEE CHAN, Fort Street, opposite the Popular House Dealer tn Groceries, California and Island Fruits, Poultry, Island Butter, Kona Coffee, Cigars and Tobaseo. New goods by every steamer. Fine Job Printing, Star Office and Sheet Iron Wor- 75-79 KING STREET. Lowest Cash Prices. Ice Boxes, all Sizes. STREET. NEXT TO FIRH B' ION Co, and Roche Harbor Lime. BABIES' BEDS Love Ilulldlng, 634 and 53G Fort P. f Manui'g Co., and rubber tires. Carriages ar. T- ...... .1 TT1 1 iXUS Jttepairing ana xiacKsununug K. FUKURODA, 1274 STAR BLOCK, FORT STREET. merchant Tailor Cleaning and Dyeing of Clothes All Orders Promtply Attended Fine Job Printing, Star Office. K