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4l Of TM HAWAIIAN ft AH, MOKfcAT, OtTOBMt f, MR. m (co hi mt hu QHen "l. MNN nu M.yRlliXCO.,1, Importers nnd Commission Hcrchants rou Blanche Bates Cigar AGENTS FOIl British America Assurance Comp'y, of Toronto, Ontario. Philadelphia Underwriters Special attention- given to con signments of coffee and rico NEW GOODS ! Just received a large invoice of Black Dress Crepon, Silk Grenadines, Velvet Bib ibons, which will be sold at very reasonable prices. By the next steamer due tomorrow we will receive 600 pieces Gingham, The Bargain Store A. BLOM, Proprietor BERETANIA STREET NEAR ALAKEA We can give you much better assistance in doing this, than you can get elsewhere and the servlco costs you nothing. We want jour trade and will give, you such courteous treatment that we are bound to hold-It. A glance through our stock will convince you that we have ,far the best stock for the least money. Wall Papers, Linoleums and Window Shades At Tel. Main 358 . BERETANIA STREET. NEXT You "Shrill MISS A. .G0ODTH1NG Good for You, Good for" "Vot-ii- JVoitrlxtoor JUDD & CO., LIMITED Stock and Bond Brokors, Roal Es ate Asonts, Insurance, Rents and Bills collected Office, Ni. 307 Stangenwald building, Honolulu, T. II. P. O. box 607v TELEPHONE MAIN 223. AMERICAN SALOON Wllhelm Schilling Proprietor. PRIMO BEER ON TAP AND IN BOTTLES TEN CENTS A SCHOONER. Also Cigars, Tobacco and Cold Drinks. Llllha Street Near Vineyard. Note Heads, Bill Htads, Letter Heada ' and all kinds of Job and Commercial Printing neatly and promptly executed at tho Star Office. Kelly-Springfield Tire CIRCLE THE WORLD The Charles F. Merrick Carriage Co., Ltd Merchant Street, next to Stangenwald Building The Stumbling Block Most people encounter In furnishing a house Is In the proper selection of the wall paper. P. 0. Box 838 TO CORNER. OF EMMA. If You Don't Drinlc PRIMO BEER Ihc Vifla Nova Saloon QUEEN STREET OPPOSITE SOUi Keeps the Honolulu Primo Beer Always or. Tap and In bottles. 10 CENTS A SCHOONER Also Soft Drlnksland cigars .. EAGLE SALOON, Bob Ross, Manager. Geo. J. Cavanaugh, Proprietor. REFRESHMENTS OP ALL KINDS. Tho Delicious Prlmo Beers at 10 cents a Schooner. Tobacco and Cigars. Cor. of Punchbowl and Halekauila Sts. Note Heads, Bill Heads, Letter Heads and all kinds of Job and Commercial Printing neatly and promptly executed at the Btar Office, : V ' ,. .-. And arc recognized every where as the standard of ex cellence, durability and resili ency. Put on by expert me chanics who came direct from shops in San Francisco. 'M. LTD! ii .AGENTS POR ,SALE OF REAL C5TATE P. J. LOWHEY, President. A. B. WOOD, Vice-President. . J. A. GILMAN, Secretary and Trees- urer. P. J. AMWEO, Auditor. CHAS. II. GILMAN. Manager. Hawaiian Curios Kapa, Calabashes. Lets, Native Hats, Hula Skirts, : llhau Mats, Fans, Shells, Seeds, Etc.. Eto. Ha waiian Stamps and Horn mads Pol Constantly on Hand at WOAIEN'S BXCHANQB SU FORT ST. HONOLULU H. T Auction Sale OP OP tots at Mamataala, KAPALAMA, OAHU. ON SATURDAY, OCT. ilD, AT U O'CLaCK 3SOON. At my salesroom C5 Queen street, by order of ,the B. P. BUhop Estate, I .will sell At Public Auction the leases of 30 lots situate at Haiuiakamaln, Kapa lama, on tho mauka side of King street, opposite the now Kalulani School, on the Asylum Road aaL Jaceat to now streets. Tho Bald lots vary In size from an area of 6500 square feet to an area of 7000 square feet, with a. frontage of not leas liian CO feet on wide streets. These lots liav- all been filled and graded, aro Immediately available for building sides, and aro situated on, or convenient to the proposed main line of the Honolulu Rapid Transit and Land Co. within a .short distance of the business center of he city. Tho upset prices for the sale of these leases have been OscCL at from $100.00 to 200.00 per annum according to size and location of lot. Rental payable quarterly advance at tho olllce of the Trustees of the Bishop Estate. Terms of leases SO years from No vember 1st, 1901. The lesaeo to pay all taxes, rates and assessments whatso ever, and to comply with all of tho terms of the usual leases Issued by the lessors. The successful bidder will be requir ed to make a cash deposit equal to one. quarter's rent within five (6) days of the sale. For further Information apply at the fllco of the Superintendent of the B. P. Bishop Estate, 77 Merchant Street, Ho nolulu, JAS. F. MORGAN. AUCTIONEER. vial Lose 8 Pi fill 15 XI 1 1 . I Klltl TKH T Till I.ATR l'ltKHIWONT I Attorney Addresses hy Well Known Ana Acting Chief Jwetloe Oalbralth. McCtaMaftan ITMatlia Meaolwttoni. Dta Sutirema own adjowmed thl'i Htwttinit HHtll tI'l'-w. , nf,.V the itrongaet organlaatlons in Mono F1. r.,t 'e.m,,?at y? Tha muggier defeated the dent MolCliilay. 'Tltli tiiwnlng's Maalon capltola Ur the d""elve acore of U to wm the nrat tht court haa h.ri ripe the t it th, Bround(l. new of III death oatne to Hawaii, ami l ah soon hm the court whs In eeenlou iVetlng Attorney Oeueral Cathead moved hii adjournment. In a few well choeen words. IS. II. MrlMnnalmn won the flrat to eerond the motion. Ho aixih. with elo. iiuence nnd fervor, nnd then offered the following reeoltitluns. asklnR that they be Hpreml on the record of the court. "WhereHB, William McKltiley. ltfel. dent of the United Staten, whs on the Oth day of September A. D. ltMH. cruelly axftutwlnnted and murdered In the city or inuinio, mm Whereas this opening day 7th Octo. bro, 1901, term of the Supreme Court of the Territory or llawnll seems an ap propriate occasion - which to record public expression or our sorrow over this nntiunal calamity, therefore "He it resolvfd. by the member of the liar of the Supreme Court otMIn Territory of Hawaii, that as altlzens of the United States We herewith publicly express our real and heartfelt sorrow over me untlmeiv death ot r.n honored President; "That as citizens of a wide civilization we proclnlm our nphorre nee of tho awful net which has roboed uh of a benettclent ruler nnd tin' world of good man; "That we tender to Mrs. McKlnlcy for tho loss of a loving h usband a sym iwvtny as profound ns thf civilized world extends to us for the lays of our honor ed chief magistrate." Circuit Judge Lltt'- nn.i Tom Fitch followed, both speaking eloquently on the life character and achievements of tho man who has been, so universally mourneu ror tne past weeks. Cecil Hrown snld ho wanted to, Becond the ......... j , i, b un yiujuii- enn who was made a ul tlzen by the act of McKlnlcy In algnlnir the Organic Act of Hawaii, and T. A. H.'arrlson address ed the court In a slmlhir vein. In ordering an adjournment of court, nnd that the ronolutlons offered by Mo Clanahan be spread on the record, Act ing L'liler Justice ualbmlth snld: "I will sny on belui.lf of the court In response to tho suggestion ot tho at torney general nnd tho resolution pres ented by Mr. that tho members of this court with our fellow citizens hero, as elsewhere, have been deeply moved by the horrible tragedy thnt has placed the civilized world In mourning. Aside from the exalted post tlon occunled bv McKlnlcv the most occupied distinguished In all the world nnd his marked ability ns a soldier and states- man, and lender ot men and movements ley was a more typical American citizen than Oeorge Washington and I enter tain this belief with all due respect to tho Father of Our Country. He was gentle ns a woman, sympathetic' as a child but he was strong In nil the man ly virtues. Let us hope that utter life's (Itfiil fever he sleeps well." The court adjourned to ten o'clock tomorrow. ilK CAItltlES A CJITN. HooHevelt Is His Own Guard. Secret Service NEW YORK, September 21. A spe cial to tho fun from Wasnlnglon says: President Roosevelt has been criticised by some who nru straining for a chance to unfavorably compare his conduct In public and private matters with that of his predecessor for declaring that ho will not at all times be surrounded by visible guards belonging to the Secret Service or members of the local police force. The President's declaration is called "bravado nnd recklessness' Ills critics profess to regard it us another illustration of his restless, aggressive letfotlsm. fuly on this subject since McKlnley wus shot, and he Is not at all averse to having his view thoroughly understood. He thinks that guurds are necessary about tho person of the President on puullo occasions or when he Is attend ing largo crowds, but he will not toler ate their presence when going about or dinary business or social duties. When Hoosevelt went horseback lidlnc last Saturday with General Leonard Wood It was plainly noticeable thnt the latter had a big army pistol In his hip pock et. While there have been no visible signs that President Uoosevelt uoes about equipped for trouble, tneiu Is good reason tor believing that he is prepared to defend himself. Government olliclals do not agree witn itoosevelt. Tliey believe no pre cautions can be too great for the pro tection of the Chief Executlce of the Nation In view of three assassinations since the Civil War. WASHINGTON. September 24. t President Roosevelt took a two hours' outing line tins aitcrnoon, driving out with Colonel Sanger, Assistant Secre tary ot War, at 4 o'clock. The President returned alone about 7 o'clock and on foot, tho dust on his shoes giving evl deuce of the fact that he hud walked over country roads. After dining, a quiet evenlne- was spent at the White IIouHe In company with Richard Wat son Gilder of New York and another friend. OPENING OP FOOTBALL SEASON, The local football scuson was opened last Saturday afternoon with a prac tice game between the Hackfeld and Malle Illma teams, The latter team won, making two touch downs. HEALANI8 GET THE RACE.. The dlspuUM senior bnrgo race be tween tho Jlealanl nnd Myrtle crewB was awarded to the Hcalanl crew Sat urday afternoon. Pursuant to tho rul ing of tho fudges of tho Regntta Day sports, the Ilealanl crow appeared In tne harpor Saturday at 4:45 p. m. ami rowed over tho eourse. Thu stuke boat had been plared about 100 yards far ther out, so tho course was really 200 yords longer than that rowed on lte- gatta Day, when the dispute over tho result occurred, A time limit or ib minutes was placed on the race by tho judges. The Ileulunls rowed the course In exactly IB minutes Hat. The Ilea lanl crew was composed of Sam Walk er, Dow; Fred Damon, No, z; Harry Murray, No. 3; Bert webster, no. 4; It Is the private virtues of the man tlmt "..... T'l'o Circuit Court ot tho Klrst Ji.,ilc.T now appeal most strongly to nis iei ow n-'i ; circuit, lion fli'ini,. n .... Ji ri countrymen, and bow down the hearts Pioneer 93-001mg. In a ua iso at cu!a..h ' .m UT ot the American people with unspeak- Walnlun Agrl 67.50 A.leluMo Schllur , ta vll ''""l1 able Borrow. Love of home and of our Walluku w'0-0CInrl Jl,U Institutions, Our Country and One Flag, Wnlinnnalo 150.00 her " 'OS tl f i N,um: were the leading thoughts In so many Wnlmea 00.00 J,1', , -U8' "' ?A .1, V,?.,!".1 ff1.1.1 of his patriotic public addresses. Per- Wilder 8. H. Co 1)0.00 100.00 um 1 1 , ' W' sonally I believe that William McKIn- Inter-Island 05.00 HU,,J' u lo -'onllrnmtlon by said Court, ban liftMr, . I Mi fm tamtt, it. rSartea fUfMsMw, eawwanv The MrMlf era fnltd Iff appear, th.r-hy defaulting; to til Nealant i rew K. O. MAI, I. WINK Th IC. it. Hall baa hall tram defeat ed the Police nine Maturdar afternoon at Maklai gt-oands by the Bear nf t to 4 The game waa a ttght atrtmlf rrnm aiart to imian ana wa nuriN by Home very gmxl plays. CUSTOM Hut 7 MR WIN". fkit iHmttfUii tlnttgaai hlnn Amtwkttttml mi ...i. tnMi, ik.i u i. n. t HlTCHOOCK'B UCCt6MOH. Hll.O, October 4. 11. T. bake haa leen appointed Junior Captain of Police, ailcceedlna- the lata K. X. Hitch cock. MAUI PORIMTR. There 1 but one thing for the tteople of MhhI to do, ana that is to stand to the ltark of David IlauKhs In his tie mand that a preserve lie eatabllahed on Maul. The government owns large areas of tlmler land, or land which may Iw ntade timber land, entirely around llaleakala. and reaching from far below the timber line of almost or unite to the summit Such of this land as Is not under lease, should at once be htrotiKly fenced and not a hoof of cat tle or horses or any oiner live biock allowed Inside such enclosures. The government owns other large tmcts In the nine area under leases which will , soon expire. These lands should never again be leased but snouiu ne jenceu nnd treated as before suggested. These lunils nronerlv protected against the ravnges of live stock would with but little assistance soon reforest them selves with forests which would not only Insure a more general rainfall but which would also eventually become a source of revenue io tho government from the sule of surplus timber. Stand by Hiiughs nnd let us protect our for ests. Maul News. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Hetween Hoards Sales: 20 Pioneer, 100.00, 0,000 O. It. & L. Co., bonds, 105.00. u..nlnr Kauulmi Mnloo! 1 llOn Ku'll I!omiH( 0i.50, 10 I5vn, 25.3B, 10 Hwn, 36.3fi r Kivn. so. so. bu uina A, S.UU, SO U1UU s, 2.00, f Oahu, 122.B0. Quotations. Hid. Asked C. Ilrowor & Co 4SG.00 N. S. Sachs 100.00 L. II. Kerr 30.00 Ewa 25.125 25.50 Hawaiian Agrl 205,00 300.00 Hawaiian Sugar 20,50 Honotnu 130.00 Haiku 218.00 Kahuku Sil.SO 2D. 00 Klhel 0. 60 Klnahulu 110.00 McKryde 8,00 9.00 Oahu 120,00 122.50 Onomea 23,00 Ooknla 8,7B Olna assessable !. 2.50 Ohui paid up. 13.00 i-uciuc 216.00 00.00 1)0.00 100.00 05.00 Jul .00 70,00 100.00 8,00 ...... 07.50 10J.5O 98.00 100.00 luli, 00 102. GUI Hon. ltnpld Transit Mutual T Ouhu 11. & L. Co. 1st Am. Savings Untile Haw. Gov't Cs Hllo II. It. Gs Onhu -.. & L. Co., Ch. Wnlnlua Agrl. 0s IWILKI WAS HAIDED. Number of Women and .Men In Police Court This Morning. As the result of quite an extensive raid In the Iwllul district last Satur day night, the police court was crowd ed this morning by the Japanese wo men of that quarter. No less thmi eight Japanese women nnd six males were arraigned before Judge Wilcox. The defendants were cnlled In pairs nnd arraigned before the court. When three Chinese were found to bo among the crowd of defendants, the utmost amusement was caused In the court room. All of the cases went over until tomorrow morning. Two Japanese women wore also ar raigned on charges of being common prostitutes nnd the same disposition wus made of Hioho cases. The raid of the Japanese has caused great consternation among that class at iwllel. Tlie police are determined however to try nnd break up the open prostitution which has been going on there for some time past. Tho evi dence Is thought however not to be especially strong In all of tho enses. WAITING FOU THE People on j'ni Hnve Little Fnlth In Gchr's Promises. HILO Octo'ier 4. The Tribune says: In the discussion of the water frnnchlso ri iiMMiuiiMi, uh. imiig nru uimracier 01 lh nfmroou mn.ln l l.i 1... 1 1 .1 1 .. .. t. ri.. 1. t n .1 . - I'lUblVDD IIIUUC III 11IU UUIIUIIIf, iL lliu lluu-iv. aula inllroud come In for refer nnce. Mr. Gehr In nn Interview calls attention to the fact that tho govern ment has not approved the plans of tl Itallroad Company. This Is mentioned us a reason why work has not been started and the Inference Is evidently Intended that these plans huvo been tied up In the executive's hands since last Decomber. It may bo true that the compuny Is powerless to turn a hand In the matter of construction work ow ing to a failure to connect with that "Eastern Capital," and therefore does not wunt Its plans approved, because the minute this Is done, time begins to run on the forfeiture clause of tho fran chise. For months this community has wait ed for the approval of these plans nnd for tho beginning of the shoveling of dirt. Tho disappointments, repeated nnd still to come, have been sulllclent to warrant the opposition of the substan tial business Interests of the inland to the Jones-Gehr et ul,, water scheme, evon If Hitchcock had not announced tl at the Federal law Is unfriendly to such grafts, SPRECKELSVILLE MILL. SPIt ECKELS VILLE, October D Spreckelsvlllo mill will commence grinding December 1, one month later than expected. It Is estimated that tho crop will bo 27,000 tons, Ttio new ml will lie completed by tho llrst of next year. Two now pumps aro to bo erected one for Bpreckelsvllle and tho other for Pnla plantations. Each pump will have a capacity of ten million gallons and will bo in operation In tlmu for next year's crop. Fine Job Printing, Star OlJlce. 1 it 1 1 1 1 i wi rwHMi ik mm I ttl l' l Th. Mlllpullans Mtahtea an MireU lent hnuse Hat unfair evanla with m dashlna and spotted parfMaare at Oaletr Olrl ' The IMtte Mitm bn overt'otne tne aimMMw tMir ra eed when they flrat anened Ihatr here, and In the natetr Olrt" showed to good advantaae what DM, jrawthfal voire unoer roo trainiMt nan do m opera. There waa not a dnll moment om the stage. RverythlHf waa ttfe aadt dash and mnveHient. ilurh rredlt to. due for this to Bdward Mahle the ataa manager. There wa not a halt or a stumble in the whole iterforsmmce. andi In every partlrular ttse Wost exmllent stage management mm shown. Mr. Mable hHs been etaw HMer tor tha Tom lollsrd OtMi fjflinpafiy for ha past nine and.a italf ypHra, Uwrlag Aua tralasla. and hta J Kill and experleao waa shown clearly In Hatitrriay ntght'a performance. The audience was moat neneroua la Its applause and In Its reealla. Tha Juveniles entered Into the aplrlt of th sparkling comedy of the opera. Ttta taue "liuainesa" win handled wttb that nice skill which neither overdoaa nor falls short. The Lilliputians hav grown on the theatre going pubMa. Tonight is their last jierforitianoe, an they aall for the cowMt by tomorrowa kteamer. N 1SW MAIL aWtVlCH. WAIMJICU. Maul, October 6. Hy n der of the Poatotllue Deimrtment tha mall mesMen'er servlco has been dla continued from Puia by lluelo. Maul and nt Maknwao, from Pain, Maul and at Pala by Hamakuapuko, PeahJ, PaM wela, Keanae and Nahlku to Maul. A new servlco has been estab lished at Pala by Hamnkuapoko to Pauwela six miles and back six times. a week, service to also Include the for- wardlng of malls received at Pala from all mall steamers. This nervier will continue from October 1 next till Julia 30 next. Hllert H. Plotter of Pala has the mall contrnct for the newly established a vice. Maul News. Commibsioncr's . Sale OP IUIE PIES OF Situate on Heretnnla street il(J8,r nireei, in Honolulu, Oahu. ON' SaIUhJjaY, OCT Yl AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, to wit; Helng lug N. 21 12' i true bearing mo fant "long Lot No. . 08 1-ot No. 170 ou "'""IS Dr;:i2io,,iuv,',, mk m tt""K N. 08- 48' W. true bearing 80 ft. nlonir Herelunla street to Initial point, leia what has since been conveyed to MrT K. Lnzurus. Th.. im , iu fmit,ir!l"rro.or liH" "" ,l0'-l'i'il'i street, and 150 feet, more or less in depth ami m luiuieo on tne vvalklkl side of lot now occupied by Mrs. A, L. King Terms ,,f Hm,, ,.0 ,,(ln)l , u H,'aoia Coin, that ton (10) nur cent ,,r ti amount be paid on tho day of salo, and deed at expense of purchaser. UpHat price I3.G0O. For further 1111 il I til In .u enquire of tho undersigned at his olllca hi nuiu uiiiuciury iiiiniiing. Dated Honolulu. Onlm. n,.i,i, i 1901, ' ' J. A. THOMPSON, CuinmisHloner. Auction Nul T Oeliiiiient Siif;iir .Stock. On SATURDAY. OOTOUHU in l'ini at 12 o clock noon, at my salesroom, 05 Queen street, Honolulu, I will sell at Public Auction by order of thu Treiw urer, Mr. Elmer Si. Pax ton. the follow- ini, ii.,i1,u i1"' '-TH 11 1 11 1 CS of stock in th e OlufL nugar ui Liu unless the 16th assess ment delinquent September 20th, with Interest and advertising expenses Ih paid on or before tho day nnd hour of. sale at the olllces of the II. F, Dllllng ham Co., Ltd,, Stangenwald Building, Honolulu; Cert, 347 612 680 C19 1207 1340 1428 1429 144S 1637 Name. Shares M. McKochnlc 17 Mnry E. Wynn 07 Loo Kea 2 Seo San Yen 25 W. L. Howard, Trusleo , 10 Miss H. C. Hltchrock J$j Samuel Do Freest & Samuel Du Freest g H. McKochnlc 10 M, McKechnlo 5a JAH, V. MOHOAN, Auctioneer, ELMER E, PAXTON, Treasurer, Honolulu, October 7, 1901, Kona Coffee Ktprp, Pure Kona Coffee No, I at the Kona CofTeo Sloro 3l Fort itreot. Telephone Hint 1Q21. Orders promptly lin ed, Tills Coffee Ih sold fop the bcnellt of tho Kona Qr plumage. ' Note Heada, Bill Heada. Letter Heads ana all kinds of Job nnd Commercial pr'?iln5."en Bnd PromiUly executed, at the Star OlDcs. - " --" portion of Ian,! urn nt No. 281, t Kuluokahua, iTeI.V Ung nt a point on i.muku l, 1)f fi. aula street 200 feet from j. , J,. Ja ninnhig'1 """ A"""U Hl" ''' I