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Tllll HAWAIIAN BTAIt W1IUNMIMY, a&fOMIH I, . THftBM ATTOKKBV AT IA NOTAHV I'UWUO. 308 StnnRcnwnId Building TH 11 HONll MAIN St. DR. J.M. WHITNEY, BIINTIST. Coiton Building. Kert Street Over II. May & Go. lours! 9-B. Tel. Main 277. Dlt. A. E. NICHOLS, D1SNTIST. Office Hours: 9 to 4. 1123 Alakea Street, next Masonic Temple, Honolulu. DR. 0. B. HIGH, DENTIST. Philadelphia Dental College, 1892. Ofllcc: Masonic Temple. Telephone. Main 318. OR. A. C, WALL DR. 0. E. WALL. r e rsr t x Ar s. IX)VB BUILDING, FOIIT BTBEET, r '.ephone 434. OFFICE HOURS, 8 a. m. to 4 v. txu DR. A. J. DERBY, DENTIST. Xott-Smlth Building, Cor. Fon. and Hotel Sts. Hon lulu, H. I. Ofllce Hours; 9 a. m. to p. m. Dr. Archibald N, Sinclair, Ofllces: ..ooms 208-203, BoBton Building, Fort Street. , Telephones: Ofllce, Main, 385, Resi dence, White. 2861. Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.: to B p. tn.; 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays 12-2 p. m. P. O. Box 801. A. C. LOYEKIN, Stock and Bond Broker, mmtmmm'm 402 JUDD BUILDING. j ii. m i co. Members of Honolulu Stock Exchange Stock and Bond Brokers STANGENWALD BUILDING. Advance Made on Approved Security. Telephone Blue 933. WING SING CO. 48 Hotel Street, next door to Iwakaml IMPORTERS IN GROCT RIES .CALIFORNIA FRUITS BUTTER. Lin Sing Kee, TINSM'TH. Does Sanitary Plumbing Nuuanu Street. Ojposlte Emma Hall. Ttrrilory Grocery Store V. O. TEIXEIRA, Manager. Corner Emma and Vineyard Streets. DEALER IN Groceries, Delicacies, Best Brands of Tea and Kona Coffee A.'V IT AGAIN I Will be pleased to have my customer All. t I 1VI K E E , MERCHANT TAILOK. HI King Street with Y. A- Boob Vt to W W Dlmnnil Co & CO., LIMITED, QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU, H. T. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono mea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar Company, Walluku Sugar Company, Walhea Sugar Company, Malteo Sugar Company, Hnleakala Ranch Company, ICap mla Ranch. Planters' Lino and Shipping Co. r hnrles Brewer & Co'a Line of Boston Packets Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. Agents Philadelphia Board of Under writers. LIST OP OFFICERS. C. M. C30KE President GEOHGE II. ROBEUTSON,,.. Manager E. F, BISHOP Treasurer and Secty. COL. W, F, ALLEN Auditor Directors. P, C. JONES, H. WATERHOUBB, GEORUH R. CARTER. DOCTOR miles; mo middiim i mm iuii iiiniminuL uuliiulu w nervine; TIic Brain and Nerve Food and Medicine, Qaicts Ittl tated Nerves, Soothes tiie tired Brain, Builds up tfce Vital Powers of tne Body ' 'l.l i i 'MMIrtlMnK AM. HKINil WITHDRAWN. A. m. to Oram UmMM 0W Om ' "mmlMions from Twuuwr Wright. iil C'lmHiiMhHM hmmiUmi. and Overcomes Disease. It Contains no Opiates not other harmful drags. Sold at all drug itorei on a positive euar antce. Write (or free advice and booklet to Or. Miles Medical Co. Elkhart Ind. CORPORATION NOTICES. (JUAItTEKLV .MKKTINd NOTICE. C. BREWER & COMPANY LD. The regular quarterly meeting of the shareholders of the C. Brewer & Com pany Limited will be held at the office of the Company In Honolulu, on Satur day the 12th Inst., at lu a. m.. E. F. BISHOP, Secretary. Dated Honolulu, October G, 1901. Kihei Assessment Notices. Treasurer Wrtflfct )ia ImumI n. "II)' Aulhoilty" itotlot to btirfi of wmi missions as HN(i Ut gfHl mri1g liiclmfM to the effect tlMl nil BUell license lfttml before Noviubr 14, ltKK). will heroine null and veld aftr November JR. 1H1. Thoa who wnt licenses are to apply to the deiKirtment of Public Instruction. The announcement is the result of the change In Uwa by reason of the appli cation of the Organic Act. This law provided Unit the duties of the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Ha waii, as far as licenses were concerned, should be turned over to the Treasurer of the Territory of Hawaii. Among these duties is Unit of issuing commis sions to grant tnarringe licenses. The old law provided that the Mln- ' latr of the Interior should appoint ft suitable number of agents to grunt mar riage licenses. The Organic Act, doing away with the office of minister of the Interior, provided that this wrt of that ... ikI h uutieti HlKiuld devolve upon the I Treasurer of the Territory of Hawaii. Under the old law, the commisilnns i were to be Issued on approval cf the Board of Education, and this part if the law still stands. The applicants 1 are therefore now referred to the Uonr.l of Education. Since the transfer of government there have been about 00 app'!cat.ons o grant licenses under the new system, but only a few of them have bean nct ed upon so far. The transfer of this business from the Interior, or Public Works department to the Treasurer's olllce Is now to be completed, and nfte the lGth of next month, nil the old license, iHsucd by the Minister of the Interior of Hawaii, will be void, They have been used up to this time. In the Organic Act the section of the lun code pr6vldlng for the issuance of such commissions was expressly re tained, sections on both sides of it be ing repealed. THIC Bank of Jawaii LIMITED. Incorporated untr the Laws of the Territory ef Hawaii. IAII)-UI CAPITAL. . $6nn,onn.oo KIlSlJRVIl 50,000.00 LiNDIVlDUl) PUOI'ITS iS.ouo.oo OIWICKIW AND DIRMCTOUII. Charles M. Cooke President P. C. Jones Vloe-Prastdent C. II. Cooke Cashier V. C. Atherton Aseletant OnBhler Henry Waterhouse, Tom May, F. W. Mncfarlane, IS. D. Tenney, J. A. Me Cnndlees. Solicits the Aooounts of Firms, Cor porations, Trusts Individuals, und will promptly and carefully attond to all business connected with banking en trusted to It. Sell and Purchase For eign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Ordinary and Term Deposits received and Intei jst allowed In accordance with rules and conditions printed In pass books, copies of which may be had on application. Judd Building. Fort Street. BISHOP & CO. Savings Bank THE 12TH ASSESSMENT of 6 per cent or I2.C0 per share became due and payable January 2nd, 1901 and bears penalty from February 2nd, 1901, The thirteenth and final assessment of 5 per cent or J2.S0 per share on the stock of the Klhel Plantation Co., Ltd., has been levied and will become due and pavnble on the 15th day of June, 1901, Interest bearing after the 15th day of July, 1901. The above assessments are payable at the offices of Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., Judd Building. J. P. COOKE. Treasurer Klhel Plantation Co. Honolulu, May 18. 1901. Olaa Assessments. The 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th, assess ments of 60 cents each are now bearing Interest at the rate of 1 per cent per month. The eighteenth assessment of 2V4 per cent or 50 cents per share has been called to be ue and payable October 21, 1901. The nineteenth assessment of 2 per cent or 50 cents per share ha3 been called to be due and payable November 20, 1901. Interest will be charged on assess ments unpaid ten (10) days after the same are due, at the rate of one per cent per i..onth from the date on which such assessments are due. The above assessments will be pay able at the office of the B. F. Dilling ham Company Limited, Stangenwald Building. ELMER E. PAXTON, Treasurer Olaa Sugar Company, Lim ited. Honolulu, T. H. July 20, 1901. Commissioner's . Sale OF IUIE PIECE OF Note Heads, Bill Heads, Letter Heads and all kinds of Job and Commercial printing neatly and promptly executed at the Star Office, Situate on Beretania street near Alapai street, In Honolulu, Oahu. lly virtue of an Order Issued out of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit, Hon. George D. Gear, presid ing, Jn a cause at Chambers entitled Adelaide Schllef, et al., versus Joseph uiarKe, el ai, iiquity Division, Num ber 1208, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, subject to confirmation by said Court, ON SATURDAY, OCT 12, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, At the muuka entrance to the Judi ciary Building In said Honolulu, the following described piece of real estate, to wit: Being portion of land contained in Otunt No. 281, at Kulaokahua. Begin ning at a point on mauka side of Bere tania street 300 feet from E. angle of Beretania and Alupal streets, thence running: N. 21" 12' E. true bearing 150 feet along Lot No. 110. H. OS" W VS. true bearing SO ft. along Lot No. 170. S, 21" 12' W. true beurlng 150 ft. along Division Lot 2. N. C8" 18' W. true bearing 80 ft, nlong Beretnnln street to Initial point, less what has slnco been convoyed to Mrs, K, Luziirus. (Tho lot now la about C5 feet, more or loss on llurotanla street and 150 feet, more or less In depth nud Is located on tho Walklkl side of lot now occupied by Mrs. A. L. King. Terms of sale are cash in U. S, Oold Coin, that ten (10) per cent of tho amount be paid on the day of salo, and deed at expense of purchaser. Upset price $3,500, For further particulars enquire of the undersigned at his ofllce In said Judiciary Building, Dated Honolulu, Oahu, October 7, 1901. J. A. THOMPSON, Commissioner. Fine Job Printing Star Offlcc, NEW HOTEL FOR LAHAINA. Articles of association were filed yes terday by the Pioneer Hotel Company, with the principal place of business at Lahaina, Island of Maul. The object of the association Is to conduct a gen eral hotel and restaurant business, and billiard tables. The capital stock is $7,500, with the privilege of increns Ing to $20,000. The officers and princi pal stockholders are J. J. Newcomb, president, twenty-live shares; A. Aal berg, secretary, twenty-live shares; P. Nicklns, treasurer, two shares; George Freeland, thirty-five shares. Until further notice, Savings Depos its will be received and Interest allow ed by this Bank at four and one- .f per cent per annum. Printed copies of the Rules and Reg ulations may be obtained on Applica tion. Office at Bank building on Merchant street. I BISHOP & CO. 'CLAUS SPRECKELS. WM. Q. IRWIN. ! Clans Spreckels & Co, BAlVKJSKtS. HONOLULU, H. I. PORTO RICAH BURGLAR. Jose, a young Porto Klcan, In, If appearances do not mislead, a bold, bad burglar. Mounted Patrolman Gumpher noticed the fellow ,vt Moan.i lua yesterday, nnd not liking his I uiks, watched him. He was seen to enter a dwelling house from which the Inmates wore absent, and after n while to make his exist. Gumpher accosted him and after a brief confab, placed him under arrest on a charge of burglary. AN ADVERTISING BOOKLET. "Side Lights" Is the title of an attrac tive brochure, the first number of which has Just been issued In Hilo by the Hawaiian Advertising Company. C. L. Clement Is the manager of the new enterprise and Is responsible for the Judiciously selected reading matter and natty typographical appearance of tho publication. The contents Include an article on State Advertising and are devoted chiefly to exploiting Hilo and the "big" Island, voicing as the chief end of the editor the publication of pro fitable advertising methods in Hawaii for national and local advertisers alike. PUULOA A RESORT. Dowsett Estate Sub-dlvldlng Beach Property. Puuloa Is to be a new seaside re.mrt, according to plans of the Dowsett Es tate Company, which has been laving ."lit lots along the beach with a view tn opening the district ns such a report. The company had Intended to do so be fore, but was waiting to see what lands would be claimed by the United States Government for a Pearl Harbor n;vul station. 1 The estate has two miles of octin frontage on the Ewa side of the en trance to Pearl Harbor. There Is a very line beach for buthlng here. Arrange ments will be made for transportation from Honolulu, to Install a water sys tem, etc., and work Is now going for ward on the laying out of a town site. Lots along the shore ore 200 feet by 100 Then there Is to be a boulevard 100 feet wide, with more lots mauka. IT HAPPENED IN A DRUG STORE. "One day last winter a lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did not have In stock," says Mr. C. R. Grnndln, the popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recom mend. I said to her that I could freely recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy nnd that she could take a bottle of tho remedy and nfter giving It a fair trial if she did not llnd it worth tho money to brine back the bottle and I would refund tho price paid. In the course of a day or two the lady camo back In company with a friend In need of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recommendntlon for the remedy." The remedy owes Its grent popularity and extonslve snlo In a large measure to the personal recommendations of peo ple who hnvo been cured by Its use. It Is for sale by nil dealers. Benson, Smith & Co., general ngents, Hawaiian Islands, TENDERS TO PURCHASE. Tlio undersigned will receive bids up to 12 o'clock, Ftturday, October 12th. for tho purchase of tho property nnd effects of tho HONOLULU STOCK YARDS COMPANY, oltlier ns a whole or In parts, Properly Includes flno comer lot on South nud King streets. Horses, Mules and Carriages, Office Furniture, etc., etc. Send bids to office of JAS. F, MOR GAN, 65 Queen street, where Inventory can bo seen. JAS. F. MORGAN, C. A. RICE, San Francisco Agents The Nevada National Bank of San Francisco. DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO Tne Nevada Na tional Bank of San Francisco. LONDON The Union Bank of London, Ltd . NEW YORK American Exchange Na tional Bank. CHICAGO Merchants' National Bonk. PARIS Credit Lyonnals. BERLIN Dresdner Bank. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA Bank of New Zealand. VICTORIA-AND VANCOUVER Bank of British North Americr- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Deposits, Received. Loans Made on Approved Security. Commercial and Travelers' Credits Issued. Bills of Ex change Bought and Sold. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY AC COUNTED FOR. ESTABLISHED. 1858. BISHOP & Co.. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. COMMERCIAL AND TRAVELERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED, AVAILABLE IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD. Interest allowed after July 1st. 1900 on fixed deposits; 7 day notice 2 per cent, (this form will not bear Interest unless It remains undisturbed for one month) 3 month 3 per cant; 8 months S 12 months, 4 per cent. THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANS LIMITED. Subscribed Capital Yen 24,000,000 Paid Up Capital Yen 18,000,000 Reserved Fund Yen 8,310,000 HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. The Bank buys and receives for col lection Bills of Exchange, issues afta and Letters of Credit, an transacts a general bankng business. INTEREST ALLOWED: On fixed deposits for 12 months, 4 per cent per annum. On fixed deposits for 6 months, 3H per cent per annum. On Hxed deposits for 3 months, 3 per cent per annum. Branch of the Yokohama Specie Bank. Hew Republic Building. Honolulu B EONOLULU SALOON, A. LUDLOFF, Proprietor. Corner Lillha and School Street. 11ns opened n resort whero refresh ments of nil kinds are served. PRIMO BEER ON TAP. LIMITED Just received ex-Eltbu Thompsot from Seattle a shipment of Choice b?ef Veal, Mutton, Lamb, nnd Pork, alar Poultry, Balmon and Halibut. FOR SALE AT llotropolUnn Mnrkot Co., King Street, Telephone 45. Tho llooth, FlBlunnrket, Tele phone H79. Central Hnrket, Nuuanu Street, Tolophono HO. VAvvAVAAv.v.vAuA I 8HIRT8 Tho Latent in Style, The Best in Quality and The most lleasonable in Prices ML AMI & CO., HOTEL STREET Home Comfort e e In Eleo tricity Doubtless you have longed for a lamp that did not smoke, smell and make a nuisance of itself In general. Doubtless, too the reason that you have not had electricity Is because your house Is not wired, and you sup posed the expense of wiring would bo too great. We would like to talk to you about wiring your house, and give you our figures, which we arc sure will sur prise you. There Is no light so convenient as electricity; Just press the button, that's all; no lamps to fill, no smell, no smoke, everything agreeable. We will be glad to have you come to our office and we will ixplnln the whole system to you; or, ring us up. Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd King Street 5 Tel. 390 Fifteen Carloads of Tne Famous . Budweiser Beer ., Brewed by the Renowned ANHEUSER-BUSCH BREWING ASSOCIATION of St. Louis in Barrels and cases of Quarts and Pints are due to arrive in a tow days. FOR SALE BY H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Sole Agents for the Territory of Hawaii THE ORIENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., Ltd J. JE. MoCOY, Prosiaont. CAPITAL STOCK, $200,000.00 The only Insurance company In the world issuing policies In both tfc NGLISH and CHINESE languages. 3 Policies contain all modern advantages of the endowment and other formal Issued b the leading American companies. Governed by the safest Insurance systems. The pioneer Chinese-America compa. , HOME OFFICE: J301-302 StiuiKonwald Building Honolulu, II. T. MM .v . oVV .'B'. ;.. . .o iiT. MURATA, Main Store, No. 1044, Nuuaiiu Street . 1st Branch, corner King and Beretania Sts. 2nd Branch, No. 1032, Nuuanu St. ,: o.. o .o :: V t . ': lit'?. IAN 7 iv ii in i iu ii i iiirii.i Nioiimjiuiiivuia Any Styles Alade to Order Telephone Blue 33 1 1 Tolophono Blue 2781 P. O. Box 884. Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. ?". i , IJ? V.' tV.' '' ? It t v