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TH ItAWAtIA rtffAH, WHaWIiA V, (WfOfeMMt I, 1M. 4 iBtX Aunimur Proposition. Wfll, mw there the tCK QUK8T10N I knew f" II nv' ! "" " a ftasally Ifi h"l pili't ' o arc anklous t. c i taw win iv you Mtir .11 i Ik tu ily you. "i,t, t f ni iBE OAHU IGE 8 mil! Hi HorrM. TK AND MAhKllAM Jietvkea MM Illtie, lNxtlotflc e 1ux tot lew Wash Silk Carlson & Currier ROYAL FLOSS gILO ROYAL HOKTON Stamped Linen and Cushion Covers, Bureau Scarfs, Tea Cloths, Doilies AT 10 FORT STREET Jli SOP, l&c aaraat, Territorial Stables Block. Dealer In '"'ftwlly GrocerlM, Tobacco, Cigars, Il.i.Ki Butter, California and Islari Fruits, ""drrs. delivered to any part of the City . G. IRWIR & CU LTD. Wm. G. Irwin.. President and irar.agj-r C tn us Spreckels... First Vlce-1'residei t W M. GlCfard.... Second Vlce-Ptealdant a M. Wliltney, Jr.Sec'y and Troa.-turer '4o. J. Ross Auditor Sugar Factors, Commission Agents OF THE QCEAVIO SrSAHSHTP COMPANY OB" SAN FUANCISCO, CAL. kiptume Main 62. P. O. Cox SCO. ?:.SUGASHOTEN, IMPORTER OF phrase sions AND XING STREET NEAR BRIDGE. HART &. CO., HONOLULU ELITE ICE Oriental Goods aW IMPORTATION OF Silk umnSa. 1b the piece; Silk Handkerchiefs; line Brawls; Decorated riower Pots; Claw Porcelain Cups and Saucers; Tea .aft Ertaner Sets; Carved Ivory; Rattan Titfctra!; Carved Sandalwood Boxes. n-aao Goods are tho Handsomest In all Honolulu WING WO CHAN & CO. tlO-212 Nuuanu Street. !, W. KcOhnoy & Sons. VftnteMile (Jroecru and Dealers It Iieathor untl Shoe rimlingB. ir.nriar Honolulu Soap Works Companj mid Honolulu Tannery. Se 3SOJX3XLc3ba niYORTEIt AND DEALER IN lilQTJORS, Japanese Provisions. General Merchandise , AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES. ZO, 13 HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU, Telephone Whlta SUL 0. O, Box SOS. fJUftLrv f 1I AIM . -..ntimi-rt f.. Loving yon i 'X 1 1 f In you brlliK out R romtil ni i n li tn..i iniii; " 11m It ltst tlx iihIiii il I" i 1 1 1 n - s. " 1 it Ix'giutifug t l. k l.n'. cl nml ili-ail " I Mm I.!.' tliKe.iiulltion of thing Certainly in. I. Then nto I lit falling of tlichairat imro. Nnpll before yourliair In tli in. kIh ni. anil llfelen. Make your liair beautiful. gloHky, hilky, ubuudauU i ll t in HWKI S flflH VIM III ..w. w ...... - -ow Is a Hair Food. When your hair Is veil nourished lb does not .,m out. 'Tis weak liair, SUMV.-.1 hai,. that falls. It just m with thin hair short hair rouali hair wnn tiim liair, konrr iiMr, roupi ttair. Socll hair needs fotxlinR. 1 his Is why Ant Hair Vigo, .to, falling of U Hair. If your hair is amy, and you don t oare to look at thlrtr a it you were sixty, then you ahottld lim Ayer's llsilr Vlaor. Jtalwavs reatoias oolor mi MRy . T .. . . ... ... " . lutlr, nil tho dark, rich, haautiful i HI oolur it bud wlien you wata yottug. I'rcpjrcd by Dr. J, C. Alcr Co.. Lowell, Man., U. S. A, 111.1 S tie A;onts for Charts published by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Surv. y and tho U. S. Hydrographic Oflice, Washington, D. C. We have received an ole gant assortment of Kimonos AIko, a large variety nf 1 styl i&h Shirts Moderate Prices 3. OZAKI Wavorloy Block, Hotel Stroot 8. SHIMAMOTO, aercbant Street Honolulu, T. General flerchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries, Japanese Provisions, Etc., etc., etc. i. O. Box 881. Telephone 111 ta. Q.lrsin&Go.,Lfei. FIRE AND A1ARINE INSURANCE AQENTS AGENTS FOR THE Scottish Union National Insurance Company of Edinburgh, kVllliclnia of Mauduburg General Inxur once Company, ssocluted Assurance Co., Ltd., of Mu nich and Berlin. Mllance Marine and General Assuranoi Co., Ltd., of London, rtoyal Insurance Company nf Liverpool, Alliance Assurance Company of on don. S. HIROKAWA, Bamboo Furniture No, 63 Bcretanla Street Near Punchbowl. M Tiir a lirntm ' 1 vii.hix Kliiuil mi (In tiitt lurk in iHilvr mlliillia 1 tll'll tin- t'lll MM W I'Hl Oil III. HI HI ll.HI I t. a, in ... k f"iUvnn aouat a nilnata lat i in HlimnriMii apend bf he, it ii ii.itMr anal an foatlaat it in hHi raster than the tank. The in in Iim i"ik a short boa i d om the i i ii nd thin another on the aUu-fcaaNI in. h brouitkl her Mtiaer the lav bow at iiu- Miamraek, which hrld on. Bath i'i plni'htaft. The Shamrock aeeeje4 to I w Improvlnc her weather noaltliMi. The Columbia waa tiylna to make up in ivuiiiih w nmv mnm wnc hwwb in pwiin !. i'he moat brilliant efMaode uf the aai.s a .... .av .t,a a . ow-h, wm l-illl Mil tvumill WM far enouitti ahaa4, altbouuli to the lee ward, to cross the JlrltoH s Iww. He white sloop about on the port taek !ri the ShaMtrock'8 ' "r' .1 j TT ii i i.l ( It looked for a mointnt as If Captain Uarr had not m'"l't,1,"u!"t"i. an' and liad n. omiilleliert "T'l.T," "L. i X ' h.Tu, a SmbU, waa stSnhe n.lmU e Columbia waa SUI1 on Uie lee 11)W bul vwr, cU a4,oard the nhamrack. j ....courting revelaUon came to I the throii astern by the ahadow on the inainaaH of the Columbia. It waa a silhouette of the Hhamiock s cll-lop- aatl, and it appealed and vaiiiaiied in a "" "" nnlHli.H thai I Vl .. ..Iliml.l. U' U I HA " - leewaiii. ai rum a mere imwii w. immmj- OW sriuwtHJ Ull wit J imm m n-- mi. ji iinra uwii ... Hie luft and back aaln. Jhen It went and then came abaln. CapUiln hyca- more saw, the eXierla aurmlaed, that lie was no clone that he might be back- 1. .......I f .1... I I, u1.n..a, I wlBded if he illiln't get out, no lie sent M (Mn ,.eniployinent will re the Shamrock on the iort tack. 'turn to work. Catitaln Barr kept his course only , fifteen seconds and put the Columbia around on the port. The wind was fraalianlfiK a hit probably It waa about ten or eleven knots now ami iii Shamrock was levins it in a way that doubtless pleased the folk aboard the Erin. The American liner PlilinilHltihla nagged to the windward of the racers far enouKh away not to affect them, and dipped her unslsn while her pas sengers crowded to her rails to see the Klorious fray. The Columbia went on the starboard tack, making a short broad. Less than two minutes later the Shamrock also tacked. Then the white sloop put about and again head ed act oss the Shamrock's course on the port tack. In another effort to cross the bows of her bronze rival. Again she failed, bringing up on the starboard tack on the lee bow of the Irish racer. The Shamrock went about on the port tack and the Columbia followed, both standing for the outer llfteen-mlle mark. It was seen ns she eased her sheet a bit and headed for the mark boat that the Shamrock was going to beat the Yankee by seconds only. As she round ed the mark and let her boom swing out to port her alert pnllormen began to lower hur spinnaker poi and sent the voluminous sail up ni stops. No half-huarted applause heeled her per formance. Theie was an outburst ot cheers, Jingle of bells, ,.elrd shrieks ot sirens ami roaring 01 neam that to have seated tne unties tutiiomn "tf low. The Shamrock was forty-one seconds ahead of her rival around the mark, and anxious Amei leans who knew the greater sail spicud of the Briton, thought lor a tew moments that the cherished mug would surely go aboard. They were soon reassured. The Col umbia rounded the mink to a discord not less vociferous than that which inude Uie heart or Captain Kycamore beat high witn hope. Tin- Columbia was a little quicker with her spinnaKcr pole and hau tier sail run up in slops in a Jiffy. Tiiim came a spectacle that set most of the attending thousands wondering. Iseitncr snipper would hteak out his spinnuker. captain Burr broke out a mere triangle of his, and Captain Syca more pulled out about as much of his. Then tnuy waited and eyed euch other, as wrestlers preparing for a tussle. Captain Sycamore didn't want to risk blanketing by being the Ilrst to set his great sail, for then, as the retired sklp- per on the press boat Walter A. Luck- ..i.n..v. u..i.i li r',.ii,.vilti.i tfltlwinf her side sail, could more readily bear down on him. The result was that spinnaker blossomed almost simulta neously and the yachts bowled on their course. The Columbia headed to port of the Briton, setting her balloon Jib topsull about a minute before the Irish yacht. This may have given the Yun kee a few seconMs nibre speed, but It 1h more likely that her slick model chlelly contributed to her superior running. When the yachts were well on their way home the Shamrock's turs were massed on her after deck to keep her nose up to the sea. Aboard the Co lumbia all hands were strung along the starboard side to keep. the end of the boom from dipping. But It did dlp though not mote than that of the Shamrock, Frequently they speared for whales and came up dripping. The race had now become a grand spec tacle. Flanked by long line of yachts, excursion boats and tugs, the billowy balloons and spinnakers, sometimes tremulous as the yachts slipped down a swell, and again rounded In enor mous and symmetrical curves, made a beautiful picture. Gradually the white sloop began to draw away from the Shamrock and gradually the hopes of the Yankees rose. The wind fell to four knots or thereabouts, und the slowest of the steam licet had no trouble In keeping up. Within three miles of the yellow i.nt ship the sharps saw that the race was surely the Columbia's, but by sec onds only, meusuring ship by ship. The wind fiesiieneu a mile or so when tne white boat was within an eighth of a mile from home, anil tho Shamrock was slightly benefited, being the first to feel Its Influence. The magnificent licet massed back of and to the shies of the finish line gave tho victor us she swept innjestlcully across the most delirious greeting ever accorded a cup defender. Kvon the pandemonium of steam, prolonged us never before, could not drown tho shrill eheers of happy Americana. From every packed tier of oeuun, sound and river steamer thousands of men and women waved hats and handkerchiefs mid Hugs mid umbrellas mid lot nut all their energy of lungs In cheeis and yells, The Shamrock did not receive so tumultuous a recognition, but she was not neglected. There was a crowd ing fpnvurd to see tho victor and van liilshud. ns thoy passed III, lowering their Utttit sails, Tho XJolumbla finally got her wind free again and pulled out, and, with surprising rapidity, opened up on the challenger and pulled out a lead that left tho result no longer in doubt, Sho (Continued to page oevefi.) GUP RACES IEIBM SHE ID m iitp one ) I I'KACI UN HAN Kit AN" WATKH rHONT Drmiw'a iwai'iau a rity Front IN4afMtah Oame to Teraa tuauit i a rmwmin Tka Wa kal. SAK JUAWOIaXH), October a Tarawa a .rsawuat aatared into b twee tka Kfcecutlve Committi-p of the Irar Hirn K AaeoclaUofl, art In for Hip aaaoulatlon, ana thp aliiklnir teamsters, ilia iMdustrlai controversy Which has b'n waved for the jihkI nifi wwnv niw mrwwiw m -ar wvefi weeka waa aattleti yesterday mtenjuo,. H-r M aracment Wlll. il wu wuid MlJrt, .i mplln waa raiJAed laal Hixbl at meetings of both the Draymen's Aaaociallon and of the City Front Federation. men, the inning teamsters will bp ,w,uk y draymen to f fill all ..,.. u,.r n.. uiu,i Th. .,,. of Wltlte, ,,, llour. tmU WJW ,w for,.e w,,n ,he ,lr,ke iegan will tunU'"' fcl fo one "'r hen..elv. s not t diacriminat.. against elthtr union or ..,,.,.,,, tnen The leSmSra aaree to work with JJmKS" XSTm to interfile wuh them or with the bualnesa of tholr am ploy era in any manner whalaoevi-r. Al) the ,tr(ke a lne Cty irront Fed- eratlon waa sympathetic, It has been ended by the settlement of the striKe or . ... ine teamatera, as nave an uoycouu ar)a,,K out t the same cause. All (kr.iira.i.M.,1 It. u. lin,n rprallpd . ..... from guarding teams and will oe re- lurne4j to their rular beats. All the B,,eoltt lttVe been called In. The ttlemant goes Into effect this n)ornilur. which time such strikers A WOMAN JAILOR. Mrs. Alice McDonald, who has been annolnted Jailer of Grant county. W. 'a.. is a mountain woman, a widow and yoam oiu. m e w uu i.-i' with the beasts of the mountains, and Is no more airaiu or criminals mun in other wild nnlmals, they are all cowards by nature, she says. Spring field Republican. In Less Than From San Francisco at 10 a. m CHICAGO, UNION PACIFIC & NORTHWESTERN LINE Double Drawing-Room Sleeping Cars, Buffet, Smoking and Library Cars, with barber. Dining Cars meals a la carte. Dallr Tourist Car Service and Personally Con ducted Excursions every week from San Francisco at 6 p. m. The best if everything. ft. ft. Ritchie, Gen. Agent Pacific Coast San Francisco. C17 Market Street. Palace Hotel. Kona Coffee Store, Pure Kona Coffee No. 1 at the Kona Coffee Store 314 Fort street. Telephone Blue 1021. Orders, promptly fill ed. This Coffee Is sold for the benefit of the Kona Or phanage, WHITE LEQHORN EtiQS. For setting, from young healthy well bred stock. Also a few Cockerels. C. ELVIN, Rose Street. Kallhi H. I. EAGLE SALOON, Bob Ross, Manager. Geo. J. Cavanaugh, Proprietor. REFRESHMENTS OF ALL KINDS. The Delicious Prlmo Beers at 10 cents a Schooner. Tobacco and Cigars. Cor, of Punchbowl and Halekaulla Bts. Honolulu llnpid Transit and Laud Company. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S TICKETS. Half-fare school children's tickets may be purchased from the Conductors on the cars, or at tho Company's office on Alapal streot. These will he good for the transportation of school children up to 17 years of a&o In going to and coming from school, between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30 a. in., and 12 and 4 p, m. regular school days. C. a. BALLENTYNE, Manager, II. R. T. & L. Co, II. INUKAI, (Formerly of Hart & Co.) 1280 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, T. II, HAS OPENED AN loo Ofoam Pnrlor Also keeps a full line of cakes and cigars, Cakes to order a specialty, YUJE2ST 3L,JEJE, CONTRACTOR BUILDER, PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Kukul near Nuuanu Streot, Honolulu. Chicago ay M All Otjtt Doors j$ fa; . O.' .... Is Yours fe 1 A a I a Tkv.aa If! Tlio po88eaii of l. ...I... I.. !..l a :;' a.. e a,...e. . ; .. . :aVa . ... plnod on tli whoU ifllaiul within way ruacli, Will (JouUl your uiii )vnmnt of life HIGH. 1CST pltxnuro oo iiea only with tho boat of bioyulas. Thosu you will find in thu Columbia, Cleveland and Humbler Of which wo havojust rocoivod an ontiro now stock. Know all over tho world to bo tho bust. E. 0. HALL e... a.. a SOLE iVaaiV'OtV'lV'iaViAVaJ '2 .? .. Mi .. ?i tf ii ri;. ,.a.,., ,.aa....a '.a,.a..Ve MAY'S The Standard of H. MAY & CO,, LTD., bosttc& Ij JLIJLJLIJ Telephones, 22, 24, 92 Kimonos ! Silk and Cotton Crepe Kimonos for Ladies and G ntlemen . . . Japanese Silk and Cotton by the yard in the very latest patterns also a nice line of travelling caps. U. SEK0M0T0, 14 Hotel Streot near Nuuanu New Store New Goods M. PHILLIPS & CO., Wholesale Importers And Jobbers of AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN DRY GOODS Corner of Ft :t and Queer St L. KONG FEE, JMerolaarat Tailor, 1262 Nuuanu Street. Fashionable Suits at Reasonable Rates a Specialty. A full line of Cassl meres and Tailoring Goods always In Stock. Dyeing. Cleaning and Repair ing at Short Notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. MI'J'JUfffJ'.VfJVJVJWJVJ'M The Globe Cl HOTEL STREET, Just received largo linos of MEN'S and BOYS' PER ' FECT FITTING CLOTH ING nt price that will as tonish you. Give us a cull and convince yourself of a fact and wo will have your trade, V The Globe 61 HOTEL STREET, imwwwwwwvmwwi :i?: a bioynlt will hrln( nny t ...!.!.!.. I. I IS II a a & SON, LTD AGENTS Grocery Excellence STREET P. 0. Box 38G. Kimonos !! Japanese Goods Cotton Crepe Silk Kimonos American Goods AND unos Telephone 3311 White. Corner of Nuuanu and Hotel Streets. NEW GOODS RECEIVED BY EVERY STEAMER, WON & LOUI CO. Corner Maunakea and Pauabl Street, Sanitary Plumber, Tinsmith, aaa Sheet Iron Workers. Water Plpa and Gutter Work la ml It branches. Order filled with dlspatoh. Fine Job Printing; Star Office