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WfH tlAWAJlAM UTAH, THUHMMV. MtVBBK il. ifL 1 4 s y ti. PIIANpifiCO Ml Front BL Haw YORK, 41 Lwnaul Ht. HJ.GR!WCO.,LID., Importers and Commission Hcrchants Nolo A iio roii (Slanchi Bates Gigar AO 15 NTS FOR British America Assurance Corap'y, of Toronto, Ontario. Philadelphia Underwriters Special attention given to con signments of coffee and rice HEW GOODS ! Just received a large invoice of Black Dress Crepon, Silk Grenadines, Velvet Rib ibons, which will be sold at very reasonable prices. By the next steamer due tomorrow we will receive'600 pieces Gingham, The Bargain Store A. BLOM, Proprietor BERETANIA STREET NEAR ALAKEA "Wo can give you much better assistance In doing this, than you can get elsewhere and the service costs you nothing. We want your trade and will give you such courteous treatment that we arc bound to hold It. A glance through our stock will convince you that we have far the best iStock for the least money. Wall Papers, Linoleums and Window Shades at . Tel. Main 358 BEAD'S BERETANIA STREET. NEXT MISS A. Good for You, Good for Your Noljmlatoov JUDD & CO., limited: Stock and Bond Brokers, Rool Estato Aqontn, llnsurnnco, Rents and Bills collected Ofllcc, i. 307 Stangenwald building, Honolulu, T, II. P. O, box C07, TELEPHONE MAIN 223, AMERICAN SALOON Wllhelm Schilling Proprietor. PRIMO BEER ON TAP AND IN BOTTLES TEN CENTS A SCHOONER. Also Cigars, Tobacco and Cold Drinks. Lllllm Street Near Vineyard, Note Heads, Bill Hads, Letter Heads and all kinds of Job and Commercial Printing neatly and promptly executed At the Star Ofllce. Kelly-Springfield Tire CIRCLE THE WORLD The Gharles F. Herrick Carriage Co., Ltd Merchant Street, next to Stangenwald Building The Stumbling Block MoHt people encounter In furnishing a house Is in the proper selection of the wall paper. P. O. Box 838 TO CORNER OP EMMA. GOODTHING If You Don't Irirxlc PRIMO BEER Ihe Villa Nova Sale on QUEEN STREET OPPOSITE SOU a Keeps tha Honolulu Primo Beer Always or. Tap and In bottles. 10 CENTS A SCHOONER .. Also Soft Drlnksinnd cigars.. Hawaiian Curios Kapa, Calabashes, Lets, Native Hats, Hula Skirts, : llliau Mats, Funs, Shells, Seeds, Etc, Etc. Ha wallan Stamps and Horn made Pol Constantly on Hand at WOMEN'S EXCHANGE !H FORT PT. HONOLULU H. T Note Heads, 13111 Heads, Letter neads and all kinds of Job and Commercial Printing neatly and promptly oxecutod at the Star Ofllce. And are recognized every where us the standard of ex cellence, durability and resili ency. Put on by expert me chanics who came direct from shops in San Francisco. 'MZO LTJjf 1 J :agents SALE Or REAL ESTATE F. J. LOWREY, President. A. 13. WOOD, Vice-President. . J. A. OILMAN, Secretary and Treas urer. P. J. AMWEO, Auditor. CHAB. H. OILMAN, Manager. Auction Sale OP OF Lots at Maunakamala KAPALAMA, OAHU. QiN SATUIIDAY, OCT. 19, AT U O'CLOCK NOON. At my salesroom 65 Queon street, by order of the 13. P. Bishop Estate, I will sell at Public Auction the leases of 30 lots situate at Maunakamala, Kapa lama, on the mauka side of King street, opposite the new Kalulanl School, on the Asylum Road and a Jacent to new streets. The said lots vary in size from an area of 6500 square feet to in area of 7000 square feet, with a frontage of not less than CO feet on. wide streets. Theso lots hav. all been filled and graded, are immediately available for building sides, and are situated on, or convenient to the proposed main line of the Honolulu Rapid Transit and Land Co. within a short distance of the business center of the city. The upset prices for the sale of these leases have been fixed at from 1100.00 to $200.00 per annum according to size and location -t lot. Rental payable quarterly advance at the olllco of the Trustees of the Bishop Estato. Terms of leases 30 years from No vember 1st, 1901. The lessee to pay all taxes, rates and assessments whatso ever, and to comply with all of the terms of the usual leases Issued by the lessors. Tho successful bidder will be requir ed to make a cash deposit equal to one- quarter's rent within five (C) days of tho sale, For further Information apply at tho tllco of tho Superintendent of the B. P. Bishop Estate, 77 Merchant Street, Ho nolulu. JAS. 1 MORGAN. AUOTIONKKII 0. ll.IJEMENWAY, LAWYER. Ofllce: Room 0 Judd Building, TELEPHONE 314 MAIN. Fine Job Printing, Star Olllce, Mi Lease 1 11 10 11 HK HRTAIt op STATR MAT BT1CP, OUT. Hk utwtr muni HiM-Ttfffi of Ofttioldtft DIlNVltlt, (Cel.), 0lHtr I. tynmn OaiM, twin trnr t tin TrMmiry, nr. rivvd hara tht muming, mr h dia . jmtch from llouldar to the Republican, and left on the narrow-gnUKe train tr Camp Talrott, the home of Colonel HrHlimrd, on i.efl Hand crwK, near Ward. SVcivtary dag Is Interested to no little extent In the mines at that plne Regordlng Secretary Jlny, Mr. unge said: "Well, Secretary liny Is getting tired of the Imslneefl. He Is a man or thp strictest honor; he Is very sensitive, however, and It hurts him, after he has workel hard, to be misrepresented, earioone.i nn i iuni..uo ... pendently rich. lit ,can do a he wishes verv JnUmafe fTlend's and l e woud miher ,, ,iov life sroInde l by agree. ro'ut'me0 oVihVTSssr FuSssn routine ot tile onice oi acremry oi "l"ie. . . . "I should not bo surprised ir ne woui.i ion withdraw. If so, Root will ,,rob-, ably be his successor." FAILED TO PROVE CASE. How Alleged Chinese Onn.nlers Come to Be Reluased. Thirteen Chinese defendants were be fore Judgd Wilcox this morning to an swer to having gambled or been pres ent at a place where gambling was con- iiiicieo. in,, nf A li l'nnir turnlnc I?-.n.?"C'tt? "LAl Jvt thnrcan8C - i .... t I,n i. Mm H n rem n trn mat " " ' " " C:V. "i... iT VJ Ir . IT """.Joked as If It hnd been a political com jfiiivcu u 1 1 hhj n iiiii He was asKed regarding some ploy ing cards which had been found on the table by the raiding ofllcers. The wit ness claimed that the cards were not used by the defendants but had been a but two of tho South Amerlcnii rcpub leiracy of tho former occupant of the lies have appointed their delecntes to room. He denied positively mat iney hnd been playing draw poker. "Do you know what will happen to you If you don t tell the truth?" slgnl- llcantly aHkd Deputy High Sheriff Chll- llngworth. "Oh yes," replied the witness, "1 will have very bad luck." '.VIV V".r. . .,.' "v1 would be If the witness did not tell the "llp today granted a lecreo of dl truth. He would have to go to jail. This Xrco toM, U n,x 1 ul,m"n made quite an Impression on Ah Pong, ; VV, ' . ; 1 1111 mlK wha said that he would certainly tell Pi'IIman car magnate. Alimony was the truth. However nothing to Incrlmi- xed nt $1000 n year and the plaintiff nnte the other men was learned, so the Rented permission to apply for nn In wltnesH was excused . prenHe In the alimony and for attorney's Ah Foon was put on the stand next, fee" 1,"ter-, Mr; V1,llmi,n' w'ln ",w but as he knew or rather would testify, ln California, let the suit go by default. to nothing Incriminating, tne cases against the crowd were nolle prossed. R JUROR LARRY DEE DELAYS TUB COURT. JiKlKi- Gear Is Lenient However and Imposes no Fine Harrison-Magoon Trial on Again. Larry Dee was absent this morning, when the Hurrlson-Magoon case was called in Judge Gear's court. Dee Is one of the Jurors. The case had been set for nine o'clock. Instead of half past nine as usual and the judge, attorneys and eleven Jurors were on hand ready to proceed. After a wait of half nn hour Dee showed up, and took his seat, announc ing himself ready to bear the burden of whatever punishment the court saw fit to Impose by way of a lesson. But the court was in merciful mood, and no fine was imposed. "I acknowledge that It Is my fault," said the tardy Juror. "1 forgot the hour and remained at busi ness this morning as is my custom, fix ing up the financial accounts of yester. day. I am willing to pay whatover fine the court wunts to Impose on me as an example." Judge Gear remarked that all the at torneys and the other Jurors hnd been kept waiting for half an hour, but he tnougnt tne Jurors hnd done a great deal of hard work in tho case, nnd that the court ought to be lenient with them. Dee had b&en a good juror, very ntten. tlve to the case and asking many ques tions, and he had not been late on pur pose. In fact he had not done anything vvtfint; mini wit: tuui l iinuil, iui uuukci Gear admitted that he too had forgotten i the hour. Dee was excused without a fine but told to remember that the case was not a precedent. The calling of the Jury roll then proceeded, and 11. N. Almy, keeper of the Inn at Walklkl, failed to respond. He came In however, before the roll call was over, and escaped be ing called to account. The trial of the Harrlson-Magoon case was continued, the plaintiff tnklng the stand nnd continuing his testimony about the contracts by which he nart ed with good sheep In New Zealand and got In exchnnge a Jag-cure formula of wnich he did not approve. EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. Oreat Gathering Meets and Organizes in San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, October 3. With poromonks simple in form, but impres sive In dignity, the trlennlnl convention of the Prolestnnt EnNcopnl Church of America began its deliberations yester day afternoon. Trinity Church, at Bush and Cough streets, was the placo of assembly. The proceduro followed was strikingly Ilko that observed In the Congress of tho United States. Tho House of Bishops, grave nnd reverend men, corresponded to tho Senate; while the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, much more numerous and considerably morn Informal, was much like tho House of Renresontntlves, The method Of COmmillllpntlnn lintu'Aan houses Is exactly like that at Washing- urn. jimi-uu, ii ih cinimeu ny the learn ed mmbers of tho church that tho early legislators, being Episcopalians, took Ihe forms of procedure of tho two ... iitum ,,, 4M1IIUIIK tho custnmsof tho Senate nnd House of HonresentutlvRs, Til II nrilt litlulnnun t... either house was that of organization, Tho ITmiun nf THotinnn nlanH.t .. - .. .......... ... .,,t,,w,' un up chairman Bishop Dudley of Kentucky, viiii iit-iiiiit.-B in pince or i'resiuent Clark. Tllfilinn nf nhmi. T.inn ,t. i unable to be In attendance, The House 1 I I r of IfepMMM alartrt M III MMlOol Nev fir Jnttfl A. MMMV nf RnMnn, h .urir,.(U ihe venerable lr, Mi- r )lt f New Turk. Hv. ftnmin I lart nf I'unnpi tl ul waa el w led M'lafV nf the llnliae nf Mahritw. and Rev. Ir Hutrhlna ini lun secretary nf the Hnuae of Iteiititlra, waa re-ecteI to thai post. WAt roMH wwrr. WABlimOTON. Het'tember IT. 1hnu MmM ttaowvplt will probably mhe an MtteHilad vMl to thp Pai inc (VMt Mtl )r. Tit Prealdftit lim Brokpn of hit Intpntlnti lo ppvpml of Ilia imiMi amoiiR tlivm H. W. tVntt of th Iort land Omimilaii, and R. A. Perkins at th Tamma llnpr. who laft fnr tha Coaat today In the Itpllef that thin trip would Im undertaken. It Is romaed that the President Khali visit Waahlnvuin and Oregon Ural thence kiiIiik lo CallfornlH, and returning throuuh Ihe Central Western or Southern states. The Prea- Ident Iihb never visited tho Piielflc slope. SAN FRANCISCO NOMINICICS. SAN FRANCISCO, Ootolier 1. The Itepulillcan municipal nominating con vention hits mnde the following iiom- nBtnl,. For Muyor. Asn R. Wells, for Auditor () attorney. Arthur O. Flsk: for county clerk. Albert " Mnwiw: tor sheriff. John Iack. "'tv ndrcoour;:r;' & '&r nnrry. f()1. pub)c n(lmnstrntol.( john TtitnVinnt n v nnltanlni. W.1 .i.n .1 T - '' f'"- cH"ner Dr. C. A. Olover; for police judges, C. A. Low, Frank P. llnyne. The Chronicle says this morning: The delegates to the Republican Municipal Nominating Convention re assembled Inst evening In B'nnl B'rlth Hull to ratify a ticket that bore all tho signs of cnreful slntemaklng. The pro grnmme was carried through with but one trilling hitch, which will be reme died tonight. There was no opposition Only- one candidate was presented foi cnc "mcp- nn(t tlle "t for each one "'as cast by the secretary o fthe body. KVfPVf i np- wnn an nm nmiu v nnnnlm -..-... r "iimivuntj ll,"" o" that the delegates laughed and cdy, Instead of n convention." PAN-AMERICAN DELEGATES WASHINGTON. September 27. All tne l'nn-Amorlcan Congress, to be hold October 21st nt the City of Mexico. These two countries nru Honduras and tho Domlnlcnn Republic. Their ropro sontntlves will be appointed before tho congress meets. , j PULLMAN'S AVIFE GETS DIVORCE. CHICAGO. September 27.- Judge DEATH OF A METHODIST. CHICAGO, September 27. News wni received today from Phlladelnbln of tho sudden death there of Rev. William G. Spencer, chief secretary of tho Church Extension Foclety and one of the best known Methodist ministers In the TInltpil KtllfoR. Tin vn lnr,i In w n Civil War veteran nndJcnvoH a i "n"ner, who is now a missionary In I Jnpan. DOLE TO STUDENTS. BERKELEY. September 27. Attor-ney-Genornl E. P. Dole of the Hawaiian Islnndx addressed the students of the University of California at the fort- i nightly meeting In the gymnasium to day. He spoke briefly on tho objects of a university and dwelt particularly of the opportunity of California to fur nish enlightenment to the rulers of the Island possessions. He spoke of the necessity of choosing men of broad , character for the teachers the Univer sity Is sending out to represent It In the Philippines, and he expressed his satisfaction with the system, already begun, of sending Filipino youths to California to be educated. "The grav est thing ln connection with the govern ment of tho islands," he said, "will be putting the machinery Into the hands of the natives too soon. They must be trained up to the capacity for govern ing themselves, nnd this must be un dertaken by the United Stutes with strict honesty of purpose," EBMBII-ll CAPTAIN WALLACE WAITING FOR A JURY. The Federal Court Term Begins Next Week and He May Then Have u Hearing. Captain Wallace of tho bark Sea King who came back to Honolulu ln the hope of getting the charge against him ln the federal court heard, found that ho would have to wait some more, as the Grand Jury of Estee's court will not be in session until next week. Wnllace v ' nt to the coast under ball. United States District Attorney Dunne told him that nothing could be done to hasten tho disposition of the case, and Wallace is waiting, disgruntled at the delay. Dunne made one effort to get the cases through quickly, as an accom modation to the men nccused, by having them charged on Information, but tho proceeding did not go through and a Grand Jury Is being awaited. Wallace threatened yesterday to Jump his ball If he was not tried nt nnee. Hod Ibeen nble to have effected arrangements In time, I would certain ly have taken the Sonoma back to San ! rnnclsco yesterday," Bnld Captnln Wallace this morning. "Tills ense of mine has been hnrurlng nre three or four months now, and It would hnve ,benn cheaper, from a financial stand point, to have forfeited my ball of $500, "When I wont to San Francisco from here under bonds, I was placed in charge of tho bark Highland Light. We tried to ship a crew for her to Aus tralia but owing to tho strike, It was Impossible to get men so this plan had to bo abandoned. After I found that I could not go to Australia, I decided to como down hero and hoo my case through. It has annoyed me beyond rnensuro however that tho case has been allowed to lay so. I certainly meant what I said to Mr. Dunne yes terday nbout leaving if I could hnvo gotten through my business In time, I was unable to catch tho steamship so I have decided to remain here, I would hnvo sent tho money down to my bondsmen had I forfeited ball. They are not going to deliver me up to tho authorities. "Now that I arn here I will remain mm MoTiiiiird ciiui A brifhl, ImiKlintna girl Hie Imrdortiind Imiwrnn abUd hood nnd wotiiHiiliowl, ia Hi M( n foiirco (1 prlila ntnl tinxittj lo Iter tnollicr, Ileing htUltft gont ntnl dutiful alio id IiW iHotliar'i pride, ltul hIis Iw frown in$l nnd in nlill uriMrinr. 'atnra liiHknH atom IuniKiih upon lli Blender body. Tint skin Id dull, the oyod lnalrtlN th clieoka nnd nook nro mxnk on, iliu apiwtito in OHiiriciouii nnd tho inovuinonU languid.. Tho troubla ia Impurity mid filugKiahiiL'M of Iho blood. It nauds tho lift-giving oloiuwila from which ulono tho body da rivofl nil its vigor and houlth. WAAIOLE'S PREPARATION of tho nutritive nnd curative, properties ot Puro Cod Livor Oil, oxtructcd by ns front froali cod livors, combined with tho. Compound Syrup of Hypophos philos, Kxlruots of Unit uud Wild Chorry, hna saved nmny such girls. It contuiiiH nil tha flosh-forming and strengthening qunlitioa of tho oil without ita loatliosoino taste. Tho most Hen sitivo nnd feoblo can lako it aa they take syrup, and digest it perfectly. Taken before moula. it creates an nppotilo, slops tho emaciating process, puts flesh on tho thin and bony body, and ruddy .chcoks booh toll tha story of puro blood, good digos tion and recovored liealth. It is n scientific modern combina tion of iho best of curnlivoa miulo palatablo as honey. Takoii in timo it provoiita consumption ; taken in timo it cures. l)r. J L. Carrielc eays: "I havo had. rant'.rkablo bucccsb with it uk the treatmont of Consumption, Chronio Bronchitis, Catarrh and Scrofulous Ailcctions, and con sider it a niarvoloiiB success in medicine." To givo it a trial ia to believe in it always thereafter. EfTectivo from tho first (logo. "You cannot bo disappointed in it." Sold by chemists horn. and see the case finished. From what I can learn. It looks ns If It would bo several weeks before a Jury was secur ed and the case came to trial." STRIKE ON SONOMA. An attempt wns made to stnrt n strike among the coal passers on tho Sonoma yesterday. A man from shore told thorn that If they demanded their pay here, it would be forthcoming, so about a, dozen men tried to leave tho vesael. Turk and Lewis shipped more than enough coal passers to run tho ship, so the strike ended without much trouble to tho steamship people. TUG MAKES SPECIAL TRIP; The little tug Leslie Baldwin arrived here unexpectedly Inst night from Ka. hului ln quest of Dr. Baldwin whoso services were desired at Hamakuapoko. The Infant son of H. A. Baldwin had been taken suddenly ill and the nttend nnce of Dr. Baldwin wns demanded. Dr. Baldwin took passage on the tug imme diately, sailing shortly before midnight. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Honolulu Coiiunandory No. 1, Knights Templar. A regular conclave of the above con. mnndery will be held at their Asylui ln tho Masonic Temple THIS THURS. DAY EVENING, October 10, 1001, at 7:30 o'clock. All visiting Sir Knights courteously Invited to attend. J. D. TUCKER, Recorder. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The adjourned monthly meeting of the Honolulu fh.ninlmr nf nimtn,.mrt will be held at Its room (over the ofllce. ui iguana ac i;ookc, ljia.1, on FRIDAY. October 11th, at 10 a. m. JAMES GORDON SPENCER, Secretary, Honolulu, October 10, 1901. riOXEER MILL CO., LTD. The second , nsscssment of twenty five per cent. (25) on the new issue of stock of tho Pioneer Mill Company, Ltd., is due nnd poyable Novambir 13th. 1901. at thn nfll nr it .ii,V'T., Co., Ltd. Interest bearing after the first day of December, 1901. ' II. SCHULTZE, Treasurer!. CKKIHTOIt'M NOTICE. rno undersigned, Assignee of C. J. Falk under deed of September 7, 1901 hereby give notlco to all Creditors of C, J. Falk to fllo their claims, with proof of the same, at the olllco of iho Hawaiian Trust Co. Ltd., city of Ho, nolulu, within sixty days from the data hereof, or they will be debarred from participating n any division of tho assets. Secured creditors oro requested to state whether or not they intend tS ely upon the security, and if bo, to what extent. I90iatCd nt nn0,ulu' September 18j HAWAIIAN TRUST CO.. T.Tn. , GEO, n. CARTER. Treasurer,' T- - T"