Newspaper Page Text
r HHR Tjpaa 1HH HAWAIIAN PTAJu Mi9MHNL$ m a. wi. flno orfkccs to Lot U th Mmtld floor of tilt mw Co biit JtttK, Kuif Will Im rMir 1 Novein few 1 lfecMwiit IooaUoii, mvwou wbW tvnt. jMm a number of desiinble ftinttahtxl huiiBUrt. (. O. ABL1SS, Rani Estate Agent TELEPHONE MAIN :i dw Pacific Transfer Co. Jab. II. Love IjpK. main '. . 147 King Street UTelopt onogMain, 101 P. O. Box";83 Stock and Hon:l Broker emtic? Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange "Office, Campbell Block, Merchant Street. Jjionolulu, I". Li. a by Swings S1.50 1 INFANTS AND '.ADULT SIZES I&WNIHGSJEHTS.C&HOPIES Spike, Seat Covers, t$C3 Cents rani! fount o cii uri U &IIHUUII U I Ul ILII UU.i LIU 03CZFORTH8TREET TELEPHONE 317 Hij Ante j ,Mi AIM I 11. m V 1 Mtrrlff Hair .... Or. t'cliMa Wall Hli holi ro Hon CrvMMry lMtuilii ordrm .i ... Ncrtk t'nhw Frd ro. MJWS I.N A MTS II 151,1,. j rm'apnipln 'llml (Situ ('oiiumimmI Xiwk r iIih On). A heriff'ii Mli' notice appear in tMa laaui. Prlel la no longer In the emptor of tk Union I"ed Co. Or. Uchlda'a olttce hour an from i to it a. m., and from T to I )i. m. The bark Santiago, twenty-one day from II Ho, arrived with M.UT baa t iMr. Tom can play an auto-harp aftr a ftrw hours work. Secure a telf Inetruetor from Wall NleholB Co. The cream furnlehed by the Honolulu Creamery Is absolutely pure and freeli, ami contains no preeervatlvee. One of the l'orto Mean men on the City of Para died this morning of fever. 111k body wag vent ashore for burial. The minimi meeting of the Kllolmna Art League will be held on Friday, Oc tober 26, at 4 p. in. In the Art League room. Sarah IS. Cushingham, formerly of Honolulu wan married to lien Nelson In San Francisco, October I, by new P. A. Dnane. A big carload of silver was placed In the treasury vault this morning. It was deposited for Bishop and Company. There were $SO,O0O In the wagon, In dol lars. Orders have been issued for the sec. ond battalion to assemble under arms at the Drill Shed tomorrow (Sunday) morning ati8 a. m. for practice march and shoot. News by the Alameda Is to the effect that Col. Ilalrd. United States District Attorney, is much Improved In health. His son, Byron K. Balrd. wrote that after a brief stay in San Francisco Col. Balrd was much better. Word was received from Judge Hum phreys by the Alameda, to the effect Dint he would return to Honolulu on the Sonoma, due here October 30. Ho is In Sun Pranclsco at the I'alace Ho tel. Keports i,y the Klnau today are that , there wns a hard downpour of rnln alone the Hainaku.a coast for a few minutes last Thursday evening. There was not enough rainfall however to be of much benefit. An Impoitant feature of the "Schmidt Central Hlock" leases is that the lessee has the option of purchasing his lot In fee simple during the term of his lease at a figure based on the rental he Is paying.. Address application to James P. Morgan. Grand preparations are being made in the circus tent for the children's ma tinee for this afternoon. Children will be admitted for 10 cents. Keserved seats will be extra. The clowns will give Jokes for the little ones. At 11 o'clock this morning every seat was gone. ALAMEDA HAD PILIKIA. After an absence of months the steamship Alameda arrived from San Pranclsco this morning with a fair sized passenger list and a very big list to starboard. The present trip of the vessel was far from being enjoyable and, as a matter of fact, if the state, mont of some passengers are correct, the vessel might have been in consider nble danger, had rough weather sprung up. The boat had a crew of Japanese In ihe fire room. The men proved far from satisfactory and the vessel was unable to make the time that she will do with a better crew. The boat left San Pran clsco Saturday. October 12 In the after noon and a few hours after being out of port, the refrigerating apparatus broke down. There was a slight danger for a few minutes of the flame spreading. DEPARTING. Saturday, October 19. Am. bgnt. Geneva, Aas, for the Sound to snil in afternoon. Lady, Nelson, for Koolau norts jt 5 p. m. Monday, October 21. Srhr. Blanche and Ella, for Walalua, K.mai at 5 p. m. S lir. Malolo, for Hanalel, at 5 p. m. Sunday, October 20. S. S. City of Para, Porter, for San Pranclsco. TUOPBLE WITH TWO CREWS. The aptains of the barkentlnes Hob rt Sudden nnd Jane L. Stanford are avlng trouble with some of the mem iers of their crews. The men pn both essuls. which came from Newcastle In tsted upon being paid off here, as it Aas the first American port, where they 'ouched. As the result of this trouble, (ho Stanford could not get away yes terday for Kaanapall. Five of the men were brought nshore today and paid off. Lewis and Turk are shipping a new crew for the vessel. On the Itobert Sudden, four of the men insisted upon getting paid oft to day. The captain will settle with them and get live new men. The Sudden was to have sailed for the Sound ow ing to this demnnd of the sailors she will have to wait until next week. SUGAR. NEW YORK, October 12. Raw, steady; fair refining, 3 5-lfie; centrifugal SC test, 3-ic; molasses sugar, 3c. Re fined steady. Crushed, 5.00c; powdered 5.20c; granulated 5.10c. Fine Book and Commercial Printing, Star Ofllce. hem mm i co CORNER MERCHANT AND FORT STREETS Stock nnd Bond Brokers, Fire Insurance Agents, Com mission Merchants Careful Attention Given to Business Trusts GLOBE-YIERNICKE BOOK-CASES AND OFFICE FURNITURE In Stock or Ordered from Manufacturers, J AS, .K MORGAN, Aug lonem iod Broker 65 U ute i P. (I. lux AIM ttdot - ".Necessary For iRent. Residence on Prespoet street, Lot contains over 1 a are. Dwelling eontalns, parlor, dining room kitchen, t bedrooms with slothes alesets, bath, etc. Grounds planted with valuable tropi cal fruits. Situation commands the finest view of city and sea, of any residence In Hono lulu. Kent 60 per month to a good tenant. Apply to JAS. F. MOIIGAN. 65 QUHKN STREET. -OP Business Property The undersigned will receive appli cations to lease lots In the "SCHMIDT CENTItAL BLOCK" on Berctunla. street, No. C88, adjoining the promises of tlie Queen's Hospital. , Tills valuable property will be divid ed Into several business sites and offers a fine chance to Investors In Ileal Es- i tate. Suitable for Stores, Lodging Houses or Dwellings. Applications for lots will be treated In priority and It will pay to make early applications. An Important feature of these leases Is that the lessee has the option ot purchasing his lot In fee simple during the term of his lease at a figure based on the rental he is paying. Terms and conditions of lease with amount of rents asked can be had on application to JAS, F. MOHGAN, C5 Queen street. BARGAINS Horses, Mules and Carriage?. ( The business of the HONOLULU STOCK YAUDS CO. is now being clos ed out and all stock Is offered at private sale. The list comprises: Carriage and Buggy Horses. Hack and Express Horses. California and Hawaiian Mules. Buggies, Hacks, Surries, Phaetons, Etc. Sets of, Single and Double Harness. These are for sale at low rates. Call early at the stables and take your pick. r JAS. F. MORGAN, C. A. RICE. IE HI FOR IE! Under Instructions from the owner 1 offer for sale that fine residence and property situated on Kinau street be tween Pllkol and Keeauinoku streets, Grounds are 60 by 90 f et with ce ment sidewalks and curbing. Servants' quarters with patent closet and wood house Jn the rear. Main dwelling house has sitting room, dinning room, kitchen, large pantry, mosquito proof lanal down stairs. Three bedrooms, five clothes closets, large hall way, bathroom with hot and cold water, mosquito proof lanal upstairs. House has electric wiring and fixtures, cozy corners, window seats, large front lanal 10 by 24 feet. Further particulars and plans of the house of JAS. P. MORGAN, Auctioneer and Broker 65 Queon Street, P. 0. Box 59A Tolonhoho 72 It's Not TO IJIK1 TIIRlCK nit 19 17 It YllAHl IN Till: TOBY OP MUBK' WllKN OJfJI OAJJ IMtODUVK Hl'i-H UlfUIOllTPUL MICLuDY IdltDM THK AUTO-HARP AMtflllt a PHW IIOUKR WQltlt. WIS HAV1C THHM aOMPLITH WITH SELF- INSTRUCTOR. BKIC OUIt WINDOW. IS CO,, LTD, Food alone will not always make one strong. In this climate the system needs a tonic, some thing to give vim, vigor nnd life. There's more truth than poetry about "that tired feeling." About ten out of every ten have It. It's simply nature craving for something It doesn't get from ordinary food. Good malt oxtraots are highly recommended by physicians for a run-down condition. Much de ponds, however, whetht, you get the real grain extract. Why then take chances when you can get the best? That's Royal Malt Extract Brewed from selected barley. Every bottle full of strength giving nutriment. It's beneficial effects will be felt at once, it will give you vim, energy nnd restor ed strength. Insist on getting R-O-Y-A-L nnd accept none "Just as good." PRICE 25c. BOTTLE. & CNG. SOLE AQENTS Hi I Bin, Era. OFFICERS. H. P. BALDWIN President J. B. CASTLE.... First Vice-President W. M. ALEXANDER. ...2d Vice-Pres't J. P. COOKE Treasurer W. O. SMITH Secretary GEORGE R. CARTER Auditor Sugar Factors and Commission flerchants AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Com pany, Haiku Sugar Company, Pala Plantation Company, Nahlku Sugar Company, Klhel Plan ta -ion Company, Hawaiian Suirar Company, Kahulul Rall.oad Company, AND Tho California and Oriental Steamship Company NAKANISIII CO., Contractors and Guilders Palatini? and I'uper Uunglug Opp. Oahu Lumber and Building Co. King street, No. 450 Telephone, Blue J531. yubiv CONTRACTOR, BUILDER, PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Kukul near Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, AHI Nuuanu Street, - - - Near PauahL Chairs from,,., ,75 up Tables from.. 1,25 up Bed Room Sets from,,, 3li,00 up Meat Safes from,,,,,,,. '1,50 up Mattresses and pillows at very rea- lonamo prices. P. O. BOX 912. ' Get Strong J&bmnJJntgCo) s m mi ".: Rcatly-Matle Skirts . - At Less Cost of t .When we first made our bow to tho Honolulu public Just two years ago this month, Bonreely a ready make skirt was worn here. Yet we do not exaggerate whan w say that In these two years we have sold THOUSANDS of skirts. Why? Because economical women 1hiv found out that to have their sim ple, ovarydny wash skirts made by high prlad dresflmaltors Is rank extrava gance. Factories nan buy materials away un der WHAT YOU would pay. and cutting and sowing by machinery reduces cost to a minimum. But don't mnkp the mis take of thinking that these machine made garments are wnntlng In style nnd fit. The orlglnnls from which thoy are copied nre made bv hlcrb-snlnrlod inen-tnllors nnd nre always In the latest fashion. Think of a well-made perfectly-fitting washable skirt for 35 cent. Tt Is scnrcelv more tbnn what the thread nnd trlmmlnirs would cost ynti. Yet that among other bargains Is what you will find in our skirt offering on the centre table this week. Tf you arp one of those women who nre skeptical nhnnt the possibility of getting a ready-made skirt that will look well on you, come In and be converted. v..;. v.. Whitney & Antiseptic Solution A Law Is In vogue In Paris that this Shall be used In all Barber Shops. IN USE AT THE Silent Barber Shop JOSEPH FERNANDEZ, PROPRIETOR. Arlington Block, Hotel Street. New . . Restaurant The Harbor Restaurant, Fort Street opposite Allen & Robinson's Lumber yard is now open for business. Established In X872 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER AND C0A1 Building Materials SUCH AS BOOKS, SABU, BLINDS, Builders' Hardware Faints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc, Cor. Fort and Queen Stroeb HONOLULO. B, I P. O, Box 003. Tel. Main iliu ML. ODO, 35 Hotel Street. IMPORTER OF Japanese Provisions AND General Merchandise PLANTATIO SUPPLIES, .. mi m.V' ... .o., .a.. .. tl ' ! !. aMM!9 CM 5i .. ., than the Materials MM ?1 VIZ Marsh, Ltd We Received a Larjre Stock of Japanese Goods COMPRISING Fine Kimonos, Embroidered Jackets, White Silk Handkerchiefs, Etc., Etc. SAYEGUSAr 1120 NUUANU STREET. TELEPHONE WHITE 3271. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN General Merchandise, Tinware, Paints and Oils, Crockery and Glassware p. o. BOX C09. 33 N, King Street, Tel. Main 393. YEE WO. King Street, opposite Railway Depot Has Opened a RESTAURANT AND QRQCL'RY STORE. Island and California Fruits, Clgara nd I'nhapco and California Potatoes. Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements and Fine Commercial Printing at thi Star Office. . i i rvn n mirmnn nrnn r A A A HfflrK I MHhW Lll U. U UIIlLlllUf 1 IIIIH1U t f