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IF 1HW HAWAIIAN UTAH Tttt'MAV. f, MM. s Summtr Proposition. Wall, now Uir'a th ICJ5 QUKSTION I 1-. knoir you'll rn-ed iw; yoa know k k nrreNKll)' In hot Weathtr. W ynu me antlmi to t that lea Mh will irlvr ynu satisfaction an ilk t ppir you. Ordar fraw llOfil ICE 8 EES CO., ! HOPTM." TK AND MAHKHAM. Weak Children A ttekly Child Mack ttrenf . W Virnw jr.ii MI I great l Intrr aW In thl letlm..iill. It trite ton how iiii (a timki- mr lfch eMM rfcmt m4 heart. Mr. A. lAWI-rtli-r. of llowdaft, Hart Aaattatla. aoari n tli i kit of W fetid, with the foiii.witiff li-ttaCt f 18 PI i Nlcphoti 1161 Blue. 1'oMofnce Box 00 I OF Silk Ohifl'ons, Grenadines and Applique Commencing Monday, October 21 .HM8ROIDBRKD SILK CHIFFON, RilDucED from to m.m a TaJID. T&MBROIDKRKD BILK CHIFFON. MHMJCED FROM .00 TO M.M A YAttD. Satin btriped bilk gauze, vny widic, 1u0ducjcd from 11.60 TO $1.00 A YARD. CniCNILLIC SPOT SILIC GAUZE, RWDUCBD FROM 1.K TO $1.00 A YARD. BILK CRICPK. RBDUCED FROM IL09 TO J0.76 A YARD. SATIN APPLIQUE REDUCED FROM $6.50 TO $5.00 A YARD. PUFFED SILK MULL REDUCED FROM $3.50 TO K.60 A YARD. ItlimoN CHIFFON REDUCED FROM J2.50 TO $2.00 A YARD. COLORKD SILK GRENADINE, RE DUCED FROM $1.00 TO $0.76 A YARD. Awt i:i.k ti'i i ri;i M'TOMRR I KAItIA N t M Ml UR mar OraVe. At'BURN (. T.. Ortafcar . At :.U o'ctaok thl wwft Loom OM- oMt, aiardarw of Pi1 Mwl Mottlnler, paid thl Mtraiw enacted by the law for HI crime. It wm shocked to death kr 171 votta of electricity. He went to thr chair la exactly the ume maanar aa have tti maJorltr of murderer la thl ttata, howltm o particular slajtt of fear, WmI, in nnil nil imi-wrrfrt la the flttdlna "f ili. i tiimtiM m JiIN ill'.KIN M I' Allium V M l A MtMTKKA A knath lei'htilf-al ataifit" "i aim, Imhi-1 The riw vimk m i fallow Ho a noma He found Th. htala la retieral l welt A u I Mtfflr-trnt nmrwad with nwui-ei. mid tlir ai are of normal protmriion file aloay dawiattatrateil t th mi hami-tlon of the phrakKani. tlmi in t amy waa 'alawaa' aaetitai c-ondtiion aawwnt n II mtatit have been n 4a4. twaiHUwIble for the rlm.' CAhtPBBLLB OTATBHKNT Contractor rialma That ohrn-K A"' Hoault of CoajatMracy. W. M. Caaapbell. contract. ir f-.r the Improvement oa the naval rt-.M - tlon. aawlnat whom charaje hv. t n broualit for violation of the elsht Ivmr law. bellevaa that the ebarae ha ! n imxIo from oow piracy and inak. i. Dip fl dolus it hat few of them hwva fnlLiwlM atataaaeBt In hi own bchnlf "My rhil.l, imw l"ur m dellian . iiml m iln m. . frknd Did i,, i,v r old, wan alHuyn I 111 in ti (food. A i AVER'S ISarsaparilla done-talking to the witneaae while he waa belna; strapped la the chair. Caolffoa retired last ularht at 10 o'clock and alept o aouudly that whan Wardm Mead went to the cell shortly before Ij o'clock thl ruornloa the cuard Inside had to ahake Csolgoac to awaken him. lie sat up on the edse of his cot and made no reply to the warden's greeting of "Oood mortilna;." i that n ' L- . , 1 I . i. r i.i. i me fii won umvim wvm. iiom tiockct the death warrant and read It Mr. Campbell la well known in Hono lulu a an enterpHlue; builder having contributed Keventr-Ave of the new rcHldence I" town since hi arrlxal here Mr. Campbell aay J ' The proceedings are simply ji-re u tlon ln tiara ted na they are by i.iitia- tor who have been underbid by mo. anil who oddobp Wie owlnit to the fH t I employ Oriental labor, win n i rmm- to Honolulu I found mui ii wuik sjolnc on and moat of the best available After the splendid weeks sale of silk I still have over 200 different styles, patterns, anil colors that I offer this weok at the reduced prices. (0 FORT STREET A8 SOP, tog Street, Territorial Stables Block. Dealer In inlly Orocerles, Tobacco, Clears. lia d Butter, California and Island Fruits, -sere delivered to any part of the City f . 6. IRWIN & Cn , LTD. 7nr G. Irwin.. President and Manager Spreckels... First Vlce-Preaidei t W M. Glftard.... Second Vice-President 8 M. Whitney. Jr.See'y ana Treasurer o. J. Itoss Auditor Sugar Factors, Commission Agents AOENTS OF THE OCEANIC SfMSHlP COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. "elephone Main 82. P. O. Box SCO. . SUG A SHOTEN, IMPORTER OF AND KING STREET NEAR BRIDGE. KART & CO., LTD THE ELITE ICE CREAM PARLORS I did mi, and jouwuii.'l line been aotuiilalind to iiotieo tlie .rniit i li.ipie. All my friends Kay ll v.m(.iiily..,iicl rlul. Only four Ixmlen nude my vmk uml i My child Uriiiifr and iHiallUy. I ant to urge all mottir mIhi lute Uellcuie clilldren to try tlii tonic." Ayer'a l'ill are tlie ln-at llvor JilUii jou can buy. They cure umntjuUoii, Ijilluusuww. Prcptrcd by Dr. J. C. A.r Co., Lowell, Mm., V. S. A. 1 in, flow ly and distinctly to the aaaaaaln. , white men employed. ,i luto i "f " who hardly raiaed hi eyes durlns the who perhaps could not tet anything to pei functory ceremon)'. lo where they catne from, and on Mon- Just as the warden steptied away days they would not be present on the fiom the cell door Coic called to Job a they were iierhaps drunk from him a.nd said: "I would like to talk the money they had received Saturday, with the superintendent." , I began to employ Japanese and found The warden responded: "lie will lie them reliable laborer. The coct waa down presently." not las than the same work should Then the condemned man rolled over come to done by others, but the men on his cot apparently anxious to sleep never were absent from their jmsts of HKaln. ' duty and always could be relied upon At 6.16. however, the (tuard brought for service. The work upon which they to him u pair of dark trousers, with the were employed went on lecaue of their left k'K silt so as to allow the free ap- steadiness and sobriety, plication of the electrode, and a light "The navy people came to me to uray outline shirt. He was told to get build a watchman's cottage on the gov up and put these on, which he did. eminent reservation, and my llRures, Contraiy to the usual custom he was plans and specifications were approved given a new pulr of shoe. When at Washington. The contractors, whose ! dressed he lay down on the cot again, bids In some case were more than dou nnd In this attitude Superintendent hie tny bids, sent walking delegates to Collins found lilin at 6:30. when he went investigate the conditions of the bids ' down to visit him. The suirlntend- through an attorney, but were ordered Miit stood In front of the steel bars and off the naval premises. whin the guard had called Czolgosz' I "The contractors found that the men ( attention, he said: "I want to make a were working nine hours. They at once statement before you kill me." put on several so-called caritenters to "What do you wish to say, Czolgosz?", act as spies on the workmen, peeping asked the superintendent. j around the corners of buildings and "I want to make It when there are a lumber piles. This was the ground up lot of people present. I want them to on which they secured the indictment of hear me," said the prisoner. i myself with the sub-contractor. I was "Well, you cannot." said the superin-' entirely Ignorant that the men were tendent. 1 breaking any law. I had no personal "Tin n I won't talk at all," said the knowledge of the time they worked at prisoner, sullenly. , all, and I was only anxious to carry out a a MI . , ''. . .. e ; .. e e a e e Jk.ll Doors .... Is Yours Th possaisimi o( a Uicydt will Mug any plfiQti on Urn who! ifilmid within onsy raaoli. rill tloubli your enjoyiniit of llfo HIGH 1DST plwi3ura oo.nes only with Uio bast of bioyal3. The you will find in Ui Columbia, Cleveland and Humbler Of which wo have just rocoivod an ontiro now stock. Know all ovar the world to bo tho boat. .. . , E. 0. HALL & S SOLE AGENTS LTD '.a. ee Va,.a.e.a. ..a .... .j,,."r"aev.,"V hen you dream of NO I Aftu' the superintendent had left the the work In accordance with the on- I guards brought Czolgos.' breakfast, tract. I believe that the action against I consisting of coffee, toast, eggs and ha-' me Is only Instigated by labor unions, i ...... n,i i,u o,u oil i, unite, ,, triuwi dent au u in ,i wot! known fact that I am of relish. While he was partaking of opposed to such organizations as I ne thls the witnesses were gathering in the lleve they help to develop anarchistic You wake up hungry S I yV.uni mblishu! Cuast aid Surv v anil llydrograpliic Wushinton, D. f"r Churts lie U. S. ij!u"dotic U S. OHico, 0 Ideas, and whore I employ a, man to work for me, I do so on his own merits." Iin olllces of Warden Mend, and at 7:08 the procession passed to the death chamber, going through the long south corridor. In the chamber. Electrician Davis nnd former Warden Thayer of Danne more hail arranged the chair test, plac- ing a bank of twonty-two Incandescent (M1Bl) i,mm boon discovered, llhiits across the arms and connecting Journal of the Chemical the electrode wires at lucii ami. -int. Fine Jc'i Printing, Star Office. sea1 In Less Than P VY, hllVU tll'f.VO un ele gant ii-ortiiient. o' &aC 5 IVV Ok e-fc Tk Chocolates and Confections Ice Cream and Water Ices IJakery Lunch. 1 H81 m IH THE CITY Oriental Goods IMPORTATION OP Silk MWlo, In the piece; Silk Handkerchiefs, mr Bhawls: Decorated Tlower Pots, an,v Porcelain Cuds and Saucerfli Tea itA Dinner Sets; Carved Ivory; Rattan tiAlrs; Carved Sandaiwooa uoxeB Haao Goods aro tho Handsomost -In all Honolulu VINC WO CHAN & CO. 210-212 Nuuanu Street fbolesale Grocers and Dealer i Leather aud Sine Finding. tEuU Honolulu Boap Works Companj and Honolulu xannery. Also, stylish a largo variety of Shirts Moderate Prices Wavorloy Block, Hotel Stroot A NEW METHOD. A new method of preparing p-alky-loxybenzylanlllnos and their hornolo- says wie Society. wimn nnhvilroformaldehydeanlllne Is witnesses were ordered seated ami men added slowly to n mixture or n pnenoi Warden Mead .briefly addressed them, ether and sulphuric acid, the corres- saylng: "You are here to witness the ponding p-alkyloxybon-zylnnlllne Is legal denth of Leon I''. Czolgosz. I da- produced. By this method the author sire that you keep your seats nnd pre- mH prepared p-methoxy-benzylanlllne, serve absolute silence In the death p-ethoxybenzylanlllne, p-melhoxyben- chnmber no matter what may trans- syi-o-toluldlno and p-ethoxybenzyl-o- pire." toluldlnc." Czolgosz emorcu ine ueuvo ciihuiol-i HlliTottnded by four gunrds. He was intensely pale, nnd as he tried to throw Ills bond hack and carry himself erect Ills chin quivered perceptibly. As he was being seated he looked about at the assembled witnesses with quite a stondy stnro, and said: "I killed the President becnuse he was an enemy of the irood noonlc of the working people." I His voice trembled slightly at llrst, but gained strength with each word. And ho spoke In perfect English. "I am not sorry for my crime." he said loudly. Just as the guard pushed Ills bend back on the lubber head rest nnd drew the strap across his forehead and chin. As tlie pressure on the straps tightened and bound the . Jaws tightly he mumbled, "i am aw fully sorry I could not see my father." When the strapping was completed and the guards stepped back, Warden Mend raised his hand and nt 7:12. SO Electrician Davis turned the switch that threw 17000 volts of electricity Into the living body. The rush of the cur rent throw the body so hard against the straps that they creaked perceptibly The hands clinched suddenly ami mo whole attitude was one of extreme ten sion. For several seconds the fun cur rent was kept on and then slowly ine electrician threw the switch back, re ducing the current volt by volt until It was cut off entirely. Then Just ns It had reached that point ho threw the lever back again for two or three seconds. The body, which hnd collapsed as the current wns reduced, stiffened up ngaln against the strnps. When It was turned oft again Dr. McDonald stepped to the chair and put his hand over the heart. Ho said he felt no pulsation, but sug gested that the current be turned on for a few seconds agnin. unco more ine body became rigid. At 7:15 the current was turned off for good. The physicians present used tho stethoscope and other From San Francisco 3. Daws at 10 a. m. CHICuuO, UNION PACIFIC & NORTHWESTERN LINE Double Drawlng-Room Sleeping Cars, Buffet, Smoking and Library Cars, with barber. Dining Cars meals a la carte. Dally Tourist Car Service and Personally Con ducted Excursions every week from San Francisco at 6 p. m. Tho best of everything. R. R. Rltchlo, Gen. Agent Pacific Coast San Francisco. 617 'Market Street. Palace Hotel. Telephone 22, 2-t- or 92 about it Writo P. 0. Box 380 about it Kimonos! Kimonos!! Silk and Cotton Crepe Kimonos for Ladies and Gentlemen . . . Japanese Silk and Cotton by the yard in the very latest patterns also a nice line of travelling caps. a. SHIMAMOTO, -reuam Street Honolulu, T. H. General Herchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries, Japanese Provisions, Etc., etc., etc. TRESPASS NOTICE. All rtorttntiH found trespassing on the tes s to determine ir any tiro neo.i "j- f -Vaipl0 abovo the fence of tho nnd nt 7:17 the warden .raising his hand A...:..'1,' ,i i, in,i nf announced: Oentlemen, itho prisoner I 'aiaiia and any person found lH .'li .... Jshootlng game on above lands without After tho autopsy tup tiouy was - . .,.,,, from tno under : ." v" placed In a blnck-stalned pine comn.P' every portion of the anatomy being re- ""Si".-"" " placed under the supervision of Dr. atcoruinB 10 mw' , i Box 81. Telephone til )0 HZojxgpgl lapa IMPORTER AND DEALER IN LIQUORS, nese rro visions. General Merchandise, , JlND PLANTATION SUPPLIES. V. HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU. Telephone White UlU P, O. Box SOU. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENTS AGENTS FOR THE Scottish Union National Insurance Company of Edinburgh, Wllhelma of Magdeburg General Insur ance Company, Associated Assuinnce Co., Ltd., of Mu nich and Berlin. Alliance Marine and General Assuran; fin.. T,td.. nf London. Itoyal Insurance Company of Liverpool, AlllnnnA Ananrnncn finmnanv of Lon- Bob, .'.VZlfl Gerln and Warden Mead. Shortly afterward It was removed to the pris on cemetery and extraordinary pre cautions taken to completely destroy It. A carboy of acid was obtained and poured 11 1 rf j 1 1 the body In the coffin after it hud been lowered into tho grave. Straw was used In the four corners of the grave as tho earth was put In to give vent to such gases as might form. It Is the belief of the physicians that tho body will bo entirely disintegrated within twelve hours, During the time nnd as long as doomed necessary a guard will ho kopl over tho unlimit ed grave. AITJII'HN (N. V.), October 29. Tho autopsy on the remains of t'zolgosz was completed shortly boforo noon, when the surgeons Issued the follow ing brief statemout: "The autopsy was made by Edward A. SplUka of New York, under tho immediate supervision and direction of Ur. Carlos F. MaoDonald of Now Yorli ami Dr. John fleiin, prison, phy sli inn. The autopsy occupied over throe hours and embraced a ruroful examination revealed n perfectly healthy state nf all the organs, Includ ing the brain. "All of tho physicians who attended thu oxecmtlon were present, at fttttopsy CIIAS. A. BROWN, Manager John II Estute, Ltd. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons found trespassing on the lands of Hoaeao, Walawa, Walmano and Mnnaila, In the dlstrlot of Ewa, Oahu. fonced off from and mauka of tho lands of the Onhu Sugar Company nnd tho Honolulu Plantation Company, are hereby strictly forbidden, nnd any poison found shooting game .... lfiruiH iifllrmi'lnir to the under signed, will bo arrested and prosecuted according to law, M. P. ROBINSON, A.'JC XT AGAfN I Will be pleased to have my cuatomei tall. , TIM KBB, MERCHANT TAILOR. .81 Klmr Street with Y. A. Boon Next to W W. Dlmond On Fine Job Printing, Star Office. 0. SEK0M0T0, 14 Hotel Street near Nuuanu New Store . New Goods M. PHILLIPS & CO., Wholesale Importers And Jobbers of AMER1CAK 'AMD; EUROPEAN DRY GOODS Corner of F( rt and Qucei' Sts L. KONQ FEE, Merliant Tailo, 1262 Nuuanu Street. Fashionable Suits at Reasonable Rates a Specialty. A full line of Cosal meres and Tailoring Goods always In Stock. Dyeing, Cleaning; and Repair ing at Short Notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. VWWVVsVV.VsV.WWW The Globe 61 HOTEL STREET. ,Just received large linc of MEN'S and BOYS' PER FECT F -'TINQ CLOTH ING at price that will as tonish you. Give us a call and convince yourself of a fact and we will have your trade. The Globe . 64 HOTEL STREET. Japanese Goods Cotton Crepe Silk Kimonos r American Goods AND Curios Telephone 3311 White. Corner of Nuuanu and Hotel Street. NEW aOODS RECEIVED BY EVERY STEAMER. WON & LOUI CO. Corner Maunakea and Pauahl Strt Sanitary Plumbers, Tinsmiths, oncei iron vvorKers. AVater Pipe and Gutter Work la aU Its branches. Orders filled with dispatch. Fine Job Printing Star Office