Newspaper Page Text
. t TIIK HAWAIIAN rWAn, fcATllHttAT, NtVHMHMH U. JM. J o Tho King of Tnl.lo Waters, A Natural Sparkling Wafer llottled at tlio .Tolinnnis. Springs, Zollhnus, (Jcriuany N. Y.',llcrnid, says: W. C. Peacock & Co., Limited Bolo AmontM Home-Made Manila Gigars Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in Cigars and Tobacco, also China Teas JUee Toma 33 King Street near Nuuanu, P. 0.' Box 1034, Honolulu, .Territory of Hawaii w no will doit? You are going to have your bouse Papered, Painted 'or Decorated. Who's going to do It? No one does or can do better work than we. Investigation proves that few do as good. All we ask for it Is a fair price not high, not low. Either extreme Is dangerous. Any one who gives us work gets the besi going at the fairest and squarest price. W raw. f.aiotjsi .Ofllte: Union Street, opp. Bell Tower. ... F. Morgan President Cecil Brown Vice-President r Hustace Secretary :naa. H. Atherton Auditor v H Hooks. ...Treas. and V r. TELEPHONE MAIN 295. Hu$fac&Go.,lfd QUEEN STREET Firewood, Stove, team and Blacksmith Coal WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Special attention given to DRAYING ALSO. WHITE AND BLACK SAND C. Q. Yee Hop & Co. Kalukinui-Meat Market And Grocery Fruits and Vegetables BERETANIA ST., COR. ALAKEA, Also at the Fish Market, Stalls 1 9 snd 20 Phone Blue 2511. The Yon Hamm-Young Co., Ltd., Importers and Commission Merchants Queen Street, Ilouolulu I AGENTS FOR The Lancashire Insurance Co. The Balolse Insurance Co. Union Gas Engine Co, Domestic Sewing Machine, Etc. WING LUNG CO. NOW ON HOTEL AND MAUNAKEA STREETS, And as soon as their store Is repaired will return to their old stand. GROCERIES, FRUITS AND PRO VISIONS, Orders promptly filled. WING LUNG & FAT, CORNER VINETARD AND FOl T STREETS. Received per Sierra Frozen Oysters, Prunes, Oranges, Pears and Peaches. Fresh Island Butter and Kona Coffee ' always on Hand, Qoods delivered to all parts of the City. A most delicious tabic water $& Co., XvtcX TIM CHAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. Removed from Nuuanu Street to C14 Queen Street, Magoon Building, Kaka ako. Clothes, cleaned, dyed and repaired. Suits made to order. SUN HOP LEE, C08 Queen Street, Magoon Building, Kakaako. BUTCHER. Groceries, cigars, tobacco, and soda water. EAGLE SALOON, Bob Ross, Manager. Geo. J. Cavanaugh, Proprietor. REFRESHMENTS OP ALL KINDS The Delicious Prlmo Beers at 10 cents a Schooner. Tobacco and Cigars. Cor. of Punchbowl and Halekaulla St a. S. HIRQKAWA, Bamboo Furniture No. EC Beretanla Street Near Punchbowl. J. H. CO. J. H. & CO. here's an advantage In buying furniture from us. We keep the very best grade of goods and here, as nowhere else, can you get a selection to suit you suit you in quality; suit you in price. This week we mention from our immense stock: White Enameled and Solid Brass Bedsteads, from $5 up to 12. Beautiful Oak Chiffoniers, from $8.75 Upwards. Mahogany and Oak Library Tables. Secretary Oak Book Cases, and an elgant new stock of Hart shorn Window Shades made to order. J. HOPP & CO. KING A BETHEL STREETS 'Phone 111 Main. H. & CO.- -J. H. & CO.- fl. 6. IRWIN Sl CO. (Limited.) AGENTS FOR Western Susar Refining Company of, ( uan i'ranciaco, uai. Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia, Penn. Newell Universal Mill Company (National Cane Shredder) New York, U. 8. A. N. Ohlandt & Co.'s Chemical Fertilizers High Grade Fertilizers for Cane and coffee. Alex. Cross & Son's High Grade Fer tilizers for Cane and Coffee. Reed's Steam Pipe Cars. Also Offer for Sale raraflne Paint Co.'s P, & B. Paints and Papers, Lucol and Llnso.d Oils, raw and boiled. Indurtne (a cold water paint) In white and colors. Filter Press Cloths, Cemo.. Lime and Brick, Fine Job Printing, Star Office. 'in hf mi pjiin in mil viii u uiiuiiuiilu TWKNll I'iM'liTll Kl NPAY UTKIt THINI1 V Collect for the Day f iMmh Ihrr, alMmlv thy IM-oph fiom thali iiftpnin, that tlrUKh Ui bountiful Honduras we may nil m" li iiwiwi rtom the nenda of thoa- .in, which by ui fralltr we haxe commit ted, (leant ihla, havenl- rather, far Jmua 'hi tft a aake. or ttieaaed Iord and Havlour. Amen. Central Union Church: Rev. William M. Kincald, iMalor. Sunday sehool ami Bible clasv, :M, public worship ami Bermon, 11; V. 1. 8. C. 1C prayer (nett ing, C 30, public worship and sermon, 7.10; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:39; children's meeting, Friday, 2:16 1'ivhi hlnr morning and evening by the pa. tor. Morning subject, "The Su preme Motive of 8ervlc." evening sub ject. "The Golden Rule: Or Looking Out for No. 2." t'hiialU.i KndeH.or Mis nlonary meeting at 6:99, subject. "Mis sionary Wolk on the Congo," led by Judge Lyle A. Dickey. Palama Chapel: Rev. J. P. Urdman. Sunday school. 9:10; Gospel service, 7: JO; Chinese Gospel service, I. conduct ed by Rev. 1C. W. Thwlng. German Lutheran onurch: Rev. W. Felmy, pastor, teeldeiice 10J2 King street: 10 a. in. Sunday achool; 11 a, m. servite. Wednesday evening 7:20, prayer meeting. Deutsche Lutherlpche Klrche Sonn tag, 10 Uhr, SonnUgsschule; 11 Uhr, Gemeinde Gottesdlenst; Mittwoch, 7:90 Uhr, Andachtsstunde mil Ansprache. St. Andrews' Cathedral, First Con- gregatlon: Dean, the Bishop of Ilono - lulu; Parish Priest, the Rev. V. H. Klt- oat. uoiy communion, r, morning vwicr uuu biiuuji, uuie uiuuui. 3:30; evensong and sermon, 7:30; choral celebration of the Holy Communion at tne morning service on tne last bunaay,u)Hr servce ,ireaChlng, at 11:30 a. m.; In Ilia mnnlh I ... . . St. Andrew's Cathedral, Second Con gregation: Rev. Alexander Mackintosh rector. Sunday school, 9; morning ser vice; 9:45; evening service, 6:30. SU Clement's Chapel: Rev. John Us borne, minister. Holy Communion, flrst Sunday in the month 11:05; every other Sunday, 7:15; Sunday school, 10; morning prayer and sermon, 11:05; evening prayer and sermon, 7:05. Rapid transit cars pass the door. The evening service at St. Clement's Chapel will henceforth be held at 7:30 o'clock instead of at 7 as heretofore. The Rapid Transit cars pass the door, and all are warmly invited to attend the services. The seats are free. Methodist Episcopal Church: Rev. G. L. Pearson, pastor. Sunday school, 10; morning service, 11; Epworth League, 0:15; evening service, 7:30; prayer meet ing, Wednesday, 7:30; Bible study, Thursday, 7:30. The "pastor will preach In the morn ing on "Spiritual Strength the Highest Power." The Epworth League announces the following series of sermons to young people Sunday evenings at 7:30 o'clock: November 17, "Youth. Its Possibili ties"; November 21, "Self-Respect and Self Mastery": December 1: "Habts and Diversions": December 8: "The Science of Success"; December 15; "Things that Help." Christian Church: E. S. Muckley, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, morning service, 11; evening service 7:30; Young People's meeting, C:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7:30. Preaching at the morning service by Rev. W. K. Azbill, subject, "Confirmations of the Faith." In the evening the pastor will preach on "Christ a Centripetal Force." Kawalahao Chruch: Rev. H. H. Parker, pastor; Rev. W. D. Westervelt In charge of the evening services. Sun day school, 10; morning service, 11; evening service, 7:30; Christian Endea vor, 6:30; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30. Kaumakapill Chapel, Palama: Rev. E. S. Tlmoteo, pastor. Morning service, 11; evening service, 7:30. Roman Catholic Cathedral: The Bishop of Panopolls. Low masses, holy communion, 6 and 7; children's mass with English serman, 9; high mass, with English sermon, 10:30; rosary, with native Instruction, solemn vespers and benediction, 7; week days, low mass, 6 and 7. St. Augustine's Chapel; Rev. Father valentine in charge. Sacrament of the mass, 8:30. At 3 o'clock the new structure will be dedicated by the Bishop of Panopolls assisted by several of the clergy of the mission. Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist. Rev. Father Clement in charge. Church of the Sacred Heart, Mar quesvllle (Punahou). Rev. Father Cle ment In charge. Tomorrow, .the 25th Sunday after Pentecost, November 17, High Mass with sermon und collection as usual, at 11 a. m. Evening service at 3 p. m. Portuguese Protestant Church: Rev A Y;S,eSi paftor- Sun?a.YeT.lrCe?'lraatt,h an exceedingly close affair. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. 2:30; Wed- P)ay wl not De rcsea at Moanaiua nesday prayer meeting, 7:30. lfor a iong time' to come as the ground Chinese Church (Congregational); 1 after being levelled and laid out Is to Rev. Edward W. Thwlng, acting pastor, be sodded an operation that will take Sunday school, 9:30; preaching service, some time to complete. When finished 11; Sunday school in English, 2:30; however the ground will be equal to evening service, 7:30; Wednesday, , any and blessed with particularly fas- prayer meeting 7:30. Japanese Church (Congregational): Rev. T. Okumura pastor. Services at the old Lyceum at 11 and 7:30 o'clock. Makikl Chapel, Klnau street. Preach ing services, 8. Japanese M. E. Church: G. Moto- kawa, pastor; Sunday School, 10; morn ing service, 11; evening service, 7:45: ciass meeting, s:30; prayer meeting, AVednesday, 8. Services In the chapel at the end of Kukul street adjoining St. Louis College grounds. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ: . .T Wnllpr nnRlnr taervlpen In Mill. L, j, waiter, pastor; services in aim- Innl (Toll Bnn.lnv 111. n,nl,. 'r.v.r..rr-'m'.r-:r.v: iani nan. tsunuay ncnooi, iu; preacn- ing In Hawaiian. 11: Book of Mormon clans. r.:20: church hlstnrv clriHH. (1:30: ciass, u:au; SISSnSSit'fin ''ne"Sh flt 7:3' 8UbJeCt' I uegeneratlon. Seventh Day Adventlsts! Rev. B. L. i Howe, pastor; meeting place, chapel in Printers' Lane, Saturday. Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; preaching, at 11 o'clock, to the local gridiron on tho Mullo Wednesday, prayer, and missionary team. Tho latter holds tho champion meeting at 7:30. Hhli) for last year's leairun fnothnli nml Salvation Army, King street Cap- tains Burgess and Sullivan in charge, Early prayer meeting, 9:30: wharf meeting (old Fish Market) 10; holiness meeting, 11: Jail meeting. 12:30: Sunday school, 2:30; Blblo class, 3:30; street meeting, 7:30; evening meeting, 8; pub- lie meetings every evening in the week except Friday. Young Men's Christian Association , meeting for men at 4. Address hv John D. Waltlrnn. militant "Making Moutaln Men." Relief Camp No. 2. Sunday School. Blshon Memorial Chanel: Knmeha.'A. Long L. H. R. . .Prlnco Cupid meha Schools. Dr.. W. P.. Rlfcln. rlinn. lain. Services Sunday mornings nt 11 o'clock except on last Sunday of tho month sorvlco at 4 p. m., Alumni and friends cordially Invited. Engineering & Rooms 000, 000, oio atnnRonvvnld Dulldlnri, , All elaaees of Ktiglneorlng work aellrlted. Kxnmlnntlonn, Burveya . and Haperta made for Htiy cTm of Waterworks, Rleam nnd ItlMlrlcnl . Construction. Plans and Bpeelfl. itlons and Hetlmateg prepared, and Conalrucllofi Bunerlnlended In nil branches of Knglneering Work. Con- tracta wHlcltel for Itnilroadn, electric nnd steam: Tunnel, Bridges, . llalldlnita. lllghwaya, Foundations, I'ltm, Wharves, etc. SIMCCIAL TTICNTION iven to Itxnmlnntlons, Valuations, and Itetwrts of proiertles for Invoetment purposes, J FREDERICK J. AMVVEQ, M. Am. Soc. C. E., EtiRlnoor nnd Mnnngor. J W. R. CASTLE, JR., Secretary and Trenmrf r. W.'.VaVaVVUVS-aV.V.V.V-. SV.W.V.V.NV.V.V.-.V.V.-. 1'enlel Mission, Irwin block, Nuu anu street below King: Mlns 1C. Udden lerg, missionary In charge. Gospel meetings every night. A meeting for seamen Is held each Sunday morning at 9 o'clock on the wharf at the foot of Nuuanu street, at 10 o'clock Bible class at Mission; 3 p. m., holiness meeting; 7:30 Btreet meet ing King and Nuuanu afterwards In services In Hawaiian. Christian Science services, Beretanla street, between Punchbowl and Alapal streets. Entrance "Non Pnrelll," first cottage to the right. Services on Sun days at 11 n. m.; Wednesday evening at 7:80 o'clock. The Baptist Society of Honolulu. Regular meeting flrst Sabbath after noon of each month nt 3 o clock In Young Men's Christian Association ; parlors. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to nil. , church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saint8 (Mormon Church) Punchbowl H,m.ti KIuer Wnm M. Waddaups, In cnnrKe. gundny school at 10 n. m.: rec- loung People's Mutual Improvement Association, at 7 p. m.; primary meet ing for children, Friday at 3 p. m.; Re lief Society meeting at 10 a. m on Sat urday. Free to all; no contributions: hall. THE JESUIT FATHERS. A reception will be tendered the Jesuit Fathers Uoarman and Megevney Mon day evening at St. Louis College. The following Is the program. Overture "Reception" Schlepegrell St. Louis College Orchestra. Operetta "The Bell In the Forest.55 Schlndler St. Louis College Choir. Violin Solo "Fifth Air Varle"..Dancla Master Walter Gough. Waltzes "Beggar Students" Mlllockcr St. Louis College Orchestra. Baritone Solo "The Soldier of the Cross" Ilccolornlnl Rev. Father Valentin. Soprano, Basso, tenor solos and chorus Oratorla: "Santa Maria" Lamblllotte Catholic Cathedral Choir. Duet "Larboard Watch" Williams Rev. Father Valentin and J. 13. Sabate. Lullaby "Close Your Dreamy Eyes" Johnston Masters W. Klein and W. Gough. Address A. E. Murphy Quartette ' Farewell".. ..W. G. Tomer Catholic Cathedral Quartette. Galop "Goode Bye" Hartman St. Louis College Orchestra. DIED. MYER In Chicago, 111., November 7, 1S01, H. P. Myer, son of the late R. H. Meyer of Kalae, Molokal. POLO TODAY. Kaplolanl Park Match Many. Will Attract Polo will draw a big crowd to Kaplo lanl Park this afternoon at 3 o'clock, when a match will be played between the Hornets and the Artillery. The ground which proved to be In bad con dition last match day has been levelled up somewhat and should afTord less uncertain play although there still re mains considerable work to be done. The match was originally billed for Moanalua but the distance rendered It almost impossible for the nlavers from i Camp McKlnley to see anything of the . theatre, as playing at Mounalua means ;in eight mile ride back with tired ponies una another long ride from Wal klkl to town. The Moanalua games are always late starting and ending. The game this afternoon will consist of four periods of ten minutes, with practice play by other members of the club, not playing in the match, between intervals, so as keep the amusement continuous for the visitors. The Hornets line up as follows: A. F. Judd, 1; Judge Perry, 2; A. W. Car ter, 3; C. Dole, back. The total handi cap of the team Is placed at twelve, the colors are yellow. The Artillery, with a handicap of nine, play as fol lows: Dr. McAdory, 1; C. H. W. Nor ton, 2; R. W. Shingle, 3; Lieutenant Hancock, back. Colors red and white. clnating surroundings. FOOTBALL AT PUNAHOU. Good Game Scheduled for This After noon. The game between tlio Malle Hlmas and Honolulu Athletics on the Puna hou gridiron this afternoon should pro duce Interesting developments. Tho Athletics are the heavier team but have not tho team work of the Malles nZw Ven maUe,S up by BUperN .. . ... . n i mucn to no regretted that cunhn t iu ..,.,i. . . (ne contor rUHh for .,. A,i.,.M' T"ii, ! ..",,. .f,,r ."1?,M".L7l??L,).0n , i WI l ra I t-K ICIICII U1UI CUnilH . . "'"ivi uuiii imying, ,i i,,, v.T' . ' i&.rJS?. wno'nS yet lived down the unenviable reputa- tion for brutality gained in tho match against the Hnckfeld team. p should ea3lly bo able to concede their opponents tho odd 18 or 20 pounds a man. The Territorial hand will lm present at the gamo which starts at 3:30. Tho II no mi Im fiM frillnivR jr. a c Position Mniio Tiimna '7' V ' ' t r, T V' .Vi , .V n,eI?er J; w soy, ; L. T. R C. Long 1'"u"u","k ..u. u. uusenuerg ,?y"',"". u Chilton -citeii u, u. u r, .inrren I. Cockott R, T. L W. Wight W, Vlda R. K. L..V. Richardson P. Gleason Q B. Clark A. Lnwrenco,...R, H. L H. Johnson W Blalsdell F F. Wright . ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL TODAY. Association football opens today with Construction Co. a practice match between the .dalle IIIiiirs and the Wanderers. The play gains interest from the -fact that the two teamen will play the 11 rat club match on the League schedule llxed for December 7. The form displayed today may show some indication of which way that match will fall, al though both teams will undoubtedly be wide awake for pointers, the kick off la timed for 4:15 at Mnklkl. The Association league fixtures are an follows: 1901. December Illmas. December 7 Wandorer vs. Malic 14 Haokfeld-Davles vs. Honolulu. December 31 Wundorcrs vs. Hono lulu. Decomber 28 Malle Illmas vs. Hack feld-DavIs. 1902. January 4 Malle Illmas vs, Hono- lulu. January 11 Hackfeld-Davles vs, Wanderers. January 18 Malle Illmas vs. Wan derers. January 25 Honolulu vs. Hackfeld Davles. February 1 Honolulu vs. Wanderers. February 8 Hackfeld-Davles vs. Malle Illmas. February 15 Honolulu vs. Malle Ill mas. February 22 Wanderers vs. Hackfeld-Davles. J. II. PRATT'S WILL. The will of the late James H. Pratt has been filed for probate. It leaves all his estate to Mrs. Sophia H. B. Pratt, his widow, who Is named as executrix. The estate is valued at about $18,000. Baldness IS THE RESULT IN THE GREATER NUMBER OF CASES OF ALLOWING THE DAND RUFF SCALES TO ACCUMMU LATE ON THE SCALP, AND DOING NOTHING TO CURE IT. PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILL ER WILL REMOVE THE DANDRUFF SCALES COM PLETELY AND PREVENT THE HAIR FROM FALLING. PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER Sold by all Druggists. And at the Union Barber Shop Telephone Main 232. P. O Box 91 Tel. Man ft- H. HAMANO, IMPORTER OF Japanese Provision ' AND General Kerchandist PLANTATION SUPPLIES King Street, - Corner lau' KATSEY BLOCK Honolulu M Works. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLi BOILERS, COOLERS, IRON, BRAS AND LEAD CASTINGS. Machinery of Every Description Ma to Order. Particular attention paid t Ship's Blacksmtthlng. Job Work x cuted on Short Notice. CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED Life and Fire Insurance Agents cay AOKNTfl Fon jas; MEW ENGLAND MUTUAL. LIFE INSURANCE CO 01" BOSTON. ir HARTFORD fONN Fine Job Printing, Star Office. FIRE INSURANCE CD Gonio in untl Soo Our soers And bo satisfied that you nro getting tho best for tho -least money DEALERS IN THE WALL I'APERS AND HOUSE DECORATIONS. C5 OIVST ANY NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Shippers are notified that a new freight schedule will go Into effect on and after December 1st, 1901. Information In regard to changes In rates can be obtained at the ofilce of the Company, corner Tort amd Queen streets, Honolulu. G. X. WIGHT, President. The entire Stock of tho Golden Rule Bazaar will be sold at a Reduction of 20 per cent to 50 per cent FOR THE NEXT . 60 DAYB. On account of having to vacato present premises. The Public has never been offered such an opportunity for buying all THE VERY LATEST BOOKS as they have now! Not a single article held in reserve. EVERYTHING MUST GO. GOODS WELL BE SOLD FOR CSSH ONLY HIR0SE SH0TEN, 1079 Alaa Street NEW BY EVERY STEAMER. P. O. Box 885. Tel. Blue 392. IL W. BARTH, Successor to W. H. Barth and H. W. Earth. Honolulu Sheet M l and Cornice Works Galvanized Iron Skylights and Ven ilittors M-;uil Rooting. Conductor Pipe ifi On-r Work Jnbbim: Promptly attended to. Richard Street Between Queen and Merchant Streets, Hono' !. J. E. GOEAS, Cor. Beretanla and Emma Sts. Telephone Blue 2312. Just received ex " Alameda IXL TAMALES. IXL ENCHILADAS IXL OYSTER TAMALES. MINCE MEAT. SALMON STEAKS. W. H. BARTH. STAR BLOCK 1290 FORT ST. Tlnnlnt; and Galvfi nlireci Iron Work Estimates furnished on all kinds of Sheet Metal Work. The patronage of Owners, Architect and Builders solicited. GERMAN I A SALOON C. WESSELS AND A. BECKER Proprietors. 004 Queen Stroot cor South. IfftAdnilArtprit tn ITnnnlnln . " ..UIIUIUIU ,111V Beer, In bottles and on draught Al ways Ice Cold. We can give you ttrn best glass of beer In town. in i nit. n El TJSTI (JJSNxij A SCHOONER. ' ' ' . I- .i ' I ' r