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till 1UKAIUX iTAfi, TVWOiir. MVMfttMl M, Ml. ) jV.licit J' Ot,tnlin ATTOIlHHf AT LA HOTAHY l'UWMC. IllllldlllR in :i. 308 Stniigcnwnlil TM ;riIOtl-M DR. J. M. AYII1TNJSY, UHNT1BT. notion Building, I'ert Street Ovcr'll. May & Go. Tel. Main 277. Hours! B-6. DR. A. E. NICHOLS, DHNTIST. Omce Hours: 9 to 4. Alakca Street, next Masonlo 11M Temple, Honolulu DR. 0. B. HIGH, DENTIST. Philadelphia Dental College, 1892, OfTlce: MaBonlo Temple. Telephone, Main 318. OR, A. 0, ILL, OR, 0, E, WALL, SJVE BUILDING. FORT STREET, 'ephone 434. OFFICE HOURS, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. A. J. DERBY, DENTIST. :ott-Smlth Building, Oor. Fori, and Hotel Sts. Ho- lulu, H. I, Ofllce Hours: 9 a. m. to - p. m. DR. J. UOHIDA, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllce: Beretnnla, between Fort nnd Nuuanu streets, omce Hours: 8 to 12 a. m.; 7 to 8 p. m, Telephone, White 1211. A. G. LOVEKIN, Stock and Bond Broker, 402 JUDD BUILDING. J . FISHER I CO, Members of Honolulu Stock Exchange Stock and Bond Brokers I STANGENWALD BUILDING. Advance Made on Approved Security, Telephone Blue 9SS. WING SING CO. 46 Hotel Street, next door to Iwakaml IMPORTERS IN GROCT RIES .CALIFORNIA FRUITS BUTTER. C, BREWER & CO.. LIMITED QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU; H. T. COM'OHATION NO'NCHS. AXMMI, MIIIITINO, OOKAt.A HfOAn PLANTATION cii. TM mmiI ntMtlM of the sharrhnld- tt of tlM Qokota Numr Plantation Co. HI M Aria at tM ame or c. rawar Jk Co., lAi., IB Honolulu on Frwar, Mowmtwr tt, 1M1 at M o'clock a. m. it. p. nitior, flacratarr. Data) HomoIhIm, Kv.mhfr II, 1N1. UliKOTlOX OF OITIUIIKS. Notice la hareliy elveu that at the annual meeting of the Ottoman, Sugar Co., held Mil date, the following nam ml persons wera elected to wrve as officers of the oorinirntlon for the en suing year, viz.: P. C. Jones President C. M. Cooke VIco-Praaldent O. M. Vesper.. Snd Vice-President Geo. H. Robertson Treasurer 15. F. Bishop Secretary A. P. Welch Asst. Treasurer Directors Geo. It. Carter. Kd. Pol- Utz. Auditor T. R. Robinson. Dated Honolulu, November 14, 1901. (Signed) K. F. BISHOP, Seoretnry. XOTICK OF ASSESSMENT. At a meeting of the directors of the Ornheum Company, Limited, hold this dny, an assessment of 10 per cent was levied, payanio on jsovomnor zu, iyut, ana delinquent December su, iuui. JOHN F. COLBURN, Secretary pro tern Honolulu, November 15, 1901. ADJOURNED SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' AlKETINU Notice Is hereby given that the ad journed special stockholders' meeting of the Maul Sugar Co., Ltd., will bo held at 10 a. m. on (Wednesday), the 20th of November, 1901, at the ofllce of Mr. Wong Kwal, Maunakea street, Ho nolulu, Oahu, for the purpose or con sidering the issue of 1st mortgage bonds. C. MING HYM, Secretary Maui Sugar Co., Ltd. II HiV I." (II I M, ' iiini-'.xi: III Nl, I'HAN Kl.'l Mil' I.I I HI Admirers art Walling rr official Mawa of ttla Owtk Before HvMlM Any Memorial. Kihei Assessment Notices. THE 12TII ASSESSMENT of 5 per cent or $2.50 per share became due and payable January 2nd, 1901 and bears penalty from February 2nd, 1901. The thirteenth and Una', assessment of 5 per cent or J2.50 per share on the stock of the Kihel Plantation Co., Ltd., has been levied and will become due and nayable on the 15th day of June, 1901. Interest bearing after the 15th day of July, 1901. The above assessments are payable at the offices of Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., Judd Building. J. P. COOKE. Treasurer Kihel Plantation Co. Honolulu. May 18. 1901. Olaa Assessments. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono rea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar Company, "Walluku Sugar Company, "Walhee Sugar Company, Makee Sugar Company, Haleakala Ranch Company, Kap jala Ranch. Planters Line and Shipping Co. .harlea Brewer & Co' a Line of Boston Packet . ,. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. Agents Philadelphia Board of Under writers. LIST Or OFFICERS. C. M. C JOKE President GEOHGB H. ROBERTSON,... Manager E. F. BISHOP,.... Treasurer and Secty. COL. W. F. ALLEN Auditor Directors. P. C. JONES, H. WATERHOUSB, GEORGE R. CARTER. The 16th and 17th assessment of 50 cents each are now bearing interest at the rate of 1 per cent per month. The eighteenth assessment of 2 per cent or 50 cents per share has been called to be due and payable October 21, 1901. The nineteenth assessment of 2 per cent or 50 cents per share ha3 been called to be due and payable November 20, 1901. Interest will be charged on assess ments unpaid ten (10) days after the same are due, at the rate of one per cent per i-onth from the date on which such assessments are due. The above assessments will be pay able it the office of the B. F. Dilling ham Company Limited, Stangenwald Bufldinfr. ELMER E. PAXTON, Treasurer Olaa Sugar Company, Limited. Honolulu, T. H. July 20. 1901. OAHU RAILWAY AND LAND GO'S WIMEJ TABLE FROM AND AFTER JANUARY 1, 1901 TRAINS STATIONS. (Outward) Honolulu plO 9:15 Pearl City 8703 9:18 Kwa Mill 8:33 10:0a Walainae 10:50 WaUlua 11:65 Kahuku 12:32 Dally Dally ex.Suu. ex.Sun D'ly D'ly A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 11:05 11:40 12:00 3:15 8:47 45 4:45 5:10 ti;15 5:10 6:50 6:10 STATIONS. (Inward) Kaliuku Walalua Walanae Kwa Mill Pearl City Honolulu Dally ex. Hun. D'ly A.M. A.M. 5:35 0:10 7:10 7:45 8:03 8:35 , 5:60 6:15 6:10 D'ly D'ly P.M. F.M, .... 2:08 .... 2:50 3:65 1:32 4:63 6:26 1.05 1:30 2:05 a. p, denibon, Superintendent, F. O. Smith. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Act Note Heads, BUI Heads, Statementa and Fine Commercial Printing at the Star Office, . k LIMITED. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. On and after December 1st, 1901, the following charges In passenger fares will go Into effect, viz.: Cabin rates between Honolulu ana Eleele, Makaweli, Walmea, Kapaa, Anahola, KUaueq and Hanalel on the Island of Kauai will be Increased from $6.00 to $7.00. Cabin rates between Honolulu and Kealakekua and all ports beyond In the District of Kona on the Island of Ha waii will be Increased from $10.00 to $11.00. Cabin rates between Honolulu and Honuapo and Punaluu on the Island of Hawaii will be increased from $iz.uu to $13.00. Deck Rates between Honolulu and the Island of Maul, will be Increased from $2.00 to $2.50. Deck rates between Honolulu and the Island of Kauai will be increased from $2.00 to $2.50. Deck rates betwe n Honolulu and the Island of Hawaii will bo Increased from $2.00 to $3.00. All special rates, except to Clergymen, will be abolished on the above date. Although U Uhimt Chang Is aa dead ttia great ronfuclua, he atlll Uvea "officially" and until the local Chines receive toaltlve Information from their government, they will take no atetw to obaerve the demise of their greateat KlataaiiiHii. It Is a caae of "Wolf, Wolf," with them and only when the representative of his Imperial Mnjeety, the ICnuwror. notifies the China peo ple here or the death of Earl LI, will anybody take ateim to mourn the loss to their country. Indeed It Is doubt ful If the memorial, whatever 11 be. will be generally observed throughout the colony of Chinese. To the Chinese living In the Territory of IlawHll, the name of LI Hung Chang Is not one to nrouse the spirit of emu lation or stir the dormant spark of patriotism. Chinese generally, and es pecially the Chinese In the Hawaiian Islands, lire divided In their estimation of the great Chinese. To some, he waH the personification of what was right In lhc rhlneHG code of statesmanship. while to others, he was the ogre of politics, the inhuman oppressor of those who sought to reform their country. In local olllclal and mnny conserva tive circles, the death of LI Hung Chang will probably be regretted. Thus far, Consul Yang Wnl Pin has taken no steps to observe the death of the great man. This npparent Indifference to the loss of the Premier of Chlnn. has caused considerable comment, not only among the Chinese, but nmong the other races ns well. Yang Wal Pin Is not guilty however, of any Inten tional disrespect to the memory of LI Hung Chang, but Is forced to wait for Instructions from Minister Wu before nny ofllclal recognition of Earl Li's death can be taken nere. Qn about three previous occasions, the newspapers published nccounts of thn ilpnth of LI Hung Chang. Consul Yang Wnl Pin and the local Chinese propose to take no cnances out win be sure they have tnelr ueaa neioru m.pv hptrln to mourn. As soon as oni- clnl news of the death of Earl LI Is re ceived from Minister Wu at Washing ton, fonaul Yung Wal Pin will prou- ably place the flag at the consulate., at half mast and may aiso issue u pro clamation setting aside a cernin day when a memorial of some sort may be held. It will not. of course, be compul sory on the Chinese to take any part In the memorial and It Is more than likely that many will have nothing to do with nny form of mourning. There are many Chinese, both of the conservatlce nnd the reform elements who heartily disapproved of Li Hung Chang. It is claimed by the reformers that he was responsible for the harsh treatment which was accorded the family of Lam Sal, in the province of Canton, two years ago, and. ns a result his death cnuses them no sorrow. On the other hand, many of the conserva tive Chinese regarded Li as too west ern in his Ideas. There seems no ques tion but the great statesman foresaw that his country would eventually have to adopt the methods of more civilized people, although he probably did not relish a sudden introduction of the new civilization. Some of the local Chinese evldentlj hated the old man, for a number as soon as they heard the news of his death, expressed the greatest satis faction and showed their resent liv tnkinir nlctures of him and sticking knives In his throat. The ofllclal announcement of Li s deatn should be received by the Ventura to morrow. AN IDEAL HUSBAND. "An Idenl Husband" will be the play n,,i hi the Onera House this even ing! This Is a sparkling comedy from the brilliant pen of Oscar Wilde and Is iv thp severest critics In tne r-nnntrv to be his best effort. "An Ideal Husband" has a perfectly clear motive; ,v,q of.miiiin:,tlnn Ih an act of dishonor, nnt nt innrnl prime. It is said that in "T.iulv Wlndemere's Fan" Os- r wiiil.. wrote one good dramatic act In "An Ideal Husband" he has written a whole play. The story of the play in l.vlnf la nH follows: An r.nirllsh Cabinet Minister, revered both as a man of extraordinary ability and Irreproachable probity In public life is the subject of deep admiration and love to his wife, who gives free rein to her viinltv as to his unusually blame ipss. nubile career. The one great blem ish to all this perfection to the Minister himself is the knowledge of a shady transaction at the outest of his diplo matic service, when he revealed to a certain Austrian banker a state secret, the knowledge of which was manipu lated to the great pecuniary advantage of both parties. The banker is now dead and the Minister believes his one sin of a lifetime Is known only to him self. Suddenly he Is threatened with a disclosure of It. His efforts to avoid this make It necessary that he should tell his wife the disgraceful truth. Pub lic exposure Is avoided, but though the wife's love remains, her Ideal Is shat tered and this Is the Minister's punish ment. The extensive cast calls for the entire strength of the Nelll Company. Mr. Nelll will play the part of "Lord Gor ing" a friend In need to the partlse In trouble. J5 ANK OF JjAWAII LIMITED. Incorporated under the I,awa ot the Territory ot Hawaii. PAID-UP CAPITAL. $600,000.00 RllSWmi UNDIVIDIII) PROMTS - ,5.1, 000. 00 OFMCKK8 AND DIJU0CTOH8. Charles M. Cooke President P, C. Jonas Vlce-Preahlant C. II. Cooke Cashier F. C. Atherton ..Assistant Cashlsr Henry Waterhouse, Tom May, F. W. Macfarlana, U. D. Tanney, J. A. Mc Candleas, Solicits the Accounts of Finns, Cor porations, Trusts Individuals, tnd will promptly and carefully attend to all business connected with banking en trusted to It. Sell and Purchase For eign Exchange, Issue Letters ot Credit. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Ordinary and Term Deposits received and Inte.dst allowed In accordance with rules nnd conditions printed In pass books, copies of which may be had on application. Judd Building, Fort Street. BISHOP & CO. Savings Bank Until further notice, Savings Depos its will be received and Interest allow ed by this Bank at four and one- .f per cent per annum. Printed copies of the Rules nnd Reg ulations may be obtained on appllca tlon. Office at Bank building on Merchant street. BISHOP & CO CLAUS SPRECKELS. WM. O. IRWIN. Clans Spmkels & Go. HONOLULU, H. I, San Francisco Agents The Nevada National Bank of San Francisco. DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na tlnnnl Bank of San Francisco. LONDON The Union Bank ot London, Ltd . NEW YORK American Exchange Na tional Bank. CHICAGO Merchants' National Bank, PARIS Credit Lyonnals. np.UT.TN Dresdner Bank. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA The Hongkong and Shanghai uanKing Cornnratlon. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA Bank of New Zealand. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British No.'th Amerl r J. ENA, President. Honolulu, November 4, 1901. HONOLULU ltAPIU TKANS1T AND LAND CO., LTD. Commencing Sunday the 17th Novem ber cars will stop at the near side of intersecting streets only, to take on or let off passengers. C. G. I3ALLENTYNE, Manager H. R. T. & L. Co. Tel. Blue 841. P. O. Box 991. HING LEE CHAN, Fort Street, opposite the Popular House Dealer In Groceries, California and v . i . n..l T.lnnil Till t r Kona Coffee, Cigars and Tobasco, New goods by every ateainer. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSlNK&a. noni-ialts. Received. Loans Made on Annrnved Security. Commercial ana Travelers' Credits Issued. Bills of Ex change Bought and Sold. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY AC COUNTED FOR. ESTABLISHED. 1868. BISHOP & Co., Banlters TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND BXCHANUK uuBiniiBa. COMMERCIAL AND TRAVELERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED, AVAILABLE IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD. 1900 per Interest allowed after July 1st, nn npd dpnoalts: 7 day notice 2 cent, (this form will not bear Interest unless It remains unoisiuroea lor uuo month) 3 month 3 per cant; C months 8H 12 months, 4 per ceni. RAPID TRANSIT INJUNCTION. The matter of the Injunction asked for by the Hawaiian Tramways Com pany, to stop the Rapid Transit com pany's extension of Its lines on King street, was postponed yesterdny after noon until next Friday, by Judge Estee. At the afternoon session of court, At torney McClannhan for the Rapid Tran sit company demanded time in which to have copies made of a lengthy do cument Introduced by the other side. purporting to be a copy of the articles of association or the Hawaiian xrain ways company, limited. IN THE FAR WEST. "How do you feel?" asked the leader ot the mob, after the tar and feathers had been applied in liberal doses. "Oh, I feel like n bird!" smiled the barnstormer, glancing at the feathers. For such wit they allowed him to write home nnd tell the old folks ho was leaving town by the all-rail route. Chicago News. PERSONAL. Magistrate "It's very disgraceful that you should beat your wife so un- merc ful y." Prisoner "Well, your worship, she aggrawated me by keepin' on sayln' Bhe'd 've me hup afore that bald-'eaded hold 'umbug, meaning yer worship." Magistrate "You're discharged." Pick-Me-Up. THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LIMITED. Subscribed Capital Yen 24,000,000 Paid Up Capital Yen 18,000,000 reserved Fund Yen 8,510,000 HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA, The Bank buys and receives for col lection Bills of Exchange, Issues Srafta and Letters of Credit, an transacts general bankng business. INTEREST ALLOWED: On fixed deposits for 12 months, 4 per cent per annum. On fixed deposits for 6 months, SH per cent per annum. On fixed deposits for 3 months, I per cent per annum. Branch ot the Yokohama Specie Bank, MRepnMic Building, Honolulu H 1 HONOLULU SALOON, A. LUDLOFF, Proprietor. Corner Ltllha and School Street. Has opened a resort where refresh ments ot all kinds are served. PRIMO BEER ON TAP. Metropolitan Hoa! 6k LIMITED Just received ex-EUhu Thompson from Seattle a shipment of Choice beef. Veal. Mutton. Lamb, and Pork, alio Poultry, Salmon and Halibut. FOR SALE AT King Wnln J.VIU Metropolitan Market Co., Street, Telephone 45. Tho Ilootli, Fisliinnrkot, phono 37!). Central Market, Nuuanu Street. Telephone 140. IWAK AMI & GO., HOTEL STREET Gents' Furnishing Goods. A Complete Line of Underwear .Tust Eeceived. Every Department Fully Stocked : 4 Eleo trie For homo use Incandescent lamps have been proven to be the most con venient and most satisfactory lights known. NO disagreeable odors. NO smoke or dirt. Always ready for use with a soft, steady and brilliant light. Only have to rress the button to turn the light on or oft. Let us give you figures on wiring your house. Hawaiian Electric Go., Ltd King Street 5 Tel. 390 Three Carloads of Budweiser and Premium Pale Beer Just to hand Ex Schr. Helene. Now offered for sale at lowest prices by Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., THE ORIENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., Ltd J. JE. MoOOY, IPx-ewicloxxt. CAPITAL STOCK, $200,000.00 The only Insuranca co-npany In the world Issuing policies In both HP NGLISH and CHINESE languages. Policies contain all modern advantages of th5 endowment and other toraM Issued b fie leading American companies. Governed by the safest Insurance systems. The pioneer Chlnese-AjatrlaM compa HOME OFFICE: J301-302 Stniigomvald Building Honolulu, II. T. ..a. .?. . . .... T. MURATA, Main Store, No. 1044, Nuuanu Street lstBranch, corner King and Beretania Sts, 2nd Branch, No. 1032, Nuuanu St. Any Styles Made lo Order .: f . m V Telephone Blue 3311 Telephono Blue 2781 P. O. Bo 884. Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. lax. '.iii.'4,..4,,