Newspaper Page Text
m 4 T rim Hawaiian irrAtt. wway. wraMftiift u, im. ) MAN rnAMpisoo m Front Bt (HONOLULU, Quern HI. BW TOIUC, IS Lfoniird Bt. Importers and Commission nerchants Ton Blanchi Bates Cigar (V AGENTS FOR British America Assurance Comp'y, of Toronto, Ontiria, Philadelphia Underwriters Special attention given to con signments of coileo and rice READY FOR Remember the store is now located in the Progress Block, with the new assortment of dry goods, we cannot fail to satisfy you. A. BLOM. Entirely Unnecessary To drink beer that is fortified with injurious acids when you canget the absolutely pure Primo beer is made for home consump tion and as it don't have to travel thou sands of miles through various temper atures it needs no fortification. JUDD & CO., LIMITED Stock and Bond Brokers, Roal Estate Agents, (Insurance, Rents and Bills Collected Ofllce, . 307 Stangenwald building, Honolulu, T. H. P. O. box 667. TELEPHONE MAIN 223. Wilder'sSteamship Co NOTICE. CHANGE IN PASSENGER FARES. On and after December 1st, 1901, the following change In passenger fares will go Into effect, viz: Deck rates between Honolulu and the Island of Hawaii will be Increased from $2.00 to 33.00. Cabin rates between Honolulu and liana, Hamoa and Klpahulu, on the i Island of Maul, will be Increased from ' 1 $6.00 to $7.00.? Deck rates from Honolulu to Maul ports will be Increased from 12.00 to $2.50. All special rates, excepting to Clergy men, will be abolished on the above date. C. L. WIGHT, , President. Honolulu, October 28. 1901. Kelly-Springfield Tire CIRCLE THE WORLD The Charles F. HerricJc Carriage Co., Ltd Merchant Street, next to Stangenwald Building BUSINESS. Everybody Wants If That's what we find when we show our beautiful line of Art Nouveau Pa pers. These papers are the swellest ever seen here and we are always glad to show them. Wall Papers. Linoleums, Window Shades of all klndes at BERETANIA STREET. NEXT TO CORNER OF EMMA. LIMITED. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Shippers are hereby notified that on and after December 1st, 1901, a new freight schedule will go Into effect. Information In regard to the changes in rates can be obtained by calling at the Ofllce of the Company, Queen street, Honolulu. J. ENA, President. Hawaiian Curios Kapa, Calabashes. Lels, Native Hats, Hula Skirts, 1 lihau Mats, Fans, Shells, Seeds, Etc., Etc. Ha waiian Stamps and Horn made Pol Constantly on Hand at WOMEN'S EXCHANGE 814 FORT ST. HONOLULU H. T. AMERICAN SALOON Wllhelm Schilling Proprietor. PRIMO BEER OH TAP AND IN BOTTLES TEN CENTS A SCHOONER. Also Cigars, Tobacco and Cold Drinks. Lillha Street Near Vineyard. Note Heads, BUI Heads, Letter Heads and all kinds of Job and Commercial Printing neatly and promptly executed at the Star Office. And are recognized every where as the standard of ex cellence, durability and resili ency. Put on by expert me chanics who came direct from shops in San Francisco. .AGENTS r-oR SALE OF REAL ESTATE Fine Building Sites, Puupueo Tract, Manoa F. J. LOWRET, President. A. B. WOOD. VIpe-PresMsnt. . J. A. GILMAN, Secretary and Treaa- urer. F. J. AMWEO, Auditor. CHAS. H. GILMAN. Manager. C. E. HEMENWAY, LAWYER. Office: Room 406 Judd (Buildlng. TELEPHONE 314 MAIN. Moved. The Kona Orphanage Coffee store has moved to 105 King street Red front. Delicious home-made candy on sale, fresh every day, made by the friends of the Kona Orphanage and sold for benefit of the same. Buy coffee and candy for the benefit of the Kona Or phanage. Amusement For All THURSDAY EVENING, IV, 21st ERNEST HOGAN And his Company of Unsurpassed Colored Comedians Will Open at the ORPHEUM EIGHT COMEDIANS. MALE QUARTETTE. LADY QUARTETTE. PICANINNY QUARTETTE. A FIRST CLASS PROGRAM OF PICKED PERFORMERS. Box Ofllce open Monday, the 18th. A good show and no formality. Prices, 50c, 75c and $1.00 ERNEST HOGAN Honolulu's Favorite SANTIAGO'S FAST TRIP. To Cai 'uln Ingalls of tho bark San tiago, bt ongs the honor of having made the quickest trip down from San Francisco this season. Tho Santiago was clean anil freshly painted, and camo down in 11 duys which Is within a couple of days, of being tho best rec ord of any sailing vessel. Tho Santiago Is a lin e vessel and was Bplendldly handled by her master during the rough squalls which sho encountered when Hearing these Islands. Capt. J. F. Janes, the well known water front newspaperman kept things lively on tho trip. TAKING AMERICAN'S FREIGHT. The Klnau will go to the Railway wharf today to take 80 tons of freight for Hllo, which was left by tlie American, UBi If 4. X Ill IS 1 11 orullT ri Hi; tip: tkhhiti ni h illUli'H, The YMIw Mloowi r"voml the In OKI Hawaii. ICIMTOk iTAIt: Allow mt to sunMgt In connection with the matter of a Ter ritorial Moral emblem, that the Ilium In thf natural choice an the pmhlem of Hawaii. This beautiful bloaaum, which furnishes the moat lovely material fur lt-ls and Is one of the bfnt and most plentiful flowers throughout the Inlands nerds no choolng as an emblem by native Hawallans. It is already their "national flower" and has been for these many years. In fact It was the natives' loved und revered flower long before the haole came. The lovely lei lllnia was always of great Importance to the Hnwnllan Ka huna. It was an emblem of his autho rity. When Its splendid yellow band encircled IiIh brow, he was recognized In the sncred character of the god he represented. What more natural than It should now be chosen by all as the olllclal territorial floral emblem? The lltma Is distinctively llawnlian. It is plentiful, It Is beautiful, easily grown and popular. In decoration Its glorious color is conspicuous. The poetry of Its historic significance odds to Its charm. Certainly It will be more readily adopted by the native Hawaiian than any other flower, for every native that is rortunato enough to have n gar den nt all, plants the Illma first. The Star's suggestion that a territo rial flower be chosen is an excellent one, and I hope It will be adopted, nnd that the Illma will be the choice. No state or territory In the Union has n better choice, nnd Ilium's advertisement as Hawaii's emblem will serve to dis seminate nnd keep alive the memory of some of Hawaii's most Interesting old rites and customs. CONSTANT READER. THE PRIMO MEN GET FIRST BLOOD. Contest In the Federnl Court Over the Granting of $250 Licenses to Sell Deer. The Primo men this morning won the first round In the license contest before Judge Estee. The Judge sustained a demurrer to the complaint brought by Macfarlane and Company against Trea surer Wright, giving the plaintiff 10 days In which to amend. Macfarlane's action was brought to stop the $250 license business. It was claimed that the Hawaiian statute un der which licenses to sell Primo beer and no other were granted for $250 while for genernl Hiiuor licenses $1,000 was required, was unconstitutional. Judge Estee sustained the demurrer of Wright on the following grounds: "The petitioners have not shown In their petition that they are injured by the alleged acts against defendant, or that they have an interest Involved In the actions; or that they have suffered any- damuge by the acts of the defen dant. "No demand Is shown by the peti tion to have been made on defendant to cease to Issue the license referred to , "Plaintiffs fall to show that they have not an adequate remedy at law. "The demurrer Is therefore sustained with leave to petitioners to amend nnd file an amended petition within 10 days." SWORN COMPLAINTS MISSING FROM THE FILES. Humphreys on Chinese Leaving the Country Cook Johnson of the Fear less Is Acquitted. In two criminal cases sworn com plaints that are said to have been made and filed were found missing this morn ing, when the cases came up In the first circuit court, and Assistant District At torney Douthltt asked Judge Humph reys to take some action to protect the records. The first was the case of Yee Nam, charged with assault and battery. It was appealed from the district court, end according to Deputy Sheriff Chil llngworth, a sworn complaint was duly filed as required by law. In a number of cases recently the courts have dis missed charges on account of failure to file such a complaint. "Something should be done," said Douthltt, "to safeguard the court re cords. I am Informed positively by Mr. Chllllngworth that there was a sworn complaint in this case, but it is not on file now and cannot be found. When the papers were brought to the circuit court from the lower court a receipt was taken for them all, but there is no complaint to be found on Hie, and for that reason 1 suppose we shall have to dismiss the action." "If you can establish the fact that there was a sworn complaint you can try tho case," said the court. "There Is nothing to prevent you from trying a case on a lost complaint. If Its exist ence Is proved." Douthltt agreed to try and prove that there had been u complaint In the case. The Yee Nam case Is one of several re cently In which complaints have been lacking, no complaint having been made at all In most of them. In the cases of Ah Chong, Joy Hung und Lee Kin, charged with larceny, nolle prosses wore entered for the first two defendants and for the other one, who had pleaded guilty, although, as Douthltt admitted, tho territory could not prove its cuse, a reprimand only was given. It was announced that tho defendant was nbout to leave tho coun try, his father having arrunged to send him bnck to China. "Tho court Is glad to suspend sentence In your case,"' Bald Judge Humphreys, In granting the mo tion to suspend sentence, "and glad that you are about to leave tho country. This country would ho hotter of If this defendant and all of his countrymen would leave, so that white men nnd Hawallans might huvo elbow room." The prosecution withdrew in tho cases of tho Territory ngalwst Yoshlda, Ekl and Kunlholio, charged with cruelty to an animal. Douthltt stated that tho evidence was not sufllolent to warrant continuing with tho cases. In tho case of Charles Johnson, cook of tho tug Fearless, who was charged DEMURRER IS SUSTAINED RECORD PAPERS villi li i n In th odil ilrnr'" i lllll Mtlltllii) I . f hut in 1 1 wi'l .1 .In i ... Inn v ! TBI 11 Ml (Continued from Page i.) DKI'AltTINi! Monday. Novvmber If. Stmr. Waialeale. Plltt. for Knlna. Na. Wlllll, Kleele. Hanepe. Atakawell, Walmea and Kekaha at 6 p. in. PASSENQKH. Depai'tllitf. l'er 8. 8. Doric. November 19. for San Francisco. Count A. Kaprlmt, i'. ji. i .Moner, Ansa r. i.. urown. Par 8. 8. Sierra. N'ovemW 19. for Man Francisco. lathers M. J. Hoar man and K. A. Megavjiey, MIm Mo Near, Miss Wilcox, IC. A. Dluhl, J. J. Sullivan, W. L. Stanley. J. P. Rich, MIm F. Hall, Mrs. N. J. Palmer and X children, A. D. Haldwln, A. H. Irving, ii. a. weiss, Father Maurice, John ISrlekson. Miss Russell. J. W. TIhiihh. Air. Cameron and wife, Paymaster Phillips, F. K. Hunt and wife, K. Hlra yuma, .Mrs. L. L. Cooke, A. N. Cnmp- oen, w. i: wnuney, it. it. Uerg, C. K. Hlnlr, R. V. Wilcox. J. J. Connon, Rev. W. K. Azblll and wife, A. II. Howls, F. n. rerguaon, w. 11. Rogers, James P. Rich, Lieut. D. Lyman, W. E. Howell. Wlfo nnd child. Mrs. Khmer. Yountr Chan, Hong Tong, Mrs. F. F. David son and 2 children, T. Hart, M. S. Over man, S. Illyatu, W. Anderson. Per Htmr. Klnau, November 20, for Hllo: Richard Murr, II. Deacon and wife, George Deacon, J. L.Cnrnoglu and wife, William Uullcr, Charles H. Tea IT. E. von Seuden, Mrs. J. Nakanu- ahl, J. T. Moir, J. A. Johnson, W. Mc Quald, H. E. Kelsey. C. C. Kennedy nnd wife, A. L. Howard; for Mahu- kona: E. E. Oldlng and wife, Robert Hall, II. H. Ronton, J. Lennox; for Ka- walhae: J. Watt, James Glbb, Mrs. Thomas, Murray, Mrs. 51. Nnhlwa and 3 children, P. Cerechlno; for Mnalaea: Miss Kitty Comwell, Miss Ilelle Vlda; for Mahukona: E. A. Fraser. Per stmr. Claudlne, November 19, for Knhulul; Charles D. Lufkln. W. D. Lowell, John Gomes, C. H. Jennings, W. E. Devereux, Charles Healy and wife. C. Hundorp. C. Will, P. Coukett, wife nnd daughter, E. L. Cutting, A. A. Wilson, Mrs. J. T. Alull and son, Mrs. Gillllnnd nnd daughter; for Keanno: Mrs. P. Kakahakaulla, bum Sul, Chu Lai and wife: for Hana: H. Howell, F. J. Raven, T. Katpoo, C. Yee Yam, F. Garcia; for Klpahulu: J. M. KaneaKua; for Huelo: P. Uesser. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Hetween Hoards Sales: CO Ewa, 24.00. Quotations. Bid. Asked. C. Brewer & Co $ $425.00 N. S. Sachs" Dry Goods 100.00 Ewa 24.6" Hawaiian Agrl 280.00 Hawaiian Sugar 28.50 31.00 Honomu u&.uu Honokna 12.00 Haiku 200.00 Knhuku 21.50 Klhel 9.75 11.00 Klpahulu 105.00 Koloa 170.00 McBryde 5.50 7.00 Oahu 93.00 98.00 Onomea 23.00 Ooknla 8.00 10.00 Olaa oald ill) 11.00 Olowalu 140.00 Pala -00.00 Peneekeo 175.00 Pioneer 90.00 Pioneer assessable 45.00 Walalua Agrl 51.50 ... Walmanolo 155.00 ... AVllder Steamship 100.00 Inter-Island 80.00 Hono. Rapid Transit 100.00 Mutual Telephone 8.50 10.00 Oahu R. & L. Co 95.00 Hawaiian Gov't 97.00 1st Am. Savings Bank 100.00 Hllo R. R. Co. G's 100.00 Hon. Rapid Transit Cs 100.00 Oahu R. & L. Co. 6s.. 4.. 4 105.00 JURORS EXCUSED. Judge Estee this morning granted the requests of G. H. Turner nnd J. E. Schubert to be relieved from further Jury duty for the term. The other Ju rors were excused until next Monday, the court having civil motions enough to take up the rest of the week. Fine Job Printing. Star Office. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LOST. Two male fox terriers, one white and tan nnd the other nil white. Reward If returned to this ofllce. Attention Co. 44 A." A Armory Company A, First Regi ment, N. G. H. Honolulu. November 19, 1901. Every member of this command Is hereby ordered to report at the Drill Shed This TUESDAY EVE MING fcr Company Drill. By order, H. KLEMME, Captain Commanding. BY A UTHORITT TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received nt the At torney General's ofllce till 12 o'clock noon, on Friday, November 29th, 1901, for furnishing the Oahu Prison for one year, beginning on Sunday, December 1st, 1901 with the following supplies at such times und In such quantities as may be required, Tho High Sheriff or such other olllcor as ho may designate will make the re quisition, and nil supplies will be sub ject to his Inspection and approval. Tho contractor will bo required to furnish suitable bond for tho faithful performanc) of his contract. All tenders must he distinctly mark ed "Tenders for Supplies, Onhu Prison." The Attorney General doos not bind himself to accept tho lowest or any bid. E. P. DOLE, Attorney-General. Attornoy-Gonorars Olllcu, November 19, 1901. Pol, per lb, Fresh Meat, per lb, Hard Ilrcad Medium, (With case) per lb. HAM 5TAUVIII) PHOPLI!. One nt Die ootnmoiiBl nutf loMt IUpHel OftHM (if ft)' hmllh ii cnl-Urvatloii. It Jn flua to, or Hfrgrnratal by, tlftbl! itv of Ilia ioinnch and bowttU. Iliit oontlilioii la of iimiiy grofla of Rorerity ; being mitnutlniM 00 slight na to intlitce a mHJ ohroiifo foablonosfl, nnd thou (oa pooinlly in young moil nnd woman) Si nmy, und froquantty doos, booomo tho exciting cnuwj of EOino rapid disoueo, wJn'oli onda life without nrousing a EiiBiiioion of tho ronl Bouroo in wluoh it arose. Tho blood, in thoeo ottsos, is thin nnd pntc, tho Bkin pallid, thoro im a (on donov to Asthma, indigostion, Debility and loss of nppotito ami flosh. In young woman thor is a decided drift towards Hys toriiv nnd other gravo norroua BymptoniB. Tho tried and trua roinody for this nnd nil condi tions marked by low vitality in WAMPOLE'S PREPARATION which ia palatablo na honey and contains tho nulritivo and cum tivo properties of 1'uro Cod Liver Oil, combined with tho Compound Syrup of Uypophos phitos, Extracts of ifalfc and Wild t Cherry. This olTcclivo medicino is rich in food proper ties, containing tho full medi cinal valuo of tho oil, without its offonsivo tiiHto or umoll. It ngrecs with tho most eouaitivo Btomachs und brings about good results from tho outset. The blood is supplied with needed elements una ilosli and strength, quickly follow. Ill Fevers, Rheu matism, Scrofula und nil ills founded upon, or uBsociatcd with poor digestion, it is worthy of comploto confidence. It can not disappoint you. Dr. Thou. Hunt Stucky says: "Tho con tinued uso of it m my practice, convinces mo that it ia tho most palatable, least nauscutiug, and best preparation now on tho market. Eil'cctivo from tho first dose. Sold by chemists hero. Fresh Hread, per loaf. t Salmon, (red), per lb. .jjj Tea, per lb. Coffee, Kona, In bean, per lb. w Potatoes, per lb. Roans, (red or pink) per lb. Onions, per lb. Rice. No. 1, per bag of 100 lbs. Hnr Soap, (brown) with ense, per lb. Sugar No. 1, per lb Milk, per quart. lllno Denim, Amoskeag, 14 oz ,pcr yard. Canvas. Nos. 2, 10 and 12, per yard. Blankets, per pair. Galvanized Iron Uuokets, Nos. 13 a"nd 11, per doz. Yard Ilroom, per doz. Shoes, with buckles on sides, per doz. California Wheat Hay, large hales,, per ton. ., Oats, per ton. '?? Sole Leather, per lb. EWA PLANTATION CO. The Stock transfer books of this com pany will be closed to transfers from Friday November, 22, 1901 to Saturday November 30, 1901, inclusive. W. A. HOWEN. Treasurer. Ewa Plantation Co. BY AUTHORITY SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE. In pursuance of an Execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the First Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, on the 14th dny of October, A. D. 1901, in ro matter of James J. Byrne vs. P. J. Voeller, I have, on this 18th day of October, A. D. 1901, levied upon and shall expose for sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder, at the Police Sta tion, Knlakaua Hale In Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, at 12 o'clock noon of Wednesday, the 20tl dny of November A. D. 1901, all tho right, title and interest of the said P. J. Voeller In and to the following des cribed property, unless the Judgment amounting to Six Hundred and Fifty nnd 90-100 pollars, Interest, costs and my expenses are previously paid. Said property levied upon being: All that certain property situate In said Honolulu conveyed to said P. J. Voeller by deed of H. M. and Sarah C, Dow, dated August 18th., 1691, and re corded in Liber 130, on pages 470 & 477, and being that portion of Royal Pa tent Grant 3511 described as follows: Beginning nt n point on North side of Magazine street 2C3 3-10 feet from mnuka line of Spencer Avenue; thence the boundary runs by true bearings N, IS" 10' E. 60 feet along Mngazlno street; N. 71 CO' W. 200 feet along 11. Wort's premises; S. IS 10' W. HO feet along Government land; S. 71 B0 E. 200 feot to the Initial point, containing' an area of 10,000 square foot. Hubjuot, however, to tho following mortgages: P. J. and Mary Voeller to O. J. Wnllor, dated Fe bruary 1C, 1S94, for J 200 with interest at the rate of 10 per cont per annum, for one yonr, and recorded in Llbor 157, on page 331; P. J. and Mary A. Voeller to Pioneer Rullding and Loan Association of Hawaii, dated April 11, isfl5, for (COO with Intorest at tho rate of 9 per cont per annum, and recorded In Liber 113, on pago 92. CHAS. F. CHlLLlNaWORTH, Deputy Shorlff, Territory of Hawaii. Honolulu, Onhu, Fine Job Printing, Star Office, r