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t TIIK HAWAIIAN 8TAII, 1'IHDAT, NOVHMIIrtU M, lt. TIinETl AJLlft K. Cunliti, ATTOnHBY AT LA NOTAKY PUULIC. 308 Stnnfrcnwnld Building TB ,riIONE M IN 21. DR. J. M. WHITNEY, DENTIST. Boston Building, Fort Street Over H. May & Co. Ilours: 9-5. Tel. Main 277. DR. A. E. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Offlce Hours: 9 to 4. 112S Alakea Street, next Masonio Temple, Honolulu. DR. 0. B. HIGH, DENTIST. Philadelphia Dental College, 1892. Oftlce: Maaonlo Temple. Telephone, Main 318. OB, A, 0, WALL, OB, 0, E, WALL, X 15 IV TIS 1 . X.OVE BUILDING, FORT STREET. L 'ephone 434. OFFICE HOURS, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. A. J. DERBY, DENTIST. :ott-SmIth Building, Cor. Fori, and Hotel Sts. Ho- lulu, H. I. Offlce Hours: 9 a. m. to - p. m. DR. J. UCHIDA, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlce: Beretanla, between Fort and Nuuanu streets. Offlce Hours: 8 to 12 a. m.: 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone, White 1211. A. C. LOVEKIN, Stock and Bond Broker, (II ME ID IBIHT 402 JUDD BUILDING. J H. Hlfi I CO, Members of Honolulu Stock Exchange Stock and Bond Brokers STANGENWALD BUILDING. Advance Made on Approved Security, Telephone Blue 933. WING SING CO. 48 Hotel Street, next door to Iwakaml IMPORTERS IN GROCERIES .CALIFORNIA FRUITS, BUTTER. C, BREWER & CO,, LIMITED QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU, H. T. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono tnea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar n.n.nAntr Tvhiinii'ii flncrnr nnmnanv. "Walhee Sugar Company, Makee Sugar Company, Haleakaia tancn jompuuy, Kap jala itancn. m.nt..a T.lna and RnlriTllnf? CO. '.harlea Brewer & Co's Line of Boston Packet JlfiCUW uw. w wfc " Agents Philadelphia Board of Under writers. LIST OP OFFICERS. C. M. C JOKE President GEOHOE H. ROBERTSON, . . . Manager B. F. BISHOP..... Treasurer ana secty, COL. W. F. ALLEN, Auditor Directors. P. C. JONES, H. WATERHOUSB, GEORGE K. OAHU RAILWAY AND LAND CO'S 0?IIvIB) TABLE FROM AND AFTER JANUARY 1, 1901 TIlAINIb STATIONS. (Outward) Honolulu Peatl Olty Ewa Mill .... Walamae... "Waialua Kahuku ... STATIONS. (Inward) Kahuku .. Watalua Walanae Kwa Mill.... Pearl City.... Honolulu Dally Dally ex.SuaD'ljr D'ly A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 7:10 0:15 , 8:03 0:48 8:33 10:0s 11:05 11:10 12:00 3:15 8:47 4:05 4:45 5:40 8;15 5:10 5:60 6:10 10:50 11:55 1 itv Dally ex. Hun. A.M. D'ly A.M. 5:35 6:10 7:10 7:45 8:03 8:35 D'ly D'ly r.M, r.u .... 2:08 .... 8:50 3:M 5:60 6:15 0:10 1.05 1:80 3:05 4:32 4:52 6:2 O. P, Denison, Superintendent. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Act Note Heads, BUI Heads, Statements and Fine Commercial Printing at the Star umce. Paralysis comet m ft cllmnx to over-tnxed nrul run-down norvos. It is n brenkltitf down, ii wonting out of llio forces which rcirulnto and control every orR.iu nnd ovory tissue of llio body. Over-taxed norvos should bo Riven rest nnd nourishment l( you would keep them from wearing out: nnd thero Is nothing so good for thnt pur poso as Dr. Miles' Nervine. It Is n ncrvo nnd brain food ns well ns med icine, nnd nourishes wlillo It checks tho irritated nervesi It atrenRthcns wlillo it rests tho tired brain. If your nerves aro weak; It you aro rest less, Irritable, sleepless, worn-out and exhausted, begin at ouco with Dr. Miles' Nervine. "I was paralyied and was so nearly help, less for nine years that I had to be lifted from the bed to my invalid chair. During an mat lime l was doctoring witn various physicians and trying different remedies; but all to no purpose, lor I seemed to grow weaker Instead ol stronger. About one year ago 1 commenced the use of Dr. Miles' Nervine and I seemed to get stronger almost at once. In a few weeks I was so greatly improved that I could walk alone, and I have since enjoyed better health than I did before in many years." 12. J. Dknman, Garden City, Kans. Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold nt ail drugstores on a positive guarantee. Write for lies advice And booklet to Dr. Mllos Medloal Co., Elkhart, Ind. COltfcOKATlON NOTICES. ELECTION OF OVFICEItS. WILDEIt'S STEAMSHIP COMPANY. At the adjourned annual meeting ot the stockholders of this Company, held on this day, the following olllcers were elected to serve during the ensuing year: C. L.. Wight ."..President W. M. Giffard Vice-President S. B. Rose ....Secretary and Treasurer W. Pfotenhauer Auditor The above named officers with E. D Tenney, E. F. Bishop and G. C. Beck ley comprise the Board of Directors. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. Honolulu, Nov. 20, 1901. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. At a meeting of the directors of the Orpheum Company, Limited, held this day, an assessment' of 10 per cent was levied, payable on November 20, 1901, and delinquent December 20, 1901. JOHN F. COLBURN, Secretary pro tern. Honolulu, November IB, 1901. Kihei Assessment Notices. THE 12TH ASSESSMENT of 5 per cent or $2.50 per share became due and payable January 2nd, 1901 and bears penalty from February Zna, 1901. The thirteenth and final assessment of 5 per cent or J2.50 per share on the stocK of the Klhel Plantation uo Ltd.. has been levied and will become due and payable on the 15th day of June, 1901. Interest bearing after the 15th day of July, 1901. The above assessments are payable at the offices of Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., Judd Building. J. P. COOKE, Treasurer Klhel Plantation Co. Honolulu. May 18. 1901. Olaa Assessments. The 10th and 17th assessment of 50 cents each are now bearing Interest at the rate of 1 per cent per month. The eighteenth assessment of 2 per cent or 50 cents per share has been called to be due and payable October 21, 1901. The nineteenth assessment of 2Vt per cent or 50 cents per share ha3 been called to be due and payable November 20, 1901. Interest will be charged on assess ments unpaid ten (10) days after the same are due, at the rate of one per cent per ...onth from the date on which such assessments are due. The above assessments will be pay able at the office of the B. P. Dilling ham Company Limited, Stangenwald Buildlnrr. ELMER E. PAXTON, Treasurer Olaa Sugar Company, Lim ited. Honolulu, T. H. July 20, 1901. LIMITED. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. On and after December 1st, 1901, the following charges In passenger fares will go into effect, viz.: Cabin rates between Honolulu and Eleele, Makawell, Waimea, Kapaa, Anahola, Ktlauea and Hanalel on tho Island of Kauai will be increased from $6.00 to $7V00. Cabin rates between Honolulu and Kealakekua and all ports beyond In tho District of Kona on the Island of Ha waii will bo Increased from $10,00 to $11.00. Cabin rates between Honolulu and Honuapo and Punaluu on the Island of Hawaii will bo Increased from $12.00 to $13.00. Deck Rates between Honolulu and the Island of Maul, will bo increased from $2.00 to $2.50. Deck rates between Honolulu and the Island of Kauai will be Increased from $2.00 to $2.50. Deck rates betwo n Honolulu and tho Island of Hawaii will lo Increased from $2.00 to $3,00. All special rates, except to Clergymen, will bo abolished on the above date, J. ENA. President. Honolulu, November 4, 1901. LOST. On November 17 near Walklkl Inn, one white, male fox terrier. Reward if returned to this office. Fine Job Printing, Star. Office. Amii iiittilrii II I1SP1 SERVICE VAMT KXl'MNHK HIT NuT 8INOUC IJIHAHTKK. A Important Movmtnt of Troops, Mu- iiltloim, mill SuppliM Dut-tiiR the PnkI Year IteHjrtd on at Length. WASHINGTON. D. C, November C Inspector General liieeklnililKe linn miule n report to the Secretary ot Wur covering the details of nrmy mutters wlileli were not touched upon In his previous report. An Interesting feature of vtlie report Is a stutemcut that about 36 per cent of the nnimuls purchased for tho Philip pines nnd Cuba became wholly or to tally blind, which I ml lent da the effect of tropical climate upon their eyesight. The emergency ration Is pronounced excellent, but It Is recommended that more care be paid to the packing of goods for their preservation. Speaking of tho water transportation for the army. It is stated the Inspection reports show that the ventilating sys tems on the ships were unsatisfactory, and thnt while the crews were satisfac tory nnd efficient there was an exces sive number employed us compared with commercial steamers. "The Immense expenditure on.nccount of the transport service," says General Hreckenrldge, 'attract attention and demand constant watchfulness and carefulness and careful supervision nnd scrunlty, so that the public Interests may be properly safeguarded." In al tering and repairing transports It Is re ported that the sum of $1,000,000, ap proximately, was expended at San Francisco alone up to February 23, 1901. Two Illustrations of expenditures on boats are given. Tho Sumner, which was purchased for $168,000, has had ex pended on her for fitting up $030,000, and for repairs since $100,000, making a total cost to the government of $918,000: nnd the Warren, which was purchased for $200,000, has had expended on her fitting up $148,194, and for repairs since $194, 341, making a total cost to the govern ment of $542,53o. General Breckenrldge calls attention to the expense of repairing and refitting transports, and advises careful scrunlty of this work. He also quotes from the reports of officers of his bureau relative to the coal supply of the transports, and says that it Is observed that very good qualities of coal at low prices can be obtained on Puget sound from either Washington or Canadian coal. Quoting from Major Lovering ho says that the climatic effect on employes in the Philippines Is very marked, and the capacity for work of such employes diminishes from month to month. Col. Bird of the quartermaster gen eral s office has made, a long and com prehenslve report of the army trans port service, which he concludes ns fol lows: "The Important movements of armies during the yea- viz., the army sent to China, the volunteer army returned from the Philippines to the United States and the army from the United States and China to replace the return ed volunteers, together with the trans portntion of the immense quantities of military stores. Including small arms, field and selge guns and their ammu nition camp equipage, subsistence sup plies for men and beasts and the ani mals and wagons required for the transportation of these stores on land, necessary for the successful operations of armies in the field, entailed a vast amount of labor in' promptly and suc cessfully providing the means for trans porting these large bodies of troops. "That there might be no delay In meeting the needs of the military ser vice at all points the utmost vigilance, care and foresight has been required on the part of the officers and men intrust ed with the conduct of the nrmy trans port service. It Is gratifying to re port that no disaster has occurred to mar the successful conduct of the ser vice, and not a human life has been lost through any defect in the provi sions made for these large movements of troops by sea. THE "JILT." Dion Boucicault's famous racing com edy drama, "The Jilt" will be ;lven this evening at the opera house by Mr. Nelll and his company. .The play Is said to be one of the most charmiog in the ;n tire Nelll repertoire. It Is In five act?, tho fourth act showing the private box In the grand stand at the race course where a race tnkes place. This is one of the most exciting and animated scenea of the modern drama and from the sug gestions offered in It for horse racing upon the stage sev-.val very successful plays witli race scenes in them have been launched. It was playod by the author himself for nvxnv seasons in the States and was his favorite pluy. The famous comedy drama Is most ly written and cleverly constructed and the members of the tost are said to lit the various roles well. It Is a play where one gets on a friendly footing with all of the characters and learns to Join in their loves and hates, to tho ex tent of gasping for brea'.h In the ex citing race horse scene, Mr. Nelll will be seen as Myles "O'Hara." The case will be as follows: "Sir Bud lelgh Woodstock," Frank MacVlcors; "Myles O'Hara" (Referee) Mr. Nelll: "Lord Marcus Wylle," Robert Morris; "Colonel Tudor," John W. Bui-ton: "Geoffry Tudor," George Bloomqust; "Jem Daisy," Gilbert Ganliur; "Rev. Mr. Spooner," Scott Seaton; "Wllcux," Arthur Crosswell: "Lady Mllticent Woodstock," Lucille Spinney; "Kitty Woodstock," Edytho Chapman; 'I'l-.ylis Welter," Julia Dean; "Mrs. vAVlter, ' Lilian Andrews; "Mrs. Pincott, ' Brownell. DISAPPEARED IN MID-OCEAN. PHILADELPHIA. November 13 It is feared that a terrible ocean dis aster occurred in the eastward track of transatlantic steam craft on the night of November 7th, about 1000 miles off the coast of the United States. A large unknown vessel caught Arc and was blown to pieces by an explosion suon afterward. The Ilrst news of the disaster was brought to this port today by Captain Ferian of the Australian steamship Etelka from London. Captain Ferian reports to his agent: "Between mid night and 1 a. m. Sth instant. In latl tudo 41 north, longttudo 59 west, I saw a Inrge steamer about live miles to the southward. From Its sudden disap pearance It looked oh If an explosion had occurred I Rtenmed townrd It, but It had disappeared before the steamer reached where It had been sighted." It was impossible to Identify tho ves sel, oxceptlng that she was 11 large craft. A GOOD THING. There's one good thing when they feel dry. That buslne men cannot pass by, For far and wide lt'n fame you hear, They atop to drink of "Rainier" beer On draught or In bottle at Criterion, .1 J 'jJmaMj'. lite. TltM gANKOFjjAWAII LIMITICD. Incorporated tinder the Laws of the Territory of Hawaii, PAID-UP CAPITAL - $600,000.00 RUSORVI2 UNDIVIDED PROFITS - i5j,ooo.oo OFFICER8 AND DIRECTORS. Charles M. Cooke President P. C. Jones Vice-President C. H. Cooke Cashier F. C. Athcrton Assistant Cashier Henry Waterhouso, Tom May, F. W. Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney. J, A. Mc- Candlcss. Solicits tho Accounts of Firms. Cor porations, Trusts Individuals, tnd will promptly and carefully attend to all business connected with banking en trusted to It. Sell and Purchase For eign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Ordinary and Term Deposits received and Into, eat allowed In accordance with rules and conditions printed In pass books, copies of which may be had on application. Judd Building, Fort Street. BISHOPS CO. Savings Bank Until further notice, Savings Depos its will be received and Interest allow ed by this Bank at four and one- f per cent per annum. Printed copies of the Rules and Reg ulations may be obtained on applica tion. Office at Bank building on Merchant street. BISHOP & CO. CLAUS SPRECKELS. WM. G. IRWIN. Glaus Spreckels & Go, HONOLULU, H. I. San Francisco Agents The Nevada National Bank of Ban U'ranclsco. DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na tional Bank of San Francisco. LONDON The Union Bank of London, Ltd . NEW YORK American Exchange Na tional Bank. nmnAfiO Merchants' National Bank. PARIS Credit Lyonnals. BERLIN Dresdner Bank. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA The Hongkong and Shangnai uanning Pnrnnrn tlrm NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA Bank of New Zealand. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British No.-th Amerl c TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Depositi Received, Loans Made on tnnrnvsii RpniiHtv. Commercial and Travelers' Credits Issued. Bills of Ex change Bought and Sold. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY AC COUNTED FOR. ESTABLISHED. 1858. BISHOP & Co.. Banlcers TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. COMMERCIAL AND TRAVELERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED, AVAILABLE IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD. Interest allowed after July 1st, 1900 on fixed deposits; 7 day notice 2 per cent, (this form will not bear Interest unless It remains undisturbed for one month) 3 month 3 per cent: months 8 12 months, 4 per cent. THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LIMITED. Subscribed Capital Yen 24,000,000 Paid Up Capital Yen 18,000.000 reserved Fund Yen 8,510,000 HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. The Bank buys and receives for col lection Bills of Exchange, Issues drafts and Letters of Credit, an transacts a general bankng business. INTEREST ALLOWED: On fixed deposits for 12 months, 4 per cent per annum. On fixed deposits for 6 months, t per cent per annum. On fixed deposits for 3 months, S per cent per annum. Branch of the Yokohama Specie Bank. Hew Republic Building. Honolulu B 1 HONOLULU SALOON, A. LUDLOFF, Proprietor. Corner Llliha and School Street. Has opened a resort where refresh ments of all kinds are served. PRIMO BEER ON TAP. MropoEitan Mm Oo, LIMITED Just received ex-EUhu Thompson from Seattle a shipment of Choice beef, Veal, Mutton, Lamb, and Fork, also Poultry, Salmon and Halibut. FOR SALE AT Metropolitan Mnrkot Co., King Street, Telephone 45. The Booth, Fish market, Tele phone U70. Central Market, Nunauu Street, Telephone 140. , -War IWAKAMI & 00., HOTEL STREET Gents' Furnishing Goods. A Complete Line of Underwear Just Received. Every Department Fully Stocked iLwwwv Elec trie Light ing Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd King Street Tel. 390 Three Carloads of Budweiser and Premium Pale Beer Just to hand Ex Schr. Helene. Now offered for sale at lowest prices by Hackfeld THE ORIENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., Ltd J. X. MoOOY, rjrolclGxat. CAPITAL STOCK, $200,000.00 T;Fi,S??l3r ,nauranc9 company in the world Issuing policies In both 07 NGLISH and CHINESE languages. Policies contain all modern advantages of tho endowment and other xorMi issued b fie leading American companies. Governed by the safest Insurance systems. The pioneer Chinese-AntrlMH compa HOME OFFICE; ,'301-302 Stnngonwnld Building Honolulu, II. T. T. MURATA, Main Store, No. 1044, Nuuanu Street lstBranch, corner King and Beretania Sts. 2nd Branch, No. 1032, Nuuanu St. ... . : . : . .? ' .... . . . a . . . . . . Any Styles Telephone Blue 3311 Telephone Blue 2781 P. O. Bos 884. Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. ..a... . . . . .:. .....; . ...,.,....., , yjj . Vj For home use Incandescent lamps have been proven to be the most con venient and most satisfactory lights known. NO disagreeable odors. NO smoke or dirt. Always ready for use with a soft, steady and brilliant light. Only have to rress the button to turn the light on or off. Let us give you figures on wiring your house. & Co., Ltd., :..... IF v Made to Order ;. v i. v . v . . . . . ., . . .,.... . . . .",,. . ...