Newspaper Page Text
r t THE HAWAIIAN STAR, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1901. t V v O PURE V "YE V WHISKEY The Hannis Distillery Go., Philadelphia, U. S. A, W. C. Peacock & Co., Ltd., Sole Agents H0fV6aBlflCl6 PIS 9 HI III 0 STUB'S Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in Cigars and Tobacco, also China Teas OigraLrs irx 33oncl Lee Toma & Co., JLVfcci 33 King Street near Nuuanu, P. 0. Box 1034, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii Who will doit? Tou are going to have your bouse Papered, Fainted or Decorated. Who's going to do It? No one does or can do better work than we, Investigation proves that few do as good. All we ask for It Is a fair price sot high, not low. Either extreme Is dangerous. Any one who gives us work gets the best going at the fairest and squarest price. STERLING, THE PAINTBR Office: Union Street, opp. Bell Tower. Jas. F. Morgan President Cecil Brown Vice-President T. Hustace Secretary Chan. H. Athc?ton Auditor W. H. Hoogs....Treas. and IZir. TELEPHONE MAIN 295. Husfaoe & Go.. Ltd QUEEN STREET J Firewood, Stove, Steam and Blacksmith CooJL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Special attention given to DHAYING ALSO, WHITE AND BLACK SAND C. Q. Yee Hop & Co. Knliikinui Meat Market And Grocery Fruits and Vegetables BERETANIA ST., COR. ALAKEA. Also at the Fish Market, Stalls 1 9 and 20 Phone Blue 2511. v The Yon Hamm-Young Co., Ltd., Importers and Commission Merchants Queen Street, Honolulu HGENTS FOR The Lancashire Insurance Co. The Balolse Insurance Co. Union Gas Engine Co. Domestic Sewing Machine, Etc. WING LUNG & FAT, CORNER VINEYARD AND FOl T STREETS. Received per Sierra Frozen Oysters, Prunes, Oranges, Pears and Peaches. Fresh Island Butter and Kona Coffee always on Hand. Goods delivered to all parts of the'CIty. lei. Blue 841. p. O. Box 894. HING LEE CHAN, Fort Street, opposite the Popular House Dealer In Groceries, California and Island Fruits, Poultry. Island Butter, Kona Coffee, Cigars and Tobacco. New goods by every steamer. TIM CHAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. Removed from Nuuanu Street to 614 Queen Street, Magoon Building, Kaka ako. Clothes, cleaned, dyed and repaired. Suits made to order. SUN HOP LEE, 608 Queen Street, Magoon Building, K.akaaKo. BUTCHER. Groceries, cigars, tobacco, and soda water. EAGLE SALOON, Bob Ross, Manager. Geo. J. Cavanaugh, Proprietor. REFRESHMENTS OF ALL KINDS The Delicious Prlmo Beers at 10 cents a Schooner. Tobacco and Cigars. Cor. of Punchbowl and Halekaulla Sts. S. HIROKAWA, Bamboo Furniture No. Be: Beretanla Street Near Punchbowl. J. H. Jk CO. here's an H. & CO.- advantage I In buying furniture from us. We keep the very best grade of goods and here, as nowhere else, can you get a selection to suit you suit you In quality; suit you In price. This week we mention from our Immense sto-"-: White Enameled and Solid Brass Bedsteads, from $5 up to $12. Beautiful Oak Chiffoniers, from $8.75 Upwards. Mahogany and Oak Library Tables. Secretary Oak Book Cases, and an elgant new stock of Hart shorn Window Shades made to order. J. HOPP & CO. KING & BETHEL STREETS Phone 111 Main. H. & CO. J. H. & CO. W. G. IRWIN & CO. (Limited.) AGENTS FOR Western Susar Refining Company of San Francisco, Cal. Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia, Penn. Newell Universal Mill Company (National Cane Shredder) New York: U. S. A. N. Ohlandt & Co.'s WorHllTOro High Grade Fertilizers for Cane and Alex. Cross & Son's High Grade Fer tilizers for Cane and Coffee. Reed's Steam Pipe Cars. Also Offer for Sale Paraflne Faint Co.'s P. & B. Paints and Papers, Lucol and Llnse.d Oils, raw and boiled. Indurlne (a cold water paint). In white and colors. Filter Press Cloths, Ceme Lime and Brick. Fine Job Printing, Star Office. KILQHANA PICTURES LANDSCAPE SECTION SECOND VISIT. WORTH Five Best Canvnaes Include Four Local Subjects Improvement Shown by Student Members. The landscape on exhibition In the Kllohnna exhibit Is well worth a sec ond visit and sliows throughout, from the less skilful handlers of the sables to the past masters, conscientious effort and effect that IS peculiarly soothing and grateful after some of the so called studies belonging to the "freak" school of painting that liave occasionally crept Into the Kllohnna gallery; nightmares of color with no drawing as an excuse for their existence. There are two Chinese exhibitors this season, one of them Lau Sheong, a pupil of Howard Hitchcock, whoso efforts from year to year have attracted quite! a little attention. Sheong has entirely broken away from the Inherited ten dency to cling to the accepted canons of Chinese art with Its careful applica tion and narrow principles. Sheong'B work this year shows much more free dom in drawing and technique gen erally. Student fashion he has adopted his teacher's pallette so far and is apt to be over brilliant. Miss Tabor shows some Interesting watercolors and Miss Kelley's broad treatment of the Polnclana Is very suc cessful. Teng Cheong's work, like his fellow countryman's, Is Interesting and earnest. Mr. Wores seems to have unearthed a new field at Waialua that It is sur prising has not been before developed. The small canvas showing the back ground of violet and emerald mountain, with cane, a pool of water and tnro, In the foreground, Is a charming and per fectly natural composition that gives n glimpse of a wealth of color and subject as yet undeveloped. Mr. Hitchcock and others would find It well worth while to travel down the line In that direction. For choice of the five canvases In the landscape section combining the salient features of drawing, technique, compo sition, color harmony and fidelity, the connoisseur would be apt to choose Wores exquisite pastel pastoral "Even ing on the South Downs" although the captious critic might have -something to say about the drawing of the sheep but Its exquisite color. Its truism nnd feeling of the quiet twilight hour gives It the first place. Howard Hitchcock's "Punchbowl from Judd Street," and "Nuuanu Gap from Palama" are easily his best and with Mt. Kaala and a de lightful Uittle canvas "Waialua" by Wores. the last named sparkling with the effects of a Just passed tropical shower, complete the quintet. Mrs. Helen Kelly holds the palm In watercolors both from technique, broad treatment and good color. Hitchcock has one water color on the line called Canoe Cave that is pretty enough but has many vagaries of color In the shadows. THEATRE TONIGHT. Tonight will be laughter night at the opera house where Mr. Nelll and his company will present for the first time in this city that greatest of all fantas tic comedies, "Niobe." It Is from the pens of Harry and Edward Paulton, the famous authors of "Erminle." Miss Chapman will be seen as "Nlobe" and Mr. Nelll as "Peter Ames Dunn." "Nlobe" has been performed with great success in all leading cities of the world and ran for more than a year In Australia. " The present is Mr. Nelil's last week in this city. It will be some months before any other dramatic or ganization will visit these Islands. WELCOMING A PASTOR Reception This Evening W. N. Lono. to the Rev. A reception will be given by the members and the Christian Endeavor Society of the Kaumakppill church this Tuesday evening In honor of their new pastor Rev. Y. N. Lono. He is one of the most learned Hawaiian pas tors of the old school. He received his education at the Lahalnaluna Semi nary, the Rev. II. H. Parker being one of his teachers. After graduation he chose to be a missionary and was sent to the South bea Islands where he remained till ill health compelled him to 1-Pinr.tnntiv give up his work among the heathen whlcii was commencing to bear fruit, and ho returned to his native land He has been pastor of the church at Kekaha, Kona, Hawaii, since his re turn and resigned to accept the call of the members of the Kaumakaplli Church. Who oonsldprwl MlPlnsnlvoM fnr. tnnntn n cr,ruri , tr iiim nc ti.nt.. nnatr... i lie lias already won the heurts of all I his congregation both young and old, It Is said, by his preaching, and his kind, genial, pleasant and unassuming ways and manner. Tho members of the Kaumakaplli church extend a cordial Invitation to all Christian workers and friends to come. JAPANESE PRINCESS. YOKOHAMA, November 15. II. I. H. Princess Norlko, the royal consort of Prince Yamashlna, who has been suffer ing from fever since the birth of a princess on the 31st Inst, passed away on the morning of the Hth Inst. The deceased Imperial Princess was born on the 4th of December. 1875, and was twenty six years of age at the time of her demise. Her Highness was the sec ond daughter of Prince Kujo and elder sister of ll. I. H. Princess Sadako, the royul consort to the Crown Prince. The deceased Princess was decoruted with the First Order of the Crown on the 9th inut. QUEER SUICIDE. Quito a commotion was caused nt the Police box near the railway station at Umeda, Osaka, early on Monday morn ing, by tho action of a man who pro fessed to bo auxiouH to secure an oill- cer's attention to an application and then, when the latter was off his guard. suddenly drew the ojlicer's sword and cut his own throat with It. The man proved to be a native of Yohlme Ken named Aokl Chlhlro, He had been suffering from a serious nervous disor der. The ound inllicted was not mor tal and a u-r being attended to by a doctor the unfortunate man wns hand ed over to a relation In tho city. Japan Gazette. THREE MEN AND A BOAT. Daring Swimmer Recovers Drifting Fishing Boat In Storm. Ah the dusk and darkness of a ralnv night were settling over the city last Friday evening a few watchers on the sea shore at the mouth of the Walluku river witnessed a ilttlo drama of three men and a boat, which though common to Hawallans never ceases to thrill the haole who Is a stranger to the sea. The HAWAIIAN I Engineering & Construction Co. j Rooms 508, GOO, OIO Stnngonwnld Building, J" .A1,1 cIas.scs of. Engineering work solicited. Examinations, Surveys and Reports made for uny class of Waterworks, Steam and Electrical Construction. Plans and Specifications and Estimates prepared, and Construction Superintended In all branches of Engineering Work. Con s0,lc't?d, for Railroads, electric and steam: Tunnels, Bridges, Buildings, Highways, Foundations, Piers, Wharves, etc. J SPECIAL ATTENTION riven to Examinations, Valuations, and J Reports of properties for Investment purposes. FREDERICK J. AMWEC, M. Am. Soc. C. E., Englneor and Manngor. J W. R. CASTLE, JR., Socrotnry and Treasurer. W.VJWVVV1W.W.V.V.V.VVW1,WAVWiVW". . rain had been pouring all day. Wal luku river was coming down to the sea a perfect Hood. The school of fishing smacks under the estuary bank were rolling and tugging ut the chains that made them fast. The one belonging to A. G. Serrao snapped Its moorings and was carried out to sea by the swift current. Johnnie Polokaa, the cham pion swimmer was standing near. The owner of the boat offered a reward for Its capture. Johnnie with the end of a small rope In his hand plunged In and started for the boat which was boun cing about In the mad waters where the current from the river was strug gling with the breakers from the sea. He swam to the boat, which had lost Its mast before he reached It. He made it fast to his line and then plunged overboard to rescue the mast. Secur ing the stick, he found It impossible to reach the boat again against current. Another young native by this time had gained the boat. He picked up a coll of rope and threw a loose end to Polokaa, and quickly drew him In. AH this time the crowd that had been gathering on the shore were looking three hundred yards farther out to sea beyond the frail smack. A dark spot was visible on the surface of the mud dy water. It was the head of Polokaa's father. The elder man had plunged In to the sea a few minutes after the son, but striking an adverse current was carried out to sea. The giant breakers would submerge him from view as they followed each other at Intervals of ten seconds. To the boys In the boat the natives on the shore were crying "plll kla, way out," accompanying the warn ing with wild gesticulations. The crowd could see the fine old swimmer duck beneath the breakers, coming to the surface between them for breath, like a cork. The boys In the boat loosened It and pulled hard out to sea. The old man was now seen to strike out coastwise, toward the foot of Waianuenue street. A friendly cur rent swept him along much faster than the boat could go and after several minutes of suspense, the watchers saw the old man come tumbling In over the rough rocks. He had rounded the reef in very nasty weather. While drawing on a pair of trousers that were held out to him he said, "Twenty minutes more and I would be 'make.' (dead.)" Hilo Tribune. HARRISON MONUMENT. Probably the most systematic and at the same time the most comprehensive plans ever started for the erection of a monument by popular subscriptions have been mapped out by the Benjamin Harrison Monument association, says an Indianapolis dispatch. During the summer months no attempt was made to push the work, but notwithstanding this fact there has been a total of near ly $40,000 pledged, and three fourths of this sum Is now In the hands of the treasurer of the association. It is be lieved that the plans now agreed on, and which will be put into active op eration at once will swell the amount easily to $100,000, and $150,000 may be reached. DECORATION GIVEN. YOKOHAMA. November 15. The Emperor ot Japan has conferee! on E. A. Hewett, the new ngent for the P. & O. S. N. Co. In Hongkong and late chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Council, the Fourth Class Order of the Sacred Treasure. FAITH CURE. The extent to which the delusion of faith cure can go is illustrated In the Indictments for manslaughter found at Hamilton. O.. against Mr. and Mre. Silver Bishop. Their little girl, Esther, 'eicht vears of age. was terribly burned by a gasolene explosion, but the Bish- ops reruseu to can a uueiur mm uiuy alleviated her suffering by surrounding the bedside nnd offering up prayers ror her recovery. Of course the child died In great agony. New Bedford Republi can Standard. xntn Hp.ins. mil lieaus. aiaiemems nnu i-ine commercial i-rmuim ut wu Star Olllce. 'For Thanksgiving. FINE MINCE AND FRUIT PIES AND FANCY CAKES. Turkeys and Chickens Families. Roasted for Place your order for delivery early. LOVE'S BAKERY, Telephone, White 1431. Nuuanu St, Place Your Orders Now. A Big Supply on Hand. Metropolitan Meat Co. Thanksgiving nince"d Pumpkin Pies DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. HART & CO., Ltd. The Elite Ice Cream Parlors. TELEPHONE 182. CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED Commission Herchants. SUGAR - FACTORS. AGENTS FOR The Ewa Plantation Company. The Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. Tho Kohala Sugar Companv The Walmea Sugar Mill Company. The Fulton Iron Works, St Louis, Mo. The Standard Oil Company. The G rge F. B ke Steam Pu Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life Insur ance Company of Boston. The Aetna Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. The Alliance Assurance Company of London. Baldness IS THE RESULT IN THE GREATER NUMBER OF CASES OF ALLOWING THE DAND RUFF SCALES TO ACCUMMU LATB ON THE SCALP, AND DOING NOTHING TO CURE IT. PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILL ER WILL REMOVE THE DANDRUFF SCALES COM PLETELY AND PREVENT THE HAIR FROM FALLING. PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER Sold by all Druggists. And at the Union Barber Shop Telephone Main 232. P. O Box 91S Tel. MJ f H. HAMANO, IMPORTER OF Japanese Provisions A-JVJO General ierebantfisi PLANTATION SUPPLIES King Street. - - - - Corner httti KATSEY BLOCK Honolulu Iron Works. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILU BOILERS, COOLERS, IRON, BRA: AND LEAD CASTINGS. Machinery of Every Description VmA to Order. Particular attention pal 4 Ship's Blacksmlthlng. Job Work Ex cuted on Short Notice. CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED Life and Fire insurance Agents BJ" AGENTS FOB JSi NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL; LIFE INSURANCE CO, OT BOSTON. ETR!A FIRE INSURANCE CO OF nABTTOHP CflNv The Encore Saloon Corner Nuuanu and Hotel Streets, We Keep on nand the Best Brands of Liquors nnd Cignrs The Depot Saloon, Opposite the Oahu Railway & Land Co, We will keep the Honolulu Beer al ways on tap and In bottles. Also soft drinks and cigars. RYAN U. DEMENT, Prr-nrfetox Come in and See Our 3apers And be satisfied thnt you aref getting the best for the least money DEALERS IN THE WALL PAPERS AND HOUSE DECORATIONS. win i COBJJPAKY NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Shippers are notified that a new freight schedule will go Into effect on and after December 1st, 1901. information In regard to changes m rates can be obtained at the offlce ot the Company, corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. C. L. WIGHT. President A glance at the show windows of tho GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR will give an idea of tho UP-TO-DATE CHARAC TER of the NEW BOOKS CARRIED by this house a second glance will show that the prices are 20 per cent Lower Than can be obtained elsewhere, ancT an Inspection of the stock will satisfy the Intending purchaser that no such complete line of books has ever been offered the public before In Honolulu.. FORT ST., NEAR KING ST.- HIR0SE SH0TEN, 1079 Alaa Street. Jlf NEW BY EVERY STEAMER. P. O. Box 885. Tel. Blue 392. H. W. EARTH, Successor to W. H. Barth and H. W. Earth. Honolulu Sheet MeUl anil Co:nicc Worts Galvanized Iron Skylights and Ven tilators Metal Roofing. Conductor Pipe and Gutter Work Jobbing Promptly attended to. Richard Street Between Queen and Merchant Streets, Hono' .t. JUST RECEIVED BY EX " VEN1UHB " CAULIFLOWER, CELERY, J CRANBERRIES, JHNCE MEATS, PLUM PUDDJNG, APPLES, ' ORANGES AND LEMONS, LEMON AND CITRON PEEL, NUTS AND RAISINS. J. E. GOEAS, Cor. Beretanla and Emma Sts. Telephone Blue 2312. W. H. BARTH, STAR BLOCK 1290 FORT ST. Tiiaxuijie; mid Galvaniasecl Iron Work U I HE, II m I Estimates furnished on all kinds ot Bheet Metal Work. The patronage of Owners, Architects and Builders solicited. GERMANIA SALOON C. WESSELS AND A. BECKER Proprietors. 004 Quoon Stroot cor. South. Headquarters for Honolulu Prlmo Beer, In bottles and on draught Al ways Ice Cold. We can give you th best glass of beer In town. TEN CENTS A SCHOONER, ,