Newspaper Page Text
THE HAWAIIAN STAR, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1901. SBES SIX tk Summer Proposition. r Well, now there's the ICE QUESTION ! (low know you'll need Ice: you know fito m necessity In hot weather. We C!tva you are anxious to get that Ice tttalcu will give you satisfaction, and n'A like to pply you. Order from CO! ICE 8 QKIK CO., HOFFM.' TN AND MARKIIAM. fcfcphone S1G1 Blue, Postofflce Box 606 JCo always well to the fro In genuine tioads at Fair Prices. STILL the store must keep In lino with other stores in frontage to the street SO the Government may ask me to move TmucU, which will lessen the size of my store, and I must reduce my Immense Stoalc te at leist one-half. I therefore iatend to 431VE! ALL OF MY CUSTOMERS opportunity to buy goods at PRICES i&ever' heard of here. Come before you . bair elsewhere and you will say my prices are -all right. E. W. JORDAN, 10 FORT STREET AJEZ SOP, Wna Street, Territorial Stables Block. ' Dealer In t -SttoaUy Groceries, Tobacco, CIga. s, lata id Butter, California and Island Fruits. tfcJirj delivered to any part of the City f . &. IRWIN & CO., LTD.. Win. G. Irwin.. President and Manager XlAua Spreckels... First Vice-Presideit W. K. Glffard.... Second VIce-Pre3ldent OS. IT. Whitney, Jr.Sec'y and Treasurer ,,o. J. Ross Auditor Sugar Factors, Commission Agents AGENTS OF THE 0CIMIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Wulepltone Main 82. P. O. Box 866. SUGASHOTEN, IMPORTER OF AND H17 OoQds Wholesale Dealers In Liquors and Beers KINGr STREET NEAR BRIDGE. HART & CO., LTD THE ELITE ICE CREAM PARLORS Chocolates and Confections Ice Cream and Water Ices Batary Lunch. 1 FINEST HI III HIE lilli Oriental Goods UV IMPORTATION OF Silk ftfi ts, la the piece; Silk Handkerchiefs; 151 K Shawls; Decorated riower Pots; QL-m Porcelain Cups and Saucers; Tea Rwu Dinner Sets; Carved Ivory; Rattan i-'Vntfra; Carved Sandalwood Boxes. tw Goods aro the Handsomest In all Honolulu VflWC WO CHAM &. CO. I10-212 Nuuanu Street. ei. W. HcGhesney & Sons. (Tbsfooale Grocers and Dealers lis &oathor and Shoe Findings. &ux&! Honolulu Soap Works Company end Honolulu Tannery. Kojima. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN lilQTJORS, inese Provisions. General Merchandise, SJXD PLANTATION SUPPLIES. QKLU HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU. 1 Tlephone Whit 2411. v. o. box m. Impure Blood Make It Pure, Rich, and Healthy. Impuro blood takes tho very llfo right out of ono. l'on just drag nrouud at your work, feeling wretched and ills consolato nil tho time. You aro weak, discouraged, and havo lost faith In modlcino. Try just ono thing moro, lor wo aro suro wo can holp you. Mr. O. Muadaa-Cresdoo, o Camp bolltown, South Australia, sends us this lottor, with his photographs "I was suffering from a very bad wound that would not heal. I thought it must boon account of my blood, so I tried After taking on.y two bottle? ray woun thorougliiy healed anil I felt better than over beforo in my llfo. Whenever I feci out of sorts, now, I take a few do-es and am all right. Aycr's SarsaparllU Is a wonderful mcdiclno for Impure blood and gcncial debility." If your liver Is sluggNh, you have a coated tonguo, constipation, and your food distresses you. Aycr's Tills euro all liver troubles. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AyerCo.. Lowell. Mass., U. S. A. Souvenir Calendars, Xmas Cards A select line ot Children's Books. A large assortment of office and pocket Diaries for 1902. The most complete line of Blank Books and Office Sup plies. LIMITED. We have received an ele gant assortment of Kimonos Also, a large variety of stylish Shirts Moderate Prices OZAKI, Waverley Block, Hotel Street S. SHIMAMOTO, Merchant Street - - Honolulu, T. H. General rierchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries, Japanese Provisions, Etc., etc., etc. t. O. Box 881. Telephone 111. Wm. G.Irwin &Go., Ltd, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENTS AGENTS FOR THE Scottish Union National Insurance Company of Edinburgh, Wllhelma of Magdeburg General Insur ance Company, Associated Assurance Co., Ltd., of Mu nich and Berlin. Alliance Marine and General Assuror": Co., Ltd., of London, Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool, Alliance Assurance Company ot London, AVER'S SarsaparilSa 1 1 B I, THEY LOST MONEY CHINESE CArGIIT WHILE GAMB LING. The Kind of Shavliifr a Barber Prob ably Did At The Game The Other Case's.' Fifteen Chinese were before Judge Wilcox yesterday mornlnB to answer to charges of being present at a place where gambling was conducted. Detec tive David Kapaa and his olllcers had placed the crowd under arrest. Five of the crowd plended not guilty while the others assented to the soft impeach ment. Kong Lum was one of the former crowd. He explained that the reason he had been in the proximity of the gnme was because ho had gone to visit a sick friend who lived In the same building. Ah Yeong who resembled the Missing Link, explained that he was a barber and had been called to the house to shave one of the Chinese who had pleaded guilty. "I have noticed that you are fre quently up hero," said Judge Wilcox "for gambling. Instead of you going there to shave the head of your friend I think you went there to shave tho pockets of the crowd." The court found the crowd guilty and fined each $10 and costs. Ackerman, a big soldier, was before tho court on a charge of driving heed lessly. Deputy High Sheriff Chilling worth testified to having arrested the defendant on Emma street, Wednesday night. The horse had been greatly ex cited, the witness said, , and had to bo walked around for nearly an hour be fore the animal could be sufficiently calmed, to be hitched. Ackerman claim ed the horse had gotten from under his control. The defendant was fined $10 and costs. FOOT BALL TODAY. Malles vs. Artillery H. A. C.'s File a Protest. The football game this afternoon will be between the Malle Illmas and the Ar tillery commencing at 3:30 on the Oahu College campus. The line up Is as fol lows. Malles. Artillery. Richardson 1. e. r i... Prlntz W. Wright 1. t. r Hanson Jarrett 1. g. i High Chilton c Comlnsky Dusenberg r. g. 1 Pllney Allen r. t. 1 Vosjzallos 'Belser r. e. 1 Burbank Ben Clark q Smith Johnson I. h. r Beehr Prince Cupid r. h. 1 Bennett King f Hoctor "Captains. Substitutes Artillery, Booker, Haw kins, Wonsell; Malles. Sheldon, Almal da, Fernandez. President A. M. Smith, of Oahu r Al lege has Issued a gft.oral warning to football players, threatening to close the privilege of the impus to any club who shall prove responsible for a like occurrence to the happening in last Thursday's game. A protest has been entered on behalf of the Honolulu Athletic Football team to the Thanksgiving Day game on the grounds that George R. Carter was both Incompetent and Impartial in his rul ings, basing the main objection on the grounds that the umpire allowed the Punahou team a touchdown after he had declared cessation of play by rais ing his cane, having already made that the custom during the game although the rules specifically call for a whistle. The protest Is signed by John Wise, captain of the protesting team and Is addressed to George Lucas, the secre tary of the league. It is expected that the Malles will walk through the Artillery line as they please this afternoon but "the best laid plans of football men" are often dis appointed ns the Harvard-Yale game shows and there may be a bunch of surprises In the soldier's camp. THE POLO PLAYERS. Hornets and Inkers at Kaplolanl Park. There will bo a polo match this after noon at Kaplolanl Park at three thirty between the Inkers and the Hornets with the following teams: Inkers G. C. Potter. 1; C. H. Rice, 2; W. F. Dillingham, 3; R. Atkinson, back. Hornets A. V. Judd, 1; J. Tobln, 2; A. W. Carter, 3; C. S. Dole. back. Lieutenant Hancock will referee the game In which there Is no handicap. J. Tobln, playing with the Hornets Is an old Burllnghnme man and an expert with the mnllet. The regular monthly meeting of the executive committee of the association met yesterday afternoon at the office of W. F. Dillingham and established regu lations for this season's play, especially with regard to tho first few games with the Idea of giving the teams plenty or opportunity for play between them-' selves before selecting an Inter-Island team. Matches are to commence sharply at three thirty and but one set mntch will take place every Saturday. The first two periods In each match will consist of fifteen and the second two of ten minutes each. The first two Intervals will be seven and the thl J three min utes. No time allowance will be made for "out of bounds" with the nccldent allowance at the discretion of the re feree. Practice games are to bo made up ot players on the field not actually engaged in matches and such games will be played before the regular match or dur ing the Intervals, Interfering In no way with the regular game. Y. M. C. A. ATHLETICS. The first Indoor athletic contest of the Y. M. C. A. takes place on Friday evening next. A preliminary meeting for entries and the deciding of the pro gram will be held on Tuesday evening. The events ns now outlined will be changed If there seems a decided re quest on the part of the spectators to no ho. At present they aro arranged as follows: Eighteen foot rope climb. shot put, pole vault, spring board high jump, which may be changed to a plain jump anu rence vault which, being new to the Islands mny bo altered Into a rope skip. The second series will be held on February 28th and the third on May 10th. The prizes will consist of International Y. M, C. A. committee medals of gold, silver and bronze. The Harriers business meeting was postponed last night on account of the Scottish dance at Progress Hall. Gymnasium work of bar and dumb bell, vaulting horse and bar work will have two contests In that particular class to take place In January and April. Practice In the indoor baseball league has commenced once more with three teams; Business Men, Evening Classes and Intermediate. Last year the business men captured the shield. The first game will bo held In tho even ing this day week after a mooting on Monday night to draw up a schedule of games and teams. hicago In Less Than 3 Days SanFranclsco at 10 a. III. CHICAGO, UNION PACIFIC & NORTHWESTERN LINE Double Drawing-Room Sleeping Cars, Buffet, Smoking and Library Cars, with barber. Dining Cars meals a la carte. Dally Tourist Car Service and Personally Con ducted Excursions every week from San Francisco at 6 p. m. The best of everything. R. R. Ritchie, Gen. Agent Pacific Coast San Francisco. 617 Market Street. Palace Hotel. NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATES. Notice is hereby given that Certifi cate No. 577 for GO shares, and No. G78 for 75 shares of the capital stock of the Ewa Plantation Company, standing on the books of the said Company In the name of Mrs. Lucy T. Lewis, have been lost, and transfer of the same on the books of the said Company has been stopped. All persons are warned against nego Mating, purchasing or dealing with said certificates. Said shares are transfer able only by endorsement on said cer tificates and by surrender of the same and the Issue of new certificates. No title will pass to the finder of said cer tificates. Said certificates, if found, should be delivered to the undersigned. W. A. BOWEN, Treasurer, Ewa Plantation Company. NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATES. Notice Is hereby given that Certifi cates Nos. 571 for 100 shares, 572 for 80 shares, and 573 for 200 shares, and 574 for 70 shares, of the capi tal stock of tho Ewa Plantation Company, standing on the books of the said Company In the name of Frances M. Wetmore, have been lost and trans fer of the same on the books of the said Company has been stopped. All persons are warned against nego tiating, purchasing or dealing with said certificates. Said shares are transfer able only by endorsement on said cer tificates and by surrender of the same and the issue of new certificates. No title will pass to the. finder of said cer tificates. Said certificates, If found, should be delivered to the undersigned. W. A. BOWEN, Treasurer, Ewa Plantation Company. NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATE. Notice Is hereby given that Certifi cate No. 190 for two shares of the cap ital stock of the Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd., Issued July 30th, 1898, standing on the books of the said Company In the name of Mrs. Lucy T. Lewis, has been lost, and transfer of the same on the books of the said Company has been stopped. All persons are warned against nego tiating, purchasing or deallng'wlth said certificate. Said shares are transfer able only by endorsement on said cer tificate and by surrender of the same and the Issue of a new certificate. No title will pass to the finder of said cer tificate. Said certificate, If found, should be delivered to the undersigned. GEO. R. CARTER, Treasurer, Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LIMITED. Subscribed Capital Yen 24,000,000 Paid Up Capital Yen 18,000,000 reserved Fund Yen 8,510,000 HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. The Bank buys and receives for col lection Bills of Exchange, Issues "rafts and Letters of Credit, an transacts a general bankng business. INTEREST ALLOWED: On fixed deposits for 12 months, 4 per cent per annum. On fixed deposits for 6 months, ii per cent per annum. On fixed deposits for S months, I per cent per annum. Branch of the Yokohama Specie Bank. New Republic Building, Honolulu H 1 HropoIHan Hvleal 6e. LIMITED Just received ex-Elthu Thompson from Seattle a shipment of Choice beef, Veal, Mutton, Lamb, and Fork, alio Poultry, Salmon and Halibut. FOR SALE AT Metropolitan Market Co., King Street, Telephone 45. Tho Booth, Fishnmrket, Tolo phono 379. Central Mnrket, Nuuanu Street, Telephone 140. mV V V V V V ,?i?'?i?Vi '' . TIlo Royal Lawn Mower :: . i .... . ; '.. Keeping up the appearance of the lawn, before tho ROYAL LAWN MOWER arrived was one of man's most ar duous tasks. The light running and perfect cutting of this wonderful machine makes It now a pleasant duty. Although the ROYAL DOESN'T "cut much Ice," It's a wonder on grass. Perfect running, ball bearing tht'QUghout and easily adjusted. First cost a little above some mowers, but saves money and good dispositions in the long run. OH can and other accessories furnished with each machine without extra charge. Besides the ROYAL we have many other makes of mow ers, ranging In prices from $5.00 to $18.00, and have a stock to suit everybody In price and quality. Grass catchers adjusted to any machine. Call and see them. ..4.Jl&u -eAttftvA-MM . : . . . . : E. 0. HALL SOLE V. V. V. V. ,?it Buy -tlx Besst A. Mtvy's Turkeys and Chickens, Fat and Tender. Choice Turkey Figs, Delicious Stuffed Dates, Fresh Mince Meat, In glass and tins; condensed and in bulk Now Layer Raisins, In Fancy Cartons Fancy Crackers, Fresh Bon-bons and Creams Nuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, Pecans, Castanas H. MAY & CO,, LTD., BOi FORT STREET Telephones, 22, 24, 92 U. Sekomoto has removed to Eobinson Block, 32 Hotel Street. New Store and new and large stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Japanese Goods, etc. M. PHILLIPS & CO., Wholesale important And Jobbers ot AMERICAN ANDEURQPEAN DRY GOODS Corner of Ft rt and Queen SU. L. KONG FEE, Mercliant Tailor, 1262 Nuuanu Street Fashionable Suits at Reasonable Rates a Specialty. A full line of Casal- merea and Tailoring uooas always in Stock. Dyeing, Cleaning and Repair ing at Short Notice. uatiBiacuon guaranteed. Hazelwood Market Co., Yosemlte Building, Fort i.ear Kukul St. GROCERIES. FRUIT, TOBACCO AND COLD DRINKS. TARO AND BREAD FRUIT SPECIALTIES. Telepone 223, Main. P. O. Box 667. Metropolitan Meat Go Cl KING STREET. ADD NAYT CONTRACTORS. G. 3. "WALLER, : : : lfanupr. k ?.? & SON, LTD AGENTS ..o. P. O. Box 386. Japanese Goods Cotton Crepe Silk Kimonos American Goods AND Curios si. Telephone 3311 White. Corner of Nuuanu and Hotel Street. NEW GOODS RECEIVED BY EVERY. STEAMER. WON & LOUI CO. Corner MaunaUea and Pauabi Strati Sanitary Plumbers, Tinsmith, oneei iron woricers. Water Pipe and Gutter Work la alt Its branches. Orders filled with dispatch. Fine Job Printing Star Office