Newspaper Page Text
TIM HAWAIIAN UTAH. WKtKSMAT. HUfBMMKrt I, O PURE WHISKEY The Hannis Distillery Go., W. C. Peacock & Co., Home-Wade Manila Cigars Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in Cigars and Tobacco, also China Teas OigaLrs in JSoxxcl ilee Toma 33 King Street near .Nuuanu, P. O. Box 1034, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii Store Open All Night Who will doit? You are going to have your bouae Papered, Fainted or Decorated. "Who's going to do It? No one does or can do better work than we. Investigation proves that few do as good. All we ask for It Is a fair price not high, not low. Either extreme Is dangerous. Any one who gives us work gets the beat going at the fairest and squarest price. STERLIKS, THB Office: Union Street, opp. Bell Tower. Jas. B. Morgan President Cecil Brown Vice-President JT. Hustace Secretary Chaa. H. Athcrton Auditor W. H. Hoogs....Treas. and Mjt. TELEPHONE MAIN ?16. Hustaco&Go.,Ltd QUEEN STREET ' I3W Firewood, Stove, Steam and Blacksmith WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Special attention given to DRAYING ALSO, WHITE AND BLACK SAND C. Q. Yee Hop & Co. Kahiklnui Meat Market And Grocery Fruits and Vegetables BERETANIA ST., COR. ALAKEA. Also at the Fish Market, Stalls 1 9 and 20 Phone Blue 2511. The Yon Hamm-Young Co,, Ltd., Importers and Commission Merchants Queen Street, Honolulu ItfF-l UlQKNTB FOR The Lancashire Insurance Co. The Balolse Insurance Co. Union Gas Engine Co. Domestic Sewing Machine, Etc. WING LUNG & FAT, CORNER VINEYARD AND FOIT STREETS. Received per Sierra Frozen Oysters, Prunes, Oranges, Pears and Peaches, Fresh Island Butter and ICona Coffee always on liana. Goods delivered to all parts of the City, Tel. Blue 841. P. O. Box 891. HING LEE CHAN, Fort Street, opposite the Popular House Dealer In Groceries, California and nvtifta TAiiltrv. Island Butter. ' Kona Coffee. Cigars and Tobacco. New goods by every steamer. Philadelphia, U. S. A, Ltd., Solo Agents s Co., JLVfcci TIM CHAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. Removed from Nuuanu Street to 614 Queen Street, Magoon Building, Kaka- aKo. Clothes, cleaned, dyed and repaired, Suits made to order. EAGLE SALOON, Bob Ross, Manager. , Geo. J. Cavanaugh, Proprietor. REFRESHMENTS OF ALL KINDS The Delicious Prlmo Beers at 10 cents a Schooner. Tobacco and Cigars.' Cor. of Punchbowl and Halekaulla Sts. S. HIROKAWA, Bamboo Furniture No. DO: Beretanla Street Near Punchbowl. J. H. & CO ; J here's an ri. advantage , H. CO.- In buying furniture from us. We keep the very best grade of goods ' i la d and here, as nowhere else, can you get a selection to suit you suit you in quality; suit you In price. This week we mention from our Immense sto'-: f White Enameled and Solid I Brass Bedsteads, from $5 up to I 2. I Beautiful Oak Chiffoniers, from q $8.76 Upwards. rj Mahogany and Oak Library m Tables. " ' Secretary Oak Book Cases, and q an elgant new stock of Hart- shorn Window Shades made to Y order. O J. HOPP & CO. t KING BETHEL STREETS 'Phone 111 Main. H. & CO.- H. & CO.- W. G. IRWIN & CO. (Limited.) AGENTS FOR Western Sugar Refining Company of San Francisco, Cal. Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia, Penn. Newell Universal Mill Company (National Cane Shredder), New York, U. S. A. N. Ohlandt & Co.'s Chemical Fertilizers High Grade Fertilizers for Cane and Coffee. Alex. Cross & Son's High Grade Fer tilizers for Cane and Coffee. Reed's Steam Pipe Cars. Also Offer for Sale Paraflne Paint Co.'s P. & B. Paints and Papers. Lucol and LInse.d Oils, raw and boiled Indurlne (a cold water paint) In white and colors. Filter Press Cloths, Ceme Lime and Brick. OHTA, Contractor uud IlulLuor, Kouso l'ulnter Kewnlo, Sheridan Street, nnr Honolulu. TT. f Ktnir Fine Job Printing, Star Office. UBECK AND KLEMME Till. lit J.AKT INTKIlVIKW AT TIIK ALmIIA KAUmN. Was In the Afternoon Not ICvrnlnff. MtmiiRr TMtlmonr sf Albert J.MbwIt. Was it I'nyrhlo IiiMhihw? Tli' Matertielit tlmt Herman or Hairy" l.ulierk whm swn In Harry Klemtm-'s "AIoIik" mloon near the lloniilillu Iron Works at S o'rlm-k Fri day nlKlit. thiillKll erroneous meeniH tu elnlt III it re lel-Htloil. The testl- niony of Hairy Kleliiine at the ituo ner's imiuenl seems decisive on the subject. Klenime testified tlmt lie was prob ably as Hell acquainted with Lubeck as any iiiim In town, Lubeck having been a member of his company In the National Guard for four years, lie re membered aiHtliictly Lubeck coming Into the Aloha saloon on Friday, but It was Friday afternoon before i o'clock, bucauxe It was some little time before the Alameda, which arrived that afternoon, docked. The time Is llxcd In Ins memory because of the fact that Lubeck told him that the Ala meda was coming In, nnd tlmt he, Lu beck had to go aboard her. This was the llrst Klemmc knew that the Ala meda had been sighted, and looking out of the saloon he saw the vessel In the harbor approaching her wharf. There were not many in the saloon at the time. Lubeck invited a couple of men to drink with him and when they had been served, Lubeck came to Klemme and said, "That makes io.30 I owe you now; would you mind giving me 70 cents and making It $fi." Klemme testified that he compiled with the re quest and gave Lubeck two quarters uml two dimes. Klemme further testified that Lubeck while remaining In fact a mem ber of the military company, had while acting ns watchman for Gov ernor Dole dropped out of active ser vice. When he ceased to uo such watchman he had come back to active service In the company but had been unable to get his uniform, because, Klemme said, the government was not now Issuing uniforms. Nevertheless Lubeck had been anxious to get his uniform and some time before had come to Klemme and asked him to see If the uniform could not be secured. On this Friday afternoon, Klemme testified, Lubeck spoke of the matter again saying he had twice been to see about It at military headquarters, but had been unable to get It. Klemme replied that he was not surprised that Lubeck had been unsuccessful as the government was not Issuing uniforms now. Lubeck's desire to go aboard the Alameda at once did not to Klemme's mind, arise from an expectation of getting work aboard her. but rather to an expectation that the vessel was bringing him something, or to meet someone aboard her. Lubeck at this time, according to Klemme, was perfectly sober. In fact Klemme's Impression was that In all probability the only drink he had had that day was the one he had taken over the Aloha bar, and rellectlng that Lubeck was out of work and probably did not have much money to spend, Klemme invited him to have another. To this invitation Lubeck replied, "Well, give me a small one." Lubeck's stay In the saloon was not a long one and when he left, he went out the back way alone, that being ,the shortest way to the Alameda. Klemme testified that Lubeck seem ed in good spirits and perfectly ration al, and that afterwards he Inquired if Lubeck really had gone twice to mili tary headquarters to see about his uniform and found that he had. Klemme also testified that he had made very diligent Inquiries and had found out positively that Lubeck was not In the saloon at 8 o'clock that night or at any time after the afternoon vis it he had related. In connection with the statement that Lubeck was at the Aloha saloon on Friday, the testimony of Albert Lu beck one of the sons Is Interesting es pecially to those who Believe in psy chic Influences or mental telepathy. Albert Lubeck testified that the last time he saw his father alive was .it Thanksgiving dinner at home. Friday morning Albert got up early and went to work at the Honolulu Iron Works taking his lunch with him. He work ed overtime Friday, until 8 o'clock at night nnd then started for home. 'Something told me, he said to look Into the Aloha saloon as I passed, but I didn't. When I passed the Eagle saloon something told me to look In there. I looked in sharp, but I didn't see my father, and went on home." DUNN-MACFARLANE WEDDING. Brilliant Social Wedding to Take Place Tonight. Society will llock to an Important function of the season this evening when Miss Polly Dunn Is married to Harry R. Macfarlane, Jr., at the home of the groom's parents on Punahou street. The event has created no little stir j in both local nnu Kan lTanclsco circles where they are loath to lose the win some personality on all sides. The groom has given up his Interests In California and will enter Into business here. Miss Maye Colburn will be the maid of honor with Miss Irmgarde Macfar lane and Miss Helen Macfarlane ,.ih bridesmaids. Mana Wldernann will be the best man with Walter Dillingham, Tarn McGrew, Robert Atkinson, Fred erick Grlmwood and Southard Hoff man as assistant groomsmen. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Dutton, Miss Dunn's brother-in-law and sister, aijd Miss Gertrude Dutton with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sadoc Tobin of San Francisco will be among the numerous guests of tho occasion, having come here for the wedding. HOFFMANN-MOORE . WEDDING. The marriage of Miss Edna F. Hoff mann of Buffalo, N. Y. to It. O. Moore, department manager for Lowers & i 'nuk e was celebrated last evening at tho home of Miss Florence Yarrow on Beretanla street, the Rev. William Morris Klncald olllclatlng. It. J. Greene gave away the bride who was accompanied by Miss Yarrow as mnld of honor. H. G. Mlddlewltch enacted the role of best man tho ushers being Messrs. Ci 'er und Rlttenhouse. The parlors wl re the ceremony took place wore profusely decorated with (lowers for tho occasion and the quintette club wns in attendance. Many guests wore present to the reception after which the couple drove to their new homo on Klnau street near Keeau moku. WITH THE GOLFERS. The following ties In tho Honolulu Golf Club's match competition, played at Moanalua, resulted In: A. Gnrvle. (IB) beating D. W. Ander son (scr,) by 4 up and 3 to play. H. B. Sinclair () beating W.' "TV. Thayer (25) by G up nnd 4 to play. "" -W f . . . . j - ! V.V.V.VAVAV.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.VAV AWAV. VAV, W 1IAWAIIAX Engineering & Construction Co. Rooms 000, 000, 010 BtnnRonwnUI Building, All rUsnes of Engineering work solicited, Examinations, Surveys and Report for any cIam of Waterworks, Steam nnd ISttctrleal Construction. 1'lans nnd HpecllW itlons and Estimates prepared, and Construction Superintended In all brnhrhM of Engineering Work. Con tractu sol I rlted for Railroad, electric and steam: Tunnels, Bridges, lltilldlng, Highways, Foundations, Piers, Wharves, etc. JU'KCIAL ATTENTION riven to Examinations, Valuations, and Reports of properties for Investment purposes, FREDERICK J. AMWEQ, M. Am. Soc. O. E., Englnoor nnd Mnnngor. W. R. CASTLE, JR., Socrotnry nnd Tronsurer. WAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA". The acml-fltmlM aie to take place on or before December 22. The ties nre; II. It. Sinclair (C) vs. A. Garvle (It). N. Kay (10) vs. D. Ross (10). A competition to be played unilt-r medal rules will take place on Decem ber S. There will be two prizes, as usual. There will lie two draws, to take place on the links at 10:15 a. m. and 1:15 it. in. Cards must be handed In to the sec retary not later than December 9th. All members nre urgently requested to take part, this being the last com petition of the year. H. 11. SINCLAIR. Seoretnry, , Lid. OFFICERS. H. P. BALDWIN President J. B. CASTLE. ...First Vice-President W. M. ALEXANDER. ...2d Vlce-Pres't J. P. COOKE Treasurer W. O. SMITH Secretary GEORGE R. CARTER Auditor Sugar Factors and Commission rierchants AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Com pany, Haiku Sugar Company, Pala Plantation Company, Nahlku Sugar Company, Klhel Plantation Company, Hawaiian Surar Company, Knhulul Rail oad Company, AND Tho California and Orlontal Steamship Company SING CHAN CO. 229 King Street Between River and Railroad Depot. Sanitary Plumbers Sewer Connectors and Tinsmiths I BEFORE SELECTING ELSEWHERE, CALL ON US AND EXAMINE OUR LARGE STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GOODS CON SISTING OF TOYS. FANCY SILK SHAWLS, SILK KI MONOS, JAPANESE CU RIOS, FANCY SOUVENIR CUPS AND SAUCERS AND OTHER NOVELTIES FOR CHRISTMAS PRES ENTS. m.. CHIYA Telephone 3311 White. Corner of NuUanu and Hotel Streets. L. KONQ FEE, Merotiant Tailor, 1262 Nuuanu Street. Fashionable Suits at Reasonable Rates a Specialty. A full line of Cassl mercs and Tailoring Goods always In Stock. Dyeing, Cleaning and Repair ing at Short Notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. LIMITED J , Just received ex-Ellhu Thompson I from Seattle a shipment of Choice beef, ' Veal, Mutton, Lamb, and Pork, also I Poultry, Salmon and Halibut. FOR SALE AT Metropolitan Market Co., Street, Telephone 45. The Jlootli, Flshmnrkct, King Tolo- phono 371). Central Markot, Nuuanu Street, Telephone 140. AMERICAN SALOON Wllhelm Schilling Proprietor. PRIMO BEER ON TAP AND IN BOTTLES TEN CENTS A SCHOONER. Also Cigars, .Tobacco and Cold Drinks. Llllha Street Near Vineyard. 1 CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED Commission Herchants. SUGAR - FACTORS. AGENTS FOR Tho Ewa Plantation Company. Tho Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd. Tho Kohala Sugar Companv Tho Walmca Sugar Mill Company. The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo The Standard Oil Company. The G rge F. B ke Steam Pu Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life Insur ance Company of Boston. The Aetna Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. The Alliance Assurance Company of London. toSlHttt IS YOU HAIR FALLING? The cause Is a parasite In the halr- folllcle eating away tho delicate mem brane which holds the hair-root In place. The only way to stop falling hair is to destroy the parasite which causes it. Pacheco's Dandruff Killer does this and then feeds the follicles nnd roots nnd rebuilds tho ivasted tissue. PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER, Sold by all druggists and at the Union Barber Shop, Telephone Main i. P. O Box 91? Tel. Uai& H. HAMANO, IMPORTER OF Japanese Provisions a.isti Sonera! Merchandise PLANTATION SUPPLIES King Street, Corner Brail KATSEY BLOCK Honolulu Iron Works STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILX.U BOILERS, COOLERS, IRON, BIUBt AND LEAD CASTINGS. Machinery of Every Description Had to Order. Particular attention pal4 tt Ship's Blacksmtthtng, Job Work Bzr cuted on Short Notice. CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED Life and Fire m tar AQEKTS roit Jg NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO or BOSTON. ETNA IE CO OF HARTFORD. CONN. The Encore Saloon Corner Nuuanu and notel Streets. We Keep on nand the Host KrniulH or Liquors and Cigars The Depot Saloon, Opposite the Oahu Railway & Land Co. We will keep the Honolulu Beer al ways on tap and In bottles. Also soft drinks and cigars. RYAN U. DEMENT, Prf irletor IE loll Goinu in and Sec Our Papers And be BatiBfiod that you are gotting tho best for the least money DEALERS IN THE WALL PAPERS AND HOUSE DECORATIONS. C O IVX X ANY NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. tbt.'i' Shippers arc notified that a new freight schedule will go Into effect on and after December 1st, 1901. Information In regard to changes in rates can be obtained at the olllco of the Company, corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. C. L. WIGHT, President. A clance at the show windows of tha GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR will give an Idea of tho UP-TO-DATE CHARAC TER of the NEW BOOKS CARRIED by this house a second glance will show that the prices aro 20 per cent Lower Than can bo obtained elsewhere anib an Inspection of the stock will satisfy the Intending purchaser that no such complete line of books has ever been, offered the public before In Honolulu. FORT ST., NEAR KING ST. 1079 Aloa Street. NEW BY EVERY STEAMER. P. O. Box 885. Tel. Blue 392. H. W. EARTH, Successor to W. H. Earth and H. W. Earth. Honolulu Sheet Met 1 and Go:nice Worts Galvanized Iron Skylights and Ven tilators Metal Rooting. Conductor Pipe and Guttrr Woik Jobbing Promptly attended to. Richard Street Between Queen ana Merchant Streets, Hono' .1. Territory Grocery Store V. O. TEIXEIRA, Manager. Corner Emma and Vineyard Streets. DEALER IN Groceries, Delicacies, Best Brands of Tea and Kona Coffco IB I HE. Illi 1 II ill W. H. BARTH, ' W STAR BLOCK 1290 FORT ST. 1ixi.n ijac: fiiicl Galvonized Iron Work Estimates furnished on all kinds ot Sheet Metal Work. The patronage of Owners, Architect and Builders solicited. GEllMANIA SALOON C. WESSELS AND A. BECKER Proprietors. ' m 004 Quoon Stroot cor South. Headquarters for Honolulu Prlmn J?i Deer, In bottles and on draught Al ways Ice Cold. We can give you tn best glass of beer In town. TEN CENTS A SCHOONER. , 'V Si .a 4 I 4