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Till HAWAIIAN UTAH, mttiAT PRoMMMMt 8, HM. l.ll 1 IMtillltA'I'lS J AS. I'. MOIMiAN, la M Plai' nf Imrr. i( rMl, if PM. lK earl apm itn earth to ft Iwart IU iiiIIimii-p la irmar IVHrmtlt A IViltft S iii II Irwin A ' '" R i Hull A "ti I. i'. Abloa aa. V. Morgan Intttim I In ' Mnnf kw 'n Wing Wo I'han A ' Auclionoer and Broke TOYSI TOYS I! TOYS!!! Glutting l)n.y, Mondny, Diaimbor ttud Mtk, MMNM u with Mm Mar PttaMfr can Ml ft kMM 0f rour n! Pna;- 65 Quucn Struct Week of December 2nd !; . l 0. Uox 51M, Tolopliuno 7 M'A'V'.V'a ',''. .' .-- . Tm 0. AS13MDS, SlSal JBstuta Agtnl P. O. DOX 243 ,wia!n UD Pacific Transfer Co Jan. II. I.ovk flico, 147 King Strco Telephone Main, 101 P. 0. Box G83 iff Mtap, Stock and . JBond Broker Member Honoltftaock and Bond ExchaDge Office, Campbell Block, Merchant Street. Honolulu, T. H. ANOTHUlt SHIPMENT OF THE iVUG JCEUN GENUINE BLUE STEEL Jj.VBJJEItS' RAZORS JUST ARRIVED. Jfe TheB!ue mm, w mm. m i m KHU POTTER CO., LID i 020 FORT STREET TELEPHONE 817 MIWS 1 A NU'I'SIIHU,. rm-HKinilii 'Mint (II mi IfiniiliiiiKoil Anns ol' tlie Hit)'. Morgan will Mil bar tomorrow l nooti. K. O. Hall A Ami Mil lWt CtordMMe for m. un Friday next Mora-an will hold ft sale of fern ami phuila. If In want uf a home eoimult 1.. C. Ablea, tlie mil eatate limn. Ohurk Seen ha lieeti aiKilntHl man aer or wina- wo cimn & Co. J nines V. Morgan will hold an mil lion aale of vehicle on Saturday, De- ember 7 at 12 o'clock noon. The alioe reimirliiK department of the Manufacturers' Co. In above crltlcitmi. Woe their ndvertlaetnent on front tane. Intending iiaaaeiigere) by the 8. S. SnnouiH are notified that the xtwuner will not remain at title iort more than nix hour. mixtlan Karl Tueh. a German, wan thin morning: maile a citizen of the Tutted State. In the United State Dls trlct court. The Aug. Kern genuine blue ateel baiber's razors, the (lnet razors iiinde - make excellent ClirlNtinaH preeontH. We have them, Pearson & Potter Co., Ltd. Thursday. December Ifl In "Fmiinlnra Day" at the Kninehumeha Schools. The usual atnietic anil other exercises will oe nam iiurlnir lite dnv. nnd In Hip evening there will bo a meeting In the iiisiiop .iemoriai cnnpel. The Territorial Hand will nlnv ni lio fi. iiements uazaar Saturday nfter noon. In the evcnlnc James Doinrhnrlv win sillir several selections nml win oe instrumental music bv si trio consisting of W. II. Sonnr. Vnltm Greenlleld and Frank E. Greenfield. IS ILLEGAL IN PARTS APPROPRIATION FOR THE fire CLAIMS. Commissioners IIuvo Three Thousand Seven Hundred Decisions Itendy. Only a Million Dollars Appropriated. The Chinatown Flro l!omiulninnrs have made decisions in about 3,700 of the six thousand and odd cases submit ted to them. The decisions are bolntr held for the present, and probably none will be made public until the end or uio court s work. The commissioners arc nearlng the end of their public hearings now. It is thought that they will llnlsh taking testimony this month. Then they will continue constantly In executive ses sion, adjudicating the claims they have heard. With some of tlie claims this will be a slow process, as there is a lot of testimony. Tho court is practically through with the claims for personal property. These were the easiest to settle, and they were tackled first. The 3,700 decisions now held by the clerk are personal propei ly decisions. When It conies to real property and merchandise, the court Is compelled to work much more slowly. Merchandise claims especially require much time and examination of testimony. There is no doubt that the decisions are going to be a disappointment to a arge number of claimants, unu that there will be a big howl when the judgments are rendered. It is report ed that the claims for personal prop erty, which constituted a majority of all the claims presented, have been heavily cut. In most cases the claims were based on cost prices of goods some years old, and the commissioners would not stand for these valuations. It is estimated 'that there is two or three months' work ahead before the claims will have been all decided. The present prospect is that no claims "will be paid before the end of that time. When the decisions come, the warrants under the act under which the commis sioners are proceeding, will be for one third of each claim provided the total of the claims amounts to $1,500,000 or over, in setting aside tnat sum tne legislature provided that It should be paid out of the treasury at the rate of $500,000 per year for the next three years ,the yearly sum to be apportioned pro rata among those having claims. One-third or the appropriation is neiu to be unconstitutional, and will prob ably never be paid out of the treasury. It is the $500,000 ror the tiuru year. Auditor Austin is inclined to think that the legislature exceeded its powers in making appropriations for more than the regular fiscal period of two years, and that the attempt to set aside mo ney for a future llscal period is In effectual. This will mean another ap- nronrlation by the next legislature, ir tlie money is needed, and makes the total sum so far set aside to pay claims only $1,500,000. ST, CLEMENT'S FAIR. Preparations for the St. Clement's bazaar to be held tomorrow afternoon and evening are going on rapidly this afternoon. The Ilectory grounds at the corner of "Wilder avenue and Mn- kikl street are assuming a very gay appearance. Lines of lings and stream ers encircle the grounds. The Ameri can and Hawaiian nags predominate in tills display of color and bunting but the Hags of many other nations are al so Hung to the breeze. . On the lawn are a number of mar quees of varl-colored canvas, which will be used as booths. Near the spac ious Ianai of the Ilectory are other marquees and booths, and everything Indicates a most attractive affair. Young Bros. Launches Will leave Queen Street boat landing every half hour to the Battleship Wisconsin Now Lying Outside Harbor FARE, ONE DOLLAR FOU ROUND TKIP. HAY AT AUCTION OiN SATURDAY, DEC. AT li O'CLOCK NOON. At my salesrooms, for acocunt of whom It may concern, 200 Dales (more or lose) AX HAY In perfect order. JAS. F. MORGAN. AUCTIONEER. AUCTION SALE OF Veliicle s ! ON SATURDAY, DEC i, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, At my salesrooms, 05 Queen street, I will sell at l'ubllo Auction A FINE SUIUiEY WITH POLES AND SHAFTS. Also ONE PONY CAIIT, HOUSE AND HAItNESS. JAS. F. MORGAN. AUCTIONEER OF ON TUESDAY. DEC. 10, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., At my salesroom, 05 Queen .stiaet, I will sell at Public Auction a largo and choice assortment of various maiden hair ferns, assorted palms, hanging baskets, plants etc., etc. JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. ON TUESDAY, DEC. 10, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. In front of my salesroom 63 Queen atreet, Honolulu I will sell at Publlo Aucion without reserve the balance of Carriages of the Honolulu Stock Yards Co., Ltd., comprising I New Studebaker wagonette, capa city 10 persons. This Is new and Is suitable for Livery trade. I New Courtland Surrey. 1 Second Hand Surrey. ' 1 Second Hand Hack. 1 Steel tire Phaeton. 1 Breaking Cart. 1 Dray. 1 Low Wheel Buggy. 4 High Wheel Buggies. All to be sold at any price. JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. FOE RENT. Nice Cottage, Near Emma Square PARLOR TWO BEDROOMS, DINING ROOM, KITCHEN AND BATfl. Rent 37.50 per Month. POSSESSION GIVEN DECEMBER 1. JAS. F. MORGAN, 65 Queen Street. JAS: F. MORGAN, Auctioneer and Broker, 65 Quoen Street, 1'. 0. Box 591 Tcleiiliono 72 hnU CIums with hlR great big bag at Rirnflgf arrived on the laat mwitwr. ma latter box ha lwen IWM1 In our atore and each little my mm gin " the laUmds Ig in vited to write to him. For the moat original letter by a nine Kin we nave a priie or a beautifully dremed doll and for the little boy r large coaster wagon now on oxhlbltlon In our windows. Xiiibb Eve they are to be opened anil prlae awarded by representa tive from the pre. Ul NICHOLS CO., LTD TWO STOIUSS TWO. RI Which she undoubtedly did. for though the first of her sex, she was a woman; be sure that she selected those whose beauties were enhanced bv the possession or pertume. Perhaps Adam noticed It. nerhans not. The modern Adam does. A subtle odor f some rare perfume is recognized as n tiltrioute or every perfect to et now. a-uays, even that of Adam himself. Christmas Gifts Perfumes for Are always anronos. necentnlilp and In good taste. We carry as large a lock as any establishment in Kan Francisco, that Paris of the Pacllii ROGER AND GALLET Tlie name establishes the article. Roger nd Gullet are acknowledged to distil the finest and rarest essences that are culled from blossoms. They canture the very spirits of the llowers. In one show case alone we have, in cut glass bottles that enhance the per- mme wunin, isiuui Meven Hundred Dol lars worth of scents, In which collection the most fastidious taste will be suited. We carry the products of other manu facturers for those who prefer them: Plnauds. Lundborgs and others. & KJNG. ISTKAIVISril CO., Contractors and Uuilders ruintlne; and Taper Hanging Opp. Oahu Lumber and Building Co. King street. No. 450 Telephone. Blue 3S31. YUEN JL,JJE, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER, PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Kukul near Nuuanu Street. Honolulu, Just Opened a Large Line of 0 .'.5 PLEASE 1 aV aV '': 1120 0 V . . . 8AYBGU8A, .iv.,.i.'i'.;".f".?t".?7..'i,;s . . I . I..... . m ?. m .' i Xmas Opening m m . t Open Saturday Evening i but s ' raiiii ' f New . . Restaurant The Harbor Restaurant, Fort Street opposite Allen & Robinson's Lumber yard Is now open for bualtu-ss. P. O. Box 903. Tel. Main 3S5L JK. OI309 35 Hotel Street. IMPORTER OF Japanese Provisions AND General Merchandise PLANTATIO "UPPLIES. ., ?'?i-.,?'!iw.,?..,?..,?..w.,?.ai,P.,.,...,-,l...,. ' Japanese Fancy Goods and Curios, Kimonos, Silk Handkerchiefs, Crockery and Fans of All Kinds US li lilil ! i 11 OUR STOCK 3STt.OLixtnL Street,' , v;o: 'tjfuar.u . fa K. FUKURODA, 1274 STAR BLOCK, FORT STREET. merchant Tailor Cleaning and Dyeing ot Clothes Al) Orders Promtply Attondod To Lin Sing Kee, TINSM'TH. Does Sanitary Plumbing Nuuanu Street, Opposite Emma Hall. . 'a." '' ?.. . . ! 5 .