Newspaper Page Text
Kelly-Springfield Tire CIRCLE THE WORLD And arc recognized every where as the standard of ex cellence, durability and resili ency. Put on by expert me chanics who came direct from shops in San Francisco. The Charles Fa Herrick Carriage Co., Lid Merchant Street, next to Stangenwald Building HOUSES KOR RKNT. rtt. ser H. ft WE)W GOODS? Table Damask, 40 cents a yard and jap. Napkins, 35 cents a dozen. Table Cloths, 40 cents each. Turkish Towels, $1.40. 10 x 4 Blankets, 90 cents. rm ink a U Molt i ft- ti bcdiimm All n' s 1 1 -1 1 spailou hiiuit corner I'unahoii nnrf H' -retanta atwi. Aplendld lanal. rf garden etc, ric, fim a month Vary fine house corner of Ptikirt and Kins atreet. uarte cellar, gmm1 Vftfu' houM, laundry, itc, month, FIT bedroom. A bargain. YetNW atreet beyond Punahott. Jfpw and irant. l46.on a month. Three lied rooms. Klnau atreet Ve Iwwh I'llkol and ICeeaumoku now oc cupied by Mr. D. F.. Whitman. U9M ft month. F0H Til HUM MONTHS. With privilege of .10 day notice on either lde. Five Bedroom hoiie corner Keeau inoku nnd Klnau atreet. Five Bedroom, corner of AVIIder Avenue and Kewaln atreet. Superb new house. We Rlioulri le pleaaed to quote a very low rate to the right parti on the lnat two houee. HOUSES FOR SALE. Houses on Wilder Avenue, Lunalllo, Young, I'llkol. Kecaumoku street, etc., etc. Price are down tn bed rock. Term very easy. CALL IN 'CONGRESS IN SESSION' hi-:nikhho m. km aPKAKKK run E X GO Stock, llouil and Itcnl Estate Urokcrs Tel. Main 313. Fort and Merchant Sts. HAN FRANCISCO 215 Front St. HONOLULU, Queen Bt. NBW YORK, 43 Leonard Bt. M. S. GRINBAUM 8 CO., LTD., Importers and Commission flerchants A large assortment of Swiss Embroid ery, Edging and Insertions to match. A. BLOW. Progress 'Block Fort Street near Beretania THE TONIC PROPERTIES OF PURE HOPS ARE UNIVERSAL LY RECOGNIZED BY MEDICAL AU THORITIES. .Primo Lager. COMBINES WITH ABSOLUTE PUR ITY THE RARE GOOD QUALITY OF TRUE HOP FLAVOR. NOT FORTI FIED. Haiti 34 1 -Phone Orders to Brewery-Main 34 1 A.. A. MONTANO? Leading Dressmaking House and Millinery Parlors VOGUE DESIGNS IN SWELL HATS, ARTISTIC GOWNS, FINE LA DIES' FURNISHINGS, CHILDREN'S DRESSES, IMPORTERS OF EURO PEAN GOODS (NO DUPLICATES.) Special Lines for Holiday Trade. JHC. X. DAVISON, Manager PHONE MAIN 311. ARLINGTON BLOCK, 205 HOTEL ST. 1 1MB1 11 MOST PEOPLE ENCOUN TER IN SELECTING WALL PAPERS IS THE POOR AND INSUFFICIENT STOCK KEPT BY DEALERS. THIS FAULT DOES NOT EXIST AT OUR PLACE. WE HAVE AN AS SORTMENT OF FINE PA PERS TO SUIT EVERY TASTE AND AT THE LOW- EST FIGURES. BEAL'S i BERETANIA ST., NEXT TO COR, EMMA, JUDD & CO., LTD. 307 STANGENWALD BUILDING. Telephone Main 223. P. O. Box C07. HONOLULU SALOON, A. LUDLOFF, Proprietor. Corner Llllha and School Street. Has opened a resort where refresh ments of all kinds are served. PRIMO BEER ON TAP. Hawaiian Curios Kapa, Calabashes. Lets, Native Hats, Hula Skirts, I llhau Mats, Fans, Shells. Seeds. Etc.. Etc. Ha waiian Stamps and 7Tora made Pol Constantly on Hand at WOMEN'S EXCHANGE 814 FORT ST. HONOLULU H. T, NOTICE. Buy your coffee at the KONA OR PHANAGB COFFEE STORE, 105 King street, Red Front, oppos!(q Young Building, we sen no. l oiu coiteo as cheap as you can get It any place Telephone Blue 1621, orders delivered tree. The money which you spend hero Is used to support and educate the clill dren In the Kona Orphanage. Fine Book and Commercial Printing, Star uiiice, . (Solo Agency FOR Blanche Bites Cigar AGENTS FOR British America Assurance Comp'y, of Toronto, Ontario. Philadelphia Underwriters The Oaonlna Marked With RlmaritaMf' and Tet IaaMMMtltoftnm In Opmtut mjm t MckUaler Deatfc Aiatet Mr II H Hannttis K let Mi- I K fVnd-i Mi dei I: U I t.-t y Mr I Ml Ulnae V !-' lltiMW, i Vn y i '(ITfimn ,1 i 'i.. 1 1 W II i '.u nwell Mi- I and child, r" l Diiiii'Mi Ml M IhIh..i M- I ham. M. H I i n m I w. J ! r. ivi. ,. i Well, MatM Klweii At Wat it nM ,'MM, M i; M. Hi l.-Th WAaHIIMOTOK, December opentna of the llfty-aeventh while devetoiM no thine which waa not previously trorrmmed. waa an imiKMlnac and memorable event. Thr agMctacle f the representative of I he Nation, (fathered from the fa corners of the country, thousand or mile attaii, and charged with the direction of the affairs of the America snapl. cunnoi but be Imposing, even thMtffh severe alitiillPity marka the oareMiofilM. An mlded solemnity wu Klven t the dny'x proceedlnira on account of the tragedy that brought about the new admlnlmtration. The iirevatllnK feellna- was vlmiuently voicel by the chaplain In their Invoca tion, In reference to the death of l're Mldent McKlnley and the desire of the people that It will lie well with hi suc-ceaaor. lit the Senate the only resolution offered except those )erfeotlia; organ isation wan one by Reimtor Mclauiin of South Carolina providing for the free entry of exhibit and for the re moval of Pan-American exhibit to the Charleston Exposition. Objection wan made by fcenntor lioar to Immediate cnnnidorntlon of thl res olution on the Kround that the Senate could not do buMlnoai until It had oom- inunicuieil witli tlio iiouko ami tne President. This settled McLaurln's reoIutlon. David B. Henderson was re-elected speaker of the House. HldWOUll i .1 Ho li ,1 fihiti 1 'ouleoti i I' lHM . I IMIhn H I' lci ! Mix H CI I M I THINK OI THtMII THINGS. f W anind mi w Unj at Wt NfW to Ml Wf HtMTT ( tC W ir prevptiiMi frna tmUag x tm. Vmtym4j wk 4a NfA 'lie of rtolcftot finaJIv gbtr U lot4i. In iMwrlv ail 41 A FATAL COLLISION wa. - in kawiv Ml K ja M Miittmt KngiWt fklJ- i tow am FICHKYUOAT aUM RArAKI. DOWK. oniMtl Had About When the Aboard Mmck Mer. bree lAvtm Known to be Loat. THE CATHOLIC FAIR. Mrs. Howler as treasurer of the or ganization which conducted the fair and luau, held at the Drill Shed No vember 30, has made her report of re ceipts and expenditures. The gross re ceipts were, $4,017; the expenses J655.70: leaving net receipts $3,3CI.25. The sources of receipts vere: Hawaiian fancy booth, 475.55; fancy booth, $423; clothing booth, $210.80; pillow booth, $139.10; live doll booth, $144.70; lemon ade booth, $137.40; Ice cream booth, $128.25; grab box. $99.25; qundy booth, $95; Japanese booth, 61.95; Chinese booth, $57.20; punch and Judy, $52.05; art booth, $30; cigar booth, $19.95; luau tabic at IIhIi marltct. JC0.S0; cash from luau table, $20; sale of tickets and gate receipts, $1727.40. The treasurer, the committee and the Mother Superior wish to extend their thanks to all who assisted In making the affair the success it was. Special attention given to con signments ot coiteo and rice . W) VfSTo l JlH AT THE CONCERT. The Hoston Concert Company played for the second and last concert of their season to a fair sized house. Walthor the violinist played with more fervor than on the opening night having mende the middle finger on his bow ing hand sulllclently to play without much tfaln or Inconvenience. His se lections! met with the approval of the tuuicnce who secured an encore In the 'Suwanee River" with variations, the artist contenting himself otherwise with repeated bows. Lillian Norma sang smoothly but gave herself few opportunities In the simple numbers she chose for rendition. Newton con tributed a pot pourrl of humorous nnd more sprlnus numbers, the Inst one On the wheel" being particularly conglomerate and a trifle Inconsistent. The season has apparently been gen erniiy enjoyed. The company goes on for an Australasian tour. .AGENTS SALE Or REAL ESTATE Pino Building Sites, Puupueo Tract, Manoa I. LOWREY, President. B. WOOD, Vice-President . . GILMAN, Secretary and Treasurer. J. AMWEG, Auditor. CHAS. H. GILMAN. Manager. C. R. HEMENTVAY, LAWYER. Ofllce: Room 40G Judd Building. TELEPHONE 314 MAIN. Amusement For All And ERNEST HOGAN his Company of Unsurpassed colored Comedians at the ORPHEUM EIGHT COMEDIANS, MALE QUARTETTE. LADY QUARTETTE. PICANINNY QUARTETTE. FIRST CLASS PROGRAM PICKED PERFORMERS, OI A Good Show and No Formality Prices, 50c, 75c and $1.00 ERNES1 HOGAN Honolulu's . . . Favorite MAX FKANCUKX). DeoMRbr 1 In the dHe f which ihrewdtd San Franclaco bay laat evening a oaflhoofl occurred between the toutmi iauaa lito and ian Rafael, the latter Koine to the bottom within twenty minute. The number of liven lul i mill unknown, but many paenjon were aeverely In jured. One child I hitoun to have been1 drowned, and paaaeMj(t-ra declare that when the San Kafaol went down ah curried acoie or more ' people with her. Thi ataternent. httwever, I denied by 'H(ttain McKencle. who aay he ww the laat to leave the vewoel. The col llalon occurred at 7:1'. o'clock in th evening, about hn way I n't ween lxtn-Iwrd-atreet wharf and AicatiaK. The two veael were appruachiUK on- an other, each hidden from view by the denae fog, when Muddenly, thruugii umf error In the Hlguals for MtHing, tlie bow of the gHutmlito crashed into the star board side of the Han Ragael. entering the lestauiant, where many people were eating, many of them being eerely injured. The San Rafael at once began to sink and panic prevailed. Some of the crew end pa&fenifers kept their presence of mind, and worked bravely to convey the women and children to the Sausaltto, which had been lashed to the side of the sinking boat. 'As the vessel settled nearer to the surface of the water her lights went out and the terror of the passengers once more became unres trained. Ropes were thrown from the Sausallto and many persons weie drag ged up by rooes. Many Jumped over board and were picked up by the boats i of tlie two steamers. When the Han Rafael had sunk the Sausallto brought the rescued passengers to this city. KAN FRANCISCO. December 3.- There Is still much doubt as to the num ber of passengers and crew carried on the sunken steamer Han Rafael that were drowned when that vessel went down in the fog-smothered water of the ' bay on Saturday night. It Is now cer tain that three lives went out when the Bteniner took her llnnl nlunge under the waves nnd reports were received vett terday that Indicate that more names tnav be added to the list of the dead. There were about 250 people on board the Han Rafael, UNCLE SAM'S TROPICS SECRETARY WILSON MAKES A REPORT. The United States Spends $400,000,000 a Year Abroad Which Ought To Be Haved. Ciatl, "UtrVtMJUU cwiim of iwih." t k iMrt f d on the Ubla. but tk yon cut and dupcl, that mm. t itm jou In J waatiuc mt plaint tii mppij dc imI aaml th Ituw. The pHUt and . koatiou wwken or and ih mdjr (aUcr away. The tm remedy must be mhi wkioh at the aame time inrigontiet tlw iumtirv powara and acta, in and oclunlf. m a food. It i ImfM up the Uodr &ater tlmn it ic da. trajred and alo atop tlw towd tucy to wasting by curing Um disease. Modern soieio tm placed such a remotly wiila oar reach ; aid the wiwiing dia oases, which Imve so long bau tbetrroruf tlie iiunxui m,yM at ouoe to the healing tower ot WAMPOLH'S PREPARATION. It is jwlatablo a honey nnd oeu uuits the nutritive and onracire proporties of J'uro Cod hivor Oil, oxtraoted by ug from fiosh ood livers, combined vitli the Com pound Syrup of Hypopliosphitoe, Ext's of Malt and Wild Cherry. The palate accepts it as it doos sugar, confectionery or oream. You dou't havo to force it down, tlio children. You don't luru away from it yourself. So far as thia preparation ia concerned, medicine time ih an wclcomo as meal time. Tlio action of this effective remedy is prompt audits effects permanent ; taken before meals it goes to the very secret stronghold of all digestive disor ders. Prevents and euros Fo vers, Aniemia, IJowel Complaints, Kheumatism, Throat and Lung Trouble--, and all difeaxog due to impurity of the blood. Effective from the lirst dotie. " Never dis appoints." Sold by all chemists. 1PI INTELLIGENCE (Continued from Page 2.) ARRIVING. Am. ship Reuce, AVhitmore, from 'Newcastle at 10 a. m. days HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Quotations. Bid. Asked. C. Brewer $ 420.00 N. S. Sachs' Dry Goods 100.00 Ewa 24,23 Hawaiian Agricultural 280.00 Hawaiian Sugar 3. 80 Honomu Haiku Kahuku Klhel S.M) Kinahultl Koloa 1C5.00 Mcllryde C.W) .... Oahu S5.00 .... Ookala 8, SO .... Olaa assessable 2.00 Olowalu Pacific 210,00 I'nla 190.00 1'epeokco Pioneer Pioneer assessable Wnlalua Agrl 52.S0 Walinanalo 155.00 ...... Wilder Steamship 100,00 Inter-Island 80.00 Mutual Telenhone 8.00 1st Am. Savings Banks 100.00 HUo R. R. Co. Con. G's .. .. Hono. Rapid Transit C'h .. Oahu fi's 132.50 200.00 105.00 140.00 17C.00 90.00 45,00 DEPARTING. Tuesday, December 10. Sttnr. Noeau, Wyinnn, for Lahalna, Kaanapall, Honokaa and Kukuihaele at 5 p. m. PASSENGERS. Departing. Per S. S. Sonoma, December 10, for San Francisco. J. A. Wilson, Fred. .Macfarlane and family. Miss J. Galla gher, Dr. Bahrenberg nnd wife, Mr. Bahrenberg, Mrs. C. O. Berger, W. II. Scott, James Vance, Mrs. S. E. Sad illemere, H. Decharit. J. S. Tobln and wife, John Maupln, Harry Dlmond, Mrs. H.H. Llnnell, B. Honlg. B. K. Smith, A. 11. Grim, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. E. P. Dole, M. Lemcke and wife, E. C. Mucfarlane, Mrs. L. '. Sulllvuu, Jlr. and Mrs. Sleber, Mrs. J. B. Castle, P. Schelder, F. L. Chambers, C. N. Cham bers, R. Lewers and wife, Miss O. Nelll, C. J. McCarthy, W. F. Robinson, H. T. Marsh, Norman Grlswold, Jr., E. AV. Qulnn, Miss L. E. Morse, Jlr. Low, Miss Christie Tackaberry, T. J. Penlleld, O. Tenbln, Miss A. H. Parker, Captain Jamas Bamberry, Mrs. Katzsau and daughter, Mrs. Brown, sister and child. V. Campbell, Mrs. M. B. Rhodes and child, J. L. Frost, F. C. Render, F. Brown, H. G. Glnaca, F. T. Gray, T. Halns, Mrs. Searles, J. I). Dole, Mrs. J. Lund, T. McGraf, C. B. Lundahl, Thomas Sherdon, J. J. Aylward, J. Hnckett, and 8 discharged soldiers. Per stinr. Mauna I.oa, December 10, for Lahalna, Maalaea, Kona und ICau, Ah Sing, Kee Fill, Miss Elizabeth Iotia, Rev. W. Ault, J. Koslck, S. I. Stewart, Annie Peck, Ankalnshl, Mrs. J. Lino, Mrs. Kanuha, W. Boyd, F. Greenwell, C. K. Tout and wife, Rev. S. II. Davis, L. P. Lincoln, 11. T. Hny selden, Mrs. A. S. McWayne, Mrs. An nie A In, and 3 chlldun, Mrs. Louisa Alu nnd 2 children, John do Mello, Frank Gomes. Booked to Arrive. Per S. S. Sierra, December 11, from San Francisco. Harold Cilffard A. J. Glgnoux, H. T. Gilbert. Mis. R. M. Oil man, AV. J. Hoyt, Lloyd Hunt, Mrs. C, J. Hutchlns, Miss Hutchlns, Mrs. J. A. Johnson, Miss A. Jones, Mrs. A. Kelley, Mrs, J. Kendrlck, Mrs. E. A. Kldd, S. Levi, A. S. Levlsou, S. L. Levy, J- S. McCandless, J, M. JlcChesney, T. M. McChosney, E. S. McGrow, Mrs. C. Mendell, L. F. Moulton, Miss Pierce, S. G. Plucknett, Mrs. J. Potter, II. AV. Raphael, Lieut. Rnilniun, Mrs. Rod man. Dr. Schnee, Mrs. Schnee, Mrs. AV. II. Shlpman, Miss Cora Shlpman, Sin gleton, Mrs. Singleton, J. P. Slsson, AV. G. Smith, Mrs. E. J. Stone, Miss Stone, II. A. Strong, Mrs. Strong, MIsh Thompson, Mrs. Tenrlch, i K. AVIIder. W. C. AVIIder. J. B. Young, J. M. Ful ton, A. Fries, AV. II, Flanders, Mrs, A. M. Fins, Georgo II. Falrohlld, Mrs. Es pey, C. E, Espey, Mr. und Mrs. A. Enos, A. Enos, Jr., Mrs, H. L, Achilles, Miss Achilles, Masters L. and P. Achilles, AV. D. Alexander, R, L. Atkins, AV, O. 100.00 100.00 101.00 Fine Book and Commercial Printing, Star Ofllce. Secretary Cooper received by this mall from the coast advance proofs of the forthcoming report of the secretary ot Agriculture, as made to tlie I'reslileni ' at Washington. The report coiitulni, matter referring to all the new posses sions, and says of them in general: "The extension of American Jurisdic tion over the Islands in the troplcn brings new ptoblems to the student of agricultural science. We buy annually over $100,000,000 worth of the product of foreign Holds, one half of which will at no distant period of time, be grown In the United States, the other half Is the product of such climates as found In our new Island possessions. It Is the privilege and duty of the Department oft VT?AU i mrr nmon vvrnra Agriculture to teach the people of thosel jVJiW A D YKRTISKjM K T 8 Islands to produce what we now buy I from tronical countries that they may i have Income to help toward their1 growth In all desirable directions." i Mention Is made of the trip of Invest!- i gallon made to Hawaii by Dr. Stubbs and of the appointment of Jared Smith I.. tnU.. ..hiiffn. tif til,. vnerl munt ufiitlmi here, and the work done by Smith Is il Honolulu. December 10. 1901. described. The appropriation for Ha-1 Everv member of chin mmmani wall ought not to be less than $15,000 per , R hereby ordered to report at the Drill year, says the secretary, and there , Shed This TUESDAY EVE MING for ouvht to be n special unproprlation of Company Drill. iu.uuv ill. uuuu. LUl intr pitmcni uueuH ui r the station. I r unner neeus or tne experiment sta- Attention Co. A." A Armory Company A, Fitn ment, N. u. II. Reisl- tlon, in lands, buildings and equipment, ought to be supplied by the legislature of the Territory, says Secietary Wilson. By order, II. KLEMME, Captain Commanding, DISCORD IN THE SYNOD. The Bishop Airs His Grievances against The Second Congregation. Disruptive elements were at work In the synod meeting of the Anglican church yesterday afternoon and even ing und the line between the synodsmen of the second congregation and the sup porters of the Bishop was drawn more strongly than ever. A strong attempt was made by the blsliop'.s party to impeach the veracity of certain members of the second con gregation, synodsman Testa being par- i tlrularly bitter In retort und accusn- linn ror winch he apologized later In the session. A resolution was sanctioned forcing T. dive Davles, delegate to the Episcopal Convention from the second ond congregation, into divulging the names of those who had guaranteed In nanemorlal the expense of the Incoming bishop's salary for live years. These were made known and the Bishop, In a lenmhy speech, stigmatized the action as Irregular und "Imperilling the main tenance of the faith." tjeorgo Davles declared that the sec ond congregation as a hpdy had no inoro to do with the memorial than the synod. Thu Rov. Mackintosh and others assisted In pouring oil on thu troubled waters. Re urdlng the Kohala parsonuge pur chase matter, It looked for a short time ns If that congregation were to bo disfranchised as the St, Clement's cnnirregutlon hud been, Tho Bishop do. elded however that tho matter had gnna far enough In this Instance. An eleo Hon of ofllcers wus made and tho synod ndjourned until thin afternoon at live. PROGRESS BLOCK DFIC'REE. Thu Supremo Court this morning lis tened to arguments In tho matter of tho petition of the Knplolapl estate, for a writ of mandamus to compol Judgo HumphroyH to sign a decree of sulo In the suit of the Knplnlnnl estate against Desky. for tho Progress block. Tho caso was heard and decided by Gear and Humphreys refused to sign a de cree of salo. Fine Job Printing, Star Office. CHAMUEJt OF COMMERCE. Tlie regular monthly meeting of tho Honolulu Chnmber of Commerce, will be held at Its room (over tho ofllce of Castle & Cooke Ltd.), on Wednesday. December 11, at 10 a. m. JAS. GORDON SPENCER, Secretary. Honolulu, December 10, 191. LOST. Bishop & Co.'s Havings Bank Pass Book No. 3899. Please return to tho Bank, POWER OF ATTORNEY. Durln" my absence from the Torrltory Mr. W. F. Allen will act for, me under full power of attorney. F. AV. MACFARLANE, Honolulu, December 10, 1901, Wilder's Steamsliip Co NOTICE CHANGE IN SAILING. Hteamer 'Klnau" will sail from Hllo on Thursday, December 19th anil Thursday, December 2Cth at 5 p. in., Instead of on Fridays at 10 n. ni. an usual; will sail from Honolulu on Mon day, December 23rd and Monday, De cember 30th at 12 ni., instead of oit Tuesdays as usual, Hteamer "Claudlne" will sail from Kuhtilul on Friday the 20th of Decem ber nt 6 p. in., and oh Friday the 27tli of December at 5 p, in.. Instead of on Saturday, as usual, will sail from Ho nolulu on Monday, December 28rd nnd Monday, December 30th at 6 p. m In stead of on Tuesday! ns usual. Htoumer "Lehua" will sail from Ho nolulu on Thursday. December 2Cth, and on Thursday January 2nd at 6 p, in.. Instead of on Wednesday as usual, After these dales regular schedule will be resumed, 4 i