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) till iuwAiuir ttktk, fuiwtur, mmihmni a ml V b Li ; 1 OtMc Itetin: I to 11 a. m., 1 to 1 j. m. 7 t i t. m. , auUHla Street, HonolulM, II. T., UpptMlto lUwnllftn Hotel. ' Telephone Whltt 411. All)sit JVf. Ounlui, ATTORHEY AT LA NOTARY PUBLIC. 308 StnnRcnwnld Building TB .t HONE M IN 21. DR. J. M. WHITNEY, DENTIBT. Boston Building, Fort Street Over II. Mar & Co. Houn: 9-5. Tel. Main 277. DR. A. E. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Ofllce Hours: 9 to 4. 1123 Alakea Street, next Masonic rem pie, Honolulu. DR. 0. B. HIGH, DENTIST. Philadelphia Dental College, 1S92. Ofllce: Masonic Temple. Telephone, Main 318. OR. A, G. WALL, DR. 0, E, ILL, :;, r is iv tis t s. LOVE BUILDING, FORT STREET, f 'ephone 434. OFFICE HOURS. 8 a. m, to 4 p, m. DR. A. J. DERBY, DENTIST. ott-Smlth Buiidlng, Cor. Fori and Hotel Sts. Ho lulu, H. I. Ofllce Hours: 9 a. m. to - p. m. DR. J. UGHIDA, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllce: Beretania, between Fort and Nuuanu streets. Ofllce Hours: 8 to 12 a. m.: 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone. White 1211. A. C. LOVEKIN, Stock and Bond Broker, REAL ESTATE ID flHOGfM 402 JUDD BUILDING. ,1 1 FISHER I CO, Members of Honolulu Stock Exchange Stock and Bond Brokers STANGENWALD BUILDING. Advance Made on Approved Security. C, BREWER & CO,, LIMITED QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU, H. T. AGENTS FOK Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono r'ea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar Pnmnnnv Wflllllkll flllGTar ComDaDV. Walhee Sugar Company, Makee Sugar company, tiaieaicaja uanco umiuiuj, Kap jala Ranch. Planters' Line and Shipping Co. '.harles Brewer & Co's Line of Boston Pfickct Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. LIST O" OFFICERS. C. M. C JOKE President GEOHCE H. ROBERTSON, . . . Manager E. F. BISHOP Treasurer and Secty. COL. W. F. ALLEN Auditor Directors. P. C. JONES, H. WATERHOUSB, GEORGE R. CARTER. 0A1 RAILWAY AND LAUD CO'S TABLE FROM AND AFTER JANUARY 1, 1001 TKAIN& STATIONS. (Outward) Honolulu l"eail City Kwa Mill .... .Wate.nae.. Waltlua Kaliuku. ... STATIONS, (inward) Kahuku Waialua Walanae Kwa Mill.... Pearl City.... Honolulu Dally Dalli es. Sun. ex.Sun D'ly D'lr A.M. A.M. A.M. i'.U. P.M. ..7:10 0:15 11:06 12:00 8.03 0:18 8:11) 10.0 10:50 11:55 3:15 4:0? :45 5:0 llil.'i 5:10 6:50 6:10 Dally ex.Sun. D'ly A.U. A.)I. 5:35 0:10 7:10 7:45 8:03 8:35 ,.. 6:60 6:15 ... 6:10 D'ly D'lj .... S:0f .... 2:U 3-5' 4::r- 5:21 1.05 1:30 2:03 G, P, Denibon, Superintendent. F. O. Smith, Qen. Pass.&Tkt.AH Note Heads, Bill Heads, Letter Heads and all kinds of Job and Commercial Printing neatly and promptly executed at the Star Ofllce, GOiii'OiUV'NON JttWlOftS. A.N8IWHMI1XT M)TI(!H, The third anopUKtii'-ni. of 2." wi rent on the now stink of the Pioneer Mill r.i. Ltd., Will be due nhtl pi..ini'' .t Mir offlre of It. llsckfi'lil ft Compim Ltd . on January 2d. Wi. nnd lll hwonw delinquent on Jantinry lflth, 1W)2 II. HCHt'LTXi:, Tn-nmrer. Kihoi Assessment Notices. THE 12TH ASSESSMENT of 6 per coin or $2,60 per share became due and payable January 2nd, 1901 and bears penalty from February 2nd, 1901. The thirteenth and final assessment of B per cent or $2.S0 per share on the stock of the Klhel Plantation Co., Ltd., has been levied nnd will become due and payable on the ICth day of June, 1901. Interest bearing after the 16th day of July, 1901. The above assessments are payable at the offices of Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., Judd Building. J. P. COOKE, Treasurer Klhel Plantation Co. Honolulu. May 18. 1901. Olaa Assessments. The 17th and 18th assessments of CO cents each are now bearing Interest at the rate of 1 per cent per month. The nineteenth assessment of Vh per cent or 50 cents per share has been called to be due and payable November 20, 1901. The 20th assessment of 5 per cent or 1 Dollar per share has boen called to be due and payable December 21st, 1901. Notice Is herewith given the stock holders, that no further assessments will be called prior to June 1st, 1902. Interest will be charged on assess ments unpaid ten (10) days after the same are due, at the rate of one per cent per .-onth from the date on which Buch assessments are due. The above assessments will be pay able at the ofllce of the B. F. Dilling ham Company Limited, Stangenwald Bulldinf. ELMER E. PAXTON, Treasurer Olaa Sugar Company, Lim ited. Honolulu, T. II. July 20, 1901. ALARMED ON FRONT MAM VKMSI.I.r A I ! I ; NiiW il 11 Hr K MuIIImk Fleet Will Probably Depart for "count porta Tht Wwk afl Leave Harbor Ifewrted. NOTICE. Intending cubln nnd steerage passen gers from the port of Honolulu are hereby Informed that until further no tice the undersigned will not book pas sengers on the steamers for which they are Agents unless Bald passengers re port at their office at least nine (9) days previous to the scheduled date of sail ing. Further Information may bo had upon application at the offices of H. HACKFELD & COMPANY. LTD. W1I. G. IRWIN & COMPANY. T. II. DAVIES & COMPANY. WAXTIil). Wanted, to rent or lease a residence with eight or more rooms, In desirable part of town. Address P. O. Box 471, Honolulu, H. I. A'OTICK. The steamer "W. G. Hall" will arrive at Honolulu on Saturday, December 21st and 28th, Instead of Sundays a usual, and will sail from Honolulu on Monday, December 23rd and 30th, In stead of on Tuesdays as usual. The steamer "Mlkahala" will arrive at Honolulu on Tuesday. December 24th and 31st, Instead of on Wednesdays as usual. The steamer "Mauna Loa" will sail from Honolulu on Monday, December 30th, Instead of on Tuesday. After these dates, the regular sched ule will be resumed. INTER-ISLAND STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LTD., By Its President J. ENA. Helen's Court PRIVATE HOTEL ADAM'S LANE OFF HOTEL STREET. REAR OF ELITE BUILDING. Herman fd. ,-vy MANAGER. PHONE. WHITE 34G1. Thin will probably be the liveliest week the water front haa known In a lone; time, although hipping- haa been M iy dull for the laat two ilaya. If all uf the veanele, which are preiwrllia;, gel reaily in Utile, the harbor will pt-eaeut an empty appearance by the end of the week. The big ship Roanoke will probably be reaily to go to aea tomorrow. She will null to Shu Francisco, her original port of destination. She Is to curry as ballast, about 1,000 tons of coal. The schooner ltoaamond and barks Kalulanl and 11. P. lllthet have all been fumigated and have been loading sugar for several weekB. All of theae vessels are nearly ready to sail and It is ex pected that they will get nway within a couple of days for San Franclaco. The bull; Olympic 1b also loading augur. .She will not be ready until after Christ inas to Hull for Sun Franclaco. The lumber Hchoouers Alice Cooke, Mury IS. Foster, F. S. ltedfleld and John O. North are either discharged or nenr ly so and they will nlso be ready with in a few days to sail for Port Townsend and other 1'uget Sound ports. The barkeutlne Joseph L. Evlston has about finished discharging her coal and will begin probably tomorrow to take bai lust for the Sound. The burkentlnr Coronudo has finished dlschurging and began taking ballast today. She will probably receive enough sugar ballast to carry her to San Francisco. The iharkentine Archer Is now loading sugur at the railway whnrf for San Francisco I and should be ready soon to depart. I The schooner Luzon Is also apt to be ready within a week to sail for the I Sound. I The majority of these vessels will get ,away within this week nnd unless Bome tn the numerous vessels which are due from various ports arrive, the harbor will be as baio as a hone except for Island boats. The schooners Churchill and Novelty and ship Prince Louis ure now considerably overdue from New castle while the schooners Susie M. Plummet' and Robert Seaiies and bark James Johnson should arrive at any lime from the same port. From Tacumu, the ship S. D. Carlo ton, Captain Amesbury is now II days out. This Is considerably overdue and it is likely that reinsurance Is being quoted on the Coast against this ves feol. The barkentiuu Quickstep is 30 days out, due at Kahului from Tacoma. The bark Ceylon Is ulso 29 days out from Port Gamble, which Is longer than unusual. The barkeutlne Kllkitat is 27 days from Port Ludlow. The brig Con suelo is now 27 days out from Eureka. This vessel has a record of U days and 20 hours from San Francisco to this port, so not U little anxiety will be felt until her arrival at Hijo Is reported. From Gray's Harbor there Is an over due vessel, the schooner W. F. Wltze niatin. She Is out 37 days, while the schooner Muriel Is out 30 days from the same port. Nothing has been heard from the schooner Ueudixon which Is now 41 days from Port Ulakeley. In addition to these vessels, practi cally all of which are overdue, ure the barkentlnes W. II. Dimond and S. G. ! Wilder and barks, Amy Turner and ' ...... ...i n..i 7.... a ... i all out 24 days. The weather for the past mouth or more however has been marked with only occasional good winds in the wa ters north of these Islands. All of the incoming vessels hvving' reported en countering continual calms. Slow pas sages from San Francisco have been the order but even this experience hard ly explains so many vessels being over due. If the southerly wind, which has been in force for the last three or four days, continues it may help the Newcastle fleet along, If the overdue vessels have not already been driven to the north ward of the islands. This wind will also have the effect of driving the northward bound boats along, If It con tinues. It would not be surprising to hear of the German ship Lltn, the bark eutlne Encore and the British ship Euphrates, all of which left here with in the last few days, breaking records to the coast, with this southerly wind. There are quite a number of well In formed people In shipping circles who are considerable exercised over the fate of some of the overdue boats. In fact, It Is predicted that several may be re ported bottoms up by the first vessel which arrives here. Owing to the heavy southerly weath er, which Is still blowing, It Is more than likely that few of the island still ing fleet will get away today. With the possible exception of the Alice Kimball and schooner Kauikeaoiill, all of the schooners wl'l remain In port waiting for the weather to change. 1VAKANISHI CO., Contractors nut) UtiUdors Painting and Paper Hanging Opp. Oahu Lumber and Building Co. King street, No. 450 Telephone, Blue 3331, JUST RECEIVED BY EX iLfcW MELROSE JAM. PIN MONEY PICKLES. MACARONI AND CHEESE. OUR CHOICE TOMATOES. SAN JOSE PRESERVES. CHUTNEY AND LATE FANCY CANDIES. J. E. GOEAS. Cor. Beretania and Emma Sts, Telephone Blue 2312. Telephone Blue 933. WING SING CO. It Hotel Street, next door to Iwakaml IMPORTERS IN 1ROCT RIES .CALIFORNIA FRUITS BUTTER. Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statement! and Fine Commercial Printing at th Star Ofllce. Note Heads, Bill Heads, Letter Heads and all kinds of Job and Commercial printing neatly and promptly executed at the Star Ofllce. BAND CONCERT. The Territorial Band under the direc tion of Captain Berger will piny at the Hawaiian Hotel this evening at 7:30 o'clock. The following Is the program: March "Cruck of the Whip" Henry Overture "Zampa" Hero Id Selection "Musical Review" .... Riviere Songs (a) "Marie Louise." (b) "Cora." Miss J. Kclilaa. (c) "Adeline." (d) "The Gray and the Blue." Mrs. N. Alapal. Waltz "Charming Heuuties".. ..TobunI March "A Hunch of Blackberries".. Hofinnn "Star Spangled Bunner." INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. The leading topic discussed at the Annual Association of the teachers of Maul ut Maunaolu Seminary, and one which drew forth animated, not to suy acrimonious discussion, was industrial education, as practically taught In tie schools of Mnul. Of course the theory is all tight, hut Jhe serious question Is whether the practical application is properly made of the appliances fur nished to the teachers of Muul. Of course In the bunds of qualified teachers these appliances ure of Inestimable va lue, but with u teacher who Is not able to Intelligently lead his pupils along In dustrial lines, the whole thing becomes a farce, us well as u waste of good time nnd money. Industrial education should not be therefore abandoned, but proper teachers should be. worked in and Inefficient one weeded out as soon ns possible. Maul News. .A .ti.j v.. . . . .. :o:.: :y.v fi" . . .v,' ": . ; m .i.l'..i'.L' '.' i, i (i i, ii, ,, , iiciti, a, ,, i. ,, .i, ,. , i,,,', !. ,, , i, IWAKAMI & CO., OErom November 30 to December 14 ONLY TWO WEEKS NEW GOODS ! BEST PRICES !! . . . . . ,o;i . . . ': . . O:. . STRAW HATS, ROUGH, FINE, NATIVE, ANY STYLE AND SIZE. SHIRTS, COLLARS. SOX, BELTS, SUSPENDERS, ANY KIND OF DRY GOODS. SILK, SILK CRAPE. SHAWLS, KIMOMOS, DOILLIES, HAND KERCHIEFS, LAT EST KIND OF FANCY GOODS. - w w " - V . m ... :: .C; . it); ;! .... ..I. .. . . . . . ... . M .:t ?! ..0.'.. ..ft... THE gANKOFgAWAII LIMITED. Incorporated under the Laws of 'ho Territory of Hawaii. PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $600,000.00 RESERVE UNDIVIDED PROFITS - 154,000.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Charles M. Cooke President P. C. Jones Vice-President C. H. Cooke Cashier F. C. Atherton Assistant Cashier Henry Waterhouse, Tom May, F. W. Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney, J. A. Mc Candless. Solicit!) the Accounts of Firms, Cor porations, Trusts Individuals, 1 ad will promptly and carefully attend to all business connected with banking en trusted to It. Sell and Purchase For eign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Ordinary and Term Deposits received and Into jst allowed In accordance with rules and conditions printed In pass books, copies of which may be had on application, Judd Building, Fort Street. BISHOP & CO, Savings Bank Until further notice, Savings Depos its will be received and Interest allow ed by this Bank at four and one-- .f per cent per annum. Printed copies of the Rules and Reg ulations may be obtained on applica tion. Office at Bank building on Merchant street. BISHOP & CO. CLAUS SPRECKELS. WM. G. IRWIN. Clans Spreokels & Co, B A. IV IC JB K , HONOLULU, H. I. San Francisco Agents The Nevada National Bank of San Francisco. DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na tional Bank of San Francisco. LONDON The Union Bank of London, Ltd . NEW YORK American Exchange Na tional Bank. CHICAGO Merchants' National Bank. PARIS Credit Lyonnals. BERLIN Dresdner Bank. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cornoratlon. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA Bank of New Zealand. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British No -th Amerl '- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Deposltt Received. Loans Made on Approved Security. Commercial and Travelers' Credits Issued. Bills cf Ex change Bought and Sold, COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY AC COUNTED FOR. KISSING BUGS AGAIN. The health commissioner of Milwau kee (lectures wnr on kissing. The com mlssloner bus become an ardent devo tee of the germ theory, and fears too much kissing will contribute to the pro pagation of disease. Hu says disease germ are likely to gather around the mouth, ESTABLISHED. 1868. BI8HOP & Co., Banlcei'S TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. COMMERCIAL AND TRAVELERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED, AVAILABLE IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD. Interest allowed after July 1st, 1900 on fixed deposits; 7 day notice 2 per cent, (this form will not bear Interest unless It remains undisturbed for one month) 3 month 3 per cant; ( month SH 12 months, 4 per cent. fir. merchant, Here is a proposition" that will interest you c o AVe are installing a new ARC LIGHT In business houses nt a small cost. Those are the best over used, and give a steady, brilliant, and penetrat ing white light. Five times the amount of light for the same money as the Incandescent. MR. W. H. SMITH, Mannger of the Manufacturer's Shoe Co., has hud them Installed in ills store and says "they are the best lights we have ever used and I take pleasure In recommending them." If you desire any further information, send us n postal inquiry or telephone to Main 390 and we will call at your office. Hawaiian Electric Go., Ltd f King Street Tel. 390 The Connoisseur lilies the Best only. He gets the Best, when he selects Mosf and Qhandon's Champagne . Of which a new shipment consisting of Quarts and Pints has just been received by H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Sole Agents, Hawaiian Territory . . .. ... . . .7. .m v." .'a'. .... V ..'o. . . .'o.. . ... 9:1 i T. MURATA, Main Store, No. 1044, Nuuanu Street lstJBranch, corner King and Bcri-Unia Sts. 2nd Branch, No. 10.'J2, Nuumui St. vfJinLiim Any Styles Made to Order . '?! .,: ... Tolophono Bluo .J311 Telephone Blue 2781 P. O. Bo 884. Honolulu, Torritory of Hawaii. ?ff.:ff.:i:,s.l5: . 4 . . . ... . f 2