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fM MAWAHAft UTAH, i MlVv AilViinri,i?iil5iil.,i,. Ik I he ftlo nf lne nf . of .IAS. V, MOKUAN, i MltotJ'l'ly KoiUii'H si Auctioneer end Broker dMth, WiMlint with i,V'''Vm Mf WW cB ,,hu I..... Pub. i horn f rur own? If ... ... ... z. 65 Quuail Lfaut I', 0. Ito.v 51HI Tdloiiliono ? .SUMS I.N A NUTSIIJU.I. lHuHiiMiih TtoU mvc (ftHllBHitM Mm or llm ln). OBhU Lodf K nf P. elects oftti em tomorrow evening. The band will play at the Hawaiian Hotel thin evening. Ta 0. UBT1B5, XEH-EPMONE MAIN IjB P. O. UOX 243 Pacific Transfer Co. Jab. II. Lovb 58 MAIN Oittce, 147 King Street tPelephone Main, 101 P. U. Box 083 irrj Map, Stock aud Bond Broker Sfember HodoIuIq Stock and Bond Exchange 'ftioo, Campbell Block, Merchant Street, 'i&molulu, T. H. BATTKKli S. KL12CTIUC BELL OUTFITS. COMPLETE WITH BAT 33R.Y HELL. Pl'SII BUTTON AND IVmE. ONLY $2.00. -SMALL MOTOHS FROM: $1.30 UP. 15M3CTIUC NECKTIE PINS, BIGY CM3 LAMPS. 1'oi'KET FLASH XilOIITS. TOY SHOCKING AlA CnWBS (1.25. ' SPARK COILS. . ELECTRICAL NOVELTIES. MiuPflirafiiaiD 026 FORT ST ft I ET TELEPHONE 317 At nonti Saturday Morgan will Mil horaea and carriages. Huard and lodging for a I fear old boy and hlx nurse la wanted. The Arlon Society will give a ball and musical at Rika1 Hall a week from tontaht. January 1. IS. C. Macfarlane did not leave by the Alameda Tuesday, but will go to Ibe eoaat by that vessel, January 15. Adder II. l'ethsrp SuM-tme Chancel lor nf the KniKhts of Pythtaa left San Francisco today for a visit to the Isl and. Heth I-ow took the imth of oltlce mayor of New York In the Supreme Court, December 10. He will take olllce January 1. Tlif Territorial courts and clerks' oltlce wer closed all day today, Judge Utee's court lelns; the only one doins; business. Several ntembers of the Quintette club left by the Alameda Tuesday to be the guests In San Francisco of Prince David Kawananakoa. huiieiintendent of Public Work) Boyd has been authorized to negotiate for the s. le of the old territorial scoop dredge to Cotton HrotherB. only drink Altered and distilled wa ter. One of W. Dimond & Co. 'a Puritan distillers can be attached to any stove and Insures your health. The Christmas tree exercises of the Methodist Church Sunday school were postponed from Tuesday evening to this evening at 7 o'clock on account ot the storm. 1 The bchooner Ilonolpu, which arrived today from Port Ludlow after a pas suge of 25 days, reports having expert enced rough weather. Nearly all of her sails were blown away during the voy-j Jg'1. captain and Jtrs. Bray entertained about seventy-five seamen representing all nations and all the vessels In the hurbor at Christmas dinner Tuesday evening at the Sailors' Home. Six inches of rain Is reported by S. E. Damon from Monnalua and six and a fraction from Mnnoa valley. On Pa cific Heights u little over live Inches fell altogether during the storm. Hurglars entered the otllce of Dr. Sloggett, the president of the Board of Health nnd stole $2.1 In cash last night The money was In a roller top desk which was broken open. No robberies were reported on Christmas eve. The Christmas tree exercises for the children of the Sunday school of the Second Congregation of St. Andrew's will be held tomorrow, Friday evening, nt the school. Parents are Invited to come with their children. The Mutual Telephone Co. by Godfrey Brown, treasurer, gave a check for $100 to Chief Engineer Charles Thurs ton of the Honolulu Fire Department to be distributed among the members of the department, In recognition of capable services. High Sheriff Brown and Deputy High Sheriff Chilllngworth were each pres ented with it girtd police badge Tuesday by Police Oillcer Ah On whose Hie en dangered In the course of his duty has several times been saved by the timely interference of his superiors In the de partment. Manager Allen of the Moana Hotel is sued a dainty menu printed in green nnd red with a sprig of holly attached the corner and further embellished with engralngs .of the Moana, the whole tied with silk thread. The (juln teue chili was in attendance and an elaborate table was set and enjoyed by .i iuigf number of guests. KEWALO AGAIN. The Kxt-cutlve Council this morning iti ussed the Kewalo again but no de- isiun was reached. Superintendent o Public Works Boyd made a report on ih- condition of the dlstrlc, and the matter of getting the money to make ili.- needed improvements was discussed No decision was reached, and the sub ject will be brought up at the meeting next Monday. TWENTY INCHES OF WATER. The effect of the storm In Hooding the sidewalks was probably most notice able on Beretanla street In the section between Punchbowl and Alapal streets Immediately opposite the Queen's Hos pital. The storm sewer proved inade nuate to the sweep of water that camo down nnd the road and sidewalks were under water during the heavy rain to the depth of twenty Inches or more. Assistant Superintendent Marston Campbell has had his eye on this local ity for some time intending to put in another outlet for the water at the earliest possible moment. Lid. OFFICERS. H. P. BALDWIN President J. B. CASTLE .... First Vice President W. M. ALEXANDER.... 2d Vlce-Pres't J. P. COOKE Treasurer W. O. SMITH Secretary GEORGE R. 'ARTER Auditor Sugar Factors and Commission flerchants AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Com' pany, Haiku Sugar Company, Paia Plantation Company, .Nnhlku Sugar Company, Klhel Planta.lon Company, Hawaiian Sutrar Company, Kahului Rail oad Company, AND Tho California and Orlontal """amshlp Company LUN CHONG CO. BLACK LI CUBE WOOD FURNITURE, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Novelties for the Holiday Season CORNER UNION AND HOTEL STREETS. AUCTION SALE OF Horses and Garriages ON SATURDAY, Dl'.C. 28, AT It O'CLOCJf NOON, At tm M 1 tMU'OA tn n& HiIMII atlat T will sel'l at Public Auction a number or noreee ami carnage. JAsTiTiMOHGAN. AUCTIOKKKR. AUCTION SALE or A FINEPARROT. OX FRIDAY, DEC 27, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.. At my salesroom, 03 Queen utrcet, I will sell at public auction very su perior MEXICAN GREEN PAHIOT. , Sings and talks lluontly. Also speaks some iMwaim r JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ON FRIDAY, DEC 27, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., At my salesroom, 05 Queen street 1 will sell at public auction a large quan tity ot House hold Furniture, consist ing of uanusome neavy uaic extension Dining Table. Oak Dining Chairs, Box Couch, Parlor Chairs, Rockers, Center Tables, Handsome Rugs, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Hanging Lamps, Easel, Bedroom Furniture, Mattresses, Nets, Matting, Crockery, Glassware, Patent Kitchen Tables, Ice Boxes, Filters, Fine Jewel Stove with Water H'.T.tcr, Kitchen Utensils, Hose, Garden Tools, etc, etc. Also, Showcases Stock of Goods, Counters, Candy Jars, Jpwoler's Case Clocks, Work Benches, etc, etc. jasTfTmorgan, AUCTIONEER JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctioneer and Broker, 65 Queen Street, P. 0. Uox 5H4 Telephone 72 m Kroin Murco Tj Our Line of Tos suitable for GIRLS 1 THE LARGEST TO UE POUND IN TOWN Don't Fall to See Our Display. Its Great. Two STORKS Two. ILL NICHOLS CO., LTD, Desirable Gifts. We would again call to your atten tion our line of TOILET uKTS. mtUSHKB. COMHS, MIRRORS ot every description. FOR OENTLKME. . MILITARY BRUSHES IN CASES by themselves or In combination with u clothes brush, exactly the thing for the bachelor's dressing table, or for the iMjnedlct's. Other varieties for gentle men who prefer the ordinary shape. In I5I10NOID with solid backs from THREE DOLLARS. Also with sterling silver name Rnd creat plates. FOR THE LADIES. Toilet sets of plentiful variety and ar tistic workmanship. MIRRORS to complete n set or In combination with COMBS and BRUSH ES. In EBONOID with or without ster ling silver mounts. In the new metal COSMEON. LIGHT. DURABLE and IMPOSSIBLE TO TARNISH. These sets are most satisfactory. The metal Is either oxydised to resemble gun me tal, while elaborate designs are graved upon the back showing the bright me-1 tal In relief, or the metal Is frosted, with artistic repousse or engraved designs to enhance their beauty. We have through timely and Judi cious buying been enabled to offer these goods at from TWENTY TO THIRTY PER CENT BELOW USUAL PRICES nnd yet retain a fair margin of profit. The goods are In no sense cheap and would grace any toilet table. PRICES FROM $3.00 THE SET. UTILITY IS AN ESSENTIAL. To the up-to-date Christmas gift. The time of irlvlng expensive and useless trliles Is past. Here Is a suggestion that has probably not occurred to you. WHY NOT SPARKLETS. Our supply of these outfits comprises many varieties made in designs to suit the garniture of the most elaborate din ner table. The gift would be thorough ly appreciated, and the donor remem bered every time the compressed car bonic acid in the little capsules turned a glass of wuter, milk, lemonade or claret from n Hat drink Into a nectar (It for the gods, u sparkling, bubbling liquid charged with Inspiration and health: AN IDEAL DRAUGHT FOR THE TROPICS HEALTHFUL AND INVIGORATING. We have a dual reason In urging these nnd a selfish one. Buy one for your friend and you will Infallibly buy one later for yourself. They are not expen sive FROM TWO AND A HALF DOL LARS UP. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN General Merchandise, Tinware, Paints and Oils, Crockery and Glassware p. o. box coo. 3D N. King Street. Tel. Main S93. .:?.:..!. . . . a V . . .5 . 1X2:0 J&bwnJJritpGh iiilmwififliii) .... .. . .. ... :.(:.;.JB:.;.J:.;:;;..e;:;; .' J ' f i'.'?it 'fit i ti".1? it '?it 'fit ?it"'? it mm" m'.' Great Reduction Sale ! 1 8AYEGUSA, . . . . . ,o,.,S"t.,.;.v:.;.'i-.';r.fi7..fiT.'?it',i.,S f-f; , i mmm mmm n f ?; vi?;: 'ii ?.;v.: S3S i'iv: ! :;?:;: 5:? :: 1 :.V.v . rfs. . . New . . Restaurant The Harbor Restaurant, Fort Street, opposite Allen & Robinson's Lumber yard is now open for business. P. O. Box 303. Tel. Main 3351. Mlo ODO. 33 Hotel Street. IMPORTER OF Japanese Provisions AND General Merchandise PLANTATION SUPPLIES. "it .It it "..?.;. ". i"? OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY GOODS To be 5old at Greatly Reduced Prices All Lines flust be Closed Out JStxxvtctnxx Street, ... .:. : .... , t K. FUKURODA, 1274 STAR BLOCK, FORT STREET, Herchant Tailor Cleaning and Dyeing otj Clothes All Orders Promtply Attended To Lin Sing Kee, TINSMITH. Does Sanitary Plumbing Nuuanu Street, Opposite Emma Hall. ..; . ... f it . -