Newspaper Page Text
JZSm "alEE JtMrsi I la II i, M., I t I r. iC lira.! itaaaiMltt. If. IW TTawatUrM Hrl.l. ftHttwte WltlU 411. ATTomntr at la NOTARY 1'UHLIC. 308 Slnnjrcmvnlil Building TE .riIONB-M IK 21. DR. J. M. WHITNEY, DENTIST. Doiton Building, Fort Street Over H. May & Co. Hours: 8-6. Tel. Main 277. DR. A. E. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Office Houra: 9 to 4. . 111J Alakea Btreet. next Masonic .Temple, Honolulu. DR. 0. JB.-HIGH, DENTIST. Philadelphia Dental College, 1892. Ofllce: Maeonlo Temple. Telephone. Main 318. OR, A. C, WALL, DR. 0, E, WALL LOVE BUILDING, FORT STREET, ! 'ephono 434. OFFICE HOURS, 8 a.m. to 4 p. m. DR. A. J. DERBY, DENTIST. ott-Smlth Bunding, Cor. Fori and Hotel Sts. Ho lulu, H. I. Ofllce Hours: 9 a. m. to - p. m. A. G. LOVE KIN, Stock and Bond Broker, REAL ESTATE ID FINCH 402 JUDD BUILDING. j . fin i co., Members of Honolulu Stock Exchange Stock and Bond Brokers STANGENWALD BUILDING. Advance Made on Approved Security. t C, BREWER 6 CO,, L QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU, H. T. AGENTS FOH Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono rea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar n.nnnnt Wnlliiku Hurar ComDany. ,WM.i.u7 - - " Walhee Sugar Company, Makee Sugar Company, Haleakaia Kancn company, Kap jala Ranch. Dl.nliri' T.lno find fihlnnlne CO. .harles "Brewer & Co's Line of Boston Packet Agents Boston Board of Underwriters Agents Philadelphia Board of Under writers. LIST O FFICERS. C. M. C JOKE President GEOTtCE H. ROBERTSON,... Manager E. F. BISHOP Treasurer and Secty, COL. W. F. ALLEN Auditor Directors. P. C. JONES, H. WATERHOUSE, GEORGE It. CARTER. BEFORE SELECTING ELSEWHERE, CALL ON US AND EXAMINE OUR LARGE STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GOODS CON SISTING OF TOTS, FANCT SILK SHAWLS, SILK KI MONOS, JAPANESE CU RIOS, FANCY SOUVENIR CUPS AND SAUCERS AND OTHER NOVELTIES FOR CHRISTMAS PRES ENTS. Telephone 2311 White. Corner of Nuuanu and Hotel Streets. NAKANISHI CO,, Contractors mid Uullders Painting and Paper Uauglug Opp. Oahu Lumber and Building Co. King street, No. 450 Telephone, Blue 3531. Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements and Fine Commercial Printing at the Star Omce. 11 I Heart Pains? PnlplltUlon, fluitortna or Irregu lar pulsallonn, choking Bonstv tlotiR. shorttioDB ot broath, Btnotiiorlng Bpolls, fainting or Btnklng spoils, dropsloal awoll tugs of foot and ankloB, all oomo from a weak hoart. Tho only Bafo and rollablo modlolno for woalc hoarts ia Dr. Mllos-' Heart Ouro. It novor falls to bonoQt when takoa la tlmo. "1 wai taken with Mure pilntln my heart, followed by palpitation and smothering ipelli 10 levere that I could not lie down to tieep. Alter doctoring (or elfiht rnonthi I began taking Dr. Mllei' Htatt Cute, and when I hid vied five botllei I wit cured." Uu Eliiadbtii Voiot, Tent Haute, UtV D. Miles' Heatt Cute I told at all druccliti on a positive guar aalee. Write lor free advice and booklet ta Or. Mllaa Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. CORPORATION NOTICES. WA.IMAX.tM) SUUAK CO. The stock ledgor of the Walmanalo Sugar Company will bo closed to trans fers from December 2Sth to December 31st both dates Inclusive. W. M. OIFFARD, Secretary Walmanalo Sugar Co. SAILORS' HOME. Tho annual meeting of the members of the Honolulu Sailors' Home Society will be held at the ofllce of the under signed on Tuesday next, the 3lHt De comber, 1901, at 10 a. m., to be followed by the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees after tho adjournment of tho meeting of the Society. Per Order. F. A. SCIIAKFER. Secretary. MEETIXU XOT1CE. The annual meeting of stockholders of the Kona-Kau Telephone & Tele graph Co., Ltd., will be held at the office of the Company, Holualoa, Ha waii, at 10 a. m., January 14th, 1902. L. S. AUXGST, Secretary. Holualoa, Hawaii, December 21, 1901. Kihei Assessment Notices, THE 12TH ASSESSMENT of 5 per cent or $2.50 per share became due and payable January 2nd, 1901 and bears penalty from February 2nd, 1901. The thirteenth ard final assessment of 5 per cent or $2.60 per share on the stock of the Klhet Plantation Co., Ltd., has been levied and will become due and nnyable on the 15th day of June, 1901. Interest bearing after the 15th day of July, 1901. The above assessments are payable at the offices of Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., Judd Building. J. P. COOKE, Treasurer Klhel Plantation Co. Honolulu. May 18. 1901. Olaa Assessments. The 17th and 18th assessments of 60 cents each are now bearing Interest at the rate of 1 per cent per month. The nineteenth assessment of 2Vi per cent or SO cents per share has been called to be due and payable November 20, 1901. The 20th assessment of '6 per cent or 1 Dollar per share has been called to be due and payable December 21st, 1901. Notice Is herewith given the stock holders, that no further assessments will be called prior to June 1st, 1902. Interest will be charged on assess ments unpaid ten (10) days after the same are due, at the rate of one per cent per ...onth from the date on which such assessments are due. The above assessments will be pay able at the ofllce of the B. F. Dilling ham Company Limited, Stangenwald Bulldlnc. ELMER E. PAXTON. Treasurer Olaa Sugar Company, Lim ited. Honolulu, T. H. July 20, 1901. ;lost. Treasury School Warrant No. 3155 in favor of L. Ave Wong Kong, payment has been stopped. Return to Miss Brede at Wireless Telegraph Office, Fort Street. Wilder's Steamship Co NOTICE. One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) reward will be paid to any person giving In formation which will lead to tho arrest and conviction of the parties who stole a registered mall pouch from the Steamer "Klnau" on or about Satur day, December 21st. C. L. WIGHT, President. NOTICE. Tho steamer "W. G. Hall" will arrive at Honolulu on Saturday, December 21st and 28th, Instead of Sundays as usual, and will sail from Honolulu on Monday, December 23rd and 30th, lr stead of on Tuesdays as usual. Tho steamer "Sliknhnla" will nrrlvo at Honolulu on Tuesday. Decepibcr 21th and 31st, Instead of on Wednesdays as usual. The steamer "Mauna Loa" will sail from Honolulu on Monday, December 30th, Instead of on Tuesday. After these dates, the regular cched ule will be resumed, INTER-ISLAND STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LTD., By Its President J. ENA. Fine Book and Commercial Printing, Star Office. PUT id FOR WATER HI .N.I X MIN DKWAI.I. MKT XX ITlf Ti:llltlMI.K OAI.K" 1 I. -i Nin.. Hull anil Part of Dv k l,inl !ki I, up I .-(I Right Days Bound for , A'latmlla. Aft. r Ix'lnff U 4r out trim Moody. nil I'uajet oitd. whir4 tor Freeman th'. Auatralla. with lumbar, the ahlp Mi'Mjnmln rXrwall had to put Into thla )"it Halurdar morrtinir In dlateaa fur tt ai-r. I'liptaln 1 tainted aay that the weather nn down waa the worat he haa ever experienced and he wotidera that he iscwped ((Ins to the bottom. From November 16 until November 27, a ler rlhlp southerly to southeasterly hurri cane beset the vmeel. Nine of the beat shIIk were rlpived from the yimls. No attempt waa made to nave them for ('Hptnln lUlstetl aaya that he would not call on the men to venture aloft hi? would not have dared attempt it him self. Huge aeas swept over the veaael, smashing In the cabins and flooding almost every place on the ship, part of the UeoK load or lumber was lost. The veaael may be brought Into iort this afternoon. She will remain In here several days. HAWAIIAN RELICS. A Colorado Man Who Was u Millenary Here. Charles A. Stevens of Fowler. Colo rado, Is the possessor of one of the most Interesting nnd valuable curiosi ties to be found In southern Colorado. It is a silk quilt made by Ills mother. Mrs. Huldah Stevens when she was a girl of 12 years, In 1831. The value of It lies In the fact that It was made In Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, and Is composed almost entirely of silk pieces taken from the king's royal clothing. These pieces were presented to Mrs. Stevens' parents, Sir. and Mrs. Samuel Ruggles, who were among the first Christian missionaries to visit those far-away Islands. Tho pattern is In large squares of light and uark alter nating, the darker squares being soljd colors of rich green, while the lighter (.quarts are varied by scraps of white brown, 'yellow, red, blue and purple. The quilt is bound around tho border with silk of a very rich dark blue fragments of u pair of roval trousers'. The silk used Is of line texture and would reflect credit on more modern methods and more enlightened peoole. The life of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ruggles on the Islands was like a romance. When Hist arriving tnelr lives were In mo mentary danger. Gradually they nc qulred a knowledge of the language, customs, manners and minds of the people with whom they were to labor As they became acquainted conlldence was gained, and when after their stay of 15 years they left the scene of their labors they were overwhelmed with boat loads of curios trophies from the natives, who had learned to regard them as true friends. The journey home consumed six months, the route lying around Cape Horn. Great storms were encoun tered ut this point. The trip, however, was ended In safetp. and Mr. and Mrs. Ruggles passed a ripe old age In their native country. Mr. Stevens also has a handsomely carved trunk and chest brought from the Islands at the same time as the quilt. SIXTO LOPEZ'S SECRETARY. Patterson Arrested for Aiding Rebel lionBall Refused. A dispatch from Manila says: Mr. Patterson, the Englishman acting as secretary to Slxto Lopez, Agulnaldo's agent, who refused to take the oath of allegiance to the United States .when he landed In Manila, Is awaiting depor tation from the Islands as a result of this refusal. Patterson has been ac corded temporary liberty at the request of the British consul at Manila. Pat terson, through his lawyers, Instituted habeas corpus proceedings, returnable recently. The British consul withdrew his pro tection from Patterson, and the latter has been arrested, W. Morgan Shuster, customs collector for the Philippines, declaring that he had evidence of In criminating correspondence by Patter son, and that he has been aiding the Filipino Insurrection. Ball for Patter son was refused. Patterson acted as Interpreter ind secretary for Slxto Lopez while they were visiting Honolulu and Is believed to have written the answers to the written questions propounded Lopez by local reporters. The answers and the signature of Lopez showed dis tinct differences In one or two cases. HE DROPPED INTO POETRY. (Jhntting about the various forms of addressed envelopes that come to Ha waii through the local post ofllce and at times puzzle the Ingenuity of the Honolulu Intelligence department, In spector Linn states that the correct diminutive of II. I. for the llnal de signation of Hawaiian Territory Is very seldom used except olliclally T. H., or H. T. Is the usuul ending, although be fore the United States assumed author ity, Hawaiian Islands, written In full, was the ordinary close of nn address. As a sample of a perfect though a trifle Involved address Mr. Inn quotes thu writing on the envelope lutely sent to Oregon by u poetical corespondent. Bear mo on ut a rapid rate To county, Oregon State. In Monroe post office let me be Till John A. Morrison calls for me. MARTIN WAS FINED. C. W. Martin was fined $25 and costs I this morning by Judge Wilcox for ns ,sault and battery on Pete Borja. The lauer claimed mat Aiariin nau inrown a brickbat though the window where Borja and some friends were enjoying Chrlstmns and when Borja went out to remonstrate, Martaln promptly knock ed him down. A general fight followed soon after. In which A. Marlocl. got mixed. The latter was fined $1 and costs today for assault and battery on IJorJu. REST AFTERWARDS. Seth Low wants to rest before be be gins to bo Mayor of Now York. Tho trouble witli some mayors is that they prefer to do their resting ufter they get In. Chicago Record-Herald. RECOMMENDATION OF A WELL KNOWN CHICAGO PHYSICIAN. I use and prescribe Chamberlain's Cough- Remedy for almost nil obstinate constricted coughs, with direct results. I prescribe It to children of nil ages. Am glad to recommend It to all In need and seeking relief from colds nnd coughs nnd bronchial afllctlons. It Is non-nnrcotlo and safe In the hands of tho most unprofessional. A universal penacea for all mankind. Mrs. Mary R. Melendy, M. D., Ph. D Chicago, 111, U. S. A. For sale by all dealers. Ben son, Smith & Co., general agents, BankofJJawad I.IMtTKD Incorporated under the I .awn ot 'be Territory of Hawaii. PAID-UP CAIM UNIIIVIDIII) PI ITAL $600,000,00 So, 000. 00 MOOTS 184,000,00 OFFICERS AND D1UKCTOU8. Charles I. Cooke.., l'raeldent I'. C. Jones.. Vlee-l'realilent C. 11, Cooke Cftehler F. C. Atherton.i Aaalstnnt Canhler Henry WaterhouM, Tom May, F. W. Macfarlane, 1C. D. Tenney, J, A. Me Candless, Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Cor porations, Trusts Individuals, 1 id will promptly and oarofully attend to all business connected with banking en trusted to It. Sell and Purchase For eign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Ordinary and Term Deposits received and Inte jst allowed In accordance with rules and conditions printed In pass books, copies of which may be had on application. Judd Building, Fort Street. BISHOP & CO. Savings Bank Until further notice, Savings Depos its will be received and interest allow ed by this Bank at four and one--- .f per cent per annum. Printed copies of the Rules and Reg ulations may be obtained on applica tion. Ofllce at Bank building on Merchant street. BISHOP & CO. CLAUS SPRECKELS. WM. G. IRWIN. Clans Sprockets & Co, BANKERS . HONOLULU, H. I. San Francisco Agents The Nevada National Bank of San Francisco. DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na tional Bank of San Francisco. LONDON The Union Bank-of London, Ltd . NEW YORK American Exchange Na tional Bank. CHICAGO Merchants" National Bank. PARIS Credit Lyonnals. BERLIN Dresdner Bank. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA Bank of Now Zealand. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British No.'th Amerl TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Deposits. Received. Loan3 Made on Approved Security. Commercial and Travelers' Credits Issued. Bills of Ex change Bought and Sold. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY AC COUNTED FOR. ESTABLISHED. 1858. BISHOP & Co., Bankers TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. COMMERCIAL AND TRAVELERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED. AVAILABLE IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD. Interest allowed after July 1st. 1900 on fixed deposits; 7 day notice 2 per cent, (this form will not bear Interest unless It remains undisturbed for one month) 3 month 3 per cent; S months $V4 12 months, 4 per cent. THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LIMITED. Subscribed Capital.. Paid Up Capital.... I cserved Fund ..Yen 24,000.000 ..Yen 18,000,000 ..Yen 8,510,000 HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. The Bank buys and receives for col lection Bills of Exchange, lBsuea ',afta and Letters ot Credit, an transacts a general bankng business. INTEREST ALLOWED: On fixed deposits for 12 months, 4 per cent per annum. On fixed deposits for 6 months, 3tt per cent per annum. On fixed deposits for 3 months, t per cent per annum. Branch of the Yokohama Specie Bank. Rbw EeDDbliR Bnildinn. HonolnlD H I Wilder's Steamship Co NOTICE CHANGE IN SAILING. Steamer "Klnau" will sail from Hllo on Thursday, December 19th and Thursday. December 26th at C p. m., instead of on Fridays at 10 a. m. as usual; will sail from Honolulu on Mon day, December 23rd and Monday, De cember 30th at 12 m Instead of on Tuesdays as usual. Steamer "Claudlne" will Ball from Kahulul on Friday the 20th of Decem ber at 5 p. m.. and on Friday the 27th of December nt 5 p. m Instead of on Saturday, ns usual; will sail from Ho nolulu on Monday, December 23rd and Monday, December 30th at 5 p. m., In stead of on Tuesdnys as usual, Steamer "Lehua" will sail from Ho nolulu on Thursday, December 26th, and on Thursday January 2nd nt 5 p. m,. Instead of on Wednesday ns usual. After these dates regular schedule will be resumed. Fine Job Printing, Star Office. !,kVa Dry Cooris Depart munt )ry mnl Faiuy Omnln. (lYntV KuruinlmiK (JiHxIn. Jptu Silk Mild Cotton J)reM (Jood. Straw Hat Dopartmoiii Loading Straw l int Miiuf.oturori!, All kinds of Straw Hate made bo ordor. Hats woshad nnd prueBod. LargoBt tock of LadiotV nnd Gents' Hats in tho City. Grocery Department Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Japanese Groceries and Provisions. I WAK AMI & CO. Nos. 1G-18 Robinson Block, Hotel St. P. O. Box 808, Tel. White 421 j .. ., .. a '.: ... . a ': a. t fir. merchant, Here is a proposition that will interest yon Hawaiian Fionlrin Rn IM g King Street The Connoisseur likes the Best only. He gets the Best, when he selects Moet and Chandon's Champagne . Of which a new shipment consisting of Quarts and Pints has just been received by H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Sole Agents, Hawaiian Territory T. MURATA, Main Store, No. 1044, Nuuanu Street lstBranch, corner King and Borctania Sts. 2nd Branch, No. 1032, Nuuanu St. :.?. . aS. Any Styles Telephone Blue 3311 P. O. Box 884. Honolulu, Territory of 1 fawaii. .: TmifJ YUlS2?xT lwl5I3, CONTRACTOR. RUILD13R, PAINTER AND PAPI3R HANGISR Kukul near Nuuanu Street, Honolulu. Note Heads, Dill Heads, Statements and Fine Commercial Printing at the Star Office. ..... !.".. ."'m ' ii:m'9m.,""m.'t.'-'S.l.'-mm'"mm..':'. , ;r.v: .v. . ? ". i . v: i ?". . : . m t:.t m ' . . . ttMNMM94MMCM :& . . . . We are Installing a new ARC LIGHT in business houses at a small cost. Those are the host ever used, and give a steady, brilliant, and penetrat ing white light. Five times tho amount of light for the same money as the incandescent. MR. W. H. SMITH, Manager of the Manufacturer's Shoe Co has had them installed In his store and says "they are the best lights we have ever used and 1 take pleasure In recommending them." If you desire any further Information, send us a postal Inquiry or telephone to Main 300 and we will call at your olllcc. Tel. 390 ."..A ,.: !?' ..r? .v.v: m mm f ..: .VmVi .... . . ' a V Made to Order Telephone Blue 2781 l'm'i O .".. , . mm 11D3 Nuuanu Street Not Pauahl. Chairs, Tables, Bedroom Sets, Meat Safes, Mattresses, Pillows and Furni ture made to order at viyyloyr prices. P. O. BOX 952.""' K Note Heads, Bill Heads. Statements Star Ofllce Ial 1r,nt,ns at tho