Newspaper Page Text
WBk iUmiUM WA.ll. Hokhat. m' W, INI Hpl. THE BISHOP'S PLAN v. vwwyv HAWAIIAN' Cotno in and Sou Our OtM AHftOltH TMK K. ONI CONOKKOATIOW 1 if RYE VOX WHISKEY The Hannis Distillery Co., W. C. Peacock & Co., Home-Made Manila Cigars Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in Cigars and Tobacco, also China Teas Oigfours irx DSorxcl DLee Toma 33 King btreot near .Nuuanu, P. 0. Box 1034, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii Store Open All Mght Who will do it? Tou are going to have your bouse Papered, Fainted or Decorated. Who's going to do It? No one does or can do better work than we. Investigation proves that few do as good. All we ask for It Is a fair price not high, not low. Either extreme Is dangerous. Any one who gives us work gets the best going at the fairest and squarest price. STERLING, Office: Union Street, opp. Bell Tower. Ii F. Morgan President C2J1 Brown Vice-President JViustace Secretary Chan. H. Athctton Auditor W. H. Hoogs....Treas. and l.'-,r. TELEPHONE MAIN 295. Husface&Go.,Ltd QUEEN STREET J Firewood, Stove, Steam and Blacksmith Coal WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Special attention given to DRAYIN G ALSO, WHITE AND BLACK SAND C. Q. Yee Hop & Co. i i Knhikimii Meat Market And Grocery Fruits and Vegetables BERETANIA ST., COR. ALAKEA. Also at the Market, Stallsl9and20 Phone Blue 2511. The Yon Haam-Young Co., Ltd., Importers and Commission Merchants Queen Street, Honolulu ! JOINTS FOR The Lancashire Insurance Co. Thn Hololafi Insurance Co. ' Union Gas Engine Co. DomesUo Sewing Machine, Etc. LUNGr & FAT, CORNER VINETARD AND FO" T STREETS. Received per Sierra Frozen Oysters, Prunes, Oranges, Pears and Peaches. Fresh Island Butter and Kona Coffee always on nana. Gdods delivered to all parts of the City, Tel. Blue 841. P. O. Box 994 HING LEE CHAN, Fort Street, opposite the Popular House iealer In Groceries, California and jnyana lrruus, rouury. isiana uuuer, Kona Coffee, Cigars and Tobacco. New Sdodi bjr every iieamtr. Philadelphia, U, S. fl. Ltd,, Sole Agents s Co., lytd TIM CHAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. Removed from Nuuanu Street to 614 Queen Street, Magoon Building, Kaka ako. Clothes, cleaned, dyed and repaired. Suits made to order. EAGLE SALOON, Bob Ross, Manager. Geo. J. Cavanaugh, Proprietor. REFRESHMENTS OP ALL KINDS The Delicious Prima Beers at 10 cents a Schooner. Tobacco and Cigars. Cor. of Punchbowl and Halekaulla Sts. S. HIROKAWA, Bamboo Furniture No. 6"" Beretanla Street Near Punchbowl. A Happy New Year Begin the New Year well by furnishing the home with hand some furniture. It Is one of the functions of this store to make every part of the house beautifully furnished. Cull and see out stock. Hopp & Company Leading Furniture Dealors . . . KING & BETHEL STREETS 'Phone 111 Main. W. G. IRWIN Sl CO. (Limited.) AGENTS FOR Western Sugar Refining Company of San Francisco, Cal. Baldwin Locomotive Works of. Phil, delphla, Penn, Newell Universal Mill Company (National Cane Shredder) New York, U, S. A. N. Ohlandt & Co.'s Chemical Fertilizers High Grade Fertilizers for cane ana coriee. Alex, Cross & Son's High Grade Fer tilizers for Cane and Coffee. Reed's Steam Pipe Cars. Also Offer for Sale Paraflne Paint Co.'s P. & B. Paints and Papers. Lucol and Llnse.d Oils, raw and boiled. Indurlne (a cold water paint) In white and colors. Filter Press Cloths, Cemu Lime and Brick. OHTA, Contractor und llulliler, ...House Painter Kewalo, Sheridan Street, near Klnt Honolulu. H T Fine Job Printing. Star Office. la 0. aoers And be Butisliod that you are gotting the host for tho loast money ID DEALERS IN THE WALL PAPERS AND HOUSE DECORATION8. I NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Shippers arc notified that a new freight ECliedule will go Into effect on and after December 1st, 1901. Information in regard to changes In rates can be obtained at the olllce of tho Company, corner Fort and Queep streets, Honolulu. C. L. WIGHT, President. I Those Intending to buy BOOKS for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS will find their MONEY GOES 20 PER CENT f ther at 1 HN RULE BH Than elsewhere! In plain American, FOUR DOLLARS Pi YS FOR FIVE DOLLARS WORTH OF BOOKS! W-, ARE CLOSING OUT TOYS and if we have anything in this line that you want, you can buy It we will have no squabbles about PRICES! 931 FORT STREET. Near King. HIR0SE SKOTEN, 1079 Alaa Street. NEW BY EVERY STEAMER. P. O. Box 885. Tel. Blue 392. H. W. EARTH, Successor to W. H. Barth and H. W. Barth. flonol.ln Sheet Met land Co:nice Woris Galvanized Iron Skylights and Ven tilators Metal Roofing. Conductor Pipe and Gutter Work Jobbing Promptly attended to. Richard Street Between Queen and Merchant Streets, Hono' t. Territory Grocery Store V. O. TEIXEIRA, Manager. Corner Emma and Vineyard Streets. DEALER IN Groceries, Delicacies, Best Brands of Tea and Kona Coffee W. H. BARTH, BTAR BLOCK 1290 FORT ST. Tinning ciracl GalvH xiiasecl Iron Work Estimates' furnished on all kinds of Bheet Metal Work. The patronage of Owners, Architects tnd uuiiaers solicited. GERMAN I A SALOON C. WESSELS AND A. BECKER Proprietors. 004 Queen Street cor South. Headquarters for Honolulu Prlmo Beer, In bottles and on draught Al ways Ice Cold. We can give you the beat glass of beer In town. TEN CENTS A SCHOONER. IBS 8 ML MS 11 0 ERS MM Lordship and an by Rm, Marklnloah Cream aVMMUoii. Two notli-et boated at the Anaiinn church yesterday by order of Bishop Willis, ami an Mdreaa to the second ona regal ton br the Hev. Alexander Mackintosh arouaed a decided aenaa t Ion among communicant of both congregations yesterday. The Mishap's notices asked all the parishioners to re gister aa his partattlonara. After services were over yesterday mural ng the ltev. Mackintosh left the uImmmwi and made an addreaa calling ttoNthm to the word from the bishop. Kite stale.! that he had received a let ter from the bishop which threatened the very existence of the congregation, and naked the member to attend n meeting this evening to discuss the matter. The membero will therefore meet tonight at 7:30 in the Sunday school to discuss this latest dllllculty wlth the bishop. The llrnt of the bishop's notices call ed attention to the fact that the con stitution of the American I'roteatant Episcopal church, Miicceeritng the Eng lish, would o Into effect January 1, and staled that all license iaued by the bishop under the old constitution would have to be renewed. Those not renewed within 16 days would become null und void. This included the li censes or the new .MucKintosu ami others. In this second notice the bishop call ed nn election of wardens nnd vostry- men for St. Andrew 8 cathedral on January 10, to select wardens and ves trymen who shall serve under the new system. Ho uIho announced tlint those who would be entitled to vote, would be those who hud registered with the cathedral wardens. The registry book Is to be opened this evening. In the cathedral school room. The object of tho bishop s notices is to have the second congregation alllll- I ate with his own, and form one congre- the lone division. He announces thtit he Is about to retire and would like to turn over a harmonious church to the American bishop who will succeed him, EMPLOYE ELECTROCUTED. Hawaiian-Chinese Boy Killed Turning on LlghtB. While day afternoon. Ah Fal was in the net of turning on the switch to light tho store when ho received tho fatal shock. The switch was behind the door nnd a case of um brellas also blocked the wuy so that Ah Fal, to save time, groped behind the iinnr for the nwltch handle, at the same time grasping an Iron pillar supporting! the building at the entrance. The switch was above Ah Fnl's hend and the burns on his hand showed where he had Kmsped the metal parts; or tne Hwucn. inis. coupieu wiu. u., facts tnat nis oiner nana loriueu chain with the Iron pillar outside and his shoes were damp with perspiration completed a circuit. The switch wus turned off with n stick by another employe nnd Ah Fal released from the current. Attempts Ul resusciiuuon mutcu unwnn. ...... faint signs ot life being shown. A coroners jury wuh itt-iu 11110 1 1 .....11 i..m nrta,. , 1 1 1.1 .. .. .1 . .. IIIlUHllon fAiiuncil until i.uu lllin noon henn was weak and his other vital or gans in a dlsensed condition, the de-1 ceased being In bad health. The boy has been employed In the store for some months nnd Is said to have been a 1 faithful and willing worker. Efforts are being made to find his friends nnd relatives. BLUE DIAMONDS. Henry Ah Fal. a Hawaiian-Chinese boy nbout nineteen years of age em- 1 ( ploved In Mclnerny's furnishing store I was killed by coming in contact with T ( the electric current used for lighting I M the store, about five o'clock on Satui-" w Oimi-lau lirnncVit .nit tlie Inrnrmntlon that the voltage passing through the the fo ovvlng iw B "imi v z:- body of the deceased was a secondary heen notice, t - u cent, circuit ot 110 volts, not enough to cause' i,1" '"H"tn" 'i1, , ' ' ,lU death under ordinary circumstances., Wx months, at 3,4 per cent. The post mortem showed that Ah Fill's Twelve months, at 4 per -cent. They Will Grace a New York Christmas Books examined nnd reported on. Tree. 1 Statements of Affairs prepared. i Trustees on Bankrupt or Insolvent Every blue diamond known to history Estates, will hung from branches of American 1 Olllce, 924 Bethel Street. Christmas trees If current gossip I ..,,,.. nrM vifTMVT- nmong New York jewelers Is true. The faAMNGS DEPARTMENT, three Inrgest above ground are now lit' Deposits received and interest nllow New ork. and sold to wealthy Amerl- e(1 lU pBl. cent ,)er nnnunii in nCcord cuns as ornaments for their holiday dis- nnce wlth IluIes nm, Regulations, plays of generosity. copies of which may be obtained on Benjamin F. Cheney of Boston Is the application, only known purchaser. He hns Just bought from J. Drelcer the second lnrg-. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. est Jewel of this kind known to the market. This will be his Christmas gift o his wife, who Is known on the stage as Julia Arthur By far the most famous diamond in the lot Is the Hope diamond recently purchased In London by Joseph Frank el's Sons, In Nnssuu street, for a wealthy New Yorker as the central fig ure for his family Christmas tree. Still a third diamond of blue color Is said, by Gattle. Stern & Co., to have been purchased by them for another New York customer, and Is said to be neorlv as as the Drelcer diamond. This Is still in their possession, but If is to be delivered before Christmas. Blue diamonds are almost as rare as blue roses, and the history of those of any size has been as full of romance as the lives of the crowned bends which they have usually ornamented. The total vnluo of the three JewelB now In this city Is estimated at $510,000. The real selling price is refused by the Jewelers. HEALANIS WILL RECEIVE. The Healanl Boat Club will receive New Years Day at the club house. This will be quite un Innovation hero as It Is the first time any thing of similar char acter has been held on the first of a new year Invitations have been Issued to the various club members for dis tribution to their friends. Members of the club are not required to present the invitations and, In consequence, have two Invitations at their disposal. Chef Wynuwi of the Paclllc Club hns taken charge of the provender. The reception will 1)0 from 1 o'clock until 0 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. There will bo dancing. D. Lloyd ConUi'ng, Frank I. Woodbrldge and James Dougherty the house committee have charge of tho affair. SHOT FOR KENTUCKY. The color lino In football has ogaln been drawn, this time In a gome In Illllnols, hut It Is not surprising when It Is known that bIx members of the ob jecting team were Kontucklans, Noto the social superiority of the redskin. Tho Carlisle Indians nro welcome op ponents everywhere. Fine Job Printing, Star Office. Engineering & Construction Go. Poems BOO, BOf, BIO Btnnertwnltl Uuilrtlr;, All classes of Engineering work sou, H...1 Examinations, Burvefg and Hepnita made for any rlnsa of Wstei works, Stenm and RlectrlcgJ Construction. Plans and gpeclflv itlons and Estimate prepared, and Construction flui Intended In all brnni he of Kngltu-erlng Woik. CvtK tiacts aolli'lted for Hnllroad, electric ntni steam- Tunnel, Bridges, Building. Highways. Foundation, l'l i . Whaivcs. etc. SPECIAL TTKNTKiN "iven to l.xnmlnatlon. Vuluatlon. ana Itepoits of properties f lr estment purposes. FREDERICK J. AMWEC, M. Am. Soc. C. E., Engineer nnd Manager. W. R. OASTLU, JR., Soorotary and Treasurer. X. 't' The Chicago Historical Society is now the owner of the most valuable set of private papers in America which re main umvorked Into historical volume It Includes the diary and correspon dence, state and personal, of .lames K. Polk and has been purchased of the heirs In Nashville for $3500. The cre dit for securing them for rhliago is due to Dr. J. W. Kertlg. professor at the Lewis Institute and secretary of the Historical Society. The diary is contained In forty vo lumes full of Interedtlng data and com ment. The lmpresMlons of different members of the Polk Cabinet are found under the dates when the meetings were held, and there is mucii which gives a truer Insight Into the character of the man' and President than any thing historians and critics have ever writtenn. The correspondence covers a period of twenty years one of the most Im- portnnt and trying periods In American ; history. H is In Polk's own hand- I writing and Is lemarltnbly legible There nre letters from Andrew Jackson "'" AT' " . ' ' ,'".", l' ' . . .1u 1 Isli Parliament, over what were very vexing ' uestlons nnd n complete his tory of the progress of the diplomacy of that time. I Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements ana ine commercial -riming ui uie Star OfTlci. ESTABLISHED IN 1838. D BANKERS B A N KING DE PARTM EXT. Transact business In all departments of Hanking. Collections carefully attended to. i Exchange bought nnd sold. Commercial und Travelers' Letters ((f c ,,t , , The HlUlk Of Cllll ,, v M i,. ,,1,11,1 1, tj,.t. " JfothsclllliI A Sons, j London. Correspondents: 'I lie ltiiuk o( Cnll- Tomtit, t oniiucrcliil l!utikliir Co. of Sydney, Ltd., London, Dl.afts nml cablp lrlinfelH on China , ,.,,, , iirnMirli .lie Umifrknni? X.- 0, ...,,,." .?,... 7iltlllKlltl iilllIHfi v til liui aiiwit unit (.i,,,..,,..,.! 1 rmiieieu Hank of India, Australia and China. Interest allowed on term deposits at TRUST DEPARTMENT. Act ns Trustees under mortgages. Manage estates (real nnd personal). Collect rents and dividends. Valuable Papers, AVIlls, Bonds, Etc., received for safe-keeping. ACCOUNTANT DI3PA HTMENT. Auditors for Corporations and Prl- vate Firms, Agents for FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND EMPLOYERS' LIA BILITY INSURANCE COMPANIES. Insurance Olllce, 924 Bethel Street. FOR SALE. A FEW THOROUGHBRED Holstein Bulls ENQUIRE OF Waialae Dairy Metropolitan Meat Go II KfflQ STREET. IS AND NAYY CONTRACTORS, O. J. WALLER, t i I Manager. Fine Book and Commercial Printing, Star Office. t Mil an CASTLE & COOKH, LIMITED Commission rierohantB. CiUGAK - FAOTOK8. AQBNT8 FOR The Kwa Plantation Company. The WalaltiR Agricultural Co.. LWL The Kohala 8ugar Compam The Waimen Sugar Mill Comsany. The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Us. The Standard Oil Company. The G rge F. B ke Steam Pu . Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life Insur ance Company of Boston. The Aetna Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, C onn. The Alliance Assurance Compaay ot London. IS YOU HAIR FALLING? The cause Is a parasite In the hair follicle eating away the delicate mem brane which holds the hair-root In place. The only way to stop falling hair 's to destroy the parasite which, causes It. Pncheco's Dandruff Killer does this, nnd then 'eds the follicles nnd roots and rebuilds tho nsted tissue. PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER. So d by nil druggists nnd at the Union Barber Shop, Telephone Main 232. P. O Box 912 Tel. MJJ &i H. HAMANO, IMPORTER OF AND General &eroharu5b& PLANTATION SUPPLIES King Street, - - - - Corner Bmlfi! KATSEY BLOCK Honolulu Iron Works. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MHJffl, BOILERS, COOLERS, IRON, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS. Machinery of Every Description to Order. Particular attention palfl la Ship's Blacksmlthlng. Job Work Xxs cuted on Short Notice. CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED Life and Fire Insurance Agents tW AGENTS FOR Jg', NBW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, or BOSTON. FIRE INSURANCE CO Or HARTFORD. CONN. The Encore Saloon Corner Nuuanu and Hotel Streets. We Keep on Hand the , . IlfiNt JlrniulH of Liquors nnd Cigars The Depot Saloon, Opposite the Oahu Railway & Land Co. We will keep the Honolulu Beer al ways on tap and In bottlei. Also soft drlnka and cigars. RYAN DEMENT, FrririeloM. ,