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lH HAWAIIAN iTAH, TOTWWT. AKOAMT 4m fw n UM fevitoft jw fM4r wevto da m lire in ywtr W NOT. WH? WOTt Start ttM iw year rtgtit by gvttlnc ife Time, st to do this to the best adrant, L. 0. ABL1SS, Bed IBitato Agent KiiW A i" ViliWlSlfM IKVI'S. Co. A. N. O. M ?' 5 Mmo Mvvttnc N.ntf. Pi ft Haferon Druir Co ! TELEPHONE MAIN 138 P. O, BOX 248 Pacific Transfer Co. Jas. II. Lovk 5Hgq, . 1471' King Street telephone Main, 101 P. 0 Box 688 Bam AmriajLB Stock and Bond Broker Umber Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange Office, Campbell Block, Merchant Street. Honolulu, T. H. SMWS IN A NUTSIUiJ.J. Parnii'HiiUs TKM Ulve uHileHsetl Sews or I 111) IMj . Cnmnanv A drill thin evening. Mormn will continue the bouk mI tomorrow. The crew on tin- bark llesper nas haMtn rflanhnrvid here. The steamer Noeau win lane tu Japa nese lahorera to uommaa pmniauuii tudav. Itata-must-Eo la a nolaon mat kiiis and not fattens rodents. Ilobron Drug Company. There will he rehearsal or the Ama teur Orchestra at the Y. M. C. A. at 7:45 o'clock. Mr. ami Mrs. J. F. Moriran have Just celebrated the fifteenth annlvcrsRry of their marriage. At Central Union church this even ing Ilev. William Morris Klncald will speak from the text, "Take Ye Away the Stone." The annual meeting; of the stock hold ers of the Hamoa Plantation Company will be held at the olllee.Ot C. Brewer A Company on January 2S. Young Brothers will launch tlieir new oat- tomorrow morning at high tide forrt Tlaran and Purdv's shin building yard' on the makal side of the "Harbor. 'The Lusltaira society hap ordered ft new election or olllcers tor January zx. tup one held a fevy .weeks ago ha'lng Dwn found Irregular In some respects. The Musical Circle of the Kllohana Art League will give a muslcale n Monday evening, January 20," 1902, at s o'clock, at the home of Mrs. S. N. Cas tle, Puuhonua, Manon. Ths Honolulu Sheet Iron Workers No. 1 elected the following ofllcers last evening: President. II. Oreen; vice- president, J. Crane: recording secre tary, II. Ludwig; treasurer, J. weue. The Catholic Benevolent union neiu a regular meeting last night. It was decided that In future all labor to bo done for the Union shall be done by white labor and not by Asiatics. The treasurer's report showed that the or ganization has funds amounting to $1247.5r.. SEW ALL TO SAIL. The ship Benjamin Sewall expects to get away this afternoon or tomorrow for Preemantle. JAS, F. MORGAN, Auctioneer and Broker 65 Quen 5treet 10. Jlox Telephone 72 Continuation of Sale Grand Auction Sale OF Rare and Costly STAB OF BENGAL ARRIVES. The bark Star of Bengal arrived this morning after a CO days passage from Newcastle. During her voyage, one of the dock spars got loose and smashed things before the yard could be lashed again. COURT PAPERS FILED. A demurrer has been filed In the case of S. C. Allen against T. R. Lucas et al., foreclosure. Henry Smith has filed a motion to amend his complaint against Alary A. S. Rose and Sanford B. Dole, an error having been made in the description of the property In the original complaint. OWINa TO DEPARTURE THE ISLANDS I WILL SELL PUBLIC AUCTION ON FROM AT GEAR RETURNING. Judge Ueorge D. Gear is expected back next Saturday on the City of Peking. He may be in time to sign the decree of sale In the case of the Kdplo- lanl estate against C. S. Desky. Gear went without signing the decree and Judge Humphreys, us first Judge was asked to sign it. He refused to sign it as lie nau not heard the -rial. The , Supreme court was nsked for a writ of I mandamus to compel Humphreys to 1 sign the decree, but so far the case has not been decided. When Gear gets oacK tne writ win not he needed. Wednesday, Jani IS, AT 1:30 P M. IN THE STANGENWALD BUILD ING. THE ENTIRE COLLECTION OF Books and Art Treasures OF Mr. P. A. Terry. F Start th New Year Right File away systematically your old. Letters and Papers. Our up-to-date TliANSFJSR. GASH are just the proper thing. We carry a full line of offlee require ments. Card Filing Cabinets, a specialty. WALL, NICHOLS CO,, LTO, Why t: Take Chances It is a well known fact that rats are active agents In spreading disease. See that your premises are free from this pest. Some so called rat poisons mere ly servo to fatten those rats arid mice which are lucky enough to get at It. Rats flust Go GREAT CLEARANCE ! ' This Week We Shall Throw on Our Counters Our Entire Stock of WASHABLE SKIRTS To be Sold at EXACTLY HALF PRICE. THESE SKIRTS ARE CUT BY SKILLED MEN TAIL ORS AND MADE AND TRIMMED IN THE BES'TfAi? NBR. THEY ARE OF ,, Crash, Khaki, Denim, Duck, Linen and Pique AND ARE BOTH WHITE AND COLORED. WE CANNOT AFORD TO MAKE ANY ALTERATIONS DURING THIS SALE; BUT T HERE IS A GREAT VA. niETY OF SIZES AND LENG THS AND ALMOST EVERY ONE CAN BE FITTED. $1.00 SKIRTS SOo $1.25 " 62&o $1.50 " 750 $1.73 " 87&C $2.00 " - ,$l.tW $2.25 " .,$LmS $2.50 " ' $1.25 $2.75 " : $t.37vfc $3.00 " $1.00 $3.50 " ............... r $t.75 $4.00 " $2.00 . $3.00 " $3.50 WE HAVE NOW REMOVED TO OUR NEW QUARTERS ON THE CORNER OF HOTEL AND UNION STREETS PEARSON & POTTER CO., LIMITED. TELEPHONE MAIN 317. ALLEGED HIGHWAYMEN. Joe Castro and Maniel Sava, the Por to means charged by Mounted Olllcer Devauchelle with; trying to hold up a hack on South street last night, were in the police court this morning. They will be prosecuted on 'a charge of va grancy. Pako Francisco is the name of the other Porto Rlcan who Is ac cused of having held the head of the hack horse while the other men were threatening to commit robbery. He was caught this morning and will be prosecuted on a vagrancy charge. BIG FEBRUARY CALENDAR. The February calendar of the First circuit Court promises to be a very big one. but there may be three judges to' hear the cases. There are 270 cases on the calendar already, and many crim inal case appeals have not yet been filed, also a number of civil actions. Of the custM now listed 25 are criminal, 22 jury waived civil, 19G civil jury cases and 24 divorce cases. THIS IS THE GRANDEST COL LECTION OF VALUABLJ3 BOOKS EVER OFFERED FOR... PUBLIC SALE IN HONOLULU. EVERY THING MUST BE SOLD. NO RE SERVE PRICES. SEATS FOR LA-DIES. THE BLUE BOOK. The "Honolulu Blue Book and Resi dence Directory" has been Issued. Typographically It Is quite effective In appearance. In arrangement It follows the general plan of similar publica tions. More use has been made of the progress of street numbering In Hono lulu than Is made even in the telephone directory. As In all publications of this kind the diligent may find errors and shortcomings. Those for whose use It has been specially designed, will doubt less find much In It to approve, and the book as a whole Is very serviceable. KAMALO CASE. The Kamalo case will now come up before Judge Humphreys for the taking of additional testimony. It Is expected that It will be heard during the present vacation. NO ONE CARED T OBID. Valuable Property Finds No Purchasers Despite Attractions. Preceded by an elaborate platform and accompanied by his chief clerk, au tloneer W. E. Fisher proceeded with book and bell to the corner of Kekaullke and King streets nt one o'clock today Intending to sell the property on tne southwest corner of that location. At the eleventh hour arrangements were made to take only one fourth of the up set nr ce ($20,000) in casn and the Dal ance later. flKH The present tenant also promised to erect a ten thousand dollar building on the corner and to pay n leasehold rent of $125 a month. The lease had forty years to run. In spite of all Inducements the spot was under the ban and neither book, bell nor Fisher's eloquent conjurations could produce a bidder. J. II. Love drove up and looked at the place and one or two others stood by quiescently. The lot Is still open to favorable pur chasers and Is In the narlance of the auctioneer "an excellent opportunity for an exceptional Investment." Don't miss this Opportunity For Bare Books is sure, speedy and absolutely certain death to rats and mice. Rats nust Go Is poison, and a real poison, one of the kind that kills. One can will effectually demon strate this fact. 50 cents per Can J&bmnlkztqCto FORT & KNG. IHUHiWIuO.LID Jas. F. Morgan, AUCTIONEER. 39 N. King St. ON WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M At my salesrooms, 65 Queen street, will sell at Public Auction a large quantity ot new Tailor goods all In good order. Also an assortment of household fur niture and furnishings. JAS. F. MORGAN, .AUCTIONEER. SAILORS FIOHT. Several of the sailors on the bark Star of Bengal got Into a fight during the voyage and one of them was thrown to the deck and his back hurt. He was still on the sick list when .the vessel came Into port today. JAS. F. MORGrAN, ' Auctioneer and Broker, 65 Queen Street, 1. 0. Box 594 Telephone 72 Whitney & Marsh, Ltd New . . Restaurant The Harbor Restaurant, Fort Street, opposite Allen & Robinson's Lumber yard Is now open for business. P. O. Box 903, Tel. Main 3351. Has just opened a large line ot' Lamps, Vases, Decorated Cbinaware. P. O. Box 609. Tel. Main 393. K. ODO, 35 Hotel Street. IMPORTER OF Japanese Provisions AND General Merchandise PLANTATION SUPPLIES. College Hills Land For Sale Have you $1000 saved up? If so do not invest In stocks, but put the money Into a home for yourself In the most desirable locality near Ho nolulu and save money by so doing. Cost of a lot 100x160 at College Hills $1,200 Cost of Cottage and Outbuilding 2,300 Total Cost 3,500 Apply money In hand 1,000 Negotiate a. loan 7 for $2,500 Interest one. year on $2500 7 176 Taxes on $3,500 1 35 Insurance on house $2000, 3 years $30, 1 year..; 10 Incidentals 20 Total annual expense , 240 Making your monthly rental $20 instead of $40 you are now paying. Apply your saving In rent in reducing your debt and with other sav ings you will soon have your home free of debt. Healthy Location; Rapid Transit by Your Door; Fine Water Supply; Altogether a Delightful Spot for a Happy Home For particulars apply at offlce of the Trustees of the Oalm College, 404 Judd Building to P. C. Jones or Jonathan Shaw, Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y I Y Y Y Y Y I- t K. FUKURODA, i 1274 STAR BLOCK; FORT STREET. flerchant Tailor Cleaning and Dyeing ot Clothes AM Orders Promtply Attended To Lin Sing Kee, TINSMITH. Does Sanitary Plumbing Nuuanu Street, Opposite Emma Hall. Just Receive! SILK GOODS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, COTTON AND SILK CREPE, CHINAWARE. MATTING, BEAD STRINGS AND ( 1 1H 3 ;n Japanese Provision AND Branch Store "X4 SAYEGDSA, U20 NUUANU STREET. TELEPHONE WHITE 3271. i