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Newspaper Page Text
THK HAWAIIAN 8TAR, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, lWi. The Blue Book nils book is now out and while It may All the want of neroe of the people. It does not All the wants of all the people. Kor bargains In Heal Estate and felr dealing you must stltl see I. 0. ABLES, Heal Estate Agent TELEPHONE MAIN Uk P. O, BOX 243 Pacific Transfer Co. Jab. It. Lovk C Q (MAIN 9ME MAIN OiKce, 147 King Street Telephmrc Main, 101 P. 0. Box G83 taj Map Stock and Bond Broker Wmtex Honolulu Stock and Bond Excbange ffiae. Campbell Blook, Merchant Street. Honolulu, T. H. LOHt'-VERNICKE l"'OK CASK AND OFFICE t TS ARE K1TTLD WITH ItOLJ.'rt tjH(l RETIRING FEAT1KE. Al'TOM.vriC ANTI-FRICTION AND HALL BEARINU. THE SIMPLEST MOST SUBSTAN TIAL PHVICE YET F UO TM' 'ED. ORFICE DEVICES. DOCF MRNT JflLES, PIGEON HOLE LETTER FILES, LANK UNITS, OASES. LINE OF OFFICE Jtfv' THE UNIT SYS- ran potier Co., LIMITED C&RNKR UNION AND HOTEL STREETS FlLK.'v J'-'-i"' .J TbA-SAfiwr ii. "..' Hogan's Minstrels Page 5 McClellan A Co Page 2 Kona Coffee Co Page 5 Mfg. Shoe Co Page 1 By Authority Page 5 M4WS IN A NUTSHELL l'llragrnplis Tlmt Ulvo Condensed cs of iho Day. George 1J. McClellan & Co., will &id von In (JHtMlillMhltitr a home. Kona Coffee Store grinds pure coffee by electricity while you wait. A. J. Chapman formerly purser of the Iwalanl is now an art student in New York. The Zenda Dancing Club's dance ut Progress Hall last evening was very successful. Superintendent of Public Works has a notice to Telephone and Electric Companies In this issue. Olive Branch Rebekah Lodge No. 2, will celebrate Its third anniversary at Harmony Hall, Saturday evening, Jan uary 25. Manufacturers Shoe Co's patent ideal kid shoe has all the beauty of patent leather and all the wearing qualities o Kid, not hot on the feet. An unpretentious but cosy and com fortable furnished two bed-room house In Young street Is offered to rent by Henry waterhouse & Co. The burnt lumber and other odds and ends on the site of the Honolulu Stock Yards stables was sold at auction yes terday and brought $37. Iokepa Kane and James Berrjngton, boat men, were lined $G and costs each this morning by Judge Wilcox for light ing at the boat landing last night. A very neat little memorandum booklet with compliments of the Paci fic Hardware Company Ltd., Is oeing distributed by the above mentioned Arm. Mori Mlto was fined $25 yesterday by Judge Wilcox for having sat off the blast Wednesday which caused such danger to the people In the Metropoli tan Meat Market. The Literary Circle of the Kilohanai Art Leaguo will give an At Homo on Saturday evening, January 2D, at o'clock, at the Art League rooms, Pro gress Block. The Army Quartermaster corral at lwllel is to be removed shortly to the Nuval station. The owners of the prop erty where the corral Is now situated want the property for other uses. Rev. Dr. Doremus Scuddei will preach at Central Union Church Sun day morning. Dr. Scudder is stopping over here on his way to Japan from whence he will return to take up evan gelical work among the Japanese of Hawaii. Olive Branch Itebekah Lodge No. 2 will celebrate their third anniversary at Harmony Hall, Saturday evening, January 25, 1002 at S p. m. All Rebe kahs. Oddfellows and their wives are cordially Invited. An evangelistic address entitled "No Room in the Inn" will be delivered in the Y. M. C. A. hall on Sunday after noon at four o'clock by Dr. Doremus Scudder of America and Japan. Ray mond C. Brown will contribute solos. The annual meeting of the Woman's Guild of the Second Congregation of St. Andrew's Cathedral will be held a the residence of Rev. Alexander Mack intosh Monday afternoon next at 3 o'clock. There will be addresses by Mrs. bydney Hooker of Dillon, Mont, and Miss Tannant, of Spokane. Thf. snltfi of rooms In the new Ifack- feld building to be used as the Imperial flerinnn Consulate are comnleted and j will be opened and used In the obser vance of the Emperor's birthday Janu ary 27. The remainder of the building Is not yet completed and its formal open ing will not take place for some time. Charles P. Schemerhorn left by the Klnau Tuesday to conduct the sale In bankruptcy of the merchandise stock .it T. Fujltanl. bankrupt merchant at Honoknu. The stock was quite a large one nml the sale may continue several d.'ys. Fujitani's bankruptcy Is safd to have bnpn due to the drought in llama kii.i. DISPLAYED INGENUITY JAPS HIDE DISTILLERY VER1 CLEVERLY. Keened a Tiny Trail Through Iloavy Brush, by Opening The Wall of u House. The most ingeniously hidden okole hao still which has ever come to the notice of the authorities was raided yesterday afternoon by Deputy High Sheriff Chllllngworth and Captain JCa nae, on the slopes of Diamond Head i'l the side looking toward Koko Head. Three Japanese. Omoto. the alleged owner, Tamaraga and Nagatsu alleged helpers, were arrested and with them, a quantity of ukolehao was secured as i vldence. The olllcers have had reason for a long time to believe that okolehao wus being distilled in the vicinity 01 jjia niond Head. In the afternoons, so yes terday Chllllngworth and Captain Ka nae went out to raid the place. They had been Informed that the still was somewhere In the vicinity of Kahala wal, near the road which connects the lower road with the higher land. They went through the heavy brush, along a trail until their progress was arrested by a little house which Is across the trail. They were effectually arrested, for the growth of bi ush was so heavy that they could nut get around either side of the house. Chllllngworth had been told that the rear wall opened by means of a secret spring and he tried for some time to get the combination. Finally he turned a heavy Joist and tllO wall swung open, revealing a narrow trail leading through the brush. This trial lead them about 45 paces to a clearing where they met a Japanese coming with two palls. Captain Ka nae tackled the fellow who was an ex pert wrestler. The two men rolled and tumbled about while Chllllngworth hur ried forward to a hut, where another man was working. The fellow was cap tured and from an outhouse, a third came and was also caught. Three others escaped. The officers raized about 16 gallons of the stuff together with various Instruments of the distil lery. About 15, 46 gallon barrels and contents wer destroyed. The three defendants were arraigned before Judge Wilcox this morning; to answer to charges of illdtllllng unlaw fully and their cases were continued until January 7. , SCHLEY INVESTIGATION. The Maryland delegation In Congress, including Senators and Representatives has been considering the course to be , pursued In the Schley case, and reached' a determination tnat, pending tne deci sion of President Roosevelt on the ap peal to be made by Admiral Schley to the Chief Executive, it- would be In advisable, for the delegation to urge up on Congress any of the resolutions or bills introduced, 8 II II JAS,F. MORGAN, Auctioneer and Broker 65 Queen Street 1 0. Box 59JI Telephone 72 n in AT AUCTION. ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, At my salesroom 65 Queen street '. will sell at Public Auction a line parcel of land situated at Puunul above the Head of Llltha street. The lot has a frontage of 310 feet on Puunul road and 200 feet deep, contain lug an area of 62000 square feet. Property Is but a short distance from the Terminus of the Llllha street cars Is well situated and can be divided into several building lots. For further particulars apply to" JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALEJf. OF Fresh Oroeerses. ON SATURDAY, JAN 25, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., At my salesroom 65 Queen street, I will sell at Public Auction a consign ment of Fresh Groceries comprising: 1 pound Salmon, Corned Beef, cases Tomatoes, Compressed Lard, Turkey and Roast Turkey, cases Peas, Pork and Beans, Assorted Jellies, Peaches and Pears, Roast Beef, Beans, sacks of Corn and Wheat. Goods are fresh and in good order Just landed per Andrew Welch. JAS, F, MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. JAS. J, M0EGAN; Auctioneer and Broker 65 Queen Street, 1'. 0. Box 591 Telephone 72 The Pen Carbon Letter Book COPIES WHILE AVRITING. NO PRESS ANY INK. ANY PEN. NO WATER. You can buy them at WALL, NICHOLS CO., LTD, Eat Poison Five Die in a Room When we put our new rat poison on the market we called attention to the fact that It was a real poison and would kill. Our patrons who have tried It verify our claim. They bring wonder ful tales of the mortality among the rats. One customer said that Ave were poisoned In one room the first night it was used. Rats flust'Go is the well-chosen name of this new destroyer of rats and mice. A trial will convince anyone that If rodents are to be exterminated our poison will do the work quickly and surely. A large can costs flfty cents. There Is sufflclent poison to destroy hundreds of rats. Isn't it worth this to free your house, barn or yard of rats? You knowf the importance, too. Insist on having the real RATS MUST GO. FORT fc KING. lUnDiI60.LlD Has just opened a large line of Lamps, Vases, Decorated Chitiaware. P. O. Box 609. 39 N. King St. Tel. Main 393 J&bronJjmgGh College Hills Land For Sale Have you $1000 saved up? If so do not Invest In stocks, but put the money Into a home for yourself In the most desirable locality near Ho nolulu and save money by so doing. Cost of a lot 100x150 at College Hills $1,200 Cost of Cottage and Outbuilding , 2,300 Total Cost r 3.500 Apply money in hand , ...............1,000 Negotiate a loan 7 for ...$2,500 - : ... Interest one year on $2500 7 175 Taxes on $3,500 1 35' Insurance on house $8000 ' 3 years $80, 1 year..., 10 Incidentals ,.; , 20 Total annual expense j $ 240 Making your monthly rental $20 instead of $40 you are' now paying. Apply your saving in rent In reduoln-r your debt, and with' othlr sav in you will soon have your home free of debt. Healthy Locathi; Rapid Transit by Your Door; Fine Water Supply; Altogether a Delightful Spot for a Happy Home For particulars apply at offlce 401 Judd Building to P. C. Jones Third and Last Great Clearance Sale T Are iVin ItAt. wlm altt'Dvg baa,,. tlia reserved the most desirable number fo r the last of our three great Sales Sales which by Iho way, have set all Honolulu talking, on account of the immense quantities of goods which w e have offered for selection, and on ac count of the extraordinary prices at w hloh we have offered them. Every Waist At Exactly Half Price Wo have brought all our Shirt W alsts upstairs from our basement sales room. Every Waist has its price marked upon it in plain figures. You may have your choice of them while they last at exactly half of 'what they are marked. Be It understood that the prices at which they are marked are the regular prices of the goods. They have never been changed or altered in any way, as everyone of our clerks knows nnd can bear witness. The price 13 'there you pay nair or .whatever it is. we muse lose money, you tinnic. We do, but these sales"?)nly come rarely. Odd sizes accumulate. Boxes which before had a dozen or a nair dozen waists come to nave oniy one or two. It is a ood time for clearing up. Our store Is small. We decide that It is better to take a loss and have the room. But for you such a time is a golden opportunity to make flfty cents do what a dollar did before. For you to buy: , $1.00 Waists for $0.50 1.50 " " 75 1.75 " " 87$ 2.00 " " 1.00 2. B0 " " 1.25 3.00 " " ,.......r. 1.50 3. E0 " " , 1.75 4.00 " " 2.00 ' 4.50 " " ,....r 2.25 5.00 " " 2.50 5.50 " " i.' 2.75 6,00 " " 3.00 CEO " " i 3.25 j No Waists Eeserved or Held Over Whitney & ; New . . Restaurant The Harbor Restaurant, Fort Street, opposite Allen & Robinson's Lumber yard Is now open for business. P. O. Box 903. Tel. Main 3351. Kl. ODO, ' - 35 Hotel Street. IMPORTER OF Japanese Provisions AND General Merchandise PLANTATION SUPPLIES. of (.he Truiyp of the Oahujfcjllege, or Jonathan Shaw. ' 'M"H"M.'t"H'K-l ' lnrcraaf nnnlo until Mia tant. tva Iiava. Marsh, Ltd K. FUKURODA, 1274 STAR BLOCK, FORtf STREET. merchant Tailor Cleaning nnd Dyeing of 'Clothes All Orders Promtply Attended To Lin Sing Kee, TINSMITH. Does Sanitary Plumbing Nuuanu Street, Opposite Emma Hall. Just Received SILK'GOODS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. COTTQN AWD SILK CREPE, CHINA WARE, MATTING, BEAD STRINGS AND Japanese Provision AND Branch Store SAYEGUSA, Use NUUANU STREET. TELEPHONE WHITE 3271.