Newspaper Page Text
HAWAII A IT ITAJt, MTUKDAT. JAKUART M. MM. A. O 4. O PURE " V RYE $ WHISKEY Tht Hannis Distillery Ge., Philadelphia, U. S. A. W. C. Peacock & Co., Ltd., Sole Agents Home-Made Manila Cigars Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in Cigars and Tobacco, also China Teas OigEajrs in Bond Toma S& Co., Itd 33 King Street near Nuuanu; P. O. Box 1034, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii Store Open Who will do it? Tou are going to have your house Papered, Painted or Decorated. Who's going to do It? No one does or can do better work than we. Investigation proves that few do as good. AH we aslt for It Is a fair price not high, not low. Either extreme Is dangerous. Any one who gives us work gets the best going at the fairest and squarest price, STERLING, THE PAINTER Office: Union Street, opp. Bell Tower. Jas. F. Morgan President Cecil Brown Vice-President F. Hustace Secretary Chas. H. Athc?ton Auditor IT i JU. JLLUVgO.. . . CUD. UUlA TELEPHONE MAIN 295. Htistace&Go.,Lt QUEEN STREET J Firewood, Stove, Steam and Blacksmith Coal WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Spicial attention Ivan to . DRAYING ALSO, WHITE AND BLACK SAND C. Q. Yee Hop & Co. Kahikinui Meat Market And Grocery Fruits and Vegetables BERETANIA ST., COR. ALAKrA, Hi i u Also at the Fish Market, Stalls 1 9 and 20 Phone Blue 2511. OAIIU RAILWAY AND LAND CD'S IMB TABLE FROM AND AFTER JANUARY 1, 180) TRAINS STATIONS. Dally Dally rOtwri) ax. Sun. tucBur A.M. A.M. A.M. Honolulu 7:10 0:15 11:06 Pearl City 8:08 9:48 11:40 Ewa Mill Sits 10:0b 100 walftnae. 1IM0 . Walalua 11:86 .... Kahuku 13:38 STATIONS. Dally (Inward) ex. Sun. D'ly A.M. A.M. Kahuku 5:86 Walalua...... .... 6:10 Walansn....L.. 7:10 Bwa Mill 5:60 7i5 Pearl Ulty 8:15 8.-QB Honolulu 0:10 BS D'ly P.M. 3:15 8:47 4:06 4:45 5:40 6;15 D'ly P.M. 6:10 6-60 6:10 D'ly D'ly P.M. P.M. 8:08 3:66 4 1.05 1:30 2:00 O. P, Dbnison, Superintendent. F. O. Smith, ' Gen. Pass. &Tkt. Act Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements and Fine Commercial Printing at the Star Offloe. jVJC jb All Mght EAGLE SALOON, Bob Ross, Manager. Geo. J. Cavanaugh, Proprietor. REFRESHMENTS OF ALL KINDS. The Delicious Prlmo Beers at 10 cents a Schooner. Tobacco and Cigars. Cor. of Punchbowl and Halekaulla Sts, S. HIROKAWA, Bamboo Furniture No. B?" Beretanla Street Near Punchbowl. Upholstered Leather Chairs Have you seen the beautiful stock of upholstered ieathor lounges and easy chairs we are now selling. They are marvels of beauty and comfort and the prices are reasonable. COME AND SEE THEM Hopp & Company Leading Furnlturo Dealers . . . KINO A BETHEL STREETS 'Phone 111 Main. I. G. IRWIN & CO. (LI ml tart.) AGENTS FOR Western Susar Refining Company of San Francisco, Cal. Baldwin Locomotive Works of Phi' delphia, Penn. Newell Universal Mill Company (National. Cane Shredder) New York, U. S. A. N. Ohlandt & Co.'s Chemical Fertilizers High Grade Fertilizers for Cane and Coffee. Alex. Cross & Bon's High Grade Fer tilizers for Cane and Coffee. Reed's Steam Pipe Cars. Also Offer for Sale Paranne Paint Co.'s P. & B. Paints and Papers, 1 Lucol and Llnse d Oils, raw and boiled. IndUrine (a cold water paint) In white and colors. Filter Press Cloths, Cemt Lime and Brick. OHTA, Contractor and Builder, House Fainter Kewalo, Sheridan Street, near Kins Honolulu. H. T. AMERICAN SALOON Wllhelm Schilling Proprietor. PRIMO BEER ON TAP AND IN BOTTLES TEN CENTS A SCHOONER, Also Cigars, Tobacco and Cold Drinks. Lillha Street Near Vineyard. Fine Job Printing, Star brace. Satisfactory Window Shades To get window shades that work smoothly, that go up when you want them up, ami stay down when you want them down. Window alludes that are an attraction to the hottie and window shades that wear well, you should try our Americus Shades We will fit them to any else window with HARTSHORN ROLLERS. And assure you of perfect satis faction. h i mi, LIMITED DEALERS IN THE WALL PAPERS AND HOUSE DECORATIONS. Metropolitan Meat Go U KING 8TBEET. AND NAVY CONTRACTORS G. J. WALLER. : : : Manager. I GOLDEN RULE BU Has removed to "The Ore .gon Block" Hotel Street, op posite Bishop street. We will be open for business on or about January 15, 1902 at which time we Invite our friends to give us a ca and Inspect our new quarters. J. M. WJB3BB, PROPRIETOR. SE SHDTEN, 1079 Alaa Street. NEW BY EVERY STEAMER. P. O. Box 885. Tel. Blue 392 H. W. BARTH. Successor to W. H. Barth and H. W. Barth. Honolulu Slicct Met 1 and Co:uicc WorKs Galvanized Iron Skylights and Ven tilators Metal Roofing. Conductor Pipe and Gutter Work Jobbing Promptly attended to. Richard Street Between Queen and Merchant Streets, Hono' t. Territory Grocery Start V. O. TEIXEIRA, Manager. Corner Emma and Vineyard Streets. DEALER IN Groceries, Delicacies, Best Brands of Tea and Kona Coffee W. H. BARTH, STAR BLOCK 1290 FORT ST. Tinning and O cil-v. i raided Iron Work Bstlmates furnished on 'all kinds of Sheet Metal Work. The natrona&rA of Ownom. AroMtanta and Builders solicited. GERMAN I A SALOON C. WESSELS AND A. BECKER Proprietors. 604 Queen Street cor South. TTma flrmarfpr fnr VfVtnnltil.t T..lm Beer, In bottles and on draught. Al ways Ise Cold. We can give you the best glass of beer In town. T1SN UBNTM A SCHOONER. N I GUI'S III Sr.I'TUAGEHlMA Bt'NDAY. Collect for the Day. O Ijoril, we beseech thpe rnvurnbly to hear the prayer of thy peoph-; that wp, who arc Justly punished for our offences, may be mercifully delivered by thy goodness, for the glory of thy Name, through Jesus Christ our Sav iour, who llveth and relgneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, evpr one God, worl, without end. Amen. Central Union Church: Rev. William M. Klnnnfil. naming flhtitl.i. ultnl Bible class, 9:60; public worship and sermon, 11; Y. P. S. C. IS. prayer meet ing, 6:30; public worship and sermon, 7:30; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30; umiuren s meeting, iiriuay, :15 At the morning service the Hev. Dr. Doremus Scudder will preach: Subject, "The Unspeakable Gift." In the excell ing the pastor will preach: Subject, "Lost saved." Christian Bndeavor meeting: Subject, "Hard Work and the Good Of It." readers Miss Ada Whit ney and Miss Mary Burdlck. Palama Chapel: Rev. J. P. Erdman, Sunday school. 9:30; Gospel service, 7:0; Chinese Gospel servlee, 2, conduct ed by Rev. E. W. Thwing. German Lutheran church, Beretanla street: Rev. W. Felmy, pastor, resi dence 1032 King street; 10 a. m. Sunday school; 11 a. m. service. Deutsche Lutherlsche Klrche Sonn tag, 10 Uhr, Sonntagsschule; 11 Uhr, Gottesdienst. St. Andrews' Cathedral, First Con gregation: Dean, the Bishop of Hono lulu; Parish Priest, the Rev. V. H. Kit cat. Holy Communion, 7; morning prayer and sermon, 10:30; pule ahlahl, 3:30; evensong and sermon, 7:30; choral celebration of the Holy Communion at the morning service on the last Sunday in the month. St. Andrew's Cathedral, Second Con gregation: Rev. Alexander Mackintosh rector. Sunday school, 9; morning ser vice; 9:45; evening service, 6:30. St. Clement's Chapel: Rev. John Us borne, minister. Holy Communion, first Sunday in the month 11:05; every other Sundoy, 7:15; Sunday Bchool, 10; morning prayer and sermon, 11:05; evening prayer and sermon, 7:05. Rapid transit cars pass the door. Methodist Episcopal Church: Rev. G. L. Pearson, pastor. Sunday school, 10; morning service, 11; Ep worth League, 6:30; evening service, 7:30; prayer meet ing, Wednesday, 7:30; Bible study. Thursday, 7:30. The pastor will preach morning and evening: luorning subject, "Conditions of Success In Spiritual Work." Evening, "Gods Call and Promise to the Spirit ually Dead," Epworth League subject, "A Great Awakening." Monthly Meetings: First Monday, 2:30 p. m., Woman's Home Missionary Society; 7:30 p. m., Epworth League business meeting; llrst Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., Methodist Men's Club; third Fri day, 2:30 p. m., Ladles' Aid Society. Christian Church: E. S. Muckley, pastor. Residence 550 Beretanla street, Telephone, Blue 1001. Sunday school, 9:45, .morning service, 11; evening ser vice, 7:30; Young People's meeting, 6:3u. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30. PrpnoJiinEf innrnlnir nml ovanlnt. Ur the pastor. Morning subject. "The Use nnd Abuse of Doubt;" evening subject ".Materialism vs. spirituality." Kawalahao Chruch:' Rev. H. H. Parker, pastor. Sunday school, 10; morning service, 11; evening service, 7:30; Christian Endeavor, 6:30; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30. Kaumakaplll Chapel, Palama: Rev. W. N. Lono, pastor. Morning service, 11; evening service, 7:30. Roman Catholic Cathedral: The Bishop of Panopolls. Low masses, holy communion, 6 and 7; children's mass with English serman, 9; high mass, with English sermon. 10:30; rosary, with native Instruction, 2; solemn vespers nnd benediction, 7; week days, low mass, 6 and 7. St. Augustine's Chapel; Rev. Father Valentine In charge. Sacrament of the mass, 8:30. Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist. Rev. Father Clement In charge. Church of the Sacred Heart, Mar quesvllle (Punahou). Rev. Father Cle ment In charge. Portuguese Protestant Church: Rev. A. V. Soares, pastor. Sunday services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 2:30; Wed nesday prayer meeting, 7:30. Chinese Church (Congregational); Rev. Edward JV. Thwing, acting pastor. Sundav school, fl T n nronMilni. oo..fl Ml; Sunday school in English, 2:30;' evening service, 7:30; Wednesday, prayer meeting 7:30. Japanese Church (Congregational): Rev. T. Okumnrn. nn atnr ctM.(t.u, the old Lyceum at 11 and 7:30 o'clock. Maklkl Chapel, Klnau street. Preach ing services, 8. Japanese M. E. Cllllrrh: a Mnln. kawa, pastor; Sunday School, 10; morn. ing service, n; evening service, 7:45: class meeting, 8:30; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8. Services in the chapel at the end of Kukul street adjoining St. Louis College grounds. Classified Ads in Star One Insertion, per line IS cents. Two Insertions, per line 25 cents. One Week, per line 30 cents. Two Weeks, per line 40 cents. One Month, per line 60 cents. Ads under "Situations Wanted," inserted free until further notice. WWVWWVWWVWWWA . J HAWAIIAN I Engineering & Construction Co. $ Reams BOB, BOB, BIO Stangenwnld Building, .' All classes of Engineering work solicited. Examinations, Surveys , and Reports made for any class of Waterworks, Steam and Blectrtetti Construction. Plans and Specific along and Estimates prepared, nn4 a Construction Superintended In rll branches of Engineering Work. Cvm- tracts solicited for Railroads, electric and steam: Tunnel, Bridge. Buildings, Highways, Foundations, Piers, Wharves, etc. SPECIAL ATTENTION "lven to Examinations, Valuations, and Reports of properties for investment purposes. FREDERICK J. AMWEC, M. Am. Soo. C. E., Engineer and Manager. W. R. CASTLE, JR., Secretary and Treasurer. Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ: G. J. Waller, pastor; services In Mili tant Hall. Sunday school, 10; preach ing In Hawaiian, 11; Book of Mormon class, 6:80; church history olass, 6:30; preaching In English at 7:30. Seventh Day Adventists: Rev. B. L. Howe, pastor; meeting place, chapel in Printers' Lane. Saturday, Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; preaching, at 11 o'clock. Wednesday, prayer, and missionary meeting at 7:30. Salvation Army, King street Cap tains Burgess and Sullivan in charge. Early prayer meeting, 9:30; wharf meeting (old Fish Market) 10; holiness meeting, 11; jail meeting, 12:30; Sunday school, 2:30; Bible class, 3:30; street meeting, 7:30; evening meeting, 8; pub lic meetings every evening In the week except Friday. Young Men's Christian Association meeting for men at 4. Address by Dr. Doremus Srudder, subject, "No Room In the Inn." Ray mond C. Brown will sing a solo. Relief Camp No. 2, Sunday School, 1:30. Bishop Memorial Chapel: Kameha meha Schools. Dr.. W. B. Elkln, chap lain. Services Sunday mornings at 11 o'clock except on last Sunday of the month service at 4 p. m., Alumni and friends cordially invited. Penlel Mission, Irwin block, Nuu anu street below King: Miss E. Udden berg, missionary In charge. Gospel meetings every night. A meeting for seamen Is held each Sunday morning at 0 o'clock on tne wharf at the foot of Nuuanu street, at 10 o'clock Bible class at Mission; 3 p. m., holiness meeting; 7:30 street meet ing King nnd Nuuanu afterwards in services in Hawaiian. Christian Science" services, Beretanla street, between Punchbowl and Alapal streets. Entrance "Non Parelll," first cottage to the right. Services on Sun days at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Baptist Society of Honolulu. Regular meeting flrst Sabbath after noon of each month at 3 o'clock In Young Men's Christian Association parlors. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon Church) Punchbowl street, Elder William M. Waddaups, In charge. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; reg ular service, preaching, at 11:30 a. m.; Young People's Mutual Improvement Ing for children, Friday at 3 p. m.; Re Association, at 7 p. m.; primary meet lief Society meeting at 10 a. m., on Sat urday. Free to all; no contributions: hall. The Murphy Club will give a concert tonight at Queen Emma hnll to which all are invited. Prayer meeting and sacred concert at 8 o'clock Sunday night. BAND CONCERT. The Tertltorlal band under the di rection of Captain Berger will play at Emilia Square at 1:30 o'clock this after noon, and at 3 o'clock tomorrow after noon at the Capitol grounds. The Em ma Square program Is as follows: March "Tally-Ho" Friedman Overture "Isabella" Suppe Ballad "Pilgrims of the Night". Llddel selection "The Burgomaster . ..Luders Dance The Aborigines Thieve Waltz "Vienna Bonbons" Strauss "Star Spangled Banner." The Capitol Grounds program, Sun. day Is as follows: PART I. "Old Hundred." Introduction "Carmen" Bizet Overture "The Flutist" Kllng Suite "Coppella" (new) Dellbes vocul Selection "U Trovotore". ..Verdi PART II. Overture "William Tell" Rossini Ballad "Don't Be Cross" Zeller Gloria (a) "Twelfth Mass" Mozart Hnllelujah Chorus (b) "The Messiah" Handel Selection "Belle of Bohemia" Englander "Star Spangled Banner. A GOOD THING. There's one good thing when they feel dry. That buslnc men cannot pass by, For far and wide It' tame you hear, They stop to drink of "Rainier" beer On draught or In bottle at Criterion. VA'AW.W.WWV, CASTLE & CC0KE, LIMITED Commission flerchants. 8UQAH - FACTORS. AGENTS FOR The Ewa Plantation. Company. The Walalua Agricultural Co., The Kohala Sugar Companv The Walmea Sugar Mill Compaxj". The Fulton Iron Works, St. Lewie, Me, The Standard Oil Company. The G rgo F. B ke Steam Pu Weston's CentrifugalB. The New England Mutual Life Tutuir ance Company of Boston. The Aetna Fire Insurance Compear 9 Hartford, Conn. The Alliance Assurance Corapwr at London. IS YOU HAIR FALLING?- The cause Is a parasite in the heir follicle eating away the delicate iaeaa brane which holds, the hair-root ta place. The only way to stop fsJMaa hair 's to destroy the parasite wUes causes it. Pacheco's Dandruff Killer does thle, and then "-eds follicles and roots and rebuild- the asted tissue. PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLSIt. Sr d by all druggists nnd at the UbIm Barber Shop, Telephone Main 282. P. O Box 912 TeLMajaaalK H. HAMANO, IMPORTER OF Japaness Provision A. IV 13 PLANTATION SUFPL1BS King Street, .... Corner KATSEY BLOCK Honolulu Iron Works. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MTL&St, BOILERS. COOLERS. IRON, BRAS4C AND LEAD CASTINGS. Machinery of Every Description to Order. Particular attention paid Ship's Blacksmltnlng. Job Work cuted on Short Notice. CASTLE & C00KE, LIMITED Life and Fire Insurance Agents m j fJT AGENTS FOR J& NEW ENGLAND MUTUAI, LIFE INSURANCE CO, Of BOSTON. VET IV A FIRE INSURANCE CO OF TTARTFOKD. CONN The Encore Saloon Corner Nuuanu and Hotel Streets. We Keep on Hand the V m Best Brands of Liquors and Cigars The Dtpot Salion, Opposite the Oahu Railway & Land Ce. We will keep the Honolulu Beer al ways on tap and In bottles. Also soft armies ana oigars. RYAN DBMJENT, Frfnrleter.