Newspaper Page Text
ia Stori noA.Tr.n HKK TIMES A ALH l Tons, Spicoe, Extracts and Jcliio PHONE BLUB 1MI 1S KINO STKBBT. FOR LEASE. 13ppr glory Yotemlte Building, Fort tBtreet nMr corner kukui. ib room, suitable for a lodging hoiiM. Jer further particulars apply to the JUDD & OO., LTD., S07 Ktangenw&ld Bldg. Removed. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TO Hotel St., Arlington Annex. Iftoct to A. A. Montano's Millinery Parlors. Advertise your Wants In the Star. v. vyrmps Advertisement Changed Mondays. 1902 Shirt Our new styles of shirt waists will prove a case of "love at first sight." No matter If you bavo been to all the stores In town, just as soon as you see these waists you will know that they were made for you and you for them. Styles are new and the designs are new. Come and see them. Among the new g"' :s just opened are pretty pieces of DIMITIES. IAWNS AND 200 pieces fine ginghams at 10c. per yard. ? Progress Block The Bargain. House Some 1902 Ideas IN TASTY AND RICHLY DESIGNED WALL PAPERS Have Just been received by us and are on, exhibition at our store. The new patterns are bright and you can do nothing better than to cliange your wall coverings now. Get rid of that old, out of date, dingy paper and make a selec tion of the latest styles. BE AL3 AN FRANCISCO 215 Front St. HONOLULU, Queen St. MTV? YORK, 43 Leonard St. LlUHHXflUlL Importers and Commission nerchants Solo Ageuoy FOR Blanchi Bates Cigar AGENTS FOR British America Assurance Comfy, . of Toronto, Ontario. Philadelphia Underwriters Special attention given to con signments of coffee and rice Tr. hemenway, LAWYER, Office: Room 400 Judd Building. TELEPHONE! 314 MAIN. 1U THEATER TO-NIGHT ERNBST HOOAN-S FUNNY FOLKS. "A Hot Time In Blaokvllle." A musloal comedy in Three Aots by Scott Marbel. Staged by Ernest Hog&n and Billy MeClain, with original music, This Is one of the best productions ever produced by Hogan and company and will be seen for the first time to night. POPULAR PRICES. (.'MMlwtlftM Mfl'0kHMtt Shkhi' Punters, Sleek hhiI IIhhiI lliekei, Itettl folate lli-eker, lire Insurance Agents Careful Attention Given to Business Trusts Fort and Merchant Sts. Honolulu, T. H. IflTsiists A. BLOM. Fort Street near Beretania BERETANIA ST., NEXT TO COR. EMMA. AGENTS f-or SALE OF REAL ESTATE Fine Building Sites, Puupueo Tract, Manoa F. J. LOWRET. President. A. B. WOOD, Vice-President. . J. A. OILMAN, Secretary and Treas urer. F. J. AMWEG, Auditor. CHAS. II. OILMAN, Manager. Silent Barber Shop Hotel Street. HOT AND COLD BATHS. BEST BARBER SHOP IN HONOLULU. POWER OF ATTORNEY, During my absence from the Territory Walter A. Lowrle will act for me under full power of attorney. W. J. LOWRIE. tiWUTF STEEL TRUST PROFITS I'llLUMIN WHY HtiltiltT Full THE YKAIl Wi. j The iiutlriok Hald to lie Bright Ooort Demand fr Products frtcea Have Not Been Advanced. NEW yohk. January . A prelim Inary report covering the operatlona of the Cnlted State teel Corporation since it camp Into existence ten months ami, wan mailt1 to the stockholders to day, it won a forerunner to the more extemted tvmtme to be submitted at the annual general meeting on Febru ary 17th and wan deplaned to famil iarise the srmreowner with the finan cial status of the company and the trade situation, and the trade market where It buya ttd sella. The report, signed by both Charlee M. Schwab and Elbert II. Gary, declared the present business and future outlook, viewed ahead through 1802, to be highly sat isfactory. The report said: "The outlook for the year 1802 I very bright. Everything In dicates tbat the facilities or each sub sldlary company will be taxed to the ut most to supply the demand that Is lte- Ing made. The actual business now booked, and of which shipment Is being called for faster than it can be supplied amounts to more than half the total combined annual capacity of all the companies. The heavier products, like rails, billets, plates and structural ma terlal, are sold up to the productive ca pacity of the mills until nearly the end of tne year, in the more highly nn ished products the consumption In each case Is greater now than at the corre sponding period In 1901, which, it should be remembered, was an abnormally heavy year. The expectation, there' fore, of those closely connected with the manufacture and sale of these highly finished products is for a demand even larger than that of 1901, and up to the limit of production. Discussing prices the report said they could have been advanced, but that It was decided to be better policy to refrain from doing so. The reference to prices follows: "The demand for products has been so great that prices could easily have been advanced, in deed, higher prices have been volun tarily offered by customers who were anxious for the Immediate execution of orders, but the companies have fairly maintained the position of not advanc Ing prices, believing that the existing prices were suluclent to yield a fair re turn on capital and maintain the prop erties satisfactorily In physical condl Hon, and that the collateral advantage to he gamed in the long run by refusing to advance prices would be of substan tial and lasting value, not only to the com"anies out also to the general busi ness of the country." The report asserted that this policy as to prices had not onl a reassuring effect upon the trade, but contributed to me restoration or confluence in the gen eral business situation. NEW COLONIAL GOVERNOR Vice-Admiral Sir Harry Uawson, who was commander of the Channel Squar1 ron from 1898 to 1901, has been appoint ed Governor of New South Wales. This is the first time in history thut the Government has appointed an Admiral to a colonial Governorship, wh'oh had long been a sore point with the ntivv. Vlce-Admlnil Uawson holds one of the longest war service records in the British navy, having spent forty-four years, m me service. As a ca-Jet and midshipman he served in the China war, and was present nt the capture of the Pei-ho forts and the taking ot Peking. He was mentioned in dis patches, and soon afterward was se ciely wounded. In I860 he was in command of 1300 Chinese troops In the defense of Ning Po against the Taiping rebels. In the same year he Jumped overboard at night in the Shanghai and saved the life of a marine, beinf, rublicly thanked for his gallantry by his Captain. During the Egyptian w, r of 1882 Captain Rawson was principal naval transport olilcer. From 1S9 to ltOS he was commander in chief on the Cape of Good Hope and West Coast of Alrica station. While occupying that post he conducted the operations of the naval brigade at Mwell, on the Zan zibar coast, in 1895, and in the follow ing year bombarded Zanzibar and de posed the pretender to the throne, win ning special commendation on both oc casions. He added still further to his reputation by the part he took In the expedition to Bmln. LIKE THIRTY CENTS. An appeal In a novel suit, in which the amount In dispute Is only 30 cents, was taken from the County Court to the Supreme Court In Vancouver, 13. C. Already several hundreds of dollarn In costs have been incurred in the case. and two of the best known business houses In the city are Involved. John W. Peck & Co.. wholesale clothiers, sold a bill of goods to L. Iu binowltz & Co. for $33. Their first bill, tendered with the goods, called for a 6 per cent discount for cash in ten days. ituoinowitz claims to have paid the amount within that time, and submlu Mb check as proof. The selling drin claims that only 5 per cent discount should haveNbeen allowed, and asked for an additional 30 cents. Rublno wltz ordered the manager of the Peck company out of his store, and then thf suit began. Judgment was given for Peck in the Small Debts Court, and again in the County Court, Rubinowltz appeal on each occasion. Now he Is appealing to the Supreme Court and Js also nsklng I for costs incurred. Neither firm will down, and the case will be keenly contested through nil the processes ot law, no matter how much the cost. HOPE'S COMEDY. Anthony Hope's comedy, "Pilkerton's Peerage," has been produced at li e Garrlck Theater. It Is a political satire oti a self-made millionaire's intrlgtus to obtain a title. The comedy is full of brilliant dialogue, but Its develop ment Is unsatisfactory, the story being rather weak and thin. Pllkerton is K presented as having both English and American Interests. The audience wnjs curious to know whence Mr. Hope haa drawn his model. Arthur Bouchler, Robert fihaw, Henry V. Esmond and MlM E' a Moore gave capable ac counts ' ' the leading parts. The play was well received. This lw Anthony Hope's first venture in writing directly for the stage, aside from "The Adventure of Lady Ureul.t, ' In which Murgaret Anglln made a hit 111 this city. Still any reader of Hope's novels and romances knows that he ought to make a good playwright, as he is the living master of bright dialogue. However, the training of the novelist is against success in plaV-wrltlng, an I It Is only the author with strong dra matic ability who produces a strong play. A French conscript, Jules La Plere, 1ms been excused from three-years' ser vice because of ugliness. It wrh held that his appearance would make his comrades laugh, and thus Interfere with discipline. in m m CHINA The Jh.hii Ins.. nr. n) According In n Toku llput h. "tin Vat-sen, the well Known Chlitew refor mer and revolutionist, who,. aitemnt- I Kidnapping In London by the i'hl- mw ieganon cauaed mime exclctemeM a few years ao. haa decided to dia. aclve the Kalao hul, the Clilntae N-r. Kpciety with which he was connected, and ue the funds In sending Abroad able young men belonging to the so ciety to be educated. Pun Yat-sen wan asked as to the ttuth of the above rumor, and, al though he was very guarded In his iv ply, admitted that the recent changes In China hud given him pause, and that he was waiting with Seen Inter eat to see what their ultimate trend would be. "I am well sastlafled at preaant," he said, "with conditions in China, and am content to be Inactive mi long Ha the much-heralded plana of reform are carried out. The action of the allli-n Powers in China, culminating In ihe leturu the court to Peking, will doubtless have some effect on the fu ture administration of the Manchu Government. But It remains to be seen whether the Government will be strong and honest enough to carry out its re form program. "It has been shown In the past that the government, under pressure, has sometimes promised many reforms, but has afterwards been unwilling or un able to keep Its promise's. Moreover, It Is doubtful as yet whether there are any men attached to the court of suffi ciently broad views to counteract ar dent prejudices. LI Hung-chang, the most able and liberal diplomatist China had, Is gone, and It was seen that even his efforts were directed towards bol stering up the Manchu dynasty by means of concessions to Russia, at the expense of the other Powers, and the ultimate danger of peace In the Par East. The decision of the question ot Manchuria will afford some Indication of the sincerity of the present Govern ment. "Many think that Manchuria should be sacredly kept as' a Buffer State against the encroachments of Russia, but there Is a large representation of Chinese thinkers who believe that, even at the price of the sacrifice of Man churia, Russia offers the best alliance for China. Others, again, argue that ary alliance China should make wlih nny one Power would antagonize the rest. Japan Is probably as near China, in Interests and certainly In race, as any nation, and yet It Is known that, while Japan has the friendliest feelings towards China, she Is not prepared to enter Into any entangling alliance with her or anv other Power. At the same time, both nations mnv nialntnln a cordial entente, which will be mutu allly beneficial The situation is In teresting, especially when one consid ers In the event of a serious rising on the part of the mass of the Chinese against the Manchu dynasty, the prox imity of Russia, with Its trani-Slberlan railway for the pouring of troops upon the frontier. "The question would then be wheth er Russia was the friend of the Man chus or the friend of the revolution aries. These are great possibilities, but. so far. they do no more thnn In terest me as an observer. I am per fectly satisfied with the nresent con dition of affairs In China." (Continued from Page 2.) DEPARTING. Friday. February 7. Htmr. James Makee, Tullett, for Ha namaulu and Nawlllwlli at 4 p. m. Am. bk. Prince Lewis, I'llsteen. for Royal Roads for orders, may sail In afternoon. KAANAPALI. Departed, February 3. S. S. Hawai ian, Nichols, for Hllo, In afternoon. THE SCENERY IN JAMAICA. The scenery, amidst which the lot of the Jamaica missionary Is cast, yields to that of no other part of the world In beauty, livery variety of tropical plant Is here to entice the guze, to satisfy the fancy, and as he drives along well-kept government roods, he may see at one time perched high above him on some rock at the side the characteristic hut of the native, with a cocoanut palm or mango tree standing near to sentinel It, or another time groups of the grace ful bamboo, like huge tufts of bright green feathers, or again stretches of banana plantation or acres of sugar cane showing him whence the real de velopment of wealth for Jamaica should come. Or it muy be that In the wilder districts he picks his careful way along narrow bridle-paths, fords one moun tain stream after another, pushes aside the masses of giant fern wet with the heavy morning dew, which meet from either side before him, struggles through the thick guinea grass, which tops his own and his horse's head, looks down occasionally from his seat in the saddle Into hundreds of feet of depth Just beneath him. almost beguiled into forgetfulness of danger by the luxuriant splendor of verdure with which the ab yss has clothed Ub precipitous sides. If mere landscape were to be considered,! It would be hard to imagine a more de lightful field of missionary labor. -Do-nahoe's Magazine. PUNISHMENT OF AN OFFICER. Secretary Root has acted on the case of Lieutenant Preston Brown, Second Infantry who was sentenced 'by court martial to be dismissed from the ser vice. It appears from the evidence that Lieutenant Brown shot a native Fili pino because bo allowed an American soldier to drown when he might easily have saved him. Secretary Root takes the ground that Lieutenant Brown's action In the mat ter, while not justifiable, was excusable under all the circumstances, and, there fore,' recommends the sentence of dis missal be commuted; Lieutenant Brown shall lose thirty-five numbers in Ills grade, and that ho shall forfeit one half of his pay for a period of ntne months. SAVED FROM TORTURE. Fred Tlner, a full-blood Shawnee In dian, alleged to have assaulted three Shawnee squaws, was tied to a stake to be burned to death by members of his tribe, men and women. He was first cruelly tortured, his face being beaten out of shape and his ears torn nearly off by squaws. Other tortures were being applied when Deputy United Slates Marshal Davis arrived from Arelbekl, I, T., quickly took In the situa tion, held the mob back with a gun and cut the thongs, backed away from the crowd with his prisoner and safely es caped to Wewoka, where Tlner was safely placed In Jail. The Toklo tramway company, which pays a dividend of from 30 to 40 per cent pays its laborers $5 to t6 a month and works them from 11 to 17 hours a day. shipping mm muss s eramo fASU I M I X MlNt:o PI! The New Imported Jras Superior In forth urn. Rut Much Infetlor to Main land "lock Foods. Agricultural Com m hut oner Wrey Taylor has secured an analyeU of Pent cum grass from Dr. Shnrey, and flnda It superior to the Sorghum, which la gen erally uaed aa food for atoek In Hawaii. Panloum la the new grass imported rrom Fiji by prttreaeor Koebele, and ex periment made with It here show that it grows better than Sorghum. Before extensive planting was done, it was thought best to get an analysis, to as certain the value of the grass aa food. The report from Dr, Shorey la aa fol lows, the number of calorie repreaerit Ing the food value or the energy per pound obtainable from the food, ft com pletely digested: "I gve below analyala of Panlcum grass sent to ne for examination some time ago. Moisture 75,J0 Ash s.SSC Fibre gjtBO Fat (Ether extract) QM0 Protein (N X 6.26) S.MS Nitrogen free extract 10.846 Food or fuel value 259.1 calories per lb. "This last Item is obtained from the analysis by calculation and is Intended to represent the food value of the ar ticle in question; and while the value may not be absolute, it ia of value for comparative purposes. - There are not many analysis of Hawaiian forage plants available; but I give below the food value of a number of grasses cal culated from analysis made elsewhere by the Department of Agriculture, and two analyses of cane tops made by me some time ago. Cane Tops No. 1 Calories per lb..210.C Cane Tops No. 2 " gaga Sorghum, whole plant " " aizll Orchard grass " " 299.4 Timothy Kentucky Blue grass " " 409.0 Panlcum grass " " 269.1 "Yours very truly, "EDMUND C. SHOREY, "Government Chemist." COURT PAPERS FILED. A petition to estballsh flablne- rlchta has been entered with Attorney Gen eral Dole on behalf of L. L. McCand-lc-ss vs. the Territory of Hawaii seeking to establish the rights to certain lands at Waiahole and Walanae granted by royal patents. I A bill of complaint has been entered by C. B. Maile against W. C. Achl re garding the payment and cancellation ,of a mortgage on the taking up of a note for J3000 to Bishop and Company assumed by defendant as part pay ment of the price of land known as the kokio tract, walklkl, sold by the plain tiff to defendant. THE WEATHER. Weather Bureau, Punahou, 1 p. m. JVInd northeast; moderate to light; weather cloudy; some rain on the mountains. Morning minimum temperature, 67; midday maximum temperature, 77; ba rometer, 9 a. m 30.08 steady (corrected for gravity): rainfall, 21 hours ending 9 a. m.. .0; dew point, 9 a. in., CO; hu midity, 9 n. m., 6S per cent. CURTIS J. LYONS, Observer. O'HARTsTROBBLK George O'Hara an ice wagon driver went down along the water front this morning after his deliveries were made. H didn't c,ut any ice. but he got sev eral nasty cuts about the head. He buw some natives shooting craps and like the (rood boy In the Sunday "school book ho began telling them how wrong It was. One of the natives who 'was loosing at the time, was a bad loser, and In a bad humor at his loses, resent ed the advice and commenced fighting O'Hara. The latter was not backward and presently was fighting the whole bunch. They threw him down, kicked him about the head and then had him arrested for affray. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Quotations. Bid. Asked. C. Brewer & Co $ $400.00 N. S. Sachs 100.00 Ewa 3.25 Hawaiian Agrl 270.00 Hawaiian Sugar 27.00 Honomu 123..00 Honokaa 1Q.00 ...... Haiku 190.00 Kahuku 24.00 Klhel 11. CO KIpahulu 100.00 Mcllryde COO Oahu 90.00 Onomea , 22.00 Ookala Olaa assessable 5.00 Olowolu , fi.00 92.50 24.00 7.75 0.00 HO. 00 Pacific 210.00 Pepeekeo 1X0.00 Pioneer 80.00 Wolalua Agrl CI. 00 Walmanalo 155.00 Wilder S. S. Co... 100.00 inter-island 1 B5.00 Hawaiian Electric, 110.00 Hono. Rapid Transit 93.00 Oahu It. & u Co 88.00 Hllo R. R. Co 6s 100.00 Hon. Rapid Transit 6s 100.00 Oahu Plantation Cs iOI.OO Waialua 0's 101.00 Fine Job Printing. Star Ofllce. Always in Line FOR AN UP-TO-DATE .. STOCK OF PIANOS .. Remember that Is Our Business and we are here to Please. Bergstrom Music Co,, Ltd mm "MlltM I t I I I'll, I ' h ii i ,tutli m. h i.i .1 par iii. i lm ! H 1 1 1- 1,1 mtili ,. l. ui i KtMtlc, KIKl III tt ,( i i 1 ,1 III II I llll ,lU 1 1) to ' I'm IU' Ill" MtHlHll) I '. I lill'lillK the putts IlkHv to Im- nffei l"l I r t an an tlsfptlr, nui'h Ms ii 1 per lent otutlt Ot carhfillr ni Id. nr a atrong olutlon of bnrarlc acid, or llateiln and thus pro ven! the spread of the dlaea so that It will not Infect the ear and eyes II III Suite evident that growers genaifJIr o not notice the trouMe In the nt tagea until time haa elapsed for Um whole flock to become Infected. 1 Copies of the bulletin may hi- obtain ed at Jsred Bmlth's office. NfBW APVKKTIiSKMKKTS JiOTlUK. AGRICULTURAL LTD. WAIALL'A OO- The stock transfer hooka of thla Com pany will be clooati to tranafera frm Saturday, February Sth. 1MB. to Thurs day, February 13th. 1802. Incluetve. W. A. BOWKK, Tr-.-nurer. ANNUAL MKVmU. At the annual meeting of stockhold ers of E. n. Hall A Bon Ltd., held at the office of the company on the 6th day ot Februarv 1902 at 2 o'clock, the follow ing officers and Directors were elootad to serve the ensuing year. Mr. W. W. Hall President Mr. E. O. White Treasurer M. E. H. Paris.... Sec'y and Auditor Mr. A. J. Campbell Director Mr. T. W. Hobron Director The above named gentlemen conett tute the Board of Directors. E. H. P.VRW. Secretary E. O. Hall & Son. Lt. BY AUTHORITY SEALED TENDERS. Sealed Tenders will be received at the office of the Superlntend-nt of Pub lic Works, Territory of Hawaii, until 1 p. m. Wednesday, February 12th, 190 for the construction of a sbed on the Inter Island wharf. Plans and specifications on file In tli olHce of the Superintendent of Public Works. The Superintendent does not bind himself to acceot the lowest or any bid. JAMES II. BOYD. Superintendent of Public Work Ter ritory of Hawaii. SEALED TENDERS. Will be received at the office of th Superintendent of Public Works till 12 o'clock noon of March 7. 1902 for 10,000 feet of 6 Inch cat Iron bell and spigot water pipe, of good quality, tested be fore delivered to an internal pressure Of 300 lbs, per square Inch, also 12 C-lncli Gate valves. With bell ends to stand the same presure, 12 6-lnch elbows, 12 C Inch tees, 300 lbs hemp yarn and one ton of lead to bo delivered F. O. B. wharf Honolulu within slx'ty (CO) days from date of contract. The Superintendent of Public Works reserves the right to reject any or alt bids. Specifications at the ofllce of the Sup erintendent of Honolulu Water Works. JAS. II. BOYD, Superintendent of Public Works. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of Hostnce & Co. Ltd., will bo held at their ofllce, Queen Street, on Friday February H, at 10 a. m.. for the nurpose of holding- election of officers. Per order. FRANK IHTSTACE, Secretary. February C. 1962. Hawaiian Lodge No. 2, V. & A. M. There will be a special meet- v F. & A. M nt Its hall.. Mason ic Temple, corner of Hotel nnd Alakea streets THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, February 7, at 7.30 o'clock. WORK IN FIRST DEGREE. Members of Pacific Lodge, Lodge Lo Progres, nnd all sojourning brethren are fraternally Invited to be present By order of the W. M., JOHN A. HASSINGER, Secretary. l'assengor Notice. Notice Is hereby given that Intending passengers for R. M. S. Mlowera due to sail for Vancouver on the 12th Inst., and for R. M. S. Moana due to sail for the Colonies on the 15th Inst must apply for passage by the former boat not later than the 3d Inst and by the latter boat not latter than the 6th Inst. THEO. II. DAVIES & CO. Agents Canadian Australian S. S. Co. FOR THE Myrtle-Healani Benefit AT THE A A program of extraordinary merit will be presented. ERNEST HOGAN. BILLY McLAIN and the entire com pany, assisted by the vagaries ot CLUB TALENT In VAOROM VAUDE VILLE. Tickets on sale by Club Member, tho Orpheuni box office and the Hono lulu Photo Supply Coiniwny. Redeem able at box office on Thursday morn ing. The co-operation of the public Is re quested. Fine Job Printing, Star Office.