Newspaper Page Text
MAWAIU Willi, MONDAY. mWMMJIY If, UN. r lona Qrphanagt COFFEE STORE WO. 1 THA8, COFFKK. fPICBJB, WCTRACTS, JAMB ND JULLIMS. 1G5 KING STBBET FOR LEASE. Upper story Yoeemtte Building, Fort eet near corner Kukul. is rooms, table for a lodging house. for further particulars apply to the ' iTinr Q . n- t n.T- 907 Stangenwald Bide;. Removed. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TO Hotel St., Arlington Annex. Next to A. A. Montano's Millinery Parlor. Advertise your Wants In the Star. Advertisement Changed Mondays. This Week's Bargains WE HAVE A LA ROE LOT OP EMBROIDERIES WHICH WE BOUGHT AT A VERY LOW PRICE AND WILL SELL THEM AT EXACTLY One-half Price ALSO WE HAVE MANY ODD SIZES IN LADIES' MUSLIN UN DERWEAR WHICH WE WILL SELL ATHALF PRICE. 1902 Shirt Waists Our new styles of shirt waists will prove a case of "lovo at first sight." No matter If you have been to nil the stores In town, just as soon as you see these waists you will know that they were made for you and you for them. Styles aro new and the designs are new. Come and see them. Progress Block Some 1 902 Ideas IN TASTY AND RICHLY DESIGNED WALL PAPERS Have just been received by us and are on exhibition at our store. The new patterns are bright and you can do nothing better than to change your wall coverings now. Get rid of that old, out of date, dingy paper and make a selec tion of the latest styles. BEAL'S Importers and Commission flerchants FOR' QBsnehe Bates Cigar AGENTS FOR British America Assurance Comp'y, of Toronto, Ontario. Philadelphia Underwriters Special attention given to ton signments of coffee and rice JUDGMENT AGAINST ESTEE. SAN FRANCISCO. February I Judge Hunt gave judgment for Isaac Trumbo yesterday for $10,650, principal and in terest, In his suit against Morris M. Bs tee on a promisory note, made in "1807. Estee, In a deposition sent from Hawaii, where he Is the United States District Judge, said that no considera tion was given for the note, which was for $8,000, that it was made as an ac commodation, and that Trumbo told him he would not be expected to pay It. He had been Trumbo's attorney, and said that his services were an offset for any money which he mlgat have owed him. He said that Trumbo as sured him that he needed the note, as Trumbo was pressed at the time by his creditors. Trumbo testified that the note was glvon to meet Estee's Indebt edness to htm, and that there was no understanding that payment wouldJnat be required. A FISH STORY. Eastport, Me., -has a mongrel our which digs its own clams every morning. 1 I AN FRANCISCO 216 Front St. fXLv HONOLULU, Queen St. s M1W YORK. 43 Leonard at. B .wv "V An Ideal Lot Commanding a marine view that can never be cut off In sltun ted at the head of Kewalo street IPC iCrAKIJCI area 2."..ViO square feet. Location Just Kwn of J. P. Cooke's fine residence. We offer It for sale AT A GREAT SACRIFICE Such iot are rare and hard to (ret except in times like these. A Dressmaker can rent a VERY DESIRABLE LOCATION in the cottHge on the corner f Heretanls and Miller streets next the office ot Dr. K. C. Wnterhouse. Price $35 a month und water rates. Stock niul ltouil Brokers, Jtcal Estate Itrokcrs, Flro Insurance Agents Telephone Main 31.1. A. BLOM. Fort Street near Beretania BERETANIA ST., NEXT TO COR. EMMA,. I V t V I liaf,)?i i .tjiivrf V AGENTS i-or - SALE OF REAL ESTATE Fine Building Sites, Puupueo Tract, Manoa F. J. LDWIIRV PmoMonr A. B. WOOD, Vioe-Frtteldent, . j. a. uiiiMAN, Secretary and Treas urer. F. J. AMWEG, Auditor. . CHAS. H. GILMAN. Manager. Silent Barber Shop Hotel Street. tHOT AND COLD BATHS. BEST BARBER SHOP IN HONOLULU. C. 11. HEMENWAY, LAWYER. Office: Room 406 Judd Building. TELEPHONE 314 MAIN.- COLOIZIG SCHEME SulTIIKItN PACIFIC PLANS MOVEMENT. Hid Will Hettle Farmers on Millions of acres or Land Through Which Their Li ties Run Details. CHICAGO. January 81, The officials or the traffic department of the South ern Pacific Company and the Union Pa cific and their allied lines are meeting here with a view to perfecting the largest colonisation plan ever attempt ed by Western roads. It Is the purpose or the men controlling the Harrlman llhes to provide occupants for the mil lions or acres of fertile and unoccupied lands In Southern California. Texas and Western Louisiana. The general plan will be to send Into the Middle and Eastern States, and possibly Into some of the Northwestern States, fully 1000 Immigrant or colonisa tion agents, whose dut" It shall be to Induce immigration to the territories mentioned. Many of these agents have already been employed, and the traffic and advertising departments of the va rious lines are busy getting out the ne cessary advertisements to be used in connection with the work of these agents. The officials who are arranging the uciaus ot me Plan are j. c. stubbs traffic director fdrthe Harrlman lines General Passenger Agent Lomax of the union Pacific; S. F. is. Morse, assistant traffic manager of the Texas lines of the Southern Pacific, and B. Campbell tralllc manager or the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company. Morse, who has direct supervision of the .move ment, Is highly optimistic regarding the outcome. From time to time home seekers' excursions will be run to the territories mentioned, and especial in ducements will be offered to get the puunc 10 visit southern California. FOR THE OPEN DDOR WASHINGTON, January 31. Though the United States failed to secure the insertion in the Chinc-se protocol of a provision assuring the maintenance of the "open door" In China, this result will be achieved, it is learned, by the negotiation of a new commercial trentv with the Peking Government. When in I'eKing tipeclal Commissioner Rock hlll. under Instruction:) River, him bv Secretary Hay, made an earnest effort to niuuce tne owers to agree to the negotiation of a Joint commercial trea ty with China. Europe was not pre pared, however, to co-operate with the t.niteu states, ana it therefore became necessary tonegotlate separate com mercial arrangements. in the new treaty there will be In corporated a provision which will read s".meinmg line tins: "That whatever privilege, exemption, benefit or advan toge is already or mav herenfter he conceded oy China to the official repre sentatives or to the merchants. rhIi. jetts or citizens of any other country m respect or tneir personal property "fi"'" ui occupations, snail at the time uy extenueu to line official represent.-! uves, merchants and citizens of the United States: that the lowest rntou ,.r uuties or charges imposed oh personal luuiwriy or articles or International commerce of anv forelcrn n.-itlnnni ri- gln shall be Immediately applicable to i-.ite articles ot united States nrlplir and no other or higher duties, charges, burdens or restrictions of any kind shall be Imposed on exports of the I'liueu states tlinn those Imposed on the imports of the most favored na tion." VISIT PEARL IIARBOTT" Mnny Out Saturday Gladys Catch Fine Mullet. Sailors There were a number of viMttnru tn the Pearl Harbor lochs yesterday and their beauty Is belne rnnlillv A wagonette load came down to Puuloa ami iooKeu over tnat property, presum ably as purchasers of the suburban lots. Clarence Macfarlane had his launch In commission with the Lillen thal part, the Waterwltch, owner, A. A. Young, was filled with pleasure seekers and Captain Merry brought a boat load from Honolulu In the govern ment launch. The fishing, which has been very un remunerative as Sir as tin yachtsmen have been concerned of late, reasserted Itself yesterday by the present of two line fat mullet to the owner anil eiew of the Gladys. After anchoring Saturday night, Commodore Hobron. ns usual, put over a shark line and an Invito tio to ulua ot. a trolling line. In addition he stretched a new seine net between the Gladys and the shore. Sunday morn ing, dreams of fresh fish for breakfast roused him early from the air cushions of the Hag ship's cabin and he pro ceeded to try his fortune. The shark line and the ulua line proved a blank and Ernest Mott-Smith. who was aboard, expressed his scepticism at there being any left In the lochs. The new tender was put into requisi tion and the seine was drawn. A hole, big enough to swim through, showed where an ulua had dashed through the net but. firmly hanslntr bv the trills. appeared two line fat fresh mullet, one weighing something over two pounds. One was sufficient for breakfast and was heartily appreciated and the other was put in the ice box and brouuht heme. (Continued from Page 2.) DEPARTING. Monday. February 10. Stmr. Wuialeale, Plltz, for Koloa and Elcele at 4 p. in. PASSENGERS. I Arriving. Per stmr. Lohua, February 9, from Maul and Molokal ports. Miss A. Shaw and Charles King and 2 deck. Departing. Per S. S. Sonoma, February 11, for San Fruialsco J. H. Taylor and wife. C. W. Reld, O. C. Spadebury, Mrs. A. A. Byxbee, F. Blackster. Mrs. Napthalie. William F. Ormsby. Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Stears, Miss Grlbb le. A. lngersnll, A. Gandard, C. R. Cooley, MIsb McDonald, S. Eharlck. W. W. Brewer and wife, S. J. Dendy and wife. Mrs. Andrew, G. E. Dow, L. L. Patkwltz, W. T. Rawllngs S. Goslinsky. John C. Cracknel), A. E. Engler, J. Michaels, wife and child. Mi. M. S. Soudder, C. p. Meyer. W. H. Baker and wife, Mrs. J. Seeley and child F. S. Prescott and wife, W. M. Tem Pleton, G. W. Stark. F. S. Holt, Mr. Bourne, George R. Carter, George Klu gel. F.vCarty, J. Coerper. L. Mulligan, L. T. Ware F. F. Porter. Ads under "Situations Wanted," in serted free of charge in the Star. shipping mm COMMENT ON SCHLEY VNSUi:it Til HIS APPEAL Ti THK PRESIDENT. Judge Advocate Hays Ills Counsel Have Shifted around Brushed Aside the Imoprtant for the Unimportant. WASHINGTON. Jamiarv 80.The "comment" of Judge Advocate General iemiy anil solicitor Haima upon the "'" e" 01 string and about to leave appeal of Admiral Schley, as stibmlttd for London. Notwithstanding his tre to the President by Secretary L'.t g, Is mentions winnings Schwab quit the less than a third as long is iippni dy with about an even showing as be lts! f, a fact accounted for l-y . , e .on.- tween him and the bank for the three naratlvelp rew quotations from the dHy" that he has been playing, court's findings in the case of the "on'-' "'lle excitement caused by his ap ment." The commentators begin ivith ' Parently reckless plunging, without re- the statement that Admiral 3eht y iru his counsel have shifted their ground, They say. the chief features of the ease were the "retograde movement," "d r- obedience of orders," "inaccurate and misleading official reports," "fii'.ure o umruy vessels ot tne enemy lying In Higiii aim injustice to a lirother officer." The llrat wau that tl.u n. . " . . " . iiimh tlon of American naval veuaeu nn.i.r one command was by Schley's direction turned about and headed for .Key Wen, more than 700 miles distant when within twenty-one miles of Santint,-... here the enemy's hlps were, -rht 8-conJ was that Schlev deliberately and know- ingly disobeyed the Secretary's order overtaking him In his retrog.-ade move- ment. The third was that Schley's re.i- son, officially given, for the retrograde movement and disobedience of orders, i. e.. "that the llvlnir sminrl-nr, " was'not true. The fouuh four days the Spanish lay within reach of the Hying squadron fiid! no sufficient effort was made to destroy I mem. The fifth Involves the point of hotnr. The commentators say: "Upon all the above-named features, believed by us to be the most Important, If not the only really Important matters, Into which the court made Inquiry, the con- iuii ui nuuuMii oai ey win muuemneu ,dl8tlnful,ie(1 tribunal. I withstanding that President Roosevelt ?hl? , 3 a"d lle,nr-Admra 8 lces not confirm the statement that Henham and Ramsay unite In their .Miss Roosevelt will accompany Whlte tlndlngs and opinion upon all these sev- Inw T!i,i hi Di. .'... .' oral points and they unite also In the tion of King Edward VII, it is genernl signlllrant recommendation that no fur- ly understood in inner eirei ti.nt i.n ther proceedings be had 'In view of the wngth of time which has elapsed since he occurrence of the events of the bat- tie of Santiago. The commentators charjre that Ad- mlral Schley now Ignores all these ctrtain what costume would be neces grave matters and bases his appeal sary for Miss Roosevelt, upon unimportant features of the case, According, to her station as daughter as compared with the grave matters re- o the he,,,i r r i. .,. ;.. ferred to, upon which there was not. and In face of the testimony, could not have been any difference of opinion in Trio ffiltfT ' Iio DR. ALTERS. EDITOR STAR: OwlnK to some er- rtneous statements, and to relieve the minds of the mnny friends of Dr. St. D. u. waiters, in answer to many en- At the coronation she would wear a quirles I would like to remark that Dr. robe of royal purple which will dlstln St. D. G. Walters Is rapidly regaining gulshed from that of peeresses by his strength, and convalescing from the their bands cf ermine and miniver. severe shock he sustained three weeks ago. He Is at present ut Kallhl r,t Mr. Allen Herbert's, taking a much needed rest. After a few weeks he wtttinrababiv no abroad for three or fou'r months. Dr. Galbralth and myself. both be,lig of the opinion tnat after travelling .for that length of time he will be obsotiltely res- I WILL CHANGE RAILROAD TRACK, tored to health and able to resume his1 WAILUKU, February S. Superlnton practice. j ,ient i r Filler of the Knhulul Rail In the meantime. Dr. F. H. Hunmli- rls who Is expected on the S. S. China due on the 14th Inst will Immediately take Dr. St. D. G. Walters' hours In the practice. GEORGE HERBERT, M. D. BORN. CHEEK In Honolulu. Februnrv 3. 1002 to the wife of M. A. Cheek, a daugh- ter. SIMONTON-In Honolulu. Sunday, Fe- i - .. L - oruary u. ivu. to the wire of M. T, Slmonton, a son. K'TTMAT ip t nnnii ir.i n - - w... . iiuimiuiu i- ui uiu y y, iu the Maternity Home, to the wife of Jonah Kumalae. a daughter. WATER A LUXURY. In addition to pnylnf? for water nt the rate of 33 cents a thousand gallons, with a minimum charco of sin n the people Of Omaha are Conilielleil to pay the water company the enormous sum of $02,020 a year for hydrant rent and water used for nubile nurnoses. Nebraska Journal. ELECTRICITY FOR CANALS. One of the most Important of Amerl- c;"mmorClnl enterprises in Europe has Just culminated. It cons sts n the ., . " seeming of all water routes for Amerl- an catgoes of grain and other commo- 1 lr o ,"m, ,n 'Tl ,,ort!! Ulllte1 Mates to Inland ports In Europe, and emuraces the purchase by American npltal of SOVOPIll ftfltlul. .....1 ...1 canals. .... ,i uiiicr , Frank W. Hawlev. vice -i,red 1 .nt of the Erie Canal Traction Company, hns ben on this side several months quiet ly securing concessions for the tion of European canals by electricity. The Erie concern has secured control of about f000 miles of canal In and on the continent. As a result car goes will shortly be shipped on the same bill of lading from Duluth. Minn., to Brussels, Rruces. Ghent an.l locne and a little later to many points in tho uniieu .Kingdom, France, Gernnny t nd uuy. THE PHILIPPINES. If it caught your eye von would rend it twice. It was a paragraph In ex Secretary of State John W. Foster's speech before the Congregatlonnl club in wasnington on Forefathre's day. Ho was responding to the toast, "Our new possessions In tho Orient" and ho sad: "As outlined by President Roosevelt in his message to Congress, and as I be lieve Is Indicated in his other acts, we can look forward to the time when the Philippine Islands will cease to be a part of the territory of the United Slates; when the people have learned the lesson of self-government and when the policy of honesty and purity of pur pose shall be established so llrmly that we shall have there a republic set in the midst of the Asiatic seas, a peace ful people, a productive people, and a wise people, that shall serve as a model I to the nat ons of Hurnim urn An n 1 even as the United States served for the past hundred years." That Is encuoraging talk from a man who has not talked that way before. But how long? Does Mr. Foster agree with the Philippine commission that one generation, "perhaps two genera tions, "will be needed to fit that people for an Independent existence? If so, his manner of speech becomes mean ingless In its relation to practical af fairs. No nation In the world's history ever learned to go alone through being carried whether or not against Its will by another. "Cast the handling on the rocks" said Emerson. And Emerson divined the way that eagles and na tions grew. Advertise your Wants In the Star. STEEL MAGNATE AT MONTE CARLO A cable to the Wot Id from Monte 'Carlo suys. Charles .M. Schwab, pres ident of the American billion dollar steel trust was Ill.OOn ahead of the I Rame In the Casino gambling-room at one time recently. At about the seme I time It became known that Lord Ron. an English Earl with a system for breaking the bank, was penniless at to loss or gain, has increased. A 'crowd that is six feet deep behind and around him presses down on him In moments when a large sttln is Rt stake awu" at eacn ttlrn of the wheel, whether hl' w, or loses, a loud "Oh!" is emlt- lcu- l nivoiiiiiiariiy, oy me v,,vu "u'i"K aruuiiu tne lauie. The -steel magnate while at his sensa- I tlOllal IllV with ennrmnns KqIim Ib j - ..... ......... n . i showing sreat outward calmness, lint , lle 18 evidently under tremendous strain R,lU excitement. He lias no system, ex- , cel't that he stakes the maximum al I lowed each time on numbers, selecting ! the figures on which to risk his monev i haphazard and without any relation to I any aoctrine of chance. anv aoctrine nr onanno llle correspondent for the tasked Schwab how long he Intended to o on In his struggle with the bank. ' 1 am not talking for publication." he replied. "If an.vtliinir is mcntlnn,.,i m the l'es about my playing here I shall never return to Monte Carlo." e, 18 annoyed to frenzy by system cranks, who .uisue him to the note! and everywhere begging him to try their schemes. MISS ROOSEVELT, WASHINGTON. .Tniinnrv in vi. has consented. It was stated today on ECod authority that .Miss Hooseveit will sail with the party of Embassador Rc.1(i on junt! 5- j,r cllolUe lms nl. 'wmiv hoo., ,T,,,,i,.,,...i ....... . .. ers In the world, she should be reeeived with most distinguished honors. Miss Roosevelt would be out of place as a - young inuy merely in the suit of Mr. iReld, special American Embassador. Those who know foreign customs say that Miss Roosevelt would rank with princesses of the blood, next to those In immediate succession to the throne. ' Princesses will wear golden coronets, but Miss Roosevelt's fair vounz head , 111 not be adorned by n golden circlet. l halls and strawberry leaves because her father's dltrnlty Is not heredity. Miss Roosevelt will be lodned at one of the royal palaces If she goes. Road Company is preparing to make some important changes In the line of railroad track between Knhulul and Wnlluku. At present the ftn'-p turn and the railroad crossing nt the beach Is ex Jremely dangerous on account of the sand dunes that shut out the npproach- Ing trains from the view of those np- proachlng the crossing with teams, es pecinny when the wind is mowing u . , . . i 'Pli i tio nir ii-lll It., m -i tI amtin Initio , 'J" . .. '" . I dreds of feet south of Its present loca- uu" so mill me point wiicro it crosaus the road, ns well, ns the npproachlng trains themselves, can be seen for quite a distance. On crossing the road, the track will skirt the pasture at greater distance from the public road. About a mile of new track will be laid, the mnterlal for which will arrive on the next Hyndes. Superintendent 171110,. utntoo Ihnt honvlnr tmnlf iwlll lm : laid In nil those places where the strain Is heaviest on account steep grades. of curves and ENORMOUS YIELD. HILO. February 6. On a knoll back I of the residence of J. F. Clay an acre Df cane was surveyed by S. G. Walker 1 ... ... .ii, mm tui 111 unit.-! Lim luiuiahu imp,, lb oe learned. It was placed on the scales and howed ninety-three tons which is enormous considering the fact that the loentlon was such tlmt heavv rnlns would hm-e a ten.ienev to wash nwnv ' .. .. . . . I tne III10.1OH son. rne averiiKes yteiu 01 Olaa will probably reach forty tonB of cane to the acre. DANGEROUS DELIGHTS. A New York physician has recently drawn attention to the danger of tuber culosis infection In childhood from visits to numagerics. These greatly loved visits of the little ones should, he thinks, give concern to sanitarians. To visit the monkey houses In the Zoological- Gardens and to' remain there ns long as nurses, time and temper will allow Is the delight of every child. Hut monkeys also, like the children of men, are prone to tubercle. The commotion, dust. Impure nlr of the average monkey house are certainly favorable to the dis semination of tubercle. OUR SOLDIERS ARE BRAVE. But a Frenchman Crltlclsos Them for Lack Discipline. American troops are declared to be among the best lighters In the world by a French officer recently returned from China. He criticises them, however, for their lack of discipline, lndonen- lt,nce and nonchalance. The officer, who Is contributing a series of articles to the Journal on the subject, asserts that the American privates conversed familiarly with their officers, criticising and ad vising, rarely nalutin and obeying only w,l,.e.n convinced of the practicability " mo iiiimimim. Moreover, he says, they stent where they pleased, "searching for comfortable quarters, instead of remaining grouped for rapid formation. The pickets often left their posts to seize hogs, chickens and vegetables In thoir neighborhood. "Once In action." he says, "their pluck, daring and bravery under fire were conspicuous among all the allied troops." He Insists, however, that their Independence and kick of discipline set a bad example to the European trobps, who never ceased commenting on the spectacle. RAISIN' GRAPES. California has over 167,000 acres in grapes. Advertise your Wants In the Star. THK WRATH Rtt Weather Htireau, Puliation, 1p.m. Wind Ugh) southwest to calm. Weitthi'i very clem. Will lie clear tills minimum temperature, M: mum temperature. 75; ka rri.. 30.01 fallliiK (correct for gravity), rainfall, 24 hours endloc a. m.. 0; dew Hlnt, ft a. m . r,H; humi dity. ! a. m.. to per rent. CURTIS J. LYONW. Observer. NRW YEARS ON MAUI. WA1LUKU. February S The CaMea celebrated their New Year this WNk In WHIIUHU Willi 11H IfBHHI soconipiiiiiffitnl of fire c rafkerai. lichee nuts and Stsun- BtlU. HONOLULU STOC KRXCIIANOK. Quotation. Pld. AafeMb C Brewer & Co $ fiW.Ov N. S. Sacks.... 186.' 0 L. B. Kerr (To 40.90 Hawaiian ArSttlYiirai ' ' ' Ma'aa VT 4 at m mm s a Hawaiian Wftr rr.OO Honomu 117.19 Haiku IK.99 Kahuku ,eo ...... inJe ,U.6 tetnntitiln i " 1M.M US . 6.60 tt.BO S4.00 7.7S 6.00 McBryde , S.M I nnnmsi Oahu 80.60 2S.G0 rinVoio ' - Im.a a..LL''Ul ookala n, ' PITT i' m IX up M' , PnV-IRn tfX'Xi : I ti n a'' sYn I w hm ai mm I tviJ,,v I ..Y".1UKU : W.W ! wniee k V n'A .'uu I il 1 "!T.f; ' 1W'W Hawaiian Ele'eVrlr o" Um 42' oft Hon. Rapid Transit SS.GO Mutual Telephone 8.60 Oahu Railway Stock 90.00 Hon. Rapid Transit 100.00 Hon. Rapid Transit Cs 100. 00 Oahu R. & L. Co Gs 104.00 Olhu C's lW.Ott AValalua Agri. Cs 101.09 NEW AHYKRT1SEMFNT; BY AUTHORITY NOTICE. The Bell Buoy marking Anchorage ground off Honolulu Harbor lu been temporarily replaced by n Can Buoy painted red. wMi a black disc on a white staff. 1 JAMBS II. TIOYB. Superintendent of Public Worka. SEALED TENDERS. Will be received at the office of tue Superintendent of Public Works on Thursday, February 13th, for tho sup plying of the Department of Public Works with Stcnm Coal. Specifications on flie In Office of Superintendent ot Public Works. The Superintendent does not bind himself to accept -the lowest or any bid. ' ' JAMES H. BOYD; Superintendent of Public Works-. SEALED TENDERS. Tenders will bo received by the Clerij of the Judiciary Department up to 12 o'clock noon, Atonday, February IT, 1902, for printing and blndi-ig Volume I t of Hawaiian Reports and publishing the decisions of the Supreme Court of; the Territory of Hawaii, In rtWordanes with the statement of particuln "s now on file in the office of said clerk. Honolulu, February 10, 1S02. MEETING NOTICE. Capt. Cook Lodge No. 313, Ordor Son's of St. George. The regular fortnightly muetinir of Sons of St. George will be held In tho St. Antonio Hall. Vinevaid Street, at 7.20 this evening. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS.. All visiting Brothers welcome. FRANCIS II. G. SEYMOUR, Secretary. Passciigor Notice. Notice Is hereby given that intending; passengers for R. M. S. Mlowera due to I sail for Vancouver on the 12th Inst., ana I for R. M. S. Moana due to sail for the- Colonles on the 15th Inst must apply for passage by the former boat not later thnn the 3d Inst and by the latter boat not latter than the tith Inst. THEO. H. DAVIES & CO, Agents Canadian Australian S. S. Co. News New goods in every Una have Just been opened by ua. Among them are some jvery handsome pieces of furniture. -V6f warrant our goods and will deliver them. Music Cabinets, Highly finished In either osk or mahogany, large variety of de signs and prices. China Closets The dining room Is hut poorly furnished without a China closet. They are a necessity for keeping the dainty ware safe and olsan. We have a new stock of hand so me oak closets at low nrtces also, a well selected stock of Oak Buffets, Everybody Invited to look about the store. PROGRESS BLOCK FORT STltKBT. 11 HIE Ni