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in fits HAWAIIAN WAA, wvommoat. rmmvAHr it. im. Tft Blue Book Thl limtk Ik how nut nd toll tt roar mi the want of MM f Ui wiii. It dow not IM MM WMta of nil the opie. hr kWfUH In Rl Katate and Mr iawMf rm mint still L. C. A13LBS, Keal ISitate Agent Ji.m A Mnptwr KnUlc . .fane .1 Pluntathm Draft Pa a Himni'Hu I'haritcr PV t Mfirsan Paf ft Miip !aav 7 K. o Hall Hon Pag.- Uwtrn A Cnolii', l.ld I'hW"- Ti fLEPHONC MAIN l P. O. BOX 248 Just Received XJBINX'M KKISeBRVK. SUCIt T1MH, PIMMAPPLK. CHMKKY, AF UCOT, RAPUMRRY AND STttAW BKRY. HRINZ'S SWMKT PICKLEB. XIBINK'S SOUR PICKLES. INDIA RHL1SH, WHITE ONIONS, aiow.cuoyv, ETC. Car. Ceretanla and Emma Sts. Telephone Blue 8812. telephone Main, 101 P. 0. Box 688 Harry Mtap, Stock and Bond Broker fMfter Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange Office, Campbell Block, Jerohant Street. 1 " Honolulu, T. H. N1NVS IK A NUTSILMLI. I'firmfMiphs Hive (JeMeRsed A'Bhs r the Jto). Ka I'liintnttnn draft No. 1351 ha Ih'Mi loot. Morgan will net I a home ami nhmaon (ii. Saturday. on Friday morning Morgan will wit fcrna and palms. The bark 9. ('. A. lien Ml Ik for Ban Francisco Friday. Swell ttea for swell wearer at Iwa knml , Co. Hotel street. List of officers for the James A. Hop per instate appears In tills Issue. Honolulu Chanter will meet to-night for work In Pant Master degree. ash weunesuay services at tne lanis- eopal and Catholic churches today, were wen attended. Holm A Co. have a beautiful new line of dining room furniture and rug. See ac vertisement. Mrs. Mary Gunn's cotillon at Pro gress Hall last evening was a thorough and enjoyable success. The transport Thomas did not sail for Guam and Manila yesterday until 7 p. ni.. being delayed In receiving con'. J. A. Thompson was elected first lieu tenant and J. K. Nakulna second lieu tenant of Company II. N. O. H., last night. fhe annual meeting of the Stockhold ers of Lewers & Cooke Ltd., will be held Thursday, February 20 at the Dank of Hawaii. William T. Rawlins sailed by the So noma to marry Miss Jane S. Somers of Bridgeport, Conn., whom he met whll attending college. E. O. Hall & Son have built up an ox tensive business putting on Satimei- carrlage tires, due to excellent work manship and moderate prices. An ulua weighing twenty-four pounds and measuring nearly three feet in length was caught off the Irmgard wnarf yesterday by a Portuguese. N. II. Trombley, formerly ttme-keep- nr In the United States Quartermaster's Department, leaves by the Mlowera for Seattle to report for service to Major W. W. Robinson there. Valentine history, legend and folk lore was the subject at the meetltur of the Hawaiian Woman's Club held yes terday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Walter F. Frear A cockatoo and cage sold for $3 in Morgan's auction room this morning. The cockatoo never said a word about the price. He couldn't talk; which was the reason he brought so little in com parison with the price pnld for the late James Dodd's narrot which brought $85. PAN MAKES TROUBLE M'KEE, THE CONTRACTOR OOKS AHEAD. HOWEVER. Builds a Road Through Land Lately Purchased by Pain to Block Trolley-Line. ilLOUK-WKRNICKE I: OK CASE AND OFFICE FN ITS ARE FITTED WITH ROLLER IJIK'U UET1RING FEATl'RE. Al'TOM AT1C ANTI-FRICTION AND BALL BEARING. THE SIMPLEST MOST SUBSTAN TIAL DEVICE YET 1'ltO- in 'WD. OFFICE DEVICES, DOCU MENT FILES, PIGEON HOLE (FILES, LETTER FILES, LEGAL BLANK UNITS, TRANSFER CASES. i UU.LL LINE OF OFFICE DKV;.T,:; IN the Unit system Contractor McKee has cut a road through Manager Pain's newly-acquir- eo niarKet garden and erected a fence on both .sides of the, road, so that Man age r Pain has now two kitchen gardens and the way for the trolley cars is be Ing made ready for the laying of the mils. The situation looks as if it were Im kly to culminate In a repetition of tin- time when the Rapid .Transit rails ere being laid on King street and Pain stood In the middle of the track il lying the rival company, while the ci voiles worked around him with their 1H ks and shovels and left him standing on n little Island of dirt. j Last Sunday morning Pain went out to the McCully street extension through 'which the Rapid Transit is to pass, and aftei much dickering with the China succeeded in acquiring the leuse of ,i strip of land which ran completely ,u rusa the proposed route. It was sup posed that the leases had all been ut ranged for by the trolley company, but Pi-in managed to find a loophole, pay ,"u. It is said, six thousand dollars for tin- lease. On Monday he sprung his none on the Transit people and today ihcv have taken action by cutting their road through as If nothing had oc curred. The Rapid Transit people, by virtue in' their charter, can have the lsnd con .!( mned and it Is thought that the fact m' Pain having so obviously bought the k ase with the object of obstructing the ( (instruction of a road which has been granted a franchise as a public benefit. Mill not mnke the price under condem 1 n.ition any larger. j II is considered by the Rapid Tran sit people that Pain's intention tlrtt and last in acquiring the lease was In spired by a motive of revenge rather I Hi. in the idea of making any profit by the deal. It is .not thought likely that h will build a barrier across the road or make any physical resistance, but w'll content himself by obtaining an in junction in the courts and tying up the running of the road until the mat ter is threshed out legally and the land tl.uilly taken under condemnation pro- feedings. In the meantime Pain will content himself by seeing the right of way tied up and his rivals discomfited foi a month or so, unless the other side I can also enjoin and proceed with the work. The contrnctor will lose no time in going ahead with the road and double work will be done until they are stepped. '""VOTIST STOWAWAY, i). cowan, who has had some locaj debrity as a hypnotist, and who has of late been acting as typewriter! iimenuensis and secretary for Ernest Hogan, is said to have stowed away on the Sonoma, aided and abetted, as it 13 supposed, by his colored friends of the Hogan company. Cowan posed as a man of medical knowledge, and oxporl niented on Hogan when the latter sui fered ptomaine poisoning a few weoks ago. For this he was taken into cus tody by the police for practicing medi cine without a license. But ho was af terwards released. Pi LIMITED CORNER UNION AND HOTEL STREETS NOT FOR LADIES. Judge Humphreys changed his clerk and stenographer yesterday, having Col. Jones as reporter and Thompson ai, clerk, during the .hearing of Paluu Mallna's suit against the Everett es tate. Some of the testimony was not thought lit for ladles' ears. POLICY EXEMPT. In the bankruptcy case of Olaf Oms tead Judge Estee this morning made nn order, at tho request of the 'bankrupt, declaring nn insurance policy by urns, tuad. of which his wife is tho benefi ciary, tho property of the wile and not (ii Lilt; iftumi uiii, caitiit;. ' Advertise yotfr Wants In the Star. JAS. V. MORGAN, Auctioneer and Broker 65 Qumii Street JL0. Jlox mi Telephone 7 ON THURSDAY, FEB. 1,3 AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, At my salesroom, 63 Queen street, I will sell at Public Auction for account of whom it mav concern 300 cases, more or less, of Harzer Sauerbrunnen, dam aged on voyage of Importation from Bremen. JAS, F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. AUCTION SALE OF JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. AUCTION SALE OF Choice Ferns and Palms. ON FRIDAY, FED VI, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., At mv filfstrnnmfl CTi Huonn utroof T Will Kfill nt mi til I P. miP.tlnn n faw rtlinl'na Ferns, Palms, and Plants of many va- JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. JAS. F..M0BGAF Auctioneer and Broker, 65 Queen Street, V. 0. Box 591 Telephone 73 GAMES See our window dlstilav. Ws arfl Showing some new novelties guaranteed to illeflffe the old as well as the J'OUilg. TOY DEPARTMENT. WALL, NICHOLS CO,, LTD, (Open all the Year.) IM IGOR ITALITY The Result of Using Royal i Malt Extract This tonic beverage Is without equal as a strengthener, It tones up the whole system. Brain and body are both stimulated and strengthened and the debilitating effects of this climate are overcome. Vim vigor and vitality follow In tho wake of "ROYAL MALT EXTRACT that peerless tonic. Be sure and get the-. genuine, don't waste time or money on worthless Imi tations. A Great Oriental Rugs A large Importer has consigned to us, a quantity of rich' Oriental Hugs, with, instructions to sell them at Eastern, prices. , In compliance, we shall on Monday, , February 10th and during the Week following, offer the people of Honolulu an opportunity to purchase rare and beautiful rugs at Prices as low as could br secured by going to New York. Those familiar with fine rugs will recognize the India, Cashmere, Fereg lian, ICerman, Guendjls, Karabagh, Daghestan, Kheva and Bokhara as high class goods. The sizes are: 16x10, 12x9, 12x3, 11x8, 10x7, 10x5, 0X6, SxB, 7x1, 6x3, 3x1 and 4x3. There are also about 30 samples of 2Gx63 Inch American made Smyrna and Moquette rugs, which will be included In the sale at very low prices. WE INYITE INSPECTION ON SATURDAY, iFEB 15, j AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. At my salesroom, CD Queen street, 1 will sell at public auction a, very su perior Horse, Phaeton and Harness, com plete. Phaeton is rubber-tired and nearly new. Horse is sound, gentle and well brok en. Altogether, outfit is a handsome one. 25c. per bottle $2.50 per dozen. & CJNG. Sole Agents Just Received A LARGE LINE OF HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND CUTLERY. WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT VERY SMALL PROFIT. GIVE US A CALL. HONOLULU HARDWARE GO. LTD P. O. Box COP. 39 N. King St. Tel. Main 393. Whitney & Marsh, Ltd New . . Restaurant The Harbor Restaurant, Fort Street, opposite Allen & Robinson's Lumber yard is now open for business. P. O. Box 903. Tel. Ilaln 3351. K. ODO, 35 Hotel Street IMPORTER OF Japanese Provisions AND General Merchandise PLANTATION SUPPLIES. xx::-:-k-k::-:-x-: "X-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-w-x-x-x T Y V y y v y y y y y x y y y y ,y y y y y r y y y y y y y x y y y I y y T T -Y y 2 y c y ,y y y y y y y Y y y y y y College Hills Land For Sale Have you 11000 saved up? If so do not Invest in stocks, but put the money Into a home for yourself in the most desirable locality near Ho nolulu and save money by so doing. Cost of a lot 100x150 at College Hills J1.206' Cost of Cottage and Outbuilding ,. 2,300 Total Cost ,. ...k, 3,500 Apply money In hand '" 1i009 Negotiate a loan 7 for .., '.,,, J2.500 Interest one year' on $2500. 1 175 Taxes on $3,500 1 35 Insurance on house $2000, 3 years $30, 1 year , 10 Incidentals ,,, 20 Totai annual expense jt 240 Making your monthly rental $20 Instead of $10 you are now paying. Apply your saving In rent in reducing your debt and with other sav ings you will soon have your home free of debt. v Healthy Location; Rapid Transit by Your Doors Fine Water Supply, Altogether a Delightful , Spot for a Happy Home For particulars apply at ofllce of the Trustees of the Oahu College, 404 Judd Buliaing to P. C. Jones or Jonathan Shaw,' i; K. FUKURODA, 1274 STAR BLOCK, FORT STREET. 1 nerchant Tailor Cleaning and Dyeing ot Clothes All Orders Promtply Attended To Lin Sing Kee, TINSMITH. Does Sanitary Plumbing Nuuanu Street, Opposite Emma Hall. ust Raceivec SILK GOODS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, COTTON A-D SILK CREPE, . i CHINAWARE, MATTING. BEAD STRINGS AND Japanese Provision AND Branch Store SAYEGUSA, liao NUUANU STREET. ' TELEPHONE WHITE 8371. ... tr. .Jsac-- HL - MLlil