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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
i jlK HAWAIIAK STAR, tfKIDAY, MARCH 7, lm The Blue Book Thin book Is now out and Mi it may 1111 the wants of nim of the people. It ddea not Ml the wants of all the ixople. I'm brralns In Heal Estate and toJr dealing you must still see L. 0. ABLES, Heal Estate Agent "TELEPHONE MAIN 130 P. O. BOX 243 Metropolitan Heat Go II KING STREET. Wholesale & Retail Butchers JJD m CONTRACTOR?, ?. WALtiBR. t t : Ha&ager. OiV HAND THE KlLil Mil MM: HAWAIIAN AGRICULTURAL CO.. SWA, OAHU, W AIAL.UA, KAHUKU, 2MQNKER MILL. HAIKU, PAIA, KO XOA, McBRYDE, HAWAIIAN SU AK, KBKAIIA. lirj Mtap, Stock and .Bond Broker infer Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange Office, Campbell Block, Merchant Street. Honolulu, T. H. telephone Main, 101 P. O. Box G83 FRESH NEW 1902 INfc ranis Goods UK! Ml Hill B JUST UNPACKED, 1902 PIM CAMPBELL AND OTHER RACKETS AND SUNDRI88. 'ffUm- Ball outfits , Heroule Clubs and a nice "line of new Athletic Goods, Just lielng open ed.. LIMITED CORNER UNION AfrfD HOTEL STREETS 1V13W AIJVlSltTISU.tiUNTS. Hawaiian Lodge Meeting Page 5 Kohala Meeting Notice Page 6 J Hiiies A. Hopper Company I'age i Notice Page 5 Coyne furniture Co I'age 3 The Kash Page 1 Kona Coffee Store Page 5 Honolulu Brewery Page i II. May & Co I'age 6 Pioneer Mill Page 5 I'nrngi-Hiihs Thai tilvo Condensed i'icws of llio Day. Prlmo Lager means health. Mrs. Eugene Kield is a guest at tll Moana Hotel. Kohala's adjourned annual meeting ill be held on Starch 18 A. Dlom aild family leave by the China on April 8 for the coast. J. S. Martin received word yesterday of the death of his aged mother. A special meeting of the Pioneer Mill Company will be held on the 18th Inst. H. May & Company advertise many dainty things In the line of biscuits and cookies. Iron beds are being sold below cost at Coyne Furniture Co. Prices will as tonish you. Pish Inspector Louis Berndt has re covered from a severe cold and is at his olllce again. Addison Mlzner sailed by the Ventura yesterday .after several months spent (ln the islands. I There will be meeting of the Catho lic Aid Society at the convent this after noon at 3 o'clock. Kamehameha Alumni Association will hold its monthly meeting at the club house this ovening. For Island Jams and Jellies go to the Kona orphanage Coffee Store, 165 King street. Phone blue 1621. The annual meeting of the Hawaiian Jockey Club will be held at the Ha waiian Hotel next Monday. Soldiers from the transport Warren will give a minstrel entertainment at the Orpheum tomorrow night. An umbrella In the hand is worth two at home in this kind of weather. Kash Clothing Co., have a full as sortment. The regular weekly rehearsal of the Philharmonic Society of Honolulu will be held Friday evening o'clock, March 7, in Pauahl Hall. Army olllcers from the transport Warren entertained 11 inolulu friends at a reception and dance rl Progress Hail last evening. ' Yesterday's "Twenty Minute Talk" at the Y. W. C. A. at 6 o'clock was given ! by John Waldron. Ilia tubject was the "Life and Work of Jonn Brown." Governor and Mrs. Dole will occupy i one of the boxes at Madame Genevra ! Johnstone Bishop's concei t next Mon day evening at the Opera House. I Mrs. C. F. Gunther, wife of the cele I brated Chicago candy nicker and owner of the most valuable collection of Civil War relics In the 'world, is a guest at the Moana Hotel. Arion society yesterday elected olll cers as follows: President. H. Mehrs, vice-president. B. Qebauer: secretary, C. Schoellkopp: treasurer, Fred Klein; librarian. C. Harbarth. William L. Hopper was elected presi dent, Ellen L. Hopper vice-president, L. Wells Peterson, treasurer, Wllliard E. Brown secretary and auditor of James A. Hopper Company. Ltd. Lieut. Gwynne It. Hancock stationed at Camp McKinley hus received orders transferring him to Nashville. Tenn. on recruiting duty. He will sail for the coast on the Alameda. March 19. The 1002 club last evening elected the fallowing officers: A. E. Jacobsen, presi dent: Fred Noyes, secretary; Mrs. Lun ing. Carl Taylor and A. F. Lynch, board of dliect'irs. The club will give a mas querade ball March 13. Next Sunday morning rtev. William Moirls Klnraid at Central Uni n Churcn will begin a course of practical sermons which he hopes will prove educational and helpful on "The Foundation Stones of !i WorkiiiR Fuith." KONA YET UNSETTLED The mutter of the dismissal of the receivership of Kona plantation seems to be received by the principal stock holders with but little interest beyond the query as to whether the plantation will be able to afford the fees for the receiver and his attorney. Absolutely nothing Is said as to what is In view for the "immediate action of the plantation. The agents merely .state that the plantation once more Is in the hands of the Kona Sugar Com pany and Is open to any relief that may be practically offered to them. Busi ness men generally state that the pres ent conditions of contracts with the planters are the only barriers to the money being forthcoming to straighten up affairs, but that under existing cir cumstances there seems to bo no chance of taking up the matter with profit. No concerted action of those interested will be determined upon un- till the court has Anally closed up tne , receivership this afternoon. VESSELS MAKE PORT. The bark R. P. Rlthet, Captain Mc Phall and schooner Rosamond, Captain Johnson, arrived from San Francisco this morning after very rough pas sages. The Rlthet was out 33 days and the Rosamond 22 days. Minor damage was done both vessels by the heavy seas. They had head winds until with in a few days of Oahu when the trades bowled them along at the rate of 230 to 300 miles a day. TO BE SOLD (Continued from page one.) E. c. Grunwell, Ozakl, II. Hackfold & Company. L. M. Whltehouse, the Ka plolanl Estate, Albert Horner, Mrs. Eliza Roy, W. H. Johnson, John P. Johnson, Mrs. Hannah Paris, W. H. Shipman, John D. Paris and Henry Wlllgeroth, all of them defendants or creditors. POLO GAME NOT POSTPONED. The polo game for the benefit of th McKinley Memorial Committee will be played on the fifteenth as formerly fixed Ads upder "Situations Wanted," In serted (ree of charge In the Star. HANI LA CIGARS OF ALL BRANDS AT POPULAR PRICES. ' Formerly 25cClgar, now IGc. Formerly lRc Cigar, now 10c. High Life. 4 for 25c; and still lower vln buying a box. Londres, 5 for 2Bo; and still lower when buying a box. AT Hawaiian, -Tobaoa Cr , T,td. Cor. Nuuanu and Merchants Sta. KONA JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctioneer and Broker 65 Queen Street P.O. Box 5941 Telephone 72 ON SATURDAY, MR 8, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. , At my salesroom 03 Queen street, I will sell ut public auction One Fine largo driving Horse suitable for a fam ily surrey or an express. One extra' fine family driving horse complete with harness and rubber tired phaeton. JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER ON SATURDAY, MARCH 8, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, AT THE BOAT LANDING .NEAR foot of Nuuanu street, I will sell at public auction one large eight-paddle Hawaiian Canoe, and three Canoes of four to six paddles each. All Canoes are In perfect order, and complete with paaaies ana outriggers. JAS. F. MORGAN. AUCTIONEER ON SATURDAY, MAR. 8, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, At my salesroom, 65 Queen street, I will sell at public auction, One pair large Dray or Express Horses. One pair large Mules. All broken to double harness. JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTION EEK. JAS. J, H0EGAN- Auctioneer and Broker, 65 Quoen Street, 1'. 0. Box 59 i Telenlione 71 THE HAWAIIAN SOUVENIR PLAYINd CARDS HAVE ARRIVED THEY ARE BEAUTIES. APPROPRIATE AS PRIZES FOR CARD GAMES. SUIT ABLE AS GIFTS TO FRIENDS AND RELATIVES IN DISTANT PARTS. Each puck contains fifty-three half lone engravings of the choicest views of Honolulu, IIllo and the principal points of Interest in the Islands. Back design of Kamehameha Statue in col ors. Edges In Gold. Double enamel surface, of the very best finish. Large indexes make them suitable for all card games. Telescope cases stamped in Gold. These cards are manufactur ed by the United States Playing Card Co. who have spared no pains in mak ing them the finest scenic pack of cards ever published. RETAIL PRICE $1.00 PER PACK. Published and for sale by WALL, NICHOLS CO,, LTD, ' Honolulu and IIllo, H. T. THE BEST Family ,,Cough Remedy Every day we are asked by custom ers what Cough Remedy is best to take. Now. we want to sell you iust what you want to buy. We also want; to sell you what you will be satisfied with, so that you will buy It of us again. It would Ijo short-sighted and foolish for us to advise you to take one cough remedy in preference to others If that ono had not proven itself to be trust worthy and satisfactory. Therefore, when we tell you that we consider Putnam's SryCoU8h the best family cough remedy, we do so advisedly. Wo know that it will stand the test. SORETHROAT Is a thing that easily runs Into Bron chitis and Tonsillitis, If It is not taken care of. It Is due to Inflammation of the mucous lining of the throat and larynx. If this inflammation is not checked, it can do three things. It can attack the tonsils, whereupon It is call ed "Tonsillitis." It can attack the bronchial tubes, whereupon it Is called "Bronchitis" If Inside the tubes and "Asthma" or "Catarrhal Asthma" if outside the tubes. Or It can work down Into the lungs and give you a con sumption "scare" (which may turn out to be real consumption). Putnam's SSr?0"8 draws out the inflammation in Sore- throat. Hoarseness and early stages of Tonsillitis and Bronchitis. It Is quick, gentle, thorough and entirely natural. Two Sizes, 20 and SO Cents, & fCNG. Sole Agents' ills. J MAEBUCHI Clothes dyed in all Colors' desired also Cleaned and Repaired. Men's Suit a Specialty Only experienced Help employed GIVE US A CALL 308 Queen Street, near Richard. I College Hills Land For Sale Have you $1000 saved up? If so do not Invest In stocks, but put the money into a home for yourself In the most desirable locality near Ho nolulu and save money by so doing. Cost of a lot 100x150 at College Hills $1,200 Cost of Cottage and Outbuilding 2,300 Total Cost 3,500 Apply money in hand 1,000 Negotiate a loan 1 for ..$2,500 Interest one year on $2500 1 175 Taxes on $3,500 1 36 Insurance on house $2000, 3 years $30, lyear.., 10 Incidentals 3 30 Total annual expense $ 340 Making your monthly rental $30 Instead of $10 you are now paying, Apply your saving In rent In reduolng your debt and with other sav ings you will soon have your home free of debt. Healthy Location; Rapid Transit by Your Door; Fine Water Supply4,' Altogether a Delightful ot for a Happy Home For particulars apply at offlo j 404 Judd Building to I. 0. lonm '-H,3"H"H''j'lMl'H SHIRT Another Week of Shirt Waists Whitney & H. W. BARTH, Successor to W. H. Barth and H. W. Barth. Honolnln Sheet Met laud Cornice Worfcs Galvanized Iron Skylights and Ven tilators Metal Roofing. Conductor Pipe and uutter Work Jobbing Promptly attended to. Richard Street Between Queen and Merchant Streets. Honolulu. P. O. Box 903. Tel. Main 3351. Ml. ODO, 35 Hotel Street IMPORTER OF Japanese Provisions AND General Merchandise PLANTATION SUPPLIES. Advertise your Wants in the Star. X f V T V T V I X ot the TrueteM of the Oahu OolIe, T or Jonathan jfhaw. WAISTS Marsh, Ltd Jt K. FUKURODA, 1274 STAR BLOCK. FORT STREET. Herchant Tailor Cleaning and Dyeing ot Clothes AII,Ordors Promtply Attended To Lin Sing Kee, TINSMITH. Does Sanitary Plunging Nuuanu Street, Opposite Emma Hall. ust deceived SILK GOODS, .J SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, COTTON A-(D 1 SILK CREPE, f ; CHINAWARE, MATTING, BEAD STRINGS AND Japanese Provision AND Branch Store SAYEGUSA, 1120 NUUANU STREET. .t XEPIIONE WHITE $871, .1 ( 1 nil EST