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. TT f mii m .mmmammmmmmmmmm i in inn ii in i i ii 111 1 1 ii -mmammE'mim m ,Si, it.v.'.llAJ TAK, WflbNHfcDAY, JANUARY 47,1904. so Special Sale of Corsets and Corset Waists Three Days Only Monday, Tuesday And Wednesday . OUR ENTIRE LINE OF THE CELE BRATED R. & Q. CORSETS AND FERRIS noon. SENSF? WAIST. AT innENSE REDUCTIONS Regular 75c. R. & G: Corsets at ; '.50c. Regular $1.00 R. & G. Corsets at 75c. Regular $1.25 R. & G. Corsets at . 95c. Regular 75c. R. & G. Summer Corsets' at ". 50c. Regular $2.25 R. & G. Corset (broken sizes) at $1.50. Regular $3.00 R. & G. Corset (broken sizes) at $1.95. Balance of our G. D. and P. D. Corsets $1.25 and $2.00 quali ties, odd sizes, at 50c. pair. Children's Ferris Good-Sense Waists, shirred fronts, sizes i to 14 years. Sale price, 40c. ' Regular $1.00 Misses Ferris Waists, 75'c. ;Ladies Equipoise Ferris Waists, regular $2.50 quality at ilSIB OH OK SO, "i.. Camara & Co. IIQUOR DEALERS Corner Merchant, and Alakea Streets. I de Turk Wines, White Seal Champagne, qts. and pts., European Wines and Brandies, Bulldog Brand Stout and Ale, A. B. C, Budweiser, Pacific, Rainier and Primo Beers, In qts. and pts. Telephone Main 492. BEFORE DOLE (Continued from Page 1.) same as were filed In the supreme court here, and the testimony will be very largely the same. In the meantime Davis has filed an other petition In the supreme court, for a rehearing. It may have the effect of staying a mandate from the court, pro- .tcun"i V Our rule Is to treat all patrons alike giving the small customer and the large the same courteous service. If you want a 50c safe deposit box, or a large or small insurance policy, or a surety bond, of any sort or slze( we'll serve you gladly. Henry "Waterhouse Trust Com pany, Ltd., corner Fort t ! ! . V-' ,and Merchant Sts. HAWAIIAN OPERA HOUSE. Thursday and Saturday Ev'ings Jan. 2& and. 30, 1904, .t 8 o'clock sharp. The Grand. Opera "CARMEN BY Georges Blet CAST: Don Jose... Robert White Escamlllo Lot Kaulukou Dancalre Guy Livingston Remendado Raymond Brown Zunlga.... W. D. Adams Llllas Pastla Arthur Mackintosh Mlcaela Alice Campbell Frasqulta Stella Love Mercedes Mrs. Philip Frear CARMEN U....ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER Orchestra under the direction of W. F. Jocher. Stage Manager W. D. Adams. Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c. and 50c. Doors open at 7:30. Opera begins at 8 sharp. Here are the latest creations in a Tropical Hat. LIGHT, COOL, AIRY. Weighs only 3 ounces. The No-It-At-Imi In all of the popular shapes. Come and have a look at them. Price $1.00. LEVINGSTON'S ' ? J IT. V P. O. Box 664. hiblting him from practicing In the Territorial courts. In the event of Davis being acquitted of any dishonor able practices by Judge Dole he would still be unable to practice, except In the federal court, unless the Territorial court Is willing to take up the matter again. An interesting situation will develop If Judge Dole should vindicate Davis. The latter's fight and appeals at "Wash ington would be renewed and the De partment of Justice, would be up against a peculiar conflict of opinions between the fedora, and territorial courts of Hawaii. There Is no legal way, It Is stated, In which the Depart ment can Interfere rjth a aeclglo by cimer i-oun, due me situation migm have an effect on the. question of ap pointments. .' Davis' petition for a rehearing, filed this morning, contains a lengthy re view of the case, covering many of the points set forth in the various peti tions he "has filed before. It Is under stood that the filing of such a peti tion acts as a stay of the order of disbarment, as was decided by the circuit Judges when the last petition for a rehearing was filed. In his new petition Davis says that he showed to Chief Justice Frear and Associate Justice Galbralth, the trust deed of John K. Sumner to Wally Da vis. This was a deed drawn by Ma goon, says avis, and conveying In trust the $48,025 secured by John K. Sumner from Bishop Ropert Attorney Davis says that he told Wally to re pudiate it. The. attorney showed the document to the chief Justice, who said that Davis" conduct regarding the deed had been all right. vxalbralth was shown the deed and expressed the same opinion. Davis' petition says that Frear is a material witness to show these facts. B. F. Dillingham is another material witness in the case, says the petition, to show that the jand for which he paid Sumner $110,000 Is worth fully that sum and move, by way of "disposing of the charge that Davis- ' "practically blackmailed" the Oahu Railway-Com pany out of an extra $10,000. ' '' ' These witnesses will be smmnojielnj the hearing before Judge- Dole", It" is stated. In addition to representing himself, Davis will prdbably have other counsel, and there is to be a battle royal over the issues involved In the handling of old John.K. Sumner's af fairs. John K. Sumner Is In Honolulu. He Is hale and hearty and will probably be as lively a witness as ever. The old capitalist will be one of the Important witnesses at the trial. ARRIVING. Wednesday, January 27. S. S, Sonoma, Herrlman, from San Francisco at 11 a. m. DEPARTING. Wednesday, January 27. S. S. Sonoma, Herrlman, for Pago FIBKE PANAMAS 1PPI1 1H1H Pago, Auckland and Sydney, at mid night. PASSENGERS. Arriving. Per S. S. Sonoma, .J.uiuary 27, frohi San Francisco, for Honolulu: Mrs. J. Berry, Miss Claire Berry, Miss Psyche Berry, George Bucklln and servant, Mrs. C. T. Cachot, J. S. Carson, Mrs. W. E. Clark, W. A. Cowley, Dr. R. H. Davis, W. B. Ferguson, Mrs. Ferguson, Archie L. Gage, Rev. J. J. Garland, Dr. N. A. Goodwin, G. A. itageman, R. C. Hlllen, F. F. Hobbs, II. J. Johnston, O. C. Lewis, B. T. McCullough, E. J. McLaughlin, F. II. Moore, R. W. Os born, Mrs. Osborn, Mrs. K. C. Palmer, Mrs. C. C. Perkins, Mrs. Rand and child, Mrs. G. B, Robeitson, M. Rosen berg, Mrs. Rosenberg, II. A. Russell, Miss M. Ryan, P. Schneider, Mrs. E. Shearer, Miss Sherfy, F. M. Smith, Mrs. J. L. Stack, Miss Taft, Mrs. D. B. Worthlngton, Master Worthington, D. H. Bibb, Jr., M. A. Cornwall, Miss E. B. Fish, Mrs. E. Haas, Miss Bessie Hnynee, Miss Hornshuh, Miss E. B. Kellogg, E. Kennedy, F. Larsen, Miss A. McClelland, R, McClaughan, Tim Murphy, Mrs. E. M. Nagle, Miss M. Nlelson, Lieut. H. Obersole, Capt. N. E. Smith, A, B. Stahl, Miss E. M. Tay lor. For Pago Pago: A. Todd Felix, Miss Helen Mead, W. S. Reddlngton. - For Auckland: G. H. Lambson, F. Whitehead, Mrs. R. Hewitt, E. J. Low ry, A. P. Rasmussen, Mrs. Rasmussen, F. W. Rowley, Miss E. A. S. Smith, Mrs. M. White and two children. For Sydney: F. Boyllng, Mrs. C. Brodie, J. J. Kelley, Rev. M. Potter, D. Stanger, W. J. Stelle, William Stone, Mrs. Stone, Miss Sarah Stone, E.' Web ster, Mrs. Webster, C. C. Blackburn, C. F. Blandln. Mrs. I. P. Coglll. Rev. John Alexander powle, W. J. C. Elliott, J. S Excell,' William Franzen, Miss R. Livingston, A. W. Newcomb, W. A,, Pealrs, Mrs. Pealrs and child, C. A. Peer, Mrs, Ada- Rosenthal, Miss Saw ers, George W. Sill, Mrs. M. Singleton and child, C. T. Stein, C. Carlisle Tay lor, Mrs. Taylor,- Earnest Williams, Marcus Wlsd. AGAINST HER DAUGHTER. Mrs. Paahao took the stand this morning to testify against her daughter Mrs. Malle Kamalu, in the ejectment suit, of Bishop Libert against the lat ter. The suit Is for 85-100 of an acre of land at the site of the Catholic church In Kallhlwai, which Is occu pied and claimed by Mrs. Kamalu, but to which the church claims title. Fathers Valentin and Mathlas were In court as representing the bishop, whose counsel Is T. McCants Stewart, while W., T. Rawlins appeared for the de fendant. The suit was4begun by the late Bishop. Ropert. David Dayton gave testimony to the effect that he paid taxes on the land, for the church, and then the defend ant's mother was called to testify for the plaintiff. She declared that she had known the property since 1859, when she and her late husband acted as sex tons of the church. Her daughter, the defendant, was born on the spot and had lived there all her life. Accord ing to the plaintiffs this Is the expla nation of her' occupying1 the place. Mrs". Kamalu did much smiling while her mother was testifying- against her. ; The morning session of court ended with a row between counsel, which was the last of numerous verbal bouts. Judge Gear said that both had better come with money in their pockets this afternoon, as he vouId impose fines if there was any more of It. As the jurors left the court room Rawlins remarked that he could stand a lot and ahvays carried on gentleman ly practice, but that if he was riled too much there would be something doing. Stewart said that the motto of Vir ginia, where he first saw the light, was "Don't Tread on Me." There was no bloodshed and the lawyers passed com pllments and separated, to resume the encounter this afternoon. In Judge De Bolt's court the Jurors were excused until Monday, no cases being ready. Eighteen cases were set down as to be called on 'Monday morn ing and the court will require them all to be ready, on penalty of dismissal. SONOMA MET " ; KILLS Hleavy seas, detained the S. S. Sonoma on her trip to this port from San Fran clscjo, She was not sighted until near ly -10;30 o'clock this morning and dook-ed-a few minutes before noon. The ves 861 left San Francisco on time the af ternoon of January 21. She met heavy westerly, northwesterly and southwest erly swells that kept her back. The weather however was pleasant. Noth ing but the S. S. Ventura was sighted during the trip. She was passed early this morning. The Sonoma brought 300 tons of freight for this port. She has a' good sized cargo of through, freight for the Colonies. The vessel brought slxtyrtwo passengers for Honolulu and has a number of people for through ports. The most Interesting personage aboard the vessel is Rev. John Alexander Dowle. In company with his party he Is going to Sydney. Oscar C. Lewis returned from an ex tended residence In San Francisco. Lewis expects to go Into the shipping business In this plaoe. He has been in politics In California during his resi dence In that city and Is a member of the Republican state central committee. IJe will reside In Honolulu for a time. He will see his former partner Frank Turk who is now ill1 from the effects of a bullet wound In the leg. Mrs. C. C. Perkins, wife of C. C. Per kins of the Union OH Company, return ed from an extended visit In Califor nia. M. Rosenberg and wife returned from a visit to San Francwco. H. J, Johnston, the customs broker, returned from San Fronolsco. He had expected: to. goi direct to New York In connection with the Jakl appeal cases now on trial there, but he received ad vices in San Francisco that It would not be necessary for him to make the trip to New York, go he returned to this place. Mrs. J. L. SUok and Miss Taft,- so ciety women of ChluAro. arrived fnr n iat in the Hawaiian Islands. .Vustrallan Tim Murnhv whn Id matched to fight Dave" Barry, arrival 6ii the Sonoma today. Miss Emma M. Taylor returned affer an extended vHlt to the. Coast. The Sonoma will' sail at li o'clock to night, midnight, for Pago Pago, Auck land and Sydney. TRAVELS IN THE CABIN "(Continued from Page 1.) bred American, and he discussed the trip with readiness and apparent since rity of belief In the religious end of It. "We shall not hold any meetings In Honolulu," he said In answer to a question, "and expect to leave this ev.enlng on the Sonoma. The general Purpose of the hip Is'fott.reSjreation arid ie.anu' to, noia meetings , in many df .the Places to bej-yllted." "Is It the Intention to establish branches In the colonies and other places?" the secretary was asked. "There are already branches," he re plied. "Meetings will be held In many places to be visited." This afternoon Dr. Dowle is taking a drive about Honolulu to see the city. As far as is known there are no Zion ists here and the doctor's visit Is not likely to leave any permanent traces. The San Francisco Bulletin of Jan uary 20, has the f5llowIng about Do wle: Hugh Craig. Insurance agent and exi-presldent of the- Chamber of Com merce appealed to the court this morn ing to recover $962.46 from Elijah II, as John Alexander Dowle styles him self. Mr. Craig In his petition claims that twelve years ago the ruler of Zlon borrowed $2,707.36 from him. All of It was returned except the amount sued for, and that Dowle refused to pay. Dowie has planned to sail hi wa " 1 round-the-world visitation -Whatever ,aatea lne ra oay oi iay, a. that might be on the steamer Sonoma, and recorded In the Registrars Ofllce, thnt leaves port tomorrow morning for ahu, n Liber 170, pages 2o9 and 260, Sydney. The prophet will have to fix ,ani1 sald A- B- lnEaI13 assigned to matters with the court before he will Fred WaIdvEel. assignment dated be able to go aboard the vessel. The the 6th dty ot June A- D- 1898' and rf prophet may be able to talk the tumor corded In said Registrars Office In off a Salvarion Army captain's back. ,Llber 179 n PnBe 466, and by said Fred but he will have to do more than talk , Waldvogel assigned to Charles S. Mar to avoid the clutch of a court receiver. ,"n by assignment dated the 6th day Twelve years is a long time to hold March- A- D- 1902 and recorded In a debt over a prophet or any other man 8ald Registrar's Ofllce In Liber 1.0 on for that matter. Mr. Oralg in his peti- PaKe 259- Not,ce ls hereby given that tlon saVs the money was loaned Dowie ,sald Assignee of Mortgagee Charles S. in while the self-styled Elijah .'Martin Intends to foreclose said mort was -preaching his strange doctrines in Gage for conditions broken, to-wlt; the California. That was In DeeemfW 1SS8. non-payment of principal and interest In the following month Dowie left the States, making it impossible to secure service of the court on him. - PORTO RICANS CONFESSING. The five Porto Rlcans who are now IncarcerateS" In' jail on suspicion of bejng .(concerned in various robberies have begun to admit their guilt. They. have admitted robbing a Jap on King street a native in Kakaako and Archie Smithies this month. This morning Cntalina Gonsalves was given 3 months in Jail by Judge Lindsay for receiving stolen .goods. The Porto RIcan was caught yesterday by Detective McDuf fle trying to dispose of the watch that hnd been stolen from Mr. Smithies. Sixty-three gamblers arrested yester day In a raid on Smith street, between Bereta'nla and Hotel streets were ar raignett' before Jndge Lindsay this .morrilng and their cases continued un it tomorrow. REPORT ON PUULOA. captain Williamson Is preparing a special report regarding the sites of .the proposed army fortifications at Puuloa and vicinity. The report is being prepared for General MacArthur who was In Honolulu last year. Ac companied hy Captain White of the -Naval Station Captain Williamson lslted Puuloa yesterday and looked over the sites. ;, When. General MacArthur was In Honolulu he did not And 'time In which to visit the fortification sites at Puu tfta He -went to Pearl Harbor on the U. S. S. ' Iroquois but did not stop ashore. He requested Captain WI1-, llamson to visit the place and prepare d rleport for him. This Is' whfft Cap tain Williamson is. now doing. Gen eral MqcArthur is strongly Impressed with the necessity ot making Pearl Harbor Impregnable. Captain Wil UamsOn',3 report may be used by Gen eral MacArthur In special reports or recommendations thut may be made. TAKE P000 TO THEIR MASTERS The Ja-panese women are taking food daily to- 'Jlatsuoka Bungl, Nakamura Juske and Shlgamatsu, members of the Ten Dollar club who were eentenced last week by Judge Dole and are now serving time In Oahu prison. They are wives and sisters of the prisoners, and want to assist them in bearing-up under the hardships of prison life. They called at Marshal Hendry's office this morning and wanted to know if they could call three times a day, with Japanese food. Hendry stated that he had no objection If Warden Henry had not, and the women were given a note to Henry, who allowed them to carry out the arrangement desired. Morning, noon and evening -one of the women calls at the Jail with spe cial food for tho three prisoners, pre pared at Japanese restaurants. The women 'take it In turns to make the call at Jail. ' In all the Jananesn ensaa tried in Mip federal court, the faithfulness of the Japanese women to their husbands or masters' has been a noticeable feature. The women stick to their lords through thick and thin. Miiri Kurihara took a three months' sentence for contempt rather than give testimony to assist in the conviction of Tereyanm. In many of the cases where men have been held in custody, the women have tried to secure liermlsnkm to see them and take them delicacies. AT ADMIRAL TERRY'S. There will be n musloule given at the residence of Admiral and Mrs. Terry, on Punahou, street, Thursday evening, February 4, for the benefit of St. Cle ment's church. Tickets may be had of the members of St. Clement's Woman's Guild, and others connected with St. Clement's church. Tickets are fifty cents. SEW ADVEUTIEJIK N TS WA1MANALO SUUAK CO. The stock ledger of the Walman&U Sugar Company will be closed to trans fers from January 2S to January 30, Inclusive. H. M. WHITNEY, JR., Secretary Walmanalo Sugar Co. NOTICE. At the annual meeting of the share holders of the Man Chang Company held on the 23th Inst., the following per sons were elected as officers for the ensuing yeari President and Manager Chang Bow Leong, Vice President.. ..Young Sack Nam Secretary Young Mook Executive Committee Ho Pol and Young Ping. MAN SANG CO., By Young Mook. Honolulu, Jan. 27, 1904. N ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE'S NO: TICE OF INTENTION TO FORE- ' CLOSE MORTGAGE AND OF SALE. in accordance with a power of sale contained In that ceiUain mortgage made by Emma Defrles and Henry De- fries, her husband, to A. B. Ingalls, . m r 4 T-v On1 when due, and upon said foreclosure sell at public auction at the auction room of James F. Morgan, Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, on Saturday the 20th day of January, A. D. 1904, at 12 o'clock m. of said day, the premises described In said mortgage as below specified, Further particulars can be had of William Savldge, attorney for assignee ' t ... .... n xt- in . , 1 . . l ... Honolulu. CHARLES S. MARTIN, Assignee of Mortgagee. 1. All those certain premises situate at Kau, Hawaii and covered by a cer tain deed recorded In Liber 159 on page 386, 'the same being a portion of R. P. (Gr.) 2760. 2. All of said mortgagor's right, title and Interest In and to those certain pieces or parcels of Jand situate at Kau aforesaid covered by a certain assign ment recorded In Liber 147 on page 313. Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27. ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE'S NO TICE OF INTENTION TO FORE CLOSE MORTGAGE AND OF SALE. In accordance with a power of sale contained In that certain mjortgage made by Emma Defrles and H. Defrles, her husband, to Fred Waldvoge, dated the 6th day of June A. D. 1898, and re corded In the Registrar's Office, Oahu In Liber 179, on pages 471 and 472, and by said Fred Waldvogel assigned to Charles S. Martin by assignment dated the 6th of March, A. D. 1902, and re corded in said Registrar's Office In Liber 179 on page 471, notice Is hereby given that said Assignee of mortgagee intends to foreclose ,eald mortgage for conditions broken, to-wit; the non-payment of principal and interest when due, and upon said foreclosure will sell at public auction, at the auction room of James F. Morgan, Kaahumanu. St. on Saturday, the 30th day of January, A. D. 1904, at 12 m. of said day, the pre mises and chattels described In said mortgage as be!ow specified. Further particulars can be had of William Savldge, attorney for assignee of mortgagee, No. 79 'Merchant street. CHARLES S. MARTIN, Assignee of Mortgagee. 1. All the right, title and Interest of said mortgagors in and to those certain premises t..vate at Kau, Hawaii, and covered by a certain deed In Uber 169, on page J86, the Bame being a portion of R'. P. (Gr.) 2760. 2. Alt the right, title and Interest of said mortgagors In and to those certain pieces or parcels of land situate at Kau aforesaid, the same being covered by a certain assignment recorded In Liber 147, on page 313. 3. All of aaid mortgagors right, title and interest In and to certain House hold Furniture contained in two rooms (Parlor and bedroom) of building on Punchbowl street, Hbnoluiu, to-wlt; One hedroom set of 5 pieces, as follows: One oak bedstead with spring mattross one oak bureau with mirror and marble top, one oak washstand with marble top ,2 upholstered oak chairs. Parlor set: One oak upholstered lounge and chairs to match and center table and easel. Jan. 6,1, to, X7. . NISW AliVhilllsKMIiNTS Stockholders Meeting-- The annual meeting of the HtocklraW ere of E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd., wlH ,be held at the ofllce. Hall llulldttiK. m Thursdny, February 4th, 1994, lit Ha. m. Election of otllcers to serve the bb sulng year will be held. , E. II. PARIS'. Secretary E. O. Hall & Sou. Ltd. ' January 27, 1904. Attention ! Company A !! Every member of this Company will assemble at the Drlllshed January 38, 1904, at 7:30 p. m. sharp, for Inspec tion and Drill. Uniform: Fatigue Cap, Blue Blouse White Trousers, Legglns, White Gloves. L. HKRNDT. Captain Company A. Meeting Notice. The-adjourned annual meeting ot the stockholders of the Pacific Guano & Fertilizer Company will be held at the ofilce of H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Hono lulu, on Wednesday, February 3d, 19M, at 10 o'clock a. m. F. KLAMP. Secretary. Nnliiku Sugar Co., Ltd NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice ls hereby given that In accord- . nnce with the terms of the agreement recently entered into ill stock Um.t Has been deposited will be paid for by the undersigned at their ofllce, Stnngenwald Building, Honolulu, on Friday, Janu ary 29th, 1904, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. ALEXANDER & BALDWIN, LTDL BY AUTHORITY $ SEALED TENDERS. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Superintendent of Public Works until 12 m. of Wednesday the 3rd, ot February 1901 for furnishing all ma terials and labor and construct a new roof for Central Fire Station. Specifications on file in office of En gineer, Department of Public Works. The Superintendent reserves the rbrhfc to reject any and all bids. Bids to be endorsed on envelope. "Proposal for New Roof, Central FIro Station." ' C. S. HOLLO WAY, Superintendent of Public Works. . January 26, 1904. .. SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE. - . ' 'U.f Under and by vlrtae of a curtain. Ex ecution issued out of the Vlrcult Court , of the First Circuit of the Territory ot Hawaii, on the 11th day of January, 1904, In tiie matter of J. J. Byrne, Plain tiff, vs. The Orpheum Company, Limit ed, a Hawaiian Corporation, Defendant I have, at Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, on this lath day i of January, A. D. ' 1904, levied upon,, and shall offer for sale and selL at. uul 11c auction, to' the highest bidder, a-' the Police Station, Kalakaua Hale, a said Honolulu, at 12 o'clock noon ot Tuesday, the 16th day of February, A. D. 1904, all the right, title and Interest of the said The Orpheum Company, Limited, a Hawaiian corporation, de fendant, 'in and to the following de scrlbed real property, unless the sum ot Three Hundred and Sixty and 93-100 Dollars, .that being the amount for which said execution Issued, together with interest, costs and my fee and ex penses are previously paid: All those certain premises on Fort street, Honolulu, above Beretanla street having a frontage of 120 feet on Fort . street, and containing an area of 38-100 acres, being portlou of Royal Patent 1741, Apana 2, to J. Pllkol, 'and convey ed to said Orpheum Co., Ltd., by Chas. Desky, January 1st, 1900, as o record Jn the Office of the Registrar of Convey ances Jn said Honolulu in Liber 203; Pago 82. The above described premises are un der mortgage to tho German Savings and Loan Society of San 'Francisco, dated February 4th, 1902, for $32,500, as of record In tho said Ofllce of the Reg istrar of Conveyances in Liber 232, Page 107. Dated at said Honolulu, this 15lh diy of January, A. D. 1904. A. M. BROWN, High Sheriff, Territory of Hawaii. SEALED TENDERS. Sealed Tenders will bo received until 13 M. of Wodnesday, February SnL, 1904, for furnishing Departmental sup piles for 5 months ending -June 30tta 1904. The Superintendent reserves the rJguI to reject any and all bids. j All tenders to be tn schedule blanks furnished by the Superintendent oi Public Works.' tJ C. S. HOLLOWAY, " Superintendent of Public Work?,, v Department of Public Works, January, 2ff 19$. 3ra '4 V.1 'Alt