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THE HAWIIIM STAR SECOND EDITION I I Classified Ads, Three Times, 25 Cents iVOL. XIII. HONOLULU, HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1905. No. 425$ If You want to day's .News, today you flnil ft lu THE STAIt WILL BRING REMAINS OHIO GOES f jjj P)js Tffc HHiilll 111 II DEMOCRATIC CABLE ADVICES RECEJVED THIS MORNING BY W. PFOTENHAUER "OF'iir'HACKFEIiD & CO. STATING THAT WIDOW ACCOMPANIED - .'T' IS ' . vBY- MR.- ANDMRS. C. M. COOKE WOULD START WITH REMAINS " """dV NOVEMBER 14 FOR SAN FRANCISCO. The remains of the late H. A. Isen berg will be brought to the Hawaiian Islands for Interment. News to this effect was received shortly before noon today by W. Pfotenhauer of H. Hack feld & Company. A cablegram was re ceived earlier during the day annonuc-' Ing that funeral services would be held In New York tomorrow at 2 p. m. and later In the forenoon came the an nouncement of the final disposition of the body. The second cablegram stated that Mrs. Isenberg, the widow of the de ceased accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. ircuit Judge Will Agree POLICY OF SUSTAINING ONE AN- OTHER'S iRULINGS ANNOUNCED iBY JUDGE ROBINSON. Judge Robinson laid down the rule yesterday that the three circuit judges should agree with one another's rul ings, so that the First Circuit Court will not' give conflicting decisions. The rule was laid own after a consultation with Judges De Bolt and Lindsay and was in the'case of the Territory against Shin Chew and others, charged with as sault with ai dangerous weapon with in tent to commit robbery. Judge Robin son concurred with Judge De Bolt's re cent decision, sustaining a demurrer to the indictment by Attorney Robertson, on the ground that the indictment stat ed that the true names of the defendant were to the grand jurors unknown. Judge Robinson had previously intimat ed that such a phrase did not render an indictment void, but De Bolt having ruled that it did, he ruled the same. This morning the judge repeated the ruling in the cases of Ah On and Ho Fat, indicted for perjury. "I think that the rulings of the circuit judges should be uniform, and that they should not review one another's decisions," said the judge, "and even though I may not be satisfied that the Indictment Is de fective, I shall follow the ruling already made by Judgo De Bolt." In the Ah On and Ho Fat cases there was another ground of demurrer, how ever. They were charged with perjury, for having sworn at the Inquest in the Waipahu riot case, that Officer Fer .nandez shot Chong Choy Fat. Humph reys nnd Chllllngworth filed a demurrer on the ground that tho indictment fail ed to set forth that the defendants knew at the time that their statements were false. WORTH READING. "Pam" by Bettlna von Hutton. The Purplo Parasol by Geo. Barr-McCut-cheon, at the book stare of Arlelgh & Go. Fine Job Printing, Star Office. Jhe Only Time Lock OUR SAFE DEPOSIT vault is tho only one In the Territory for public service which has the se curity of a time lock. When tho doors are closed at night It la Impossible for anyone to open them until tho ap pointed hour next morning. This is only one of the many special security features the renter of ono of our safe deposit boxes enjoys. TROSTCO. LTD Fort Street, Honolulu 11 m ran 11 1 (Associated Press Cable to The Star), num. mumi 11 1 iinp M. Cooke would leave New York for San Francisco on November 14 with the remains of the deceased and arrive In Honolulu the latter part of December. The party will probably take the S. S. Manchuria which will arrive In Hono lulu December 22. No arrangements about local memo rial services have been made and in view of the fact that the remains are to bo brought to Honolulu, it is likely that nothing will be done In this re spect until the funeral party reaches Honolulu next month. Services will then be held. HOW TAX ASSESSOR HOLT ARRIV- ED AT HIS FIGURES IN OAHU RAILWAY CASE. The tax appeal of the Oahu Itullway & Land Company was argued and sub mitted by Assessor Holt regarding his method of arriving at the $3,000,000 as sessment of the lands of the confpany also Ewa Plantation assessments. The assesor's statement of tho valuations and apportionments of taxes was as follows: The value of tho lands held by the Ewa Plantation Company are assessed as follows: 6790 acres cane land, $120.. ..$814,800 9G0 acres pasture, $3 4,830 110 acres building sites, $100. 11,000 "The assessments of the several in terests are as follows: Campbell Est., lessor $171,520 O. R. & L. Co. lessee. 300,000 Ewa iPlan., sub lessee 359,110 $830,030 "The total value of the Honouliuli lands held under lease by the Oahu Railway & Land Company containing about 40,040 acres is $1,241,880. "The proportion of tho value of the lands subleased to Ewa Plantation Co. is equivalent to 07 per cent of the whole. "The Oahu Railway & Land Company pays an annual rental, according to (Continued on page five.) A GOOD WORD. Everyone has a good word to say for tho Criterion, the liquors served there are tho very best In town. e MISSED GOING DOWN IN ALA MEDA WRECK. Just received our stock 190G Pocket and Desk Diaries. Better make your selection early. Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd. 0 NEW CROP OF JAPAN RICE. K. Yamamoto wholesale dealer has received the new crop of Japan rice by tho S. S, China and same is very first shipment for this country. Ring up Main 399. a Lutted's Hawaiian Poi in Pound cans for sale by all druggists and grocers. TYPEWRITERS, COMPTOMETER and CASH REGISTER If your adding machine, typewriter, or other machines of similar nature become broken or out of order send us word. 'We have an expert Just here from the Coast who will put the mos complicated part of "machinery in ordo on short notice. Three Million Assessment The J, A. M. JahnsonCo, LiniTED 931 Fort St., Phone Main :4J. COLUMBUS, Ohio, November 8. has been elected. J SCHMITZ WINS BY SAN FRANCISCO, November, 8. The official returns give Eugene Schmttz, the Union Labor candidate" for mayor, a majority of 11,504 over Partridge, the fusion candidate. ' ' M'CLELLAN BY 3,483 NEW YORK, November 8. McCleltan, the Democratic candidate, was elected mayor of Greater New York by 3.4S3. Jerome wag re-elected district attorney by 12,000. , EXAMINER SET THE CHRONICLE ON FIRE. SAN FRANCISCO, November 8. The fire in the Chronicle building last night involved a loss of $5,000. The cause of the firo was tho fireworks Issuing from the Examiner's' office reaching the Chronicle building. p ANTI-AMERICAN SENTIMENT GROWING IN CANTON. CANTON, China, November 8. Tho anti-American feeling is growing among tho Chinese in this section. ', REPUBLICANS CARRY LINCOLN, Nebraska, November '8. 18,000. AFFAIRS QUIET IN ODESSA. ODESSA, November 8. Affairs are settled here. Everything Is quiet how. o CITY PARTY WINS IN PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA, November 8. The City Party's candidate, headed by Weaver, win by 43,333 votes. HONOLULU HEALTH CONDITION BOARD OF HEALTH TO CONSIDER A POLICY OF PUBLICITY, BY WAY OF PREVENTING ALARMIST RUMORS REGARDING PLAGUE AND OTHER MALADIES MAY ISSUE WEEKLY BULLETIN SHOW . ING THE EXACT CONDITION OF AFFAIRS. Owing to the numerous alarming rumors afloat regarding health oondl- tlons in Honolulu, the Board of Health is considering a proposition to publish a weeKiy report snowing tne exact state or airairs. li is proposed to set rortn accurately every case of contagious disease, ana give a recoru or tne aeains or each week and. the cause thereof, prevent such alarming and harmful ro Tho local newspapers will probably be ports from being circulated. Tho mat asked to publish such reports. ter is to be brought beforo the Board The health conditions here have nev- er been very serious during the past few years, but there have been rumors GALILEE IS CARNEGIE INSTITUTE'S BRIGAN TINE RETURNS AFTER MAKING SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS. The brlgantlne Galileo specially em ployed by the" Carnegie Institute for' the work of determining as exactly as pos sible the variation of tho compass in all parts of tho seas, returned yester day afternoon to( Honolulu after her first cruise in these waters. Sho left hero on September 28 last. "There is not much to tell that would Interest tho general public, said Captain Pratt this morning as his smart little ship lay alongside) tho naval wharf. "Tho work we did was purely of a scientific nature and tho voyago was eventless. After leaving hero we sailed south to Fanning Island taking observations all tho time. Sometimes wo would tako two a day and some times only ono. Wo stayed at Fanning for three days, taking our ships in struments ashore for purposes of com parison. Wo found very fow errors in tho former observations, fewer than In the trip down from San Diego whore In one placo wo found them 'two degrees out. From Fanning island wo sailed about 160 miles south of tho equator and found that tho magnotlo equator had been laid out Just about right Thence wo went westerly some six hun. BACK AGAffl tho Democratic state ticket in Ohio j , i BRYAN'S STATE. The state has gone Republican by from time to time of grave outbreaks of disease. Last week, for example, there w"e rumors of a dozen or more cases Or niinnnlr. nl n rn o linvln Viaa , ereai Some t , as high as twenty cases, whereas in re ality no such conditions existed, It is thought that the regular nubll cation of the actual facts will servo to of Health this afternoon, by President Plnkham, who is understood to favor the plan. T VENTURA ARRIVED THIS MORN ING FROM SAN FRANCISCO HAD 153 PASSENGERS FOR HONOLULU With tho record breaking crowd of passengers, tho S. S. Ventura arrived this morning from San Francisco, The vessel had a total of 153 passengers for this port of whom 106 were in tho first cabin. Many of thoso who arrived for Honolulu were well known Honolulans returning from business or vacation trips to the mainland, The Ventura left San Francisco No vember 2 and brought six days later mail for Honolulu. She was light with local cargo for sho brought but 43 tons for this port. Among tho passengers for Honolulu were Mr. and Mrs, Emll A. Berndt. Ho mado a short visit to San Francisco on business. C. A. Brown roturned from the main band. ' F. Baorlng, a cousin of Emll Berndt, was an arriving passenger for Hono lulu. Mrs. E. M. Boyd was a returning passenger. J. C. Carter tho new manager of tho Gas Company arrived by the vessel, accomananled by his wlfo and Miss Carter. Dr. L. E. Cofor tho head of tho ma rine hospital service In this territory re- BHOUGH etc BREAKING CROWD x SO MANY FALSE RUMORS OF HEALTH CONDITIONS HAVE GOT IN TO CIRCULATION THAT THE BOARD OF HEALTH HAS DECID ED HEREAFTER TO PUBLISH THE RECORD OF ALL DEATHS FROM CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. J Tho Board of Health this afternoon showing plague conditions here. The statement has been prepared by Presi dent Pinkham and Is for the purpose of giving the exact facts, in order to prevent continued circulation of alarmUt O LITTLE El SOLI A SHOCKING STORY OF JAPANESE DEPRAVITY IS UNFOLDED IN THE FEDERAL COURT FATHER SOLD HIS THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER TO AN ADMIRER FOR THIRTEEN DOLLARS A! MONTH. V The story of a Jaipaneso father who sold his thirteen year old daughter in to a shameful life for $13 a month was partially unfolded In tho Federal court this morning, when Kuslkabe appeared for sentence on a charge of conspiracy to violate a federal statute. Kuslkabe had pleaded guilty. Two other de fendants Indicted with him pleaded not guilty and are to be tried later. Tho other defendants are Koshl, father of thevlctlm-of -the-conHiilracyr and-Ma- Rlno, to whom the young girl was de livered. Attorney E. M. Watson, who repre sented Kusekabe, stated to Judgo Dole that Kusekabe had only come into the conspiracy after it had been practically carried out and had merely helped to collect the money for the girl. Watson thereforo asked for a light sentence. In these islands, was a returning pas senger and ho examined tho 'passengers, so little delay occurred off the harbor this morning. Tho Ventura is loading 950 tons of coal at the Oceanic wharf and will sail at midnight for tho Colo nies. BOARD OF HEALTH. A regular meeting of tho Board of Health is being held this afternoon. President Plnkham's rerort to the Board is being considered. CHILCOTT CLEARED TODAY. The ship Marion Chllcott cleared for San Francisco this morning. Captain Williams, her master, will remain be hind this trip. Mate Anderson taking tho vessel out. STARTLING RIBBON SALE. Less than half prices on silk and satin ribbons will prevail at Sachs Dry Goods Co., Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. This is a marvelous oppor tunlty of buying materials and rib bons for fancy work. , DO NOT BE INFLUENCED. Never hesltato to say "No" to your dealer If ho offers you a substltuto for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has no equal on tho market for the prompt cures of coughs, colds, croup ana whooping cough and you mako no mls- tako in buying this medicine. For sale by all dealers, Benson, Smith & Co., agents for Hawaii. Automobiles can be hired day or night at Club Stables, Fort Street. A MATTER OF HEALTH 3 POWDER Absolutely Pure ms m SUBSTITUTE decided to publish a complete record rumors. BI HER FATHER District Attorney Breckons said that according to his Information tho de fendant a brief lecture, characterizing tho girl ran away, and had been in strumental In placing her in Makino'3 charge again. ' Tho girl In tho case is a pretty llttlo Japanese. Maklno "is said to havo wanted to marry her, but sho was onljr. thlrrteen years of ago and thereforo could not wed. For a consideration oC $13 a month, the father is said to havo .turned her over to Maklno. Judge Dole sentenced Kuslkabe to eight months' imprisonment. In pass ing sentence the court gave the de fendant a brief lecture, charactrlzlng his crime as an attack upon tho social customs and laws of the United States He said that such an offense against a helpless girl of thirteen was regarded by Americans as a very serious crime. Andrew Moore, for several fears past manager of Kllauea Plantation left by the Sierra yesterday for California, with his family. This will make their homo there in tho future. Henry E. Cooper returned by tho S. S. Ventura this morning from a trip to tho mainland. Ho went to Washington and other eastern cities. Ho went to his Punahou residence Immediately upon landing from the steamer. MIKAHALA ARIVED TODAY. Tho steamer Mlkahala arrived this morning from Knual ports after nn un oventful trip. Good weatlior on tho Garden Isle Is reported. NEW ANIMALS AT THE ZOO. The Knimuki Zoo has just received tho fallowing now animals: Wild Cat, Rl"g Tall Possum, Storks, Coyote, Crows, etc. Tako a trip to the Zoo and see the animals and birds and got some fresh, cool breezes. IS IT YOU? Some peoplo don't consider beer good they havn't tried Rainier Beer. QUALITY, VALUE and SERVICE iaro the first thoughts of every man who Intends purchasing a pair of shoes. You get all theso essential advantages at our store, A shapely Genulno Good Year Tan Bal mado on tho British last; n model foot form shoo for men. Prlco $4.00. LIMITED 1051 TORT SREET (Continued on page five.) (Continued on page 5.) 'Phono, MaJn 28?