Newspaper Page Text
SIK THE HAWAIIAN STAH, TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1907. " For over 60 yew I have always kpt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the lioas. My father often told me that It saved ray life when I was very young." In thousands of homes Ayor'a Cherry Pectoral is a household word. It has boon used fi r s t by tho grand parents, then by the parents, and now by the children. For colds and coughs, croup, bronchitis, la grippe, inflammation in tho throat or in the tubes, ykiio, PEAKER AN D CLERK LASH IN HOUSE LIVELY ItOW PRECIPITATED B SPEAKER HOL.STEIN REGARDING PRINTING OP TUB HOUSE JOURNAL CLERK WISE REFUSES TO SURRENDER RECORDS TO PRINTING COMMITEK REPRESENTA TIVE KALEIOl'U MAKES A SPE ECU. mr ffeetoral is the standard remedy the world over. It contains no narcotic or poison. Accept no substitute. Put up in large and small bottles. Prtptred by Or. ). C. Ayer & Co., Lonell, Man., U, S. A. AUCTION SALE AT HONOULIULI, EWA, OAHU. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE United States, District ot Hawaii, In Bankruptcy. In the matter of KIni Sung Kwon, Bankrupt To tlio creditors of Kim Sung Kwon formorly of Honoullull, wa, Oahu. Take notlco that there will bo sold at public auction on Monday tlio lCth day of April, 190", at 10 o'clock a. m. at tlio store of tho above named Bank rupt, at Honoullull, aforesaid, by the undersigned all tho Personal Property, Leasehold and Buildings, Store, Flx lures and Slock In trade of the said Kim Sung Kwon contained In the storo of said Bankrupt at said Honoullull, Island of Oahu by James. F. Morgan, Auctloneor. Said proporty will bo sold to the highest bidder for cash, and subject to tho approval of tho District Court of tho United States for tho District of Hawaii, pursuant to tho order of Hon. Sanford B. Dolo, Judge of said Court. Dated at Honolulu, this 5th day of April, 1907. ' " ip "WADE WARREN THAYER, Trustee of Kim Sung Kwon, a bank rupt. COOCXXXXXXDSCXXXXXXXOOOOOQC H.F, SCO,, Ltd, Opticians ) EYES TESTED FREE All kinds of complicated lenses and prescription work executed with care and dispatch. San Francisco prices only prevail in this Department. The monotony or routine legislation and proof reading for $1600, and the which prevailed In the House yoster- printing for something llko $3,500 .there dny was rudely broken Just at the closo would bo a mulorlul saving over tho of the session in the afternoon by u work of tho last session. This he said flush betwoen Speaker Holsteln and would bo tho policy of tho house in the Clerk Wise over the printing of the matter. When this session opened he House Journal, which more than made had announced that it was to be one up for any dullness which may have of retrenchment and economy In so existed in the proceedings of the day. far as the coat was concerned, and While the House remained in session that wns what ho proposed It should It was the Speakers inning and the be. Tho only llnio tho clerk bus a right Clerk did not get in a word, but im- to go ahead with tho printing of the mediately upon Adjournment )- few journal, is whon glvon specific lnstruc- mlnutes later, Wise gave vent to his tlons to do so by resolution ot the feelings, and overything points to tne House, and this Is usually done a few fact that the end is not yet. days prior to tho closo of tho session. The row was openly precipitated by The newspaper article in question he Speaker Holsteln Just before entertain- thought, was probably Inspired by lug a motion to adjourn, when ho read frlonds of tho clerk, who were afraid from the Bulletin nn article Insplrod that he would not got the work this by tho clerk to the effect that there year. He did not blamo the paper for was trouble brewing over the printing the article. But ho wanted It umlcr- of tho journal, owing to tho apparent Hl00(i that If there could be u saving disposition of tho committee on Print- of $2,500 in the work It would bo print ing and Accounts to Ignore the clerk in C( so as to accomplish that, regardless having the work prepared for tho print- f u10 ciorn or anybody. He ended, or. The article further stated that tho Uy instructing tho clerk to have the committee would probably give tho proceedings of tho llrst ten dnys ready work to N. Fernandez and P. J. Testa, uy ,loon today for the printers. at about $3,500. This tho clerk would When the Speaker had finished .there not submit to as it would tako from WUH a silence In tho House for a few his possession papers and records for moments and thon a motion to nd- whlch ho Is responsible, unless a spe- journ was made, and carried with a clile resolution relieving him ot this rush, Tho Speaker lingered not n sec- responslblllty was Introduced. ,nd, and when the newspaper men At this juncture of tho fracas Ka- hurried to his platform to verify tho lelopu showed a ludicrous lack of nBUres he had glvon. ho had vanished, conception of the Speaker's motlvo in ut clerk Wise lingered, and express reading tho article. Ho was on his Ulj himself In no uncertain terms. The foot by tho time the Speaker had finish- papers and records were In his care, ed reading, and launched Into a bitter nn(j ne was responsible for them and attack on the press in gonoral and tho COuld be prosecuted it one of them Bulletin In particular in daring to com- should be lost. Therefore, the Spcak ment on the actions of tho Legislature ,.r-H ordcrs notwithstanding, he would and tho members of tho Houso. not lot any of them' out oC his posses- Kaleiopu said it seemed to be the 8ion unless directed to do so by a reso policy of the paper to attack tho House Ut!nn of the House. The resolution on every pretext. He thought it would adopted on April 3rd, regarding the be best to pass a resolution to have a printing of tho Journal he said did not separate tablo for tho Bulletin out on gV0 imn authority to part with the rc the lanai and thus exclude It from the cords. This resolution follows: sessions of the House. "Therefore be jit resolved Ijy the Ho thought It a shame that news- House ot Representatives of the Ter paper men should be permitted to come rjtory of Hawaii that speaker shall no Into the Houso and make such attacks authorised with tho approval of the upon the mombers. Ho himsolf had chairman of the committee on Accounts been personally a subject of such at- and Printing to employ extra clerk tack. or clerks, who shall prepare for When Kalelopu had subsided tho printing tho journal of the House of Spoakor took up the matter without ro- Representatives of 1907. to call for ferenco to the Interruption. He said bids for such printing and binding and that tho articlo which ho had just read to Immediately proceed to complete had likely been Inspired. However ho said work." Adopted April 3, 190"! wished to give some figures on tlio mat- Another chapter to the affair will ter. The cost of printing tho Houso probably be added today whon the clerk Journal for 1905 ho said, had been some- refuses to obey the commands of the thing like $7,000. If tho translating can Speaker and will be awaited with In be done for $700, and tho typewriting tercst. considerable debate, the motion fail ed to carry, the Item being retained Tho item for tho survey aepartment was cut from $52,000 to $10,000. Other items were passed or changed as follows: industrial and manual training cut from $7,5000 to $3,000, library and book fund $12,000: school supplies $8,000; materials for lacemak lng $1,5000; Lahalnaluna college $15, 000; summer school $2,500 stricken 4 J W. O. Peacock & Co., Limited, Agents H. F.WICHMAH & G0M Ltd. Jewelers and Opticians. g OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSOOOODOOOOd Doors Blinds Our Stock embraces a variety or Designs id All Siseg. And to CIom Out certain Stylet we are offering tliem at Spelcal Prices. H 1 II LIMITED AQKNT8. 177 sWUT-I ICING STRKiBT. JiuJg ItoblMMR Approved Ui Hanuttl KMMiHt of Itenry WsUtrhouss Trust do Ltd., H guardian of lb Opto ll ulnar, wUloli abowl rotU si aitd wwattia or f 10 II II THE SENATE At tho afternoon session notifica tion was received that the House had not concurred in the Senate amend mcnts to Houso 1)111 No.'l48 and had appointed Representative Itice, Hugh es and Nakaleka on conference. Sena tors Coolho, McCarthy and Dowsott were appointed to the committee by President Bishop. On House Dill No. 102, a similar re port was received, Representatives Rawlins. Coney and Akau being nam ed on conference committee for tho house. Senators Smith, Knudsen and Haysolden were appointed on confer ence to represent tho Senate. ( A communication from Robert Lalns of Kohala expressing satisfaction over tho now Jury fee law, was read and filed. Senate Bill No. 95 providing a ! per cent Income tax on corporations, was tabled on motion ot Senator Dowsott. The chair voted in the affirmative, as the vote was a tie. Senate 1BH No. 02 relating to the erection of a monument to comment orate tho signing ot the constitutions at Lahalna, passed second reading. The Senate then went into commit tee of the whole to consider the liquor hill. The section that provided that a person convlotod of intoxication might be forced to testify under oath, where he had secured the liquor, was strick en out. On motion of McCarthy the licenses were restricted to one license to ev ery 1,600 Inhabitants. The license for clubs outside of a radius ot five miles, was reduced from $250 to $150. The sect inn prohibiting the granting of a license for more than one saloon to any one person Arm or corporation, was stricken out The committee rose ami, after the Senate had reconvened, reiKirted prl grass. The ttetmte again Involved It self luto committee of the whole, V consider the current aiiprouriatltiii measure, TUs item for wbarraa anil landings was lumped at $16,000 on in tlou of Imltu. An attempt waa mad to atrlekoa out an Item of ff,0o0 for rent of koroatM warehouse Afto out; repairs to Oahu school building $25,000; repairs to Hawaii schools $26,875; Maui, Molokal iand Lannl school repairs $9,000. For Kauai, the Item passed as In the bill. An item to pay for an ambulance for Hilo was inserted. Malulanl hospital $S,000 government physicians $21,000; ex penses of liquor law of 1907, $20,000; purchaso ol launch for Hilo pilot ?1, 000; Associated Charities $4,S00O. After the committee had risen and reported, to the Senate, Senator Smith for tho Judiciary committee reportoi on House Bill 7S, legitimatizing chil dren. The former report of the com mlttee had been unfavorable hu the presoiit report recommending the pas sagfof the bill. " . The Senate adjourned at 5:15 p. m GAVE IMPORTANT DECISION. E. A. Douthitt received cable advices yesterday to the effect that the U. S Supreme Court had sustained the Ter ritorlal Supreme Court in the case of Sister Albertina vs. Kawananakoa e' al. The question involved was the right to sue the Territory in a case of foreclosure of mortgage where tho Territory holds a portion of the pro perty covered by tho mortgage. About $10,000 was involved in the case. THE ETERNAL CITY. Rev. Charles A. Payno of Milkaukec will lecture at St. Louis College this evening on "Rome The Eternal City." Rev. Payno Is a great traveler, arid Is said to be a delightful lecturer. HAILi 'S JUBILEE The jubilee of tho Halli Church oc curs next. year In May and steps are already being taken to fitting cole brato occasion. If at all possible the meeting of tho Evangelical Associa tion will bo held hero then. Hilo Tribune. DIED. SHIPMAN In Hilo, Hawaii, March 29, 1907. Mrs. Hannah P. Shipman, wife of Supervisor O. T. Shipman. Tho funeral took place on Satur day morning at eleven o'clock from the Shipman house, on Waianuenue street. Rev. Stephen L. Desha con ducted services at the house and also at tho grave In Hilo cemetery. The pall bearers were Governor John T. Baker, B. H. Brown Sr., William Nalllma Sr., Titus Napo leon, Henry West and J. K. Low. The late Mrs. Shipman came from the Naeole family of Puna. She was twice married, her first husband having been Mahelona a well known Hawaiian. There were four chil dren by her first marriage and five by the union with Mr. Shipman, ot the latter, three are living. COL. ALLEN'S ESTATE. Mrs. Cordelia C. Allen, executrix of the estate of W. F. Allen, files a sup plementary account showing receipts of $5020 and payments of $491C.3C. Fine Job Printing, Star OfTlce'. Thaws' Counsel and Prosecutors Leaving Court. Generally during the dally luncheon repass, the lawyers flghtlntl on both sldee ef the Thaw ease In New York leave the seurt ream In eempany, One nutslde, however, they part, fer they have nsthlno In semmen yind the eeurtreem. Plitrlit Alter- ney Jerome and Qarvan, his young assistant, lunch torjether and even on the frostiest days neither wears an everseat. Delphln M. Delmai, Thaw's eeuniel who hae eendueted his ease amalnit the fiery attacks ef New York's brilliant Dlitrlat Attorney, has frequently lunehed with P, P, Qlea- son, his aesoclato whom he succeeded In oonductlnp the defense, and the only photograph ever taken of th four mentioned attorneys In atioala. tlon Is the one herewith shown, and Olves a splendid Impression ef the men M they appear beyond the confine ef the eeurt reem. NAME FOR UIGHTHOUSE TENDER. Attorney Clnronco W. Ashford pro poses that the llnghthous tendor to be constructed fo rthese waters bo named "Kukul." Captain Otwell recently call ed for suggestions for a name, asking that tho same be that of some Indi genous tree, plant or flower. Tho ku kul tree Is Indigenous and, moreover, "kukul" Is a Hawaiian word applied to any kind of light, kukul oil having been tho native Ulumlnant. NOT VERY SICK But you will bo If you neglect to get relief from thoso dizzy, faint Ktu hun gry Bpolls, hot flushes, shortness ot breath, etc., which toll you your heart Is weak and unablo to purify tho blood. Dr. Mllos' Heart Curo will glvo such re lief by strengthening tho nerves and muscles ro ftho heart. Nt's so nuro that it Is sold on a guarantee to rotund price if first bottle falls to benoflt. it KIKKO-TEN" 13 est; Soy o CO 0) r I -i o CQ --5 U G2 a o CO 88 fD I ! P CD SO p p- r S3 o H p a- The attention of Plantation Managers is called to this brand ol Soy. Years of experience have brought it to the front and it now ranks as the best Soy in the market. KLo YAMAMOTO SOLE AGENT. 25 Hotel Street near Nuuanu. Telephone Main 399. IGentiine Economy Honolulu Gas Company, Ltd Union JEDjpj? Ooe, BRANCH HUSTACE PECK CO., LTD. 63 Queen ftS-treel: Having baggage contracts with the following Steamship Co.'s Lines: OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. OCCIDENTAL & ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. TOYO KISEN KAISHA SiEAMSHIP CO. "Wo check your outgoing baggage at your homes,N saving you the trouble and annoyance of checking on tho wharf. Incoming baggage checked on steamers of above companies and deliv ered with quickness and dispatch at your homes. Teleploiie Main 8 Dol" THCA.IV ind over The Only Double-Track Railway between the Missouri Rivsr and unicago. Tliroe Fast TrEtirxa Daily VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC. UNION PACIFIC AND CHICAOO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAYS. OVERLAND LIMITED, VESTIBU LED. Leave Ean Francisco .lly 11:00 a. m. The most luxurious train In the wo rid. New Pullman drawing room and stateroom cars built expressly for this famous train. Gentleman's buffet and Lady's parlor observation car. Book-lovers Library. Dining car meals a la carte. Electric lighted throughout. EASTERN EXPRESS VESTIBU LED. Loaves San Francisco at :00 p. m. dally. Through Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleeping Cars to Chicago. Dining Cars. Free Redlining Chair Cars. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. VESTIBU LED. Leaves San Francisco at tiH a. m. Dally. Standard and Tourist Sleepers. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS Wednesday,' Thursdays and FrI days. The best of everything. Tickets to and from all points In Europe. Cbioago & Northwestern Kv b R. R. RITCHIE, Q A. P. C, 617 Market Street. Central Building. San Franclsc. Shipping Receipt Books BOLD AT STAR OFFICfe OiliU IlftJIwur Lm1 Qmnpr