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TttH HAWAIIAN UTAH. TtfMNUf. JANI'AftV ft ftt A MMW UKN Or Musical Instruments OF HUPWUOR QUALITY. Wall, Nichols Co., Fire Insurance Atlas AHHuranoo Company ol London Now York Undorwritors Agency Providonce Washington In- euranco Company The B, F. Dilllogbim Co,, Ltd, General Aconts for Hawaii. Fourth Feor. Stangcnwald Building. AGENTS FOR THE Royal Insurances Co. of Liverpool, Eng. Scottish Union & National Ins. Co., of Edlngburg, Scotland. Wllhelmlna of Mndgeburg Genoral IiiBitranco Compnny. Commercial Union Assurance Co. ot London. Till; EXPERT 1KX'11S1 S OUR LIFE WORK Wo hnvo npont 20 years in tliu Ktutly otour iirofiwslon. Just tosnvo ou tlio illmiKreeiiblo uxpuricnco of toothache. Wt- liayo learned our imsinoss lliat yon mn) be comfortable. Whoso fault Is it if you stiller with tliosn tcotli: Our Free Uiatninatlon Is thorougli dr. p. u FnuausoN Car. Part and Motel Street THE EXPERT DENTISTS' C. BREWER & CO, LTD. QUEEN 8TREET, HONOLULU, T. H. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono mea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar Company, Walluku Sugar Company, Ookala Sugar Plantation Company, Pepeekeo Sugar Co., Kapapala Ranch Charles M. Cooke; President Geo. H. Robertson. V-Pres. & Mgr. E. Faxon Bishop. .. .TreB. & Secy. F. W. Macfarlane Auditor P. C. Jones Director C. H. Cooko Director J. R. Gait Dlretcor All of tho above named constitute the Board of Directors. ALtXANDER S BIllDWiN LTD. J. P. COOKE, Manager. OFFICERS and DIRECTORS. H. P. Baldwin..- President J. B. Castle 1st Vice-President W. M. Alexander.. 2nd Vice-President L. T. Peck 3rd Vice-President J. Waterhouse Auditor E. E. Paxton Secretary W. O. Smith Director O. R. Carter Director SUGAR FACTORS AND COUISSIUN 11 FKC HANTS AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Commerlcal & Sugar Com pany. Haiku Sugar Company. Fala Plantation. Maul Agricultural Company. Klhei Plantation Company. Hawaiian Sugar Company. Kahuku Plantation Company. Kahulul Railroad Company. Haleakala Ranch Company. Honolua Ranch. I E Honolulu, T. H. SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS. 8UGAR FACTORS and GENERAL IN SURANCE AGENT8. representing Ewa Plantation Co. Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd. Kohala Sugar Co. Walraea Sugar Mill Co. Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd. Fulton Iron Works ot St. Louis. Blake Steam Pumps. Westona Centrifugals. Babcock & Wilcox Boilers. Groen's Fuel Economizer. Marsh Stoara Pumps. Matson Navigation Co. Planters Line Shipping Co. Now England Mutual Life Insnr anco Company of Boston. Aetna Insurance Co. National Flro Insurance Co. Citizen's Insurance Co. (Hartford Flro Insurance Co.) Protector Underwriters ot tho Pnoenlx of Hartford. f. 6. MI . Co. Gil AieYoii iisiire ? A pelley In the Nerth British and Mercantile will protect yeu and guar. antes yeu 100 eente en the Dollar. Assets $22,705,002X8. We will write $500 at cheerfully as $6,000. li IB Agents. 924 BETHEL ST. OlothoM IVeritl' CL HANBO AND PRU5SU), Honolulu Clothes Cleaning Co Alakea St., near Klntr. Phono Main HI xxxxxxzxxxzxxxxxxxxxxx 5ES25B5MSE525HSESESES25H5HS7 Tho Mm Fire Ins. Co. OF HARTFORD. PAID DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR ' IN SAN FRANCISCO Castle & Cooke, Ltd. Are the Agents for this Com pany In Hawaii. (Conflagration Proof Policies) RING UP EXCHANGE 23. Immediate attention given to Phone Ord rs. iiirniixxxixxixixxxix ALL KINDS Cash Register n. Typewriter Mimeograph and Globe Wernicke CURD SYSTEMS Hawaiian Office Special!" COMPANY J1 Fort 1tret ; : TeJ. Main MX on Pacific jRuilroad SUGGESTS Ei3fc3cI and Comfort Three trains dally, through ears, first and second class to all points. Reduced rates take effect soon. Write now. S. F. Booth GENERAL AGENT. NO. t Montgomery Strost, SAN FRANCISCO. FIno Job Printing, Star Office. M. OHTA, JAPANESE CONTRACTOR AND CARPENTER. House No. 762 Sheridan St Telephone Whit (01. n GREAT BATTLE FOR THAW'S NHW YOltK, Jan. 18. The Thaw trthl mored with a rush tod) After the state had nreee tiled its illrt ohm awl Assistant Dleilnt Attorns)' Oar ran had eharaeterUed the hlllltig of Stanford White as a "premedlUUed, deliberate ami cowardly murder, Martin W. Littleton for the defense made tho opening plea for the prts- objection. It wn reported at tho be oner. Ills promise ot new evidence ginning of the trial that Jeromt would was sensational and held the supreme fight this In order to exclude the to.stl attentlon of all in the courtroom. 1Mb- moiiy of young Mrs. Thaw. During trlct Attorney Jerome, seemingly tak- Littleton's speech Thaw sat whir eyed en" by surprise, soated himself tn tho and pallid, looking fixedly at IiIm oun- witness chair, the better to hear the outlino of the new defense. Littleton promised to forgo a chain of circumstances and to produce a line of testimony which will piove Harry K. Thaw undeniably Insane at tho time of the homicide. Evidence of heredi tary Insanity and of strange, unusual acts of Thaw not even hinted at dur- Ing the first trial was related "by Lit- tieton, who said that physicians and nurses who had attended Thaw wero hurrying hero from Europe, and that teachers of tho defendant in childhood would bo on hand to give their lmpres- sions of the "wide eyed, distant boy." DISTRICT ATTORNEY JEROME. In conclusion Littleton challenged tho dlstrlct attorney to produco a slnglo reputable physician who would say that Thaw was not insane at tho tlmo he killed tho noted architect. Littleton's speech fairly bristled witn surprises. Jeromo had his sur- prlso to offer, too, and when Littleton started to launch Into tho relations of btanford White with tho girl whom Thaw married tho district attorney was on his feet with an objection. Jus tice Dowllng sustained him nnd the namo of tho architect was not linked again with that ot tho defendants wlfo. Llttloton touched hut lightly on 1 1 d m AfikHk isirniMT LIFE the girls story as she told It to Thaw, hut, careful as he was on this potnt, Me again draw an objection from the prosecuting officer, who said: "Mr. Littleton Is now straying Into a Held of stuff whlen In my opinion will h excluded. Again Juatlee Dowllng sustained t ho sol. Toward the closo he seemed rath- er displeased with something that was said, and. leaning forward, scribbled off a note. Descrlblng the killing of White, Lit tleton said: "Thaw's madness, born and bred In him, had been acted on by tho stories he had hoard. He had gone to the dls- trlct attorney with them and to An thony Comstock. They ran in nls nead until, staggering among the1 chairs or Madison Square garden yet! not drunk his eyes burning like two ' great coals of flro, unable Intelligent' ly to answer questions put to him maniacal In the last degree, lost lost as ho was In Romo, In Monto Carlo and In London tho blind confusion of insanity overcame him and ho fired, Tho result was not a murder, but tho act of a madman, who afterward, wild eyed and Irrational, cried out In his cell that ho heard tho voices of Ilttlo children calling and proclaimed that no had but acted as an agent of provl- denco." Thaw was called to tho bar prompt- ly at 10 a. m. Within tho noxt few minutes Assistant District Attorney Garvan had begun to outllno tho case, "Tho defonse In this caso," said Gar- hi. .Miailijn'mitii ' " .utuit,:' it-it. . .'iktiuct ilTiwaML ,1 iMBgeMgeT f bTljs jramw" - 1 1 . iaMgezasnraBEa 'PANAMA'S PRESIDENT LEAVES fob h I w I I I I W III U ASHING'! ON. I ('. Dpi Piuhor 31. Provident Manuel Amador of I'anama, left for bis lionip today. President Amador has been abroad on a four-months tour of Italy anu Franco, nnd was much pleased at tho reception given him everywhere On his return to Amorica ho was receiv ed by rolatlvos at New York and Washington and dined with President Koosovolt. President Amador Is seventy-four years old and declares ho does not intend to let the younger people take up tho work. van, "is insanity The material facts are admitted Insanity, let me assuri you, Is not to bo deilned as what you , or i migui uiniK. ii is nui wnut puj- sicians or iiiuiapiiysiciuus may ten u, or what scientists or pseudo-scientists may describe. Insanity, as we have to deal with it, has been deilned by the legislature of New York. Tho law Is wiser than wo are. We must obey It and live under tho law. The law says that the only person excused from criminal responsibility is ho who Is so deficient of reason that he docs not know tlie nature or quality of his act; that the act Is wrong. With this defi nition, and this definition alone, of tho law I ask vou to ludco of all the acts III UUa UUlUUUUill J1I&11L Ul .II111U tf. 1 100C, which Is tho night on which ho killed Stanford White." I Alr.Q PvpIvti Th'iw lfctnnml In tho assistant prosecutor's discussion of tho actual details of the tragedy with tense drawn features. Joslah Thaw, a brother, and Mrs. George Carncglo tho slstor. completed tho usual family group. Thaw sat witn eyes fixed upon tho prosecutor, his head rested upon his right hand. After describing tn killing of White, Garvan declarea in conclusion that, judged by any court, the prosecution believed tho homlcldo could bo explained ns a "premeditated, deliberate and cowardly murder." Littleton said thero would bo no at tempt to invent any kind of extraor dinary mania, despite tho fact that District Attornoy Jerome had Intimat ed in his questioning ot jurors that some such thing would bo tried. Ho then sketched Thaw's life from the time of his birth. On tho father's sldo of the family, ho said, a relative became Insane at Ave years. A cousin of tho father died Insane in an asylum in Virginia. Har riet Alice Thaw, still on tho father's side, is in an asylum In Pittsburg, But. faring with delusions of persecution. Harry Thaw, a cousin, also Is Insane, i rom tho father Thaw Inherited hiB nervousness. Saying ho would like to bo spared the recital of tho dc.cate details, Mr. Littleton next told of tho Insanity which he said existed in tho mother's family. Mrs. Thaw would como In, sick though she Is, to toll her story. The attorney dwelt at length on tho subject of hereditary Insanity and of small chances of the boy to escapo tho destiny forged for him from his birth, "His mother," continued Littleton, will toll you of tho strango vagaries of tho hov. whoso mind at times flash- Cd with the brilliance ot a star, but at other times was wholly deficient. Her entry In tho diary tho day Harry Thaw ramo to school will toll you a 'quiet, distant, wild eyed boy came today who could not speak a word that any of us could understand.' Littleton followed Thaw's career through other schools nnd said ho would produco the boy's teachers, who would tell of his strango actions. As a hoy Thaw traveled abroad with his parents nnd at Romo nnd Monto Carlo was under tho care of physlclanB. Tho doctor who attended him at Romo and , tho nurso who watchod by his bedside mm iffs yrt i r. r n J V I ' A 151 J l-AHIH. .Imiimr) m Matenif-n' that (he tlraslllan mnhoritlpn were warned from Parln f a plot against the American fleet, and that the story of the plot Is tru. Is regarded here as faauatlr. HIO J AX III RO, January 13 -Police here hare been Informed by the police of I'arts that French anarchists hare cotno to lUo Janeiro with the Intention of destroying the American battle ships. Strict precautionary measures have been adopted by local authorities. Swinging Insily at their anchors, the American battleships early this morn lnn Hpemed as though they were en joying a well-earned rest after their run of 3(ion miles and more from Tri nidad They lay under the green kills t Rio. in tho shadow of Mount Coi ir.tad.1 that looks right down Into ' it S'ikii tin- streets took (Mi a lively ap i .inuK us thousands made their way dm n i)y tlm edge of the water, where Hii (oiiid watch the shltia and the l.iuiK lies dashing In and out. A warm wt koine awaited the fleet from the very moment the signal flogs went op announcing its appearance, and from i no first landing or the "liberty men until anchor Is weighed again Itlo has much In store for those who wish to view Ita beauties and enjoy Its bounty. ! EntprtAinments have been arranged for almost every hour of the day and orac of the hours of the night as well, but the fact that Rear-Admiral Kvans, commander of the fleet, Is HI, is cause I for the deepest regret. The Brazilian officials deplore this , the more, as they wished to make thlB 1 visit the occasion of marked attention to the AmerlcaiiB, hut Adinlrnl Kvaus ! is suffering from rheumatism and It Is 1 fonred ho will not be able to appear at the festivities. Today Admirals Emory, Thomas and Spcrry, accompanied by tho Captains ot all tho battloshlps, paid a visit to the Minister of Marino, Admiral Alen car, who returned tho visit on board Admiral Kvans' flagship Connecticut. HANK TO CLOSE VOLUNTARILY. PlIinAnn. .Tanunrv 21. The Com- ... ... t Rvinirs ,m(1 iTion , abor nank wI goon closQ vo,untarl. ,y Th(J 8tocUilol(ier8 wlM ioso. BANQUET TO THE OFFICE11S. RIO nE JANElUO, January 21. The officers of the fleet were banqueted at the palace last livening by Admiral Blanco. NEW IMMIGRATION STATION. WASHINGTON, January 21. Tho House has passed the bill for an Im migration station at Philadelphia. TREADWELL AT LARGE. SAN FRANCISCO, January 21. Treadwell, tho indicted banker, lias been released on ball. BLAMES TRANSPORTATION MEN. OTTAWA, January 21. Tho report of Commissioner King ot tho ofllclal Inquiry into Oriental immigration was presented to Parliament yesterday. It blames the Canadian railways and steamship companies. HAMILTON BANK RESUMES. NEW YORK, January 21 Tho Ham ilton bank with six branches, has re sumed business. THE STORK AT MADRID. MADRID, Junuary 21 Tho Queen ts in expectation of an heir. ACCUSED OF FORGERY. HILO, January 20. Moses Lono, ac cused ot forging a postofflco money order, lias been held to appear at the April term of the Federal Court. Dur ing his examination he accused Sam Luhiau, anothc. pupil at tho Hllo Boarding School, of having suggested the crime to him and of changing tho money order. Instructions have bcon sent for the arrest of Luhiau, who Is cxpocted to bo brought hero on Wod- nesday from Kawalhae. Brcckons and Hendry have been consequently de- talned hero. at Monto Carlo, Littleton said, would bo produced as witnesses. In Monto Carlo, with a tomperaturo lOt degrees, Thaw got up and dressed himself while tho nurse was out of tho room. In London In 1809 Thaw again was under tho caro of a physician who Is now upon tho ocean to appear as a witness In tho caso. Thaw raved and complnlned of fever, wanted tons of Ico placed In tho room each day, but when examined had not a degree ot temperature above normal. This phy- slclan declared Thaw undoubtedly In- sane. Littleton was frequently interrupted by District Attorney Jeromo. After his speech Littleton, was asked In what manner ho would attempt to prove Thaw sano at tho present time It he ottered such an accumulation of ovl denco as to progrosslvo Insanity up to the ilmo of tho killing, "I can only say that I will cross ray bridges as I como to them. A man can't ride two horses going In opposite directions at tho samo time," ho ro- piled. lion I t y fimmtikm Kt'.r..i .,f Hfi-ortt January m, M i iHlnl iM r i.i f Brandt . ... 1 ii astern m r j .'.. Vawtmwli aemNuwIiow t. Mart rv- m i) ti 4 M fred Mtgooft O lohn Pvlaa and wf to Maen tdMd Imp Co Ud 0 Bletioa Co to Yea Chin Be rirat ttk of Hllo Ld to C MrMi tr.ll ienlth tr to mat Bk of Miss MM Ctrl totth. tr. to O J tUcdMrdMW.O ftrat Bk of Hllo lAA in Ueorg t lIMsaldJaon MM A 1 iJtwi to W i Korbea. . . .Iter p A A J Lmrto to W W Chamber lain.. .Pa Xmlr Perry Mat nab to Tre of 1st of Jane Wright ,j Fanny Rtraacfc and hsb to Maeaa- kala Hart u Chan Shee (w) by atoy to Tim Lin Chong Sb p A Annie T X Parker by gdn to Hflfto- kaa Sugar Co u J K Sumner et al to C F Hart AM Kmily R Conradt and hsb to Pom- hawai Coffoo Co Ltd D Mrs Walluu Kohoalll to D WaiM . . D Antonla Parao and wf to Hllo S Oo.X John II Bit Ltd to Uml Kahoa....Kel John L Ulalsdell et al to Treat Tr Co Ltd Tr n DTJSD. XBTCHAM At Wapplnger'n Falls, K. V., Jan. 6th, Mrs. Fanny Din nan Ketctam, aister of Mr. WHltom Deacon. Mr. Henry Deacon ami Mr. 3. C. Axtell. SANTOS-In Honolulu, T. H.. JaAWry 21, 1908, at 3 a. m . John K. flaalos. a well known barber and formerly nropiretor of the Lnlon Barber Shop. The deceased was a member of Utc Lusitana Society. The funeral wilt take place this afternoon at 5 o'clock. BOUN. COCKI0TT In fcan Francisco, Janu ary 19, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cockett, a daughter. Y. WO SING CO. GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC California Butter, 40c lb; Cooking Butter, 30c. lb.; Island Butter, 35a lb. 118C-118S Nuuanu Street. Telephone Main 238. Bos 952. 1 J Dealers In Sewing Machines of All Kinds. Also Hawaiian Souvenirs, Hats and Curios. 108 N. King St., near Maunakea. Phone Main 494. P. O. Box (41 Star Restaurant OPEN DAY AND NIGHU Best ot Eatables Obtained Here. Maunakea St. near King. G. ISHII. Proprietor. Koa Furniture UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING WING CHONG CO. Cor. King and Bethel. P. O. Box 1030 HOP WO All kinds of Ladles' Woolen Over coats, Dresses ready made or mado to order at very reasonable prices. 1121 Nuuanu St. near Pauahl. Is thero any reason why our advertising matter should not help your business? Lot's seo. HAWAII PUBLICITY CO. Telephone 173. Y. ISHII Cornor Boretanla and Nuuanu HU JAPANESE DRUGGIST8 GENERAL MERCHANDISE All Id'nds of Amorlcan Patent Medi cines at Low I'rlcoa. W.G. Irwin &Co., Ltd Win. . Irwin. .President and Manager Jchn D. Spreckols. First Vice-President V7. M. G I ffard... Second Vice-President II. M. Whitney Treasurer RIobard Ivera Secretary W. F. W lson Auditor SUGAR FACTORS, COMMISSION AGENTS AGENTS FOR O.eanlo Steamship Co., San Francleon, Cat. Western Bugar Rtdnlnt Co., San Fran- Cisco, Cal. Laldwln Locomotive Works, Philadel phia, Pa, Kewall Universal Mill Co., Manufac turers of National Cane Sbredder, New York, N. Y Pacific OH Transportation Co., San Francisco, Cal. 'tr i 4 a i v r 3 i4 1 19 i ill I ! ililslfoiittttoa Ni,Mlisn4isli i -MbMBWMsWMB