Newspaper Page Text
THE HAWAIIAN STAR TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1908. rv?o f I Oceanic Steamship Company Alameda Schedule AIUUVII HONOLULU. LEAVfc huwuijUhu. t llinnl 1ITI.Y 31 ALAA1KUA "uuuui auamuua w " ,,, p ALAMEDA AUGUST 21 ALAMEDA AUGUS1 20 ALAMEDA SEPT. 11 ALAMEDA SEPT. 10 On and alter June 24th, 1908, the SALOON RATES between Honolulu and Ban Francisco will bo aa follows: ROUND TRIP, $110.00. SINGLE FARE, $6S..00. In connection with tho sailing ot the abo's steamers, (ho AgenU are DNpared to Issue to Intending passengers coupon through tickets ey any railroad from San Francisco to all points In the United States and trom New York by steamship line to all European Ports. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS. APPLY TO W. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd AGENT FOR THE OCEANIC 8 CO. Canadian-Australian Royal Mail Steamship Co Steamer of the agove line runnlngg In connection with the CANADIAN- PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, a. v., ana sjuuej, N. S. W., and calling at Victoria, a C, Honolulu and Brisbane, Q. FOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. FOR VANCOUVER. MARAMA JULY 21 MANUKA AUGUST 19 AORANGI AUGUST 22 MARAMA SEPTEMBER 16 .r.vrrru. RPT. 19 AflltANGI OCTOBER 14 nuiunn ........ -. MARAMA OCTOBER 1G Will call at Fanning Island. CALLING AT 1UVA, FIJI, ON BOTH UP AND DOWN VOYAGES Theo. H Dalies & Co., Ltd., Gen I Agents American - Hawaiian Steamship Company From New York to Honolulu Weekly Sailings via Tehptepec Freight received at all times at the Company's wharf,, 41st Street. South Brooklyn. FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO HONOLULU. ARIZONAN TO SAIL AUGUST ALASKAN TO SAIL AUGUST 30 FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRANCISCO. ALASKAN TO SAIL AUGUST 8 ARIZONAN TO SAIL AUGUST 9 FROM SAN FRAN. TO HONOLULU COLUMBIAN TO SAIL JULY 29 MEXICAN TO SAIL AUGUST 12 Freight received at Company's wharf Greenwich Street. H. HACKFELD & CO.. LTD.. Agents, Honolulu , C. P. Morse, General Freight Agent SHIPPING INTELLI GENCE TIDES, SUN AND MOON. Now Moon July 27 at 8:53 p. m. -J -5 Q 28 30 31 as ton ta e-, e. ai. 3:45 4:10 4:40 5:10 0:101 1.4 2.0 1.U 1.8 A. M. 3.K 3:40 4:20 A. M.I 8:20 6:.M 11:30 f:00 10:i 5:4: 0:35 0:44' 1.2 I 0:10 i At. 11:10 11:30 Rises 5:32,0:40' 5:00 5:33 0:4i Sets 11:.Y ,5:3.1,0:49 8:07 5:34,0:47, 8:43 A. M, 10:4!: 5:34 0:48' t):20 11 :30,5'JJ4 fl:40 50 0.40 P.M. 1:10 I 12:3o'r:3VO:4u 10:: Times of tha tide are taken trom the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey ta ble. The tides at Kahulul and Hllo occur about one hour earlier than at Honolulu. Honolulu standard time is 10 hours 30 minutes slower than Green wich time, being that ot the meridian of 157 degrees 30 minutes. The time whistle blown- at 1:30 p. m. whl-.h Is the same as Greenwich, 0 hours, 0 min utes. The Sun and Moon are for locaf Urns to thf whole group, Pacific Mail Steamship Co. - , Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co. Toyo Kisen Kaisha. S. S. Co. fetaamer ot the abqve companies will call at Honolulu and leave Uhls tat on or about the dates mentioned below: FOR THE ORIENT. KOREA JULY 29 AMERICA MARU AUGUST 8 v SIBERIA AUGUST 17 CHINA AUGUST 24 MANCHURIA AUGUST 31 NIPPON MARU SEPT. 6 ASIA SEPT. 15 MONGOLIA SEPT. 21 tims to thf wtole group. I Shipping in Port (Army and Navy). U. S. S. Iroquois .Moses, station tug. U. S. S. Milwaukee, Gove, S. F., July 24. U. S. '3. Arethusa, Blerer, Lnhalun, July 20. (Steamships.) Br. S. S. Craigvar, Ptigh, Norfolk, July 22. M. N. S. S. Lurline, Weedon, Hllo, July 24. A.-H. S. S. Virginian, S. F., July 21. (Sailing -resseis.j Br. bk. Hoiywooa, Smith, Junln, May 7. Am. bk. &. C. Allen, Wilier, Gray's Harbor, July 17. Br. bk. Carracrale. Smith, Newcastle, July 20. Am. sc. Mary E. Foster, Johnson, Tnltal, July 25. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. SIBERIA JULY 27 CHINA AUGUST 1 MANCHURIA AUGUST 10 NIPPON MARU AUGUST 14 ASIA AUGUST 23 MONGOLIA AUG. 29 TENYO MARU SEPT. 9 KOREA SEPT. 21 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO H. HACKFELD C08, LTD flATSON NAVIGATION COMPANY Arrive Honolulu. S. S. LURLINE JULY 15TH. S. 8. HILONIAN AUG. .'ND. B. S. LURLINE AUG. 9TH. S. S. HILONIAN. . . SEPT. 5TH. Leave Honolulu. JULY 29TH. SEPT. 8TH, SEPT. 1SX. AUG. 11TH. PASSENGER KATES TO SAN FRANCISCO: FIRST CABIN, $60.00. ROUND TRIP, FIRST CLASS, $110.00. Castle & Cooke Limited, Agents 4 miu it i y iiiu Transfer Co., Ltd Baggage Shipping Storage Wood Packing .Coal 121 King Street. rURNITURH AND PIANO MOVING. PHONE 50 0 STAR I Printing :- Office II li II 4 II ii I II ii ' ' II jf ii li li ii li ii II ii li For years the Star's printing office has been a busy place. .We have gained a reputation for doing good work at fair prloea and delivering tha Job when promised. Few printing offices can make a similar claim. With addition to our plant we are In a better condition than ever to handle commercial printing. Our three Linotypes are at your service for book and brjef work. If you are not a Star customer, send ut a trial order; you will be pleased with the mult . Star Printing Office MoCandlMi Building. Telephone 308 child, W. Pfotenhauer, Mrs. Paul Isen berg, 3llss L. Ward, Mrs. Delancy, Misses De La Nux (2), Miss Grcenwell, Miss E. H. Nichols, Miss Cralu, Miss Ackernian, Miss Reed, Myra Craig, P. L. Weaver, Mr. Grecnwell, Mrs. C. AI. Roberts, Miss Eva Boswell, Miss M. A. Sampson, Mls3 McCormick, Miss Mary Duke, Sister Ephrcn, Mrs. W. W. Har ris, WiTTiam Harris, J. Luther Hough, Mrs. Johnson and child, Arthur Hough, Max Botta, Mrs. A. James and 2 chll dien, Mrs. A. ii.' Ingalls, Miss Julia Klumpko. Miss a. Hnttle, Dr. Nor gaard, Conrailt Ahrens, " John Duke, Miss Ivy Richardson, MIbs Aheen, Miss Ruth Rlclinru3on, Miss C. K. Leary, W. J. Skyle ana wlfe.W. II. Beers, Miss E Chllds, Mrs. Scroggy. Miss Fox, W. A. Bowen, W. F. Bowcn, F. C. Davie, Mrs. G. L. Ross and child, Mrs. L. de Ii Ward, Miss Minnie Ward and maid, Miss Dorothy Waldron, Margaret John- ion, Mrs. J. O. Young .Alfred Young, Genevieve Young. Donald ' Young, W. Gootlalo hurt wife, Geo. Rodlek and wife, L. C. Lowland, L. C. Howlar, iJ. Madden. D. L. Austin. Chas. McGuiro and wife, Mr's. C. A. Baker. Miss Gla- Canario, Mies Hart. Miss Walley, Miss 'TV.,.!,!-,,,. Tt IT V Mntlnf Allot, M A. Vroomaif; Mrs. Mary Wlddlfield, Mrs. O. E. 'Copelnnd, Miss S. C. Da vies. Mrs. McPheo. MIes McPliee, Mrs. Knight, H.P. Barclay. J. Cacenier, Mr. Kolllng, Miss S. E. Hall. Miss Ethel Wolff' Henry Hnr. Mrs. Dr. Herbert and daughter. PASSENGERS BOOKED. Per S. S. Lurline, July 29, for San Francisco: Mrs. Castle-Coleman, Miss Cross, Luchlng Y. T. Low, Alvy Soong, F. B. McStocker. Mrs. McStocker, Miss McStocker, Miss Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs, Sechner, Mrs. Geo. Martin and 2 in fants, Mr. and Mrs Watt, Master Watt Miss Mabel Kan, Margaret Wong, F Atherton, Mrs. Frank Atherton, child and maid, A. N. Campbell, Mrs. Camp bell, Mrs. F. D. Creedon and 2 Infants, F. D. Creedon, J. A. McLeod, Mrs. L. R. Jacob's, Miss Eunice Pratt, Miss M. Crelghton, Dr. E. E. Ostrom, R. T. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Everton, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harvey and 2 chit dren, Fred W. St. Goar, Otto A. Bier bach, W. K. Tucker, Mrs. A. M. Brown, Judge A. aHrtwell. Miss Helen Eames, Miss M. Lomis, Miss Wert, Miss E. Eames, Mrs. Mary Gunn, Mrs. J. A. Maher, F. R. Werthmueller, Frank A. Richmond, F. Endey, Wray Bergstrom, Gov. Baker, T. C. LeBlond, Brother Walter, Miss Center, Mrs. Crockett, J. Gunn and wife. Miss Chlckering. THE LOG-BOOK Complaint is made of sailors throw ing empty beer bottles from carriages Into file roads, to the danger of auto mobile .tires. Barber's Point wireless station last night again heard trom the flagship Connecticut oi tho big fleet. Sho was about 1250 miles out." The "spark was strong and clear. The Minnesota re joins the fleet today. U. S. S. Milwaukee sails Saturday for Panama to coal and thence to iVmapala, Honduras. E. R. Noube, who deserted from Fort Shaffer on Stay 11, was found yester day at Pu'uloa by Detective Medelros. Noubo was working as a blacksmith's helper on the government reservation and wns going under tho name ot Charles Mahelgh. GEORG AS OSS Ii AW A I I AN Mnniii liiitiiiiiii!! WMITBD Beretania Street near Aala Street. Cl i 1 EOF BRYAN WATSON SCORES NEBRASKAN'S ATTITUDE TOWARD NEGRO SOLDIERS. : jluc uxajiio u OUTGOING. For S. F., Lurline, July 29. For Orient, Korea, July 29. For S. F.; China, Aug. 1. From S. F., Alameda, July 31. For Orient, Aintiica Maru, Aug 8. INCOMING. From S. F., Korea, July 29. From S. F., Adameda, July 31. From Orient, Chinn, Aug. 1. From S. F., Hllonlan, Aug. o. From S. F., America Maru, Aug. S. U. S. A. TRANSPORTS. '. Thomas li ft Hon. for Manila, July 15. Logan ai .ian Fran. Buford left Guam for Manila, July 1. Dix at Manila. Sherman at S. F. Warren at Manila. Crook at Nome. Sheridan at S. F. 1 Wit MAIL 8Bia ARRIVING. Tuesday, July 2S. S.' S. Mauna Loa, Slmerson, from Hawaii and Maui ports, 5 u. m. DEPARTING. Monday, July 27. S. S. Ke Au Hou, Peterson, for wind ward Kauai ports, a. m. S. S. Helene, Self, for Houokaa, a. m .Tuesday, July 28. A.-H. S. S. Virginian, for Kahulul, Kaanapali, Hllo and" Sallna Cruz, 5 p, m. S. S. Mauna Kea, Freeman, for Hilo and way ports, noon. S. S. Mlkahala, Tullett, fur Molokai and Maul, 5 p. in. S. S. Noeau, for Houokaa, at noon. S. S. W. G. Hall, Thompson, for Ka ual ports, 5 p. m. S. S. Llkellke, Naopala, for Mahu kona and Kawalhae, noon. PASENQBRS ARRIVED. . Per S. S. Mauna Loa. July 28, from Hawaii and Maul: Miss M. Mitchell, H. Eto, Mrs. F. H. Lillls, W. W. Bru uer, Aliss G. M. Reed. J. H. Fisher, A. D. Larnach, W. M. Cnmdon, W Garni nelt, W. M. Wook, Rov . E.KIu. O. A. Berndt. Mrs. (1. MayfleUl. C. Gay, H. S. Yearns and 70 deck. PASSENGERS DEPARTED. Per S. S. Mauna Kea, for Hllo and way ports, July 2S. Miss Helen Achil les, Mrs. 0. Achnios, G. R. Carter and wife, J. R .Galt and wirey Miss M. L. Plimpton, Miss G. Plimpton, Miss Elizabeth Carter, Miss Pliebe Carter, Miss Lniironce Achnios, Paul Achillea, Master John Gait, Master Carter Gait, Miss K. Maliityro, Mlas Emma Parker, Mrs. K, J. Lord and 2 children, Mrs. E D. Toiinoy, Miss V. Tonnoy, Mrs. W, A. RlierJilun, KTi-b. Noonan, Vurnun M, Tonnoy, O. (J. Livingston, W. h. Cns. tin, Miss Kuimkaiuil, ft, s: Kaimkaiuil ami nlilld, Mis, C Maynmoto and ATLANTA, (Ga.), July 9. Cheers for President Roosevelt and hisses for Willftim Jennings ' Bryan followed a reference to the Brownsville Incident in a speech this morning of Thomas Watson, addressing the Georgia Popu list Convention. Roosevelt, declared the speaker, fearlessly and properly punished' the rioters of Brownsville and won for himself the prals'e of all true men. Taft refused to denounce the President for what he had done. He said. "No, he was a man with red blood In his veins. But Bryan," sAld the speaker, "asserted himself as opposed to the attitude of the President and in sympathy with the Br.ownsvllle soldiers. Are you men of Georgia and of the South going to support such a man and give him your State simply because he Is a Democrat?" Cries of "Shame!" ""NoVer!" and hisses greeted the question. At night Watson was formally notified of his nomination for the President by the Populist party. Date. Name. From. 29 Kored .San Francisco 31 Alameda..... ..San Francisco Aug. 1 Chlnd Yokohama 5 HBonlan San Francisco C Columbian.... '.San Francisco 8 America Maru. San Francisco 10 Manchuria Yokohama 14 Nippon Maru Yokohama 17 Siberia San Francisco 19 Lurline San Francisco 19 Manuka Colonies 20 Mexican San FranclBcrt 21 Alameda San Francisco 22 Aorangi Victoria 23 Asia Yokohama 24 China San Francisco 29 Mongolia Yokohama 31 Manchuria San Francisco Sept. 2 Hllonlan San Francisco 3 Texan San Francisco 5 Nippon Maru.. San Francisco 9 Tenyo Maru Yokohama 11 Alameda San Francisco 15 Asia San Francisco 15 Marama Colonies 17 Virginian San Francisco 19 Manuka Victoria 21 Mongolia San Francisco 21 Korea w Yokohama 22 Lurline San Francisco Date. Name. For. 28 Lurline San Francisco 29 Korea Yokohama Aug. 1 China San Francisco 5 Alameda San Francisco 8 Alaskan San Francisco 8 America Maru Yokohama 10 Manchuria.... San Francisco 11 Hllonlan San Francisco 14 Nippon Maru.. San Francisco 17 Siberia Yokohama 19 Manuka . . . . Victoria 22 Aorangi C Colonies 23 -Asia San Francisco 24 China "Yokohama 20 Alameda San Francisco 29 Arizonan San Francisco 29 Mongolia San Francisco 31 Manchuria Yokohama Sept. 1 Lurline San Francisco 5 Nippon Maru Yokohama S Hllonlan San Francisco 9 Tenyo Maru. ...San Francisco 15 Asia 'Yokohama 15 Marama Victoria 16 Alameda San Francisco 19 Alaskan, San Francisco 19 Manuka Colonies 21 Mongolia Yokohnma 21 Korea San Francisco Calling at Manila. U. S. A. transports will leavo for San Francisco and Manila, and will arrlvo from samo ports at Irregular intervals. Fine Job Prtntma, mar omoa. TIGEO MAHATMA TO PR ISDN MANUFACTURERS OF MACARONI (HOI UDON) and BUCKWHEAT (HOSHI SOU) o The largest and only incorporated concern of ita kind in Honolulu. A new enterprise launched by enterprising merchants. K. Yamamoto SALES AGENT. Tel. 399. Hotel St. near Nuuanu. P. O. Box 810 s m hi tt To ATTRACT THE JAPANESE TRADE advertise in THE DAILY NIPPU JIJI, the most, popular and widely circulated evening paper amona the Japanese colony. JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY with either language of Japanese, CaJ. nese, Korean or English. Phone Main 48. The Nippu Jiji Co., Ltd., Y. SOGA, Manager. .Hotel Street near Nnnaaa. Trent Trust Company, Ltd STATEMENT OF CONDITION, JUNE 30, 190S. ASSETS. Cash on Hand and m Bank r. $ 9 ogg 35 Stocks and Bonds g'qiq 40 Loans on Real Estate f 01773 92 Loaps, Demand and Time.., , t 10453 58 Real Estate 9017 10 Furniture & Fixtures '. ,..' 4457 '.3 Other Assets ', 6,361 09 f LIABILITIES. $107,351 CO HALF GOD" TOO FRIENDLY WITH WOMEN WHO REPLIED TO ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW YORK, July 9. Agamya duru Paramahamsa, known as the "Tiger Mahatma," who has been sentenced to imprisonment for four months in Lon don for taking insulting liberties with two young women when they answer ed his advertisement for a typewrltist, was in New York for several months last year and came near being pro ceeded against here for Misbehavior similar to that of which he has Just been convicted in London. The testimony of the complaining witnesses was that when they called at his residence he made Improper ad vances. One of the young women said he embraced her and tried to kiss her, and sho escaped only by promising to return. The magistrate strongly cen sured the Mahatma and said many complaints of thcsame kind from oth er young women had been received. The "Tiger Mahatma," who had been introduced to England by the late Max Muller, was heralded as "half man and half god." When he came here, in "June 1907, he formed the "Association for thej Study of the Ancient Wisdom," of which Paul Morton of the Equitable Life Assurance Society was Induced to become president. Morton soon dropped out after contributing $100, us he con cluded tho -'Tiger Mahatma" was a humbug. i "I nm God. I know everything," de clared the Mahatma to his cult. He rented a house here, but did not pros per sufficiently In obtaining converts to his religion ot tho Far East, and loft In August. It now transpires that his stenographer and sovernl women stu dents complained about his language and actions toward them, and that he left here just In time to avoid punish ment. He Is a thick-necked, full-llp-ped and swarthy Orlontnl. Capital Subscribed Paid in Stockholders liability..,. Trust & Agency Accounts..-. Bills Payable '. Undivided Profits All other Liabilities..'...... .1100,000 00 49,500 00 TV $ 50,500 00 . 34,771 37 . 9,500 00 . 4,164 74 . 8,415 55 $107,351 CG I, Richard H. Trent, President ot the Trent Trust Company, Limited, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true to the besst of my knowl edge and belief. , RICHARD H. TRENT, President. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 24th day of July, A. D. 1908. M. G. K. HOPKINS, Notary Public, First Judicial Circuit', Territory of Hawaii. Tom Plutt wjll have to be given cre dit for having nttalnod some soiuo In Jils old age. Ho announces, as Inci dent to his falluro to attend tho Chic ago convention, that his activities In tho world of polities hns passed. Yes, and his Inlluonco, too. Topoka State Journal. A wonion may fool her luiBband In to bulluvlng that ho Is tho hoad of tliu liouso, but she can't fool the nolgli bors, Pino Job Printing tr Offlos, 111 lBiiuMoanSoGieliJofllswaii. --j y STATEMENT OF CONDI TION, JUNE 30, 1908. ? ASSETS. Cash on Hand and in Bank j 902 ig Real Estate Loans , ' ' " 49174 en Stock Loans nam .... $ 48,028 70 LIABILITIES. Installment Stock .J...: 40 on -n Paid-up Stock . 4 M07B Undivided ProflV.V.V.V.V.V.".V.V.V.V.".' '. '. '. '. '. '. ! '. '. '. '. . H $ 48,028 7C I, Richard H. Trent, Secretary of the Mutual Building & Loan Society or Hawaii, Limited, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. Subscribed nnd Sworn to before mo this 24th dny of July, A. D. 190S. M. G. K. HOPKINS, Notary Public, First Judicial Circuit. Territory of Hawaii. RICHARD H. TRENT, Secretary. Trent Trust Co., Ltd., Agents, Honolulu THE FIGHT BROUGHT HERE. The last world's championship) fhjht between Bruns and Molr, In Loudon, has Just arrived horo In a 2500'foot moving picture film for tho Uiuplro Theutor. and will bo shown, with, other moving, pictures, uoxt wuok. Mrs. King, formerly of tho Art, will nlng. HORN. HARIION-Jn Honolulu, July 21, to tho -wife of n, W, Wtrryiffnf Kelfiiliu, Kami I, a wn, A GOOD SUGGESTION. Carry n bnttio ot Chamberlains Colic, Cholem and Diarrhoea Remedy In your hand luggage wheu traveling, It cannot be obtained on board tho trnln or strenmshlp. You will thou bo protected ngalust attacks of dlurr hnea, which chungo of water and diet so ofton brings on, For tmlo by all donlern, nenson Smith & Co.. agonta for Hawaii. fln Job Prlntm star Qfflea, ty&