Newspaper Page Text
EI0H1 THE HAWAIIAN STAR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1908. 1 Large Assortment Always on Hand Calabashes, Coral, Seed nnd Sholl Lois, Tapas, Mats, Necklaces aud Fans. Woman's Exchange Hotel St. near Union. W.G. Irwin & Co., Ltd iUGAR FACTORS, COMMISSION AGENTS Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Manager John D. Spreckels. First Vice-President W. M. Gitfard... Second Vice-President H. M. Whitney Treasurer Richard Iveff Secretary D. G. way .Auditor AGENTS FOR Oceanlo Steamship Co., San Francisco, Cal. . Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phlla delphla, Pa. Hakalaii Plantation Co., HIlo Sugar Company, Honolulu Plantation Co., Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co., Kllauea Sugar Plantation Co., Olo walu Company, Paauhau Sugar Plan- tation Co., Waimanalo Sugar Co. WINA VINA COMPANY, LTD. TELEPHONE 71. I F you decide now to burn gas you marvel at the rap id increase in your savings. It is true econo my and the results achieved by the cook are always satisfactory to the palate. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Prlmo Deer Pago 0 Benson, Smith & Co Page G Honolulu Gas Co Pago S Dth Prec. 4th Dls't Pago 5 Henry May & Co Pago 4 Ehlers & Co. N. Pago 4 THE WEATHER. Local Oulce, U. S. Weather Dureau, Young Building. Honolulu, T. H August 2G, 190S. , Temperatur s, G a. m.; 8 a. m.; 10 a. m.; and morning minimum. 71; 70; 77; SO; 71. Barometer reading: absoluto humid ity (grains per cubic foot); relatlvo humidity and dew point at 8 a. m.: 30.01; G.7S5; C4; GG. Wind: Velocity and direction at C a. m.; 8 a. in.; 10 a. m.; and noon: 12 NE.; 12 E.; 10 NE.; 20 NE. Rainfall during 24 hours ending S a. m.: .07 inch. Total wlna movement during 24 nours ende at noon 272 miles. WM. B. STOCKMAN, Section Director. noy Lightfoot, representing Robert Dalzlel, who did considerable plumb ing on tho Fort Shatter buildings as a sub-contractor under the Burroli Construction Company. Tho Interven er claim is for the sum of $19,492.70 In tho suit oi tho United States for tho boueilt of Lowers and Cooke vs The Burrell Construction Company. TWO CHARGES NEWS IN A NUTSHELL. Paragraphs That Give Condensed News of the Day. LIMITED. Bishop Street. AGIST STRAUS 8B TEST Per Lb. Leon Straus, ho wno by telephone girl is alleged to have threatened her death, leveling a pistol, unless she consented to become his wife, lias two charges placed against his name on tho police record. Ho Is charged with inflicting a slight injury and also with carrying a con cealed weapon. On the latter charge ho is likely to have trouble, but there seems to have been no slight injury inflicted unless It was to the latly's nerves. Probably the section following the "slight injury" section is that under 'which it was intended to charge him, that havingto do with assault. In police court this morning Straus had his case continued until Friday. He is out on balL OAHU TAILORING CO. Merchant Tailors. Cigar Stand on the Corner. Beretanla and Emma Streets. Catton, NeiJl & Co. IIMITBD Engineers, Machinists, Blacksmiths and Boilermakers. First class work at reasonable rates. Honolulu Iron fforta STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS, TOILERS, COOLERS, IRON, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS. Machinery of Every Description Made to Order. Particular Attention oald to Shin's Biacksmithing. Job Work Executed on Short Notice. PORTO rilCAN HATS. A largo assortment i the best Porto Ulcan Hats juBt received. Lowest Prlves prevail. See our window dls play. LEADING HAT CLEANERS. Fort Street, Cpposl the Convent. TELEPHONE 493. will bay a fine hom. Baay terms. RENT TRUST CO A PERFECTFIT Guaranteed Wits our expert cutter who bum Jaat rtturMd from the count w tuaranua trtrr suit to St. T, f . AUM CO,, LTD. tfiwftiM nam, Ladies of the Fort Street Chinese church will give a bazar early in De cember. Queen street from Fort to Nuuanu Is closed for the wood block paving op erations. Paymaster Hornberger, of the Na val Station, called on Governor Frear this morning. A line lot of thoroughbred pointer pups Is for sale. Can bo seen at the Dairymen's Association. The Bar Association will meet to day at 4 o'clock at the Republican Headquarters, Merchant street. Ehlers sale of embroideries, ribbon remnants, laces and lace remnants be gins Tuesday morning at S o'clock. Your cook will achieve fame by us ing a gas stove and your savings will pile up. See The HonolulutGas Co., Ltd. The Democrats will hold their prim aries from 2 to S tomorrow afternoon. Ill several precincts there will be no contest. Why not try Taroena for the baby?- Experience has proven to others that it is the best extant. Benson, Smith & Co. Ltd. A meeting of the Waikiki reclama tion commission Is to be held at the office of the Superintendent of Public Works on Friday morning. James F. Morgan, Daniel Woodward and H. Pereira are tho committee to 'select candidates for the Republican primaries In the seventh preoinct oi the fourth district. A lease of an acre and a quarter of land along the Government road at Koloa, Kauai, has been leased to Prince Cupid by Mrs. Lanihau Opeka, for $30 per year. The" final supplemental accounts of Father Valentin and the Bishop iTust Comnany In the matter of the John Ena estate were approved by Judge Dp Bolt yesterday. The 4th Precinct 4th District Repub lican Club will meet Friday evening at Bailey's Hall, Alapal street, for tno mirpose of nominating delegates to the Territorial and County Conventions v. A. Schaeferwiavas appointed the guardian of Auguipand Edward Drel- er. the minor children of August urei er, deceased,- by Judge De Bolt tnis morning. Rapid Transit Men, your lunches and other orders will receive prompt and careful attention at the Manhattan Cafo on Fort street. "Rapid Transit" service is our specialty. R. W. War- ham, Proprietor. An exception to .the decision of Judge De Bolt dismissing the costs bills of all the other defendants In the suit of W. J. Lowrlo vs. H. P. Baldwin than Baldwin and J. P. Cooke, has been noted and allowed. A special meeting will be held at the Kalihiwaena Hall this evening, August 20th, at 7:30 p. m .to consider applications of those who want to take up a three or five months' course In shorthand. The simplest and most rapid shorthand in use. A joint committee of local Odd Fel lows will meet at seven this evening at Odd Fellows' hall to discuss tho mat tor of entertaining the coming fleet vi sitors. It is planned to have a ball in honor of tho fleet, on the evening of September G. Alcohol has a food and stimulating value when the proportion is not too uroot. The danger Is In over Htlmnla- tlon, impossible when the percentage is go small aa in beer. Primo lieer tho famoua home brew, contains only 2 1-2 ner cent alcohol. People -who like tea like to have the vrv beat thero la. To tea drinkers ti.fli u nn medium. v Tea Ii either good or bail. Kverylwdy pronounces the "Bee" brand Ceylon tea sold by Henry May A Co, a the beet, psckou n tin foil and little gunny aarKs. Director of the Hawaiian Fibre Co, are oonaldertug the queetlon of pro faring traction plows to break up m to 1400 avrea of new land for alaai planting. Decorticating Um imn atari ad n the mill st lias) sn4 thsrs are plant enough ts stint to kssp die Msoslnsrr going day S4 Blgfat for a ym. At Mttwvftwr suit wm MM Mw Maissti flaalBK IMS mmmlMm fcr allnr A BUILDING LI NEEDED CContlnuea uom rage One.) In tho rank with fireproof buildings. In fact there are only two buildings that could be considered class A build ings and one at present under process of construction. Climatic conditions in Honolulu naturally reduce the Are risk as wo have no open flres nor do we use heating apparatus in our build ings, the only risk being occupancy. Tho external conditions are, however, deplorable. Should a fire get good headway In one of our blocks in Ho nolulu, it would probably result In the entire or partial loss of the block, even with our efficient Are department and ample water supply in the Are limits. The legislature has many times beep appealed to to provide funds for build ing Inspectors, but has always failed to make such provision and this depart- Date. July 31 ..; August 1 August 3 4.20 cents Aug. 4 Aug. 5 August C 4.125 cents August 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 10 4. OS cents, Aug. 11 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 17 Aug. 18. 4c......... Aug. 20 Aug. 21...... Aug. 24 .'. Per Ton. LONDON BEETS Price. 10 shillings, 5 1-4 pence. 10 shillings, 6 pence. 10 shillings, 0 3-4 pence. 1C shillings, 3 pence. 10 shillings, 2 1-4 pence. 10 shillings. 10 shillings, 2 1-4 pence. 10 shillings, 3-4 ponce. 10 shillings, 1 1-2 pence. 10 shillings, 3-4 pence. 10 shillings. 10 shillings 0-4 pence. 9 shillings 10 1-2 pence. 9 shillings 9 pence.' 9 shillings, 7 1-2 pence. James F. Morgan's AUCTIONEER AND STOCK BROKER Member of Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange. Stock and Bond Order receive prompt attention. Information furnishel relative to all STOCKS AND BONDS. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Phone 72 P. O. Box 94. of water extinguisned the flame but nothing would do the panic stricken folks below, who thought the Wholo tenement above them must be blazing, HawaiianToDaccoPianiauon Co., Capital Stock $100,000.00 5000 Shares Par Value ?20.00 Subscription list now open at the office of HARRY ARM1TAGE Stook f liutl 13G.ta.c3. UroltL'i" ..... Campbell Block, Merchant Street, Prospectus may tie had on application. country to the south of that land. It would be quite like Bill to chassey up to the Manuka's bridge, with Laura on his energetic arm, and confide to but to -ring in an alarm and draw a the gallant skipper that they were a section of the community to behold couple of eloping kids who feared the the faults of this village In a build- anger of unreasoning parents, and ing. . would he please hitch them according A climbing of back stairs to see the hole In the floor, from the top, reveal ed the fact that Several steps of the stairs were imminently and obviously dangerous to human life and limb and that patent weaknesses elsewhere ex isted, Incidentally that those whose, duty it is to inspect and report such things must be overworked or with out the time to get around to this building, or else orders for a few new pieces of lumber have been overlooked. It was also very forcibly revealed to to the laws of Cupid, Hymen and Nep tune. There were no rice and old shoes at the Manuka's getaway. Midsummer Sale OF- Ladies' Linen Suits BEGINNING MONDAY, AUGUST 24th. Unprecedented Price Cutting TO INSURE QUICK CLEARANCE. COST OR VALUE NOT CONSIDERED. SOME MARK ED AT HALF PRICE, OTHERS AT LESS THAN HALF. Every one a smart and stylish suit. The materials are white Linen, cream Linen, Piques in white, pink, and light blue, and fine white Rep. L Saefos' Dry Seeds He., Ltd Corner of Fort and Beretanla Streets. the famous founder of Methodism, in a pamphlet entitled1 "Primitive Physic" advises his followers thus: "Drink water only when it- agrees xvith your stomach, if not good small beer." If people today look at beer reasonably they must be im pressed with the small amount of alcohol it contains, only 2 1-2 per cent in PRIflO BEER ment hos been compelled to rely on the perimps five hundred people, autoists, assistance of its clerks and the Sanl- bicyclists, drivers, firemen, policemen tary and Plumbing Inspector. nnti visiting citizens afoot and otTier- i"Tho TlnnnHmnnt la ,irann,atl .tn ' , a, a ai. - a i a $ a,,... ... wise uiui ine wilier-wagon lias not place before your Excellency for sub- been in the neighborhood of South and mission to the legislature, what It Queen streetti-for a very extended time. deems a proper building law. Tho a severe dust storm was racincr. the law Is applicable to all parts of the , wind being boisterous as it very often 1 William A. Love of Halstead & Co., Territory and should be a Territorial ( is In that section and tho Kakaako broUers roturned In the ,Kinau this mw msieau 01 passing sucn- measures mission, across ironi ine iuagoon BROKER LOVE RETURNS FROM VACATION AMIDST THE FINEST SCENERY ON GARDEN ISLAND. as would permit each county to draft block, stores, restaurants and lodgings morning from a delightful vacation on its own laws. However, as the mat- were being anointed with choking, auai. as a guest at ine ivuuuson ter - of building construction is pro- 1 blinding dust, dust that settles on the home In tho mountains he went gun- pcrly the function of City and County , food displayed in shops and on the njng for goats jn tbe -vVaimea gulch, government, the enforcement of the ( persons of the numerous close-quarter- wbich be describes as one of the grand- law should be wider the direction of , eu miiaimanis oi uie uig stationary ea(. pleces o scenery ,u the Hawaiian the county boards of supervisors. This ; ar'- matter is one mat materially aitects ; uciim.,.-..,. um, um ... ,,,,,, fooA ,, .,, vnrWn.inn the business prosperity of our com- "ne style to the alleged blaze making co,ors g ravlshi tQ munity, and I feel that I would fall j vr as it went through TWb n ,B SQurce q in mv niiiiernHnn tn thn Hti7fins nnri , 1 lace or Union square as did also T,,. . ... . i 1, ,,, ,,.,, ,, , water lor tue vvaiuiua-ivciiaua uuiu administration it I did not bring it , tlle old reliable police wagon. . mnstrnrted aa...a... RnniR of thn jiiUnmni.tino miMit lmvo 'ateiy constructed. ueioro your attention. . -o-v Amn nia ni.c i tho HitWn, The bulldintr laws should cover a Decn C0PPea for exceeding the speed . ""T"6' ."".:. " " ' wider soono th tint of rnnstrnrtlnn 1 llmit ln 0 heart of town if interest wmcu " vlsueu was a 10,ebl "l wider scope tnan tnat ot construction , , , , ... t whih Mr f0unQ- n,l ehr.,,1,1 HmU I., tnln ' "" CBUlUieU m uw wuere. - , - - - - localities, as, with our cosmopolitan r u"u slBnnicance ot ine sup- 1 a t i , l'uocu njuiuiuhiauuiii i population, we are Having certain . , - . it ,1 nnt nrexe.nt n. tronlral Innnle avo uauui tuu iuuu iid i in KuirLien a - the town, took clerks out of nmcos anH aspect .the trees displaying their stores, disturbed business, got people trunks from the ground up with In- lierspiring, took' women from their diytduallzed dignity. There is a dif- sewing, washing and cooking, et cetera, .'-ference in the texture of the koa wood risked children's" Hyes on crowded also, as compared with that now being street corners around which gas ma-1 commercially exploited 6n Hawaii. It chines and horse-rigs whisked, caus- Is of a crinkly and wavy grain and ed all to wonder if- their property was! possibly might have especial value for In danger and generally demoralized decorative panels and veneering. hundreds, the -superiority of the still Mr. Love saw where the wild cattle Islands. It is vast, with walls several classes of buildings erected in the resi dential portion of the city and occu pied for purposes that are a detriment to the city especially from a moral, sanitary and commercial aspect when located in close proximity to our pub lic schools." KAPflfl Liu DSGUSSED THE GOVERNMENT IS DISPOSED TO STAND BY THE FIGURES OF THE APPRAISERS. Col. Spalding, ot the Makee Sugar Company, called on tiovernor Frear this morning, in connection with tho Kapaa lands. Ho stated that ho had different from the forests on other Isl ands. Being on the dry side of Kauai alarm not yet '.having convinced Hono lulu. At tlie scene of the confusion were observed supervisors, electricians. In surance men, real estate men, sena tors, a goodly proportion of the mili tant police, hill collectors, telephone linemen, business men, newspapermen, doctors who lad been on the way to patients, Federal and Territorial em ployes who had turned out of the Exocutlvo and Judiciary buildings to see what tho excitements was all about, i strangers In tho city who were much Interested in the old-fashioned way of sending in a fire-alarm, messenger boys HUSTAOE-PECK CO., LTD. Phone 295. 63 Queen Street. P. O. Box aia ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL KINDS OF TEAMING, dealers in Fire Wood, Stove, Steam and Blacksmith Coal Crushed Rock, Black and White Sand. Garden Soil. Hay, Grain, Cement, Etc., Etc. Honolulu C0D5t.uc.l0D & QrayiDQ Co., Lifl., GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Phone Office 281. , P. O. Box 154. Fort St., Opp. W. G. IRWIN CO., LTD. We do all kinds of Teaming; also deal in Crushed Rock, White and Black Sand, Broken Coral, Garden Soil, Etc. SAFE MOVING A SPECIALTY. eccaoAficooroeceoOTOxtKo30oeoooeooeo90900908oe 1 E LOPEMEWT gone over the 'appraisers' report very Md R hogt of otherf. curmiuiy anu tiiut nu uiueiuu witu cur tain portions of it. Ho boliovos that the Government Is asking for too much rentnl for tho land and that it should bo reduced. It may be wild, and with almost of ficial authority, that tho Government will not lease the Knpaa lands for a! Bill Smith as a disturber of dome lower figure than that set by tho ap- J tic felicity has loft a reputation here, pralseri. From the Ideas which can , In this cum nt leant. be obtained from all the Government 1 To he mire, a charitable cousldem- (Contlnuod from Page One.) and goats had worked destruction to forest and field vegetation. What wero once populous hillsides, dotted with the somes of thrifty natives, is now a scono of desolation. Thero is scenery now and nothing else and tho knowledge of what tho land looked like before makes an alloy of sadness in the enjoyment of a picturesque and bold perscpectlve of landscape. However wdrk of redemption is going on. For est lines have been laid out as a re sult of examination by Territorial For- oster Hosmer and a forest reserve will be created. In tho meantime the iKnudsens have been carrying on a process of extirpation of tho wild cat tlo on their extensive domain, while their friends from Honolulu and olse whoro have complete privileges of foraying ngaln'st tho goats. They have also done a grout deal of treo planting. Dr. Howard Hltohcock, Hawaii's pro mlQr artist, has beon sketching in Wal 111 on dlHtrlot and noma fino paintings of Bceneo tuorein irom ins 11 titan wm om gladden art lovers. One that Is b TsA. ESCURIA The Best 5c. Cigar in the world. "High Grade! All Light Colors I" Old Government Plantation, Puritanos Finos, Perfectos, Panatelas, Invincibles, Reina Victoria, Regalia Brittanic'a, La Escuria Brevas Cigars. IvBWIS & COMPANY, Itdi g 109 King treet. CIGAR DEALERS. Telephone 240. o Distributors for Hawaiian Islands. M, ..1 ) ...I.,. 1 , .. l.n.l ,1,1.,,. . .1 fin.. . 1.A llnlnnAn,al' an aha. It n 4 a.. with this matter, it worn, that all era- the .uppoilllon tlmt Irreprewdble love, ! !.""'1n.,t " , f Jl ji. t . ...j u i .1,.,. ...I.I..I. l.i.,. .... K. ....,! I.irf 1 10W 01 HHHUei LUJIJ1MI. mi um nu tuuiuuiu nun juni ugum ia uiui wiuuu uuitftlUBi nil iiiiui, 110111 Klveu the throe apprulsers who hud away over thMM two hearts, Itorliapa cUargu of the work. T P (OoutlBuM Mom Pima On ) iflllg ttMUUM U Bmttir. Jtoitfl-ii wife Will kludly di vorce him, ar h may ilrVoree her for violating tha it, S. Ooualltutlon by landing In lit way of hla iibt oi "lift, liberty and tka purault of Imptu neaa," Tlia. if Uun Md lilll have nut aii-ta4y loUan Um Mriuuw .mu- Piiiu mdN ttttito MNiukt to ma UNQUOH VQn TH MONKV. Mra, Quaralotia and Iter anu hail at tained aerrlot Ui a country uituroli one bright aiiiumer worulug. On tha way home Mra. Q, Uagau to fiud fault with Ilia iHluUtar'a volt, tht iirafteblHg, tUa organ aud iha iltftM' VfUM HaUa lug to hf wwrtHH O-vftrd twinim d. "Qg iMMiffi fhit i m tiMi 26 (9k jmtmmtmammmmam i A ((ML; 1 Mv nxmFWI Mr-m NLYfiEANABlE HCMOVARLB flANIXtp Ice COWjRTMeNT: iMANUFACTUREDONlY BY" i THE KING OF ICE SAVERS Tlta fautoui "Uuniay" ban all olliar lofilgarulora Iwateu a wlla. Wa baob out aaaartluji, it la Ilia llaat by uoIuaI 'J'aat, Mada Ui IB atylaa, itfld oh Uia iMtollmaut pIhii. V -1 WMk. v 1 m I , . 1