Newspaper Page Text
r - t the AWAI:Si,rfe'I,AR Wednesday, September 30, loos. riVB DON'T WORRY Wo will buy your Diamonds, old watches and Jewelry for spot cash. J. CARLO 1018 Nuuanu Ave, an Branch, Fort St., near Hotel. sometimes belong to young peo ple. It's Just a question 1 of how they are taken care of. If your eye3 trouble you, take them to NEW ENGLAND MDTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. of Boston, Massachusetts New Policy The contract embodies, In an absolutely COMPLETE and PERFECT form, the principle of strictly MUTUAL Ufa insur ance. CASTLE & COOKE, LTD, AGENTS. Also representing Aetna Insurance Co. National Firs Insurance Co. Citizens Insurance Co. Protector Underwriters. Is there any reason why our advertising matter should not help your business? Let's see. HAWAII PUBLICITY CO'. Telephone 173. I I ME. LID. Honolulu, T. H. SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS. SUGAR FACTORS and GENERAL IN SURANCE AGENTS. representing Ewa Plantation Co, Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd. Kohala Sugar Co. Walmea Sugar Mill Co. Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd. Fulton Iron Works of St Lsvlfl. Blake Steam Pumps. Westons Centrifugals. Babcock & Wilcox Boilers, Green's Fuel Economlxar. Marsh Steam Pumps. Matson Navigation Co. Planters Line Shipping Co. Now England Mutual Life Ur nco Company of Boston. Aetna Insurance Co. National Flro Insurance Co. Citizen's Ineurance Co. (Hartlora Fire Insurance Co.) Protector Underwriters ot tkt Photsii of Hartford. i I. G. IRW & Go. AGENTS FOR THE Royal Insurafco Co. of Liverpool, Eng, Scottish Union & National Ins. Co., ot Edinburg, Scotland. Commercial Union Assurance Co, of London. The Upper Rhine Ina. Co., Ltd. ; in. E. O. HALL & SON, LTD., Proprietors Importers and Dealers In Automobiles and Auto Supplies, Re pairing and Storage. Sole Agents for tho Pierce Great Ar row, Franklin, Kissel Kar, Thomas, Cadillac. 151 Merchant Street. Y. WO SING CO. GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, IT. California Butter, 40o lb; CooWni Butter, 80c. lb.; Island Butter, Ite. IV. 1186-1188 Nuuanu Street. Telephone Main 2S8. Box 111 Fine. '.Job Printing, Star. Office. Dili Eyes Amusements EMPIRE THEATER HOTEL AND BETHEL STREETS. PROGRAM CHANGED MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. New Moving Pictures FRANK VIERRA, pianist. MRS. KING sweet singer of pictured melodies. Admission ioc Children Bo Art Theater WONDERFUL MOTION 'PICTURES bringing to view scenes from many lands and embracing. I o.xxcl 3Pa.-tlo.ost T TWO CHANGES EACH WEEK. MONDAY AND THURSDAY. i Do not fail to see Life on an V English Reform ship and Ele- X phants in India now on. POLITICAL NOTICES. I hereby announce myself as an in dependent candidate for the offlco of Treasurer for the City and County of Honolulu. GEORGE C. BECKLEY. I have been regularly nominated by the Republican County Convention tor the offlco of SENATOR, THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT, and I request the support of the elec tors. E. W. QUINN. I have been regularly nominated by the Democratic County Convention for the office of DEPUTY SHERIFF, DISTRICT OF HONOLULU, and respectfully ask for the voting support of the electors. CHARLES H. ROSE. I havo been regularly nominated by the Democratic County Convention lor the offlco of SENATOR, COUNTY OF OAHU. and I request the support of the elec tors. H. T. MOORE. I have been regularly nominated by tho Republican County Convention for the offlco of COUNTY AUDITOR, COUNTY OF OAHU. and I request the support of the elec tors. JAMES BICKNELL. I have been regularly nominated bv the Republican County Convention for the office of COUNTY CLERK, COUNTY OF OAHU. and I request the suport of the elec tors. DAVID KALAUOKALANI, JR. I havo been regularly nominated by the Republican County Convention for the office of SENATOR, COUNTY OF OAHU. and I request tho support of the electors. JOHN A. HUGHES, I have been regularly nominated by the Republican County Convention for tho offlco of REPRESENTATIVE OF THE FOURTH DISTRICT and I request tho support ot tho electors. JOHN K. KAMANOULU, I havo been regularly nominated, by tho Republican County Convention for the offlco of SUPERVISOR, COUNTY OF OAHU and I request the support of the electors. . DANIEL LOGAN, Typo Writing Paper and all Offlco Supplies. Call In and inspect our large stock. Wall, Nichols Co., Lid Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts. THE COUNTRY CLUB. Every man to his taste In the mat ter of golf but the consensus of opin ion is that Haleiwa offers greater in ducements tp tho lover of tho sport than tho club links nearer at home. Possibly because people enjoy getting out of call of tho house and desire to be down where they can put and drlvo whero tho waves aro whispering encouragement nearby. The links thero are good and Manager BIdgood looks after visitors. Fine Job Printing, Star Office. NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OF BONDS OF PAIA PLANTATION. PAIA PLANTATION, pursuant to tho terms of that certain Deed of Trust, dated' September 2S, 1003, made by it to Hawaiian Trust Company, Limited, hereby gives notice to tho holders of bonds of Pala Plantation, issued under said Deed of Trust, ot the election of the said Paia Planta tion to redeem and pay, and of tho re demption and payment of tho follow ing numbered bonds ot said Paia Plan tation on tho first day of October, 1908, at the office of Hawaiian Trust Company, Limited, Honolulu, County of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, to-wlt: Bonds of tne par value of si.OOO.UO each numbered: 4 82 1C1 229 32b 19 84 1C2 231 327 22 91 ICC 23S 329 23 93 1C7 240 331 25 94 172 241 337 2C 100 175 24G 339 27 107 17S 250 344 37 110 185 253 351 48 111 18G 254 Jo5 49 114 190 255 3C1 50 11 G 192 258 3G2 5C 120 193 2SS0 303 CI 129 195 2U1 3CC C3 13C 197 292 875 C5 137 200 299 881 70 139 205 303 384 71 14C 209 31G 3S5 72 152 215 31S 388 73 154 222 321 390 7G 159 223 324 392 39G Bonds of tho par value of $500. OU each numbered: 403 421 43C 458 483 408 422 442 4C3 '490 411 423 447 475 492 412 42S 451 479 495 415 431 453 The holders ot tho above numbered bonds are hereby notified to present for payment of principal and interest accrued to October 1, 190S, and to sur render, said bonds at the place and on the date last above mentioned, and that after October 1, 1908, all interest on said bonds numbered as aforesaid shall cease. Honolulu, August 3rd, 1908. PAIA PLANTATION. By J. P. Cooke, Treasurer. 20ts Aug. 5, 12, 19, 2G, Sept. 2, ff, 10, 17, 18, 19, 21 ,22, 23, 24, 25, 2G, 23, 29.' 30. Oct. 1. NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OF BONDS OF HAIKU SUGAR COMPANY. HAIKU SUGAR COMPANY, pursu ant to the terms of that certain Deed of Trust, dated September 2S, 1903, made by it to Hawaiian Trust Com pany, Limited, hereby gives notice to the holders of bonds of Haiku; Sugar Company, Issued under said JJeed or Trust, of the election of the said' Haiku Sugar Company to redeem and pay. and of the redemption and payment ot tho following numbered bonds of said Haiku Sugar Company on tho first day of October, 1908, at the office of Hawaiian Trust Company, Limited, Honolulu, County or Oahu,, Territory of Hawaii ,to-wlt: J Bonds of the par value of $1000.00 each numbered: t 1 45 IOC ICO 214 7 48 113 v171 219 8 51 U4-'"-T-t82 224 9 71 119 "1S3 22C 10 73 122 185 231 12 7G 12G ISC 233 17 82 127 194 237 20 85 134 '""197 241 33 91 135 200 245 38 98 137 203 24G 40 99 153 204 248 43 102 157 209 250 44 104 158 211 Bonds of the par value of J50O.OU each numbered: 254 272 295 322 334 255 v278 315 327 335 2C0 " '280 317 330 338 2C4 282 320 333 342 2CG 284 V Tho holders of the anove numbered bonds are hereby notified to present for payment of principal and interest accrued to October 1, 1908, and to sur render, said bonds nt tho place and on tho date last above mentioned, and that after October 1, 1908,- all interest on said bonds numbered as aforesaid shall cease. ' , Honolulu.August 3, 1908. HAIKU SUGAR COMPANY, ' By J. P. COOKE. Treasurer. 20ts Aug. 5, 12, 19, 20, 30, Sept. 2. U, 1C, 17, 18. 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2C, 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1. OF E (Continued from Page Four). lugs, using nlone tho English langu age. "But," tho editor says, "If these youths aro deprived of their franchise in future, after they are educated as an American boy should bo, whero will they stand? They will havo to livo all tholr llfo as educated cripples, as much as citizen with criminal rec ords, without civil right. In Japan, they will lose their civil right when they pledge allegiance to tho United States, thus losing rights as citizon in both countries. Tho question how wo should educate our children must bo solved along with the question an to how. their franchise right Is to bo guaranteed to them." , EDUCATION JAPANESE ANOTHER ESTATE GOMPyUNED OF MINORS SAID TO HAVE SUFFEASD THROUGH FAILURE OF ADMINIS TRATOR TO CARE FOR THEM. A petition for tho removal of Abra ham Kalelkau, ns the' guardian of Da vid Mikado and "Wahlnanl, minors, was presented in the Circuit Court this morning through Attorney W. C. Achl. It is recounted that the guardian has not acted In a proper mnnner, nor has ' ho applied the Income of the minors' estate to their maintenance and sup port. It is further stated that ho has failed to provide 4ho minor David, with clothes that he might attend tho 1 Kamehameha Schools. Besides this he Is said to have failed to furnish food for tho boy for the last month. It is prayed that Kaleikau bo removed and a suitable person appointed in his stead. !! FRANCISCANS TO BE WELCOMED (Continued from Pago One ) C. M. Cboko and John Wntorhouso were appointed as representatives of this Chamber of Commerce on the ex cursion to Japan Mr. Cooke proposed that Secretary Wood should also go, ' being strongly seconded by Mr. Mac-' farlane, and the motion would have carried with enthusiasm had not Mr. ' Wood presented reasons why he should stay. There wns so much special and gen eral work for him at home, Mr. Wood argued, that it would bo inadvisable for him to leave his post. Besides tho business of the Chamber there wero the work of the Hawaii Promotion Committee and the affairs of the com mittee on the Seattle Exposition re quiring his constant services. Tlfo meeting reluctantly accepted his reasons, the proposal being dropped. Willard E. Brown reminded the meeting that the Promotion Committee had lots of literature for distribution among the visitors and equipment of the delegation on tho Japan excursion. FINEST STALLIONS EVER IMPORTED The most Interesting Item's of freight brought here yesterday from Seattle In the' A.-H. S. S. Virginian are a pair ot splendid stallions from Europe for tho Parker ranch on tho Island of Hawaii. One Is a dapple gray French Per'che ron, weighing ,2,010 pounds and the other a German coach, 1,450 pounds. Thqse horses will be on exhibitions at the old Emmeluth place, owned by Chief Justice Hartwell, on J mid street, near Lillha, every day between ll a. m. and 1 p. m. and Fred Carter will be happy to show them. New York is rushing to tho theater to see a few actors play "The Devil," just as If tho Devil were a stranger In New York. Portland Telegram. 3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox A 44 B Brand TEA COMES IN LITTLE GUNNY SACKS. This peerless Ceylon Tea is packed in lead 'and shipped direct o , . tt ..'ll .1 ...lli'.i. I -Will wtl ;) K to us .from Ceyjo" "? little i!iiy fjicks. p., g It; is opened in your kitchen for the first time, and all the flavor and quality arc preserved for you. t ASK FOR "B" BRAND There" is no other like it. UMATILLA STRAWBERRIES', RASPBERRIES and h BLACKBERRIES. FINEST OREGON WILD BERRIES'. Henry May & Co., Ltd Fort Street Grocers. Phone 22. 9 XOXOXOXOXJXOXXCaXOXOXCOCOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX o THE GHOST IS CAUGHT Punchbowl Spook Now on Exhibition at Lambert's Orpheum Saloon OTHER SPIRITS FOR SALE. Fort Street - . - ' " - - Above Orpheum. MAN IN CHARGE AT SETTLEMENT HAS TO LIVE JUST LIKE PRISON ERS DO. ,It seems rather tough to be a Jailor, to have charge ot prisoners and then to have to, bo a prisoner yourself, but such is the sorry fix in which L. H. Punlllo, tho jailor of tho Moiokal Settlement, finds himself. While he is all right through the day, when night conies ho has no other place to sleep than in one ot tho cells, exactly like those in which he ponflnes tho prisoners who are In his . charge for the making of swipes nnd other offences. The matter has been brought to the attention of High Sheriff Henry, who states that he has no money at his disposal with which to build a cottage for the jailor and that tho matter must wait till the next session of the legis lature when an appropriation will bo asked. A building which would be suitable for the jailor's dwelling would be very Inexpensive and could bo erect ed for "about $300 and then the unpleas ant fetiture o! having to sleep In a cell would be removed from I'unlllo's Job. Joseph Augustine Combs, P. Maurice McMahon, Jimmy Lloyd and R. A. Kearns are out for the position of stenographer to tho House ot Repre sentatives. Combs Is said to have tho lead, so far. on account ot his personal beauty, while McMahon, as a poet ot passion, Is declared to bo a very close second. Jimmy Lloyd, also handsome, is very much in the race, while Kearns' intel lectual brow is not far behind. Whoever wins will get In by a nose. It has not been settled who has tho longest nose, though, as previously stated, Combs leads at the moment of going to press. ARNEGIE SAYS PEACE IS HELD BY KAISER BERLIN, Sept. 15. Andrew Carnegie has written a letter from Skibo castle, Scotland, to Representative Richard Bartholdt of Missouri, president ot the American group of the interparliamen tary union, which convenes in this city September 17, In which he says: "If the emperor of Germany ever realized his manifest destiny peaco would follow. Ho has it in his power to abolish war among civilized na tions. All he has to do is to ask Great Britain, France and the United States in uniting with him in declar- Notwithstanding the refusal of tho Falllieres family to display tho wed ding present, It is reasonable to as sume that they conform to tho regu lar formula of numerous and costly. Boston Herald. Fine Job Printing, Star Office. E S CANDY MANUFAC'l I'REKS FORCED TO PAY PENALTY FOR USING. INJURIOUS INGREDIENTS. SAN FRANCISCO. Sent. 1C The first cases In the pure food crusade came up for trial in Police Judge Wel lcr's court yesterday, nnu on the sug gestion of Louis Ferrari, special pro secutor, the lowest line, $25, was im posed, ns the defendants wero not wealthy and they had stopped tho ob jectionable practice complained of as soon ns they had been notltled that they wero violating the law. The first defendants were Albert Nasser, candy manufacturer, 1210 Eighteenth street, and his brother, Samuel. Both wero charged with sell ing candy containing parailln. H. it. Robblns, chief inspector of tho state board of health, testified to purchasing candy at the store of the defendants nnd handing it to Prof. M. E. Jaffa, director of the stato lauoratory. Pro fessor Jaffa testllled to making an analysis of tho candy and finding par affin. Ho said that paraffin made the candy indigestible nnd was therefore Injurious. It was put In the candy to make It chew better. Out ot 117 sam ples analyzed throughout tho state about 40 contained pnraltln. There were three charges against L. H. Tryforis, candy manufacturer, fillt Halght street, but Attorney Ferrari said ho was willing to havo two of the charges dismissed If tho defendant pleaded guilty to the other, which was done, and ho was fined J25. Professor Jaffa said later that it was the aim or the state board to educate fho people and not to prosecute tliem. All that was desired was pure food and thatthe labels should tell exactly what tho contents of the bottle or package were. A BALM INDEED. No external nnnllcatlon Chamberlain's Pain Balm for sora mus cles or swollen Joints. No matter what may bo the cause, this liniment win give relief. For salo by all deal ers, Benson Smith & Co., agents for iiawau. ing that sinco the world has contract ed to a 'neighborhood' and is in con stant communication, one nart with another, tho Interchange of products between them amounting to thousands of.milllons a year, the tlmo has passed when any one civilized nation can bo permitted to break tihat noaco in which all are so deeply interested." New Advertisements FUNERAL NOTICE. Hiuvniinn J,odgo Xo. 21, F.&'A. M. THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL meeting of Hawaiian Loden No. 21 P. .& A. M., nt Its hall, Masonic Temple, corner or Hotel and Alakca streets, THIS (Wednesday) AFrraiiNOfiN. SEPTEMBER 30 at 3:30 p. m. for the purposo of attending the funeral or the late Brother William c.rnlinm Smith. Mombers of Pacific nml rw.nnin Lodges and all sojourning brethren aro invited to attend. By order of tho W. M. K. It. G. WALLACE. Secretary. IN THE CmCUIT COURT OF THE I'Irst Circuit Territory of Hawaii. At Chambers In Probate. In tho Matter of tho Estnto of Sylves ter Cullen, Deceased. Order of Notlco ot Hearing Petition for Probato of Will. A Document purporting to be tho Last Will and Testament of Sylvester Cullen, lato ot Walahole, Oahu deceas ed and a codicil thereto having on tho 22nd day of September A. I). 190S been presented to said Probato Court, and a Petition for Probato thereof, nrnvinc for tho issuance of Letters Testamen tary to Mary Cullen having been filed uy said Mary Cullen It is Ordered, that Monday, tho 2Cth day of October A. D. 190S, at 9 o'clock n. m., of snld day. at tho Court Boom of said Court at Honolulu bo and tho samo is heroby appointed tho tlmo nnd piaco for proving said Will and hear ing said application. It Is Further Ordered, That notice thereof bo given, by publication onco a week for threo successive weoks in tho Hawaiian Star nowspapor, tho Inst pub lication to bo not loss than ten days provious to tho tlmo thorcln appointed for hearing. Dated Honolulu, September 22, 190S. (Sig) ALEXANDER LINDSAY, JR., Second Judge ot tho Circuit Court of tho First Circuit. Attest: (Slg.) JOHN MARCALLINO, Clerk. A. Q. M. Robertson attorney for peti tioner. Its Sept. 23, 30, Oct. 7, 11. FOOD LI VIOLATOR iNIUUWSAjSm Honolulu, Htwtit MAKIKI DISTRICT. Two-acro building site in tho Mhklki District. One of tho choicest locations left In tnis district. Bargain price for quick sale. 4 MANOA VALLEY BARGAINS. Two three-quarter acre building lots for ?1C00 each. 4 4 4 KAL1HI. A property suitable ror alurgo family. Large house and amplo grounds. Price, $4,000. Call or write to Waterhouse sTrusl Corner of Fort and Merchant Sts. TALK BY WIR E LESS with other ISLANDS. Classified Advertising LOST Lady's watch. Monotrrnni at. k. 11 Reverse side clover loaf, 3 diamonds. iiewani at this ofllce. WANTED TO BUY. Quote lowest price on haunted house on Punchbowl. J. CARLO. TO LET. Houso to Let. One block from Ra pid Transit line and from Punahou Col lege; S rooms, Independent, artisan wa ter, mosquito proof, electric liehts. ens if desired. Dining room, kitchen, bath etc. Kent cheap, apply to 192S Wilder Avenue. FOR SALE CHEAP. 2 Flno Pearls at $23 eacn. CL l'ost- offlco Box 2SC. WANTED. Just arrived young man 20 years ot age, desires position as salesman or general clerk. Address II, Star office. By exifcrlenced Tuna, position on plantation. Please address "J. R." this ofllce. Second h"androlTer top desk., Ad dress P. O. Box 313. " Young ladywltlf knowledge of short hand and typewriting. Address P. O. Box iSG. ""Bright whlto 6oyr6r IfllicS Must have knowledgo of shorthand and typewriting. Address M. L. this of fice. Good proposition for a canvasser of ability. Address X, Star Office. We want you to try a massage with our Electric Vibrator 'for that tired feeling and hendacho. Nothing better In town. Union Barber Shop. FOR RENT. First Class furntRhoH ly located. Hot and cold baths. Ar lington Hotel, 215 Hotel St, Declarations by John D. Rockefeller that his Income has heei greatly ex aggerated suggest that this may bo about tho time when the assessor starts his rounds. Washington Stnr. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION of a General Storehouse at Honolulu H. T. Ofllce of the Constructing Quarter master. Honolulu, II. T.. Sept. 30, 190S. Sealed propognls In trlplicnto will ba received here and at the ofllco oil the Constructing Quartermaster nt San Francisco, Cnl. until October 30, 190S,' and then oponed, at Honolulu, H. T at 9 a. m., and nt San Francisco., Cnl., at 11 a. m. for tho construction, plumb ing nnd wiring of a concroto storohouBo nt Honolulu, H, T., according to plans and specifications on fllo in tho offices ot tno nnovo mentioned quartermnst- . crs. Information furnished on appli cation. A deposit of 120.00 will bo re quired for each sot of plans furnished, wnicu win 00 rofunded upon return ot same. Envelopes should bo indorsed "Proposals for Storehouse" and ad dressed to Captain E. II. Humphrey, Constructing Quartermaster, U. S. Army. Cts Sept. 30, 'Oct. 1, 2, 3, 2S, 20..- .0 irv- FOB SALE 4- i .1