Newspaper Page Text
DC THE HAWAIIAN STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1908. Sounding tlio praises of Aycr's Hair Vigor. That's what every one does who uses this splendid fproparatioii Sffl for the hair. jLsw K you don't ml want to f praise it, then f- you must not use it. You see, you will bo so pleased with it that you will just have to tell your friends all about it. rnrm Mi (mi S P O RTS A A VI removes dandruff, makes the hair grow thick and heavy. Handsome hair, rich, glossy hair, always attracts. You may have just such hair if you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. Accept no substitute. Pretlnd ty Dr. I. C. Ayer & Co.. Uell, Hits., US. AV. P. FULLER & CO.'S PURE PREPARED IT This Is tho paint that is good enough to be put upon a good house. It comos ready-mixed, and so cannot be spoiled by tho addi tion of Inferior oils. It is pure paint there Is no adulteration In it. It lnsts and wears well. SOLD DY 1EB 8 MIL LIMITED. 177 S. King Straet. Phone 776. 68 HOURS To Chicago From San Francisco, Th Futest transcontinental train. . OVERLAND ' ILTMITED Electric lighted, Bullet, Li brary and Drawing room com partment, observation car, with dinner. Telegraphic news post d on train. Southern Pacific COMPANY Company II. of tho Twentieth in fantry. Lieut. Hnndolph, commanding, now holds tho championship of Port Shatter in two different lines. Last Saturday its nine won the baseball championship of tho post and yester day, at the Hold day, H company car ried away tho honors and was award ed the silk banner for ilrst place. The baseball trophy Is a silver cup. The Held day started yesterday morning and It looked at Ilrst as If H company would come in last, for until the last three events were reached they were far behind. Then they came up with a sudden rush and won out very cleverly. Tho- scores by points stood as follows: Company II, 34 1-2; Com pany B, 2G 1-2; Company F, 22; Com pany G, 7. The events wore: Wall scaling, tug-of-war. 100-yard dash, shelter tent pltclfing, 880-yard run, conical wall tent pitching, potato race and relay race. Until tho last three events tho win ners had gained but 7 1-2 points, but they took first place in the wall tent pitching, first and second in the po tato rfteo and first in tho relay, n total of 27 points In tho three events which gave tho cpmpany a commanding lead. This is the third Hold day which they have hnd at Fort Shatter and Com pany II has won two of the three. In the baseball league. In series com pleted on Saturday, tho standing of the teams was as follows: Won Lost Company II 4 2 Company F 3 4 Company G 2" 4 Company E. Dropped out after los Ing one game. IN FRISCO Owen Moran and Eddie Hanlon have of contest. The contestants to receive been matched to light twenty rounds 50 per cent of the gross receipts to be before Sam Bergcr's club In the Coll- "vided 00 ff cel t0 winner and 1)1 nor ennt. tr thn Inser. Strniirlit muui, Dau lOHisuu iuiu Marquis of Queensbury rules to gov considerable controversy over tho ern the contest. weight it was agreed to make it 133 Referee to be selected not less than pounds at 3 o'clock on the day of tho ten days prior to the contest and his contest, the lowest to which Hanlon fee to bo deducted fro mthe gross re would agree. This light is a substitute ceipts of tfic house, for the one that was originally an- Tho contestants agree to each post nounced by Berger between Hanlon 51500 as a forfeit to guarantee their and Freddie Welsh. Berger states compliance with this agreement and that he made tho change Hrst of all to operate as follows: $230 for weight because ho considers It a hotter card, and ?1250 for appearance. In the event and, secondly, ho intimates that Wel3h of either contestant falling to weigh has been holding him up In the way in at tho required weight ho shall for of demands. felt $250 to his onnonent. nrovldlng The articles are as tollows: tho latter refuses to box him. In the Eddie Hanlon and Owen Moran ovent the contestant making tho re- hereby agree to box twenty rounds quired weight agree to box, then he ts under the auspices of the Washington to receive tho entire forfeit of $1500. Athletic Club on tho evening of Sep- Tho club agrees to post $1500 as a for- tomber 30, 190S. Tho men to weigh felt to guarantee their good faitll and in at 133 pounds at 3 p. m. on tho day ability to bring off the contest. HILQ'S NEVA YEAH FIELD DEDICATION RACING EVENTS SPORTS PROGRAM NEW CHOP HOUSE. P. John, l&t of the ManhatUi Lunch Rooms, has opened a new Cio Houso on, 'Hotel street near Nuuana. Tlmt clasa meala served at all hom HOFFMAN CHOP HOUSE. The following program has been ar ranged for Hilo racing about New Year's: , FIRST DAY. Half-mile, Hawaiian-bred; purse, $75. One and one-fourth miles; mer chants' purse, $1750. One mile, Hawaiian-bred; purse, $250. One mile hurdle race, over six hur dles; purse, $100. Half mile, Japanese-owned, owner to ride; purse, $50. Broncho-busting, horses furnished to all comers. Three-fourths mile, free for all; purse, $150. Three-fourths mile, Hawaiian-bred; purse, $100. Half mile wild horse race; purse, $30. SECOND DAY. Half mile, free for all; purse, $150. Three-eights mile, Hawaiian bred; purse, $75. One and one-half miles, free for all; purse, $100. Half mile, Japaneso-owiied stock; purse, $50. Threefourths mile, Hawaiian-bred; purse, $100. Three-fourths mile, freo for all; purse, $lo0. Removal Notice. . II. Ohta removed to 636 South Hotel Street between Punchbowl and -Bere tanln. Honolulu Scrap Iron Co. C. H. BROWN : : : : Manager HALEKAUWILA STREET Highest price paid for Old Brass, Scrap Iron and all metals. Telephone 642 P. O. Box 547 Sultan Abdul Hamid doubtless thinks that to bo stabbed in the shof. ribs Just after having proclaimed a Constitution is a .fine example of) tho most unkindest cut ot all. Louisville Courier-Journal. Tho opening and dedication of the Alexander Held at Oahu College to morrow, at 3:30 p. m., will be follow- sd by the following sports: FOOTBALL LINE-UP. H. Hind C II. von Holt A. Austin R.G V. Genoves B. Glbb L.G W. Paty W. Lldgate It.T G. Macfarlane R. Hitchcock.... L.T...C. Akina (Capt.) Ran. Hitchcock... R.E W. Hoogs C. Ahrens.. L.E C. B. Farm H. Bond Q.B W. Desha A. Wilcox R.B..P. de Bretteville C. Lyman (Capt).L.B D. Fraser D. White F.B....F. Withlngton Taylor Subs A. Young N. Anderson " H. Lucas E. Glbb ' D. Ross G. Willfong " G. Heen O. Hind " J. Cox COLLEGE BASEBALL TEAM Chi Bui Farm, c; Lota, Akina, p.; .idgate, lb.; Ordenstein, 2b.; Hoogs, 3b.; Lowrey (Captj), ss.; Desha, If.; Lyman, cf.; Fraser, Lota, rf. SPORT NGSPOUTS TTTTTIITTTTtTITtrTIHIITII The Hawaii Yacht Club will meet Monday, October 5, to discuss starting a Sea Wren class and to appoint a committee to study cost. o Owen Moran, British featherweight. meets 'Eddie Hanlon In San Francisco tonight Sco yesterday's Star. Don't forget Reilly and Weber on Saturday at tho Orpheuni. Joe Leahy arrives In tho S. S. Alameda and will bo at the ringside, probably in Weher's corner. CAR SICKNESS. Your disagreeable feeling yhen trav elllng, such as headache, car-sickness, sea-sickness, or nervousness, are all due to agitated nerves. Quick relief la Invariably obtained by taking Dr, Miles' Anti-Pain PIUs. They claim and refresh tho weary nerves, and re Heva you from all misery and pain. 25 dose, 25 centa. Never sold in bulk. BRYAN SAYS M ROOSEVELT Ho Declares Tho President Refused His Challongo and Ho Makes a New Challenge. FORAKER LETTERS STOLEN. Plague And Cholera In China Arrests For Plotting Death ot King of Spain. ROCK ISLAND, Illinois, September 30. Mr Bryan has replied to President Roosevelt's last letter declaring that the President had refused his challengo to submit Haskell's case to a trlbunul and challenging him to publish the Items of the Republican campaign fund In 1904. NEW YORK, September 30. John D. Archbold states that the Forakcr let ter were stolen three years ago and offered for sale to the newspapers. PLAGUE AND CHOLERA. PEKING, September 30. Since the outbreak of the bubonic plague at Tong Sua there have been live hundred deaths. Thousands of natives and a score of foreigners nre dead of the cholera in the Yaug-tse valley. MANILA, September 30 There were twelve new cases of cholera and five deaths yesterday. ST. PETERSBURG, September 30. There were 222 new cases of cholera yesterday and 90 deaths. SPERRY NEARING MANILA. MANILA, Scptemoer 30. Admiral Sperry has sent a wireless message that the Atlantic licet will arrive here on Friday. There will be a great wa ter parade and a reception. THE CALIFORNIA MANEUVERS. SAN FRANCISCO, September 30. Three" thousand regulars and militia will take part in tho maneuvers. LEPER IMPROVES T R EM T Dr. Walter R. Brlnckorhoff, director of tho Leprosy Investigation Station, nnd Dr. .lumen T. Wnyson, member of Territorial Board of Health, reported to tho Board ot Health yesterday on a caso that has been under enro slnco December 2C, 1907, at tho Kalthl re ceiving station, who has been under the Nastiu treatment. They "feel that ho has made sucli marked im provement while under treatment that a request for his re-examlnatlon is war ranted," and conclude in the following terms: "For us to tako tho responsibility of certlying that, from a scientific point of view, lie is cured, would re quire an investigation for which the facilities are not ut hand. On tho oth er hand, If it can be shown that leper bacilli are not demonstrable by such methods as nre used in examination for commitment, he might be regard ed as a 'social cure' that is, one who, scientifically considered, might or might not be suffering from leprosy, but who for practical purposes, is not to be regarded as a menace to tho com munity, und so may be safely allowed his liberty. "Wo recommend that tho putlont be submitted to a rc-exumination to de termine if he is 'suffering from leprosy and capable ot' transmitting the dis ease.' " The Board ordered a rc-examlnation of the patient. JAPANESE RETRENCHMENT. TOKIO, September 30. The reduc tion of the Japanese military force in North China lias made a saving oi $750,000 yen per annum. SUSPECTED REGICIDES. BUDAPEST, September 30. Two men havo been arrested on suspicion of plotting the death of King Alfonso. ASTRONOMER PHOTOGRAPHS A GREAT SUN SPOT PITTSBURG, September 32. A: tracted by probably the most remark able aurora borealls ever witnessed in this section of tho country, Dr. John A. Brashear, the well-known scientist and astronomer, last night made a mea surement of an Immense snu spot ho had just photographed. This spot covers 2,250,000 square miles of the sur face of the sun and has a temperature estimated at 6000 degrees above zero. The aurora borealls flashed in brilliant shafts from the west to the north. The display lasted nearly six hours. WHOOPING COUGH. This is a very dangerous disease un less properly treated, but all danger may be avoided by giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It liquifies the tough mucus, making It easier to ex pectorate, keeps tho cough loose, and makes the paroxysms of coughing less frequent and less severe. For sale by all dealer, Benson, Smith & Co., agents for Hawaii. Life In The HOCKEY. ,A. Low (Capt.) G. Rycroft (Capt.) Martha Tulloch Leslie Tulloch Ada Mutch Miriam Clark Jessie Kennedy Muriel Howatt Gwendolino Jakins Doris Girdler Elizabeth Webster Marian Austin Marguerite AshfordAlmeda Townsend Kathleen Keer Slla Pratt Garnio Rosecrans Margaret Forrest TRACK 100 Yards C. Lyman, alng Chong, Mon Yin, W. Desha. 220 Yards C. Lyman, Sing Chong, Mon Yin. W. Desha. 440 Yards S. Jakins, D. Fraser, V, Genoves. A. Wilcox. 880 Yards S. Jakins, D. Fraser, V, Genvos, N. Andresen. MANY JAPANESE FIRMS REFUSE TO MAKE GOOD, Traveler Says That Financial Condi tlons in Island Emplro Aro Bad. VICTORIA, B. C, Sept. 16. A. J Souza, who arrived by tho Akl Maru says financial conditions in Japan aro bad and becoming worse Instead ot bettor owing to the refusal ot tho Jap anese to fulfill their contracts. Many Japanese firms, owing to tho depres slon, aro refusing to make delivery or goods. The postponement of tho expo sition Is also having a bad effect on markets. WILL J. COOPER'S COUPON. We will try to tell, well of reading, in a score of years, more than two scoie or descriptions (said to be) of the famous volcano on Hawaii; for you all know that a stack (Stackable) ot such stuff has been put out, in our dallies. But, of all that has been said on that ilery theme, we like journalist Cooper's urtlclo perhaps the best ot all. He does not seem to care very much for a show in the way of big words or Hnery, does not dock his ar ticle out or cover it with frills, tuckb, rallies or pull's (or smoke) so to speak; but, he tells of the taking show, in pleasing simple style and of the road of fern, fine, you must take to see all this fire and its furnace. And now did we make scrap-books, into 0110 of them It would And a place. My reader will Hnd it in the Star of 20th Inst, likely all sold off however, long before our date. Now, you know even Editor Smith (not the last however of1, the Smith tribe), ho went to the same warm and turbulent region, some years since, and he contributed two (or eight) con tributions, entirely voluntary; (volu minous volumes of smoko with Are and gas soaring to tho skies) but, not his even, remains, a pleasing picture on our memory's wall, as does this later essay, of W. J. C. We could but hope, as we read his quite unique trip, that he would keep to his own original style always, and not try to pattern (or copy after) any one else's that may be more showy, and yet not so really realistic as his own straightforward and taking man ner ot taking one to see that Volcano as he saw the same, by night and by daylight. It Is an uncommonly fine story that of Will J. Cooper. EDITOR TIMES. Sept, 30. Wu Ting Fang isn't the only one who expects to live to be 200 years old. Thomas Llpton says that ho In tends to win that cup eventually. Detroit Freo Press. Tropics Requires something to put vim and vigor in ones system. There is nothing s o satisfying as RAINIER BEER Brighten Up Havo a look at our Fort street window and get an idea of tho Brighten Up goods wo have in stock. What you can do with a very small investment in Sherwin "Williams Brighten up goods will surprise you. Let us show you some color cards showing these goods. I E. O. Hall & Sod, Limited Do ' you want the same amount of light, and reduce your bills OR Do you want more anu better light without Increasing your bills with the New TUNGSTEN LAMP you may Have Either. Ha wanan Electric Co Ltd King Street near Alakea. l Telephone 390. Heinz-Made Goods SET THE STANDARD FOR QUALITY. RED KIDNEY BEANS 'ARE REALLY OVJBKT BAKD ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THEM. H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., DISTRIBUTORS. Thurlow's Cafe (Formerly Scotty's Cafe.) Cor. of Nuuanu and Merchants Streeta OPEN DAY AND NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. Under the management of Al Thurlow, late Steward of the S. S. Alameda. FIRST-CLASS MERCHANT'S LUNCH 25 Cents. Always Pure The product of this factory is known by its perfec tion and purity. It is made in accordance with the pure food laws and for that reason the demand for our old fashion Molasses Candy, Butter Wafers and Chocolate Caramelscontinues. The JPlxn. Oadte Hotel Street near Fort Street. Tfa EDISON PHONOGRAPH (Reproduces perfectly every tone ot the human voice, every, note ot an orchestral selection. 1 It is tho Masterpiece of a Master inventor Thos. A. Edison. Call and hear our latest records; we want you to KNOW the EDISON. Hawaiian News Company, Ltd. 'Alexander Young Building.