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THE HAWAIIAN STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1908. RKVRN )1 THE gANK of Hawaii LIMITED. Incorporated Under the Laws of the Territory ot Hawaii. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $1,028,982.S9 OFFICERS: Ohas. M. Cooke President P. O. Jones Vice-President F. W. Macfarlane.. 2nd. Vice-President C. H. Cooke Cashier 0. Hustace, Jr Asst. Cashier F. B. Damon Asst. Cash. & Secty Z. K. Meyers Auditor Board' of Directors: Chas. M. Oooko, P. C. Jones, F. W. Macfarlane, E. F. Bishop, E. D. Tenney, J. A. McCand leBa, Geo. R. Carter, C. H. Atherton, F. C. Atherton, C. H. Cooke, F. B. Damon. COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS DE PARTMENTS. Strict attention given to all branches of Ranking JUDD BUILDING, FORT STREET. Claus Sprcckels. Wm. G. Irwin. BANKERS HONOLULU, --- H. T. San Francisco Agents The Nevada National Bank ot San Francisco. DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na tional Bank of San Francisco. LONDON Union of London & Smith's Bank, Ltd. NEW YORK American Exchange Na tional Bank. CHICAGO Corn Exchange National Bank. PARIS Credit Lyonnals. BERLIN Dresdner Bank. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA Bank ot New Zealand, and Bank of Australasia. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British North America. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Deposits Received, Loans Made on Approved Security, Commercial and Travellers' Credits Issued. Bills of Ex change Bought and Sold. COLLECTING PROMPTLY AC COUNTED FOR. ESTABLISHED IN 1830. BISHOP SCO. BANKERS Commercial and Travellers' Letters of Credit Issued on the Bank of California and The Lon don Joint Stock Bank, Limited, London. Correspondents for the Amer ican Express Company, and Thos. Cook & Son. Interest allowed on term and Savings Bank Deposits. 'HE LIMITED. Capital (Paid Up).. Yen 24,000,000.00 Reserved Fund 15,050,000.00 Special Reserved Fund 2,000,000.00 HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. L Branches and Agencies: Toklo, TCobe, Osaka, Nagasaki, Lon don, Lyons, New York, San Francisco, Bombay, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Han kow, Chefoo, Tientsin, Peking, New chang, Dalny, Port Arthur, Antung Hslen, Llaoyang, Mukden, Tienllng, Chunschun. The bank buys and receives for col lection bills of exchanges, Issues Drafts and Letters of Credit, and transact a general banking business. Honolulu Branch 67 King Street Fire Insurance Atlas Assurance Company of .London New York Underwriters Agency Providence Washington In surance Company The B, F, Dillinguam Co., Ltd, General Agents for Hawaii. Fourth Floor, Stange .wald Building. I IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE O IN NEWSPAPERS ( ANYWHERE AT ANYTIM8 Call on or Write 2 G C.DAKE'S ADVERTISIHG AGEHCY jj 124 Sansomo Street ClansSpreckels&CD 8 ID. INVESTMENTS. STOCKS AND BONDS. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES. MONEY TO LOAN ON LISTED COL LATERAL OR PRODUCTIVE REAL ESTATE. 124 BETHEL T. AH) SUIN LIB J. P. COOKE, Manager. OFFICERS and DIRECTORB. H. P. Baldwin President J. B. CastU 1st Vlce-Presldtm W. M. Alexander. .2nd Vice-President J. P. Cooke 3rd Vlce-Presldsni J. Waterhouse Treasure B. E. Paxton Secretary W. O. Smith n DIrtctoi G. R. Carter DIrsctoi WR. Castle Dlroowi SUGAR FACTORS AND (OMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Commerlcal Sc. Sugar Con oany. Haiku Sugar Company. Pala Plantation. Maul Agricultural Company. Klhel Plantation Company. Hawaiian Sugar Company. Kahuku Plantation Company. Kahulul Railroad Company. Haleakala Ranch Company. Honolua Ranch. C, BREWER & CO,, LTD. QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU, T. H. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono mea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar Company, Walluku Sugar Company, Ookala Sugar Plantation Company, Pepeekeo Sugar Co., Kapapala Ranck Charles M. Cooke President Geo. H. Robertson. V-Pres. & Mgr. B. Faxon Bishop.... Tres. & Secy. F. W. Macfarlane Auditor P. C. Jones Director C. H. Cooke Director J. H. Gait Dlretcor All ot the above named constitute the Board ot Directors. 4 8UITS FOR 1.50. W will clean and press 4 suits b nonth for $1.60 if you Join our clothes (loaning club. Good work guaranteed. JOIN NOW. TELEPHONE 490. rbo Ohio Clothes Cleaning Co. Harrison Block. Beretanla nr Fort Jnion Pacific Railroad SUGGESTS Comfort Threo trains dally, through cars, first and second class to all points. Reduced rates take effect soon. Write now. S. V. Booth GENERAL AGENT.. No. 1 Montgomery Street, ' SAN FRANCISCO in. NOTLEY AND ACHI NOMINATED FOR MAYOR HENRY VIDA ON SUPERVISOR TIC KETA NUMBER OF REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES BUT NO DEMO CRAT ENDORSED PLATFORMS ARE BAITED WITH FAT PORK RESULTS OF TWO CONVENTIONS. Conventions were held In town yes- terday by the Home Rulers and the Laborltes, culminating at night In a conference endorsement of candidates from three parties Home Rule, Labor and Republican, the Democratic tic- ket not being drawn upon. The lol- lowing Is the composite ticket: Delegate td Congress Charles IC Notley (H. R.). Mayor W. C. Achl (L.). Sheriff John Wise (R.). Deputy Sheriff C. J. Holt (R.). Treasurer George C. Beckley (Ind). Auditor James Blcknell (R.). the rule being made a misdemeanor. Clerk D. Kalauokaianl, Jr. (R.). Another plank lixes the minimum County Attorney John Cathcart wage of unskilled labor at ?2.50 aTlay, (R.). an advance of a dollar on the present Supervisors Abe Kekal and Henry rate. Vlda (L.), D. Kalauokaianl, Sr., Rod- The Laborite (Achl) platronri has ert W. Davis, and J. M. Kealoha (H. two original planks. One Is opposition R.). Endorsed A. Cox (R.), Wala- to assisted Immigration. The other lua; Wm. A. Kane (It.), Ewa. pledges tho Delegato to Congress to Senators Charles J. Broad (L.) and work for an annual Federal approprla- J. Jkl. Poepoe (H. It.). tion of a quarter of a million dollais Representatives (Fifth District) for education in the Territory. 9 oroxoxecroxoxoroza oxoxcrroxoxoxoxoxc-xoxoxoxoxox e mm gy We have been reaching Judge Hart's communication, in today's Advertiser and at once, we say: "Now, what Ka-! maalna of all this '.territory can we,, according to the light we have, place , with Judge Hart? It Is not uncom- mon for grande ladles and noble dames to walk through Whitechapel and Sev- I en Dials, etc, where the poverty anu the misery and the sickness and the j crime reach a pitch (a climax) so to t speak. They go in behalf of ocular , demonstration, for what we see with the eyes and hear with the ears, wo are very apt to give credence tof Wo knew, personally, of a Bishop's party that walked, with tho aid of "Scotland Yard," leisurely through Whitechapel not so very long time since. Now, almost all who havo occasion to go , through King or Hotel, not speaking j of the side streets, say from Bethel j to the Depot, either go and come In j the cars or by private conveyance, i Very few walk there. A woman paid to uJ (who wallc thoro emeu a day), "1 ' dislike to go in these parts ut all! " j wnyr uecause you inuiK you win meet poor people? Often likely untidy anu unkempt the unwashed crowd?" We like to see, read, mark, learn and understand, how Poverty houses and feeds Itself; for then we learn what chance we havo of keeping well! The law of Retribution, righteous and just, pursues us with Its Irou hand, whenever we too long time neg lect the poor and th6 wretched. And so we were deeply interested In Judge Tart's article and plea, for the poor of Palama. Others must lind the mo ney for that poor (more or less) neg lected settlement-work; but we will give our bit writing and our much praise for Mr. Rath and for all Help ers of that ripe region ripe and rea dy with special needs, men, women and little children. Now, who will walk through that district with an eye to help and the heart of pity? The stature of a man or of a woman, or the avoldupols, pounds and ounces, havo nothing to do, or very little to do (often) with the brain power, the tem perament (with our subject "Psycho logy" bo It understand, as we under stand or unravel the science, very llt tlo or nothing at all much.) It Is a very Intricate and subtle matter (no matter) this sclenco of Psychology ana perfectly useless (of great use and va lue) and elusive, to any that cannot' follow us, purely intellectually so to speak; for, 'stretches of the Imagina tion" have naught to do, as "Harvard" (O. W. H.) knows, with a sixth sense. We are coming to hard, but generally unknown data, ligures .racts. And wo don't purpose to mix up any, much ot any, but the kamaalnas, as we have hinted. It is to their wisdom and skill we appeal, to think of this very im portant subject. A young man may dodge around and hint: "Now, where are -you In tending to place mo?" when ho will havo to placo himself so far ns the writer Is concerned, only ho will see as plain as ho sees Fort street that no scparato class is needed; ho can pass In wlnth the crowd of ordinaries and help the world If he will by the ex ample of an upright life. As an all around scientific man ono would lie very oft to say, that Judge Humphreys was not tho equal of Judge Hart. But In legal lore Judge Humphreys may bo ahead. In temperament they are something alike, fond of family life, tender hearted, gentle and most rclln ed In manner, lacking anything of tho brusk or tho push modest, difllclcnt and deferential, most charitable and kind. At a hasty glance, ono could easily mistake the handwriting of tho ono for the handwriting of tho other. Of the two gentlemen, tho Britisher and tho Southerner, wo may say that AGHI TIONS COMBINE Chas. Kaulukukul (L.), S. K. Mahoa (H. R.), Jesse Makalnal (H. R.), J. Kahahawal (H. R.), D. Damlen (L.). Endorsed Ruel Kinney, of Walalua. Deputy Sheriffs Frank Pahla, Koo- laupoko. Endorsed Oscar Cox iK.), Walalua; Maluna (R.), Walanae; John Fernandez (R.), Ewa. In the Home Rule platform besides commonplaces ot ancient and modern complexion, there Is a declaration in favor of the employment or unskilled labor on public works Impartially from all political parties, an Infraction ot , the former is as a whole the more gentle, more quick, but yet they are alike to our way of reasoning. In reading of tho late deeply-lamented and greatly-beloved Mr. Thom as Rain Walker, wo are constrained at once think of a trio of Englishmen and the other two ore Judge Hart and Mr. T. CIlvo Davlcs gentlemen that, not only by birth, breeding and cul ture, but because of an inherent "bent" a certain dellncd graco ot mannet and bearing, a speecli so well-soasoncd and pleasing and direct, that one can only think of them as being fully equipped and ready to enter a king's court and to stand at a king's light hand. There is a host of others, be longing to the legion of honor. EDITOR TIMES. Sept. 29. P. S. Now, without any referenra to yachting at all, would not one say that Robt. Scott and Mr. Hobron were something of tho same 'turn?" And might ono not put in thn snmo boat Fred. Waterhouse, J. C. Davis, Resi dent Home, L. Blackmaa, Mr. Day the grocer. It looko very pmln to us. If you tnko Chler Thurston for in stance, do you not hlnk of Cant. Soulo and Lucas of May & Co. Dr. Murray, Mr. Watklns, James C. Wilder, Chas. H. Atherton In a mlnute'a time? fcee? Would you not, reader, l all reason group at once: Mark Robinson, Ballen tyne, Consul Schaefer, W. S. Smith, Lowers, Sam I'arker, Wright the blacksmith, Marston Campbell, jrwin, Henry Smith, Bp. Libert, Uov. Cleg horn, Rev. Dr. Bishop, Alet. Young, (Dr. Wood, the Mclncniy'3 and John Hughes coming in, live years mince?) In this marvelous science. It Is not tho point of difference between two men or a class or group of men ior women) that are considered, you un derstand, but tho points of likeness. Would you not say, for instance, that Joseph Carter, Libert, Schaefer, Rev. Dr. Bishop, Irwin, Ptotenhauer, Ro diek, Ballentyno, Lewers, Mclntyre, Dole, Geo. it. Carter, Pres. Cooke, Cleghorn, Dr. Scudder, Wadman, Fel my, John Martin and some others all possessed uncommon moderation, were careful men in giving an opinion, care ful and economical and thrifty in an nffalrs of finance, men indeed of sound speecli, men to be trusted at every point of tho mibllc or private com pass? Ay, Ay! Now, what of Ralnh Turner anil a few of his gems; surely he Ills Into tho class of S. M. Damon, Dr. Murray and few others. But no moro of this today. (It seems to us that 2C. classes would not sulllce to hold an intellectual giant like to tho Rev. Dr. Hiram Bing ham. Ho fills a planet of his own wo will name, "Gospel!") A. M. P. Mr. "Flngy Conners Is reported by tho Omaha Bee to havo said recently, "I can buy all tho brains I want at ?25 per week." Mind you, all ho wants; not all ho needs. Washington Herald. The most disquieting featuro of tho Thaw bankruptcy proceedings is tho (act that it promises to roduco a now crop of Evelyn's Reading Telegram. A NEIGHBOR'S KINDNESS. Mr. W. J. Fuller, J. P., storekeeper, Rendelsham, South Australia, writes: "I was called to seo a neighbor who was suffering from severe cramps and who really thought ho was past help. 1 gavo him thrco doses ot Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy, and In a few hours he had nulto re covered. I frequently use this remedy In my own family and sell It to my enstomers on a positive guarantee." For sale by all dealers, Benson, Smith & Co., agents for Hawaii. FOR Tom Sharp To Make You CAMPAIGN BANNERS POSTERS, ETC. Elite Bldg. Phono 397 Home and General Painting. EB BEER At all Bars VAV.V.V,WAVW,W.W.W Unilftl III n n I I n n . Carry the best of everything in tho Drug line. Competent gra- jl jl duato pharmacists employed. ;I Fort Street, Just Above King. ! W.V.V.V.V.V.V.W.V.W.VA NOTICE. All repairs left at our place must be called for within 30 days or they will bo sold to pay expenses. NEW OAHU CARRIAGE MFG. CO. Queen Street near River. PACIFIC PHOTO GALLERY Waverley Block. (17 Hotel St. makai side.) Photography In all Its branches, pic tures enlarged. Kodak developing and printing a specialty. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTTTTTTM STAR. SHIRTS. Negligee and Outing. SILVA'S TOGGERY. Elks' Bldg., King St. xxxxxxxxxxxTxxxxrzxxxxxxxa xxxxxzxxxxxa ALWAYS AHEAD M THE ROUGH RIDER CIGAR Fltzpatrlck Bros, and Myrtle Clear Store. IIliTitTiiiiiTiTiiimnnrTB 5 a wrtwtwsjtarsmyML ' m i Oahu Railway OUTWARD For Walanae, Walaluu, Kahuku nnd Way Stations 9: 15 a. m., 3:20 p. m. For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way Stations 17: 30 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 11:05 a. m., 2:15 p. m 3:20 p. m., 5:15 p. in., 9:30 p. m., til p. m. For Wablawa 0:15 a. m. and 5:16 p. m. INWARD. Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wal alua and Walanae 8:3G a. m., 5:31 p. m. Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and Pearl City t7:4G a. m., 8:3G a. m., 10:38 a. m 1:40 p. m., 4:31 p. m., 5:31 p. m.. 7:30 p. ra. Arrive l.ouohilu from Wahlawa 8:3C a. m. 1. 5:31 p. m. Dally. tEx -nday. 3unday Only. Tho Halelw. limited, a two-hour train (only first-class tickets honored) leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:22 a. m.; returning, arrives In Honolulu at 10:10 p.m. The Limited stops only at Pearl City and Walanae. G. P. DENISON, F. C. SMITH, Supt. G. P. & T. A Y- ISHII Coiner Beretanla and Nuutnu WU JAPANESE DRUGGI8T8 GENERAL MERCHANDISE All Kinds of Amoilcan Patent Mdl clnes at Low Prices. ALL KINDS UT Cash Register Typewriter 1L I 3E& Mimeograph mi Slobe Wernicke CARD SYSTEMS Hawaiian Office Specialty 931 Fort Street, Telephone 14J. IB':'" IXOWZRHE-iijCEv CUSSlC AWU.OK- : ''1$? IS GOOD TASTE AND JUDGMENT are more essential to having a beautifully appointed table, than large expenditure. Let us show you unusual patterns in Community Silver It has a distinct richness of appearance and charm of design which rival sterling. It's more than triple plate it costs hut a trifle more than ordinary plated ware it lasts a life time. V. W. DIMOND & CO., LTD. 53- 7 KINO STREET. Fraternal Meetings fARMONY LODGE NO , I. O. O. P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:11 In Odd Fellows Hall, Fort Street. Vis iting brothers cordially invited to ex tend. BEN F. VICKERS. N. O. E. R. HENDRY. Sec. HONOLULU LODGE 616, B. P O. E. will meet their hull, King street, near Fort, every Friday evening. By order of tho E. R. WM. H. MclNERNY, E. R. H. C. EASTON. Secy. DIVISION No. 1, A. O. H. Meets every first and third Wednes day, at 8 p. m., in C. B. U. Hall, Fort Street. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. FRANK D. CrtEEDON, Pres. JAMES T. CAREY, Sec. HAVE YOUR SHIRTS AND COLLARS DONE BY THE French Laundry with their new French dry cleaning process. 258 Beretanla St. Phono 1491. I PRIMO i NEW ARRIVALS III SILK GOOD For years our lino ot silk goods has been the best in town and our last shipment proved no exception. Iwakami & Co., - - Hotel St. EDZWORTIl T0BACC0-QB0ID Two Best Smoking Tobaccos on the Market. MYRTLE CIGAR STORE FITZPATRICK BROS, Agents. CHOICE EGGS FOR HATCHING from PRIZE WINNER STOCK. "Crystal" White Orpingtons, S. Gray, Dorkings, Black Minorcas, White Los horns "Nonpareils," Brown Leghorns ind Buff Wyandotte. Orders filled In rotation and carefnl cr packed. WALTER C. WEEDON, P. O. Box 658. Honolulu. 41