Newspaper Page Text
JUQH1 THE HAWAIIAN STAR, . WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 10OS. r Coatsl , Fancy VYork Wo liaye a fancy work (hand mado) department In our storo and are ox-j hlbltlng tho linost wont or. art in tuis lino. .11 wares in this department aro made by persons in need who get the proceeds after a small commission is deducted to go towards maintaining the exchange. .mii NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Woman's Exchange Hotel & Union Sts. W. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd r iUG&K FACTORS, 0OMMIS310N AGE!) IS Wm. O. Irwin. .President and Manager John D. Spreckels. First Vice-President W. M. Glffard... Second Vice-President H. M. Whitney Treasurer Richard Ivers Secretary D. G. May Auditor AGENTS FOR Oceanic Steamship Co., San Francisco Cal. Duldwln Locomotlvo Works, Phila delphia, Pa. Hakalau Plantation Co., Hllo Sugar Company, Honolulu Plantation Co. Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co. Kllauea Sugar Plantation Co., Olo walu Company, Paauhau Sugar Plan tation Co., Waimanalo Sugar Co. Quality Soda Water made only by, COMPANY, LTD. TELEPHONE 71. We have tlicm for use on CAS STOVES and they make toast better than anything ever devised. on n gas stove is a real plea sure at all times. We sell the stove pay-as-you-can way. Better look in. I LIMITED. Bishop Streot. OAHU TAILORING CO. Merchant Tailors, Clear Stand on tha Corntr. 'Beretanla and Emma Streets. U.' B. Kerr & Co Page 1 Palm Cafe Page li Benson, Smith ft Co Page 1 Funeral Notice Page 6 Proposals Page 5 ellnry May & Co Page 5 Tim WEATHER. Local Office, U. S. Weather Bureau, Young Building. Honolulu, T. H September 30, 1 90S Temperatur o, g a. in.; is a. m.; 10 a. m.; and morning minimum. 73; 78; 71; 79; 73. Barometer reading: absolute humid ity (grains per cubic fool); rolatlvo humidity and dew point at S a. m.: 30.00; C.174; 03; CI. Wind: Velocity and direction at C a. m.; 8 a. m.; 10 a. m.; and noon: 10 E.; 8 E.; 15 NE.; 15 E. Rainfall during 4 hours ending 8 a. m: .01 Inch. Total wina movement during 24 hours ended at noon 232 miles. WM. B. STOCKMAN, Section Director. ACM IDS L NOTABLE TIL After a four days' trial In which there wero continually sharp argu ments taking place between the at torneys, Hu YIm nnd Luu Kam, charg ed with violation of the Edmunds Act, were found not guilty by a jury in 96 TEST NEWS IN A NUTSHELL. Catton, Neill & Co. L.IMITBD ' Engineers, Machinists, Blacksmiths 'and Boilermakers. First class work at reasonable rates. Honolulu Iron Works STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS, OILERS, COOLERS. IRON, BRASS AND LEAD CA3TING8. Paragraphs That Give Condensed News of the Day. Violin recital at Bishop Hall, Satur day, October 3. Remember the date. K. Yamamoto wholesale dealer Is cxpoctlug the new crop of Tengu Japan rice by the next steamer. Dora O'Connell was granted a di vorce from John T. O'Connell this morning by Judge Lindsay. The suit of Thomas Uill vs. Augusta Bell in which the plaintiff was given judgment for ?11C19, and which was appealed has been discontinued. Proposals for the construction of a general storehouse at Honolulu are advertised for by the Depot Quarter master. L. L. McCandless, Democratic can didate for Delegate to Congress, has gone to the Leper Settlement to elec tioneer. This is the mosquitoes best season and the only clearance paper you can give them Is in Skectgo, for sale uy Benson, Smith & Co. Ltd. Hawaiian Lodge will meet this ar ternoon at 3:30 o'clock for the purpose of attending the funeral of their late comrade W. G. Smith. The product of the Palm Cafe is pure. There is no glucose in the candy and they are made with due regard to cleanliness. The llavor is always cor rect. L. B. Kerr & Co. will commence to morrow Thursday a 3 days sale of La dles , mi ChlMren'3 Hosiery. The va lues si.' u'd induce Ladles to stock up in these lines. Lots 8 and 9 of the Coney Estate tract, comprising about two acres, have been bought by George Rodlek from Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Glade, or Germany, for $4000. E. J. Lord commenced suit for Judg ment on a note for $1000 yesterday against W. W. Harris, the Hawaiian Mahogany Lumber Company being named as garnishee. A deed has been recorded by which a lot of land on the corner of Nuuanu avenue and AVyllie street has been sola to Mrs. Andrew Fuller, by F. A. Schae fer, for the sum of ?2500. Judgment was rendered yesterday in favor of Tax Assessor C. T. Wilder against Elizabeth Hart, of Kauai, for ?1021.50, costs and penalties for taxes due for the past five years. Try "B" brand tea. the tea that is packed in lead and shipped from Cey lon to you in little gunny sacks. Thero is no other tea Hko it. Sold by Henry May & Co., Fort street. Phone 22. Rapid Transit Men, your lunches and Other orders will receive prompt and careful attention at the Manhattan Cafe on Fort street. "Rapid Transit" service Is our specialty. R. W. War ham, Proprietor. An appeal from the decision of Judge Lindsay has been taken by the libel ant in tho dlvorco suit of Rose C. Martello vs. Antone 31. Martello. The case was dismissed by the judge on the ground that he had no jurisdiction, the defendants having last lived to gether on Hawaii. Dato. Per Lb. Aug. 2S . .S.90 cents.., Aug. 23 i Judge Dolo's court yesterday. Tho jury Sept. 1 3.8S5 cents... was only out for about five minute's. Sept. 8 '. Attorney E. A. Douthltt, couiiboI for Sept. 10 3;90 cents... the defence, brought a smllo to tho 9 shillings, (i pence. faces of the jurymen by his calling Sept. 11 i. their attention to the zeal with which Sept. 14 , tno case was being prosecuted. He Sept. 15. Per Ton. spoke of tho Assistant U. S. District Sept, 10 Attorney, Mr. Rawlins, assisted by Sept. 19 Judge Quarlcs, late member of tho Su- Sept. 21 prcmc Court o3 Idaho, then of Attorney Sept. 22 J. Llgthfoot, also associated in tho case Sept. 22 3.98 cents and wound up by stating that ho sup-1 Sept. 23 posed that it was only on account of Sept. 24 illness that the galaxy of legal stars Sept. 25 had not been increased by the presence Sept. 2G of the chairman of tho Republican Ter- Sept. 29 rltorlal Committee, Hon .A. L. C. At kinson, tho latest partner of tho Jurist from Idaho. t Hfi wnf inn TnfiHRRn Pf ant nil nn fin uu iiuiiuh 1 UUUUUU L lUHiuuun uu., LONDON BEETS Price. 9 shlllinsd 4 1-2 pence. 9 shillings, 5 1-4 pence. 9 shillings, C 3-4 pence. 9 shillings, 5 1-4 pence. Sept. 10 9 shillings, 8 1-4 pence. 9 shilling, 7 1-2 pence. 9 shllllgs, G pence. 9 shillings C 3-4 pence. 9 shillings, 8 1-4 pence. 9 shillings, 7 1-2 pence. 9 shillings, 9 3-i pence. 9 shillings, 7 1-2 pence. 9 shillings, 9 ponce. 9 shillings, G pence. 9 shillings, 7 1-2 pence. 9 shillings, G pence. Lrlinlted The case was one in which Hu Yin, a tailor in a Chinese shop in this city, I ' and Lau Kim, a pretty little Chinese ' . ' . woman, were charged with violation Caj'ltal Stock ........... $100,000.00 of the Edmunds Act Tho defense was 5000 Shares Par Value 20'00 Subscription list now open at tho office of HARRY ARM1TAGE Stooli and Uoad Broiler . . Campbell Block, Merchant Street, Prospectus may ue had on application. James F. Morgan's that tho woman was acting as Hu Yin's housekeeper and that she was forced to obtain employment of some kind, on account of the fact that her husband did not support her. PREVENT! E At the Board of Health meeting held yesterday tho danger of an invasion by cholera was talked over. It was de cided that it would bo unwise, under the circumstances, to prohibit fishing in the harbor at present, but that it would be bpst to keep tho harbor clean by more stringent regulation. It was tho final opinion of tho Board that the Department of Public Works should be equestcd to see that all vessels dump ed their refuse into containers which could be towed out to sea, instead of throwing It over the side within the harbor. Otto Winkler, of tho Pacific Saloon, who returned from a trip to the coast on the Lurllne a few days ago, brought j,0 jirltca toward dlscovurinn uqw with and this city when seen. Tho design is far more handsome than that of) the coins which wero recently retired. On the him one of the new $20 gold pieces things in science, and he will be con It Is attracting general interest In flned oniy to the things he likes to .do best. In the Pacific Northwest he is in vestigating the immense water power edge, instead of milling, are the words Which js now going to wasto in many E. l'luribus Unum," with 13 stars, on places. He advocates the development the face Is the Goddess of Liberty 0f water power as a means of husband standing, with an olive branch in one ing the world's supply of coal. Some hand and a trumpet in the other. The day( he says, scientists must discover a substitute for coal, the supply ot Which is fast diminishing. Mr. Edison, his wife and daughter, left for Portland today, where they will remain a day or two. From Port- Machinery of Every Description Slade to Order. Particular Attention ipald . to Ship's Blacksmithlng. Job Work Executed on Short Notice. PORTO RICAN HAT3. 'A large assortment u the. best Porto oiMn Hats Just received. Lowest Prlves prevail. See our window dla piy. s LEADING. HAT CLEANERS. ( Fort Street, Opposi the Convent. TELEPHONE 493. A PERFECTFIT Guaranteed ' "iWlth our expert cutter who has Joit returned from tha coast wa guarantee Terr suit to fit f , f , AHAHA CO., LTD. Merchant Tallow. Walty Bulldln King Street Fine Job Printing, Star Offloe. BARBER 5 POINT HAS EFFECTIVE RECEIVER Barber's Point wireless station is now equipped with a receiving instru ment Hko the effective Instrument used at tho Kahuku station, although there Is not as great an arlal at Barber's Point as at Kahuku. This means that Barber's Point may at any time pick up messages from the Pacific fleet. Inasmuch as preparations aro being made by the naval authorities here to coal tho Pacific fleet, it is to be pre sumed, oven though no advices havo been received, that the fleet is return- ing to Honolulu from Samoa. Tho fleet may go from here to Manila, in stead of Magdalena bay. $2SOO will buy a One home. Easy terms. ! RENT TRUST CO nothing could have prevented it from going over the bank. El EAGLE PIECE mm ED SON REftCRjiSjEATTLE THE INVENTOR INVESTIGATING WATER POWER TO WASTE IN THE NORTHWEST. SEATTLE, September 12. Thomas A. Edison, the wizard of the electrical world, has arrived in Seattle on a va cation trip which he is. taking on the Pacific Coast. -Mr. Edison has laid aside the commercial part of his work and announces that he will do no more inventing. His' efforts hereafter wilt AUCTIONEER AND 8T0CK BROKER Member of Honolulu Stock and Bona Exchange. Stock and Bond Orders receive prompt attention. Information furnished relative to all STOCKS AND BONDS. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Phone 72 P. O. Box 594. DAILY STOCK BEPOB T Asked. 2G.75 180.00 95.50 36.00 14.00 18.00 rays of the sun form the background, with the date 1908 near her feet on tno right and a picture of the capital build ing on the left. On the reverse side is an eagle in flight withf tho words "In God Wo land the party will go to Salt Lake Trust" and "United States of America, i and will return East by easy stages. twenty dollars." On this side too the There were hundreds of curious per- rays of the sun appear shooting rrom sous at the hotel to see the "wizard. behind tho eagle. MOTOR CATCHES RUNAWAY STAGE HARRY JOHANSEN TELLS OF AN EXCITING ADVENTURE IN HUMBOLDT. Among those who sought to engage him In conversation wero inventors, men with Ideas who wanted advice. To all of them ho replied that he had finished with Invention and that he was not interested. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 13. Harry Johansen, who has just returned from a tour of the north coast counties In a big seven-passenger White steamer, succeeded whfle returning from tho trip in stopping a runaway stage on ono of the steepest and roughest grades of Humboldt, As the automo bile party 'stopped at a spring to get a drink a drlverless stage taring down the grade with tho horses a a keen run, passed them, johansen, with one of his party at his side started af ter the runaway, which was already lost In a cloud of dust. It was not difficult for tho White to catch up with tho 'stage, but the dust was so thick that It was dangerous to approach too close.- Tho grade was very steep and narrow and the pursuers expectefl ev ery moment to see their quarry top ple over into the deep canyon. Finally, after almost flvo miles had been covered, tho dust cleared away on a rocky piece of road. Seizing the chance, Johansen drove his car close up against the rear of tho stage, and the man on the front scat with him climbed over tho hood to tho vehicle. He then clambered over tho top to the front seat, whero he seized the reins and soon brought tho tired horses to a stop. Tho horses started from a station Dozens of people show signs of bo coming excited about tho fact that there is a Presidential election loom ing on tho horizon. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mr. Kern thinks that the vice presi dent should not be a nonentity in the government. Here Is a bpld attack on all precedent. Baltimore American. Candidate Bryn's . solicitude for the farmer is more "touching" than ever before Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. Thero wouldn't be a bit o5 trouble about aerial navigation if the airship men could fly halt as well as they talk. Newark frews. Between Boards Sales: 45 Oahu Su gar Co., $27.50. 5 Haw. C. & S. Co, $95.25; 5 Haw. C. & S. Co., $95.25. Dividends Sept. 31, 190S: C. Brewer & Co., 2 per cent; Ewa, 1 per cent: AValmanalo, 2 1-2 per cent; Hawaiian Electric, 3-4 per cent; Olowalu 1 per cent; Hon. B. & M. Co., 1-2 per cent; I. I. S. N. Co., 3-4 per cent; Kahuku, 1 per cent; Hawaiian Agrl. Co., 1 per cent; Hawaiian Pineapple Co., 1 per cent. Stock. Bid. Ewa Plant. Co., Hawaiian Agrl Hawaiian Com 95.00 Hawaiian Sugar Honokaa 13.00 Kahuku Hutchinson , (Kahuku 26.00 McBryde 3.50 Oahu Sugar Co...' 27.50 Olaa Sugar Co 3.75 Paauhau Paia Pepeekeo 143.00 Waialua Acri 85.00 "Walluku 150.00 .. Waimanalo 175.00 .. Waimea 47.50 .. H. R. T. & L. Co. Com Nahiku Rub. as O. R. & L. Co 100.00 Hon. B. & M. Co 20.00 Haw. Pineapple Hawaiian Govt. 5s.... 100.00 Hawaiian Sugar Gs.... 101.00 Hllo R. R. Co. Cs 80.00 Honokaa Gs J.00.00 Hon. R. T. Co. Gs 105.00 McBryde 6s O. It. & L. Co. Gs 101.25 Pacific Gs....' 100.00 Paia Cs 101.00 Pioneer Cs 103.50 Waialua Agrl Gs 4.00 27.75 4.00 18.50 1G5.00 GG.OU 30.00 23.00 94.50 102.50 94.25 DOYLE FOR SUPERVISOR. It is a great pity that all tho Jap anese cannot vote, -for it is rumored around town today that their local leader, in baseball circles, "Jack" Doyle will submit his name as an in dependent candidate for the office ot Supervisor, He is ono of the best known of the young men of this city and has been here for" about eight years, in the employ of the Oahu Rail way aud Land Company, where he holds tho important position of train dispatcher. Doyio would mako i strong run for tho office, had he re ceived the nomination from any one of the parties, for he is very well known among the haole element as well as among tho Hawallans. He Is a young man, ot exceptionally good habits, and has the knack of making friends which would stand nlm in good stead In political work. WANTS A DEED. Suit has been entered in the Circuit Court by ri. Kin Wal vs. Frank God frey. trustee for Thomas Metcalf. The complaint recites the fact that the ae fendant owns in fee simple as trustee for Thomas -Metcalf, a lot of land on tho makai-Ewa corner ot' Alapal and Beretanla streets, that he agreed to sell part of the same, 10,000 square feet to tho plaintiff, who paid down tho sum of $1000 and deposited the sum of $3000 with Bishop and Company to bo paid tho defendant when a proper deed had been mado out and turned A PALPABLE HIT. ni-i. mr . . H ... Tho horses started from a station iouvo Been miss swut on over to tho plaintiff. It is recited that while no one was in tho stage, and the the UnkSi eh? Then you must have tho defendant has failed to turn, over automblie party was warmly thanked "oucco. now recuiessiy sne approaches the deed and the court is asked to by tho stage driver for saving his , the ball? property, for when tne runaway was Winks Yes, that wa sthe first thing stopped it was near a turn whero to strlko my eye. Issue an order forcing this. Fine Job Printing, Star Office. FOR Ladies and Children We arc showing sonic very nobby things in Ladies' and Children's Sweater Coats. These are the very latest and strictly up-to-date. Ask to see the new Girdles for the neck, very new. techs' Dry Goods Go., Ltd Corner of Fort and Beretanla Streets. Boiled Ham Smoked and Cooked here at home ready for the table. No better article for luncheon. We nearly always have our own compressed Corn Beef on the stall. ft Miiliiai Meat Gl TELEPHONE 45. HTJSTACE-PECK CO., LTD. Phone 295. 63 Queen Street. P. O. Bos bib ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL KINDS OF TEAMING dealers in Firb Wood, Stove, Steam and Blacksmith Coal Crushed Rock, Black and White Sand. Garden Soil. Hat, Grain, Cement. Etc., Etc. Honolulu constructi k Drapg Go., Liu., GENERAL CONTRACTORS. 'Phone Office 281. p. o. Box ict -- Fort St., Opp. W. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. We do all kinds of Teaming; also deal in Crushed Rock, White an'd Black Sand, Broken Coral, Garden Soil, Etc. SAFE MOVING A SPECIALTY. 1 Chafing Dishes with patent Ivory Enamelled Food Pans. Crumb Trays and Scrapers. Cream and Bugar Sets (gold lined). Ico Water Pitchers, Collapsing Drinking Cups, Pocket Flasks, Ico holders, Cock tall Shakers. A Complete Line of Bath Uoom Specialties. XEJTI Sb COMPANY, JVtdU HOUSHOLD EMPORIUM. 169 King Street, .vtMarw-j. .n caBswciiri) Telephone 240. 000000000000090SO0090eoa0908000OBOO Tdb Gaina Shop s Excuse for EiisleDGE "Fifty years ago the crockery business in the U. S. was of small im portance. Every creneral store trave it a wee little corner. T Families who could afford fancy china, were few and those whe curcu ior 11 icwer sun. rjain wmte was uie prevailing taoie ware ana art pottery was heresay to the majority. TfToday every woman wants to know all about the china and pottery she buys; where it is made and who makes it. It amounts to a passion with her. ITThere are hundreds of makes and brands. lit requires intelligent sales people to explain the details. You can't expect children to know about these things. They don't. 1 we are still doing business at. the old stand. W. W. Dimond & Co. - - 53-57 King St ufc .At..