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L. 7 .KgrA? .'l .r" 7 HI. INVESTMENTS. STOCKS AND BONUS. IU3AL ESTATE MOIt'lQAQES. MONEY TO LOAN ON LISTED COL LATERAL OR PRODUCTIVE REAL ESTATE, 24 BETHEL srT. ALEXANDER BALDWIN LID J. P. COOKE, Manager. OFFICERS and DIRECTORS. II. P. Baldwin Preildtnt J. B. Castle 1st Vlce-Presldsm W. M. Alexander.. 2nd Vlco-Presldent J. P. Cooke 3rd Vlce-Prealdtut J. Waterhouse Treasursi B. E. Paxton BecreUrj ,W. O. Smith Dlrsctot Q. R. Carter Dlrsctoi W. R. Cattle Dlreowi SUGAR FACTORS AND COJlISSlOfl MERCHANTS AGENTS FOR i Hawaiian Commerlcal ft Sugar Co Oany. Haiku Suear Company. Pala Plantation. Maul Agricultural Company. Klhol Plantation Company. Hawaiian Sugar Company. Kahuku Plantation Company. Kahulul .Railroad Company. Haleakala Ranch Company. Honolua Ranch. C, BREWER & CO,, LTD, QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU, T. H. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono mea Sugar Company, Honomu Bugat Company, Walluku Sugar Company, Ookala Sugar Plantation Company, Pepeekeo Sugar Co., Kapapala Ranch Charles M. Cooke Preildent Geo. H. Robertson. V-Prea. & Mgr. H. Faxon Bishop.... Tres. & Secy. F. W. Macfarlane Auditor P. 0. Jones Director 0. H. Cooke Director J. R. Gait Dlretcor All of the aboTe med constltnt the Board ot Dire' 4 8UITS FOR 51.60. Wa will clean and press 4 salts a eonth for f 1.50 If you join our clothes slewing club. Good work guaranteed. JOIN NOW. TELEPHONE 490. The Ohio Clothes Cleaning Co. Harrison Block. Beretanla ar Fort D acitio Railroad SUGGESTS peed olxicI Comfort Three trains dally, through cars, first and second class to all points, Reduced rates take effect soon. Write now. S. E. Booth GENERAL AGENT.. No. 1 Montgomery Street, SAN FRANCISCO Union HASKELL THROWS BACKH0T SHOTi Ho Declares That Roosevelt Would Not Hesltato to Pack a Jury Against Him. HEARST REITERATES CHARGES. Filipinos Impressed With Sight oi tho Atlantic Fleet Pestilence Feared In India. GUTHRIE, Oklahoma, October 1. Governor Haskell has written to Presi dent Roosovelt challenging him to sub mit his charges to Investigation. Has kell has declared that tho President would not hesitate to pack a Jury against him and says that the Presi dent's motive in bringing land suite In Oklahoma Is to create a Republican sentiment among the Indian voters of the State. HEARST RENEWS CHARGES. DENVER, Colorado, October 1 Wil liam Randolph Hearst, In a speech here in favor of the Presidential can didate of the Independent party, rei terated the charges made by him against Senator Foraker and Governor Haskell. He read additional letters ad dressed by Archbold, ot Standard Oil, to Senator Foraker. TAFT DISCUSSES BRYAN. LINCOLN, Nebraska, October 1. William Haft, who Is touring Nebraska, made eleven addresses yesterday. In his address here, In Bryan's home city, ho accused Bryan of preelection sensa tionalism. IMPRESSIVE ARMADA. MANILA, October 1. Tho Atlantic fleet passed Zamboanga yesterday and demonstration ashore greeted the appearance ot the fleet, the natives be ing Impressed by the sight of the battleships. Tho fleet will arrive here October 2. PESTILENCE IS FEARED. HYDERABAD, India, October 1 The water is receding and It Is feared that a pestilence will break out. CHOLERA IN RUSSIA. ST. PETERSBURG, October 1. Two hundred and twenty-three (cases of cholera and ninety-three deaths from the disease are the figures .made public hero yesterday. BRITISH LIGHTWEIGHT W,INS. SAN FRANCISCO, October 1. Owen Moran defeated Eddie Hanlon In the twentieth round last night. L The following Is a circular being distributed, telling ot a new reform bu reau: International Reform , Bureau. Headquarters, Washington, D. C. COUNCIL FOR HAWAII. Rev. Doremus Scudder, D. 0., Chair man. Pastor of Central Union Church, Honolulu. Hon. W. R. Castle, Vice Chairman, ot Castle and Wlthlngton, Attorney-at-Law. Hon. Richard H. Trent, Oahu County Treasurer, of Trent Trust Co. Mr. Perley L. Home, President of tho Kamehameha Schools, Honolulu. Mr. W. A. Bowen. Mr. Theodore Richards, Treasurer, Ha waiian Board. Rev. E. W. Thwing, Secretary of tho Council. OBJECT: Tho object of the Hawaiian Council Is to advise, aid, and co-operate in the work ot the International Reform Bu reau, in bringing about a "better' world" here and now. Bureau's Platform. Tho International Reform Bureau promotes those Christian reforms on which the churches sociologically unite while theologically differing. It prof fors co-operation to all associations that stand for the dejenso of tho Sab bath and purity; for arbitration in place ot industrial and International war, for the suppression of lntemper anco, gambling and political corrup tlon. REV. WILBUR F. CRAFTS, Ph.D., Superintendent and Treasurer. The Big Four Evils tho Bureau fights most ot nil are: (1) Intemperance, (2) Impurity, (3) Sabbath-breaking, and (4) Gambling, which are four sides of ono frowning fortress, that all good citizens should attack on all sides. We attack these by four methods namely: (1) By Legislation, (2) by letters, (3) by lectures and (4) by literature. Address: Secretary ofi tho Council, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. , Fine Job Printing, Bt&r Office. NTERNATIONA 1 ITAFT SHOWS UP BRYAN'S REG0RDi CAREER OF THE NEURASKAN ONE LONG STORY OF A13SOLUTU FAILURES. CINCINNATI (O.), September 22. Tho real activities of tho campaign, have began for William H. Taft, tho Republican Presidential candidate. Three political addresses were tho de mands upon him today. Early tomor-1 row he will begin his Journey or speechmaklng through the West. I Not since the candidate wiu nnttttfcri officially of his nomination has' tno city of Cincinnati been so thoroughly awake nolltlcallv as tonlcht. when marching clubs from Indianapolis, Co lumbus, Hamilton and other places' lent the blaze of torch and the Blaro of trumpet as an escort to the candl-l date, who was tho principal feature or I the rally of the National League or Republican Clubs at Music Hall. I At noon Taft addressed the delegates ' to the National Convention or Negro Baptists, who had como hero from Lexington, Ky for the purpose. It -was tonight, however, that Taft made his strongest effort. After re viewing the records of the Republican party as one of action and future re liability, he depicted his idea of the Democratic policy of "promise," and then devoted himself to an analysis or Bryan. He said: "What is It that we have to exnect from Mr. Bryan? Have we anything to expect but what he promises? Have o uuj'iuiutj iu expect Dut wnat is based upon his eloquence, and his adroitness as a public critic? Has he ever given any practical demonstra tion of his ability to meet problems and solve them? Has he ever done anything but formulate propositions in his closet of an utterly impractica ble character, largely with a view or attracting votes by their nlauslhllitv and very littlo with a view to their operation? 'By their fruits we shall I know them.' What is the history of I Mr. Bryan? It Is from beginning to end a record of failures on publlo question. "And now, with the-record of prom ises and prophecies unfulfilled"- for a period of twelve years, With this rec ord of a hunt for an Issue upon which to acnieve the Presidency; with this record of repudiation, of neration nnn of running away from national rPs. ponsibllltles, Mr. Bryan comes forward anu asits that the people now give him an opportunity to put into oneratinn new reforms in respect to trusts and in respect to guaranty of bank depo sits, wholly untried, wholly them-Pti- cal, and on their face bearlncr of their impracticability and of hav ing been devised by the ready brain of one looking for plausible arguments ratner than real reforms. "Ho only In a auallfled ed the postal savings banks recom mended by the Republican nlatform. which is a tried and proved means or encouraging the wage-earner ana small farmer to make deposits in a uanK absolutely secure, but much pre fers a system .which takes one man's money to pay another man's default, ana wnicn, instead of stremrthmifnt!- our banking system, will break It down by destroying the 'value of tho bank ing character and experience anil ca pital, and offering Inducement to reckless and speculative bankers with. put character or capital." HIS TAILOR WAS ANXIOUS. "By Jove," said Rejruy Sann. "it doesn't pay to let the girls mix you up in tneir lads. Miss Rose went aronnn telling people I was interested in set tlement wont." "And what happened?" asiterl his chum. ' -. "Why, my tailor got wind of it ani he wrote me a note stating ho would like a settlement at once. JLUd ANUJEJLES 1 LSalt1ake0ty If A PALATIALTRAIN for pa X Your next trip to Chicago or UlWIVb 11 1 Only 3 "days Los 'Angeles to Chicago with beautiful scenery Ask For Tickets via Salt BRYAN SEE IIUWRES DEMOCRATS INTRODUCE ANOTH- ER NOVELTY IN THE PRESENT CAMPAIGN. CHICAGO, September 12. Another featuro besides tho talking machine with records of tho speeches of candi dates, has been ndded to th,o novelty ot tho Presidential campaign by tho Democratic National Committee, which announced today that moving pic tures of William J. Bryan In Chicago on Labor day would be thrown upon canvases at political meetings all over the country. When the pictures show Bryan speaking the candidate voice will be heard from tho phonographic records of the Labor day address. National Chairman Mack and heads of the com mittee bureaus today witnessed a reproduction of .the Bryan Labor day scenes by the moving picture machine. The pictures show Mr. Bryan's arrival at the station and his reception by the crowd at the hotel. Later the candi date Is disclosed reviewing the big Labor day parade and acknowledging the cheers ot the marchers, after which Bryan is shown making a speech to the laboring men assembled around the re viewing point of the parade. SIMPLIFIED MARRIAGE. We marry for love and frequently stay married a long time without it, writes Vllhjalmr Stefiansson In Har per's Magazine for October, while with tho Eskimo the "marriage of conve nience," as It is In the beglnnng, Is never long endured unless love deve lops. Whenever either husband or wife prefers separation, divorce takes place. There Is a peculiar economic factor which accounts for this freedom. An Eskimo wife can leave a husband without a single thought of "How shall I support myself and my child?" for as long ns there are food and clothing ' xoxoxoxoxoxxoioioxoxoxoxoxcccoxoxcgc:oxoxoxoioxoxcxo COMES IN LITTLE This peerless Ceylon Tea is packed in lead and shipped direct to us from Ceylon in little gunny sacks. It is opened in your kitchen for the first time, and all the flavor and quality arc preserved for you. ASK FOR "B" BRAND There is no other like it. UMATILLA STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES and BLACKBERRIES. FINEST OREGON WILD BERRIES. Henry May & Co., Ltd I Fort Street Grocers. Phone 22. XXOXOXOXOXCCXOXOXOXDXOXOXOXOXCCXOXOXOXOXOXCaD5XOXCX THE GHOST Punchbowl Spook Lambert's Orpheum Saloon OTHER SPIRITS FOR SALE. Fort Street - -. - - Above Orpheum. 1 1 , DAILY TO 'tis -truly East will be much more enjoyattle LfcJI MM Ml ilUUU WliU.WU .VUlt W(Uk lUaAC Mill VUllUl. in the community hey will be cared for. Nor does the' woman suffer In social standing. As a matter of fact, however, It a couplo are congenial enough to remain married a year, di vorce becomes improbable, and Is much rarer In middle life than It Is wi'.h us. More proof tlint Lydla E. Pink ham's VcsrotabloCoinpouiul saves woman from surgical operations. Mrs. S. A. Williams, of Gardiner, Maine, writes : " I was a great sufferer from female troubles, and Lydla E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound restored mo to health in three months, after my physician declared that an operation was abso lutely necessary." Mrs. Alvina Sperling, of 1C4 Cley bourno Ave.. Chicago, 111., writes : "I suffered from female troubles, a tumor and much Inflammation. Two of the best doctors in Chicago decided that an operation was necessary to save my life. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound entirely cured mo without an operation." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been tho standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands or women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indices tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it 1 Mrs. Plnkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. and TE GUNNY SACKS. IS CAUGHT Now on Exhibition at ITEB fllCAGO LAR PEOPLE iiiiiiiiiiitnwtsiniirr if you go tHrough Los Angeles, Jo view. Just remember to Lake Route i'ii YOU WANT The Hews First. You Want four Ads Reac Here Is Some Advice Honolulu more than any other city in the World, is a place where the Evening Paper gets the news first. The clock here is over two hours behind the clock at San Francisco, four hours behind Chicago, five hours behind New York and ten to eleven hours 1 1 1 . 1 -w- f Undf.r le News Of For. the Day Here are some of the features the predominating factor in an It is delivered at the home each plenty of time to read it. t. . i t t .1 1 II is carneu nome oy ine Business man wticn ins uay a wortc n 0 done and it stays there. A morning paper is usually carried down town by the head of the family and hurriedly read. The evening paper is not rea'd hurriedly, but thoroughly, so tEal all the advertisements receive their share of attention. It presents the store news a little ahead, giving the prospectlrt purchaser time to plan a shopping tour for the next morning. The evening paper presents the news the day it happens. !Tfi morning paper the day after. The evening paper presents the news first The morning paper mereljj elaborates it. TKe evening paper prints HayligKt news. The morning paper take What Is left. Denind the clocks in the .Europe an capitals. This means that when The Star is going to press The Day Is Closed in Wnshino-f-nn CVii. cago, New York and Europe and almost over in San Francisco, The news of the day is here for The Star. mnrlprn rnnrlifinnc if . takes oracticallv no time to nrp. pare and transmit news and The ' .Star gets every evening the cable dispatches giving All the Work Just Ended that go to make the eveninggapei advertising campaign: i night when the whole family 'has ' 1 t.: J 1 jj 7 -