Newspaper Page Text
(BiGin THE HAWAIIAN STAIl THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 100S. Fancy Work Wo have a fancy work (hand inntle) dcpartniont lu our store and are ex hibiting the finest work of art in this lino. All wares in this department are inndo by persons lu need who get the proceeds after a small commission Is deducted to go towards maintaining the exchange. , jx Woman's Exchange Hotel & Union Sts. W.G.tnvm&Co.,Ltd SUGAR FACTORS, COMMISSION AGENTS Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Manager John D. Spreckols. First Vice-President W. M. Gltfard... Second Vice-President H. M. Whitney Treasurer Richard Ivers Secretary D. G. May Auditor . AGENTS FOR Oceanic Steamship Co., San Francisco, Cal. Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phila delphia, Pa. Hakalau Plantation Co., Hllo Sugar Company, Honolulu Plantation Co., Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co., Kllauea Sugar Plantation Co., Olo- walu Company, Paauhau Sugar Plan tatlon Co., Walmanalo Sugar Co. Quality Soda Water made only by COMPANY, LTD. TELEPHONE 71. We havo them tor use on CAS STOVES and they make toast better than anything ever devised. on a gas stove Is a real plea sure at all times. We sell the stove pay-as-you-can way. Bettor look In. LIMITED. Bishop Street. OAHU TAILORING CO. Merchant Tailors. Cigar Stand on the Comtr. Beretanla and Emma Streets. Catton, Neill & Co. Engineers, Machinists, Blacksmiths and Boilermakers. First class work at reasonable rates. Honolulu Iron Works. STEAM ENGINES, QUGAR MILLS, OILERS, COOLERS, IRON, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS. Machinery of Every Description Made to Order. Particular Attention paid to bhlp's Blacksmlthlng. Job Work Executed on Short Notice. PORTO RICAN HATS. A large assortment i the best Porto Kican Hats just received. Lowest Prlves prevail. See our window dis play. LEADING HAT CLEANERS. Fort Street, Opposl the Convent. TELEPHONE 493. A PERFEGTFIT Guaranteed With our expert cutter who has J tut returned from tha coast wo guarantee erorjr suit to fit. . , AMA CO,, LTD. Merchant Tailors. ir' Walty Building King Street Fine Job Printing, Star Offlce. A 4 hi in. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I'rlnio Bcer. Page G Hllo Sugar Co Pago G A. N. Sanford Pngo 5 Hollltger Drug Co Page i Honolulu Drug Co Page 5 Pachcco's Dandruff Killer Page 5 THIS "WEATHEIL Local Omce, U. S. Weather Bureau, Young Building. Honolulu, T. H., Oct. 1, 1D0S. Teniperatur o, c a. m.; 8 a. m.; 10 a. m.; and morning minimum. 73; 71); S2; 81; 73. Barometer reading: absolute humid ity (grains per cubic foot); relative humidity and dew point at 8 a. m.: 30.09; 72.09; 03; G7. Wind: Velocity and direction at G a. m.; 8 a. in. ; 10 a. m.; and noon: 2 E; 3 E; 15 NE; 18 NE. Rainfall during 24 'hours ending 8 a. ni: No rain. Total wlna movement during 21 nours ended at noon: 1G3 miles. WM. B. STOCKMAN, Section Director. NEWS IN A NUTSHELL. Paragraphs That Give Condensed News of the Day. A Japanese baseball team has been formed on the Island of Kauai. Violin recital at Bishop Hall, Satur day, October 3. Remember the date. The Catholic Ladies' Aid Society meets tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the convent. The Hawaiian Entomological So- clety will meet this evening at the Planters' experiment station. A special meeting of Hllo Sugar Co., will be held on Tuesday October G at 10 a. m. at the offlce of W. G. ,Irwin & Co. Horikawa, charged with attempting to pass counterfeit money, was held for tho Federal Grand Jury by U. S. Commlsisoner Judd yesterday. Henry May & Co. received fresh Cali fornia Peaches, Pears, Grapes, Melons and all vegetables in season by S. S, Hllonlan today. The College of Hawaii needs u build ing for pattern making and forging and will probably rent one until per manent buildings are erected at Ma noa. The wireless telegraph Is now an everyday fact, and a useful Institution. There is no better medium for quick inter-Island communication. Bates are low. The Holllster Drug Co. have just re ceived a largo new shipment of their finest brands of rubber goods, Includ ing the famous "Kantleek" goodsNow Is the time to get them. If you want to find the sodas that always find the right spot, stop at the Twentieth Century soda fountain of the Honolulu Drug Co., Ltd., Fort street, just above King. After an iperatlon at tho hospital, the doctor will often prescribe beer in stead of malt extract and bullion. It is the best kind of tonic, and Primo Is the best kind of beer. If your eyes are giving you trouble, and you cannot see so well as you used to .they certainly need optical atten tion. Take them to A. N. Sanford, Optician, Boston Building. Rapid Transit Men, your lunches and other orders will receive prompt and careful attention at tho Manhattan Cafe on Fort street. "Kapid Transit" service Is our specialty. R. W. War ham, Proprietor. Walter G. timlth has been elected vice president of the College of Ha wall and will preside In the Board ot Regents during President H. K. Coop er's absence on the mainland. The annual accounts of Mrs. iK. Enos guardian of Leon Sterling, a minor, were filed yesterday. She charges herself with $72G.G3, asks to be credit ed with $G0.80, and retains a balance for the estate amounting to $701.83. H. P. Duncan ot tho Department or Justice combined official business with the honeymoon trip he lately made to Honolulu. Ho collected evidence for use in cases ot rebating brought against the Southern Pacific Railroad The symptoms of scalp disease are always apparent In the white scales of dandruff found on tho clothes and in the hair, brush and comb. Pacheco's Dandruff Killer will infallibly cure these symptoms and stop your hair from falling. An order was issued yesterday by Judge Lindsay that George It. Carter, guardian of the estate of Henry A. P. Carter, should pay to the child's moth er and guardian of his person, tho moneys asked as reimbursement for advances made by her. An auction sale of goods that havo been donated to the Salvation Army for tho Hnrvost Festival, will take place on Tuesday, October 6, at 8 p. m Many things have been given to be sold for the benefit of the local corps, including dry goods, groceries, musical Instruments, curios, etc. Refreshments served at tho hall on corner o King and Nuuanu streets. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irving Fulton, ot tho school of oratory or tho Wes Ieyan University of Delawaro, Ohio, are guests of the Kllobana Art League $2gOO will buy a fine hom. Easy terms. RENT TRUST CO MEBT A? DENTAL SOCIETY SENDS OUT bOAlli UNIQUE INVITATIONS FOR ITS CONVENTION. Tho autumn meeting of the Dental Society of Hawaii will be held on tho brink of the crater of Kllauea, and all ethical dentists Irani anywhere and everywhere arc Invited to be present. Dr. F. E. Clark, secretary of tho Ha waii Society, has forwarded the follow ing Invitation to three of the leading dental journals published on tho main land. "Tho autumn meeting of the Dental Society ot Hawaii! will bo held, Oct. 21, 1908, on the brink of the crater of Kl lauea, the greatest active volcano in tho world. Tho proceedings will be conducted under the broad canopy of heaven, and by the fiery glare of the molten lava. Kllauea Is situated on the slopes of Mauna Loa, at 4000 feet elevation, and In the heart of a tropical forest. The scenery Is unexcelled. Thirty dollars Is the special round trip rate, for the trip from Honolulu and return, and Includes all traveling and hotel expenses. Tho excursion leaves Honolulu Otcober 27, returning Octo ber 31. "A cordial Invitation Is extended to all ehtlcal dentists from anywhere and everywhere to be present." THE VISITING RECLAMATION EX PERT TO GIVE AN ILLUSTRATED ADDRESS IN HONOLULU. Honolulu will have a treat within tho next few weeks which should be of great Interest and also Importance. F. H. Newell, Diretcor of tho United States Reclamation Service, will give a lecture under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce, upon Irrigation and particularly the reclamation work which has been done by the United States government. Tho lecture will be illustrated with slides, which havo been made from pictures taken on the scene of some of the greatest irrigation work which has ever been dono In tho world. The mat ter was broached to Mr. Newell before ho left for Maul with Governor Frear, but he stated that he did not have his lantern slides with him. It was sug gested that they might be cabled for and this was done, an answer being re ceived yesterday to tho effect that they had been boxed and forwarded to this city by express. HAL ER The amount of money which was paid out yesterday by United States Marshal Hendry will probably come as a surprise to some who Imagine that this offlce does not transact a very large amount of business. As a mat ter of fact last month was a small one, yet a total of $3870.60 was given into local circulation through the United States Marshal for the expenses ot the month of September, not counting the salaries of the regular offlce employees. This amount was divided as follows: General Expenses $ 114.75 Jurymen's fees 875.35 Witness fees ..., 127.50 Support of prisoners 2,462,00 Miscellaneous expenses 291.00 $3,870.60 LUALDALBI Land Commissioner Pratt Is preparing to dispose of the Lualualel lots on this island and he spent a good part of tho morning 'In preparing tho advertise ments for publication. Tho remainder of his time was taken up In dictating a letter to the Advisory Land Commis sion containing his views on amend ments to the land laws and also a num ber of suggestions which, be obtained through his trip to Washington and Investigation of tho United States laws and regulations on the subject. today. The program maao out in ad vance ot tho arrival of the Tenyo Ma ru "comprised an automobile drive by members of the Btfckoye club in the morning, luncheon at Mrs. W. L. Hop per's, attendance at the Punahou exer cises in the afternoon, dinner at Mrs, JVfidman's, and a reception and reci tal at the Art League in tho evening I. IH TO LECTD8E PEnfl SALE 8B TEST Dato. Aug. 2S. Aug. 28. Per Lb. ;,90 cents. Per Ton. Sept. .1 3.8S5 cents. Sept. 8 .... Sept. 10 3.90 cents. 9 shillings, G pence. Sept. 11...., ....... Sept. 14 , Sept, 15 Sept 16 . ! Sept. 19 Sept. 21 .' , Sept. 22 Sept. 22 3.9S cents... Sept. 23 Sept, 24 Sept. 25 Sept, 26 Sept' 29 'V llawaiiafi Tobacco Plauiafiofi Co., Limited Capital Stock i . .$100,000.00 5000 Shares Par Value $20.00 Subscription list fibw open at the office1 of HARRY ARMITAGE Htoolc aad Ucnd Brolcer ..... . Campbell Block, Merchant Street, Prospectus may te had on applica tion. CATHCART THERE WAS NO CRIMINAL CHARGE INVOLVED IN YESTER DAY'S DIVORCE CASE. County Attorney John W. Cathcart had the following to say this morning regafdlng the charges brought against him by the Advertiser: "In regard to the attack on me In this morning's paper I would say In reference to the Ah Chee matter that, at no time 'whne any criminal charge was pendidg against Ah Chee did I appear for 'him In a civil action. It is true that about six months before any chargo was made, ho retained me to defend him in a civil atcion of trespass. The case was tried and disposed or long before any criminal charge was made against him. He was prosecuted vigorously, as all our cases are, and his acquittal was through no fault of the County Attorney's office. He is a merchant at Waialua, and has been engaged In the mercantile business for many years there. The criminal charge against him was for selling li quor Illicitly. "As to Mr. Humphrey's statements before the Supreme Court, he, as usual, wont outside of the record, and, as usual, the court sat down upon him, intimating that his remarks were not proper. I presume Mr. Humphreys knew that it'was not proper to go out side of th record to make a personal attack on me, but if he did not know it before, the Supremo Court has In formed him sufficiently, so that he knows It now. "In reference to tho statements of Judge De Bolt I would say that, some time ago we had a conversation on the subject of my appearing ip. divorce cases. I brought the matter up my self, and while Judge De Bolt was lij cliued to believe that, perhaps, I 'had' better not appear, ho expressed no dis approval of - my appearing, certainly not any decided disapproval, because It he had, whatever -my own judgment might be V would have fpllowed his ideas without any hesitancy. 1 1) "In Mr. Castle's statement, It appears that he and'Mr. W. O. Smith differed as to the propriety of the Attorney General appearing in divorce cases, which shows that good men may differ on this subject. Any opinion ot the Supreme Court given as Mr. Castle states has been unknown to most ot the members ot tho bar here, and. cer tainly was unknown to me. It Is not a published opinion; was not rendered in any case, was merely .advjee under the then existing law and is not of ' . i . 1 1 . . i uiuuing lorco on uie uencfi or uur ul this Territory. "But I have Judicial authority for appearing In divorce cases similar to the Will case. In tho case of Ma huka v. Mahuka, Mr. Ashford, attorney for the llbellee, made, a written objec tion to my appearing for the Hbellant on me grouna mat as prosecuting' ot- ficer I could not appear in a case where facts involving a criminal charge were set forth and were In dispute, and on his written objection moved that I be not allowed to appear. Tho motion and objection were argued and heard on May lGth of this year beflore Judge Alexander Lindsay, Jr., and the mo tion was dented and objection was overruled, and my right to appearjsus LONDON BEETS Price. 9 shillings 4 1-2 pence. 9 shillings, 5 1-4 pence. 9 shillings, 6 3-4 .pence. v 9 shillings, 5 1-4 pence! Sept. 10 9 shillings, 8 1-4 pence. 9 shilling, 7 1-2 pence. 9 shllllgs, 6 pence. 9 shillings G 3-4 pence. 9 shillings, 8 1-4 .pence. 9 shillings, 7 1-2 ponce. 9 shillings, 9 3-4 pence. 9 shillings, 7 1-2 pence. 9 shillings, 9 pence. 9 shillings,. G pence. 9 shillings, 7 1-2 pence. 9 shillings, G pence. James F. Morgan's AUCTIONEER AND 8TOCK BROKER Member of Honolulu Stock and Bond ftxchang9. , Stock and Bond Orders receive prompt attention. Information furnlshel relative to all STOCKS AND BONDS. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Phone 72 P. O. Box 694. talned by the court. I have according ly not only judicial authority for my action, but I have the precedents es tablished by an Attorney General of this Territory- "The Advertiser assumes that I acted in violation of law, but such assump tion is in the face of the judicial deci sion of Judge Lindsay. This decision is the law of this Circuit at least until reversed by the Supreme Court, and myself and other attorneys have the right to rely on it. "In the Will case, the adultery charge against my client was publicly with drawn so that tho only matter which could call for the cognizance ofi the criminal court would be adultery of the llbellant, and my connection with the case can in no way interfere with any criminal prosecution. "It is a custom which prevails throughout the United States for Coun ty Attorneys to take civil business, and It has been the custom here ot the At torney General to take civil business. Mr. Andrews, when Attorney General, and his deputies took divorce cases' In the line of other civil work, but as .to what custom prevailed in former days here I have not sufficient knowledge to be able to speak. "If I had ever acted, whether In di vorce cases or in any matter, as the Advertiser' is trying to make the pub lic believe, the judges who know me and my work, would not be as they now are my friends and well wishers." Oty STOCK BEFDHT Dividends Oct. 1, 1908: Haiku 1 1-2 per cent; Pala 1 1-2 per cent; Pioneer, 2 per cent. Stock. Bid. Asked. Ewa Plant Co 2G.125 26.50 Hawaiian Com 95.00 96.00 Hawaiian Sugar 36.00' Honomu 150.00 Honokaa 13.00 14.00 Hutchinson 18.00 McBryde 3.25 4.00 Oahu Sugar Co '.. 27,50 27.75 Ookala 12.o6 ' 13.75 Olaa Sugar Co., , 3.875. 4.125 Paauhau 18.50 Paia ...... 165.00 Waialua Agrl 82.00 85.00 Walmanalo. ,...180.00 Waimea ; v 48.00 Hon. R. & T. Co. com 65.00 Nahlku Rub. ass 30.00 O. R. & L. do 100.00 HohVB&M:.Co...;.. 20.00 Cal. Ref, Co. Gs 100.00 Haiku 6s,. 101.00 ...... Hawaiian Sugar 6s.... 101.00 ...... Honokaa 6s 100.00 Hon. R. T. Co. 6s 105.00 Kahuku 6s 100.00 McBryde 6s 9"3.50 94.50 O. R. & L. Co. 6s 101.25 Paclfio 6s 100.00 Paia 6s 101.00 Pioneer 6s 104.00 Waialua Agrl 99.00 HIL0. September 25. Sam Woods, who was nominated at the Democratic Convention for Supervisor to repre sent Kohala, has declined to run. Mr. Woods states that while he is sensible of the honor, he was nominated against his wishes, having previous to tho meeting of tho convention, written a' letter to a prominent delegate request ing that his name be not used in con nection with the political race. , W QUITS Fine Job Printing, Star Office. Sweater J70R Ladies and Children We arc showing some very nobby things in Ladies' and Children's Sweater Coats. . These are the very latest and strictly up-to-date. Ask to sec the new Girdles for the neck,' very new. '. N. S. Sachs' Dji Goods Go., Ltd Corner of Fort and Beretanla Streets. Boiled Ham Smoked and Cooked here at home ready for the table. No better article for luncheon. We nearly always have our own compressed Corn Beef on the stall. Tie iiiofii M TELEPHONE 45. HUSTACE-PECK CO., LTD. Phone, 395. 63 Queen Street. p. Q. Box aia ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL KINDS OF TEAMING DEALERS IH Fire Wood, Stove, Steam and Blacksmith Coal Crushed Rock, Black and White Sand. Garden Soil, Hat, Grain, Cement; Etc., Etc. tfnn win GENERAL CONTRACTORS. i 'Phone Office 281. p. o. Box 154J Fort St., Opp. W. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. V We do all kindsof Teaming; also Black Sand, Broken Coral, Garden Soil, Etc. - -SAFE MOVING A SPECIALTY. occQCAOTOeccooooec0909cccosoeosooeoooeo Chafing Dishes with patent Ivory Enamelled Food Pans. Crumb Trays and Scrapers. Cream and Sugar Sets (gold lined). Ice Water Pitchers, Collapsing Drinking Cups, Pocket Flasks, Ico holders, Cock tall Shakers. A Complete Line of Bath Room Specialties. IvBWiS fe COMPANY, Ivtd, HOUSHOLD EMPORIUM.' 169 King Street. nw-uu iaaMi., , Telephone 240". He cninn Slop's Excuse for Existence T Fifty years ago the crockery business in the U. S. was of small im portance. Every general store cave it a wee little corner. "Families who could afford carea lor it lewer sun, riain art pottery was heresay to the IfToday every woman wants to uujro, nucic u wuuc uuu who majces it. n amounts io a passion witn ner. IfThere are hundreds of makes and brands. nit requires Intelligent sales people to explain the details. Vou can't expect to know about these things. They don't. , t- 1 We are etlll doing; business at the old stand. ' ; W. W. Dimond &.Co. 53-57 King St. Coats Go. 0. Tlrmiinrr fin lit a. may oil lul c deal in Crushed Rock, White an3 fancy china, were few and those who! white was the prevailing table ware ancl majority. J know all about the china and pottery sheV' children 1 J - . jt Tall