Newspaper Page Text
. '4 The Stat Is An Intelligent, Progressive Newspaper TELEPHONE 365 STAR Business Office lit iJI J!3F 5EC0ND EDITION VOL. XVI. HONOLULU, HAWAII, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1908. No. 5223 THE FUNERAL CLAUS PRECKELS v OF vr re 1" NEW POLICE FORCE SHERIFF-ELECT JARRETT ANNOUNCES HIS APPOINTMENTS FIVE ADDITIONAL. SPECIAL AND BICYCLE MEN SENIOR CAPTAIN AND LIEUTENANT OF MOUNTED PATROL ABOLISHED HACK INSPECTOR WILL DO HUMANE WORK. Sheriff-elect William P. Jarrett, who succeeds Curtis Iaukea in charge of the police department on Monday next, January 4, at noon, this morning an nounced his appointments. The offices of Senior Captain of Po lice, Lieutenant of Mounted Patrol ana Motorcycle Special are abolished, Ave positions for Special Bicycle Police are created, and the offices of Hack Inspector and Humane Officer are com bined, the Assistant Hack Inspector be ing also Assistant Humane Officer. Following is the complete list of appointments made: Jack Kalaklela, Chief or Captain of Detectives. Julius AscK, Jr., Chief Clerk. J. K. Kanepuu, Deputy Sheriff's Clerk. Solomon Meheuia, Assistant Clerk. No appointment for' Stenographer at present. ' Fred W. Weed, Police Court Officer. H. K. Clark, Circuit Court "Officer. - A. W. Nawahi, D. Kamahu and J. K. Olds, Receiving Station Clerks. J. li. Fern, A. Kauwe and Sam Ka loa, Turnkeys. W. J. Steward and J. . Mokumala, Patrol Drivers. ' M. J. Scully, Hack" Inspector and Hu mane Officer, ', ', . . . Qeorge H.. Holt, Assistant Hack Ins- poctor and, Humane Offlcer.w j THE SUPREME. COURT HEARS AR GUMENT ON MOTION TO HE ' OPEN "THE CASE. The reopening of argument on the petition of James Kulike et al. vs. Joseph Fern, the mayoralty contest, toot place before the Supreme Court this morning. It is doubtful if a de cision will be rendered today, though from the manner in which the Court has passed upon election matters up to this time it is practically sure-that one will be rendered very soon. The opening remarks of Chief Jus tlce Hartwell included a brief resume of the -case- in its various phases, which was followed by. permission to reargue on the point of whether it is necessary for all the, thirty petitioners to have knowledge of some one spe cific fact. In addition to this tho Chief Justice stated that counsel would also be al- lowed argument on whether the court is tho most common thing In tho worfd, and causes the most trou ble. To neglect making out your WILL may undo your life's work. Come to us with your WILL TROUBLES. Wo understand the drawing up of wills, in proper legal form, and wo will do it for you without chargo, if mado one of tho Exccutora. Trust Co,, Ltd., 923 Fori street atoaaaitaaw'wriiTnaart MAYORALTY CONTEST I NAMED N. B. Emerson, Police Surgeon. J. K. Prendergast, Tr.uant-Officer. C. H. Yong, Korean Officer. A. L. Manivlelle, Porto RIcan Officer, M. Suenaga, Japaneso Officer. C. H. W. Alii and another yet to be named, Chinese Officers. Fred Turrill, Storekeeper. M. R. Medelros, Assistant Chief of Detectives. J. R. Pearce, L. K. Sheldon, David Manuel and George Walpa, Specials. S. Gumpher, Harbor Police. William Punohu, B. L. Kahaleaahu and C. H. Bake,r, Captains of Police. P. K. Ohulenul, N. T. Nielsen and B. L. Kahalepuna, Sergeants of Police. Leonard Parish. Kahaawlnul, Alec H. Auld, Abraham Kawalhoa, Sam H. Kaahu and D. H. Kahanamoku, Bicycle Police. J. B. Haumea, G. Kealohapauole, J Palkai, M. L. Mallna, John Thomas, J. S. Kauhalhao, M. Monlz, Moses Puahl, Hose Peter, J. W. Humeku, E. K. Rath burn, S. L. Lelaloha, Charles L.Wills, George Namokueha, G. H. Kllla, David iKeawe, Peter Kaae and Will Spencer, Foot Patrol. Fred Wright, Jacinto Machado, H. Meek and, A. Tripp, Mounted Patrol. W,. L.Hbw'ell,. J. S.'Nobrlga, Jesse Ululhl, H. A. Juen and Manly Ander son, 'extra Special and Bicycle Police. had gone beyond its powers in the tummonlng of the petitioners and their examination. In hta opening- argument Judge George Davis took the ground that the petitioners in being called before the court for examination were be ing required to do more than the sta tute Itself required. He stated that the petition was exactly similar to a bill in equity, where though it might be signed by thirty, or even more, it is sufficient for but one to have the knowledge of the facts alleged. The argument took up the entire morning, being mainly of a technical nature and each - side bringing forth authorities In large number to support the contentions which were advanced. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR CROUP. With the dry, cold weather of the early winter months, parents of croupy children, should be on the alert for ominous symptoms. There is no cause for anxiety when Chamberlain Cough Remedy is kept In the home. It thla medicine Is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has appeared, the attack may bo warded off. For sale by all dealers, Benson, Smblth & Co., agents for Hawaii. Best Cups of corteo In the city at n6W England Bakery. SHOES For Men ALL THE NEW SHAPES MAINLAND PRICES, LB. Kerr & Co., Ltd AhAKIIA iTHWJT. Walk-Over PLAN TO EiH 1 j ISSIk r VIS TED PANAMA CANAL Charles H. Clapp, formerly of the Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co's clerical force for many years, arrived in the steamer Korea after a tour abroad lasting eight months. He .re turned to the Pacific coast by way of the Isthmus of Panama and had a good look at the canal operations. Asked by a Star reporter how the pro gress appeared to him Mr. Clapp said: "They seem to be going ahead well. The work is being pushed all along the line from Colon to Panama. There are 30,000 men -employed on the canal." "Is It true the bottom Is falling out at the Gatun aam?" 'Well, It is supposed there is a subterranean lake at that point. When the ground is exdavated there the banks slide down, It is what is call ed bull's liver soil. The condition makes a serious problem, but I think the engineers will find some remedy for the difficulty." Mr. Clapp is looking exceedingly well having evidently added weight in his absence. i CLEMENCY EOUESTS STEPHEN MAHAULU WANTS CIVIL RIGHTS RESTORED AND GEORGE WADE A PARDON. A petition that Stephen Mahaulu bo restored to his civil rights has been presented to Acting Governor Mott- Smlth and turned over to the Attorney-General's department for Invest! gatlon. Mahaulu was convicted of par ticipation In grafting matters In the land office at the time of the Boyd expose and served a term In jail as the consequence. It Is said that since this his record ,has been goodi Among the petitions for pardon which have been the Act ing Governor for consideration before the usual distribution of executive clemency on New Year's Day is that of George H. Wade. It Is extremely doubtful It any action will be taken on this at tho present time, for, Wade's case is before the courts and under such circumstances It is hardly likely that anything would be done. Wade was found guilty of tho murder of a man named Gillespie, the crime tak ing place on tho steamer Australia. TO 00 BUSINESS ON HIS IN HOOK William Williamson has tendered his resignation as the Stock Exchange representative of the Henry Water- house Trust Company and at tho first of tho year will resume business on hla own account as a stock and bond broker. Ho will take half of tho storo In the Campboll block Morchant street front, tho othor halt of which Is oc cupied by Josoph O. Carter, for his offlco. Mr, Williamson is woll and favorably known. Ho has for somo time past boon n mombor of the noard of Education. IJufora Inking tho posi tion with tho company ho Is now leaving ho hud boon doing a brnloram liunlnaw (or lilnisair. , Mr. Ilnuliie will give a muYlnjr nia lurs iliow at the 0m am on New Ywr'D uMwiinon. FILL FEDERAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR HAWAII AS RECOMMENDED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND TO FILL PONDS AT WA1KIKI OTHER LARGE FEDERAL WORKS PROVIDED FOR IN THE ESTIMATES. ' (Special Correspondence) WASHINGTON, D. C, December 11. At the opening of Congress the Secretary of the Treasury submitted estimates which will form the basis ot appropriations to be made at the present session. The following amounts have been asked tor public works In Hawaii:- Continuing construction Honolulu public building $150,000. Continuing the Improvement ot the harbor at Honolulu $500,000. Continuing the Improvement of the harbor at Hllo $600,000. For the construction ot officers quflrtersi, barracks, btore houses, etc., necessary for the accommodation of headquarters and two squadrons of cavalry on the Island of Oahu, .$672,750. , For filling In ponds on additional land recently purchased at the Coast Artillery post at Walkikl, Honolulu, .$75,000. For, maintenance of the leprosy hospital, $50,000. For water .supply for the government leprosy Investigation $4,500. Boat landing at said station $1,000. " The Secretary "also recommends an appropriation of $1,300,000 for im provements at thelPearl Harbor naval station to be apportioned as follows: Toward dredging an entrance channel.; ; ,...$600,000.00 Toward construction of dry dock (to cost $2,000,000) 200,000.00 Toward erecting machine shopB (to cost $300,000) ; 200,000.00 Storehouses (to cost $300,000)., 200,000.00 Toward yard development 100,000.00 Improvements at the Honolulu quarantine station, $14,000 to be appor tioned as follows: Extension ot the water ' system',' $9,000. Walks to con nect the buildings, $2,400. Electrjc wiring and fixing $2,600. KOREA BRINGS BIG LOCAL CABIN CROWD With seventy-six people In her cabin for Honolulu, a large number ot thorn well-known Honolulu folks, tho Pa. dific Mall S. S. Korea, Captalu Sano berg, docked at the Hackfeld whart .at 10 o'clock this morning from San Fran cisco. She resumes her Orient-bound journey at 5 this afternoon. Sailing from San Francisco on De cember 22, the Korea had fair weather up to three days ago, since when sne has had a stormy experience. Tho weather, however, did not interfere with holiday merriment aboard. In the main saloon a great Christmas tree was erected and this was adorned with all kinds of trinkets and the flags of all nations In miniature. Christ mas bells and Christmas green de corated the splendid saloon and a spe cial menu was constructed for the feast day. SIX HUNDRED FOOT CH TERMS OF THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE NAVY DEPARTMENT AND THE HAWAII DREDGING COMPANY A CHANNEL 35 FEET DEEP AND 600 FEET WIDE MUST BEGIN WORK AT ONCE AND CONTINUE WITHOUT INTERRU (Speolal WASHINGTON, D, C, Decembor closed a contract with tho Hawaii chnnnol to tho Naval station, Ponrl vide for an uniform dopth of M foot ovor tho nrons to bo drodued. The width of tho channol Is specified nt 600 foot and tho work will extend from tho silo ot tho Naval station and Kuuhiint Inland down tho cihoimel and aeroiw tho bar to (loop wator ot tho open sou, Tho contractor l to oomnienca work Immodlatoly nud contlnun without Interruption until tho work U complied. It Is stipulated that the ooiitmct shall ha nomploted within ail month from tints. It Ih estimated that the work , will roqiilro the renin vl of S.0QQ.Q1T otilile rarUg of material. The lilil of the Hawaii Piediilu OoniHtuy wm 1,(00,000. There l now HvallHhle fur wiinniwiulnu the work 1-100,000 wml mlilltloiml (untie will lie provided ly bKliiltlun i the work pruireeeee. There is little cargo for Honolulu aboard tho Korea. One ot tho Inter esting Items Is a large consignment of stacks for military rifles, for this post. The through freight amounts to live thousand tons. Among the through passengers 1ft Commander Hugh Rodman, accom panied by his wife, well-known here, and en route to Hongkong under or ders. Honolulu passengers Include. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Afmltage, Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown, C. H. Clapp, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Grlnbaum, W. Lucas, E, J. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lord, Franjt E. Thomp son and Master Frank E. Thompson, E. S. Townsehd. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Allen, Miss Florence Allen' and W. Porter Allen. ANN PTION. Corrospondonco.) 14. Tho Secretary of tho Navy todny D redging Company for dredging the Harbor, Hawaii. Tho contract pro wntor In tho ohannol nt nioun low watr EL MAN OF MARK BURIED TODAY (Associated Press Cable to The Star.) SAN FRANCISCO, December 28. The funeral of the late Claus Spreckels took place today. Rev. Mr. Fuendellng, pastor of tho German Lutheran church, conducted tho services. A quartet sang appropriate hymns. En closed In a bronze casket the body was deposited In the Spreckels family mausoleum In Cypress Lawn cemetery. The pall-bearers were D.' N. Earle, W. Hopkins, Robert Oxnard, Wm. G. Irwin. J. S. Wilsod. Captain Meyer, Dr. Dorr and Charles Holbrook. GILIAN GET HEAVY SHOCK Ik ROME, Italy, December 28. A very severe earthquake, centering In Sicily, has occurred. Many towns were dam aged and some lives were lost. The list of Injured will be very long. At Catania a tidal wave damaged the shipping in the harbor and the people of the city are panic stricken. CHINESE CAPTURE BRjTjSH BOAT HONGKONG, December 28. Chin ese cruisers have captured the British S. S. Talon which Is said to have sunk a junk and drowned a theatrical company. STEAMER ONE NEWCASTLE, December 28. Tho collision with the bark Ivernn. One MERCHANT IS DEAD SAN FRANCISCO, December 2S. Adolph Roos, of tho fifm of Roos Bros, ot this city, died here today. .0. IS Joseph O, Carter underwent an oper ation in one ot his eyes, which has been affected with trachoma for some time, at hIs,home yesterday. It was performed by Dr. W. G. Rogers, as sisted, by Dr. J. R. Judd. Today Mr. Carter is doing as well as could be expected. .Ho has a cataract In tho othor eye, which has to run som6 course yet before an operation can bo performed for Its removal. Flno Job Prlntlnc, Star Office. POWDER Absolutely Pure Tito only baking powder matlo wllh Royal Grapo Oroam of Tartar Ho Alum, Ho Lime Phosphate C i OPERATED TOWNS SUNK; SURVIVOR British S. S. Advance has been sunk In person was saved. THE LATEST SWEATERS. A new shipment from the East ot all tho latest sweaters and sweater coats. Butterick Patterns and Deli neator at Sachs'. JT HAS COME. We have received that large ship- fment of Tengu Japan rice and wo are selling It fast, as the demand is very great. It supersedes all others in fla vor and quality. K. Yamamoto, sole agent, Hotel near Nuuanu. Fine Job Printing, Star Office. STRONG Company's No Other Boot Has As Many Water-proof qualities. NEW LINE JUST RECEIVED. PRICE 9.C0. 4 Limited 1056 Tori St, t SI 5 II "2raifccrX3