Newspaper Page Text
THE HAWAIIAN STAR. THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1910. FIVE THE AK1 THEATER Feature Film ' A DASH TO DEATH Vaudeville Japanese Wrestlers Special Children's Program Park Theater Vaudeville and Motion Pictures Admission 5c, 10c 16c Music "by Vierra's Orchestra. Empire Theater HOTEL STREET Vaudeville and Motion Pictures Prices: 5, 10, 15, and 25 cents. Qrobn Theatre Last Week of the Jack Golden Musical Comedy Company Matinees Wednesdays and Saturdays. PRICES Evening, 10, 20 and 30. Matinee Reserved Seats, 10c. DRAFT ADOPTED Last night the health and sanitation committee of tho Board of Supervis ors, with Deputy County Attorney Mllverton, adopted the" drarc of a milk ordinance, It is based on tne for merly vetoed, bill, with amendments made by the ;comintttee, which bo fore last nigfit's meeting had been passed upon at a conference between a sub-committee of one and the ani "mal Industry committee of the Board .of Agriculture and Forestry, consist ing of D. P. R. Isenberg and H. M. ivon Holt. Dr. Norgaard, the Terri torial veterinarian, and Mr. puncan, I MILK DRD NANCE iooa commissioner, iook part in tne "conference. With somo asslstanco yrom the Board of Supervisors, tho' "Board of Agriculture will conduct tne Huberuculln tests of dairy cows, Which cwill be made for tho dairymen with jout charge. Tho ordinance wlil be submitted to the Supervisors at thoir 5next regular meotipg. When you want a real stylish suit of clothes, a suit that will set propcrjy and not have tho lines of Chinese tal ' orlng all over It call at Siva's Toggery . and get a suit of Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes. (For News of Mai i N ; ARRIVED. January 27. . Am. S. S. Santa Maria, from Port Stn Luis. Am. S. S. Claudlne, from Hawaii and Maul ports. Am. S. S. Jno. Cummins, from Koolau ports. SAILED. Jan. 2G. Am. S. S. Llkellko for Kaliiilul. Am. S. S. Nuliau for Mahukona, Ku- kulhalt and Honokau. Am. S. S. Noeau, for Aanahala. SeBMiG SUICIDB MAY B TO Kauhalhao, Hawaiian watchman at tho Puuloa military reservation, Is dead, with lips burned by powder, and tho wound of a bullet which passed out of the back of nib dead. Unless some unexpected revelation is forth coming, unless some enemy deliberate ly nlanned the appearance of suicide, the verdict must be that .Kauhalhao ef- fected his own death. ti, nnfi Wlrienr whirl. onnso,! tha police to hesitate in announcing the death a suicide, was the fact that a bullet was found In the pocket orthe man's pyjamas, tho pocket being over the left breast. About 4:30 yesterday afternoon tho police received word .from Puuloa. oy phone, that Kauhalnao had killed him self. Coming within a week after tho murder of Kauhaihao's predecessor, on the same watch, naturally there was aroused the suspicion that some con nection might exist between the two deaths. Mahu was killed by a bullet from a revolver and his death was clearly not a suicide. His own gun was still on his body, without a bullet discharged. A week later, or thereabouts, Kauhal- hao, succeeding Mahu as watchman, Is found dead. Could Kauhalhao have brooded on tho fate of his predecessor? And could such brooding have proved by the last weight to unbalance a mind already somewhat affected by suffer ing with rheumatism, thus bring iny him to a point where he placed the muzzle of his new revolver far into his mouth and pulled the trigger? There 13 another point which will receive consideration. Was Kauhai- 10CAL CAMPAIGN (Continued from Page One.) situation. It would be comparatively easy to collect sufficient linds to build two or more open air pavilions con taining ten beds each and to get sub scriptions to meet the current ex penses for this year and perhaps next year. Your committee considers; how ever, that this would be an unsatis factory course to pursue as it would be inflicting an additional annual '-burden on tho charitable members of this community and an additions anx lety on- thoso responsible for the clra uuct of tho Home. Wo are of opinion that a more permanent arrangement should be adopted, and the only way to ensure permanency Is by an en dowment fund. "The present cost of feeding and caring for a patient Is $1.17 per day, and in order to maintain one free bed for a year, an endowment of $7,000 is needed. Consequently, In order to build, equip and endow an open air pavilion accommodating,, ten patients no less a sum than 175,000 would be required, and double that amount for! the twenty patients spoken of by Drs. Hobdy and Brinckerhoff, The presiH Is, however, a time when prosperity abounds and many who are charit ably Inclined are in a position tb put their wishes into deed. 'The Committee recommends that an' active effort be made forthvith to raise to equip and endow at least one ton-bed open air pavilion, jjritT it possible two. We are convinced that this community regards, tho work of the Leah!. Homo with sympatrO-tirid approval, and havo no doubt that when Its needs are presented to the public tho response will justify our appeal. Respectfully submitted, "A. W. T. COTTOMLEY, "C. F. DAVIES, "Committee." Dr. Sinclair was asked for his views, which largely coincided w'ith thoso of tho committee; ho was, however, of tho opinion that If means wen? found of erecting additional accoramo datlon for 20 patients, tho Homo Steamers, etc., see Pago 2). Am. S. S. MIssourlan, for Kahulul. Thursday, Jan. 27, 1910. Seattle Sailed Jan 2C, S. S Colum blan, for Honolulu t Kahulul Sailed Jan. 20, Hyades, f0mersn and Dr. V. E. Collins. San Francisco. . . PASSENGERS ARRIVED. Per S. S. Claudlne, Jan. 27 from Ha wall and Maul ports E. S. Keonan, J. Flanlgan, J. Wyllle, N. Omsted, Ah Sing, Mrs. Cullen, Miss Birdie. Heist, Leon Capon, Mrs Marks, J. Nelll, W.' , I J. .Moody, Mrs. C. Mahoe, HI MURDER nao inreaienea ana was me oaunung fear of violence sulllcient to drive him to self-destruction? Or did Kauhal hao Htumblo on to Information rein-, tlvo to tho murder of Mahu which ren dered him dangerous to tho perpetrator of that crime? In which event his 1Ife might have been taken by a vil- buiu ouuuBu xo nave given th "line the appearance of suicide. Death occurred soon after 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon about eight hours before Kauhalhao was due to go on watch, and he was supposed to be nap ping in his bunk, in a bunkhouso shar ping in his bunk, ina bunkhouso shar ed by others. At 3:10 he was seen and spoken with by Trotter, another Puuloa watchman. It would not have been impossible for an enemy to have entered tho bunkhouso while Kauhalhao slept and to have attacked him, forcing the wea- pon Into the watchman's mouth when the latter awoke and reached for his gun to defend himself. The finding of the flattened bullet in the pyjama pocket may be explained either by tue flBht o the pellet, after It had i passed through the head, or by Its be lng picked up and placed there by an assassin or one of the excited laborers who found the body. Under present known circumstances the former seems more likely and, as noted above, It will require an explanation to which there is now no clue, to deterriiine that Kau haihao's death was due to anything but suicide. Kauhalhao was at one time a mem ber of the police force. He leaves a widow and son. I would have sulllcient capacity to care for many Incipient and remeaiabie cases as well as as ror those in a more advanced stage. Dr. Hobdy on being asked to give his views outlined the general plan 'f the Central Committee and showed how an essential part of thefse plans was the provision of a permanent home to treat such cases as could not be taken care of by the other pro- -Al .1- a xi i . posed methods of the campaign, such , as day-camps and classes. For this part of the work the Central Commit tee would rely on tho Leahl Home as being already in the fleld and in the best possible position to take charge of this branch of tho campaign. "It was unanimously decided that any scheme short of raising a perma nent endowment as recommended by mo committee would bo unsatisfac tory and that while many calls for donations to various charities linn been made recently yet on account of the great importance and need or the work and of the general approval and sympathy for the Homo amongst tho community, and bearing in mind the fact that no appeal had been made or subscriptions Kniinttci h Home for many' years, all present heartily endorsed the committee's rec 1 "umcuuuuun ana autnorized The Tru3 tees at onco to take steps to raise tho necessary amount of seventy-llvo thousand dollars for one tended pavi lion and if possible for an additional one." BEST IN THE WORLD. Onyx hosiery stands alone as tho world's finest hosiery. A wonderrul variet of Onyx hose can bo seen at Sachs Dry Goods Co. this week. Sugar 4.00c Beets, 12s 12 l-2d Henry Waterhouse Trust Co i Members Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange. FONT AV) ITERCTIANT STS. TELKPHONH 736 IE Fong Fook, who opened Fong Slng-s ncau with cleaver, has been declared - lnBaue B o result of examination by i lty musician Mackall, Police Surgeon But a few weeks ago Police Sunseon Emerson examined the man alone and declared him sane. in tno urief period elapsing, Fonc ruua "UB "eceiopeu insanity or Dr. T 1.1 . . . . Emerson was misttkea . , n, BOnrchln three doctors, afte iuier a search nc Innnlrv hv iin r Fong Fook had taken the life of another Chinese, br. Mackall declared him sufforlncr from melancholia and subject to nttneks of acute mania, which Is a mcdlcnl way of declaring the man dangerously mad Collins said practically the same thing, stating that Fong Fook was subject to maniacal outbursts. emerson, However, now says that the subject is a degenerate of low in teuigence, suffering from ill dellned norVOUS trouble lUSOmonla. melnnr.hnll and subJect to hallucination and .tern ijuaiuuus ouiurcaKS or a maniacal char ucier; oniy no does not cay it as briefly as herein contained, taking up half a doze'n pages to detail the symp toms evident after the man had beeit arrested for murder and which symp toms were not noticed by tho police surgeon when he alone made an cxa- mination a rew weeks ago, and at which time Fong Fook's neighbors were complaining that he was crazy. 6101 THE Tho Observatory Committee is in receipt of the following letter from tho president of the College of Ha- .wall: . Chairman Observatory Committee, Honolulu. Dear Sir: I have received your letter of January 24th and also the check therein mentioned for the pro- posed Observatory, I accept tho Trusteeship of this fund, and will exercise all diligence in hastening tne constructing of the Observatory as suggested. The contract for the Iron parts of tho dome and the revolving mechanism has already been let and the contractors are now figuring on the building proper. The work ot construction will be begun, no doubt, the latter part of this week or on Monday of next "Very respectfully yours, JOftN W. GILMORE, President. Ell BRIDGE TO 8E CLOSER Work of rebuilding Haleiwa' bridge will be started on Monday. After Tuesday the bridge will bo closed to traffic until further notice. County Engineer Gere states that the brldgo will be opened to local trafllc after working hours each day if such a convenience can be made practicable. JUDGEMENT AGAINST KUHIO. Ill the case of George E. Smithies, trustee, for I. Cockett, against Kala nianaole, judgement wo- given today asalnst Kalanlanaole for $5,280.70. DISEASED HEARTS, transform the rich, red, gushing blood of health. Into a sluggish stream or thin, impoverished fluid of Impurities, which carry death and decay to every organ, and tissue of tho body. Res tore the heart action with Dr. Miles' New Jleart Cure. If first bottle fails to benefit money back. mr A t rmr t BY AUTHORITY SEALED TENDERS. Sealed Tenders will be received at the office of tho Superintendent of Public Works until 12 m. of February 15, 1910, for furnishing the following Pumping Stations with fuel oil; for period from February 15, 1910 until June 30, 1911. Beretania Street Pumping Station, Kallhl Pumping Station. Kalniuki Pumping Station, and Sewer Pumping Oil to be delivered in quantities as needed. Intending bidders will state price of oil per barrel, delivered. The Superintendent of Public Works resorves tho right to reject any or all bids. MARSTON CAMPBELL, Superintendent of Public Works. Department of Public Works, Honolulu, January 2C, 1910. IHM CAM OBSERVATORY HAL ECZEMA CURE A MIRACLE7 NO, JUST SOUND SCIENCE Physicians now admit tlie superior vnluo of sltnplo medicines for all dls canes. For eczema nnd other skin diseases certainly nothing In tho world could be simpler than oil of wintorgreon 1..11.. . . . ... wuuiiuiy comuinoti with such well known healing and nntlsoptlc sub stances as thymol, glycerine, etc. Read mis letter : t. a Iew J ears ago eczema covered my limbs, part of my body and began ureauing out on my face. I began using oil of wlnterereon mixed with thymol and glycorlno in I). D. D. Proscrlnllon. 7Tmi fit. HIV UUk' ties and was .cured sound and well My druggist said It looked almost like a miracle to him, but ho explained to mo that tho use of this oil of winter- green was just sound science. '.T-l.t I.-- 1 . "u ul-hh aimosc a year ago and I sco no sign of tlm dlsnnRo vo. turning. "My skin Is just as soft and nice as It ever was." D. P. MILLER, Smlthvlllo, Ala Such a wonderfll experience we feel speaks for Itself. Honolulu Drucr. Co. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED. As a rule a personally conducted excursion is not alway agreeable to each one of the party. To paraphrase Lincoln" remark "You can ploaso all ot tho party somo of the time, some of tho party all of tho time but it 's n mighty hard thing to please all of tho party all of tho time. It is saf j to say, however, if the Clark"person ally conducted tourists had been sent to Haleiwa, or given nn opportunity go there on their own hook tho whole bunch would havo been pleas ed all of tho time they were at th's delightful spot. THREE MONTHS' IAIRS STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. Name. From. Date, Jaiu . 4 Tenyo Maru....San Francisco G Moana Colonies 7 Siberia Yokohama 7 Alameda San Francisco 8 Aorangl Victoria 8 China San Francisco 11 Manshu JIaru Hongkong 13 Korea San Francisco 14 China Yokohama 21 Manchuria .Yokohama '25 Nippon Maru..San Francisco 28 Alameda '..San Francisco 2S Chiyo Maru. . . e. . . .Yokohama 31 Siberia San Francisco 1 Makura Colonies Feb, 4 Asia Yokohama C Moana Victoria 5 China Yokohama 14 Manchuria Yokohama 15 Mongolia San Francisco 22 Chiyo Maru Yokohama 23 Alameda San Francisco 21 Hongkong Maru; . . .Hongkong 25 Tenyo Maru.... San Francisco Mar. ! Steamer Victoria 2 Asia Yokohama 4 Makura Colonies 5 Korea San Francisco 14 Mongolia Yokohama 1C Alameda San Fiancisco 19 Nippon Maru.. San Francisco 22 Tenyo Maru ..Yokohama 20 Siberia...' San Francisco 29 Marama Victoria STEAMERS TO DEPART. Date. Name. For. Jan. 4 Tenyo Mai u Yokohama C Jloana Victoria 7 Siberia San Francisco S Aorangl Colonies 11 Manshu Maru Valparaiso 12 Alameda San Francisco 13 Korea Yokohama 14 China San Francisco 21 Manchuria San Francisco 25 Nippon Maru Yokohama 2S Chlyo Maru. . . .San Francisco 31 Siberia 'Yokohama Feb. 1 Makura Victoria 4 Asia San Francisco 5 Moana tColonlos 14 Manchuria San Francisco 18 Alameda-. San Francisco 18 Mongolia Yokohama 22 Chlyo Marn..,.San Francisco 21 Hongkong Maru. . .Valparaiso 25 Tenyo Maru Yokohama Mar. 2 Steamer Colonies 2 Asia San Francisco 4 Makura Victoria 5 Korea Yokohama 14 Mongolia San Francisco 19 Nippon Maru Yokohama 22 Tenyo Maru.... San Francisco 20 Siberia Yokohama 29 Marama Colonies U. S. A. Transports will leavo for San Francisco and Mnnlla, and will arrlvo from samo ports at Irregular Intorvals. Calling at Manila. tCalllng at Fanning Island. Hi hot il Mil HE A bargain at Kalmukl on Eleventh avenue $1000.00 Lots In Kalmukl Park tract, ?40! each, on easy pnymonts. Three acres, cleared and fonced, In the Kalmukl Tract for $2000.00. ow I'lWK erty In Pololo Valley. These are a few of tho omiorlun ties we havo to offer for Investment In real estate. Corner Fort and Merchant atreots. tit 't.iu V 1 j t V ... Id tnDfnM4nl 'ii ".oiuiiiiiuumeous ir sont by tho WIRELESS pmco open Sunday from 8 to 10 a. m. Classified Advertising FOR SALE Mens- clothing on credit $1.00 down i.oo a week. Suit given at once. Levy Outfltting Co., Sachs Francis building. LOST. Open iacea Elgin Watch monocram O. I. on back. Fob attached with Knights Templai charm, iinw.ini this office. BUY AND SELL." Diamonds and jewelry bought, sold and exchanged. Bargain in musical instruments. J. Carlo, Fort St. wanted! " ' I want you to experience the pleas uro of a first class shave in the most elaborately fitted up Barber Shop In Honolulu. Wo sterilize tho razor bo foro shaving you. Jeffs, 942 Botho St. W.UTKI 'JO JIUY Old books, magazines, Hawaiian stamps and curios. Books exchanged. Weedon Curio Bazaar. Fort Street, above PauahL DRAMATIC. MARIE KENNY, Dramatic Studio from San Francisco, 175 Beretaula. Prac tical 3-months' private course. Act ing, Elocution, Monologues, Vaude ville, Dancing, Reading. Grace Cul ture. Phono 33. . A SPECIAL MEETING. A special meeting of tho Merchants' Association will bo held at 4 o'clock thijs afternoon for tho purposo oE considering plans for the entertain ment of tho Pacific Fleet. A full at tendance is desired. COMMITTEE MEETING. Tho committee of tho Merchants' As sociation appointed on decorated auto for tho floral parade will meet at tho Commercial Club at 4 o'clock this nft- N.ew Advertisements ADJOURNED ANNUAL MEETING. .Tho adjourned annual meeting of tho Sailors' Home Society will be held at 10 o'clock on Friday morning, Jnn uary 28th, at tho offlco of Messrs. F. A. Schaofer & Co., corner ot Merchant and Kaahumanu streets. V CHARLES II. ATHERTON, Secretary. Sows Special salve For Piles Gunraiitceri to contain nothing Injurious. Cures i chronic sorea, cuts, burins and all skin disease of the human rat-c, l'reparnl by O. HOMMA, Secret Snlve Specialist No. 10 King Bt. Honolulu, T. II. , ANNUAL MEETING. Theyrogulnr annunl meeting of tho stockholders of Ilustnco-Peck Co., Ltd., will bo hold at tho company's office C3 Queon St., on' Friday, January 28th, at two o'clock p. m. WM. H. SMITH, Secretary. Honolulu, T. II., Jan. 24. 1910. Iran