THH HAWAIIAN STAB, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1911. Wyandotte The groat Washing Soda, used In Hospitals and tho Homo. Cheaper than Pearllne. SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY, Phone 1973 A TRUE BARGAIN IN REALTY IS OFFERED NEAR CORNER LILIHA AND WYLLIE STS. SOMEONE WILL SNAP UP THIS PROPERTY FOR INVESTMENT; IF NOT, FOR A HOME. DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS TILL YOU HAVE SEEN island investment eo., Limited. Member of Hawaiian Stock Ex change, Room 103, Stangenwald build Ing. Telephone 1SS1. Postofllce box 506. Cablo address: "Bulldog." Bridge and Beach stores for Coal or Wood. Quick Meal Blue Flame Oil Stoves. Perfection Oil Sto'es. Giant Burner Gasoline Stoves. EMMELUTH CO., LTD. Phono 1511 No. 145 King St FIRE INSURANCE ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. NTW YORK UNDERWRITER ACYENCY. PROVIDENCB WASHINGTON IN SURANCE COMPANY. Thb B. F, Dillingham Co., Ltd, General Agents for Hawaii. Fourth Floor. Stangenwald Building. G. Brewer & Co.,Ltd. Fire and Marine Insurance Agencies Royal Insurance Co. of Liver pool. London Assurance Corpora tion. Com mercialUnion Assurance Co. of London. Scottish Union and National Insurance Co. of Edinburgh. dedonian Insurance C, of Edinburgh. American and Foreign Mar ine Insurance Co. Cable Address "Dulsenberg" Honolulu E. G. Duisenberg STOCK AND BOND BROKER ' member Hawaiian stock Exchange No. 76 Merchant St. Honolulu. Telephone 3013. P. O. Box 322. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. NOTARY PUBLIC. A;ent to grant marriage licenses Loans Negotiated. Real Estate. Court, Legal and Commercial Work. O. P. Soares Room 7, Magoon Building. Cor. Merchant and Alakea. STANDARD GAS ENGINES For All Purposes. MARINE, STATIONARY, PUMPING HOISTING, ETC. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Agents for Hawaii. I-RO-HA AUTO STAND Two Six-Seat Cadillac Cars PHONE 3196. Beretanla St. near Nuuanu. SOLAR HEATER will save you monoy. Call and see one In operation. ACETYLENE LIGHT & AGENCY COMPANY. Hustaco avenue, off South St. DO YOU USE Pau ka Hana IN THE KITCHEN? THE GREAT BENJAMIN COMPOUND HERBALO Cure Constipation. Makes New, Ilch Olood. ' Stomach and Liver Regulator Cures the Kidneys. BY AUTHORITY NOTICE. 11 persons having bills for claims against tho Territory of Hawaii to Juno 30, 1911, arc hereby requested to present tho same to tho several de partments or bureaus under which they were contracted on or before July 10, as tho books of tho Territory for tho present biennial period will bo closed nt tho Auditing Department about July 18 next. All claims not presented as nbovo will havo to await payment until the next session of tho Legislature in 1913. J. H. FISHER, Auditor, Territory of Ilawnli. Honolulu, June 15, 1911. AiMfrai no OFFICERS and DIRECTORS. II. P. BALDWIN Presdont W. M. ALEXANDER. 1st V.-Presldent J. P. COOKE 2nd Vice-President J. R. GALT 3rd Vice-President JOHN GUILD Acting Treasurer E. E. PAXTON Secratary W. O. SMITH Director W. R. CASTLE Director 0. N. WILCOX Director SUGAR FACTORS rOJDUSSlON MERCHANTS AND IXSUHANtiK AGENTS. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Com. pany. Haiku Sugar Company. Pala Plantation. Maul Agricultural Company. Hawaiian Sugar Company. Kahuku Plantation Conipony, McBryde Sugar Company. Kahuku Plantation Company. Kauai Railway Company. Kauai Electric Company. Honolua Ranch. Haiku Fruit & Packing Company, Kauai Fruit & Land Company, For Rent Near Wylll? Street $30 per month MflkiM District $75 per month Upper Fort Street, one block from Nuuanu Car $G0 per month All very desirable residences and completely furnished- o Bishop Trust Co., Limited 924 BETHEL STREET Honolulu Gfiiffofi Hole Paper By the Pound at A. B. ARLEIGH & CO., LTD. Hotel near Fort. Consolidated Soda Water Is Absolutely 'Pure TELEPHONE 2171. Dress Goods Men's Furilshlngi YAT HING, - 127 Hotel Sf Umpire Chop House (Lately Palace Grill.) Bethel St. Opp. Empire Theatre. Open Day and Night, Cuisine Unsur passed. BEST MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Bowers' Merchant Patrol And Confidential Agency Reliable Watchmen Furnished. Phone 1051, P. O. Box 284. City Head quarters, Club Stables. Y. WO SING CO. Groceries, Fruita, Vegetables, Etc Butto.' 35o lb.; Fresh Dried Fruits. 118G-1188 Nuuanu Street Telephone 1034. Box 951 HIGH CLASS SHOE REPAIRING All Hand Work. Shoos called for and delivered. MANUFACTURER'S SHOE CO, LTD. FlU HOUSES CLOTHES ARE THE OF LONDON, June S. la America the ideal of every young man who wants to have n good time without too much ' work is to bo n millionaire. In Eng- land tho young ninn of similar propen- j allies thinks ho would llko to be king, Of course Americans know that most millionaires work harder than most day laborers, but few pcoplo either In England or America realize, that the king also works as hard as tho poor- est of his subjects, and a good deal harder than, most of them. It is true that much of tho king's work is what most people would call pleasure, but when one has to work at pleasure for twelve or fourteen hours a day it becomes hard labor and there Is no getting out of it for King George. ' Ho is the official head of British so- clety, and the English church and tho British army and the British navy, not to speak of the British Empire, and ho must bo on show at all sorts of cere- monial functions all tho time, and at every function he must be appropriate- ly dressed. On a busy day when he has a dozen or more engagements the mere labor of changing his clothes alone would frighten an ordinary man, who puts on one suit In the morning when ho goes to business and maybe changes for dinner when ho gets home at night. The present London season began on May C when the court mourning for the late King Edward came to an end. It closes about the end of July, and practically until August 1 King George" will be literally on the run all day and every day, performing all : sorts of social engagements and every day changing his clothes anywhere from six to a dozen times. The season will culminate of course at the coro-1 eclves a salary of $G00 a year and has nation on June 22, which probably will 'an apartment In St. James' Palace. Of be the busiest day of King George's course he will also bo pensioned, as Hie, but the festivities before and after ! King Edward's valet .was, when he n will bo such that niore than ordinary j grows too old to work or when his strength and stamina will bo required master dies. to carry him through. It is safoj enough prediction, however, that King MEN WHO SHOULD George will come through all ?iglit. j RETIRE AT SIXTY-FIVE Apart altogether from the extra-! 1 know that thcre are' and wlu a1 ordinary festivities of the season King wa-vs be- man' who whll abl re" Georgo is a busy man nnd even in or- tiro at sixty-live will not do so, and dlnary times clothes take up a lot of Perhaps It is better that they should his time. This is particularly hard on t, ut within the narrow range of him because he doesn't care for dress. mV activities those who for them King Edward delighted in "dressing selves and for theIr employers ought up" as keenly as any debutante getting t0 be enabled to retire at sixty-five ready for her first bail. He studied ma"' times outnumber the class to clothes and was never more nleased wnicu vou refer. than when he had designed some lit- tic alteration in the ordinary dress of u gentleman. King George, like all mnnnrrhs. I. stinkier for nnmirncv in such details, but he does not charge ,tn,i ,vm, ti,n, ,! ho 'tnVoa nn .itti, i,n, ua t,.0,c i.ia viot . ,i , , As far as ordinnry dress is concerned he Is particularly careful never to wear anything that Is at all out of the way. He never will set a fashion as his fath er constantly was doing. King George's Day. , nciu io u uintai uu, in lug mubD life, showing not only his actual en- gagements but how he has to dress for them. He rises at 7:30 a. m. gets into breeches and boots and goes lor a ride in tho park. When he comes back to the palace about an hour later he changes Into ordinary morning dress, a lounge suit, breakfasts at 9:45 and then spends the morning' with his secretaries going over his correspondence and attending to the uruinary uusiuess or tne nay. lie finds an hour during the forenoon for his physical training with Sandow or one of his assistants. , If ho has no public engagements he i.eed not change his clothes again un- til lunch time, when he gets into a flock coat and dnrk trousers, but if ho must grant an audience or receive an ambassador he must don one of his manv uniforms. His fnvnrlto nni- forms, if a man who detests uniform can be said to have favorites, are those of a field marshal of tho British army, Uleir "residents-men not over fifty and the undress uniform of a British J.carB ,of age- 1 have bee Informed admiral. Tho latter, indeed, is tho Umt tho Carnes' provision for edu cue that ho wears most of all and his cators flxes tho eligible ago at sixty naval training is probably accountable "J0!- J lln ? Stubbs. Esq., Director for this preference. . f T,m,fflc of tho Harrlman Lines, In the July Columbian. If he receives a foreign ambassador, ' however, ho must wear the uniform of ono of the regiments of the ambassa dor's country, to which ho is entitled. There are also 30 uniforms of Britisti regiments of which ho is honorary col onel which ho must wear on certain oc- rT; ",U get through tho nfttrnoon without changing again, but if lie has two or three engagements ho may have to change as many times. Ho dresses for dinner about 7 o'clock and dines at S If tho dinner is a mere family function ho wears tho ordinary gentle- man s evening dross, but if it is a state affair he must wear state dress, con- sistlng of an evening coat glittering with orders and black silk breeches and stockings a' variant on this which Is permitted Is what is known E GEORGE'S LIFE ns "pantaloon dress," consisting of an evening coat, with black trousers cut close to tho leg and fitting tight around tho nnkles. King George, on iv.o whole, however, lias a decidedly economical taste in clothes and his tailor declares thnt ho is nn ideal customer. The reason for this Is that ho never requires nny freaks and that his figure Is such that ho Is easy to lit. His ordinary clothes are made by H. Davis, of Hanover Jstreot nnd his uniforms by Jones, Clark ' & Dawson, of Sackvlllo street. No doubt a good many American tailors think they would llko to have tho ac count, both for tho good monoy that It brings In and for the advertising to bo got out of It. They wouldn't like It so much if they know tho facts. Tho King's tailors must never use their royal patronngo In any way to Increase their trado and tho King's clothing bill is a modest one. Ho pays from $40 to $75 for a suit, tho lower price being for his lounge suits and tho higher for his evening clothes, and his tailor's bill rarely exceed $2000 a year. Of course tho mere act of changing Is made as easy for the king as pos sible. Ho has two valets, the senior, Howlett, having been with him for a number of years, and two "brushers" who assist the valots. A valet and brushcr are always on duty. Every morning tho valet receives a copy of the king's list of engagements for the day and it is his duty to have the ap propriate clothes ready when the king comes to change. He must know all the niceties of all the uniforms and see that everything is correct to the last dot. In spite of all this responsibil ity tho pay is not high. Howlett re- 0f course' expressions and views must bo reau 111 connection with my Particular professiou-tho rnllfie of m' experience mttst bo COll iaTf- In my talks 011 the subJect 1 llad 1,1 mlml railroad workers, and tho employees of such industrial con cerns which have adopted a pension 1 ' ojaiviu iui men- ,Yuruurs. mere was also present in my mind tho fact that the retiring ago in such cases is fix ed at seventy years. I hold that at sixty-five the officer or employee should be permitted to retire with nonor ana receive his pension, or that the company might retire him with honor at that ago to make room for younger men. It was not In my mind to suggest that all employers should dispense with ' the services of their employees at the age of sixty-five years without any provision for their future. There aro vocations for which the ripened judgment, tho outgrowth of long experience, increases tho ef- ieciiveness or tho worker, nnd it would be a distinct loss to the world to take men in such pursuits out of their activities at the ago of sixty-five, or oven at seventy, if their mental machinery at that age is as it often Is stm tably productive. I believe J0lu Profession to bo notably such 1 at 0,10 tImo thought this was true of tho Presidents of our universities nild other educatlonnl Institutions, but " wlH bo found tha' these institu- nro seellnS mK men for Tho following Is a proclamation made at tho Market Cross of Invar ary, Scotland, less than a hundrod years ago: "Ta hoy! To tlther 'a-hoy! To hov three times-!-! nn' tn hnu wMci cd ot his Majesty. King George an' her Grace to Duke O'Argyll: 'If anybody Is found fishing about ta Iocki or boIow tQ , ,ockJ or ahnt t0 ,ock , ,0 Qr on te lock armm. tQ , of t0 ,ocki sho.a to ,)0 por80cntu ,. threo ,l0rscclltions. (lrst Bno.s to bo bMrnt, Byno . to bo drownt . then to be hangt, an' It she over COmes back she's to bo persecutlt wl' a fnr wnur ,0atn aoa save te King, an' her Graco to Duke O'Argyll." KING MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTEN TION TO FORECLOSE AND OF SALE. Under tho power of-sale contained In mortgngo from W. W. Wright Company, Limited, an Hawaiian Cor poration, to August Dreler, dated November 5th, 1002, recorded in tno Registry Office, Onhu, in Liber 214 on pages 10C-109, and duly assigned to tho undersigned, notice is hereby given that tho assignee of the mort gage did upon the 1st dny of July. 1011, take possession of tho mort gaged property, and intends to foro closo said mortgage for conditions broken, to-wlt: non-payment of prin cipal and Interest when due. Notice Is hereby likewise given that tho property conveyed by said mortgngo will bo sold at public miction nt tho auction rooms of James F. Morgan, Knahumanu Street, Honolulu, on Monday, the 24th 'day of July, mil, at 12 o'clock noon, terms cash In C. S. gold coin; deeds at the expense of purchaser. (Sgd.) JOHN HENRY MAGOON, Trustee, Assignee of Mortgage. Dated at Honolulu, July C, 1911. For further particulars apply to Magoon & Weaver, attorneys for the assignee of mortgage. The property covered by said mortgage is the business of W. W. Wright Company, Limited, as a go ing concern, comprising the black- smlthlng nnd carriage-making de partment, the woodworking depart ment, the painting department, the carriage trimming department nnd tho horse-shoeing department, includ Ing lease from A. Francis Cookr, Trustee, for his two daughters, Mar garet M. and Juliette A. Ccoke, under the will of Juliette M. Cooke, deceased, dated March 2, 1901, of premises situated on the maknl sido of King street In Honolulu, near South strcot, for a term of fifteen years from March 20, 1S91, at a ren tal of four hundred fifty dollars per quarter, payable In advance, together with all tho right, title and interest of the lessee in and to the building and improvements on tho leased land; also nil the goods, chattpls and effects belonging to the said busi ness, including inter alia: office table and desk, office safe, chairs, stools, letter press and stand, filing cabinet, hand lamp, felloes, spokes, files, shafts Whipple trees, double trees, lumber, carriage hardware, work benches, patterns, clamps, paints and paint brushes, woodworking ma chines nnd machines for making wheels, woodworking tools, bar Iron. 2 blacksmith forges, machines for working iron, shaping and setting tires; 3 anvils, 2 sets of blacksmith's tools, 4 vices, bolts, electric foro blower, springs, rubber tire setting machine, rubber tires, scale, hand truck, clock, drill press, shoeing shop complete with 2 anvils, 2 forges, vice, shoeing stock and frame, shoeing tools, stock of shoes, trimming shop complete with 3 carriage trimming sewing machines, trimming leather hardware for tops, tools for sewing leather, benches, shelving and wood horses; also one bay mare and two spring wagons and single harness. 3ts July 8, 15, 22. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTEN- TION TO SELL. Under tho power of salo contained in mortgage from A. V. Gear to J. Alfred Magoon dated December 2. 1905, recorded in the Registry Ofilco Honolulu in Book 285, pages 13G-138, which mortgage was foreclosed on the 5th day of February, 1910, and all the property therein described sold except Lot 9, Block 57, as shown on map of the Knlmuki Tract, recorded in said Registry Office in Book 178, pago 294; notice is hereby given that tho mortgageo Intends to sell all his right, title and interest under said mortgage in Lot 9, Block 57, as shown on said map, at public auction at tho auction rooms of James F. Morgan, Knahumanu Street In Honolulu, on Monday tho 24th day of July, 1911, at 12 o'clock noon; 'deeds at the expense of the purchaser. Dated at Honolulu, T. H. July C, 1911. J. ALFRED MAGOON, Mortgagee. 3ts. July S, 15, 22. STOCKHOLDERS.' MEETING OF W. W. WRIGHT COMPANY, LIMITED. There will bo a deferred annual meeting of tho stockholders of tho W. W. Wright Company, Limited, at its offlco on King street near South Street in Honolulu, on Monday, tho 10th day of July, 1911, at 4:30 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing offi cers nnd tho consideration of dispos ing of the proporty of tho Company, paying its debts and closing out Its business, nnd such other business as may come before tho meeting. W. W. WRIGHT, President. Dated Honolulu, July 5th. 1911. 4t IN OUR STOCK OF BlllB' HHRDWHRE you will find mnny examples of Art metal work correct in every detail and harmonious In finish. Wo hnvo n very largo stock of BUILDERS' HARDWARE nnd can supply tho correct article for every class of build ing. L Limited 177 S. King St. LIMITED. Honolulu, T. H. SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER. CHANTS. SUGAR FACTORS and GENERAL IN SURANCE AGENTS. Representing Ewa Plantation Co. ..Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd. Kohala Sugar Co. Apokaa Sugar Mill Co. Fulton Iron Works of St. Louis. Westons Centrifugals Babcock & Wilcox Boilers. Green's Fuel Economizer. Matson Navigation Co. New England Mutual Life Insur ance Company of Boston. Aetna Insurance Co. National Fire Insurance Co. Citizen's Insurance Co. (Hartford Fire Insurance Co.) The London Assurance Corpora- C. BREWER &G0.LTD Sugar Factorsj and Commission Merchants OFFICERS AND DIKKCTORH. a. T. Bishop , PreBldont Geo. H. Robert80B. Vies Prestaant Mamgtr W. W. North Treasurer Richard Ivera ; Secretary T. IL Gait Audtton Geo. R. Carter Director, 0. H. Cooke Dlrscton B. A. Cooke .....Director Honolulu jionumeniJIWorKs, Ltd,. SUCCESSORS TO 8HAW SEVILLE. NEW MONUMENT WORKS. KING STREET NEAR ALAKEA, Phone 3085. P. O. Box 491 Honolulu. w STEIN WAY & 80NS AND OTHER, PIANOS. THAYER PIANO CO. 15G Hotel Street. Phone 2313. TUNING GUARANTEED THE CAPITOL CAFE g King St., opp. Young Hotel $ Everything New and Clean. f $ POPULAR PRICE8. ooooooooooooooooo O o 0 Absolutely Puro Q O ICE CREAM O O o O Delivered to all parts of city. 0 PALM CAFE. O O o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DO NOT allow your clothes to bo ruined tyy amateurs. Tlae Pioneer MERCHANT TAILOR Has Had 23 Years' Experience in Honolulu. CLOTHES CLEANED, PRESSED, DYED. Satisfaction guaranteed. Work call ed for and delivered. BERETANIA AND EMMA STREETS. PHONE 3125.