OCR Interpretation

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, October 29, 1864, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015418/1864-10-29/ed-1/seq-3/

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i'HE PACiriC
Commercial Advertiser.
Notice o Masters of Whalohipsainl
Merchant Vessels.
V'ir attention is c'lJ to tLe fVIowIng Il-guU-tloa
cf the liojrJ of Healt!. :
Santos 'ZJl. The Borl of Health. ar.J i?J Anta,
&ij etti;' qaarntia grjuni-t ia tLe several dis
trict. they may ju Jge test.
Sic. 202. The Koari cf Health my. froia 1"'
U linif, es'ab?i5h the qairantioe to te ptrforrne'l, by
1 T9-eI arriving at any port of tbe KingJom; an I
piy mike stich quarantine regulatk-ns. as it shall
jaJ? n!cesiary tr the Lci'th aa 1 9 ifcty of th ia-
Tbe quarantine regulations so e?taH-n-(j,
stall exteo l to all f,frKi-, an-1 all goJa ai,J ef
fect, arritln ia suca n-l. an-I to all pcron
who may ttalt or ? t n b ari of the same.
Ste. 2M. Notice bhal! be frivenor sucu quarantine
guUtioo. by public if an ir the manner protidfl
e:tioo : and alter uch tit tke -b!l he been
iff o. any person who oh Il i 1 ite any such quaran
tine regulation, thall be flue 1 amai ut lc3 than
tit nor ni're than five bun irel dollars.
StC. U'jj. Any ieil which hall rcfa-e to submit
to qmiruntii.c. or wl.ioh hh !1 leave the quarantine
ground before the exfiirntion of the quarantine im
joed upon her. cr which shall the means of clan
destinely intro luci.-ig into this Kingdom any conto-giaa-t
d sea, -r any di-ea.-'e d incerous to the public
oeaTcb. ah:tll be ii ib'.e to eeiiure, confiscation and
ale, fr th? Lene,1r.of the public treasury.
Sx -00. The 11,-jr l of Health, and if Ag-nts.
may at alt lime- cau-e any wwl arriving, when such
vessel, or tLe carg thereof, whall in their opinion be
fiul, cr iiifecfe-J, so as to endanger the public health,
ta be remove I to the quarantine ground, an 1 to be
thoroughly puride-1 at the expense of the owners, con
signees, cr persons in possession cf the same ; and
they may alio caue ull persons arriving in. or going
cn board of any s-aih infected vessel, or handling such
infected cargo, to be removed to aotue place of safety,
thereto remain under their orders.
Sec. 207. If any m ister, seaman, or passenger, be
longing to any vessel, on board of which any infec
tion may then be, or may have lately been, or sus
pected to have been, or which may have been at. or
vrhich may have come from, any port where any in
fectious distemper prevailed, that may endanger the
pablic health, aball refuse to make answer on oath
to such questions as may be asked him. relating to
,uch iafectton or distemper, by the Board cf Health,
Ot i;s Agent, each master, seaman, or paenger, ho
refusing, shall be panishl by fine not exceeding
five hundred dollars, or imprisonment at hard labor
not exceeding twelve months, cr both, ia the discre
tion of the court.
Stc. 203. All expenses incurred on account of any
persou, vessel or j'o ls, under any quarantine regu
tions. shall be paid by uch person, vesseli or owner
of such vessel or goods respectively.
The llo t'htexiot Honolulu is hereby desigaate-1 as
Tiieod. C. Hexck,
Secretary Hoard of Health.
Ilioi.rn:, October 2i'Ji, 13$4.
OrrrcE or the Boaiid op Health, t i
Honolulu, Oct. 24th 18C1. '
At a meeting of the Board of Health this day it
was resolved : That the Collectors of Customs at La
bataa, Hilo. Kawaihae, Kaawaloa, Koloa, and Yai-
mea be instructel : that upon arrival cf any whale- .
hip direct from tbe cruising ground at their respect
ive ports, tbey shall caue a strict enquiry to be made
whether there is or has teen, during tbe late voyage,
sickness cf a contagious nature on board of such ship,
and ia such case, or where there is any doubt re
maining in the mind of tbe Collector, after due in-
vestigation. as to the infectious character oi any uis- ? ,
ease that may have been on board, to order the ves- ,
eel to report at once at Honolulu, and to forbid all
cccimunication witn the score.
Secretary Board of Health.
Bird's Ete View or Sax Fhascisco. We have
en exhibition at oar office, a bird's view of San Fran
cisco. thetoramercial emportatn par excellence of
the Pacific coast, which is the most perfect thing of
the kind we have ever seen. It measures 20 by 40
and wad lithographed by Messrs. Robinson & Snow,
of San Francisco, whose place cf business is near
Messrs. C. W. Brooks & Co.. on Sansome St., corner
of Washington. A key accompanies tbe plate, and
contains over lO-'i references. The picture is so min
ntely perfect that a person at all acquainted with the
localities caa pick them out without the slightest
difficulty or necessity of a Ley. The S in Francisco
price is fc5, and we will be happy to order for any of
oar friends who would like copy, through Mr. N.
L. Ingols. to wlios courtesy and to that of the pub
lishers, we owe tbe fine specimen to which we have
drawn attention.
Puotocraphic Rooms. Mr. Chase, since his return
from California, has at considerable expense, im-"
proved his picture gallery, by the addition of a new
room, with improved sky-light and apparatus, which
enables him to take better pictures than have ever
been obtainable in Honolulu, and of all sizes, from
that of a breast-pin ton larce size portrait. Some very
superior specimen of his skill will be found displayed
:n his gallery. We observed also there a life size
portrait of President Lincoln, painted by Mr. Perry,
the artist, who is now on a visit to the volcano. k
Harper's Monthly. The October number is be
fore us, an 1 opens with an illustrated "lour through
Arizona." which will give one a mst graphic descrip
tion cf the overland mail route. The article on
Privateering" shows that greater consternation
and losses were created in the war of 1812 by Ameri
can privateers than rhe rebel cruisers have during
the rebellion- The terms of both the Magazine and
the Weekly have been raised to rocR dollars a year,
which with American and HawaiUn postages added,
makes each periodic ii cnt now So a year.
New Pt'BLiciTios. Professor Alexander, of 0hu
Cullcge, has recently issued a pamphlet entitled A
Short Synopsis of Hawaiian Grammar," which, from
its brief yet perspicuous elucidation of the grammat
ical construction cf the language, will attract the at
tention of those interested in it. It was prepared chief
ly for the use of the pupils in the College, but will serve
as a help to any who are studying the vernacular.
It can be procured at tbe Book-store, at 2a cents per
Patest Office RrroRTS. We are iudebted to the
Commissioner of Patents, of Washington, for copirs
cf the Records of the Patent Office for 1S60-2 and a
copy of his report for 1863. Among the books re
ceived are several volumes of plates. Persons wish
in; to refer to them can do so at our office.
52f Daring the coming week, three clippers may
be locked for from the coast the Georges, the
Dreadnought and the Oracle. The bark -i. A.
Eldridge was also to sail about the 22d to 24th of
ST The auction sale of effects of His late Majes
ty takes place cn Friday next, and will probably be
one of the mcst extensive ever held in this city.
Catalogues will be ready before tbe day of sale.
Lauaisa. Oct. 22. 16C4.
Ma. Editor : Will you ascertain from the Board
tf Health, who are tbe agents for the Board on this
Island. When the former board was in existence, we
knew who they were; but up to the present time no
persons have been appointed, to oar knowledge.
The Board of Health, I suppo-e, take good care of
Honolulu, but forget that there is such a port as
Lahaino. When it is known that whaleships having
tbe small-pox are crui-ing in the Arctic, and it ii
possible some of them m ay visit this port, why did
they not tike such steps as might be necessary to
protect as, in case they came here ?
Yours, A Tax Pater or Laiiaixa.
correspondent will observe by the notice of
the Board of Health, that Collectors are to act as
rnt oX the Board.
tjiifn i i inr ri'i
To the Ed.tor tf thr Aivtrtiitr.
(ovrrnuifiil Kr jnr liuy.
Sik: iJuricg tLe debate on S.iturdiy la?t, in the
Legislative Assembly, tie eubject cf reporting was )
under discussion. In reply to a qut-ition by the At
torney General, Mr. Stanley sai l hecouM not furnish
a reiort of the debates under -510 per day. The
Atturney-Gt-neral then resumed : You bear what
the clerk says, and there is a man sitting here uho
hat received 10 jtr day for refr-rting the Conven
tion," and new aks the Hou-e to give Lini as niach
mire ng t:r."
This btateriiei-t IfciLg totally incoriect. the benor
able in"xter fi-r Hcnolulii (Mr. F.hc i?a) pcinteJ ont
that sash svaa cct the fict, 6 J Mr. Harris corrected
bis previous star mzht.x.
Now, 1 a:u tLe ir.n re.Vrred to by the Attorney
General, and as it i j i-t pc-iil.V th it an impre.-ion
may have been left on the minds of sonie honorable
members, that I have been endeavoring ta extract S-0
per diy out cf the treasury, where is I only wmt to
te pail at tbe rate of &l. perhaps you will do me
the favor to ins?rt this letter.
As a man cf some experience on the pref9, let tne
eay that I consider jour eJTer to throw open your
column for Slit fr week. waa, in a commercial
point of iew, a v ry advant-igeous tte tu the gov
ernment. I aio no admirer r f your politics cr piper,
but from a dollar and cent ri'ic the cjTer va$ cheap.
I am, sir, your obedient t-ervaur,
Lionel Beowne.
Houclalu, Oct. 27. 1801.
-V" I -
The bark Yankee Fuller, arrived on Sunday last,
20 days from San Francisco, bringing the Eastern
On Thursday the bark Smyrniole, IJurdett, arrived.
in 14 days passage, brioging San Fr.incisoo papers
to the 15th int. ;
The news is interesting, but net very important. 1
From the pr.pcrs received, we glean the following : j
From (J rant. i
New York. Sept. 28. The Herald's City Point j
correspondent of the 2Cth says Early's defeat in the j
Valley produces great uneasiuess in the army imme- J
diately opposite to us, and results of great importance
are looked for within a few days. That Lee is get- ;
ting ready for some new movement is very evident.
During the past few nights our troops in front could
hear the noise of trains and artillery in motion. Lee,
doubtless, is working to aid Early. He stands nghast
at theprcspect of Sheridan's driving Early beyond
the point necessary to hold the Central IloaJ, and
'the one leading to Lynchburg front Richmond. By
contracting his lines around Petersburg, lie hopes to
' be able to detach a force suiTicieut to reinforce and
rally the demoralized army from the Shenandoah.
The Herald', correspondent with the Tenth Corps j
also says : Tbe movements of the enemy are full of j
rrmiiiHC. Uneasiness is manifest in all their move- I
L,a Tltr r rprfninlv frPttin n.n.lr f..r rn- !
inent of some kind. perha:-s to fall back to Swift
Creek, the first of their lines of defences, between I
Petersburg and Richmond. The reason undoubtedly
is that Grant is being too strongly reinforced
f, r tliA '
'"' i
rebels to maintain their extended line, now over ten
miles iu length.
Washington, Sept. SO. Passengers from City
Point state that early on Wednesday night the corps
under Geo. Ord began to move from its old position
tn Jimp Neck, cn the James river, where a unnt&nn
bridge bad been thrown across the river, and at once I
began to cross. Ly twelve the a ivance succeeded in
effecting a crossing in safety, and before daylight the
whole cf rps got wer and advanced immediately on
the entrenchments on Chipiu Farm, which were
carried with but little loss. There appeared to be
but few rebel troops in the entrenchments, aud it is
thought they had been withdrawn either to be sent
np the Valley, to check Sheridan, or to the Weldon
Railroad, fearing a blow fioin Grant. We have cap.
tured from 30G to 400 prisoners, and 15 pieces of
artillery. The Eighteenth Corps, under Cirney, ad
vanced from Deep Bottom about the same time as
Ord, and moved up to tbe Newmarket Road and car
ried the entrenchments with eae. 1 he rebels showed
but little disposition to contest the ground, and ap
peared completely surprised. Of the subsequent
moves of our forces nothing was known at City Point.
Tbere was uothinc to indicate that the advance of
Ord or Birney had been checked, nod it is confidently
believed at City Point that the rebels hive withdrawn
a large uumber of their lrorps from tbe defences of
Richmond, aad scut thein up the Vnlley tonid Early.
This being the case, Ord and Birney can make con
siderable progress before the rebels cau coucentiate
their forces.
On Wednesday night the rebels male a furious
attack on our advanced earthworks in front of Fort
Sedgwick, on the Jerusalem plank road. These en
trenchments were held by a portion of the Second
Brigade of the Third Division of the Ninth Corps.
The rebels were repulsed with considerable loss.
These are the works we captured from the rebels
several weeks ago. This is the second unsuccessful
attempt of the rebels to retake them. Fort Sedgwick
opened its fire on the rebels and accelerated their
Washington, Sept. 30. A dispatch from Grant,
dated at 3:0 this p. m., at City Pt.int, states that
Warren attacked aud carried tbe enemy's line to-diy,
on their extreme right, capturing a number of pri
soners, and will be immediately prepare! to follow
up his success. Meade moved from his left this
morning and cirried the enemy's line near Poplar
Grove church.
A later dispatch, dated five this evening, states
that Butler, at three p. t . report! that the enemy
made an assault in three columns on his line, near
thapiu s t'irni. h:i1 naJ ieeu repute J. o report
has been received from Meade since be carried the
enemy's line near Poplat Grove church.
(Pinged) Stanton.
New York, Oct. 7. The Herald's Eighth Corps
correspondent says no hostilities were going on in
front. The rebel dead frem F.rt Harrison were still
unburied. The rebels fired on our men who went
out to bury them. The rebel los- in the nssaults of
Saturday is admitted to be 400.
Tbe Herald's correspondent before Richmond
says: Throughout the past twenty.four hours the
advance on Richmond from the north sidetf the
James, while it has met with no obstacle, has been
facilitated by the demonstrated impossibility of the
enemy's.attempt to lepossess himself of Fort Harrison,
the work captured by Butler on the 2'Jth ult, when
the enemy was so severely punished and repulsed.
Several shots were exchanged yesterday, but the
enemy finally gate up attempting to drive us out."
The Herald's Nineteenth Coros correspondent
siys: "No further moves have taken place along
this front. The fire cf the s!nrisho'ters has almost
ceased. The enemy were busily engaged last night
crossing the river. They ma le considerable noise,
but the object in view was not discovered. Deserters
have come in who state that almost a panic still
reigns in Richmond."
The Herald's Tenth Corps fpc;il of the 4th,
says : We are recriviug deserters from the rebel ranks
daily, mot of them fri m the I nral defences ef Rich
mond, many of them being laboring men, c'ad of
the opportunity tf escaping. Among the citizens
within the present lines of occupation is Mr. Libtey,
owner of Libley Prison, and Gen. Butler has or
dered him to be sent to the rear.
New York, Oct. 8 The Herald's Fifth Corps
correspon lent of the 5th says : All is quiet in the vi
cinity of Poplar Springs Church. This is about four
miles this side cf the South-side roid, and although
the road is more ttrongly thrvateaed than heretofore
from ar present potion, th er.eniy still hoM the
read and ue it.
Tbe Herald's Tenth Corj.s correspondent of the
6th nvs: The eitnation on the north side cfthe
James remains unchanged. About the usual nuci-
ber cf deserters come into our lines daily, giving the
usual report of aiiiirs in the beleaguered capital
To-day we received tidings that in the exciten-ent
of last Thursday the family of Jeff. lavis packed up
their small traps and started in baste southward.
Tbe Richmond papers give gloomier pictures of the
consternation that prevailed there on our approach
than anv that have been rreviouslr received. The
' universal conscription is inexorable and impartial;
! even sick and wounded from their military hvspitals,
j if they could walk, were compelled to g-.
i New York, Oot. 7 Ee!l is sai l to be in c m
! cand cf th defenses tf fl'chmocd, Lee Lai iu gone
! buck to Petersburg. i
; TLe Richmond raper acknowledge the steady ad- I
, vane of the- Lnion armies on botu siles citue
' Lite iebel papers say that the Union lines now
enclose many residences never before withiu hostile
l'nes. All details fr civil au 1 othr service bave
! been revoked, and every man, oi l snd younz. csya
j ble of bearing arms was b.'ing dragged ir;to the
From .Mobile.
Cairo, Sept. 21. The Memphis Bulletin of yes
terd iy publishes, on what is rearle l us reliable
authority, the substance cf a dispatch received at
Il'.ly Springs, announcing the unconditional surren
der of Mobile to our gur.byits. No dates are given.
The gunboats approached the city so cJ se that they
Cuuld bave destroyed it without difficulty.
j Georgia Said to lje Treating lor Peace
j New York, Sept. 23 The Richmond Enquirer,
speaking of the rumored peace negotiations between
Shennau and the it'ihrities of Georgia, says : The
I Governor of that State ouht ta recollect that that
; State was one of the Ctst to sectd? from the Union.
I If she now treats for peace on her own terms, as a
i sovereign State, she withdraws from the Confederacy
and loaves her sister the bull to hold after having got
! them into the scrape.
j New York, Sept. 27. Concerning the reported
! peace negotiations :n Georgia, t he Evening Post
j says: General Sherman, we are authorize! to say,
j will not negotiate except on terms of unconditional
' submission of the rebels to the Government of the
! Union, the fullest acknowledgment of its rights, and
the open admission that the war against the Union
j was what A1.-X. H. Stephens declared it would be. in
! 18G0, plunder and crime." The Post says : ,4lf
j the Georgia authoritias will agree to these prelimin
j aries, Gen. Sherman will meet thrm frankly and
, From Sherman.
OiArrANOOOA, Sept. 22. Sherman, by special ar
rangement with Hood, h.13 effected an exchange of
two thousand prisoners of both armies.
From the Shenandoah.
j New York. Sept. 28. The Tribune's Harper's
j Ferry correspondent, of the 27th, says : The com.
j pleteness of the surprise of the rebels at Fisher's
j Hill may be imagined from the fact that the guns
captured were all loaaci to tlie muzzel with grape
and cannister, but Crook's charge was so impetuous
and rapid that the rebels did not get time to dis
chare them. The losses cf the rebels iu the recent
fights, ris reported by Government officials sent to
ascertain facts, are as follows : Arrived at Harper's
Ferry, 2SS officers and 3,100 men; wounded at Win
chester. 2,200; captured between Fisher's Hill and
Woodstock, 2.200; wouuded carried off by the rebels,
estimated, 1,700; wounded at, the roadside houses,
estimated. 1,000; killed and wounded by cavalry in
Luray's Valley, 250; total, nearly 11,000.
Washington, Sept. 25. Late Charleston papers
contain advertisements requesting all the male per
f eons in that district, between the ages of the sixteen
and fifty, to report for enrollment. The order ex
tends throughout the South, the object benc to ascer-
tain the present sad prospective military strength of
the Confederacy. -In several of the military Districts,
c1.iFAkn1.lAro arc ratiiiroil (!ptltiu!t1i s fitri?uK i -
:n M. nn nf tIlP:P bUvp.
worfe on he fortincation3.
NEW 1 ORK, St?pt. SO. General E InliS and Staff
arrived from New Orleans this morning.
Late Southern papers contain the following: The
Mcoti Confederate, commenting on the propositions
ur peace len.ierea y oeu. cnerman, say tnat uov-
t t: 1 i. ii it
ernor Jirown repuea tnat tneir negotiations coull
lead to no practicable result?, as Sherman was only
a General of one of the Federal armies, and he was
Governor of only one of the Confederate States.
A correspondent says Hood is in cheerful spirits,
and before many months the Federals will hear of
hioi through quite a novel and unexpected channel.
The Montgomery Advertiser says Magru ler has
g-one into Arkansas with a very heavy force.
Jeff. Davis, on his way to Georgia, made a speech
at Salisbury, North Carolina, and said that though
reverses had befallen them, the spirit of the Confed
eracy was unbroken, and would yet bring pence and
independence from tbe hated foe. He called on all
to enter the array, and urged the women to marry no
man who shirked the duties of a soldier.
The Macon Telegrupk says refugees report Sher
man's army going Noith by thousands. His force is
cow very small. Whether these men are going out
of the service, or reinforcing Grant, they are unuble
to say.
Rcmors of Peace. The World's special corres
pondent believes the report of a peace letter from
Jetf. Davis is well founded. lie says be has no doubt
it is iu the hands of a party to present to the Govern
ment. Mrxiro. The French left Bagdad on the 12tIT, in
five steamers, for Matamoras. Ou the 14th they
bad engaged with Cortinas. were repulsed with great
loss, andretumed to Bagdad.
St. Johns, N. F., Sept. 20 The steamer Saxonia,
from Southamton the 21st, passed Cape Race this
The London Times says the capture of Atlanta is
the crowning success of tbe Southwestern Army.
Tbe rebel loan declined three per cent.
The rumor of au approaching interview between
the French, Russian and Prussian Sovereigns, is
considered unfounded iu Paris.
The Intelligencer says : It seems certain that ar
rangements have been made between France and Italy
for the solution of the Roman question. The Czar of
Russia was to visit the Emperor of the French at
Swalbach on the 21st. A new Spanish Ministry had
been formed, who announced a conciliatory policy.
The Turiu journals discuss the question of the
removal of the Italian cspital to Florence. The
Ojiinione says: If the removal is necessary to ad-
) vance the solution of the Roman question, the Gov
l ernrnent cannot refuse.
j The iilote says the French Government papers
j consider the prospects of McClel'au for the Presi
j dency as secure in the future.
j The London .Vttx-s says : There cau be no
I cordiality iu the relations betweens the United States
j and France, if McClellan is elected to the Presidency,
! he being known as a strong anti-Imperialist."
! The Loudon Herald, alluding to the coming Presi
; dential election, says : ' We believe all negotiations
' must fail, as all furce has failed. We lielieve separa
! tion to be just and wise, and that it has become
! inevitable all will admit. If reunion were possible,
! the Democratic plan oilers the only chauce or hope'
1 for its accomplishment."
The London Times lectures Australians who talk
i of separating from England, and says their charges
are that Englind has not been allowed to indulge her
: taste for military glory. The Times precedes to show
j Australians that had Englaud gone to war with Rus
j sia. on account of Poland, trouble and disaster might
' have fallen upon them. Russia, expecting au out
j break, had instructed her Admirals on the Atlantic
. and Pacific, to leave their resrective nists. bv rfi?Ff-r-
j ent routes, for a common rendezvous, ascertained to
be mid-ocean. The fleet thus assembled w is to hold
itself in readiness aud bear down on the Australian
The Queen of Spiin, by the advice of O'Donnell,
h". summoned Narvaez to form a new Ministry.
The Pirn .Moniteur reports that the English com
mander in Japan has summoned the Japanese Gov
ernment to remove within twenty days all obstacles
to navigation in the Straits of Sherminski, caused by
the fortifications which Prince Nazet had constructed
If not complied with, the fortific-.tions would be at
tacked. Mr. Bixter, in addressing his consttuents at Mon
trose, expressed sentiments heartily in sympathy
with the Unionists.
The Paris .Moniteur gives currency to a rumor
that negotiations were progressing at Vienna, with
the object to prolong uu'il the loth of December the
armistice whiiMi expired Si'pt. 15th.
With an Assorted CAKGO of j
H. HAOKFELD & 80. !
Tiro blue prints
Turkey Sikl YrlluW i rint
l'luk and yellow print ( ALL Slw inp pssikaBLS
Mourning prints SrVLli1.
Kney prints Larc.k and mali.
.incy check prist J rATTKUN-S
Mituriim nin-tln, F:mcy pri::teJ jaconet
Vicvri.i lawns. Tape cl.ech muslin
Itutiinel icyiuito netting. White citrons
l;rua otPm-. Urovrn Cuttju drill, WLit C tt m drill
Iniitatinn linen drill
liiue cottor,. Heavy Knini3
lied tiekiug. Hickory stripes
lral. bleached and unMeachcd u'.olerkin
Ulack oi lean. Clack nlpacca
Llack col'urp-i. Colored cturg
Checked coburgi. Fancy Ftrij c
Check poplin. White flar.nol
15!ue twilied Saxouy Cancel
Fancy and strlpod flani:l
blue, black iuid (;reeii lasting. Union damask
Luien. Wovlen pantaloon stuff
CaiiKfU, Uiue and black broadcloth
Hunting, reu, white and blue; Uaree, fur vsiM.
lrintd jaconet handkercheifo
Printed cotton liamikcrcheife, silk tinlshi
A Ittrge asvituient of nilk corahs and foulards
Turkey red and yellow handkercheifs
Black silk handkerchiefs. Silk cravats
Blue pilot cloth monkey jackets
White Cnsl.mere vests. Blue pilot cloth pant
' Black alpacca coats, Black alpacca waterproof coat
A large assortment of cotton pants
A large assortment of J wool pants
Blu aud black cloth pants. Cashmere panls
Cashmere coats. Cloth cioaks and mantles
lllckoiy Bhirts. Friuted regatta shirts
White cotton shlrU, White cotton shirts, linen bosoms;
White cotton "hlrts, fancy printed bosoms ic,
Blue and red flannel shim
Fancy flannel shirU
Brown, white and pink cotton uuderrdiirtA
Fine Lamb'ii wool undershirts
Guernsey frocks, Ueunrsey drawers
Heavy woolen socks E stockings
Scotch and lilengary caps
1 itteus. Comforters
Children's boots
Heavy sea boots
Calf boots.
A large assortment of Hats aad Caps.
Men's mixed socks
Men' brown cotton socks
Men's bleached cuttnu socks
Men's gey and Lamb's wool sockn
Men's heavy woolen socks and stockings
Ladies white aud black coltou hose
Boy's socks,
Children's cotton stockings.
Ladies' side saddles
Iron tinned bltts
Iron tinned spurs
Felt saddle cloths.
Best hemp canvas. No. 00. 0, 1 to 7
Heavy raven's duck, Light ravens duck
Best Kussia hemp cordage, 1 to 4 inches
Spunyarn, Seizing stud"
Marline. Housing. Log line
Hemp sail twine, 23 thread
Manilla cordage, 1 and 1 1 inch
rt-i i i ( I'-00 barrels oil shooks,
Ul shouks, J 600 barrels new hooks.
Zinc paint, White lead
Faint oil, Ked lead . .
Venetian red, eilow ochre
Chalk, Elack paint
Stockholm pitch
Stockholm tar
Coal tar
6 Oak boats. 16, 18.6, 13, 19, and 22 feet long
Hawaiian Flags
glrps felt.
Hair oil
Macassar oil
Faucy eoajis
Genuine Eau de cologne. !
A large assortment of
Foolscap and Note paper,
A large assortment of Blank Books.
Hardware paper.
Hardware, &c.
Best English fencing wire
Iron tinned B3UJ-pans
Iron pots. Saw files, Copper tucks
Hiot, Jews harps
Cocoa-handled butchers knives 5 to 7 inches
Sailors pocket knives. Steel scissors
Needles No. 1 to & iu tins (S 5 M
TAilors thtmbles.
Hoop iron to inch
Copper wire cloth for centrifugals,
Banca tin.
Crockery-& Glassware
Water monkeys
White granite dinner setts complete
" ' toilet setts "
foot baths
" ' Mugs nd Cowls
" ' Cups and Saucers
Cut bar tumblers
Pressed tumblers
Lamp rhitunies.
En?lih pic fruits, in quarts,
English pickles, in r
WorcestTshire sauce
lo ligo blue
English chee
Cod fish in quart.-r boxe
Wine vinegar in cases
Saltwater soap, Wax taper
Currants, in Jars;
Kaieins, in J and 1 boxes j
Sardiaes, in i and j tins;
Swiss chctse
French Vanilla chocolate
Olive oil
Crushed sugar in hlf bbls
Wine viuegar iu demijohns
Refined camphor.
I?f alt Liquor, Wines, A:c.
Best London porter in quarts and pints
Best German ale in quarts and pints
Hbds draught ale
Claret in casks
Benicalo in casks
Hock in cases
Claret in cares
Gin iu cases
Brandy in casks. Bitters
CLampicne in quarts at. 1 picts Kuinart pere et fils
Champango in qts aud pts Ja-rquessun et fils.
Grey, blue, preen and pcarlet blankets
Oil carpetinp, tapestry carpeting
Carpet haps, black silk crape
l:Uck silk umbrellas. Mack cotton umbrellas
La-lies' an-1 Gents si!k anl k'd gloves black aad coW'd
IJneti Huckabuck towels, Kussia crash
Red quiits. velvet silk an l satin bonnet ribbons
F.Uek eilk hat ribbons. Berlin wool
Black and fancy colored ostrich feathers.
Ivory tooth combs, tiujilo dressing combs.
Hair brushes, metal and bone pant buttons
Pearl button", white linen tipe
Suspenders, playing cards
French calf skin. wa!sin canes
Corks, caDe seat arm chairs and sfas
Pallors' looking glasses
Fran;ei slates
Tobacco ip-s
MBoking t jlacco.
Room j aper and borders
Guuny baps
Birch brooms
Red brick
I ire and arch brick
Soda &th ia casks
Tipe clay lu casks
Kaolin In cat 'a
Blacksmith's coals in casks
SJ0 tins bes steam coals
Le., ic , tc, 4fW-lia
THIS DAY, Saturday, October 29th,
Will U; v.lJ. at VI o'clock. M., at sale- Uooj,
Boxes of Apples and Pears,
In vriuie crJcr.
On TUESDAY. November 1st,
At 10 o'ekvk. A. M . at Sales ItJotu. will be oU,
aud Desirable' Cooils per bk Ynukee, '
uud other I, ate Arrival.
,B of ba'es choice Xiw Prints.
Ptrl River C-'ninis; Erowa CvUons,
Whit Cottocs. il"rlr.(-s. Alpaccas.
tadJlery. iUrdware, Cutlfry. Cl"thin.
51) c:ira Iluwner's Ki-rownpOll,
a'.twator Ss-ap, Album-. Letter and Foolscap P.;f' Vatikee
Notions. 4c. tie., Ac.
f.O bnket3 Superior Champacne,
10 half b!N. Salmon, for family ui
' llbls Salmon, Cal. Flour, bbls Polar Oil
CoiiIim mid Cold.
The sudden chances of our cl uiate are sources cf Fclmo
SiKV, HroScuiai. and Astum atio At'FKi'Tioss. Experience
having proved that simple remedies often act peedily when
taken In the eiry stages of the ilise:ie, recourse should at
once be had to tirown's lronciia Troches,"' or Lvzenge.
let the Colli, Couch, cr Irritation of the Throat be ever io
lik.'ht, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be
ell.-ctuaUy warded off. PfBLlC Sl-EAKLRd and SlSUkK will flint
them eSVotual for clearing aud slrergtueuintr the voice. Sol
diers fhuul t have them, as they can be carried iu the packet
an I takeu as occasion requires. 4Uo-lm
A Lady of World-Wide Reputation.
Mr. S. A. Allen' World' Ilnir Krstorrr
nnil ZTlobalsninum or World llnir Drm-
are unequalled, and so acknowledged by all who rise
them for restoring, invigorating, beautifying and dressing the
Hair, rendering it soft, silky and glos3y, and dispooiug it to
remain iu any desired position ; quickly cleansing the scalp,
arresting the fall and imparting a healthy and natural color
to the Hair. They never fail to restore grey Hair to its original
youthful color. They act directly upon the roots of the Hair,
giving thtm the natural nourishment required. No lady's
toilet U complete without the Zytobalsamum or Hair Dressing.
It cleanses the hair and Imparts t it & most delightful
fragance, aad i suited to both young and old.
The Restorer .Reproduces.
The Hair Diessing Cultivates and Beautifies.
If your hair is thin try it, if scurfy try it, if harsh try It,
If lustreless try It, If none of these try it, for all who use it
will preserve their hair through lire. For sale by all Druggists.
Aaeuts for California. Hostetter, Smith ir Dean, San Francisco.
vjjjvVS- iaioruis the public that he cau furnihh the lint
ffHa Muuiruie flay at One Cent per lb..
439-Cm Marshneld, VTaiklki.
The Northern
I . above Company, have recently received instructions to re-
' duce the Hate of Premium on Stone and Brick Buildings and on
j Merchandise stored therein, and are now prepared to issue poll-
: cles on more favorable terms than heretofore.
Kisks taken on Buildings. Machinery, kc. on Sugar Plant a-
! tions. JANIOX, GREEN if Co..
439-ly Agents.
I Machine Blacksmith Wanted.
giveu to a man that is a competent workman, at the HO
! NOLI LU IRON WOUK8. Apply to
To ILet "Grove learns."
- AT SAW UjIH Ibli isu.u -r
KAUAI, containing from 30O to 400 acres of besti
tVwOnne Land, and about 600 acres of Pasture Land..
The cane land and part of the pasture land can be watered. It
is situated within a mile of the Liliue Plantation Mill, and 14
mile from the Landing Place. Koads excellent. There are three
large enclosures for horses and cattle, and buildings sufficient for
& large family, all In first rate order and repair.
Possessionjgiven immediately, if required.
Terms low. For particulars apply to
43tf-tf Or to HACKFELI) & Co.
dulv atiTooiuted F.xecutor of the will of J . II. C . I'lt&ll,
late of Honolulu, deceased, hereby pivei notice to all persons
h vlncf demands atrainst the Kstate to present the same, and
thos:e indebted to the Estate are notified to make i turned ial
payment to the undersigned.
Executor of the will or J. H. C. Pratt.
Honolulu Oct. 20, ISR4. 439-2t
against trusting SAMUEL GUEt-S of Maumau, Ililo.aa
I will pay no debts of his contracting after this date. Also all
persons who may be owing the said Samuel Guess, are requested
to settle their accounts immediately and all who are creditors
of the said Sam'l Guei8 will please present their claims as soon
us convenient.
JOS. SAVIC, Guardian of S. Guess.
Per D. W. HITCHCOCK, Attorney.
HHo. Huwaii; October 8th, 1S64. 43t-3t
the proof of the Will of the r
of Honolulu, deceased. J
made to the II n. G. M. UOBKRTSON, Justice of the
Supreme Court by J. W. H. Kauwahi, for proof of the will of the
late Honorable Levi Ilaah'lea. Notice is hereby given that
SATURDAY, the oth day of November, proximo, at 10 o'clock,
A. M , at the Court House in Honolulu, are the time and place
set f..r the heating of this application and of all objections
thereto. L. M'CULLY,
439 at Assistant Clerk Supreme Court.
' l. ..... rn:.. I .
Hit fsiiiicui ins Ai-iic .Majt-nj
V T has been made to the Honorable G. M- uoberlson, Jus
tice of the Supreme Court by His Excellency John O. Lominis,
Administrator of the said estate, praying for an order of the
Court for the sale of certain real property of the estate, vit :
a certain house and lot of land situated near Honolulu in
Nuuanu Valley purchased from James and Catherine Makee.
Notice is hereby given that S.ATURIAY, the 5th day of No
vember, proximo, at 11 A. M., at the Court House in Honol jIu,
will be heard the aforesaid application and all objections thereto.
439-Ct Assistant Clerk Supreme Court.
establishment for sale in quantities to suit purchasers by
AVTiVIVS-'rr l I I L' Ull I.
The ' SWEETM AN" PREMISES," adjoining the
Natchez Premises, on Alakea street. Rent S8 per month,
AiULincludinK use of valley water on premises.
4'j0-3m ?outh East corner Kaahumacu and Merchant Sts.
trustier any tcly without my written order, as I will not
be responsin!-- fo: any debt ontracted in my name, without my
written ordi-r.
take Am'-irotyx-9 and Photographs. Also Cartes de
Visit? In a style second to none in Honolulu.
Specimens can l-e nn at the Gallery, next door to the Post
0hC! over the P. C. Advertiser Odice.
4.9-3ni H. L. CHASE.
For all Hands !
you got that uic pair cf BOOTS you
hive cn your feet ? Why round at
George Clark's, in Hotel Street,
whore you can get, not only a gocd fit but a good wesrlug
pair cf BOOTS, or any thing else in the
32oot rtaa.c3L Slioo X-iino !
On verv short notice, 428 1m
hv j. ii. com:.
On WEDNESDAY, - NoTember 2d,
A I 11) o'clock, A.M., mi Snlo Room,
Furniture, Shoes, Cider, and sundry other art.cli.
The Large and Important
Sale of
Choice, Valuable & Desirable Goods,
ITi;s Late IVTnjejst-
By orvlrr of His Fx. JOHN O. POMISIS. admlnUtrator of
said INtate, will take pla-re at the N EW TOUK la .
Messrs. J. ROBINSON & Co's BU1LI
ING, on Nuuaini street, one
door below Kin.,
On Friday, IVov. 4tH!
AC lO O'Clock. A.M.
Consisting partly of
Furniture, Fwlius Pirre. I'ialola. Foils. Sic
I English Phaeton Carriage,
Two Pair Carriage Horses,
JT Catalogues will be ivsued prior to the day of sate,
XT Room open to vkltor on Thursday, the 3d day of No
vember, from V A. M-, to 3 P. M.
Cottage at Auction.
On WEDNESDAY, - November 9th,
A l 12 O'ClorU. M..
MWtll he sol.l at auction, the COTTAGE on the premise
occupied by Mr. Pavison, on Punchbowl street, oppo
. site the American Hospital. Ruilding to be removed.
i 3 m
Will leave Honolulu .
On MONDAY, - - October 31st,
.11 A A I. AK A HAY,
Rcttiriiin? Satunlay Jlomiii.
Agents II. g. N. Co.
Boston and Honolulu
- WOODS, Mter,
Id rady to receive freight for HOSTOX direct.
Apply to
432-2m C. BREWER If Co.. AgenU.
Tlie Clipper Scliooner
Runs regularly to MALIKO, For freight or pasae
apply to tho Captain on iward or
435 3m Agnt- m
the patronage he formerly received while ia business la
Honolulu, begs leave to notify his rriends and the public In ge
eral that he has again commenced BAKING, and will a happy
to supply all who may favor him with their patronaw, with
ltrrnd and Vie of Iho ! quality, AT THE
nakery, next door to Mr. C. E. Williams,
439-Cm Hotel treet.
MilHSHiLL'S Si-IiB !
tion issued by John Montgomery, Esfjulre, Police Jus tic or
Honolulu, upon a judgment against A EAT, defendant. In faror
of A. P. CART WRIGHT, plantiff in execution, for Fifty-threo
05-100 dollars, I have levied upon and shall expose for sale to
the highest bidder, at the auction room of H. W. SEVERANCE,
on Kriflny, ilic istii way oi .isTtium -
O'clock, A. M., the following property vis :
One Stove and Fixture, Matches, Tea,
One Clock, Arrowroot, Mags, UowU,
Huckets, One Astral Lnmp,
Asd NcMLKors Other Articlbs.
Unless the 811 judgment, interest, cost of suit, and tay tteu
and commissions be previously satisfied.
W. O. PARKE, Marshal.
Honolulu, Oct. 10th, Wl. 439-St
tecn months old, entire, bay, free from white, on
-L-Ui. t .t ..r nroonn m;irc Ami one out of daughter of
iJ-wJL- irniKrted mare Xate well worth the atUntloo Of
breeders. Prioe, $100 each.
TWO MARKS One bright chestnut, by Oregon, seven year
old. Price. $50.
ONE BRIGHT BAY Out of imported mare Katf. six year
old. Price, $50.
ONE PA1II Mrge, neavy, steaiy, wen proven
.m r.r;mp FAT CATTLE, which can Le aea
in an enclop.ure, by intending purcnaseis wring iew obj
SIX THOROl'OH-llllr.li air.iii.u irouj
to 6 year old ; an1 rot K ul im iuv rB, ciean,
sound, and iu good condition. Price, taking the
lot, J 100. Apply to f
4374t K. Murnii, ivanusu l oinu
v JOV . VALENTINE, Defendant. Action brought
before the Honorable R. O. Pavia, Associate Justice of tha
Supreme Court, at Chambers, upon petition this day Bled in tba
Supreme Oiurl or the Hawaiian Island..
SCMMONH to JO.V . f'ALEXTIfiE, defendant,
creeling You are hereby summoned by order of the Hon.
P ( Davi-" Associate Ju-tice of the Supreme Court, to be and
appear before the said Judge at his Chambers in the City of
Honolulu, Island of Oahu, within twenty days after the expira
tion 2' five mouths from the date cf this summons, to show
,w WKv Katfl Loreta Valentine, complainant, should not
reVover a judirnient ar.d decree of this Honorable Court alroro
inz her tS compla.r-ot, from the bond of msMmny
nowexL'ting ttween the sa.rt C-mplainant and John H. al.
entineefendar.t, on the grounds of emon.all which Is rully
st forth in the pemion filed in this cauv And you are hereby
notified that if you fail to appear and file ""J ? J
said petition, as aboe required, the said Ccdplamant wlU
apply to this Court f .r the relief therein demanded '
WiTxtrfs the Honorable Robert O. Davis, AssoeiateasUca
n of the Suprema Court, at Honolulu , this 2J
CtC I day of August. A. V.
s Clerk Supreme Court.
ORDER The above summons is hereby ordered to be pub
lished iu the Tacific Commercial Aditrtitrr of Honolulu,
Hawaiian Islands, at least once a weelc for Ave consecutivo
months. ,
R. G. DAYI3. Justice Sitjiretne Court.
R. H. STANLEY, Attorney for Petitioner.
Honolulu, 23th August, 1564. 431-Sm
Tlie Family Circle I
popular collection of Piano music, expected ly toa
YANK K K nest week. Prioe 1 HO for the two vohnne.
t39-ltn II. M. WUlTNKr.
Popular Hawaiian Juveniles.
ancrel aud secular hymns with tunes. Price .& tta.
KE KUMUMt'A HOU (Tract Trlmer) beautifully itiustratefl.
Price 12 1-2 Cenla. Forsalby
-" ' n M WHITNEY.

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