Newspaper Page Text
ijtvmujt. timmcamt u v Use elir-jar eh Carfi r.vta " " aVaadar, rrautflaea aafcas a ! Jaoaary. 4ioJ Im fcUaa aa m4 avrawnat, aa4 afcd M Wi. Taa .Ta My Taa te awll Trk areata Wwi laeeifcct ,w i i niir I kk mm as rukaof, eiiinf kws j rxpnra Yaw - U.ilKt'-rt uHW, Uw aail " ' M M tttrrr " " mtrtn tnk-n e us EuSUttl thai Mm catittttata sbara karrwatwa' -ir tavrataarraa est last ' Tit. rjVC'4- aavar. .l.aa-l aeher rra aV-taTfci.eaa.-H a nWK. " e ft nmM ta Vt T!"" to " Wtai f triumph. aaa a. , 'e wmwU y- -1 ( to January T Tres-ory." Taa Mm fnmr'mcM Tim, to U aaaanl review 0 ito aaar act, aiva laa ftjHowtoa; trfneX nl ami atattit alatJeai MM(-IMhn a taat artela IK pa-t va aave had law liiiit 1 at tea imn sataacrT to lit fwmrfin ; km ta Nana, arUMtMr, eaaae- aiw to ia re- Ik. Mcn Um efHy aawtiaa umm saaaf aaaraet dmrirf A tiafUMlMI IIW 1 m Ktmjm uvt u4atuMi (.aurtm bmU fr4ti H ow m rrriij . . n . a anflKsui mwmm kay wlTUM-rti. Tka Mai i tbm mu hmt m-riimif " ,"vrt w topto i wafpif - t . Dalt;,ta -j, fLreiirners. en the frieuds of the .k- tgfefeari iM-tm 9UM maUn. mad torn xiiln m m . ... , mnm 9tr trnntmtmtmgnwMmmiUccttful can-luLUes are as outKpoken as any in Mat UM cuuikCu mt Otm tontninS cfop 4 Hawaiian, vtora at auC nottxt caalntl tm Uvi rilan.a AaJ U ttm Rcipeocilr . mi; h cnoaraMrt. a eaMMicraW v-m -t thm hoImm "B , (MM at tram Ihm liaadti urreot ai,nii auori f , akick will bm Miltxa (rm irate, uuw, gTattea Um to haa kar. Uaa rxiact7 treat V XZ?i7ilcc. r to aa rk rw. Taer. to a tore naw. ris'aS ca mm iMmui tg af cntl iik VOi' c, if b4 to- hrw. ka kaaa MKlWI e-ol pr PuJ kit?WT and Ihey nm, , , tmiS aa faal anew. aaM kr !" f grava. aa tw aitart aurv7. aa-l ay ta .laatefa jo- i, i, ia, rilliurl a 'm - " f K" ' -- i an a arat par i-r. to totuaitnai a im ilawauaa, ; kr-aaa mamun laMt4 lam ntaaanra ima u . blKl (ra t-url ArW . I'.ra.m. a Bafa.iaa, j 1 tana aa n arwtlra a taa w p , ylaalalUi " - MtM(a ut Srat r Our rarrtva lk aar ar c,a- aa4 a iMna uaa ifca lUaatiaaj tman-ia. ami tkvaa aaw a JEZZZZZZZTtZ 'ZL.'Zt I aka aa kw ln ( artraa U" awa pat ka takw j Ia mm atnek M tktiU taka tuckt. Ut pyr Uia tana knl aurr rrAuafna aa aaaiaianuy aop 1 iaa 11 aii vaula ul artraa ka aut fcacualoU aa ia fca an Jtaia rtaara artea to kt Sod. lc to galluat lf rvia Taia articla at llavabaa prbtlucttoa. aaa ka atoa asuilai'J kf a amfla ymttt jaa pa-e. aaa prioa raa ap t, , m i.aafitM. S. a aW-B Ik ala ka kaa uita atuf -raa mmul thm tbmiui mtrnXm it lita ar, ka,a I onOwa r aalaia. ral-a it laia aaatTaaa wiwrttt 0. W tutoal Uiuc akia aaacriaia Ik ttart anaitlna a alTalra, wu tcra ao aaulaa, aaf m. aakt, laa. kV r-- Tka atailUu afaraiy aar aVynraawl," and taare waa tm laa (lVaua Ufa vB-- ' ' I " LOC At, COMMZKCIJU Taa cBpaaf abir aWaar. to faaa Ik aort ao Ito !, Ml la Btwla atJ a ( faaatrisira tkat l, aixi aitkuuf Sataaakai aaaanl aa to lloagkaaf. U1 hUffing U atail aaa a pal at oaiiawJalpai to laa art raaltto ewajiataniiy a laa Tk lark D. B. Afarray aaj aa arrtv4 arr av la IN Jlih aaamtoiB saya a4 kut aaa laa fuSj rfar. tilar Kay a apaekal tor afak t Ik Ukj b. m Tkakxrk Caait .V wkiefcarrt aa la Utoea iwaia (ratal Sr ldajr to faa fraartamy atlllk caala aaj tautaraavra. aa aattoj yaaarfda. , TtM C nt lit Ua-vauaa raclwt Llm, lara to-Jy ( Ih awaat auaC, wuk a full carft aaj a torg li af t""" Sa Har ckraartun will ha a i J to part wHm tka aunt atotto.' ' Trota ia ry feactiv arr, mr to cno&anl lh fcjcal ataoat, aita aa aoaaalaclva haiiry (r report, aw tea; a Ukr da yr il ataM a Hm fata Fraorlaca atarket at toleat aJkca. rnaa) Btto aa totra laal Uto krw Jaiaa, 110 ayatruaHaa. I a arrtraJ ar' Olat part Tra. IC V aual to ian rranciccu. . Baa pat tow fill abart af irrWno aAtl aakr, aoJ with ttor aaal4uaaaaOMtcarvj. W ka a mnrt ml Iwr ka laf aaitol ytt. .AJrkca ky ataU ttmm la Eaaktra Sutoa M-yirt lit oil bm. at aa vary aVprraaal, vifa trw e jk aulKav ' Tka price of perm to aoatioaHy i lo; wkal vfl e&ft'Oe kifcb.a,S0c. After UM CXaaa avpartora, ao appnrnutily' tar a awil fur ftoa rranciaca iU aoVr till Uw relara mt Ut tdgmm, alwmt . Vakraary tMk, 1 t ; v . f Mfclaa Mattlaw- Foa Wiaaat Poavs lr Kilaora. MoeJay. Foa 0a m fcaaeyaoa fr tkiwaua,. tki 4ay or Monday. 'J2l'r ox UOM01.UI.U. a. i., rtv I (lint KHaoca, Marrrrgnr, from Wtodwanl Porta, ' Jn-Aa. ertpu-r ! EooVaior, Uoaae, 19 tUra froaa Hm (VsssWijaCaBV X at-kr Manaoluwai. Aktooe. frnaa XaaL : . S Vkr MariLla, Ukrrill, front Hawaii. t Hrkr Koaa t'araet. Marcaanl, frnaa Hawaii. a aVa ktory EUca. Meat, irana Maoi. - 4 Muar rel. Brawa, fma MutoaaL trm Mmtf, Mka, Owca Kaoai. T aMrae Mary, Pairy. Croat Hawaii. ' ' a M. fcr UUo. truaa Maai. 4 avfcc Ka M-a, Pram, frnaa Maoi. aA at kark Eikaa A Hen, tfoow, 61 daya tram ytroey, vto Tahiti. 5 ftar frfat, Imva, from M-4oiai. -a Hatr Kiiaaaa, McWrgor, fruot Hawaii. UCPl KTt'RI'H. 1 Srkr Matoto. BtUgrm, a HawalL a aHatr rata, Brawv. w Moktfcai. S A a cIhVt ahip Knlravor. tkaae, far Ifntif koaf . t . Hiair kitautra, Metirrxm, Ut Windward I'ucLa. S dear Martkla. aVrriU, inr Hawaii. t rVar Kat Laa, Cnuta, air Maat. 4 Kcavr PHa, Brawn. w M-k'u. ' ' 4 rVhr Kaaaai. Aitoata, fran M4uat. 4 Mrkr KaS Fkw. trtaa Ilawallw 4 tfc-ar H-.kalrh t Maol. 5 Fr atuar Cartiagnp. LltaVH, Baaana. Meat Mary Kllra. V eu fW Maai. a Vk Know Paekra. Marcnanl. aar ilawatt. k M-rar Laia,( Mkaalaad Man. . . a Mckr Aaa. Bakrnca, a-naa Hawaii. a Mckr Mary. Nika, m ftaaai, tear tU Hmi, Pawera, MaaL I Aat kark Kikaa Allra. aWw. u rtoau4'raueara. rk.! PAHKXCiKK!. . Faaw Witawaaa Poara Per Kituma, Fra. tt Mlaa JmmM B H fkaM-1. K t-nrnm, J rVta. A rVcltra, P Aaaata, Hi tlV natwliaaaa-1 cabia and SO deck. Pa Wii PoaTa rr KUas Fra. U Cant and Maa Matow. Mat W H Makra. Mba B W Mak, l V Water to, W tiaady. J Nanrfy. W L Unta, L WoOc, Mr Paetair. (a W .Nortua II cakta aa4 at aWk. Faow Uvpset. Tl bark ElKam .litem arrived at this port oa the evening of the tth, sixty days from Fydoey, en mate r Sao Francisco, with a cargo of cor!- and ICO ptwaengers. We have been permitted to m a file cf Kiaey papers received at the Giztltt office, and fin.! bat little of ipecltl iatcrcat to our rawders. Priace Alfrwl, the Puke of Klinburgb. .who ia making a voyage around the world ha the hip Coa, had arrived at Melbourne. The great eat eathoaiasm was exhibited by the aathoritics an-1 pepuhee on bis arrival, and the colony was alive wita niarwinatioas, prooisationa. dinners and fcativU ties. H wa to visit Sydney la leeeuiber, aI will . k . . r . rf t . Jvai fj w .tew ACTiarni Ml aiwraaru come norto. I . . I " - T , , . , , ' - ' Eakep i pubuabeilia one of the papers, which we ' . . . ,. V . . aiay UMert bareaAer. The ehtor bas the flowing comment aw the Jr: ' - The .nWotl.IUv.roma.B,keran. seven ! aatiae atachrrs at Fiji b one of tha event which. however appAiliag. moat be espectcil to occur in ucaexioa with miaaionnry aierpriae. The risk of baiaf nardtrri by srhrinciaa) tribes all mitniouArM-a raa; an. I. to their booour te it spoken, they, aa a body. eaei.unr the risk frar Wanly in the nroaecutioa ZM7 to.b du1V- Alh lol. tb narlers team to have Ueo an act trearhary oa the part of the chiefs and nien- i tory ia nmmw imirBiTj oa to parv oi uie cniets ana mem bers f the aoao tribe. King Tbakocnbaa cbival- roosiy waoartaae toe chaatisetuent of tb murderers. ot wishing say mterfrrettra from the white, the nlj assistance be retairw being ia the way of am maaitioo aa-l other war atorea. Of courw. w have a irraa deal ya to learw a to Ik) puesihie motive aetvatiag the savage ataruWra. It appears that aa aaCirtaat ! prevails among the tribes cf the Interior that the advance of Christianity into their tarrittirirs is synonymous with confiscation of their political power, their land, and their iadrpn.Ience frvmrmuj. im outrage la of such a character that the Quaen's Goveraaeat cannot refrain frum action ' ef arxne kiaij. til her a Dart from rr in miiitin.-iLj! " . ?crr-r. ' . port on van WruUnu to raw aufra I aaS Um cooSramatiM a Ike .' courtesy "ALTi' i!rir-:yj".t: ! shin, m wifK TV.V.K. v, . " iuv-wua, ne- inivrit-rcii aim uie electors, wita Tnakombao. The hte potentate l rapreaent! . , ... . as enraged at the avusocre. act he has deteruinei M he I"arTloJ thT Pre Auctin men, U epaa a earapaifra ajrinat the Navoso tribe aoi,n hauling thnn aliout, snatching tlieir lallots froin Thl I!??'"?'1'08 thl I" them, shaking his 6m in their faces, and in va- wtu.ii will U during the latter half of the present 1 month. He declare that the whu!e tribe shall be ! Tloun W3-v wtkln Ul "itaJatc them. He broaght to Baa. the capital f the islaivl; that all I demaodl of many electors what ballot they had, tmM1" 1,b,n "the Austin ticket." he ie rest, wita their children, to I sUvea fwr ever; ' 1 1 . , ... and that the .Navoso tribes shall in all time coming WrtuH "natch it away, tear it up, and give the Ut kriowa as the M Murderers triW." Of coarse, j otcr one of the Ithodoe tickets, or liand it for Til1!'tl?,iaent c bTe attiOr-'Hrectly to ! lum to the In-i-ector. Voters came awav from do or say either to prom. Uj or to veto in detail this : ,, ... . . ' ... ..... . . nwixh -vevgeaaee; for Thakooiban is kinfr in his j lII"t-hl's complaining that they had not tfriterj." , j Iax?n allowcl to vote as thev wislicl, and that raokiTAiim.-ThebarkAii ALU m touched at j they had been co.npelUd to vote the Rhodes iSaTt '""f Vlth? 1C'In tbCT C th ' ticket. In answar to Mr. Jud l. who remon- taat tjT7' S w Unrated with Lim, Mal.uka srvi 1 he had a right that the schoooar Flying Jt.,r ha.1 arrived from ... , , . ,,.... -r Kawaihae. 20 day, paaasge. Using W fifteen eatUe I SLift?' tf ens of her earjo of forty-are. There were uo veiascla Mr. Judd and Athens remorvtrntcl with the a pmt exar-ptinx Frenh trana porta iM rnoater. Inspectors r-iiiikt . lliia ili. al rtKmxliiig. AH THE PACintJ Coiniiicrcial Advertiser. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY . 'ewa at tlio 3IarnlnB. Hi. MxJDrtr rut Kixa rvtumeJ tnta Mulokai to Vtflaa-Uj nomio. ltAtin bn Bt froa acoount of the Uovrua illAfiej of Her HxctCrncj Lt'K.t, GoTerooa vf litwaiL Her jBjjtciaj Litc sioos improTel,Uh tttrj pn-ct of recoTery. Tb trteaaicr m.ntTel nUit nJ rr!j tlu nMra io, Lringioit oj twtnty cabin ao-1 180 deck rng-rt. Mr. l(agba r-j-rU brr m tnkies ttt'r tin thn eer before eeo rvl elfrht knots in Cilat, hkb U m gowJ m ca Le wishcl fir. Her Mjjtj Qiixs Emt-i rrturwl on tL itnmer. Tb grett Urf'te of cnveratiua tlt pnst week bu tn the ehfction vt rei-resenUtiTe. The details re t gj,en in kBotber column, sikI the mwiuer in vLicb j . .ii k Tra dlaictk;n to It w -v -vs-s-w-- 5 - - c deaoanciog th tnemas U-.'l to secure the election of : the government tkket. - The clipper ship Exdkjitoc, which tonche-1 at tins ' SamUr UaJc-1 a mail, for which r, Capuin lkAr. as also the agents cf the esars. Koopmanscbap & Co., will accept the I thanks of the Hubolulil uLlk. Although WC have a t ateaxa line, yet really our wails are more dependent . ( The ntw by the is meagre ana unimportant, i . . x-.l 1... -ur"J pew prrous. et i,, unaUe to convene a Congress to settle the eaases of international dispute. Italy, tiowever, sp- . . .;.... I iV..n .. ..n'n. twM. "' , 1 aion OI IV 'Die, aifi at i-urvj ajjcra iuiivuvu iut that of tJ. IVtm - . f He AmerK3vn &nate, on the 12ih or January, P-e.l a reflation aoo-ing Admiral ThaULer to accert the decoration of !C Order of Kamcoa- meha" euuferred on bint by the present King. It Is reported that the Ibmae of Beprenentatives dcrliaed to aoiuiesce in the vute, an-1 rejvtel the resolution, bat we do tw4 see any suck telegram. aol douLt the correctness of th report. Letters by m-ul from the Eastern States all speak favorably af the pro pec t of the passage of the Reci- arvcitT Treaty, au-1 that little or no otp.UKa Lnv as yet been expressed by Senators or Krpreseatatives. Up to Janoary 13th, no action bal been taken on the measure; but it is l.kely that it will be reported on during Jaooary, or early in February, so that we may hae advice of its fte by the steamer IdaiiO. The telegraph reports thai formal complaint has been ma-Ie to tlie American Government by whaleabtp Masters, on account of the IWssians firing on them while whaling ia the Ochotak. The facts were stated by ns last fall to be theae: the boats of Antericnn vessels carr'ieI on their whaling in the bays and near the shores, and it vss bere that they were forbidden to entne by the Russians, who bad a perfect right under international u-e to prevent any foreign parties Invading their territory! When the facts are fully known at Washington, we think the Kuivtian authorities will be exonerated from all blame. The at ranter Idaiio probably leaves San Francisco to-day at 2 p. and will be due here on the lirtb or 20th instant. . v ' The clipper ship Do-TiocmE anl the bark l. C. Mini at will be doe here in all next week, with dates to about February 1st. The bark Cfustla leaves this afternoon or Mon day for San Francisco, and will take the foreign mails. The Bteamer KnartA lies up next week to over haul her machinery, and will leave again on the 17th for windward ports. On our first page will be found another of Ec BOrA's " letters from the Paris Exposition, in which be describes the Hawaiian Pavilion and contents. Tlio JUcotlon. On Monday last, February 3d, the biennial election for Representatives took place. It wa held at tlie Court House, tlie poll opening at 8 o'clock and continuing oi?n till 5 p. jt. The Inspectors of .Election were Jonx Movtcoxeby, Esq., Police Justice; Gsoruk II. Lin, rq.. Tax Collector, and W. Jas. Smith,' EsfjT', School Inicc tor, -under whose immediate niperv it-ion," the registering of votes and also the balljting were conducted. ' ' From 7 till 8 o'clock was occupied with regis tering such voter a presented themselves, and at the latter hour tlie balloting and the ex citement of the day comuieuccd. Stump speak er were on tlie ground urging, in not very gen tlemanly language the merit of their rcepcctive candidates, and denouncing their opponents. Good feeling and mirth, however, prevailed, though in ne or two instance the crowd became rather rowdyi.h. Tlie pressure at. the j11 was so great, from 10 o'clock till 2 ir 3, that it wa impossible to gain entrance to the lmllot-fjox only after tlie delay cf an hour ur two, and iu many cases of several Iiour. The day was rainy, wet and very xi-agrorable, yet, -notwithstantling the rain and mud, the crowd around the !! continued large and en thusiastic, listening to the liarangue of the va rious apeak crs. AIjoci 4 oclj k the voters began to fall off, and during the Inst hour but few ballot were received. Tlie rain evid.-r.tlv liad r the effict of preventing some residing in the inore remote dUtrict from coming into town, while others, win) came in, unable t get to the ballot box, went aw-y diaguatcd with the ?rfnnance. . At 5 o clock the elocti.i chaaed, and the vote were counted, with the folio i ring result: U4 XI 31 -T 'Jti . Rimlra P.. U By W. f. WmA. J. W. MAakTia. P. Kalaasa...... J. W. AaMia... A. P. Jarl4 TV. i ..... 1 r . - . ine wltole fiuuil er of vote rriU-reil iriir to the electkm was ?60. The number of Votes . tr-i . c,. . I led wa OJi. The numlr of farsns wls i .t . . .i i , t A tL,r UXt UP U tU ot t". ".l WC? otl ",itW vote, they been AiTflt we nave not learned, but it proltably exceeilcd two tltom-and. The t f Mir candidates in the above list liave revxived frou the Innjc tora of Election certili rates of tlicir election ; and, had the election bevu Cirly conducted, no one would qucstl . , ... ri'?l't to t ITWentative for the lb ion tlieir 'istrict of Ilooolulii. Hut unfair meaa lutvin- hern us-d j it the ballot-box to influence tlie voters, it i an . oin rjnestion, w!ii h can only be derided bj the If the Legi-Uturc is governed by fairncs and J t : t t . ... .... .. ... . ... I jLA-gi.iatare, a oci.icr or no iiy are enutiea to i,y jtonorai le principles, as we hope it is, its se the place. There are several things which lead ! ti tn under the circumstances, and with the evi- us to believe tliey are not. First During a p.rtion of tlie day of election, but more ein-iaHr from 8 to li) or 11 o'clock, M.varKA a Captain ot' the lloval trure) was pracei or allowed to stand directly before the t ii. 1 l t . r i -.i .i . tLat a knuwn t.urt t!ey did in rrjJj wan to It II Liin V keep still (luhlul,), to which bo answered lxf would n4. Whm the wJ-lirs rotcl le in- iUl .n know in eierj Imllot tLat was drio.ito.l hj tLvni, and in iouie initanre- tuuk fnm thctu Ulluts, arl paMcd them to the lnixUin. We undertund tlat he b.tul or LaTing torn up O' er one huiuirrJ of A Austin. la!Iot$ ; hut we do not think the nutuher was so large, Ken if he uWtrvyed CAj only, and cuni4.-lled filtr electors to ote for Mr. K!ioli-, it will be seen at ooe wltat a difTcrenev it made. Mr. Ilbodia had 3-j0 voush. Mr. Auotin 274. Fifty or even fortj from the firmer added to the Litter would bare fecured the election of the eutire Austin ticket. Hut if, as is claimed, one hundred bal lots were thus dotroyed, the iuajritj in Auetlu's favor would have leen 124 ! - Thai our readers taaj unJcrotand more tbor- ' oughl v the injustice tliat was perjctratcI, we will Ietate that Maliuka, besides being Captain of the ( H ousehold Troops, under pay of Government, is j altf and has been for jears the King's koimhiki, j . r , . tl,llt 1 .rv.nainlrtl with . i ali... aMsra tiaririk lirmiv in tlkA aliaift-r n "-'"j "-"o J koiKhiki or landlord exercise more or les authority over them. One native on his land, J ' t i tz . r. l . . i : . .. ..: ri... nr re.u io g.,,, uu, .vuu mui, - a. II 1. f. 1 4I...4 1.. ..... 1 . 1 X.m. a . . ...1 IT was told by Maliuka that be would be turned off tiuiu uu wuit it tic ti iij iwi. iiiric s no unci- , , ... , . . , native, and the roor fellow had to vote the Kliodcs . ... , c- 1 : . 1 :e 1. .1:1 ti . ticket as ordered to by Lis overwer. In many J ' j ii i I a instances he shook his Cst in tlie faces of voters nd used intimidating language and gestures. ; All litis and more tcili boyrured. ; Kfiorts will be made to asevrtain the exact nunilx-r of voters wliose rights were thus tsm rrd with, ami it may be even more than we now sutpect. To all who are acquainted with the Hawaiian PTitcm of Ion I and fcrvnnt, it needs no further explanation t sliow how easily the result of the election vas changol by allowing a of bis Ptawp to le where lie could exercise an intimidating iii3iieni. All this has Itcen done in direct violation of the Civil Code, which j a'fl : Skctio ft Any person who shall, by bribiu,? j another witu nx.iiey, proiiii.'ie cl rewaro, or onicr : wi, attempt to Influence any elector in giving his I ballot; or who shtll use any threat to procure any ! elector to vote contrary to the inclination of such t lector, or to deter him ftuM giving Lis lmilot, sliall, (ii corrviction thereof, be find not ext-eevling fifty dollars, or inn prison meat at Itard labor not exceeding six montha, in the discretion of the Court. And we distinctly declare that not only Cart tain Mahuka lias violatol tlie above lar, but we Iiclicvc that cliargos agaimt lion. I), Kalakaua and Hill lCagLile can he Mitaincd. All ttioe ' p-rtH ore Govcmniont wlio have no right to intermeddle in the elections, and Imvo laid themselvrti oj-cn to pruewutioii. We be lieve the proof is sufficient to sustain an action ngalift each. Judge Montgomery, one of the j Nor is this all. Inrectors. whore dutr it was to receive and do- i .it the in the box, o?ncl imny of the ballots sufficiently to know hiiunclf and to shew to any oWrver the character of the bajlote which many electors brought up to' ' Wc iii.t tliat this is a violation t,f the uw, which provide that cadi elector mny di-pohit hi vote unknown to all outiddc parties. Ily holding the folded tallots up to the light, and reading tlie printed 1..ft.Ffi Ainl fkupttfl nrai i in ft!ia lirlror na wfit ! .r . ... . r .tiii.i.i with iiliiit. Iu frpniicntW clp-l:irl tit Iivktniulr. ..." . 1 without any compunction, what the vote was.' ,, ..... . . .. . . r . , this man is in your favor; this is rough ., .,, J .. . . . . . . r .i . i r w ti t iin-r line iiuDiiu iiijvvii, o..-., xv. aiiio iiu , . .li.l with o I i vrm nnmh.iv .r rliA IilI'aN . - ti- On two occasions, when policemen were voting, i . i .i t .i i u . .i ,vi Ii nsi-i-rfiiinr.1 tliat tl.n lmllot t!iiv iillnil wp the Austin ticket, and cavo the information to Government officers iircrcnt. On another occa sion he licggcd to lie excused, and stejijaixl into the Marshal's outsiile o(5cc with the-puliocinau's ballot in hi haird, and returned with it. In this ofS-c were evTvral of the Ministers. nis was oetjly aa iiUt initial ion of clectorK, and ns such a violation of the chore late. No inspector ha a right to know the cliaractur of the ticket dcosit cd, nor even to open it, unlet there is something aliout it tliat excites his suspicion ns to its being double. Aa inspector. Judge Montgomery has shown himself too much of a partisan. There were other minor irregularities, such ns allowing rson to vote who have been convicted of infamous crime-, &c. Also tho registering of jemms a voter who paid up to the day of re gistering, without public notice of what was intended to be d nc. Tlie rule iUclf was rx-r- fectly proter, bad due notice been iublicly given I of it. These, however, were minor irregularities which may be overlooked. The statements which we have made public atjove, and wbicli can 15 substantiated by affi- ! davits, whenever called for, are sufficient to prove ! that the balloting at tho polls wo illrjally eon- , theso Americans. Ihe wlmle tenor of tins docu durted, and therefore the election should be do- j went, like the articles in the Government native dared null and void. j p"JT, t-igncd " a true Hawaiian," was to create If it tie raid, in reply, tliat tl Aut-tin ticket i prejudice against Amerii-ans, as a body of ixrrsons bad it j artisans at tho ballot-box, wc answer J nly bo looked on with diotriibt, scorn, tl-it no one of tlicci, so far as we can learn, un- and liatrrd. dertook to inttrftte with the voters of the Rhodes I This document was circulated in this city on ticket. They did urge tlie electors of the Austin ! Siturday lit, and in Kwn, Waialua aud KMilau, ticket to keep tljcir Itallots, and vote only tliat, on Sunday, the agents dictinctly t-tating that it but were ovcrjiowcred, in many instances, solely J wait sent over by order of the Minister of Interior. by the authority of the Government officers named above. j Fortunately, the Civil Code ex presely provides fir such irregularities as have occurred at the i late election. We quote the FcciRn relating to it: i Secnojf ".. Whenever fifty or more of the vofrs cf any dtnet chall petition the IIoue of licprwen Kcr.resentative f..r said district, has been drriM fortu timt throuli l.r.beir. or any other unfair means, or that he is not qualified acoiriing to law, the lloue of j Kepreaentitivcs sliall institute an ' in.iuiry into the i . . : , i . i truth of the charges in kid etition; and if they find ' the chare to t true, they shall immediaUly de- J clar his election null and void. ; Ln-icr this law it is tho bounden duty of every : Yifr t.t Trf-littiMt flit 1 t ti r f.r nvtr.. tni.1 . I ' - o ...... ; iiot oi voters uiiiy, uut every man wiio lias proji- tlty at stalte in tlie eountry, and who lias a right 1 to a re though delirred a rote. ) dence that will 1 brought before it, cannot be ' j tioubted. J ' In conclusion, wc wh to add, that having ; fcii prtcnt at the registration of voters and also 1 at the i.Ils throughout the election dav, we ' I cheerfully l-car tetimony to the fair dealing and ; pnticnee of Messrs. Luee and mith, in tlie rr- j ! iormancc of tlie arduous ami tlmnkler tak im- : P-d on tlK-m by law ; ami it would afforil us I P ensure could wc im ludc inthis notu Judge : ?i .nigomerv ; our. our uuiy as ,mp:iriiai journal- 1 We would alrH Ftate that the conduct of the . candidate of the Hhodet. ticket was fair and hon- oraMc throughout the election, and on this ac- count we tho more regret that it will lxvoiuc , never-nary t'j crintot the election on account of j irregularities which they had no part in or con tiol over. i Pout OrricK Notice. reference to the " By Authority" notices in the Gazette, vre see tLat the Minister of the Interior gives notice that no wall matter will be receiel by the Post Master, after the ' Lour named upou the office bulletins for cloving the , mailit. . This is verv proper; anl if crrrtxn.k nta will be sovernje.1 by it, ruucli confuaion act on pica?- j antucrt will be avnileil. " -'u-tIir IMcotlon Returns. jhis iilan.1 w cntitl.xl to eight repre-cntatiTe, four rrtirnsMo fnun te eitj, and ono each from j tig. ditiiots oT Ewa, Waialua, Koolauloa, and ; Ko.lauf-k'. Kohup.ko, (Kaneohe,) Clnrlcs II. Judd, J wa elected with but little oppoeitiun. The lUyting to-xl as follows : i c. H.JidJ 13& tuos. j ""!.""""""!""!""" In K'jo'nuloa, Sumuel G. Wilder, Et-, was elocted wkli the following vote : 8. . WUef. . B tkke J. Kapua.. ...... .............. It will I (Kcn that Mr. .........149 rut em. CO - i Ukeke divided his efforts between the two districts. Had he re mained in tlte latter, where he was a favorite can didate wi h tlie natives, he might jerliaps Lave been elected. In Wtti: lua, after a sharp ormtwt, in which ' li'juur and blackguard itm appear prevailed, as nual in tLai district, Mr. Keawchunahala was ! chosen by a fair majority. The following is ! J. W. KnwbunuhaU 123 votea. .unk-u 78 - T.ic suocerul candidate is tlie same one who was so proninent in his opposition to Minuter ., ... ,. T t .i . Iliirrirt. oiinitf tlu hist I irn-hirmv. ami whom i " n ,)r MyU orJered to conic bcfoie the llouisc on his knees and ask par- IT t 1 lit 1al 1 ! don. He las always shown marked ability and, t r ,. . . , . . for a Hawaiian, great moral courage and mde- pendence, is an intelligent lawyer, and were be ; not unfortunately too much given to liquor, would soon becoine a pruiniucnt man. He lias tlio ele ments of a mutvarful lawyer and debater. In the Ewa and Wainnae District, the contest was a triangular one, and very warmly contested. Malie.onu, tin suwe.-ful candidate, who was him self also one of tlie Inspector of election, appears to Live liad the advantage of Lis rivals in the i-otitcut, and aon the day. It is reported that unfair means acre resorted to.euch as refusing to rcgirtcr voters favorable to his opponents, cloning the polls at 3 Vclock, Ac. The vote ttoud : ' ' H. IV. Maht-luia 16 . il..Thoaija.MV.... Kahakaahii .................................. 87 Wc undctvtaBd that the election will be con tested. Mr. 'Iahclona was a member of the last Legislature, and showed himself a representative of fair abilities, but he was in the main, a etip- rtcr of niiiij-terial measures. From MoloLai we liave as yet no return", but bear tliat the Government candidates, Charles Ka!u and J. V. Kuiuc, led their competitors on that itdund. Tlie vote on Lanui may give a dif ferent result. - , From Maui, we learn that Messrs. E. Jones and Ijcxi Kcliipij have Iocd elected. At liana, A.i llopu is elected. At KohuLt, C. J. Lyons was. elected by a vote of 324 over Dr. J. M. Smith, who polled 191. In North Komi, G. W. I'ilij-j is clot ted. " At So'.tb Kona, Col. W. C. Jodoj is elected by j 40 u,Rjrily- , At Hamalua, Halcmanu,(indcpcndcat) chotcn I Kolm, Kauai, F. P. Koakanu (independent) ! was cIwtoJ Kaiu, the Government candidate. "At ' Waimc.i, ou the same Island, V. KnudWn ' " elected. No report from Hanalei. Cumjl(f i 1M;iitiiiitei Hpeccliei. und ' ' .Tlie govcrnmcut organ had so frequently, dar : inS l',e ,bt two i,r three ycai-s, averted that no . lrty ejiiated in tlie country except the sunptirters miniiitry, tliat thoso who honestly differed Al . , . , from them and knew the contrary of the assertion ' to bc nit determined to show them that the : . , i whole iieoplewero not supprters of their theories ! I ami nets, rhw was tlie.oriin of the nomination .... , ,. , ....... : ot independent candidates, luirticularly in thiecity. J J We went int" t,ie campaign with the detcrmin ati-jii iiot to resort to any unfair means, nor to countcnancc-thciu in othcrb, so far as we had any control. And we are not aware of having done or said anything with which cither of the candi dates of the oppooing jwrty can take exceptions or offence. At the same time, we looked for fair and honorable dealings front such government ofDcinl us had anything to do with the election, though properly sicaking, no government officer has any right to take part, as a partisan, in any popular election. Such acts can only demean the Government. The honor of the Government demands that all in its employ , stand aloof from jiarticipution in a iwpular election, and that they remain as isr-lve sjcctatois. It was with surprise, therefore, that we learned that the Government Pre- had issued a campaign document headed Ka Makamae Hawaii,"- (the Hawaiian Darling,) denouncing the publisher and editor of this parer as a " conspirator," and Americans generally as conspirators, aiming to transfer the Kingdom to another power; charging certain j dirties with language they never used, "id cautioning electors to beware of the ballot of It vva retorted to have been prepared by Hon. David Kalakaua, who is understood to Ie the author of the ' true Hawaiian " letters in the (iovcrnment Press. Hus it conic to this jnss. that the American residents arc to )c tinghil out, and publicly de nounced by autUirity of the Minister of Interior " d.ingerouH pcrsons-a nest of w.-ups and rrson isvupying the high official position ,f the Hon. David Kalakaua, can onlv be useful . t i t . .1 I r in stool ine to traduce true and loyal resident of 1 J ? lias it come to this tliat a man is to be ostracized on account of hi nationality? Are American to be cxasi;rated to retaliation to de feud theUiM4ves and their reputation from fiuch slanderous tovemmeutal publications? All this, it should I rememliered, is UinS doi.e while the Hawaiian (wverninriit has its envoy at Wafhing- kin to obuin Miecial favors from the r Amcrican Iwvernment. S far as we r-crsonnlly are concerned, we care nothing for the hlanders of the M inister of Interior or aDy f,f j,j minions. Hut with American refci- dents Iicre, the case is different. If the Hawaiian GoVcniI1)eut allow8 lU organ Ui imte the natives . . , ... , fi3'"t American as a elar, it is time the American Miuioier made a dijl.)matic question of it. to tet how far this can le carried with iin- u T,lC rTUh Minilitcr TcarB agl) j made - a diplomutie queMion , siu.rlv of an article in e (crriuicnt f;; per", injurious to his countrymen. Americans j-roUioly liave rights here as-well as others. j ince writing tlie alwve, we notice that the I camjain dicunicnt referred to, is reprinted in the I toveriiment o&rial native paper, thus snow ing that it is fully endoel hy the miuUters. Lr.rBOT. Tlie steamer brought down from Maui eleven persons for examination, affected with the leproy disease. Eight of thein were found to be bally JLie iscd, and were sent to the hospital. It was a uiot pitiable sight to witness these poor crea tures, alio have, up to the time they were brought Lither, had free cotuniunicdtin with the t stives aruun 1 them. It ia reported that the use cf awa imu'at? this dinra.. aiid is caiwnt; its spread. NOTES OF TUG WEEK. Ax TJxnrxT Collie. On Monday last, while Mr. J. IL Wood was engaged in superintending a gang of coolies in his trash house, one of them became saucy, calling Mr. Wood a d d liar," when Mr. W. struck him with the rake handle and received a blow back. He then went to procure some handcuSs,and during his absence the coolie armed himself with a new hatchet, concealed under his shirt. When Mr. W. approached to arrest him, the coolie struck him three blows with the hatchet, one blow grazing his head and another his shoulder. He was 9oon handcufleJ, taken to the station-house, and on Tuesday, after an examination before the uolice Justice, remanded for trial at the April term of the Supreme Court. This one is only a A New Plantation. Captain Thomas Spencer has just commenced grinding his new crop, of w hich having purchased the Hoonsing Plantation in IIQo, he has sent u a aarurtlA for insrtection. The train is large, and the sugar of that rich straw color, which dealers like to show to their customers. We under stand that his crop for the present year will be about four hundred tons. The kegs are to be branded with a spread eagle, the Captain having a special aloha for the old bird. We suggested a whale's flukes, marked " T. S., which brand, being known throughout this ocean from the South to the North Pole, aud particu larly among whalemen, would make it saleable. Whatever the brand is. Captain, send it on, for such sugar will always find " quick sales and large (not small) profits." McGregor's Landing. We understand that a new landing place has been selected, about one mile this side of Maalaea Kay, Maui, where passengers and freight by the steamer to or from Waikapu and Wai luku may be landed or taken off. It is smooth water, sheltered by a bluff from the strong trade winds, where no difficulty has thus far been experienced in visiting it. Tlie Government has ordered a carriage road eighteen feet wide to be constructed from this place to Maalaea Bay, which is nearly completed. The change has been made at the recommendation of Capt McGregor of the Kilauea, and it is very appro priately named " McGregor's Landing." Pebsosal. Some of our readers think the lan guage used in referring to the visit to Kohala of the editor of the Government paper, was harsh and un called for. It may express more than was meant, as there was no intention to convey the idea that he had been bribed by any offer made to him by Min isters prior to the session of the Legislature, as nei ther they or he would be foolish enough to do so ; but we did mean to say that he accepted the reward which every member of the Legislature may reasonably expect for his subserviency to the Ministers. In the same way as two members of the lust Legislature were deprived of their offices, apparently for no other reason than opposing Ministerial measures. Accidest. -Captain John II. Brown met a sadi accident on Saturday last. While on bis way to Lihue, be stopped at Victor's, and went to shoot ducks. His gun burst both its barrels, and a piece of the iron struck him in the face, tearing off his left cheek, fracturing the check bone, and destroying his eye. His left hand was also badly wounded. Medi cal assistance was sent for, and during the evening. Dr. M'Kibbin arrived and dressed the wouuds. The next day Capt. B. was brought up to the city in a boat, and is now doing well. Firemen's Flection. At the regular meeting of Mechanic Engine Company No. 2, held hist Wednes day evening, the following gentluien were elected officers for the ensuing year: Foreman J. V. McGuire t'irit Jitant William AuUl. Second AiMtant William Iluckle. trcrrtar Kubrt Ncwcomb. . Treasurer J. O'Neill. Fight active members were added to to the roll, amongst which, was Gen. Morgan L. Smith, United States Consul. ... . , s Sale or Engines. Two cf the old government en gines were sold at Auction on Wednesday last. One of them was bought by Daniel Foster tor $126, and the other by James Lemon for $00. It would have been a better plan for Government to have presented them, one each to Lahaina and Uilo. Uxited States Steamer " Pessacola. The U. S. flagship Pentacola, Capt Shirley, 12 days from Ma- zatlan, with 233 officers and men, 21 guns, 2,100 tons register, arrived at Ran Franciico on the oth oi January. The plan of Admiral Thatcher is to visit these islands soon. Japanese Coxscx.- The Japanese Government, heretofore locVed up ia its oyster-shell, has recently appointed Charles W. Brooks, Esq., resident Consul of Japan at Sao Francisco. He is the only official representative of that nation in the United States. - C. E. WILLIAMS, W O C L. D M OST R f? prctfully announce to bis Uw U. lends and the public that tie l fr WII,I. OFFER FOR SAM), AT HIS vv .x-o Hooms, Fort St.( . HIS ENTIRE STOCK OF Impoitcd Iiiiiiit:n.i"o AT COST PRICES FOR CASH! See Advertisement in another Column. Tlie objert la to reduce his vrry lara-e stock in onlrr to build a ur aiid tuure commodious Warehouse on the site of the old one. DO NOT LOSE THIS CHANCE t 612 3m jsVe Ac ia:E:i:i.s' Cr.LElSRATLD WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE I DECLARED BY COXXOISSEURS Tlio. Only Snuoot CAITTION AC5AINST Fit AUD. . raviiK srccEss op this most dkln I Clol'S and unrivalled fondimi-ut having caused c-rtaiu desk-r to aily the name of Worcester-hire Saoce l Ihetr owu inferior cumpounds, the public is hereby informed that the only way to secure tne genuine, is to ASK TOE LEA & PERKINS SATJCE, And to see that their names are npon the terapper, label, ttnpper, and bnttlt. Suuie of the fureivn markets havlne been supplied with a spurious Worcestershire fauc, upn tlie wrappers and Ulela of which the names of Lea a Perrius have been fonred, c I'errin rive notice that they have furnished their correspond ent with ps-wer of attorney to take instant proceelitifr against Manufacturer and t'endar of such, or any oilier imitations by which their right may be infringed. Ask for LEA dr PERRiyS" Siure and see Sam on 'raifer, Label. JlotUe, awl SUpjter. Wholesale and for Export by the Proprietors. Worcester; Crosse A Black well, London, Ac, kc; and by Grocers and Oilmen universally. TIIKo. H. DAVIKA, 611 1 (Late Janion, Green A Co.,) Agent, llouolulu. M ETALLIC PAINT, Constantly on Hand. T VII AT IXVALlABI-K.DfRABLE.FLEX. IWe. preserving, anti corrosive METALLIC PAINT For Coolers, Boilers, Ronfs. Steam Engines, Cast Plows, Houses, fences. Schooners, Steamers, A ND A LL OTHER IRON ar WOOD WORK. 611 nm For Sale by C. BREWER li Co. m "VAT II IT E CHINESE MATTING. 4-4. Of good quality. OOLONG POUCIIONG TEA, OOLONG POUCIIONG TEA, pound boxes. 32 i pound boxes. BEST CANTON CAMPHOR-WOOD TRUNKS, In sets of four each. For tale vrry reasonably Is CIoe Oat at a07-2m . r. a kcuAKraa & co.'s. Apru term or the Supreme eourt. luis one is oniy a i climate in T.-inter time, which always gives prom fair specimen of the late government importation or of letting up, but never does until it has its cry cooue- out like a teething baby. At daylight the streets TO Ba GrOOd mi3 JPlio Department. The firemen's celebration unfortunately took place on election day, which prevented many from attend ing the festivities, who like us purposed being pres ent. We are obliged to fall back on the report of the Gazette, which is full and interesting. , The FiaEXEs's Pabade, Last Monday was not only election day, but a great day for the Firemen, as being the occasion of their annual parade, of which we gave previous notice. Looked forward to as it was, with earnest aspirations of a good time coming, the firemen and, every body interested in them which means the entire community were much disap pointed on awaking early Monday morning to find tlie ram had been and still was pouring aown in one Vt UIUV BtUH UU. PTIOUIVUI CtWW ov iv. were in the condition known as " slush " in countries where frost and snow are familiar at this time of the year. Even those roads best McAdamized by our in defatigable Road Supervisor, were, from the drop, droo. drormines of the Pluvial gods, in a very bad I CUtLfJ tO& IICUUIIMUKHU. MVU. V. W W 1 , . i ..v.. t : lor tlie partiae, OUl ai uiai jatuiiuaj; uvui iue ivu pourol down in floods, to such an extent that all the Honolulu firemen couldn't have beat it in volume, when we consider the extent of territory. But our firemen live in daily expectation to be either wet or burned, as duty calls, and not a grumble could be heard, and only smiling faces to be seen, all the way from the Chief Engineer down to the attending and pleased populace, through the columns. But a better dressed or more orderly looking or behaved set of fire men as was remarked by a distinguished looking foreign gentleman present could not be found in any city of the size of Honolulu. After the diflerent machines bad been in rotation returned to their houses, an interval of an hour occurred, during which the Department as a body, preceded by the band, and through the drenching rain, marched over to Koho laloa, where a splendid feast had been provided, and was served up smoking hot, pigs, turkeys, chickens, ducks, luau, and last, not least, a grand fish-chowder. After the edibles had been disposed of, and a great clatter gone through with of knives and forks, the Chief Engineer proposed the principal toast of the day, commencing with "His Majesty the King." This, by request of- the Chief, was responded to by His Honor, Justice Davis. As near as we can re member, the following will fairly illustrate the tenor of his remarks : He expressed his pride and pleasure ' at being called upon to reply to this toast. He said he felt certain that be only reiterated tlie universal sentiment of the community which was a sentiment cf respect for the organization, as those who composed it took upon themselves a gratuitous duty to, work for the preservation of property, and it might be, life, either by night or by day. It was true that the com munity had been fortunate in not having more fre quently required their services, but there was evi dence that when required, they would be ready at the hour of need. The Judge remarked that the duty of a fireman was often a very perilous duty, and that the record was abundant of instances of heroism aud self-sacrifice which could not be outshone by the most brilliant instances of valor in the field. But he said he liked tlie organization for another reason com bining, as it did, so many different elements of na tionality, and especially the Hawaiian he believed it to contribute to a feeling of harmony in the com munity. " Man was not made to live alone," and he believed that sometimes the estrangement that ex isted between individuals, as well as between nations, often proceeded from a want of knowledge of each other. And it is certain that there can be no associa tion more fraternal or elevating than that which has for its object the alleviation of human distress. At theclcee. His Honor, expressing the belief that His Majesty had no better citizens in his dominions than the members of the Honolulu Fire Department, re sumed his ses amid prolonged cheers. Our Invited Guests," was the next regular toast, and was responded to by the Rev. E. Corwin in hi usual happy manner. Some of the boys, then and there, proposed him as an Honorary Member or tne Department, wincu. was acceaeu to riru voce wciniae dUitnlienle, amid loud cheers. Then followed, " The Ladies," responded to very wittily and neatly by F. A. bchaefer, Esq., ITussian Consul. After this, as a very natural consequence, the ". Third Estate the Press was duly toasted, aud answered, after a fashion, by one of the denoted of the pressing busiuess, whose principal cry of com plaint is that lie can't get away from it , General Smith, United States Consul at this port, was present at tire feast, and iu response to a call, gave the company a few remarks, which, with those of A. J. Cartwright, Esq., the first elected Eugineer of the Department, were received with loud applause. In despite of the bad weather, the boys appeared to enjoy themselves thoroughly, and after some dancing aud song singing among the last an original song composed for the occasion, the words by a retired fireman- named Sheldon, and the music by a new fireman named 'Long they quietly dispersed and went to their respective domiciles. ... Columbia River Salmon, TN BBLS.AXD II ILP BBLS. WILL BB SOLD JL low to close consignment, by 611 t C. L. BICHABDS CO. Sperm and Whale Oil, BY T1IK CASK. BARREL. OR GALLON. Will be sold at reduced rates, by 611 4t O. L. B1CUARDS A CO. Cotton and Hemp Canvas, ALL NUMBERS AT LOWER RATES lbn have been soul in this market for six years. Ap ply early to (611 lm) C. L. RICHARDS k. CO. FOR SALE. ONE LIGHT CONCORD PLKASL KK WAUON, (built to order.) Inquire of ' 611 lm JAMES S. LEM0X. WALKER & AIMMCIY OFFER FOR SALE TO ARRIVE PER D. C. MURRAY J. W. SEAVER, IAKERS EXTRA FLOUR. Superfine Floor, ffavy Bread, Pilot Bread, Boiled Linseed Oil, 611 lm Ac, Ac. Arrival of the Steamer Idaho ! MORE NEW GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED At the Family Grocery & Feed Store. pOLDEX GATE EX. FAMILY FLOUR, direct rrotn tlie Mill, Uraham Flour, Oatmeal, Bran, Oats, Split Peas, Mexican Frijolea, Pearl Barley, Spiced Oysters, Dried Peaches, Mace, Fresh TaMe Frait4. Ciunaatoo. New Hops, Market Baskets, Saltpetre, California Ilau5, California Baonn, Chocolate, Smoked Beef, Smoked Salmon, Zaote Carrants, New Onions. Codfish, Fresh Vermicelli. Prunes la glass Jars, New Mediterranean Figs in splendid order, NEW YORK CHEESE. Tins Crackers, aborted kinds; Japan Tea la papers, And fresh lot of the celebrated JAPANESE TEA IN. JARS, Tl.e otdy lot in this Market. AU the above goods are carefully selected forme, are al Warranted Freah a ad Nice, Aod are offered to the community in the full confidence of giv ing satisfaction to purchasers. For sale low by I. BART LETT. -T 1L f- t3 o o o i v o cl Ex Comet and Count Bismarck: JOLDEX GATE BAKERS' EX. FLOUR Golden (late Family Flour, Tina Smoked 1'erringj, Kew Dried Apples, Near BiUiors' Ilams, Bologna Sausaf e, WESTPHALIA HAMS, Jars of Currants 9 lbs. Jars of Raisins 1CJ lis. . FOR SALE LOW. 07 Jm - ft. B. McINTVRB A BRA. Hawaiian Packet linc FOR - SAN FRANCISCO. rat ai clippeu bark SjaMBI ! KXAPP. MASTER, , WILL II1VE DISPATCH FOtt THE ABOVE VHf SaillBS February 8. ' For freight or paaaaee, hartnjr soperior aoeotsatoiatha. cabin aud ateerage paaacoirers, apply la SOS St WALK EH A ALLEN, Ate, JAPANESE TEA IN JAll? Jast Berelved Per Steamer Idaha. ' rpHIS JAPANESE 1EA IS THE TEST best Tea exported from Japan. Ii it pat op iD nicrtj tkyJ jars of SJ aod SJ pound each, and each Jai ia packed ky in a handsome box with 4 pounds of the Choice NaUral Lao Tea packed aroood the outside of IbO jar, aukinc la aR m pound to each box. It is sold sold either by the rckaft the jar, aa purchasers may prefer, an-1 it is wrU won) (L attention of ail who are seeking tor a reall good Tea. . lite Last Lot teas soUl out in a few days! And buyers should call early. For sale by t. BARTLm, 608 lm ; ' ' Family Grocery ard feed fan. TIIEO. If. DA VIES. Lot J anion, Oreen a Co.) Inperttr and Cmalsia Xtrtkaat, tCKXT roa LLOYDS' tr THE LIVERPOOL VlWEMrRlTrm AORTHLRy JSSUtJISC.t COMPJ.yr mne BRITISH tr rORElUK MARINE llfSVRAHCt CO, jYire Proof Buildings, Kaahamaoa and Qoeea Strati 610 ly . . NOTICE. DURIXQ MT ABSENCE OBT HAWAII Mr. TliKO. U. DAVIA8 kas power to collect atoolV grant recel-ts. and attend to all maUers connected wHfctka settlement of the affairs of Janioo, Green & Co., in tiqaWatioa. W. L. CRksJI Honolulu, January SI, 1868. eio It IVcw IS ice Ulill. rnHE rjxoERsioxF.r having com. 1 FLKTfcD his ne RICE AND CORJf MILL.e,im at the southeast em of Queen street, below the Skin Chairs ia now ready to Hall and Polish Paddy, and Grind Cora! Horse feed uf all kinds ground to order. Paddy and Corn Wanted. Apply to JOHN MrrcntLL, 610 2m At Uj MilL FAHINA! FARINA! OF THE CELEBRATED KOLOA MAX. ufactara. For rale in quantities Ut suit at S0T-2m F. A. SCUAKFER A C0.8. frfrrl OXE A-EV COTTAGE PIANO. Apply to 03 Sra r. A. SCHAEFER k CO. WALLACE 5c KIDDER, DEALERS IN FURNITURE QCEEX STREET. Opposite Torbert's Lumber Yard, vp stairs. UPHOLSTERr WORK. DOVE WITH oeatneas and dispatch, and at prices aaiisoctory ta aar customers. 60S las Chinese Phrase Books ! W7VOR SALE BF aT 609 lm n. M. WHITXKT. FOR SAL. E . A N EXCELLBXT CARRIAGE IIOKE, safe, gentle, and in every respect well adapted for a lady's use. . Colnr, wkiu t are, a boat 10 years. Inquire of (6ott Im) J. L. UlClIAaUooS. NO. lO! NEW GOODS RECEIVED! Ex STEAMER IDAIIO, . - And Landed on tlte 15lh of January, - ' E HPRESSLT SELECTED, AND MADE in Paris and EngtADd fur this Store, amongst which UI ba found Something' Nice for the Ladies, - And one Article hard to beat, toorth 18, antftcill be Sold for 911 .. GOOD JUDGES CAN EXAMINE! r . A LABQE .tabiett OF , . : . .s Choice IVevr Goods, AT NO. lO DON'T FORGET NO. lOI ' . 60S lm Wetzel I Pmi lor Sale. ONE COPPER W ETZELL PAN WITH Running Oear complete. Only second to tho Tacaaai Pau as an evaporator lor soyar boiliug. Apply to CM. LKWKKS, 1 608 go, . ; : Or, J. WEST, Capt. of Mary Klka. , Columbia River Salmon. BEST COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON, IN -barrsls aud half barrels. For sala by SOS lm I. BARTLETT. Zante Currants and Sultana Baisina, IN 9 AND 1 1 LB.J A RS. JCST RECEIVED per COUAT BISMARCK. Fur sale by 608 lm I. BARTLETT. . DL'LOW COST ! VVHE BALANCE OK PICTURES ON HAH1K wil be ad at less than Coat, ta cnse the corjietment. Apply early. j It H. M. W U1T.HKY. Golden Onte .Hills Flour ! Bakers' Extra, Extra Family and Superfine, In Usistrlrr Sjieka. WE ARE IN RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE Celebrated Flour, by every Packet, direct bom the Mill, and warranted of the beat quality. Fur sale by SOS 3a BOLLK3 A CO. Plantatation Labor Books, EWR SALE UT av 60! St H. m. va'HITNKT. A LITTLE MORE LlCSIIT ON KEROJSENE OIL, 5t COOK. As we Import Only Downer's Kerosene Oil, As we burn Only Downer's Kerosene Oil, So we keep the Eest Downer's Kerosene Oil Imparled inlet tbia Market. . AND WE SELL HOWTEK'S KUKOSEIYE OIL .-Is Loic as it can be had in the Jlarket 60S 3m Per UaiF. Bark " Count Bismarck." yERT SUPERIOR Itliinc Wine sind Claret. ALSO Old Port Wine, Burgundy Wine, SHERRY AND ALCOHOL. EXTRA FINE BROADCLOTH AND BUCKSKIN Unseat Eaisins and Zante Currants, IN STONE JARS. For sale reasonably at 607 2 F. A. SCHAEFER At CO. Map or tlie Sand wich Islands. . THE ONLV CORRECT MAP OF THstSK Islands is that of thj I - t-i : vAUtan. DOSi Lsbed by the American Government. Every farmer whooana ao acre or srround. every captain who commands a ooaster, ev a ery traveler who wants to nod correct names aud distance. ' every gentleman who deairea to be uoated au aboat the 1" ahould posaess a copy of it. 'in - .ew wptes tcu, price f.8.00 each. ..... For ! M tbe BOOKaTO"-.