Newspaper Page Text
CO JTVTIYXER. CI.A.X.., jjyvjnv 6, is:2. Ws liive bo lran.vl'm of impostai.ce lo rt.r .f-cle iu j r ; .n.cU il must i I an i r uji v iaue 01 .opue. I trad dor. o the tk. The iv ope.. w.lh a Uf j Ternis aul, per annum. II paid fr in advance, i. e., ! mini rlK f x' '' c,,r rchai.l "have full? mrcotn- ; witl:.a-l-J Jay of exj .rat.oo of subscript 5 ,r u ! modauJ lh:inelc U ll.e light lr le of B-l-ia'-r. We ' tai omul quarU-riy rp.rt ol J fu-I.r export, from LU h . - - - - - ' U still be rta that the: value of onr e j.rt tr the year Lave I t rifml,-J Cat of l-70 bv a iiu-ixl- r oj a loiUioftof dollar. ! I The itfp-i i p the del that :! ' f oar leading articles ! rf export hare exree.led in ! isut.ty the .hipine of 1570, 1 with the exception of r ftVe, salt. r-t kur and wlm!-.- IxMtr. Farifu. v- Io -ol roo;il r t.W- mtUcW, a it ir'th i '.1rroui,l nf-.n;i. ti. n of ur tMti, srxl In our i.ptnloa IU- f aihrr.i of it i.r.uld b- iliarae- 'I- T W rhi' it of oil n.) bjt.: raniHH C iri riit r Iiit l!o I a; iih dut.H'lw: export, ;lu-.r U ell or !id..i.:1i t!ir t;m of llw fniu !-.:. Tlit oi'g-r art of the ratrh i eulrrol Iirre iu b-m-1, au l frv.m thr C wlom ll. u ex- i., U not a Ulrrct ooir of r'vrtiue u llii Govrn,iu-t.t- We In i to ; iurir. the ir---rtt niorf eir;y iJipUy. J i:i the tn!lia- tioo of cuff-, h-'Ming a re ! ooinion that a b:llr, i. e , more th-jrith, ;i.-in of ruItiTation wi:i roure g'! r-lurua la the f ront r. Iu UY conurction c clip Cr-'tn our txrhai:f- the tjilowir.r : CorrIKriri.cT-New i rKS op fiMtr.-Tl.e , j, t tj Th;s , resulted verynatu- rrf-nl adaic.r lit cortV-e lo the Lasirrn market aa ocr. , I J aio-j by a u r.cUrnry of ioo.ij"jo ti in the tbr.- m.t fro- ; rally front the rude shock which the nation ex- durtire cmmtrirt, liruii. Ceyl-n and Ja, ai l partly by tti j . ,, 4l - r, y riii iwri; iu the cf nm.u. of cfl iu u.e i nited i i lenceu at that time in the theory or Lonetitu Hiab. The ui uibly aalr in K.ei. .ri:M il ,rt ol the , ( :r.vprrinient ;n vrliii-h it 1 ad hern educated i nurd fut r the ut r-ar, ar-rr.i aUjt lz.fXK t..n. ; "onai uovernnicnt in wnji.n u i. .hi oecn eaucaiea. r.i-h 2a ovt-r the arrae of the year liT'j. Tbe ii- The first and natural conclusion that the natiTe tribotii in I'-iH w btit S,J t..n ir month. Inlv;iit . , , r , , w 9 0"o in ihto jocw, and IS7I, i2.wxiu th-; rx p.rt of uwnd arrived at from the doings of lst4 wag, r)f t,iat "otwithetanding the free Constitution given hand, of tmi-rter. but 2.4oo ioo. .ay. the o k j t, m b Kauiehamelia the oxl, and which had tvrmimj I'ntt , ?;'" H,0 lot., f it the orrrtpotidinR lime i in i7. ti Mm p-p r i. auii.rity r..r ti.e xateui'-nt tiiat . f0r a j:riod of twelve years proved to be a IxKjn " lb .uptly of nil k.ixt iual! bail on the lOlh IVr-mtr fu ., . Ai - n. time. rUb,'w,'',,u' . ,iY: from existence in a moment at the beh. ; tltT OUnr.C tlie rr oi year, wc--..... , . . ba .i c-jn-e en me i.i oi jium.iry. n. t oi an irreeponMbie iinie:irT ami ii inai, wny :- InNonmtrr m .iw imj". i U-iiiI"T, H.W ; w hl w , j . ' mra at u.,t ft f ioo tor:, w.rt. while te ciumptiou fr tii-s not any ana all other rights ana ealeiiuaias be rrth.U,lrcdo! , nt Amaiiinr.tion Irom 1g2 to 15. 1 uirluaive are a. louoa. : . Year.. liMi K 1VU 1-W Toil iVmrt, Ton.. 41.0UU IHo7 8-i,0o 3.i.K) ls 104,tKK) G4,(M.4I 1 Sl- 107,000 isil, (ieu "rnoiaia;... uooo Thn it f. eon it rolT-e import, have b-n more than .inr-lv. awl thi. make a partial fniu -e in produc- ikm aii the bardr of-m n. a. f r t-aiiiornia, our cofl-e up- tttv ia more and nnre earh vear ha-iri; t-rviuivd to the Meiicn t Zfx lmZ .xr.. and th crop. c-n,r ! neiy new io ihe world of commerce, will be d. cup!r.i ( Year by meana o the fucreaae ol ili im naiitiu alone the , aoathera cnaat. San 'ran-iao .bould in time become accoud ( only Iu New York a a distributor of Hi: foreign luxury. i ' . . ...... ,,., w..,.t c.r ; The fir nine-, of price, obtained f-r pulu na. nrnujnt vit- ward the available .tot k on han),an.l we are of the opinion j that the amount lo fo forward by nesl .learner will All the Market. The demand lor thi. article i. very limited, awl any ' inerraae ia .lock U .ure to be fallowed by a wuaibie tali-in the j Wt are ooc wkmt in our endtTof 10 ruMih a roDTeoier.i . euxmcy .j.ten., we that a peiition, lJrc.M-d to Ihe j I'.VJIAMK -:.M..C HUM . .......... v. -- - States of America, rrqifratiu a cl.arge iu the aiWer coinajre, h. been alfned by nearly all l!e proruinenl Htate and city siarera, merchant, and jounialU'a. The radical chances aak-d tT are three fol.l t thai a new coin be iaauefl ol the value of two dimes, and haru.( Uie nam Two Dime. in the cen tre tf the referee ( thai all coin, of the value of half dollar, hereafter bwued, have Ihe name " Five Dime." lo the centre ut the reverie ; and thai lite coinage of quarter dollar, ceaae, I iff .,..k fu.w fn rirmllinn ! withdrawn, bv 1 lh payment of .mail premiuru, and recoioeO. The obj-l of j was Pn". princijIly owing to the causes WC this movement i. lo make effectual a eruaade against i lie Lave mentioned, and partly jerhaps because a mrthicai - bit." and lo faciUtau the exchange ol fracilonai ; m(tre general and longer notice of the intended Buney- A. lone a. the quarter dollar exita lU cannot be I , , . , rnl , t . , ....... . r i meeting had not been given. The result however Uooe, tbercCre in Ihia fiht there wol he no quarter." job The -wi.-or a we deiSnte it, the Tial." i a mrUance, i of the meeting was the nomination, vtva voce, of and we are happy to ay that it I. rapidly going out of cirru- j four candidates, three foreigners and one native. Utioo .ith o. th nh im -am, has been traiferred very im- j There was however little or no enthusiasm mani properly to the Uuited Slates dime. lri i ii r festcd, and no one api)cared to have had the foe- TaiLt r tii PaiKtirat. Dorne Expoit., Pot or ! , . , . .... Ho-.U,M. for tk. Quarter tndin, December Sl.'.lSTl, J ti"git to repose a phltfoMU of principles or ms compared wit tho corresponding ptnou ,n is.o. . Iucrease; erreae PaoDic. 1371. 1S70. 1S71. 1871. ftifar, tt. ......... . MoUm-. galls Paddy, tt Rice. itva..... CoffVe, ft Mult, Inns FM. bbl Fung a, tba Ilan-tnaa, bnch.... Ileef, hbU. ........ Gnat Skiin, i-.... 1 1 idea, K-s..... .... Tallow. Its Polo, tba Wool, 16 Peanut., lb........ Piterm Oil. Kail..... Whale O.I, rHa... AVhale Bone, Jhs... 3,17 0 64.71 2,116.121) l,4HI,2S5'7, 3," 27Z,0OO; 4,.34 lfll 118.727 102,77o "V.33S ""137 11.305 "19,612 87.H31: 107,10: 415, lf,5 10,679 92.93 ""Ho 2ol 2.M1 371 13.50 10H' j 25.0451. S,8w: 615, U44 1 4,31" 48,63.: 84.371 4J,646 20,li3 20.173 ... 3,924 ... 1J.10I V,is6 103,12 103,121 101,10) I 101,101 Total value of all e v., dom'tie exports. J -J.-ciu Total value 1S71. Total value 137l $274,653 $163 1 1,656,644 43 1,403,025 06 . T tal Increase or value 1S71 $ 253,610 40 tr atxiirT or domestic pboducb roa tri wekk. AVa, bnch. .......... Castle, head Coffee. ba:. .......... tioat rikins, pes I loss JiUles. pea Jlore a...... Molasaes, bbls. ........ 100,Oraags 12,000 31 Pulu, bales 123 lb Potatoes, bag. ' 84 62 Paddy, bags 9o6 34 Rice, bags 174 853 Sheep 7S 8 Sugar, kers 2,3o4 165i bag. ISi port or h. 1: ARK1VAIJ. Dec. 50 Pohr WaioTa, Alapai, from MlukaL 31 I aa Delia. Peter, from Maui. 31 Schr Paunhi. RevnoUls, from Hawaii. 31 SVhr Moi Keiki. Green, from Maui. 31 loop Live Yankee. Clark, from Maai. t ' - 31 itmr Kibtuea. McGregor, from Hawaii ami Maui. SI Nor tier brig Pcler, b7 Ua. from Ncwcaatle, N 8 W 5 SVhr Mannnkawai. Antnne, from Hawaii. 3 Jtchr liattie, Kaapnni. fmru Kauai. 3 Hcbr Anuie. Nika. from Kauat. 3 Haw bk R W Wo.-d, W eeks, 22 days from San Francisco 3 Haw achr Kaniaile. 64 tlavs from Guano Islands. 4 Am bk!o A P Jordan. 31 days from tinniboldu 4 Sehr JiiJUiito. lu.l-it. front Motokai. 4 'chr IVl.I Fellow. Joho Tea, Irom llawnii. 4 'cr Nettle Merrill. Crane, from Maui. 4 SVhr Ka Moi, lavia. from MauL ft fVJir Jenny. Burn, from Kauai. 6 ekhr Fairy Uueen. Kaaina, froiu Kauai. Jan. I) HI A r.TL'KEs Iw. SO Schr Nellie Merrill. Crane. U-t ManL 90 Schr Prince. Hatfield, for Hawaii. 30 SVhr Mary F.llcn, !ni, for Kauai. t Hchr Warwick. John Hull, for Mtkai. 'i SW-hr W'aiola, Alapai, lor MoUAai. 2 Stmt Kilauea. Mct;re..r. for Maui and IlawaiL 3 Am bk. 1) C Murray, shepherd, lor Han Francisco. XY S steam fneate Cali(.rnia, fo.- Taliiti. 3 Shr kinan. Adam, for Hawaii. . 3 SVhr l.uka. Kaai, tor Hawaii. 3 Sl.x.p Live Yankee, Clark, for Maul. 4 rtchr Miii.uokawni, Antone, r.r Maui. 4 Scar M'l KeikL Cireen. for Maui. 4 Hchr I Hid Fellow, John Tea, for Hawaii. 4 Schr liattie. Kaaptini. for Kaoaa. 4 Pchr Annie. Nika. or Kauai. Jan. VKSiiRLA EXPECTED. B'.ta Free Trade, from Port'amJ. due. Kri Robert Cowan, from Victoria, due. Briar Moroinx rltar, from 51icrJteia, due. Bk Cuei. fr-.iiB San Francisco, due Jan 10th. Haip Niooya, from London, sailed Sept Tth, Bk Carstan:. from Newcaatte on Tyue. sailed SVpl 7th Bk Ka M"A, I'rom Bremen, tailed S pt 27th. Bk Mahrira-r, from Bremen, sailed Oct 5th. Hchr L. P Foster, from San Vk fa. PASSENC KRS. Faow 3a Faa-sciaco Per R. W. Wood, Jan. 2J 3 na tive seaiuen from bark " Cambridge." FoarJ. v Faasctsco Per V. C. Murray, Jan. 3.1 James tViser, T N NtUe, Jhn G Wood, Hvbert Win.Uleld, A J Jdsrar. ' Fbo Jaavts Islssd Per Kamaile, Jan. 4th Mr A J Kinney, 1 native laborer. Fow Wivpwato PoT Ier Kilauea, Dec. 3ll II It 'Ttontfotn-rv, Rev J 1) Pari and a n. A C 8;nith, Jurtje A oraaialrr and.daachttr,T tt Walker. H Parker, and 164 deck. '" ' Fo lUwan Per I'aualu, Dec. 31st Mrs Hastings aud daughter, Miss Pracboo. Faow Mci Per Live Yankee, Dec. 31st James Steel, 1 other, and 4 deck. IMPORTS. Faow Niwcimi, N. S. W. Per Peter, Jan. 2d-. S4S Ions Australian Coal to II HackfeU A Co. Faow Saw Facaco-rer R. W. Wool. Jan. 3d : 9 has. Brao toll Mav; 13 bndls Old Bag to K Jl.ncblaetr Jt Co; aapkc window. j50 inor. is Blind, i bx Past, to Dow, il A Co ; 2 M Bricks. JOO bbls Lime, SuO bndls Shin ies, 10 bales liar. 100 ska Oat. SoS sks Uran, 11 bmll mpty Ba lo II liackfeld Ac Co. Fin Et ir.ii. CL. Per A. P. Jordan. Jan. 4th 57.419 ; ft Surtarel R W Lumber, 7i25 ft Rnifh R W. 75,150 II ; ioom Shingles. Fo Jaavia Island Per Kamaiie, Jan. 4th:-6 tons ! ! exports. j Foa S4H Fajicisc Prr D. C. Murray, Jao 3d s Biorins;, tbs 600 Pitch, hbl 1 Bananas, bnch 60 Rice, tt. 19,o0 Hides, pes 476 ruear, p 321,273 MoUsses. gaii 12.05J licep t?ki., bndls.... 1'eannt. lbs 9.00 Twii.e, tbs a i',6 T'uta.B.s !3,U0 Value Dom..f27JJ977 For..$3?33Jj ; Trans.. $12,997 40. in trmmitm from Avttratia and fitw Zealand t SI rc Sheep Skins, 212 pkfc-s Taiiow, 22 bales WooL BIRTHS. At Kaawal -a, flaaii, Dec. 21. Ihe wife of Mr. T. F.. Cook, j oi a .laughter. jVOTIC'K TO M list KIUKKS. The AJfkrttirr will not Ire ! im oiiliti'i'd npon n irl--n of iiiii- i,C'Wri ti'x, uu'.e ordered topi-d by the i.b -rib- THE PACiriO Commercial Slbkrliser. SATURDAY. JANUARY 0. Tho Coming Elections. One ni'jnth fnm to-tlay. on M r.Iay the 5th of February, oecura the biennial elections fr Ilepre H.ritntivea of the J-er le i" the Hawaiian Iirgis Jative AeM-mbly. Ever the abrogation of tlie .'onctitution of 1852, and the promulgation of that of 18ti4, a general feeling of apathy has prevailed aiu.jng the people hs to the fleet ion of ibt - t t t, or jnterects of the 1 j j 1 King's advisers? And from this has resulted the feeling of apathy that has been so perceptible. What matter- it, the people ask, who we send to represent us in the Legislature now? The Min- iHtcr9 are lx)Ulld to Have tleir Own Way, in ST.tte J L or us or of any measures our members may pro- j e . i pose. And we must confess, when we look ut tl,c matter souarely, they are not far wrong in ... ,. , thcSC Conclusions. At beet, the 111 OS t Consolidated and determined opposition that can be brought ... to bear against the Ministry and their adherents ;n tJie oiie-bouse Ief;islature, will result only in , : .1 .i . c l prolonging debate and giving the appearance of a t . t i . f is deemed ncccary to create the apearaiuc. It needs no ' )rhet'8 ken to teU which fciJe wiU ,(robabIv win in all imj-ortant questions. Thus it was oidy last week that the qualified electors of Honolulu, whose public spirit should be most wakeful, bestirred themselves sufficiently to call a public meeting for the purpose of choos ing candidates for the Legislature, the election for which is 10 close at band. The attendance rjieasurefl, upon which a feeling of interest miirht have lecn aroused. Another meeting will Boon be held, at the same place, when it is prob able that the candidates nominated will be called upon to 6tatc their views upon the principal questions that are likely to be brought before the next session of the Assembly. The following arc the names of the candidates for this district, so far : ., Mr. A. Francis Judd, is a well known young lawyer of this city, who sat for the District of South Kona, Hawaii, in the session of 1SG8-9. He makes a good working member and may be termed a conservative. Mr. C. J. Lyons baa represented the District of South Kohala for several successive sessions, and bas generally been found in the opposition, 4hobh bis independence has been bo marked that on some questions he has stood alone. - Mr. J. O. Carter appears for the first time as a candidate for Legislative honors. In politics he may be fairly termed a radical, strong in his convictions, and equally strong and persistent in bis advocacy of his views. He was prominent in the debatos on the labor question some two yoais ago, taking sides against the Ministry, and should be be elected we may anticipate 6omc lively and interesting discussions in the Assembly. Mr. Z. Poli, is the only native candidate on the ticket, and some surprise. Las been expressed at this. IJut the three foreigners are all well known and popular among the natives from childhood, and in fact, considered in the same light as their own people. Mr. Poli is an ex tremely intelligent young Hawaiian, educated at Lahainaluna, and appears for the first time in public life. So far, we have beard of no nominations on the Ministerial side, in this city, but learn that a ticket is in course of preparation. It should I be a 6trorg one and well engineered, to defeat that of the Icdependeuts. From the other districts of the islands, but little note of preparation is beard for the elec tions. The repeated failure of 44 great expecta tions' of public improvement, joined with the canscc we have above alluded to, altogether com bined have intensified the general apathy. Self nominated candidates, aud those whose names are furtively put forward by their personal friends, arc however, as thick as black-berries. Thus for Honolulu in addition to the regular ticket above tjientioned, we hear tha names of VT. C. Jones, jE. H. IJoyd, W. A. Kiba, E. Kalaauao, J. fIoanauli, D. Kahanu, J. Kahai, as candidates. Tfhe following are spoken of as candidates in the other districts throughout the group: Koohiupoko C. II. Judd, J. A. Cummins, J. Kaanapa, E. II. Boyd. Koolauloa J. L. Xaili, W. II. Uaua, J. Kupuu, Rev. II. Kauaihilo, S. (J. Wilder. YVaialua S. M. Naukana, N. J. Kaiaikawnha, Rey. J. X. Paikuli. Ewa and Waianae J. Komoikehuehu, Rev. A. Kaoliko. KA17AI. Hanalei D. Kaukaha, P. Palohau, II. J. Wana. Koloa and Lihue W. II. Rice, Pius Koakanu, D. R. Mahoe. Waimea J. II. Kapumai, J. Kamalonui, J. Kauai, Aukai. UOLOKAI AND LAN" A I. D. 'V. Kaiue, S. Kaboobalahala, Nazarcta, R. Jicvrton, Kaluapihaole, D. Kauiaiopili, J. Alapai. MAUI. . a w. i T T 1 1 lCaina -A., o . v.'. janciie, . ir.-.jt.. r) Kahaulelio. J. W. Keawehunaliala. Kaanapali J. A. Xahaku, A. Kaukau, S. M. p Kaleo. li. Kalaaukanc. A ailuku I-)noaca. L. v . Papjinmu, II. Kui- ocanjf 1. Kealuha, N. Kepoikai, W. II. Kaau- wai, J. Napela, V. P. Kahale. Makawao P. Nui, J. Kapule, G. W. Ukumea, M. Kapihe. liana M. Kahan.mui, J. Nakila, C. K. Ka kani, J. K. Il.inuna. HAWAII. North Kona Simon K. Kaai, II. N. Kahulu, J. Keliikoa, J. K. Waiau, S. W. Makanoanoa. South Kona D. II. Nahinu, J. W. Kupakee, H. Manase. Kau W. T. Martin, J. W. Kupakee. pu j Klimahoa, D. Puamana. ' llil-j I). H llircho-ck. L. Kix-i, r W. Aka- ' Tut Organ pretends to be shocked in its reli Ilapai, Iai:.. Wabine, Juhn K. Akina, C. ious ruf iictics ho-au?e the clmrth at Kauruaka-Ak.-no Akau. I'i'i I-1" "opened its doors for other purposes llaoiakua G. U". D. Halcmanu, J. K. Kau- than that of public worship, to which it is dedi naraano. cated." While we sympathise with the high Koliala W. 11. Kiekard. Z. Kalai. toned scruples of the Organ, we may be allowed A crjoUJT array ol naniefl truly, irom wmcii to K-lect " the aeuillei wiedom " of the nation. 1 eourte, yet political parties themselves might Vagrancy. , p,-tK5ibly by atciation receive an inSuenec ! There is a rovii..r: in the lawsof thia country, of g.xl. Indeed, to read the history of the t!iat, were it strictly and impartially executed, times, it Would eccux that a little admixture f would be of more real Talue to the nation tUn religion (of the right eort) in polities would be the tpeniug of ric!i g -Id mines among our mount-: an advantage to some wire-pullerfl who "hive alii- of lava. It is that particular ection which iot lad in all their thoughts."' lut we con fee direct- the imprisjiunent at liard labr tf any to U-ing too obtuse to coinpreheud how the idle person w ho i.- able to w a k. and who, with- Laning of the n?e of a church building to a out visible means of support, lives in idiene-s, quiet meeting of citizens c .iulting on aif.tirs of eating the foo-1 of others." The numben of our ; weighty national concern, coustituus " church ; population who come under this category will on interference with state affairs," any more than a examination prove to be surprising. lt any one : recent case of the loaning of the chandeliers of a attend the Sunday evening bervices at Kaumaka- church fur the purposes of a public ball consti pili Church, and he will note with surprise the tuted the grave members of that church a set of crowds of well and even fashionably dreed young dancing dervishes, with all the seductive 44 a horn - native men, from the ages of fourteen to twenty or twenty-five, who are in attendance and as a general thing, anything but devout in their de meanor. Then let him inquire what trades or employments all these young men follow as a means of eupporc, and he will be still more sur prised to learn that the large majority of them are 44 idle persons," in the full legal sense of the term. They arc strong, healthy and able to work, but, without any visible means of support, . . J . 1 are living in idleness and eating the food of others, huch a condition of things on so large a Aftcr an thatf ia it rcanv possible that any one , scale, could not long exist in any other country j be founJ &J unreasonable as to oppose an j but this. Here, however, those of the iople i apr,ror,r;at;on ufvvell, something less than fifty ! who have any property, .who are the indus- ; thousanJ dollars of the public money to pay for trious producers, have so little idea of econ- . the new i,otei? piut ti,e question is put in a omy and thrift that they uncomplainingly and : ciiarUiingly modest way 44 Isn't the Hotel worth j as a matter of course submit to having their S0Jlieii,ing? " Doubtless it is, just the thing for substance devoured by these social leeches, j tue purr(OSe to which it was put the 44 coutiu Thus the parents or relatives dig and delve or uity of eQbrt8 of a crowd of dancers on a hot wash" and sew to maintain these idlers in plenty j night in the tr0pics, an exceptional gathering that ' and fine clothes, who contribute to the demor- . UpflClia only ul)ce in a good niany ears only j ; alization of the masses. To them they give with- , that and nothhl2 ore. it irJ a riJuctio ad i I . a. I . 'I..? a I 1 a. T V l - f i .1 al out iicsuauou tue last uauasn 01 ioou or tne . j .l6t tiXt for there is nothing a Hawaiian dreads so much as the imputation of meanness. And it is discouraging to know that this comi things is on the iucrease. The rising gen as things arc now going on, promises to populate ! the country with drones, for the producers will ; soon be all dead. What then? Of course the result must be destitution and want, and crime, j ' I Cannot something he done to stay this tide ol vagrancy that is sweeping over the race? Can not legislative wisdom be brought to bear upon the subject ? It has been computed by some political arith metician, that if every man and woman would work for four hours each day on something use- ful, that labor would produce sufficient to procure ! .. . . r. . 1 I all the necessaries and comiorts ol hie; want , , . afwl tnuori' until!.! tt hn ri ia:l I tnr tF Mia wafhi ,, ., , . ... ' and the rest of the twenty four hours might be given to leisure and pleasure. Where however we see a community in which a large proportion of the inhabitants are without means, but who I perform no labor whatever, devoting the whole of the twenty-four hours to leisure and pleasure, the political arithmetician can easily compute the result vice, crime, and extinction. A t VeatnCr Reports. The system 0r reporting the weather in all parts J o t of the country to a central 44 Signal Uurcau at ltry Washington, has been in operation about a year, j and has practically proved its utility. The severe j and remarkable 6torm of November last, which expended its fury over a large area of the Western United States, all of the lakes, and nearly the entire length of the Atlantic coa6t, elicited comptaratively little public attention, evidently for the reason that it wns not dis- tinguished by any extraordinary loss of property or life. Many storms of less force and extent i rn l f u f have fallen unon the American coasts with fur more, terrible results. The mystery however, if! mystery it may be styled, finds a ready solution in the admirable system of 6torm signals, which on this occasion literally headed the winds and furnished conspicuous testimony of its utility, Every section of the country threatened by the storm was duly warned of its approach, the effect of which was to keep in port many vessels which would otherwise have leen involved in its penis, The storm began far out on the western plaius, and was of vast north and south extent, present- , ... T ing a front of at least two thousand miles. But: it was discovered and foreseen in Kansas and Ne- braska, and tlie swift messenger run ahead of its i istic manner, an event the entire glory of cele mighty march to tell of its fierce coming. It j brating which we are content to resign to him. occupied tne whole space Irom tne lakes to tne I e-ulf. but on tire cast side of the Alleshanics. as if designing to foil science by strategy, playetl the trick of dividing, so as to strike further north 1 . i -i i. 41 t. l i. man is nau prcieuueu. t-augut, ut mat, me north was forewarned and ready for it. How instance occurs in point among me ujiegnuu -raucb of life and property was thus spared, no j ceived by the last mail. Under date of St. Pe man can say. Tho march of this great storm I tersburg December 9, we are informed that at the and its complete anticipation at every point j banquet of tlie Knights of St. George, the Czar sliows how far from mere guess work the predic tions of the signal service are, and the great value of the telegraph as an aid to science in thus developing into a practical fact what had hitherto been merely a theory concerning the procession of storms. The Si 'nal Bureau at Washington is constantly in possession of all the facts, not only the diree- tion but the force of the wind, the pressure t the barometer, the temperature, the relative humidity of the air and the amount of rainfall, taken by trained observers with instruments which work exactly to one standarJ. It can throw all its stations into circuit, and in a moment as it were, map the weather of the whole country, by a system of mapping which is as beautifully simple as it is practical. Reports taken at all stations at 11:35 p. m., are telegraphed to Wash ington, collated, and the deductions made are furnished the press at Ia. m. Tlie report of the Secretary of War contains some very interesting facts respecting the Signal T . . i. . 1. . , I . - . V . .-. A XiliriilU. I t ftilice L 1 i.l L UMCtlKlo imic utcu Uf tailed for Capt. Hall's Arctic expedition, and for Mt. Washington, but it is proposed to extend the cynchronal system by seeking the assistance of ship cariUiins, to place stations at Pembina, ; ... 4 , . ,t tii , . . iii bitka and the Hawaiian Islands, aud ultimately! to develop an international system, which shall secure rern.rts of Storms amroachiniT from what- 1 . . ever direction. A communication is now had rect from the signal office at Washington with the coast of the Pacific on the west, and eastward ... . . r , i-i to the coasts of China and Japan ; tne one link ot the l acihe caule being wanted to giruie tne world. Ai-tkr tiik Liqiok I5rsiNKs. Speaking of the California Legislature now in session, a paper says : Mr. Gray, of San Francisco, has a bill in pros pect, to be introduced at an early thiy, enacting when any person shall suuVr injury in person or property or m-ans ot support, in eonsi-qiifnce of the fiinii.-liintr of intoxicating liquor by any person, the injured party may have right ol action in his or her own name, against the party furnishing it. pro viding it si. all appear that the defendant hud rea soiuihl'" cause to apprehend that injury might re sult from his action in r gard thereto, and giving a married woman the right to bring suit under this act in her own name, without her husband, and to testify hi such aciion as Ht'rnnne H"'f. i to eujrsest Uiat auiioui;ii religion mav noi gain . by the holding of political meetings within her inations " of olkas and waltzes. And now we f.pneal to a discriminating public. Isn't the Hotel worth something i Did you ever see over two hundred people together before in this j country, where everyboly was so cool and comfurta- J Lie, and where there was room enough to display all uint puu; muc uui mc ciau-a..o niut vuuuu to proujena le on ? Arrahe coi ri Jors were they uut ; .. ,n,f, ..V.'T iv."i iIikLa'! mwi iww ,i i comfoitabie ? aSU t the bad capacious, Urge and , airy enough ? Ihe dancers, no! withstanding the continuity of their efforis. were cool, and don't you j think one can sit comfortably there and eat his or her I dinner on a day when it is hot outride ? GucrZc. j " ubsuriiam thilt because one may sit comfortably and eat one's dinner, or have surplus room in idition Of'whichto difTlay one's 44 points," that therefore j ' the 44 Grand Hotel " isn't a grand blunder. j iteration, ' A toHRRiI,OXI)ENT inquire8 wheu the next census ! . . . ..!, . , , . I n in a i . i .1 iv i 11. ill in niuitiiiia a. aru 11 a i km . a. i. iju a a-aa r,r;,,n ( i, i ficmr.-x tlint l. lasf . . r . . , - . c ., - , , enumeration of the inhabitants of these islands t " , V"- - was in 18G0. There was however a census taken in the month of December, 18GG, the total pop ulation of the islands at that time, as officially stated, amounting to 02,959. The law requires a census to be taken again during the present year, 44 to be laid before the King and Legislature fiip tlir-Ir ennsidiTallon ." Tn tn-iler tn be aaila- , . i able for that purpose, the work should be coin- , , , , i pleted between now am id the tiiuf of calling the bly : next Legislative Assembly j Chapter 79 of the Revised Penal Code, 44 To j regulate the Bureau of Public Instruction," has the following section, under the heading 44 The Census : ' 4 T DY,t,l V.rt .l.,l r.f M.o Ttrtierl nf Til i?nY! i cvery six;h yeart conntinK from the yedr' 18G0 to make a complete census of the inhabitants of the j Kingdom, to be laid before the King and Legislature I for their consideration ; every census shall comprise, ' m 'sti"ct columns, the number of inhabitants in i eaci, district, the number of each sect, and such her particulars as the Board of Education may j ject, ttnd shall show the increase or decrease of the ; nonulation " i i The question h is been asked, why this journal j did not give an account of the recent ball at the , new hotetT" If it is of any consequence to know j our reasons, we have no objection to giving them, j in brief, knowing that our views on the subject ' are in harmony with those of a goodly number in ! the community, whose opinions are of weight, j ; Such a social demonstration, given in a foreign J land, by America, (through her representative,) . - I- ?, 1 1 1 v to visittnir Americans attached to the iSavv. should have been planned and conducted on the J most liberal and democratic scale, and all respect- J 1 able American residents and their families, aa : I well as those of other nationalities should have j j been invited to meet the gallant Admiral and I j his officers and partake of the hopitalities pro- j vided by the Government of the Great Republic, j ; in the 44 ample rooms and on the 44 spacious j verandas " t f tho borrowed hotel. As however. j a s stein of invidious selection was adopted, we i could not consistently avail ourselves of our priv- -iiii it c Ti" l- it .i ilege to attend, and so left IJis Excellency the Jenkins of the Organ to describe, in his character- The tei.egrvph is a great convenience, to be j sure, but it is tanalizmgly unsatislactory at times, i raising expectation and anxiety on tiptoe one day, ! nnle tn Int. ir Hnwn unmercifully the "Tiest. An ' ... ... . to . j . . toasted tlie Jmpcror oi ijermany, ana nopeu mat f.;nnVitn l.ninfn tlmf mnnnir-h nr.rl liimfiolf would last lorever, and tliat the fraternity ol their rcsjective armies would be perpetual. But the London dispatch of the 11th, tells us that the Czar's speech on the occasion referred to was re- gurtled in r..-rlin as an end to the guarantee of j peace in Europe ! Here is a muddle, which we j ; must wait patiently for the arrival of the next , mail to have made clear, t or ought we know to tlie Contrary, the IX-ace Which SO lately 6ettled of I of t- v j j. Over r.uroi may ue now uiust'U uuu me two mighty powers of Prussia and IiusBja clutching j at each others throats. The Government of New South Wales has given an example of liberality in the encourage ment of agriculture that is indeed praiseworthy, j Many thousands of pounds are given away annu- i ally in the way of prizes for excellence in various ; I articles of produce. The subject of the culture I i of the beet root for making sugar has recently ' i tft-or'to.! pinfiiilornhFa ,i 1 1 ril i. in nrol Tx- a mils ! ....... . ....... ....... v. . . w . ; learn that a 5,000 premium is offered by a vote ' , of Parliament for the manufacture of 500 tons of) sugar from the beet, and the amount is to be divided so as that there shall be no monopoly in .1 . f , j l t . i P tue enjoyment ot sweets. LiCt a note be made of our suggestion of a premium for the manufacture c.f cwir fmm t!,i 1 rnnr. t!i:ir tV, Bnl.Wl "ej j j be discussed in the Legislature Assembly. . T , . u ,- c! Ihe IDndon rimes editorial declares its belief : that re-clection to the Presidency is cer- I tain, because he has brought about a reconctlia- tion of the United States with England, and ef fected a reduction of the national debt. It con tinues in terms of highest praise of President Grant, declares his consent to hold office is a benefit to his country, and expects a million and a half votes in bis favor at the presidential elec tion The latest surmise as to the object of Provi dence in burning Chicago, is thru of a Mormon elder, who fees in it Divine retaliation for the persecution to which the Saints of Utah have been eubiected by the unbelieving Gentiles. He intimates, also, that unless these persecutions cease, indignant Providence will kindle even more disastrous fires among the heathen cities. TO LET. Tin: ckm. ak rxiiKit mv store tiiSo of Storing Wwrrn 3UO a:..l 40 T-NS. jn II. M. WHITNKY. NOTICE. A LI.P.4RTIES II AVINt; IN TllktR I'OSSKS V MON any property be to the .:at u Oscn J II . I......H.. n . .1 . r 4 , , . .... Km ... im)n t . f i tf td j. l. KicUAEDio.N. h ,ot to u.c l i drr fmi AtnigD-e of the KfWii: of ien J. H olv. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rm Mir I fori fMIKRSICM'.n 11.4 VK Tllb I 4 V nuM a Co-I'arir.ersii-p lor the pun e of earryin on the Iry tixls. Ctoliiins. Boot adJ s-ae iia-in. . ,u U it4 branch, at U.e old :atd, e.ri.-r of M.r ne a.-id uano St., ao-lt-r th naase and tj of S. MAONlN A; Co. Honil-.;u. Jin. 1, li'i. 1 M tiMN". A. C. SMITH, arROCEH. AM) Ml II CHAX iJI II AI.NA. MAI 1. Money a:l Recruits furB.shv-t t.i ua i rt ly WAY & TELFER, Carpenters, Contractors and Builders, A rr vrraurnl l oulrnct (.rail biutla of work cniit-ot.-.! wi:!i tl e l u:l.t;r;i tra le tht'i on tl.e K('!auvif, ocxt to Torbert'. mrhiDe j 16 6iu nhci. G. W. AHK. X A. W. SKULL. RAHE & SHELL, House Carpenters, Contractors, Builders, Cabi.rl .M niter.. Tnrnrra. Kir., Klc. Corner tjuea and F-rt ?.. Honolulu. Bn practical mechanic of l-n-j erirno', we are prepared to execute all description i f work in the and iii a satisfactory nnuicr. j ,0 Oin - " . TOI1V S. SMITHIKS IS ADMITTED A wIrh n)e , IU Busin,. TUe Flrta ItTle wiu J j CLWIIOUN n CO. Ponoiu.u, n Janu ... 8. CLEUB!,. A. S. CLKOHORS. JfO. S. SMITBIKS. A. S. CLEGHOEN k Co., IMPORTERS AM) WIIOLGSALK AM) KEXAIL, OKA I. KltS IN Cencral Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kiiahumat:u Sis , o7 ly Nuu tnu si., iiiid Coiner 1'ort and llotel St. A. S. CLECHORN & CO., 4 GENTS FOR 1 11 K XJk WAI.MFA TAXNKRY. sl6 ly 11., wuii. WAILUKU PLANTATION! WAILITKI', mail w For SUe by jao 3m ' It I) I OF 18 7 1 C. BKtWEK Jt Co., Agent. ;llAWilllA..ElVSI,AI,EH"KlOKO:" The 0njr ,ustrrttei, Weekly Published . , In the Hawaiian Island. Qllhqrrintinn 9 00 fl YPar I OUUbUnpiIUIl.Z.UU il I bdl . HIS MAJESTY'S Fl'I.L LENGTH rOKIKAIT C1VE. To All Who Pay iu Atlraarr. Edition 3,200 Copies Weekly. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED On "Very Low Terms ! The Issue for January Ctli Contains a Superb Picture of the Entry of the Italian Kmp ror and Army into Hoiue. For Subscription or Advertisement, apptv to jao ltu 11. M. WHITNKY, Publisher. JUST RECEIVED! AND FOR SALE BV THK UNDERSIGNED FROM Sydney and San Francisco ! CASKS ASSORTHI) FRIXTS, Quarter Casks .Marte'-l'a Uranus, Quarter Caak lleni:t llraudy, Quarter Ca.-ks Hi. bin's lirandy. Casks Tt-uueat cclt-brated Well Park llitwery lloltied Ale in piiila aud quart, in fn.e order, Cafes Lemon A: Cart' Port mc, Cases Lemon & Carl's S herry , Also. On Hand and For Sale ! Fine I.itit Pherry in wood, JJuiiVille's Whiskey in wood, Itrst India Hum, Case tine Scotch Whiskey, Cases l.k-urruumilch, 4c, ice. ALSO Assorted Dry Coods, Etc., Etc. ALSO T il li i t i P i ! e av o o 1 ! For Sale by the Cord. Also, CEMKNT. Apply to W. L. GKKKN. rp rip T)TV RARI PARTANP 1 nC" Dri' Dn UiinaiAlIU l)t'J IN DKCKMHKK NKXT. I FROM NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HAS OS HOARD Newcastle Stm Coal, do. Smithy Coal, Groceries, Bottled Beer, White Lead, Zinc, I.inseed Oil, Black and Ked Taint, Black Varnish. Galvanized Corrupted Iron, Punvilie's Whisky in qirirter casks, Martell'f Brandy in quarter cask, Ileiinessy'a Brandy in quart-r mski. Marett's Bmmiy in qcmler caks. Hogshead of Gin, Geneva in cases, Scotch Whisky in cases, Qaar. (,aks Sherry, Fire Bricks, rire Clay, WHICH AVICL. BK SOLD TO ARRIVE. NEW STYLES OFPRINTED COTTONS , i i - t. o : . .. . 1 jieceiveu reijuianv via i anauia aim cnu rrnntiwn, anu for sale by tlie nnaersigned. j -i 'a w. l. grkkn. EXCHANGE. rvIK UMIKKMGVKI). FROM AND A FTRR B this date, Kill issue Bills of Exchange and Letters of j credit on ir.. t -v a ' i v si. "r'itT i n i' ; cA. i-ka:nuiu, -t.v ltjuiv, ' . LONDON. HAMBURG and BREMEN, ! in sums to suit nt lowest rates. i "est Commercial Paper discounted on the most fa vnrahle terms. Cash advances mad" nr. consignment of I-liml produce at he rate of inlenat of 9 cei.t. per uniiura. ju6 tf II . HACKFKLD Si CO. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE ! - fllHE CNDKKSIONED II AVE THIS DAY i 4 formed a Ccp:ir netihip to carry on the business of Sad- . die and Harness making and l-arnave friir.aiiiig in all us brauches. at the old etanc No. &3 KING Sl KKEl. aii;n of the horse, under the name and style of U. HITMAN ktO. Honolulu, Jan. 1,1872 W HITMAN, dJO lm C. W. 0ELk.1T. NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF WILLIAM H CM PI! KEYS. ' rpn E UXDERSIGXED HAS BEEV AP aiM POINTED bv the Supreme Court Guardian of U.e person property of WILLIAM II L 1 I'll It e. Y, of Honolulu and i iet.-uy cautions all persons aaaniHt iransaclinK any lysines . ; a,iv no imiu r . t J I r Ihn ua i,l V1.' 1 1 it n iibri-It i rrttn -" i w . L Gltr.r.., uuaniian. Honolulu, Dec. 23, 1871. Cd.;o 4t) Ulen WsmtccI ! SEAMEN AND ORDI X A K V SE A M EN For the United cut.-s .-hip " N A KK AG A N .K TT." Fay S2 1.50, and ft 17.5( Mr utoalh. Coats will Leave the Landing at 10 o'clock 1. M. d30 tf. " TIEK ISAWAIIArV." AmSiVkuV.! J A N L A II i 15th, ls7A the kirjl .un.oer of a . , q n " y Journal, T kr,otn , the HAWAIIAN"." The tone drJe Si'-.Tr tn LI-tVr. ; History and Science, it list of Contkikutokj? alarue share of the talentof the and the projectors of o,e enterprise leei confident that they win he able to furnish j wi'nev.".! to "e" or KZTZ? Edilor will be bappy to receive communications on sulj-.-cts of interest from any who my feel disposed to contribute. terms-. For a eintrie copy to any i-.ter-isimi ad.ireM, I 1 two cent 17. S. P. O. Stamps in ptynieDt of Subscription. Cocimunicalions ami Subicriptions received at the OBice of EUck & lold, Poblisbers. or Cox 110, I'. . d2 ll'.nlulu, II. I. 4t PIANOS! 2 Splendid Rosewood Cottage Pianos, T OCT A V E AND 3 STRINGED. OF THE 4 very best Herman manufacture, tuey are Expressly made for a Tropical Climate. j6om For Sale by IHtOD. C. 11EUCK. Ex Steamer " Moses Taylor. ' JR-KSii c A LI F ORN' I A . For Pale at the Oi'STERS IX i d30 it Fori Si., t"lTre ! i j ! t i I DILLINGHAM & CO. BTo. EALERS IN CUTLERY, BRUSHES, OJLjR2H.X.k&:ii2 IMiL'TBIjRIillLiS I Will Advertise in this Space E. Q. HAM T7"EEP COXSTAIVTI-Y OIV SILVER FLTJID "W!LR3S; PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, IDIrlTSr GOODS, citeO-, cfco., At Lowest JtlnrUct ItiiteM. 4 Briclt Store, jano, 1872 IW Aim h FEOM CALIFORNIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON AND ENGLAND. CilSTIiiE S COOKE AVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF m v- ' H i i fDnr FRIFS ; VIIIVJ1 LatiiL. jf ; -mH a ; TTT, . , ;n o-lJ n n T nrrr no Will SOW OS LOW aS ii ? PI,A.TATIO. ORDEIW WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF LADIES TO OUE NEW ASSORTMENT j of : Printed Piquet, Mock Qulltln; and Brilliant, Fancy Trims. Pruted Orenadines, Glnrhaio, Tha Finest Assorhnsol of t Bleached and Unbleached Couona, Linen EheeUnirs. Cotton Bhe-tinir, 10-4, 11-4 and 100 Inches, Pillow I.lneu and Cott n, 40 and 45 In. Striped Shirting-, Fine Printed Bhlrtlnj Linen, Woven Linen Prill for Boy'a as4 I .fon'. IT... Whl' Linen Drill and Duck, imonkiii and Heavy English Tick. 4-4 wide. Fine Tweed Broadcloth, Waterproof Treed, Doeskins, e ,Avc. Also on Hand, Downer's Kerosene, 8-Card Matches, Dairy Salt, jai.O ikr. HARDWARE I OILS, during- tho Year. Ja., 1172 SON J IIAIVI), A FUI.I, ASSOUTilIKAT OF- Corner Fort &. King: Sin. & TO STOCK BY BMY VESSEL hardwaretin ware, dry goods, I Tllal.lfHlllsTM.a'M. a&C.. s&C!.. the T fiTXTPRt T?Pfi RflPW PHoPfl I tlie LOWeSt UCQ ilOCK THCeS . ril.l.KW WITH WISPATCII. Jkr.